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Commit 80a03afa authored by Michele Alberti's avatar Michele Alberti
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[stdlib] Rework stdlib to have a DataSet theory.

parent b171a3f9
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......@@ -80,38 +80,33 @@ let answer_saver limit config env config_prover dataset_csv task =
| None -> invalid_arg "No dataset provided for SAVer"
| Some s -> s
let robust_predicate =
let dataset_th = Pmodule.read_module env [ "caisar" ] "DataSet" in
Theory.ns_find_ls dataset_th.mod_theory.th_export [ "robust" ]
let goal = Task.task_goal_fmla task in
let eps, svm_filename =
match goal.t_node with
| Tquant (Tforall, b) -> (
let _, _, pred = Term.t_open_quant b in
let svm_t = Pmodule.read_module env [ "caisar" ] "SVM" in
let robust_to_predicate =
let open Theory in
ns_find_ls svm_t.mod_theory.th_export [ "robust_to" ]
match pred.t_node with
| Term.Tapp
( ls,
{ t_node = Tapp (svm_app_sym, _); _ };
{ t_node = Tconst e; _ };
] ) ->
if Term.ls_equal ls robust_to_predicate
let eps = Fmt.str "%a" Constant.print_def e in
let svm_filename =
match Language.lookup_loaded_svms svm_app_sym with
| Some t -> t.filename
| None -> invalid_arg "No SVM model found in task"
(eps, svm_filename)
else failwith "Wrong predicate found"
| _ ->
(* no other predicate than robust_to is supported *)
failwith "Unsupported predicate by SAVer")
| _ -> failwith "Unsupported predicate by SAVer"
| Term.Tapp
( ls,
{ t_node = Tapp (ls_svm_apply, _); _ };
{ t_node = Tconst e; _ };
] ) ->
if Term.ls_equal ls robust_predicate
let eps = Fmt.str "%a" Constant.print_def e in
let svm_filename =
match Language.lookup_loaded_svms ls_svm_apply with
| Some t -> t.filename
| None -> invalid_arg "No SVM model found in task"
(eps, svm_filename)
else failwith "Wrong predicate found"
| _ ->
(* no other predicate than robust_to is supported *)
failwith "Unsupported predicate by SAVer"
let svm_file = Unix.realpath svm_filename in
let dataset_file = Unix.realpath dataset_filename in
......@@ -141,27 +136,24 @@ let answer_saver limit config env config_prover dataset_csv task =
~printing_info:Printer.default_printing_info (Buffer.create 10)
let prover_result = Call_provers.wait_on_call prover_call in
let answer =
match prover_result.pr_answer with
| Call_provers.HighFailure -> (
let pr_output = prover_result.pr_output in
let matcher =
match Re__Core.exec_opt matcher pr_output with
| Some g ->
if Int.of_string (Re__Core.Group.get g 1)
= Int.of_string (Re__Core.Group.get g 2)
then Call_provers.Valid
else Call_provers.Invalid
| None -> Call_provers.HighFailure)
| _ ->
(* Any other answer than HighFailure should never happen as we do not
define anything in SAVer's driver. *)
assert false
match prover_result.pr_answer with
| Call_provers.HighFailure -> (
let pr_output = prover_result.pr_output in
let matcher =
match Re__Core.exec_opt matcher pr_output with
| Some g ->
if Int.of_string (Re__Core.Group.get g 1)
= Int.of_string (Re__Core.Group.get g 2)
then Call_provers.Valid
else Call_provers.Invalid
| None -> Call_provers.HighFailure)
| _ ->
(* Any other answer than HighFailure should never happen as we do not define
anything in SAVer's driver. *)
assert false
let answer_generic limit config prover config_prover driver task =
let task_prepared = Driver.prepare_task driver task in
......@@ -25,22 +25,50 @@ theory NN
type input_type = t
theory SVM
theory Model
use ieee_float.Float64
use int.Int
use array.Array
type model = {
nb_inputs: int;
nb_outputs: int;
type input_type = int -> t
type output_type = int
function predict: model -> array t -> int
theory DataSet
use ieee_float.Float64
use int.Int
use array.Array
use Model
type svm = {
apply : input_type -> output_type;
nb_inputs : int;
nb_classes : int;
type features = array t
type class = int
type datum = (features, class)
type dataset = {
nb_features: int;
nb_classes: int;
data: array datum
predicate linfty_distance (a: input_type) (b: input_type) (eps:t) (n: int) =
forall i. 0 <= i < n -> .- eps .< a i .- b i .< eps
constant dataset: dataset
predicate linfty_distance (n: int) (a: features) (b: features) (eps: t) =
forall i: int. 0 <= i < n -> .- eps .< a[i] .- b[i] .< eps
predicate robust_to (svm: svm) (a: input_type) (eps: t) =
forall b. linfty_distance a b eps svm.nb_inputs -> svm.apply a = svm.apply b
predicate robust (m: model) (d: dataset) (eps: t) =
forall i: int. 0 <= i < ->
forall x': features.
let (x, _) =[i] in
linfty_distance d.nb_features x x' eps ->
predict m x = predict m x'
theory SVM
use Model
type svm = model
......@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ Test verify
> theory T
> use TestSVM.SVMasArray
> use ieee_float.Float64
> use caisar.SVM
> use caisar.DataSet
> goal G: forall a : input_type. robust_to svm_apply a (8.0:t)
> goal G: robust svm_apply dataset (8.0:t)
> end
[caisar] Goal G: High failure
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