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Commit 8f5eb79e authored by Michele Alberti's avatar Michele Alberti
Browse files

Little rework.

parent 9d53cf6e
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......@@ -97,32 +97,32 @@ let config_cmd =
( Term.(
(const (fun cmdname detect _ ->
(const (fun detect _ ->
if not detect
then `Help (`Pager, Some "config")
(* TODO: Do not only check for [detect], and enable it by default,
as soon as other options are available. *)
`Ok (exec_cmd cmdname (fun () -> config true ())))
$ const cmdname $ detect $ setup_logs)),
$ detect $ setup_logs)), cmdname ~sdocs:Manpage.s_common_options ~envs ~exits ~doc ~man )
let verify_cmd =
let cmdname = "verify" in
let files =
let doc = "Files to verify" in
let doc = "Files to verify." in
Arg.(value & pos_all string [] & info [] ~doc)
let format =
let doc = "File format" in
let doc = "File format." in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info [ "format" ] ~doc)
let loadpath =
let doc = "Additional loadpath" in
let doc = "Additional loadpath." in
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info [ "L" ] ~doc)
let prover =
let doc = "Prover to use" in
let doc = "Prover to use." in
Arg.(required & opt (some string) None & info [ "p"; "prover" ] ~doc)
let doc =
......@@ -85,14 +85,12 @@ let rec print_tdecl info fmt task =
| Use _ | Clone _ -> ()
| Meta (meta, l) when Theory.meta_equal meta Transformations.meta_input -> (
match l with
| [ MAls ls; MAint i ] ->
Why3.Term.Hls.add info.variables ls (Fmt.str "x%i" i)
| [ MAls ls; MAint i ] -> Term.Hls.add info.variables ls (Fmt.str "x%i" i)
| _ -> assert false)
| Meta (meta, l) when Theory.meta_equal meta Transformations.meta_output
-> (
match l with
| [ MAls ls; MAint i ] ->
Why3.Term.Hls.add info.variables ls (Fmt.str "y%i" i)
| [ MAls ls; MAint i ] -> Term.Hls.add info.variables ls (Fmt.str "y%i" i)
| _ -> assert false)
| Meta (_, _) -> ()
| Decl d -> print_decl info fmt d)
......@@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ let print_task args ?old:_ fmt task =
let info =
info_syn = Discriminate.get_syntax_map task;
variables = Why3.Term.Hls.create 10;
variables = Term.Hls.create 10;
Printer.print_prelude fmt args.Printer.prelude;
......@@ -21,62 +21,60 @@ let meta_output =
let meta_nn_filename =
register_meta_excl "caisar_nnet_or_onnx"
~desc:"Indicates the file containing the network" [ MTstring ])
~desc:"Indicates the filename of the network" [ MTstring ])
(* Retrieve the (input) variables appearing, as arguments, after an 'nnet_apply'
symbol. *)
let get_input_variables =
let rec aux acc (term : Why3.Term.term) =
let open Why3 in
let rec aux acc (term : Term.term) =
match term.t_node with
| Why3.Term.Tapp (ls, args) -> (
| Term.Tapp (ls, args) -> (
match Language.lookup_loaded_nnets ls with
| None -> acc
| Some _ ->
let add i acc = function
| { Why3.Term.t_node = Tapp (vs, []); _ } ->
Why3.Term.Mls.add vs i acc
| { Term.t_node = Tapp (vs, []); _ } -> Term.Mls.add vs i acc
| arg ->
(Fmt.str "No direct variable in application: %a"
Why3.Pretty.print_term arg)
(Fmt.str "No direct variable in application: %a" Pretty.print_term
List.foldi ~init:acc ~f:add args)
| _ -> Why3.Term.t_fold aux acc term
| _ -> Term.t_fold aux acc term
(fun decl acc -> Why3.Decl.decl_fold aux acc decl)
Trans.fold_decl (fun decl acc -> Decl.decl_fold aux acc decl) Term.Mls.empty
(* Create logic symbols for output variables and simplify the formula. *)
(* TODO: [Reduction_engine] is probably an overkill and should be replaced. *)
let simplify_goal env input_variables =
let rec aux meta hls (term : Why3.Term.term) =
let open Why3 in
let rec aux meta hls (term : Term.term) =
match term.t_node with
| Why3.Term.Tapp (ls, _) -> (
| Term.Tapp (ls, _) -> (
match Language.lookup_loaded_nnets ls with
| None -> Why3.Term.t_map (aux meta hls) term
| None -> Term.t_map (aux meta hls) term
| Some nnet ->
meta := nnet.filename :: !meta;
let outputs =
