From f0626839717a4feb0d1336afdd4ba6bedaaee31e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Allan Blanchard <>
Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2020 11:28:14 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Removes dokuwiki pages that are now elsewhere

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-Below is the list of exercices done with Frama-C during the Static
-Analysis Course at ENSIIE:
-  * [2010-2011](/dokuwiki/ensiie2010-2011-ias-tp.html)
-  * [2011-2012](/dokuwiki/ensiie2011-2012-ias-tp.html)
-  * [2012-2013](/dokuwiki/ensiie2012-2013-ias-tp.html)
-  * [2013-2014](/dokuwiki/ensiie2013-2014-ias-tp.html)
-  * [2014-2015](/dokuwiki/ensiie2014-2015-ias-tp.html)
-  * [2015-2016](/dokuwiki/ensiie2015-2016-ias-tp.html)
-  * [2016-2017](/dokuwiki/ensiie2016-2017-ias-tp.html)
-  * [2017-2018](/dokuwiki/ensiie2017-2018-ias-tp.html)
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-# Exercises on Frama-C
-## Value Analysis plug-in
-  - [Lab work at ENSIIE - 2014 (in French)](/dokuwiki/ensiie2013-2014-ias-tp.html)
-  - [Lab work at ENSIIE - 2013 (in French)](/dokuwiki/ensiie2012-2013-ias-tp.html)
-  - [Lab work at ENSIIE - 2012 (in French)](/dokuwiki/ensiie2011-2012-ias-tp.html)
-  - [Lab work at ENSIIE - 2011 (in French)](/dokuwiki/ensiie2010-2011-ias-tp.html)
-## WP plug-in
-  - [Deductive Verification at University Paris Saclay (since 2015)](/dokuwiki/UPS-2015.html)
-  - [Lab work at UFC - 2013-2014: WP (in French)](/dokuwiki/ufc2013-2014-pep-tp.html)
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-# Jessie
-This page presents some tips about the [Jessie
-plugin]( of Frama-C.
-## Extracting proof obligation from a Jessie project
-usage: extract_obligation -f=funname -o=obligation [-s=solver] sources
-  -s=<solver> or --solver=<solver>  with solver in {coq,smtlib,alt-ergo} (default is coq)
-  -f=<fun>    or --function=<fun>   with fun a function in sources
-  -o=<obl>    or --obligation=<obl> with obl an obligation associated to the function (the name in available in the frama-c gui with jessie plugin)\\  
-## Known issues
-To submit a bug for the tools of the Why platform, visit
-  - **\\sum, \\prod, etc. are not supported by Jessie**  
-    See [this
-    message](
-    from frama-c-discuss.
-<!-- end list -->
-  - **Timeout for provers not working under MS-Windows**  
-    This is a known issue in Why 2.18 and earlier versions. See [this
-    fix](
-<!-- end list -->
-  - **Code highlighting in gWhy does not work**  
-    This may happen when processing DOS-encoded files.  
-    Fix: Convert file to unix encoding (C-x RET f undecided-unix in
-    Emacs).
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-# Frama-C in teaching
-This page lists various courses that are using Frama-C in their lab
-## In English
-  - [University of Minho: Formal Methods in Software
-    Engineering](
-  - [University College London: Language-based
-    security](
-## In French
-  - [ENSIIE Evry: Static Analysis of Programs](/dokuwiki/ensiie.html)
-  - [École Polytechnique: Initiation to Program
-    Proof](
-## In other languages
-  - [Moscow State University: Formal Specification and Verification (in
-    Russian)](
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-  - [rv-2013](/dokuwiki/tutorial/rv-2013.html): tutorial held at
-    [RV 2013]( in Rennes (France).
-  - [ifm-2013](/dokuwiki/tutorial/ifm-2013.html): tutorial held at
-    [iFM 2013]( in Turku (Finland).
-  - [Stance](/dokuwiki/tutorial/Stance.html): Training sessions done
-    within the [Stance]( FP7 project.
