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Commit 015766f9 authored by Michele Alberti's avatar Michele Alberti
Browse files

Some meaningless rework.

parent 3c04c325
No related branches found
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File moved
(section (site (caisar config)))
(files provers_autodetection.conf)
(files caisar.conf)
(package caisar))
......@@ -27,7 +27,10 @@
(ppx_deriving_yojson (>= 3.6.1))
(csv (>= 2.4))
(sites (share stdlib)(share config))
(share stdlib)
(share config)
(name nnet)
(name nnet)
(public_name nnet)
(libraries base csv)
(synopsis "NNet parser"))
......@@ -42,24 +42,24 @@ let skip_nnet_header filename in_channel =
while true do
let line = Stdlib.input_line in_channel in
if not (Str.string_match (Str.regexp "//") line 0) then
raise End_of_header
if not (Str.string_match (Str.regexp "//") line 0)
then raise End_of_header
else pos_in := Stdlib.pos_in in_channel
assert false
| End_of_header ->
(* At this point we have read one line past the header part: seek back. *)
Stdlib.seek_in in_channel !pos_in;
Ok ()
(* At this point we have read one line past the header part: seek back. *)
Stdlib.seek_in in_channel !pos_in;
Ok ()
| End_of_file ->
Error (Format.sprintf "NNet model not found in file `%s'." filename)
Error (Format.sprintf "NNet model not found in file `%s'." filename)
(* Retrieve number of layers, inputs, outputs and maximum layer size. *)
let handle_nnet_basic_info in_channel =
match handle_nnet_line ~f:Int.of_string in_channel with
| [ n_layers; n_inputs; n_outputs; max_layer_size ] ->
Ok (n_layers, n_inputs, n_outputs, max_layer_size)
Ok (n_layers, n_inputs, n_outputs, max_layer_size)
| _ -> nnet_format_error "second"
| exception End_of_file -> nnet_format_error "second"
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ let handle_nnet_basic_info in_channel =
let handle_nnet_layer_sizes n_layers in_channel =
let layer_sizes = handle_nnet_line ~f:Int.of_string in_channel in
if List.length layer_sizes = n_layers + 1 then Ok layer_sizes
if List.length layer_sizes = n_layers + 1
then Ok layer_sizes
else nnet_format_error "third"
with End_of_file -> nnet_format_error "third"
......@@ -82,7 +83,8 @@ let handle_nnet_unused_flag in_channel =
let handle_nnet_min_input_values n_inputs in_channel =
let min_input_values = handle_nnet_line ~f:Float.of_string in_channel in
if List.length min_input_values = n_inputs then Ok min_input_values
if List.length min_input_values = n_inputs
then Ok min_input_values
else nnet_format_error "fifth"
with End_of_file -> nnet_format_error "fifth"
......@@ -90,7 +92,8 @@ let handle_nnet_min_input_values n_inputs in_channel =
let handle_nnet_max_input_values n_inputs in_channel =
let max_input_values = handle_nnet_line ~f:Float.of_string in_channel in
if List.length max_input_values = n_inputs then Ok max_input_values
if List.length max_input_values = n_inputs
then Ok max_input_values
else nnet_format_error "sixth"
with End_of_file -> nnet_format_error "sixth"
......@@ -98,7 +101,8 @@ let handle_nnet_max_input_values n_inputs in_channel =
let handle_nnet_mean_values n_inputs in_channel =
let mean_values = handle_nnet_line ~f:Float.of_string in_channel in
if List.length mean_values = n_inputs + 1 then
if List.length mean_values = n_inputs + 1
let mean_input_values, mean_output_value =
List.split_n mean_values n_inputs
......@@ -110,7 +114,8 @@ let handle_nnet_mean_values n_inputs in_channel =
let handle_nnet_range_values n_inputs in_channel =
let range_values = handle_nnet_line ~f:Float.of_string in_channel in
if List.length range_values = n_inputs + 1 then
if List.length range_values = n_inputs + 1
let range_input_values, range_output_value =
