Michele Alberti authoredMichele Alberti authored
pyrat.drv 4.98 KiB
(* Why3 drivers for PyRAT *)
prelude "(* This is the prelude for PyRAT *)"
(* additional regexp for detection of answers, needed for alt-ergo <= 0.99 *)
valid "^Inconsistent assumption$"
printer "pyrat"
filename "%f-%t-%g.why"
valid "^File \".*\", line [0-9]+, characters [0-9]+-[0-9]+:Valid"
invalid "^File \".*\", line [0-9]+, characters [0-9]+-[0-9]+:Invalid"
unknown "^File \".*\", line [0-9]+, characters [0-9]+-[0-9]+:I don't know" ""
timeout "^File \".*\", line [0-9]+, characters [0-9]+-[0-9]+:Timeout"
timeout "^Timeout$"
steplimitexceeded "^File \".*\", line [0-9]+, characters [0-9]+-[0-9]+:Steps limit reached"
outofmemory "Fatal error: out of memory"
outofmemory "Fatal error: exception Stack_overflow"
fail "typing error:\\(.*\\)$" "Failure : File generation error : \\1"
time "Valid (%s)"
time "Valid (%s)"
steps "Valid (\\([0-9]+.?[0-9]*\\)) (\\([0-9]+.?[0-9]*\\))" 2
steps "Valid (\\([0-9]+.?[0-9]*\\)) (\\([0-9]+.?[0-9]*\\) steps)" 2
time "why3cpulimit time : %s s"
transformation "inline_trivial"
transformation "introduce_premises"
transformation "eliminate_builtin"
transformation "simplify_formula"
transformation "caisar_native_prover"
theory BuiltIn
syntax type int "int"
syntax type real "real"
syntax predicate (=) "(%1 = %2)"
meta "eliminate_algebraic" "keep_enums"
meta "eliminate_algebraic" "keep_recs"
theory int.Int
prelude "(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo integer arithmetic *)"
syntax function zero "0"
syntax function one "1"
syntax function (+) "(%1 + %2)"
syntax function (-) "(%1 - %2)"
syntax function (*) "(%1 * %2)"
syntax function (-_) "(-%1)"
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (<=)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (<)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (>=)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (>)
syntax predicate (<=) "(%1 <= %2)"
syntax predicate (<) "(%1 < %2)"
syntax predicate (>=) "(%1 >= %2)"
syntax predicate (>) "(%1 > %2)"
remove prop MulComm.Comm
remove prop MulAssoc.Assoc
remove prop Unit_def_l
remove prop Unit_def_r
remove prop Inv_def_l
remove prop Inv_def_r
remove prop Assoc
remove prop Mul_distr_l
remove prop Mul_distr_r
remove prop Comm
remove prop Unitary
remove prop Refl
remove prop Trans
remove prop Total
remove prop Antisymm
remove prop NonTrivialRing
remove prop CompatOrderAdd
remove prop ZeroLessOne
theory int.EuclideanDivision
syntax function div "(%1 / %2)"
syntax function mod "(%1 % %2)"
theory int.ComputerDivision
use for_drivers.ComputerOfEuclideanDivision
theory real.Real
prelude "(* this is a prelude for Alt-Ergo real arithmetic *)"
syntax function zero "0.0"
syntax function one "1.0"
syntax function (+) "(%1 + %2)"
syntax function (-) "(%1 - %2)"
syntax function (*) "(%1 * %2)"
syntax function (/) "(%1 / %2)"
syntax function (-_) "(-%1)"
syntax function inv "(1.0 / %1)"
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (<=)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (<)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (>=)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (>)
syntax predicate (<=) "(%1 <= %2)"
syntax predicate (<) "(%1 < %2)"
syntax predicate (>=) "(%1 >= %2)"
syntax predicate (>) "(%1 > %2)"
remove prop MulComm.Comm
remove prop MulAssoc.Assoc
remove prop Unit_def_l
remove prop Unit_def_r
remove prop Inv_def_l
remove prop Inv_def_r
remove prop Assoc
remove prop Mul_distr_l
remove prop Mul_distr_r
remove prop Comm
remove prop Unitary
remove prop Refl
remove prop Trans
remove prop Total
remove prop Antisymm
remove prop Inverse
remove prop NonTrivialRing
remove prop CompatOrderAdd
remove prop ZeroLessOne
theory ieee_float.Float64
syntax function (.+) "(%1 + %2)"
syntax function (.-) "(%1 - %2)"
syntax function (.*) "(%1 * %2)"
syntax function (./) "(%1 / %2)"
syntax function (.-_) "(-%1)"
syntax predicate le "%1 <= %2"
syntax predicate lt "%1 < %2"
syntax predicate ge "%1 >= %2"
syntax predicate gt "%1 > %2"
theory real.RealInfix
syntax function (+.) "(%1 + %2)"
syntax function (-.) "(%1 - %2)"
syntax function ( *.) "(%1 * %2)"
syntax function (/.) "(%1 / %2)"
syntax function (-._) "(-%1)"
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (<=.)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (<.)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (>=.)
meta "invalid trigger" predicate (>.)
syntax predicate (<=.) "(%1 <= %2)"
syntax predicate (<.) "(%1 < %2)"
syntax predicate (>=.) "(%1 >= %2)"
syntax predicate (>.) "(%1 > %2)"
theory Bool
syntax type bool "bool"
syntax function True "true"
syntax function False "false"
theory Tuple0
syntax type tuple0 "unit"
syntax function Tuple0 "void"
theory algebra.AC
meta AC function op
remove prop Comm
remove prop Assoc
theory HighOrd
syntax type (->) "(%1,%2) farray"
syntax function (@) "(%1[%2])"
theory map.Map
syntax function get "(%1[%2])"
syntax function set "(%1[%2 <- %3])"
theory ieee_float.Float64
syntax predicate is_not_nan ""
remove allprops