(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of Frama-Clang                                      *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2012-2018                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file LICENSE).                      *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* Intermediate format between clang and Cabs *)
(* See Ast.org and gen_ast.ml for details *)

type ikind =
  | IBool { }
  | IChar_u { } (* plain char, for an arch where it is unsigned *)
  | IChar_s { } (* plain char, for an arch where is is signed *)
  | IUChar { } (*  explicitely unsigned char *)
  | ISChar { } (* explicitely signed char *)
  | IChar16 { } (* char16_t. Same as uint_least16_t *)
  | IChar32 { } (* char32_t. Same as uint_least32_t *)
  | IWChar_u { }
  | IWChar_s { }
  | IWUChar { }
  | IWSChar { }
  | IChar { }
  | IWChar { }
  | IShort { }
  | IUShort { }
  | IInt { }
  | IUInt { }
  | ILong { }
  | IULong { }
  | ILongLong { }  
  | IULongLong { }
    (* not useful IShiftToVirtual *)
    (* type of integer shift present in virtual method tables to retrieve a *)
    (*   concrete this from an abstract this in presence of multiple        *)
    (*   inheritance.                                                       *)
    (* deduced by convert.ml from inheritance graph to create the VMTs      *)

type fkind =
  | FFloat { } 
  | FDouble { } 
  | FLongDouble { } 

type ickind =
  | ICLiteral {}
  | ICStaticConst {}
  | ICExternConst {} 
  (* a const global variable that is explicitely declared extern.
     See 3.5[basic.link]§3

type tcckind =
  | TCCSizeOf {}
  | TCCAlignOf {}

type compilation_constant =
  | IntCst { val_type: ikind; kind: ickind; value: int64; }
  | FloatCst { val_type: fkind; value: string; }
  | EnumCst { name: qualified_name; enum_name: ekind; value: int64; }
  | TypeCst { kind: tcckind; arg: typ; }

type template_parameter =
  | TPStructOrClass { name: qualified_name; }
  | TPTypename { value: qual_type; }
  | TPConstant { value: compilation_constant; }
  | TPDeclaration { value: qualified_name; }

type qualification =
  | QNamespace { name: string; }
  | QStructOrClass { name: string; }
  | QTemplateInstance { name: string; parameters: template_parameter list; }

type qualified_name =
  { prequalification: qualification list; decl_name: string; }
  OCaml normalize x =
    "match x.prequalification with
        | QNamespace \"\" :: prequalification -> { x with prequalification }
        | _ -> x"

type ekind = { body: qualified_name; }

type funkind =
  | FKFunction { } (* Static function ? *)
  | FKMethod { qualifier: specifier list; }
    (* "normal" method (with this and a return type). The qualifier is the one
       of the implicit this pointer.          
  | FKCastMethodOperator { qualifier: specifier list; type_descr : qual_type; }
  | FKConstructor { complete: bool; } (* Constructor *)
  | FKDestructor { complete: bool; } (* Destructor *)

type signature =
      { result: qual_type; parameter: qual_type list; variadic: bool; }
    (* for methods the first argument is this = pointer to the class object *)

type pkind =
  | PDataPointer { subtype : qual_type; }  (* sizeof = 32/64 *)
  | PFunctionPointer { decl : signature; } (* sizeof = 32/64 *) 
  | PStandardMethodPointer { decl : signature; shift_object: int64; }
  | PVirtualMethodPointer { decl : signature;
                            method_index: int64; shift_object: int64;
      (* sizeof = 64/96/128 - contain shift, could contain virtual methods *)

type akind = { subtype : qual_type; dimension: expression option; }

type ckind =
  | CClass { } 
  | CStruct { } 
  | CUnion { } 

type tkind =
  | TStandard { }
  | TTemplateInstance { parameters: template_parameter list; }

type vkind =
  | VStandard { }
  | VVirtual { }

type typ =
  | Void { }
  | Int { kind: ikind; }
  | Enum { kind: ekind; }
  | Float { kind: fkind; }
  | Pointer { kind: pkind; }
  | LVReference { kind: pkind; }
      (* syntactically reference, semantically pointer *)
  | RVReference { kind: pkind; }
      (* RValue reference. semantically equivalent to Lvalue ref. *)     
  | Array { kind: akind; }
  | Struct { body: qualified_name; template_kind: tkind; }
      (* body.ckind should be CClass or CStruct *)
  | Union { body: qualified_name; template_kind: tkind; }
      (* body.ckind should be CUnion *)
  | Named { name: qualified_name; is_extern_c_name : bool; } (* typedef *)
  | Lambda {
      proto : signature;
      closure: capture list;
    } (* a lambda object of the given signature.
         Note that normally each anonymous lambda object should give rise
         to a different class. With this representation, we won't distinguish
         between two lambda types with exactly the same signature and the
         same list of captured identifiers (which would end up in two
         structurally equal classes anyway)