List.split_n range_values n_inputs
......@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ type t = private {
min_input_values : float list; (** Minimum values of inputs. *)
max_input_values : float list; (** Maximum values of inputs. *)
mean_values : float list * float;
(** Mean values of inputs and one value for all outputs. *)
(** Mean values of inputs and one value for all outputs. *)
range_values : float list * float;
(** Range values of inputs and one value for all outputs. *)
(** Range values of inputs and one value for all outputs. *)
weights_biases : float list list; (** All weights and biases of NNet model. *)
(** NNet model metadata. *)
(* *)
(* This file is part of Caisar. *)
(* *)
open Base
module Sys = Caml.Sys
let null = if Sys.unix then "/dev/null" else "NUL"
let rec lookup_file l f =
match l with
let rec lookup_file dirs filename =
match dirs with
| [] -> raise Caml.Not_found
| a :: l ->
let abs = Caml.Filename.concat a f in
if Sys.file_exists abs then abs else lookup_file l f
| dir :: dirs ->
let file = Caml.Filename.concat dir filename in
if Sys.file_exists file then file else lookup_file dirs filename
let detect () =
Why3.Debug.set_flag Why3.Autodetection.debug;
let caisar_autodetection =
lookup_file Stdlib_path.Sites.config "provers_autodetection.conf"
let data =
Why3.Autodetection.Prover_autodetection_data.from_file caisar_autodetection
let config = Why3.Whyconf.init_config (Some null) in
let binaries = Why3.Autodetection.request_binaries_version config data in
let provers = Why3.Autodetection.compute_builtin_prover binaries data in
Why3.Whyconf.set_provers config provers
let open Why3 in
Debug.set_flag Why3.Autodetection.debug;
let caisar_conf = lookup_file Dirs.Sites.config "caisar.conf" in
let data = Autodetection.Prover_autodetection_data.from_file caisar_conf in
let config = Whyconf.init_config (Some null) in
let binaries = Autodetection.request_binaries_version config data in
let provers = Autodetection.compute_builtin_prover binaries data in
Whyconf.set_provers config provers
......@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@
(package caisar)
(generate_sites_module (module stdlib_path) (sites caisar))
(module dirs)
(sites caisar))
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
open Base
(* Register neural network languages *)
(* Register neural network formats. *)
let nnet_parser env _ filename _ =
let open Why3 in
......@@ -18,24 +18,24 @@ let nnet_parser env _ filename _ =
match header with
| Error s -> Loc.errorm "%s" s
| Ok header ->
let id_as_tuple = Ident.id_fresh "As_tuple" in
let th_uc = Pmodule.create_module env id_as_tuple in
let th_uc = Pmodule.use_export th_uc nnet in
let ls_out =
(Ident.id_fresh "nnet_apply")
(List.init header.n_inputs ~f:(fun _ -> nnet_input_type))
(List.init header.n_outputs ~f:(fun _ -> nnet_input_type)))
let id_as_tuple = Ident.id_fresh "AsTuple" in
let th_uc = Pmodule.create_module env id_as_tuple in
let th_uc = Pmodule.use_export th_uc nnet in
let ls_nnet_apply =
let f _ = nnet_input_type in
(Ident.id_fresh "nnet_apply")
(List.init header.n_inputs ~f)
(Ty.ty_tuple (List.init header.n_outputs ~f))
let th_uc =
Pmodule.add_pdecl ~vc:false th_uc
(Pdecl.create_pure_decl @@ Decl.create_param_decl ls_out)
Wstdlib.Mstr.singleton "AsTuple" (Pmodule.close_module th_uc)
let th_uc =
Pmodule.add_pdecl ~vc:false th_uc
(Pdecl.create_pure_decl @@ Decl.create_param_decl ls_nnet_apply)
Wstdlib.Mstr.singleton "AsTuple" (Pmodule.close_module th_uc)
let register () =
register_format ~desc:"NNet format (ReLU only)" Why3.Pmodule.mlw_language
Env.register_format ~desc:"NNet format (ReLU only)" Pmodule.mlw_language
