diff --git a/_data/nav.yml b/_data/nav.yml
index 4c8c636551c9be32322d57f728f209b800ced2db..3fb0ad73d9206ad5dbee8a24cfb03d3d6367bbab 100644
--- a/_data/nav.yml
+++ b/_data/nav.yml
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   link: /dokuwiki/start.html
 - name: Blog
   link: /blog/index.html
-- name: Careers
-  link: /html/careers.html
+# - name: Careers
+  # link: /html/careers.html
 - name: Contact
   link: /html/contact.html
diff --git a/html/contact.html b/html/contact.html
index 9af4ba0f8a59ac85859f2595f7ff905dcbf4bfcf..de4469054cc45e8cc77f1f16334ae18b4eadbc25 100644
--- a/html/contact.html
+++ b/html/contact.html
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ function(err, data) {
 <div id="wrapper" class="hfeed">
-	{% include headers.html header=6 %}
+	{% include headers.html header=5 %}
 <div id="container" class="mainContainer">
   <div class="pageContact pages">
diff --git a/html/using-frama-c.html b/html/using-frama-c.html
index 8be036148052e7f6570a9557007ab365a897d26b..16a1abc74f91677c21c412c91a61ece9f6093ab0 100644
--- a/html/using-frama-c.html
+++ b/html/using-frama-c.html
@@ -74,37 +74,17 @@ css: plugin
                 <!-- <div id="group_code_standards">
                   <div class="paragraphGroup">
                     <h3>Enforce code standards</h3>
-                    <p>Frama-C allows to verify that the source code complies with a provided formal specification. Functional
-                    specifications can be written in a dedicated language, ACSL. The specifications can be partial, concentrating
-                    on one aspect of the analyzed program at a time.</p>
-                    <p>The most structured sections of your existing design documents can also be considered as formal
-                    specifications. For instance, the list of global variables that a function is supposed to read from or write to
-                    is a formal specification. Frama-C can compute this information automatically from the source code of the
-                    function, allowing you to verify that the code satisfies this part of the design document, faster and with less
-                    risks than a code review.</p>
                 <div id="group_security_defects">
                   <div class="paragraphGroup">
                     <h3>Detect security defects</h3>
-                    <p>Frama-C allows to verify that the source code complies with a provided formal specification. Functional
-                    specifications can be written in a dedicated language, ACSL. The specifications can be partial, concentrating
-                    on one aspect of the analyzed program at a time.</p>
-                    <p>The most structured sections of your existing design documents can also be considered as formal
-                    specifications. For instance, the list of global variables that a function is supposed to read from or write to
-                    is a formal specification. Frama-C can compute this information automatically from the source code of the
-                    function, allowing you to verify that the code satisfies this part of the design document, faster and with less
-                    risks than a code review.</p>
                 </div> -->
-              <div class="contentFluid recommendBlock">
+              <!--<div class="contentFluid recommendBlock">
                 <div class="contentWrap">
                   <h3>Case Studies</h3>
@@ -128,7 +108,7 @@ css: plugin
                     <div class="swiper-button-next"></div>
-              </div>
+              </div>-->