type specifier =
  | Const {} | Volatile {} | Restrict {} | Static {} (* C meaning *)

type qual_type = { qualifier: specifier list; plain_type: typ; }

type arg_decl = { arg_type: qual_type; arg_name: string; arg_loc: location; }

type expression =
  { eloc: location; econtent: exp_node; }

(* Local and Global are never functions. *)
type variable =
  | Local { name: qualified_name; }
  | Global { name: qualified_name; }
  | FunctionParameter { name: string; }
  | CodePointer
      { function_name: qualified_name; sigtype: signature; kind: funkind;
        is_extern_c: bool; template_kind: tkind;

type uokind =
  | UOCastNoEffect { result_type: qual_type; }
  | UOCastDeref { } (* dereference from a ref type *)
  | UOCastDerefInit { } (* Initialization of a field with ref type *)
  | UOCastToVoid { } (* cast to void to ignore an expression *)
  | UOCastInteger { result_type: qual_type; cast_type: ikind; } 
  | UOCastEnum { result_type: qual_type; cast_type: ekind; } 
  | UOCastFloat { result_type: qual_type; cast_type: fkind; }
  | UOCastC { result_type: qual_type; } (* Arbitrary cast *)
  | UOPostInc { }
  | UOPostDec { }
  | UOPreInc { }
  | UOPreDec { }
  | UOOpposite { }
  | UOBitNegate { }
  | UOLogicalNegate { }

type bokind =
  | BOPlus { }
  | BOMinus { }
  | BOLess { }
  | BOLessOrEqual { }
  | BOEqual { }
  | BODifferent { }
  | BOGreaterOrEqual { }
  | BOGreater { }
  | BOTimes { }
  | BODivide { }
  | BOModulo { }
  | BOBitOr { }
  | BOBitAnd { }
  | BOBitExclusiveOr { }
  | BOLeftShift { }
  | BORightShift { }
  | BOLogicalAnd { }
  | BOLogicalOr { }
  | BOComma { }

type assign_kind =
  | AKRValue { }
  | AKAssign { }

type reference_or_pointer_kind =
  | RPKPointer { }
  | RPKReference { }
  | RPKStaticBasePointer { } (* static_cast, multiple inheritance *)
  | RPKStaticBaseReference { }
  | RPKVirtualBasePointer
    { base_index : int64; origin_type : qual_type; noeffect : bool; }
    (* static_cast, multiple virtual inheritance *)
  | RPKVirtualBaseReference
    { base_index : int64; origin_type : qual_type; }
  | RPKDynamicPointer { origin_type : qual_type; pvmt : expression; }
    (* dynamic_cast *)
  | RPKDynamicReference { origin_type : qual_type; pvmt : expression; }

type exp_node =
  | Constant { cst: compilation_constant; }
  | String { cst: string; }
  (* | Char { cst: string; } = compilation_constant *) 
  | Variable { var: variable; }
  | Malloc { size_type: typ; }
  | MallocArray { size_type: typ; size: expression; }
  | Free { sub: expression; }
  | FreeArray { sub: expression; }
  | Assign { lvalue: expression; rvalue: expression; }
  | Unary_operator { kind : uokind; sub: expression; }
  | Binary_operator { kind : bokind; assignment: assign_kind;
                      first_sub: expression; second_sub: expression;
  | Dereference { sub: expression; }
  | Address { sub: expression; }
  | PointerCast { cast_type : qual_type; ref_pointer: reference_or_pointer_kind;
                  sub: expression;
  | ShiftPointerCast { cast_type : qual_type; origin_type : qual_type;
                       ref_pointer: reference_or_pointer_kind;
                       sub: expression;
  | FieldAccess { sub: expression; field: string; }
   (* represents x.f. Use FieldAccess(Dereference x, f) for x->f *)
  | ArrayAccess { sub: expression; index: expression;  }
      (* can be replaced by plus on array type *)
  | Conditional
      { condition: expression; then_exp: expression; else_exp: expression; }
  | Static_call { name: qualified_name;
                  sigtype: signature;
                  kind: funkind; arguments: expression list;
                  template_kind: tkind;
                  extern_c_call: bool;
                } (* method or function or constructor or destructor *)
  | Virtual_call { name: qualified_name; sigtype: signature; kind: funkind;
                   this_object: expression; arguments: expression list;
                   method_index: int64; shift_object: inheritance list;
                   shift_pvmt: inheritance list;
                 } (* virtual method *)
  | Dynamic_call { kind: funkind;
                   fun_pointer: expression;
                   arguments: expression list;
                 } (* function or method or virtual method pointer *)
  | Lambda_call { callee: expression; arguments: expression list; }
     (* call of a lambda object. *)
  | Temporary
    { temp_name: string;
      temp_type: qual_type;
      temp_expr: init_expr;
      force: bool;
    (* Temporary object initialized to the given expression. temp_name is 
       bound in temp_expr, in particular to be given as 'this' argument of a
       constructor; force is a way to force the creation of a local variable,
       especially if temp_name is used outside init_expr
  | InitializerList
    { il_elt_type: qual_type; il_expr: init_expr; }
    (* materialize the construction of a std::initializer_list<il_elt_type>.
     The init_expr should be a Compound_init for an array.
  | VAArg { subexpr: expression; typeinfo: qual_type; }
  | Throw { sub: expression option; }
  | GnuBody { body: statement list; }
  | LambdaExpr {
       lam_rt: qual_type;
       lam_args: arg_decl list;
       lam_closure: capture list;
       lam_body: statement list;

