From 085737cee8f559384a4d903ff540542c09059eab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Virgile Prevosto <>
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2022 16:14:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [doc] remove reference to unimplemented options in user

 doc/userman/description.tex | 34 +---------------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/userman/description.tex b/doc/userman/description.tex
index 05b7e68..dd150ab 100644
--- a/doc/userman/description.tex
+++ b/doc/userman/description.tex
@@ -244,12 +244,6 @@ Warning messages from \irg can be controlled with the \lstinline|-warn| option o
 \item \lstinline|-Werror| is a clang and \irg option that causes any parser warnings to be treated as errors
 \item \lstinline|-w| is a clang and \irg option that causes any parser warnings to be ignored
-\item the \irg option \lstinline|--no-warn| or \lstinline|--warn=0| turns off \irg warning messages
-\item the \irg option \lstinline|--warn=<n>|, with $n > 0$ turns on \irg warning messages; the higher the value $n$ the more messages
-\item the \irg option \lstinline|--warn| is the same as \lstinline|--warn=1|
-% Cf above.
-%\item the \fc option \lstinline|-fclang-warn-key=parse=inactive| is the same as the \irg option  \lstinline|--warn=0|
-%\item the \fc option \lstinline|-fclang-warn-key=parse=active| is the same as the \irg option  \lstinline|--warn=1|
 \textit{The \clang options are not currently integrated with the \fc warning and error key system.}
@@ -290,34 +284,8 @@ These options are specific to \irg.
 	\item \option{-help} -- print more help information
 	\item \option{-{-}version} -- print version information
 	\item \option{-o <file>} -- specifies the name and location of the output file (that is, the file to contain the generated AST). The output path may be absolute or relative to the current working directory. \textit{This option is required.}
-	\item \option{-w} -- suppress warnings (overrides \option{-Werror})
-	\item \option{-Werror} -- treat warnings as errors 
-	\item \option{-{-}info=<n>} -- sets the level of informational messages to \textbf{n}; 0 is completely quiet; increasing values are
-	more verbose. \\
-	\option{-{-}info} sets the level to 1 \\
-	\option{-{-}no-info} sets the level to 0\\
-	 The \lstinline|frama-c| option \option{-fclang-msg-key=parse} is equivalent to setting a value of 1.
-	\item \option{-{-}warn=<n>} -- sets the level of parser warning messages to \textbf{n}; 0 is completely quiet; increasing values are
-more verbose.\\
- \option{-{-}warn} sets the level to 1\\
-\option{-{-}no-warn} sets the level to 0\\
-The \lstinline|frama-c| option \option{-fclang-warn-key=parse} is equivalent to setting a value of 1.
-	\item \option{-{-}debug=<n>} -- sets the level of parser debug messages to \textbf{n}; 0 is completely quiet; increasing values are
-more verbose\\
- \option{-{-}debug} sets the level to 1\\
-\option{-{-}no-debug} sets the level to 0\\
-The \lstinline|frama-c| option \option{-fclang-debug=<n>} is equivalent to setting a value of \textbf{n}.
-In particular, a debug value of 1 shows the command-line that invokes \irg.
+        \item \option{-v} -- verbose output
 	\item \option{-{-}stop-annot-error} -- if set, then parsing stops on the first error; default is off
-	\item \option{-{-}exit-code} -- if set, then the exit code of \irg is 1 if errors occur; this is not the default because then \lstinline|frama-c| would terminate upon
-	any error in \lstinline|framaCIRGen|
-	\item \option{-{-}no-exit-code} -- disables \option{-{-}exit-code}, so that the exit code is always 0 for non-fatal errors.
-	\item \option{-{-}annot} -- enables processing \acslpp annotations (enabled by default)
-	\item \option{-{-}no-annot} -- disables processing \acslpp annotations