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Commit 2a409542 authored by François Bobot's avatar François Bobot Committed by Michele Alberti
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[interpretation] Remove caisar specific code from reduction engine.

parent 25509783
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......@@ -24,8 +24,81 @@ module Caisar_reduction_engine = Reduction_engine
open Why3
open Base
type dataset = { dataset : string } [@@deriving show]
type caisar_op = Dataset of dataset | Size of dataset [@@deriving show]
type caisar_env = {
dataset_ty : Ty.ty;
caisar_op_of_ls : caisar_op Term.Hls.t;
ls_of_caisar_op : (caisar_op, Term.lsymbol) Hashtbl.t;
type engine = caisar_env Caisar_reduction_engine.engine
let ls_of_caisar_op (env : engine) op =
let caisar_env = Caisar_reduction_engine.user_env env in
if Hashtbl.mem caisar_env.ls_of_caisar_op op
then Hashtbl.find_exn caisar_env.ls_of_caisar_op op
let id = Ident.id_fresh "caisar_op" in
let ty =
match op with Dataset _ -> caisar_env.dataset_ty | Size _ -> Ty.ty_int
let ls = Term.create_fsymbol id [] ty in
Hashtbl.Poly.add_exn caisar_env.ls_of_caisar_op ~key:op ~data:ls;
Term.Hls.add caisar_env.caisar_op_of_ls ls op;
let caisar_op_of_ls env ls =
let caisar_env = Caisar_reduction_engine.user_env env in
Term.Hls.find caisar_env.caisar_op_of_ls ls
let term_of_caisar_op env op = Term.t_app_infer (ls_of_caisar_op env op) []
let read_caisar_env env =
let th = Env.read_theory env [ "caisar" ] "Interpret" in
let dataset_ts = Theory.ns_find_ts th.Theory.th_export [ "dataset" ] in
dataset_ty = Ty.ty_app dataset_ts [];
ls_of_caisar_op = Hashtbl.Poly.create ();
caisar_op_of_ls = Term.Hls.create 10;
let print_caisar_op fmt caisar_env =
Pp.print_iter2 Term.Hls.iter Pp.newline Pp.comma Pretty.print_ls pp_caisar_op
fmt caisar_env.caisar_op_of_ls
let built_in_caisar : caisar_env Caisar_reduction_engine.built_in_theories list
let open_dataset : _ Caisar_reduction_engine.builtin =
fun engine _ l _ ->
match l with
| [ Term { t_node = Tconst (ConstStr dataset); _ } ] ->
Term (term_of_caisar_op engine (Dataset { dataset }))
| _ -> invalid_arg "We want a string! ;)"
let size : _ Caisar_reduction_engine.builtin =
fun engine _ l _ ->
match l with
| [ Term { t_node = Tapp (ls, []); _ } ] -> (
match caisar_op_of_ls engine ls with
| Dataset dataset -> Term (term_of_caisar_op engine (Size dataset))
| Size _ -> invalid_arg "We want a dataset! ;)")
| _ -> invalid_arg "We want a string! ;)"
(* ["bool"],"Bool", [], [ "True", None, eval_true ; "False", None,
eval_false ; ] ; *)
( [ "caisar" ],
[ ("open_dataset", None, open_dataset); ("size", None, size) ] );
let interpret_task env task =
let f = Task.task_goal_fmla task in
let caisar_env = read_caisar_env env in
let engine =
......@@ -34,13 +107,13 @@ let interpret_task env task =
compute_def_set = Term.Sls.empty;
compute_max_quantifier_domain = 0;
env Ident.Mid.empty
env Ident.Mid.empty caisar_env built_in_caisar
let f =
Caisar_reduction_engine.normalize ~limit:1000 engine Term.Mvs.empty f
in "%a : %a@.%a@." Pretty.print_pr (Task.task_goal task) Pretty.print_term
f Caisar_reduction_engine.print_caisar_op engine
f print_caisar_op caisar_env
let interpret ?debug ?format ~loadpath s =
let env, _config, mstr_theory =
......@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ open Term
(* {2 Values} *)
type dataset = { dataset : string } [@@deriving show]
type caisar_op = Dataset of dataset | Size of dataset [@@deriving show]