type capture =
  | Cap_id { cap_id_name: string; cap_id_type: qual_type; cap_id_ref: bool; }
  | Cap_this { cap_this_ref: bool; }
   (* TODO: get rid of this and make FramaCIRGen output the appropriate class
      type to treat this as a normal identifier. *)

type case_statement =
  | Case { case_value: compilation_constant; instructions: statement list; }
  | Default { instructions: statement list; }

(* We'll use the semantic view of clang, where compound inits have been
   expanded, so that there's no need for designator, except for union,
   where we still want to know which field initialized. *)
type init_expr =
  | Single_init { definition: expression; }
  | Compound_init { init_elts: init_expr list; }
  | Union_init { field: string; field_type: qual_type; definition: init_expr; }
  (* initialization of an array of objects. expression is parameterized by
     the index whose upper bound should be given by the type of the object
     being initialized. *)
  | Array_init { index: qualified_name; constructor: expression; }

(* C++ allows to define a local variable as part of
   the condition of a switch/if *)
type cond_statement =
  | CondExpression { expr: expression; }
  | CondVarDecl { name: string; var_type: qual_type; definition: init_expr; }

type init_declarator = {id_name: string; init_type: qual_type; init_val: init_expr option; }

type init_statement =
  | INop { }
  | IExpression { expr: expression; }
  | IVarDecl { init_declarator_list: init_declarator list; }

type incr_statement =
  | CNop { }
  | CExpression { expr: expression; }

type catch_block = { typed_arg: arg_decl option; cbody: statement list; }

type statement =
  | Nop { loc: location; }
  | Return { loc: location; result: expression option; }
  | Expression { loc: location; expr: expression; }
  | VirtualExpression { loc: location; expr: expression; }
  | Code_annot { loc: location; body: code_annotation; }
  | Ghost_block { loc: location; ghost_code: statement list; }
  | Block  { loc: location; instructions: statement list; }
  | Condition { loc: location; condition: cond_statement;
                then_instruction: statement;
                else_instruction: statement;
                (* else_instruction can be nop if else is missing *)
  | Label  { loc: location; label: string; }
  | Goto   { loc: location; target: string; }
  | Switch { loc: location; condition: cond_statement;
             labeled_instructions: case_statement list;
  | VarDecl { loc: location; name: string; var_type: qual_type;
              init: init_expr option; } (* can be inside block *)
  | Break  { loc: location; } (* can be goto *)
  | Continue { loc: location; } (* can be goto *)
  | While { loc: location;
            condition: expression;
            instruction: statement;
            annot: code_annotation list;
          } (* can be condition and goto *)
  | DoWhile { loc: location;
              condition: expression;
              instruction: statement;
              annot: code_annotation list;
            } (* can be condition and goto *)
  | For { loc: location; init: init_statement; condition: expression option;
          incr: incr_statement; instruction: statement;
          annot: code_annotation list;
        } (* can be condition and goto *)
  | TryCatch { loc: location; instruction:
               statement list;
               cases: catch_block list;
  | GccInlineAsm { loc: location;
                   qualifier: specifier list;
                   instructions: string list;
                   details: asm_details option;

type asm_details =
    { outputs: asm_IO list;
      inputs: asm_IO list;
      clobbers: string list;
      ad_labels: string list;

type asm_IO =
    { aIO_name: string option;
      constraints: string;
      expr: expression;

type access_kind =
  | Public{} | Protected{} | Private{}

type inheritance
  = { base: qualified_name;
      templated_kind: tkind;
      access: access_kind;
      is_virtual: vkind;
      vmt_position: int;

