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Commit 929527ab authored by Michele Alberti's avatar Michele Alberti
Browse files

[interpretation] Sleeping time.

parent c61e51dd
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......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ type caisar_op =
type caisar_env = {
caisar_op_of_ls : caisar_op Term.Hls.t;
ls_of_caisar_op : (caisar_op, Term.lsymbol) Hashtbl.t;
env : Env.env;
cwd : string;
......@@ -65,10 +66,11 @@ let term_of_caisar_op ?(args = []) engine op ty =
let t_args, ty_args = List.unzip args in
Term.t_app_infer (ls_of_caisar_op engine op ty_args ty) t_args
let caisar_env _env cwd =
let caisar_env env cwd =
ls_of_caisar_op = Hashtbl.Poly.create ();
caisar_op_of_ls = Term.Hls.create 10;
......@@ -76,6 +78,20 @@ let print_caisar_op fmt caisar_env =
Pp.print_iter2 Term.Hls.iter Pp.newline Pp.comma Pretty.print_ls pp_caisar_op
fmt caisar_env.caisar_op_of_ls
let const_real_of_float value =
let neg = Float.is_negative value in
let value = Fmt.str "%.64f" (Float.abs value) in
(* Split into integer and fractional parts. *)
let int_frac = String.split value ~on:'.' in
let int = List.hd_exn int_frac in
let frac =
match List.tl_exn int_frac with
| [] -> ""
| [ s ] -> s
| _ -> assert false (* Since every float has one '.' at most. *)
Constant.ConstReal (Number.real_literal ~radix:10 ~neg ~int ~frac ~exp:None)
let builtin_caisar : caisar_env CRE.built_in_theories list =
let error_message ls =
Fmt.str "Invalid arguments for '%a'" Pretty.print_ls ls
......@@ -102,7 +118,7 @@ let builtin_caisar : caisar_env CRE.built_in_theories list =
let ty_features =
match ty with
| Some { ty_node = Tyapp (_, [ a; _ ]); _ } -> Some a
| Some { ty_node = Tyapp (_, [ ty; _ ]); _ } -> Some ty
| _ -> assert false
let t_features, t_label =
......@@ -134,19 +150,60 @@ let builtin_caisar : caisar_env CRE.built_in_theories list =
(* Tensor *)
let tget : _ CRE.builtin =
fun engine ls vl ty -> "--@.hash_get: ls:%a , ty:%a@." Pretty.print_ls ls "--@.tget: ls:%a , ty:%a@." Pretty.print_ls ls
Fmt.(option ~none:nop Pretty.print_ty)
match vl with
| [
Term ({ t_node = Tapp (lsapp1, lsapp1_args); _ } as t1);
Term ({ t_node = Tapp (lsapp2, _); _ } as t2);
Term ({ t_node = Tapp (ls1, tl1); _ } as t1);
Term ({ t_node = Tapp (ls2, _); _ } as t2);
] -> ( "Terms: %a , %a@." Pretty.print_term t1 Pretty.print_term t2;
match (caisar_op_of_ls engine lsapp1, caisar_op_of_ls engine lsapp2) with
| Tensor n1, Index (I_csv i1) ->
assert (i1 <= n1);
Term (List.nth_exn lsapp1_args i1)
match (caisar_op_of_ls engine ls1, caisar_op_of_ls engine ls2) with
| Tensor n, Index (I_csv i) ->
assert (i <= n);
Term (List.nth_exn tl1 i)
| _ -> assert false)
| [ Term t1; Term t2 ] -> "Terms: %a , %a@." Pretty.print_term t1 Pretty.print_term t2;
Term (Term.t_app_infer ls [ t1; t2 ])
| _ -> invalid_arg (error_message ls)
let tminus : _ CRE.builtin =
fun engine ls vl ty -> "--@.tminus: ls:%a , ty:%a@." Pretty.print_ls ls
Fmt.(option ~none:nop Pretty.print_ty)
match vl with
| [
Term ({ t_node = Tapp (ls1, tl1); _ } as t1);
Term ({ t_node = Tapp (ls2, _); _ } as t2);
] -> ( "Terms: %a , %a@." Pretty.print_term t1 Pretty.print_term t2;
match (caisar_op_of_ls engine ls1, caisar_op_of_ls engine ls2) with
| Tensor n, Data (D_csv d) ->
assert (n = List.length d);
let data_ty =
match ty with
| Some { ty_node = Tyapp (_, [ ty ]); _ } -> ty
| _ -> assert false
let data_cst = d ~f:(fun d ->
let cst = const_real_of_float (Float.of_string d) in
Term.t_const cst data_ty)
let minus =
(* TODO: generalize wrt [data_ty]. *)
let { env; _ } = CRE.user_env engine in
let th = Env.read_theory env [ "ieee_float" ] "Float64" in
Theory.(ns_find_ls th.th_export [ Ident.op_infix ".-" ])
let args =
List.map2_exn tl1 data_cst ~f:(fun tl c ->
(Term.t_app_infer minus [ tl; c ], data_ty))
Term (term_of_caisar_op ~args engine (Tensor n) ty)
| _ -> assert false)
| [ Term t1; Term t2 ] -> "Terms: %a , %a@." Pretty.print_term t1 Pretty.print_term t2;
......@@ -213,7 +270,11 @@ let builtin_caisar : caisar_env CRE.built_in_theories list =
[ (Ident.op_get "" (* ([]) *), None, vget); ("length", None, length) ] );
([ "interpretation" ], "Tensor", [], [ (Ident.op_infix "#", None, tget) ]);
( [ "interpretation" ],
[ (Ident.op_infix "#", None, tget); (Ident.op_infix "-", None, tminus) ]
( [ "interpretation" ],
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