type value =
| Term of term (* invariant: is in normal form *)
| Int of BigInt.t
......@@ -26,12 +23,6 @@ type value =
(** {2 Environment} *)
type caisar_env = {
dataset_ty : Ty.ty;
caisar_op_of_ls : caisar_op Term.Hls.t;
ls_of_caisar_op : (caisar_op, Term.lsymbol) Hashtbl.t;
type rule = Svs.t * term list * term
type params = {
......@@ -41,48 +32,19 @@ type params = {
compute_max_quantifier_domain : int;
type builtin = engine -> lsymbol -> value list -> Ty.ty option -> value
type 'a builtin = 'a engine -> lsymbol -> value list -> Ty.ty option -> value
and engine = {
and 'a engine = {
env : Env.env;
known_map : Decl.decl Ident.Mid.t;
rules : rule list Mls.t;
params : params;
ls_lt : lsymbol; (* The lsymbol for [int.Int.(<)] *)
caisar_env : caisar_env;
builtins : builtin Hls.t;
user_env : 'a;
builtins : 'a builtin Hls.t;
let ls_of_caisar_op env op =
if Hashtbl.mem env.caisar_env.ls_of_caisar_op op
then Hashtbl.find env.caisar_env.ls_of_caisar_op op
let id = Ident.id_fresh "caisar_op" in
let ty =
match op with
| Dataset _ -> env.caisar_env.dataset_ty
| Size _ -> Ty.ty_int
let ls = Term.create_fsymbol id [] ty in
Hashtbl.add env.caisar_env.ls_of_caisar_op op ls;
Term.Hls.add env.caisar_env.caisar_op_of_ls ls op;
let caisar_op_of_ls env ls = Term.Hls.find env.caisar_env.caisar_op_of_ls ls
let term_of_caisar_op env op = Term.t_app_infer (ls_of_caisar_op env op) []
let read_caisar_env env =
let th = Env.read_theory env [ "caisar" ] "Interpret" in
let dataset_ts = Theory.ns_find_ts th.Theory.th_export [ "dataset" ] in
dataset_ty = Ty.ty_app dataset_ts [];
ls_of_caisar_op = Hashtbl.create 10;
caisar_op_of_ls = Term.Hls.create 10;
let print_caisar_op fmt engine =
Pp.print_iter2 Term.Hls.iter Pp.newline Pp.comma Pretty.print_ls pp_caisar_op
fmt engine.caisar_env.caisar_op_of_ls
let user_env x = x.user_env
let v_attr_copy orig v =
match v with Int _ -> v | Real _ -> v | Term t -> Term (t_attr_copy orig t)
......@@ -356,13 +318,14 @@ let real_from_int _ _ls l _ty =
with NotNum -> raise Undetermined)
| _ -> assert false
type built_in_theories =
type 'a built_in_theories =
* string
* (string * (Ty.tysymbol -> unit)) list
* (string * lsymbol ref option * builtin) list
* (string * lsymbol ref option * 'a builtin) list
let built_in_theories : built_in_theories list =
let built_in_theories : unit -> 'a built_in_theories list =
fun () ->
(* ["bool"],"Bool", [], [ "True", None, eval_true ; "False", None,
eval_false ; ] ; *)
......@@ -423,7 +386,7 @@ let built_in_theories : built_in_theories list =
ls_map_set, eval_map_set; ] ; *)
let add_builtin_th env ((l, n, t, d) : built_in_theories) =
let add_builtin_th env ((l, n, t, d) : 'a built_in_theories) =
let th = Env.read_theory env.env l n in
(fun (id, r) ->
......@@ -437,37 +400,10 @@ let add_builtin_th env ((l, n, t, d) : built_in_theories) =
match r with None -> () | Some r -> r := ls)
let built_in_caisar : built_in_theories list =
let open_dataset : builtin =
fun engine _ l _ ->
match l with
| [ Term { t_node = Tconst (ConstStr dataset) } ] ->
Term (term_of_caisar_op engine (Dataset { dataset }))
| _ -> invalid_arg "We want a string! ;)"
let size : builtin =
fun engine _ l _ ->
match l with
| [ Term { t_node = Tapp (ls, []) } ] -> (
match caisar_op_of_ls engine ls with
| Dataset dataset -> Term (term_of_caisar_op engine (Size dataset))
| Size _ -> invalid_arg "We want a dataset! ;)")
| _ -> invalid_arg "We want a string! ;)"