type class_decl =
  | CMethod
    { loc: location; fun_name: string; kind: funkind; return_type: qual_type;
      args: arg_decl list; is_variadic: bool; body: statement list option;
      is_implicit: bool; (* whether it is an implicitely defined function *)
      template_kind: tkind;
      has_further_definition: bool;
      throws: qual_type list option;
      fun_spec: function_contract option;
  | CCompound
    { loc: location;
      name: string;
      kind: ckind;
      inherits: inheritance list option;
      body: class_decl list option;
      template_kind: tkind;
      has_virtual: bool;
  | CFieldDecl { loc: location;
                 name: string;
                 var_type: qual_type;
                 bitfield: int option;
                 is_mutable: bool;
  | CTypedef { loc: location; name: string; def_type: qual_type; }
  | CStaticConst { loc: location;
                   name: string;
                   val_type: ikind;
                   kind: ickind;
                   value: int64;
  | CEnum { loc: location; name: string; repr: ikind; 
             body: compilation_constant list option; }
  | Class_annot { loc: location; body: global_annotation; }

type decl_or_impl_name =
  | Declaration { name: string; }
  | Implementation { name: qualified_name; }

type translation_unit_decl =
  | Function
    { fun_name: decl_or_impl_name; kind: funkind; fun_loc: location;
      return_type: qual_type;
      args: arg_decl list; body: statement list option; is_extern_c: bool;
      is_ghost: bool;
      is_variadic: bool;
      template_kind: tkind;
      has_further_definition: bool;
      throws: qual_type list option;
      fun_spec: function_contract option;
  | Compound
    { loc: location; name: decl_or_impl_name; kind: ckind;
      inherits: inheritance list option;
      body: class_decl list option;
      has_virtual: bool;
      template_kind: tkind;
      is_extern_c_context: bool;
      is_ghost: bool;
  | GlobalVarDecl
    { loc: location; name: decl_or_impl_name; var_type: qual_type;
      init: init_expr option; is_extern_c: bool; is_ghost: bool;
  | Typedef
    { loc: location;
      name: decl_or_impl_name;
      def_type: qual_type; 
      is_extern_c_context: bool;
      is_ghost: bool;
  (* a namespace is never ghost: its components might be. *)
  | Namespace { loc: location; name: string; body: translation_unit_decl list; }
  | StaticConst { loc: location;
                  name: string;
                  val_type: ikind;
                  kind: ickind;
                  value: int64;
                  is_extern_c: bool;
                  is_ghost: bool;
  | EnumDecl
    { loc: location; name: decl_or_impl_name; 
      repr: ikind;
      body: compilation_constant list option;
      is_extern_c_context: bool;
      is_ghost: bool;
  (* purely logical annotation is not ghost. *)
  | GlobalAnnotation
    { loc: location; body: global_annotation; }

type file = { filename: string; globals: translation_unit_decl list; };;

(* Specific to ACSL++ *)

type logic_constant =
  | LCInt { value: string; }
      (** (Unbounded Integer constant as a string representation *)
  | LStr { value: string; } (** String constant. *)
  | LWStr { value: int64 list; } (** Wide character string constant. *)
  | LChr { value: int; } (** Character constant. *)
  | LWChr { value: int; } (** Wide character constant *)  
  | LCReal { value: string; }
  | LCEnum { value: int64; name: qualified_name; } (** Enumeration constant.*)

type logic_type =
  | Lvoid {} (** C void *)
  | Linteger {} (** mathematical integers, {i i.e.} Z *)
  | Lreal {} (** mathematical reals, {i i.e.} R *)
  | Lint { kind: ikind; } (** C integral type *)
  | Lfloat { kind: fkind; } (** C floating-point type *)
  | Larray { subtype: logic_type; dim: logic_constant option; } (** C array *)
  | Lpointer { subtype: logic_type; } (** C pointer *)
  | Lreference { subtype: logic_type; }
      (* syntactically reference, semantically pointer *) 
  | Lenum { name: qualified_name; } (** C enum *)
  | Lstruct { name: qualified_name; template_kind: tkind; } (** C struct *)
  | Lunion { name: qualified_name; template_kind: tkind; } (** C union *)
  | LCnamed { name: qualified_name; is_extern_c_name: bool; } 
  (** typedef C type. *)
  | Lvariable { name: qualified_name; } (** type variable. *)
  | Lnamed { name: qualified_name; is_extern_c_name: bool;
             template_arguments: logic_type list; }
      (** declared logic type. *)
  | Larrow { left: logic_type list; right: logic_type; }
      (** (n-ary) function type *)

type logic_label =
  | StmtLabel { code_label: string; } (** label of a C statement. *)
  | LogicLabel { label: string; }

