François Bobot authoredFrançois Bobot authored
caisar.opam 1.40 KiB
# This file is generated by dune, edit dune-project instead
opam-version: "2.0"
version: "0.1"
"A platform for characterizing the safety and robustness of artificial intelligence based software"
maintainer: [
"LAISER team, Software Safety and Security Laboratory, CEA-List"
authors: ["LAISER team, Software Safety and Security Laboratory, CEA-List"]
license: "LGPL-2.1-only"
homepage: "https://git.frama-c.com/pub/caisar"
doc: "https://git.frama-c.com/pub/caisar"
bug-reports: "https://git.frama-c.com/pub/caisar/issues"
depends: [
"ocaml" {>= "4.13.0"}
"dune-site" {= "2.9.0"}
"piqi" {>= "0.7.6"}
"piqilib" {>= "0.6.14"}
"zarith" {>= "1.7"}
"ocplib-endian" {>= "1.0"}
"dune" {>= "2.9" & >= "2.9.3"}
"base" {>= "v0.14.0"}
"stdio" {>= "v0.14.0"}
"cmdliner" {= "1.0.4"}
"fmt" {>= "0.8.9"}
"logs" {>= "0.7.0"}
"ppx_deriving" {>= "5.1"}
"yojson" {>= "1.7.0"}
"menhirLib" {>= "20210310"}
"ppx_deriving_yojson" {>= "3.6.1"}
"csv" {>= "2.4"}
"why3" {>= "1.5.0"}
"caisar-nnet" {= version}
"caisar-ovo" {= version}
"caisar-onnx" {= version}
"odoc" {with-doc}
build: [
["dune" "subst"] {dev}
"@runtest" {with-test}
"@doc" {with-doc}
["dune" "install" "-p" name "--create-install-files" name]
dev-repo: "git+https://git.frama-c.com/pub/caisar.git"