List.init nnet.nb_outputs ~f:(fun i ->
let open Why3 in
let id = Ident.id_fresh "y" in
let ls = Term.create_fsymbol id [] nnet.ty_data in
hls := (Why3.Decl.create_param_decl ls, ls, i) :: !hls;
hls := (Decl.create_param_decl ls, ls, i) :: !hls;
Term.fs_app ls [] nnet.ty_data)
Why3.Term.t_tuple outputs)
| _ -> Why3.Term.t_map (aux meta hls) term
Term.t_tuple outputs)
| _ -> Term.t_map (aux meta hls) term
(fun task_hd acc ->
match task_hd.task_decl.td_node with
| Use _ | Clone _ | Meta _ -> Why3.Task.add_tdecl acc task_hd.task_decl
| Use _ | Clone _ | Meta _ -> Task.add_tdecl acc task_hd.task_decl
| Decl { d_node = Dparam ls; _ } -> (
let task = Why3.Task.add_tdecl acc task_hd.task_decl in
match Why3.Term.Mls.find_opt ls input_variables with
let task = Task.add_tdecl acc task_hd.task_decl in
match Term.Mls.find_opt ls input_variables with
| None -> task
| Some pos -> Why3.Task.add_meta task meta_input [ MAls ls; MAint pos ])
| Some pos -> Task.add_meta task meta_input [ MAls ls; MAint pos ])
| Decl decl ->
let meta = ref [] in
let hls = ref [] in
......@@ -87,35 +85,34 @@ let simplify_goal env input_variables =
let known =
List.fold !hls ~init:task_hd.task_known ~f:(fun acc (d, _, _) ->
Why3.Decl.known_add_decl acc d)
Decl.known_add_decl acc d)
let engine =
compute_defs = false;
compute_builtin = true;
compute_def_set = Why3.Term.Sls.empty;
compute_def_set = Term.Sls.empty;
env known
Why3.Reduction_engine.normalize ~limit:100 engine
Why3.Term.Mvs.empty term
Reduction_engine.normalize ~limit:100 engine Term.Mvs.empty term
let decl = Why3.Decl.decl_map map decl in
let decl = Decl.decl_map map decl in
let acc =
List.fold !hls ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc (d, ls, i) ->
let task = Why3.Task.add_decl acc d in
Why3.Task.add_meta task meta_output [ MAls ls; MAint i ])
let task = Task.add_decl acc d in
Task.add_meta task meta_output [ MAls ls; MAint i ])
let acc =
List.fold !meta ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc s ->
Why3.Task.add_meta acc meta_nn_filename [ MAstr s ])
Task.add_meta acc meta_nn_filename [ MAstr s ])
Why3.Task.add_decl acc decl)
Task.add_decl acc decl)
let caisar_native_prover env =
Why3.Trans.seq [ Why3.Trans.bind get_input_variables (simplify_goal env) ]
Why3.(Trans.seq [ Trans.bind get_input_variables (simplify_goal env) ])
let init () =
......@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ val meta_output : Why3.Theory.meta
(** Indicate the output position. *)
val meta_nn_filename : Why3.Theory.meta
(** The filename of the nnet or onnx *)
(** The filename of the nnet or onnx model. *)
......@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ let call_prover ~limit prover driver task =
let nn_file =
match Task.on_meta_excl Transformations.meta_nn_filename task_prepared with
| Some [ MAstr nn_file ] -> nn_file
| Some _ -> assert false
| None -> invalid_arg (Fmt.str "No neural network in the goal")
| Some _ -> assert false (* By construction of the meta. *)
| None -> invalid_arg (Fmt.str "No neural network model found in task")
let command = Re.replace_string nnet_or_onnx ~by:nn_file command in
let prover_call =
......@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ let verify format loadpath prover file =
let timeout = None in
let steps = match steplimit with Some 0 -> None | _ -> steplimit in
let limit =
let memlimit = Why3.Whyconf.memlimit (Why3.Whyconf.get_main config) in
let def = Why3.Call_provers.empty_limit in
let memlimit = Whyconf.(memlimit (get_main config)) in
let def = Call_provers.empty_limit in
Why3.Call_provers.limit_time = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time timeout;
Why3.Call_provers.limit_steps = Why3.Opt.get_def def.limit_time steps;
Why3.Call_provers.limit_mem = memlimit;
Call_provers.limit_time = Opt.get_def def.limit_time timeout;
Call_provers.limit_steps = Opt.get_def def.limit_time steps;
Call_provers.limit_mem = memlimit;
let _, mstr_theory =
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