type term =
{ node: term_node; (** kind of term. *)
  loc: location; (** position in the source file. *)
  (* ltype: logic_type; (** type of the term. *) *)
  names: string list; (** names of the term if any. *)

type logic_label_pair = { fst: logic_label; snd: logic_label; }

type term_node =
  (* same constructs as exp *)
  | TConst { value: logic_constant; } (** a constant. *)
  | TLval { value: term_lval; } (** an L-value *)
  | TSizeOf { code_type: logic_type; } (** size of a given C type. *)
  | TSizeOfStr { str: string; } (** size of a string constant. *)
  | TUnOp { oper: uokind; subexpr: term; } (** unary operator. *)
  | TBinOp { oper: bokind; fst: term; snd: term; } (** binary operators. *)
  | TCastE { code_type: logic_type; subexpr: term; } (** cast to a C type. *)
  | TAddrOf { subexpr: term_lval; } (** address of a term. *)
  | TStartOf { subexpr: term_lval; } (** beginning of an array. *)
  | TFieldAccess { expr: term; field: term_offset; }

  (* additional constructs *)
  | TFalse { } (** always-false term. *)
  | TTrue { } (** always-true term. *)
  | TApp { name: qualified_name;
           table: logic_label_pair list;
           arguments: term list;
           extern_c_call: bool;
         } (** application of a logic function. *)
  | TLambda { quantifiers: logic_var_def list;
              subexpr: term;
            } (** lambda abstraction. *)
  | TDataCons { ctor_name: qualified_name; arguments: term list; }
      (** constructor of logic sum-type. *)
  | TIf { condition: term; then_part: term; else_part: term; }
      (** conditional operator*)
  | TAt { node: term; label: logic_label; }
      (** term refers to a particular program point. *)
  | TBase_addr { label: logic_label option; pointer_value: term; }
      (** base address of a pointer. *)
  | TOffset { label: logic_label option; pointer_value: term; }
      (** offset from the base address of a pointer. *)
  | TBlock_length { label: logic_label option; pointer_block: term; }
      (** length of the block pointed to by the term. *)
  | TNull { } (** the null pointer. *)
  | TLogic_coerce { result_type: logic_type; code_type: term; }
    (** implicit conversion from a C type to a logic type.
        The logic type must not be a Ctype. In particular, used to denote
        lifting to Linteger and Lreal.
  | TCoerce { node: term; result_type: logic_type; }
    (** coercion to a given C type. *)
  | TCoerceE { node: term; result_type: term; }
    (** coercion to the type of a given term. *)
  | TUpdate { node: term; offset: term_offset; subnode: term; }
    (** functional update of a field. *)
  | TEmpty_set { } (** the empty set. *)
  | TUnion { tlist: term list; } (** union of terms. *)
  | TInter { tlist: term list; } (** intersection of terms. *)
  | TComprehension { subexpr: term;
                     quantifiers: logic_var_def list;
                     condition: predicate_named option;
    (** set defined in comprehension ({t \{ t[i] | Tinteger i; 0 <= i < 5\}}) *)
  | TRange { min: term option; max: term option; } (** range of integers. *)
  | TLet { name: logic_info; value: term; } (** local binding *)

type term_lval = { base_support: term_lhost; offset: term_offset; }

type term_lhost =
  | TVar { var: logic_var; } (** a variable. *)
  | TCFun { name: qualified_name; signature_descr: signature; }
    (* (pointer to) a C function *)  
  | TResult { returned_type: logic_type; }
      (** value returned by a C function.
          Only used in post-conditions or assigns
  | TMem { subexpr: term; } (** memory access. *)

type model_info =
{ model_name: string; (** name *)
  field_type: logic_type; (** type of the field *)
  base_type: logic_type; (** type to which the field is associated. *)
  decl: location; (** where the field has been declared. *)

(** Information about a struct/union field. *)
type fieldinfo =
{ fcomp: compinfo;
  (** The host structure that contains this field. There can be only one
      [compinfo] that contains the field. *)
  forig_name: string; (** original name as found in C file. *)
  fname: string;
  (** The name of the field. Might be the value of {!Cil.missingFieldName} in
      which case it must be a bitfield and is not printed and it does not
      participate in initialization *)
  ftype: typ;
  (** The type. If the field is a bitfield, a special attribute
      [FRAMA_C_BITFIELD_SIZE] indicating the width of the bitfield is added. *)
  fbitfield: int option;
  (** If a bitfield then ftype should be an integer type and the width of the
      bitfield must be 0 or a positive integer smaller or equal to the width of
      the integer type. A field of width 0 is used in C to control the alignment
      of fields. *)
  fattr: attributes;
  (** The attributes for this field (not for its type) *)
  floc: location;
  (** The location where this field is defined *)
  faddrof: bool;
  (** Adapted from CIL [vaddrof] field for variables. Only set for non-array
      fields. Variable whose field address is taken is not marked anymore as
      having its own address taken.  True if the address of this field is
      taken. CIL will set these flags when it parses C, but you should make
      sure to set the flag whenever your transformation create [AddrOf]
      expression. *)

