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Commit c3fc2b81 authored by Loïc Correnson's avatar Loïc Correnson
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[ivette/eva] EVA value cache & sizing

parent 585694fc
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......@@ -29,30 +29,41 @@ export const changed: Server.Signal = {
name: 'plugins.eva.values.changed',
export type callstack = Json.index<'#eva-callstack-id'>;
/** Loose decoder for `callstack` */
export const jCallstack: Json.Loose<callstack> =
/** Safe decoder for `callstack` */
export const jCallstackSafe: Json.Safe<callstack> =
'#eva-callstack-id expected');
/** Natural order for `callstack` */
export const byCallstack: Compare.Order<callstack> = Compare.number;
const getCallstacks_internal: Server.GetRequest<
> = {
kind: Server.RqKind.GET,
name: 'plugins.eva.values.getCallstacks',
input: Json.jKey<'#stmt'>('#stmt'),
output: Json.jList(Json.jIndex<'#eva-callstack-id'>('#eva-callstack-id')),
output: Json.jList(jCallstack),
/** Callstacks for markers */
export const getCallstacks: Server.GetRequest<
>= getCallstacks_internal;
export const getCallstacks: Server.GetRequest<Json.key<'#stmt'>,callstack[]>= getCallstacks_internal;
const getCallstackInfo_internal: Server.GetRequest<
{ calls:
{ fct: Json.key<'#fct'>, stmt?: Json.key<'#stmt'>, rank: number }[],
descr: string }
> = {
kind: Server.RqKind.GET,
name: 'plugins.eva.values.getCallstackInfo',
input: Json.jIndex<'#eva-callstack-id'>('#eva-callstack-id'),
input: jCallstack,
output: Json.jObject({
calls: Json.jList(
......@@ -66,7 +77,7 @@ const getCallstackInfo_internal: Server.GetRequest<
/** Callstack Description */
export const getCallstackInfo: Server.GetRequest<
{ calls:
{ fct: Json.key<'#fct'>, stmt?: Json.key<'#stmt'>, rank: number }[],
descr: string }
......@@ -110,16 +121,13 @@ export const getProbeInfo: Server.GetRequest<
>= getProbeInfo_internal;
const getValues_internal: Server.GetRequest<
{ callstacks?: Json.index<'#eva-callstack-id'>, target: marker },
{ callstack?: callstack, target: marker },
{ v_else?: string, v_then?: string, v_after?: string, values?: string,
alarms: [ "True" | "False" | "Unknown", string ][] }
> = {
kind: Server.RqKind.GET,
name: 'plugins.eva.values.getValues',
input: Json.jObject({
callstacks: Json.jIndex<'#eva-callstack-id'>('#eva-callstack-id'),
target: jMarkerSafe,
input: Json.jObject({ callstack: jCallstack, target: jMarkerSafe,}),
output: Json.jObject({
v_else: Json.jString,
v_then: Json.jString,
......@@ -140,7 +148,7 @@ const getValues_internal: Server.GetRequest<
/** Abstract values for the given marker */
export const getValues: Server.GetRequest<
{ callstacks?: Json.index<'#eva-callstack-id'>, target: marker },
{ callstack?: callstack, target: marker },
{ v_else?: string, v_then?: string, v_after?: string, values?: string,
alarms: [ "True" | "False" | "Unknown", string ][] }
>= getValues_internal;
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import * as Server from 'frama-c/server';
import * as States from 'frama-c/states';
// Plugins
import * as Ast from 'frama-c/api/kernel/ast';
import * as Values from 'frama-c/api/plugins/eva/values';
// Locals
......@@ -284,8 +285,8 @@ function ValuesComponent() {
Server.useSignal(Values.changed, forceUpdate);
const [selection] = States.useSelection();
const marker = selection?.current?.marker;
const probe = vstate.focus(marker);
const target = Ast.jMarker(selection?.current?.marker);
const probe = vstate.focus(target);
const makeWindow = (size: Dimension) => (
<ValuesPanel vstate={vstate} {...size} />
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Cell Utilities & Value Cache
// --- Cells
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Frama-C
import * as Server from 'frama-c/server';
import * as Ast from 'frama-c/api/kernel/ast';
