@@ -163,13 +163,15 @@ The full reference for those WhyML extensions is available under the
Now is the time to define our verification goal, that will call ``P1_1_1`` for
property :math:`\phi_1` on neural network :math:`N_{1,1}`.
We first model the inputs of the neural network :math:`\rho, \theta, \psi,
v_{own}, v_{int}` respectively as the floating-points constants :math:`x_i` for
:math:`i \in [0..4]`. Moreover, we constrain these to the range of
floating-point values each may take. According to the original authors, values
were normalized during the training of the network, and so we adapt the values
they provide in their `repository
<https://github.com/NeuralNetworkVerification/Marabou/tree/master/resources/properties>`_. Since we will manipulate integer indexes, we require the use of the ``int.Int`` Why3 library. We can write that as a predicate for clarity:
We first need to model the inputs of the neural network
:math:`\rho, \theta, \psi, v_{own}, v_{int}` to the range of floating-point
values each may take. We can do that by writing a predicate that encode those specification constraints.
Since neural networks take vectors as inputs, we use the
WhyML extension ``interpretation.Vector``.
Since we manipulate integer indexes, we require the use of the ``int.Int`` Why3 library.
We can write this as a predicate for clarity:
.. code-block:: whyml
@@ -189,6 +191,11 @@ they provide in their `repository
Note that there is an additional normalization step on the inputs, according
to the original authors. For this specific benchmark, we adapt the values
they provide in their `repository
<https://github.com/NeuralNetworkVerification/Marabou/tree/master/resources/properties>`_, hence the diverging values from the specification. I would
We must then define the result of the application of ``nn_1_1`` on the inputs.
The built-in function ``@@`` serves this purpose. Its type, ``nn -> vector 'a -> vector 'a``, describes what it does: given a neural network ``nn`` and an input vector ``x``, return the vector that is the result of the application of ``nn`` on ``x``.
Note that thanks to type polymorphism, ``@@`` can be used to
@@ -208,19 +215,26 @@ The final WhyML file looks like this:
use int.Int
use interpretation.Vector
use interpretation.NeuralNetwork
constant nn_1_1: nn = read_neural_network "nets/onnx/ACASXU_1_1.onnx" ONNX