(* *)
(* This file is part of CAISAR. *)
(* *)
nb_inputs : int;
nb_outputs : int;
ty_data : Ty.ty;
filename : string;
type svmshape = { nb_inputs : int; nb_classes : int; filename : string }
val lookup_loaded_nets : Term.lsymbol -> nnshape option
(** @return the filename of a nnet Why3 representation. *)
val lookup_loaded_svms : Why3.Term.lsymbol -> svmshape option
(** @return the svmshape of a svm Why3 representation. *)
(** Register NNet parser. *)
val register_onnx_support : unit -> unit
(** Register ONNX parser. *)
val register_ovo_support : unit -> unit
(** Register OVO parser. *)