"NNet" [ "nnet" ] nnet_parser)
......@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ let pp_header =
match l with
| Logs.App -> ppf "[%a] " Fmt.(styled app_style string) x
| Logs.Error ->
pp_h ppf err_style (match h with None -> "ERROR" | Some h -> h)
pp_h ppf err_style (match h with None -> "ERROR" | Some h -> h)
| Logs.Warning ->
pp_h ppf warn_style (match h with None -> "WARNING" | Some h -> h)
pp_h ppf warn_style (match h with None -> "WARNING" | Some h -> h)
| Logs.Info ->
pp_h ppf info_style (match h with None -> "INFO" | Some h -> h)
pp_h ppf info_style (match h with None -> "INFO" | Some h -> h)
| Logs.Debug ->
pp_h ppf debug_style (match h with None -> "DEBUG" | Some h -> h)
pp_h ppf debug_style (match h with None -> "DEBUG" | Some h -> h)
let setup_logs =
let setup_log level =
......@@ -78,11 +78,12 @@ let config_cmd =
( Term.(
(const (fun cmdname detect _ ->
if not detect then `Help (`Pager, Some "config")
(* TODO: Do not only check for [detect], and enable it by
default, as soon as other options are available. *)
`Ok (config cmdname true ()))
if not detect
then `Help (`Pager, Some "config")
(* TODO: Do not only check for [detect], and enable it by
default, as soon as other options are available. *)
`Ok (config cmdname true ()))
$ const cmdname $ detect $ setup_logs)), cmdname ~sdocs:Manpage.s_common_options ~envs ~exits ~doc ~man )
......@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ let verify_cmd =
( Term.(
(const (fun format loadpath files ->
`Ok (List.iter ~f:(Prove.prove format loadpath) files))
`Ok (List.iter ~f:(Verify.do_verify format loadpath) files))
$ format $ loadpath $ files)), cmdname ~sdocs:Manpage.s_common_options ~exits ~doc ~man )
open Base
let () = Language.register ()
let create_env loadpath =
let conf = Detection.detect () in
let stdlib = Stdlib_path.Sites.stdlib in
( Why3.Env.create_env
(loadpath @ stdlib @ Why3.Whyconf.loadpath (Why3.Whyconf.get_main conf)),
conf )
let altergo = Why3.Whyconf.mk_filter_prover "Alt-Ergo"
let prove format loadpath file =
let env, config = create_env loadpath in
let _, m =
match file with
| "-" ->
( "stdin",
Why3.Env.read_channel ?format Why3.Env.base_language env "stdin"
Caml.stdin )
| fname ->
let mlw_files, _ =
Why3.Env.read_file ?format Why3.Env.base_language env fname
(fname, mlw_files)
(fun _ th ->
let l = Why3.Task.split_theory th None None in
let prover = Why3.Whyconf.filter_one_prover config altergo in
let driver =
Why3.Whyconf.load_driver (Why3.Whyconf.get_main config) env prover
List.iter l ~f:( "%a" (Why3.Driver.print_task driver)))
(* *)
(* This file is part of Caisar. *)
(* *)
open Base
module Format = Caml.Format
let () = Language.register ()
let create_env loadpath =
let config = Detection.detect () in
let stdlib = Dirs.Sites.stdlib in
let open Why3 in
( Env.create_env
(loadpath @ stdlib @ Whyconf.loadpath (Whyconf.get_main config)),
config )
let altergo = Why3.Whyconf.mk_filter_prover "Alt-Ergo"
let do_verify format loadpath file =
let open Why3 in
let env, config = create_env loadpath in
let _, mstr_theory =
match file with
| "-" ->
("stdin", Env.(read_channel ?format base_language env "stdin" Caml.stdin))
| filename ->
let mlw_files, _ = Env.(read_file ?format base_language env filename) in
(filename, mlw_files)
(fun _ theory ->
let tasks = Task.split_theory theory None None in
let prover = Whyconf.filter_one_prover config altergo in
let driver = Whyconf.(load_driver (get_main config) env prover) in
List.iter tasks ~f:(Format.printf "%a" (Driver.print_task driver)))
theory NNet
use ieee_float.Float64
type input_type = t
use ieee_float.Float64
type input_type = t
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