type term_offset =
  | TNoOffset { } (** no further offset. *)
  | TField { field: string; offset: term_offset; }
      (** access to the field of a compound type. *)
  | TBase { base: qualified_name; template_base: tkind; offset: term_offset; }
      (** access to a base class of a compound type. *)
  | TVirtualBase
      { base: qualified_name; template_base: tkind; offset: term_offset; }
      (** access to a virtual base class of a compound type. *)
  | TDerived { derived: qualified_name; template_derived: tkind;
               base: qualified_name; template_base: tkind;
               offset: term_offset;
      (** access to a derived class of a compound type. *)
  | TModel { model: string; offset: term_offset; }
      (** access to a model field. *)
  | TIndex { subexpr: term; offset: term_offset; }
      (** index. Note that a range is denoted by [TIndex(Trange(i1,i2),ofs)] *)

type logic_arg_decl = { la_type: logic_type; la_name: string; };;

type logic_info =
{ li_name: qualified_name;
  li_extern_c: bool;
  arg_labels: logic_label list; (** label arguments of the function. *)
  tparams: string list; (** type parameters *)
  returned_type: logic_type option; (** return type. None for predicates *)
  profile: logic_arg_decl list; (** type of the arguments. *)
  fun_body: logic_body; (** body of the function. *)

type inductive_definition =
{ def_name: string;
  labels: logic_label list;
  arguments: string list;
  def: predicate_named;

type logic_body =
  | LBnone {} (** no definition and no reads clause *)
  | LBreads { content: term list; }
     (** read accesses performed by a function. *)
  | LBterm { def: term; } (** direct definition of a function. *)
  | LBpred { def: predicate_named; } (** direct definition of a predicate. *)
  | LBinductive { def: inductive_definition list; }
	(** inductive definition *)

type logic_type_info = { 
  type_name: qualified_name;
  is_extern_c: bool;
  params: string list; (** type parameters*)
  definition: logic_type_def option;
    (** definition of the type. None for abstract types. *)

type logic_type_def =
  | LTsum { arguments: logic_ctor_info list; }
      (** sum type with its constructors. *)
  | LTsyn { def: logic_type; } (** Synonym of another type. *)

(** Information about a variable. *)
type varinfo = {
  vname: string;
  (** The name of the variable. Cannot be empty. It is primarily your
      responsibility to ensure the uniqueness of a variable name. For local
      variables the name should be unique. *)
  vorig_name: string;
  (** the original name of the variable. Need not be unique. *)
  vtype: typ; (** The declared type of the variable. *)
  (** vattr: attributes; A list of attributes associated with the variable.*)
  (** vstorage: storage; The storage-class *)
  vglob: bool; (** True if this is a global variable*)
  vdefined: bool;
  (** True if the variable or function is defined in the file.  Only relevant
      for functions and global variables.  Not used in particular for local
      variables and logic variables. *)
  vformal: bool;
  (** True if the variable is a formal parameter of a function. *)
  vinline: bool; (** Whether this varinfo is for an inline function. *)
  vdecl: location; (** Location of variable declaration. *)
  vid: int; (** A unique integer identifier. *)
  vaddrof: bool;
  (** [true] if the address of this variable is taken. CIL will set these
      flags when it parses C, but you should make sure to set the flag
      whenever your transformation create [AddrOf] expression. *)
  vreferenced: bool;
  (** [true] if this variable is ever referenced. This is computed by
      [removeUnusedVars]. It is safe to just initialize this to [false]. *)
  vgenerated: bool;
  (** [true] for temporary variables generated by CIL normalization. [false]
      for variables coming directly from user input.  *)
  vdescr: string option;
  (** For most temporary variables, a description of what the var holds.
      (e.g. for temporaries used for function call results, this string is a
      representation of the function call.) *)
  vdescrpure: bool;           
  (** Indicates whether the vdescr above is a pure expression or call.  True
      for all CIL expressions and Lvals, but false for e.g. function calls.
      Printing a non-pure vdescr more than once may yield incorrect
      results. *)
  vghost: bool; 
  (** Indicates if the variable is declared in ghost code *)
  vlogic: bool;
  (** [false] iff this variable is a C variable. *)
  vlogic_var_assoc: logic_var option
  (** logic variable representing this variable in the logic world*)

