From 87de0406706a0dbaaa58c8ab11d72b81fde19db1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Signoles <>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 16:01:29 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [publis] ^M seems to be important

 dokuwiki/ | 516 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 258 insertions(+), 258 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dokuwiki/ b/dokuwiki/
index 45ac7877..1a073436 100644
--- a/dokuwiki/
+++ b/dokuwiki/
@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
 ### Manuals
   - Loïc Correnson, Pascal Cuoq, Florent Kirchner, André Maroneze,
-  Virgile Prevosto, Armand Puccetti, Julien Signoles, and Boris Yakobowski.
-    **Frama-C User Manual.**
+  Virgile Prevosto, Armand Puccetti, Julien Signoles, and Boris Yakobowski.  
+    **Frama-C User Manual.**  
     *The manual introducing common features to all analyzers.*
 <!-- end list -->
   - Julien Signoles, Thibaud Antignac, Loïc Correnson, Matthieu Lemerre,
   and Virgile Prevosto.  
     **Frama-C Plug-in Development Guide**.  
     *The manual for developing a Frama-C plug-in.*
  <!-- end list -->
    - Patrick Baudin, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Claude Marché, Benjamin
    Monate, Yannick Moy, and Virgile Prevosto.  
     **ACSL: ANSI/ISO C Specification Language.**.  
@@ -39,42 +39,42 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
     Extended version of the following paper.
 <!-- end list -->
-  - Pascal Cuoq, Florent Kirchner, Nikolai Kosmatov, Virgile Prevosto,
+  - Pascal Cuoq, Florent Kirchner, Nikolai Kosmatov, Virgile Prevosto,
     Julien Signoles, and Boris Yakobowski.  
     **Frama-C, A Software Analysis Perspective.**  
-    In proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering
+    In proceedings of International Conference on Software Engineering
     and Formal Methods 2012 (SEFM), October 2012.  
-    *This paper presents a synthetic view of Frama-C, its main and
+    *This paper presents a synthetic view of Frama-C, its main and
     composite analyses, and some of its industrial achievements.*
 <!-- end list -->
 #### Articles about the Frama-C Kernel
-  - Julien Signoles.
+  - Julien Signoles.  
     **Software Architecture of Code Analysis Frameworks Matters:
-     The Frama-C Example.**
-    In Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE), June 2015.
-    <>
+     The Frama-C Example.**  
+    In Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE), June 2015.  
+    <>  
       *This papers presents the Frama-C architecture and discusses its design
-    choices.*
+    choices.*  
 <!-- end list -->
   - Loïc Correnson, and Julien Signoles.  
     **Combining Analyses for C Program Verification.**  
-    In proceedings of International Workshop on Formal Methods for
+    In proceedings of International Workshop on Formal Methods for
     Industrial Critical Systems 2012 (FMICS), August 2012.  
-    <>
-    *This paper explains how Frama-C combines several partial results
-    coming from its plug-ins into a fully consolidated validity status
+    <>  
+    *This paper explains how Frama-C combines several partial results
+    coming from its plug-ins into a fully consolidated validity status
     for each program property.*
 <!-- end list -->
   - Pascal Cuoq, Damien Doligez, and Julien Signoles.  
-    **Lightweight Typed Customizable Unmarshaling.**
-    In Workshop on ML, September 2011.
-    <>.
-    *This short paper presents how Frama-C unmarshal its data.*
+    **Lightweight Typed Customizable Unmarshaling.**  
+    In Workshop on ML, September 2011.  
+    <>.  
+    *This short paper presents how Frama-C unmarshal its data.*  
 <!-- end list -->
   - Pascal Cuoq, Julien Signoles, Patrick Baudin, Richard Bonichon,
@@ -176,9 +176,9 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
 <!-- end list -->
   - Pascal Cuoq and Damien Doligez.  
-    **Hashconsing in an incrementally garbage-collected system: a story
+    **Hashconsing in an incrementally garbage-collected system: a story
     of weak pointers and hashconsing in OCaml 3.10.2.**  
-    In Workshop on ML, September 2008.
+    In Workshop on ML, September 2008.  
     *This article describes weak pointers, weak hashtables and hashconsing as
     implemented in OCaml and used in a former version of Eva.*
 <!-- end list -->
@@ -301,15 +301,231 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
     *Presentation of the runtime memory model used by a former version of
 <!-- end list -->
-# Jessie
+# Aoraï
+#### Manual
+  - Nicolas Stouls.  
+    **Aoraï Plug-in Tutorial.**  
+    <>.  
+    *The official manual of the Frama-C plug-in Aoraï.*
+#### Founding Article
+  - Julien Groslambert and Nicolas Stouls.  
+    **Vérification de propriétés LTL sur des programmes C par génération
+    d'annotations.**  
+    <>  
+    In Proceedings of Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au
+    Développement de Logiciels 2009 (AFADL'09), January 2009. In
+    French.