import * as Values from 'frama-c/api/plugins/eva/values';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Cell Utilities
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export type callback = () => void;
......@@ -44,4 +53,132 @@ export function addV(a: Size, b: Size, padding = 0): Size {
export function addS(s: Size, t: string | undefined): Size {
return t ? merge(s, sizeof(t)) : s;
export function lt(a: Size, b: Size): boolean {
return a.rows < b.rows && a.cols < b.cols;
export function leq(a: Size, b: Size): boolean {
return a.rows <= b.rows && a.cols <= b.cols;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Value Cache
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
export type EvaStatus = 'True' | 'False' | 'Unknown';
export type EvaAlarm = [EvaStatus, string];
export interface EvaValues {
errors?: string;
values?: string;
v_after?: string;
v_then?: string;
v_else?: string;
alarms?: EvaAlarm[];
size: Size;
export class ValueCache {
private readonly state: StateCallbacks;
private readonly probes = new Map<Ast.marker, Size>(); // Marker -> max in column
private readonly stacks = new Map<Values.callstack, Size>(); // Callstack -> max in row
private readonly vcache = new Map<string, EvaValues>(); // '<Marker><@Callstack>?' -> value
private smax = EMPTY; // max cell size
constructor(state: StateCallbacks) {
this.state = state;
clear() {
this.smax = EMPTY;
// --- Cached Measures
getMaxSize() { return this.smax; }
getProbeSize(target: Ast.marker) {
return this.probes.get(target) ?? EMPTY;
getStackSize(callstack: Values.callstack) {
return this.stacks.get(callstack) ?? EMPTY;
// --- Cached Values & Request Update
getValues(target: Ast.marker, callstack?: Values.callstack): EvaValues {
const key = `${target}@${callstack ?? '*'}`;
const cache = this.vcache;
const cached = cache.get(key);
if (cached) return cached;
const newValue: EvaValues = { values: '', size: EMPTY };
cache.set(key, newValue);
.send(Values.getValues, { target, callstack })
.then((r) => {
newValue.errors = undefined;
newValue.values = r.values;
newValue.v_after = r.v_after;
newValue.v_then = r.v_then;
newValue.v_else = r.v_else;
newValue.alarms = r.alarms;
if (this.updateLayout(target, callstack, newValue))
.catch((err) => {
newValue.errors = `$Error: ${err}`;
return newValue;
// --- Updating Measures
private updateLayout(
target: Ast.marker,
callstack: Values.callstack | undefined,
v: EvaValues,
): boolean {
// measuring cell
let s = sizeof(v.values);
s = addS(s, v.v_after);
s = addS(s, v.v_then);
s = addS(s, v.v_else);
v.size = s;
// max cell size
const { smax } = this;
let small = leq(s, smax);
if (!small) this.smax = merge(s, smax);
// max size for probe column
const ps = this.getProbeSize(target);
if (!leq(s, ps)) {
this.probes.set(target, merge(ps, s));
small = false;
// max size for stack row
if (callstack) {
const cs = this.getStackSize(callstack);
if (!leq(s, cs)) {
this.stacks.set(callstack, merge(ps, s));
small = false;
// request new layout if not small enough
return !small;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/* --- Layout ---*/
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
import { Size, EMPTY, LABEL, addH } from './cells';
import { Size, EMPTY, LABEL, addH, ValueCache } from './cells';
import { Probe } from './probes';
export interface LayoutProps {
......@@ -27,14 +27,16 @@ export class LayoutEngine {
// --- Setup
/* private */ readonly wcrop: number;
/* private */ readonly hcrop: number;
/* private */ readonly margin: number;
/* private */ readonly remanent?: Probe;
private readonly cache: ValueCache;
private readonly wcrop: number;
private readonly hcrop: number;
private readonly margin: number;
cache: ValueCache,
props: undefined | LayoutProps,
) {
this.cache = cache;
const zoom = Math.max(0, props?.zoom ?? 0);
this.hcrop = 1 + zoom;
this.wcrop = LABEL + 2 * zoom;
......@@ -55,9 +57,10 @@ export class LayoutEngine {
push(p: Probe) {