type logic_var_kind =
  | LVGlobal {} (** global logic function or predicate. *)
  | LVCGlobal {} (** Logic counterpart of a global C variable. *)
  | LVCLocal {} (** Logic counterpart of a C local/formal. *)  
  | LVFormal {} (** formal parameter of a logic function / predicate *)
  | LVQuant {} (** Bound by a quantifier or a Lambda abstraction. *)
  | LVLocal {} (** local \let *)
  | LVBuiltin {} (** specific identifier, e.g. \\exit_status. *)

type logic_var_def =
{ lv_name : qualified_name; (** name of the variable. *)
  (* lv_id : int; (** unique identifier *) *)
  lv_type : logic_type; (** type of the variable. *)
  lv_kind: logic_var_kind; (** kind of the variable *)
  (* lv_origin : varinfo option; *)
   (** when the logic variable stems from a C variable, set to the original C
       variable.  *)

type logic_var =
{ lv_name : qualified_name; (** name of the variable. *)
  (* lv_id : int; (** unique identifier *) *)
  (* lv_type : logic_type; (** type of the variable. *) *)
  lv_kind: logic_var_kind; (** kind of the variable *)
  (* lv_origin : varinfo option; *)
   (** when the logic variable stems from a C variable, set to the original C
       variable.  *)

type logic_ctor_info =
{ ctor_name: qualified_name; (** name of the constructor. *)
  is_extern_c: bool;
  constype: qualified_name;
    (** logic_type_info type to which the constructor belongs. *)
  ctor_params: logic_type list;
    (** types of the parameters of the constructor. *)

type relation = 
  | Rlt { }
  | Rgt { }
  | Rle { }
  | Rge { }
  | Req { }
  | Rneq { } (** @plugin development guide *)

type predicate =
  | Pfalse { } (** always-false predicate. *)
  | Ptrue { } (** always-true predicate. *)
  | PApp { name: qualified_name;
           table: logic_label_pair list;
           arguments: term list;
           extern_c_call: bool;
         } (** application of a logic function. *)
  | Pseparated { arguments: term list; }
  | Prel { cmpop: relation; fstarg: term; sndarg: term; }
      (** comparison of two terms. *)
  | Pand { fstarg: predicate_named; sndarg: predicate_named; }
      (** conjunction *)
  | Por { fstarg: predicate_named; sndarg: predicate_named; } 
      (** disjunction. *)
  | Pxor { fstarg: predicate_named; sndarg: predicate_named; }
      (** logical xor. *)
  | Pimplies { left: predicate_named; right: predicate_named; }
      (** implication. *)
  | Piff { fstarg: predicate_named; sndarg: predicate_named; }
      (** equivalence. *)
  | Pnot { arg: predicate_named; } (** negation. *)
  | Pif { cond: term; thenpart: predicate_named; elsepart: predicate_named; } 
      (** conditional *)
  | Plet { name: logic_info; def: predicate_named; }
      (** definition of a local variable *)
  | Pforall { quantifiers: logic_var_def list; prop: predicate_named; }
      (** universal quantification. *)
  | Pexists { quantifiers: logic_var_def list; prop: predicate_named; }
      (** existential quantification. *)
  | Pat { label: logic_label; prop: predicate_named; }
    (** predicate refers to a particular program point. *)
  | Pvalid_function { subexpr: term; }
      (** the given locations are valid function pointers. *)
  | Pvalid_read { reading_loc: logic_label option; subexpr: term; }
      (** the given locations are valid for reading. *)
  | Pvalid { loc: logic_label option; subexpr: term; }
      (** the given locations are valid. *)
  | Pinitialized { loc: logic_label option; subexpr: term; }
      (** the given locations are initialized. *)
  | Pallocable { loc: logic_label option; subexpr: term; }
      (** the given locations can be allocated. *)
  | Pfreeable { loc: logic_label option; subexpr: term; }
      (** the given locations can be free. *)
  | Pfresh { loc1: logic_label option;
             loc2: logic_label option;
             subexpr1: term;
             subexpr2: term;
      (** \fresh(pointer, n)
          A memory block of n bytes is newly allocated to the pointer.*)
  | Psubtype { subtype_tag: term; expr: term; }
      (** First term is a type tag that is a subtype of the second. *)

type variant =
{ vbody: term;
  vname: string option;

type allocation =
  | FreeAlloc { fst: term list; snd : term list; }
    (** tsets. Empty list means \nothing. *)
  | FreeAllocAny { } (** Nothing specified. Semantics depends on where it 
		     is written. *)