(* ["bool"],"Bool", [], [ "True", None, eval_true ; "False", None,
eval_false ; ] ; *)
( [ "caisar" ],
[ ("open_dataset", None, open_dataset); ("size", None, size) ] );
let get_builtins env =
let get_builtins env built_in_user =
Hls.clear env.builtins;
List.iter (add_builtin_th env) built_in_theories;
List.iter (add_builtin_th env) built_in_caisar
List.iter (add_builtin_th env) (built_in_theories ());
List.iter (add_builtin_th env) built_in_user
(* {2 the reduction machine} *)
......@@ -1387,7 +1323,7 @@ let normalize ?step_limit ~limit engine sigma t0 =
(* the rewrite engine *)
let create p env km =
let create p env km user_env built_in_user =
let th = Env.read_theory env [ "int" ] "Int" in
let ls_lt = Theory.ns_find_ls th.Theory.th_export [ Ident.op_infix "<" ] in
let env =
......@@ -1398,10 +1334,10 @@ let create p env km =
params = p;
builtins = Hls.create 17;
caisar_env = read_caisar_env env;
if p.compute_builtin then get_builtins env;
if p.compute_builtin then get_builtins env built_in_user;
exception NotARewriteRule of string
......@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@
rewriting is done from left to right *)
open Why3
type engine
type 'a engine
(** abstract type for reduction engines *)
val print_caisar_op : engine Fmt.t
val user_env : 'a engine -> 'a
type params = {
compute_defs : bool;
......@@ -85,14 +85,34 @@ type params = {
compute builtin functions. . [compute_max_quantifier_domain]: maximum domain
size for the reduction of bounded quantifications *)
val create : params -> Env.env -> Decl.decl Ident.Mid.t -> engine
type value =
| Term of Why3.Term.term (* invariant: is in normal form *)
| Int of BigInt.t
| Real of Number.real_value
type 'a builtin =
'a engine -> Why3.Term.lsymbol -> value list -> Ty.ty option -> value
type 'a built_in_theories =
* string
* (string * (Ty.tysymbol -> unit)) list
* (string * Why3.Term.lsymbol ref option * 'a builtin) list
val create :
params ->
Env.env ->
Decl.decl Ident.Mid.t ->
'a ->
'a built_in_theories list ->
'a engine
(** [create env known_map] creates a reduction engine with . builtins theories
(int.Int, etc.) extracted from [env] . known declarations from [known_map] .
empty set of rewrite rules *)
exception NotARewriteRule of string
val add_rule : Term.term -> engine -> engine
val add_rule : Term.term -> 'a engine -> 'a engine
(** [add_rule t e] turns [t] into a new rewrite rule and returns the new engine.
raise NotARewriteRule if [t] cannot be seen as a rewrite rule according to
......@@ -101,7 +121,7 @@ val add_rule : Term.term -> engine -> engine
val normalize :
?step_limit:int ->
limit:int ->
engine ->
'a engine ->
Term.term Term.Mvs.t ->
Term.term ->
......@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ Test verify
Reduction engine, ident not found: infix =
G3 : caisar_op = 2
(Reduction_engine.Dataset { Reduction_engine.dataset = "datasets/a" })
(Interpretation.Dataset { Interpretation.dataset = "datasets/a" })
(Reduction_engine.Size { Reduction_engine.dataset = "datasets/a" })
(Interpretation.Size { Interpretation.dataset = "datasets/a" })
Reduction engine, ident not found: infix =
G4 : caisar_op2 = 2
(Reduction_engine.Dataset { Reduction_engine.dataset = "datasets/a" })
(Interpretation.Dataset { Interpretation.dataset = "datasets/a" })
(Reduction_engine.Size { Reduction_engine.dataset = "datasets/a" })
(Interpretation.Size { Interpretation.dataset = "datasets/a" })
0% Loading or .
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