-  - [MERCE 2013](/dokuwiki/tutorial/MERCE_2013.html): Training
-    session made by Mitsubishi Electric R\&D Centre Europe in 2013
-  - [LIFO-2014](/dokuwiki/tutorial/LIFO-2014.html): presentation of WP
-    made at the LIFO laboratory of Orléans University
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-A tutorial on the [WP plugin]( has been
-given at
-[iFM 2013]( in
-Turku (Finland), on June 11th, 2013.
-[Slides](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/ifm-2013/slides.pdf) and [C
-are available.
-The examples archive contains both unannotated implementation as
-exercises and a solution that can be entirely verified by the WP plug-in
-as distributed in the Fluorine 2 (20130501) version of Frama-C. For the
-more advanced examples, some special options of wp are needed in order
-for the provers to complete the proof automatically. Theses options are
-given at the bottom of each file.
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-This page gather material that has been presented at the seminar of the
-[LIFO laboratory]( of Orléans
-University on 2014-10-13.
-  - [slides from the
-    presentation](/mantis/frama-c/tutorial/lifo-2014/slides.pdf)
-  - [annotated
-    programs](/mantis/frama-c/tutorial/lifo-2014/solutions.tar.gz)
-    corresponding to the code shown in the slides. Note that the lemmas
-    in `binary_search_tree.c` cannot be discharged in the current
-    version of Frama-C, because WP does not generate a complete
-    environment.
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-Some [presentation
-slides](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/introduction-to-frama-c_v2.pdf) and
-are used within Mitsubishi Electric.
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-A tutorial on the [E-ACSL plugin]( has
-been given at [RV 2013]( in Rennes
-(France), on September 24th, 2013.
-[Slides](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/slides.pdf) and [C
-examples](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/eacsl_examples.tgz) are available.
-The examples archive contains both unannotated implementation as
-exercises and a solution that can be entirely run by the E-ACSL plug-in
-version 0.3 (with Frama-C Fluorine 20130601). The exact way to run each
-example is given at the bottom of the corresponding file.
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-Within the Stance project, some training sessions on Frama-C have been
-organized. This includes in particular the following presentations:
-  - Overview of the platform:
-    [slides](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/frama_c_overview.pdf) and
-    [example of a very simple
-    plugin](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/
-  - Value Analysis:
-    [slides](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/stance/value_tutorial.pdf) and
-    [code
-    examples](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/stance/value_examples.tar.gz)
-  - WP (advanced presentation, following a first course):
-    [slides](/assets/dokuwiki/tutorial/wp_advanced_slides.pdf) and
-    [code examples](/assets/dokuwiki/frama-c/tutorial/wp_examples.tar.gz)
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-# Travaux Pratiques Frama-C / WP
-Université de Franche-Comté, Master 1 Informatique PEP, Année 2013-2014
-Enseignants : Guillaume PETIOT, Alain GIORGETTI, Jacques JULLIAND
-## Introduction
-Le but de ces TP est d'utiliser l'outil [Frama-C]( et
-en particulier son outil de vérification déductive
-[WP]( La version installée à l'université de
-Franche-Comté est Fluorine 3 :
-## Première séance
-[tp1.pdf](/assets/dokuwiki/tp1.pdf) [va.pdf](/assets/dokuwiki/va.pdf)
-## Seconde séance
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-## Deductive Verification with Frama-C/WP
-Context: course on Deductive Verification in [master
-(2d year) at [University
-Paris-Saclay]( (France), since
-Teachers: [Andrei Paskevich]( (Why3) and [Julien
-Signoles]( (Frama-C).
-Our exercises use both Frama-C/WP and [Why3]( ([in a
-browser]( [A
-tarball](/assets/dokuwiki/wp-ups.tar.gz) contains most of our material
-related to Frama-C/WP (in French, still evolving each year). The
-training exercises are embedded in slides, the ones for the final
-practical session are directly provided in .c files.