type deps =
  | From { from: term list; } (** tsets. Empty list means \nothing. *)
  | FromAny { } (** Nothing specified. Any location can be involved. *)

type from = { floc: term; vars: deps; }

type assigns = 
  | WritesAny { } (** Nothing specified. Anything can be written. *)
  | Writes { frm: from list; }
    (** list of locations that can be written. Empty list means \nothing. *)

type function_contract =
{ behavior: behavior list; (** behaviors *)
  variant: variant option; (** variant for recursive functions. *)
  terminates: predicate_named option; (** termination condition. *)
  complete_behaviors: set_of_behaviors list;
    (** list of complete behaviors.
        It is possible to have more than one set of complete behaviors *)
  disjoint_behaviors: set_of_behaviors list;
    (** list of disjoint behaviors.
        It is possible to have more than one set of disjoint behaviors *)

type behavior =
{ beh_name: string; (** name of the behavior. *)
  requires: predicate_named list; (** require clauses. *)
  assumes : predicate_named list; (** assume clauses. *)
  post_cond: post_condition list; (** post-conditions. *)
  assignements: assigns; (** assignments. *)
  alloc: allocation; (** frees, allocates. *)
  extended: behavior_extensions list; (** Grammar extensions *)

type termination_kind =
  | Normal { }
  | Exits { }
  | Breaks { }
  | Continues { }
  | Returns { }

type loop_pragma =
  | Unroll_specs { specs: term list; }
  | Widen_hints { hints: term list; }
  | Widen_variables { vars: term list; }

type slice_pragma =
  | SPexpr { expr: term; }
  | SPctrl { }
  | SPstmt { }

type impact_pragma =
  | IPexpr { expr: term; }
  | IPstmt { }

type pragma =
  | Loop_pragma { body: loop_pragma; }
  | Slice_pragma { body: slice_pragma; }
  | Impact_pragma { body: impact_pragma; }

type predicate_named =
{ pred_name: string list;
  pred_loc: location;
  pred_content: predicate;

type post_condition =
{ tkind: termination_kind;
  pred: predicate_named;

type behavior_extensions =
{ ext_name: string;
  identifier: int;
  predicates: predicate_named list;

type set_of_behaviors = { behaviors: string list; }

type invariant_kind =
  | InvariantAsAssertion {}
  | NormalLoop {}

type code_annotation =
  | Assert { behaviors: string list; pred: predicate_named; }
    (** assertion to be checked. The list of strings is the list of
        behaviors to which this assertion applies. *)
  | StmtSpec { behaviors: string list; contract: function_contract; }
    (** statement contract eventualy for some behaviors. *)
  | Invariant { behaviors: string list;
                kind: invariant_kind;
                pred: predicate_named;
    (** loop/code invariant.
        The list of strings is the list of behaviors to which
        this invariant applies. The boolean flag is true for normal loop
        invariants and false for invariant-as-assertions. *)
  | Variant { body: variant; }
    (** loop variant. Note that there can be at most one variant associated to a
        given statement *)
  | Assigns { variables: string list; assignements: assigns; }
    (** loop assigns.  (see [b_assigns] in the behaviors for other assigns). At
        most one clause associated to a given (statement, behavior) couple. *)
  | Allocation { variables: string list; alloc: allocation; }
    (** loop allocation clause.  (see [b_allocation] in the behaviors for other
        allocation clauses).
        At most one clause associated to a given (statement, behavior) couple.
        @since Oxygen-20120901 when [b_allocation] has been added.  *)
  | Pragma { body: pragma; } (** pragma. *)

type global_annotation =
  | Dfun_or_pred { loc: location; info: logic_info; }
  | Dvolatile
      { loc: location;
        assoc_terms: term list;
        reading_function: qualified_name option;
        writing_function: qualified_name option;
    (** associated terms, reading function, writing function *)
  | Daxiomatic { loc: location; name: string; axioms: global_annotation list; }
  | Dtype { loc: location; info: logic_type_info; }
      (** declaration of a logic type. *)
  | Dlemma
      { loc: location;
        name: string;
        is_axiom: bool;
        labels: logic_label list;
        ids: string list;
        pred: predicate_named;
    (** definition of a lemma. The boolean flag is [true] if the property
        should be taken as an axiom and [false] if it must be proved. *)
  | Dinvariant { loc: location; info: logic_info; }
    (** global invariant. The predicate does not have any argument. *)
  | Dtype_annot { loc: location; info: logic_info; }
    (** type invariant. The predicate has exactly one argument. *)
  | Dmodel_annot { loc: location; info: model_info; }
    (** Model field for a type t, seen as a logic function with one 
        argument of type t *)

Local Variables:
compile-command: "make intermediate_format.ml"