const s = this.crop(p.summary);
const probeSize = this.cache.getProbeSize(p.marker);
const s = this.crop(probeSize);
if (s.cols + this.rowSize.cols > this.margin) this.flush();
p.layout = s;
p.colwidth = s.cols;
this.rowSize = addH(this.rowSize, s);
......@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@
import { throttle } from 'lodash';
import equal from 'react-fast-compare';
import type { marker } from 'frama-c/api/kernel/ast';
// Model
import { StateCallbacks, callback } from './cells';
import { Probe } from './probes';
import { callback, StateCallbacks, ValueCache } from './cells';
import { LayoutProps, LayoutEngine, Row } from './layout';
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
......@@ -29,11 +31,12 @@ export class Model implements StateCallbacks {
// --- Probes
private focused?: Probe;
private remanent?: Probe; // last transient
private probes = new Map<string, Probe>();
getProbe(m: string): Probe {
getProbe(m: marker): Probe {
let p = this.probes.get(m);
if (!p) {
p = new Probe(this, m);
......@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ export class Model implements StateCallbacks {
return p;
focus(m: string | undefined): Probe | undefined {
focus(m: marker | undefined): Probe | undefined {
const r = this.remanent;
if (m) {
const p = this.getProbe(m);
......@@ -62,6 +65,10 @@ export class Model implements StateCallbacks {
return this.focused;
// --- Values
private readonly cache = new ValueCache(this);
// --- Rows
private forcedLayout = false;
......@@ -83,7 +90,7 @@ export class Model implements StateCallbacks {
const engine = new LayoutEngine(this.layout);
const engine = new LayoutEngine(this.cache, this.layout);
this.rows = engine.flush();
......@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@
// Frama-C
import * as Server from 'frama-c/server';
// Plugins
import * as Values from 'frama-c/api/plugins/eva/values';
import * as Ast from 'frama-c/api/kernel/ast';
// Model
import { StateCallbacks, Size, EMPTY, LABEL } from './cells';
import { StateCallbacks, LABEL } from './cells';
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* --- Probe Labelling ---*/
......@@ -43,21 +42,18 @@ function newLabel() {
export class Probe {
// properties
readonly marker: string;
readonly marker: Ast.marker;
readonly state: StateCallbacks;
transient = true;
label?: string;
code?: string;
stmt?: string;
rank?: number;
layout: Size;
summary: Size;
colwidth: number = LABEL;
constructor(state: StateCallbacks, marker: string) {
constructor(state: StateCallbacks, marker: Ast.marker) {
this.marker = marker;
this.state = state;
this.layout = EMPTY;
this.summary = EMPTY;
this.requestProbeInfo = this.requestProbeInfo.bind(this);
this.setPersistent = this.setPersistent.bind(this);
this.setTransient = this.setTransient.bind(this);
......@@ -185,8 +185,16 @@ end
(* --- Domain Utilities --- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Jcallstack = Data.Index(Value_types.Callstack.Map)
(struct let name = "eva-callstack-id" end)
module Jcallstack : S with type t = callstack =
module I = Data.Index
(struct let name = "eva-callstack-id" end)
let jtype = Data.declare ~package ~name:"callstack" I.jtype
type t = I.t
let to_json = I.to_json
let of_json = I.of_json
module Jcallsite : Data.S with type t = Value_types.call_site =
......@@ -445,8 +453,8 @@ let () =
let get_tgt = Request.param getValues ~name:"target"
~descr:(Md.plain "Works with all markers containing an expression")
(module Jmarker) in
let get_cs = Request.param_opt getValues ~name:"callstacks"
~descr:(Md.plain "Callstacks to collect (defaults to all)")
let get_cs = Request.param_opt getValues ~name:"callstack"
~descr:(Md.plain "Callstack to collect (defaults to none)")
(module Jcallstack) in
let set_alarms = Request.result getValues ~name:"alarms"
~descr:(Md.plain "Alarms raised during evaluation")
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