+#### Case studies
+  - See [this page](/assets/dokuwiki/aorai-security) for a case study
+    showing the use of Aoraï in generating a threat scenario in a
+    driver.
+# Security Slicing
+#### Founding Article
+  - Benjamin Monate and Julien Signoles.  
+    **Slicing for Security of Code.**  
+    In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Trusted
+    Computing and Trust in Information Technologies (TRUST'08), pages
+    133--142, March 2008.  
+    *Bugs in programs implementing security features can be
+    catastrophic: for example they may be exploited by malign users to
+    gain access to sensitive data. These exploits break the
+    confidentiality of information. All security analyses assume that
+    softwares implementing security features correctly implement the
+    security policy, *i.e.* are security bug-free. This assumption is
+    almost always wrong and IT security administrators consider that any
+    software that has no security patches on a regular basis should be
+    replaced as soon as possible. As programs implementing security
+    features are usually large, manual auditing is very error prone and
+    testing techniques are very expensive. This article proposes to
+    reduce the code that has to be audited by applying a program
+    reduction technique called *slicing*. Slicing transforms a source
+    code into an equivalent one according to a set of criteria. We show
+    that existing slicing criteria do *not* preserve the confidentiality
+    of information. We introduce a new automatic and correct
+    source-to-source method properly preserving the confidentiality of
+    information *i.e.* confidentiality is guaranteed to be exactly the
+    same in the original program and in the sliced program.*
+# PathCrawler
 #### Manual
+  * **PathCrawler Automatic Test Generation Tool For C Programs User Manual Version 3.1.**
+  <>.
+  *The user manual of the Frama-C plug-in PathCrawler.*
+#### Founding Articles
+  - Nicky Williams, Bruno Marre and Patricia Mouy.  
+    **On-the-fly generation of k-paths tests for C functions :
+    towards the automation of grey-box testing.**  
+    In Proc. 19th IEEE Intl. Conference on Automated Software
+    Engineering (ASE 2004), 20-25 September 2004, Linz, Austria, IEEE
+    Computer Society, 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2131-2, pages 290-293.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available from IEEE
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Nicky Williams, Bruno Marre, Patricia Mouy and Muriel Roger.  
+    **PathCrawler: automatic generation of path tests by combining
+    static and dynamic analysis.**  
+    In Proc. 5th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC-5),
+    Budapest, Hungary, April 20-22, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer
+    Science 3463 Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-25723-3, Budapest, Hungary,
+    April 2005, pages 281-292.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available at
+    <>
+#### Other Articles
+   - Nicky Williams.  
+    **WCET measurement using modified path testing.**
+    In Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET)
+    Analysis, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 2005, Schloss Dagstuhl -
+    Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2007.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available at DROPS.
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Patricia Mouy, Bruno Marre, Nicky Williams and Pascale Le Gall.  
+    **Generation of all-paths unit test with function calls.**
+    In Proc. 1st Intl. Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and
+    Validation, ICST 2008, Lillehammer, Norway, April 9-11, 2008, IEEE
+    Computer Society, 2008, pages 32-41.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available from IEEE.
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Nikolai Kosmatov.  
+    **All-paths test generation for programs with internal aliases.**  
+    In Proc. 19th Intl. Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
+    (ISSRE 2008), Redmond, Seattle, USA, 11-14 November 2008, IEEE
+    Computer Society, 2008, pages 147-156.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available from IEEE.
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Bernard Botella, Mickaël Delahaye, Stéphane Hong-Tuan-Ha, Nikolai
+    Kosmatov, Patricia Mouy, Muriel Roger and Nicky Williams.  
+    **Automating Structural Testing of C Programs: Experience with
+    PathCrawler.**  
+    In Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Automation of Software Test, AST
+    2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 18-19, 2009, IEEE Computer Society
+    2009, pages 70-78.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available from IEEE.
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Nicky Williams and Muriel Roger.  
+    **Test Generation Strategies to Measure Worst-Case Execution
+    Time.**  
+    In Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Automation of Software Test, AST
+    2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 18-19, 2009, IEEE Computer Society
+    2009, pages 88-96.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available from IEEE.
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Nikolai Kosmatov.  
+    **On Complexity of All-Paths Test Generation. From Practice to
+    Theory.**  
+    In Proc. Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference - Practice and
+    Research Techniques (TAIC PART 2009), Windsor, United Kingdom,
+    September 2009, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009, ISBN
+    978-0-7695-3820-4, pages 144-153.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available from IEEE.
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Nicky Williams.  
+    **Abstract path testing with PathCrawler.**  
+    <>  
+    ©ACM, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted
+    here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for
+    redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proc. 5th Workshop on Automation of Software
+	Test (AST'10), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2-8 2010, ACM New York, NY,
+	USA, 2010, ISBN 978-1-60558-970-1, pages 35-42.
+	<>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Nikolai Kosmatov, Bernard Botella, Muriel Roger and Nicky
+    Williams.  
+    **Online Test Generation with PathCrawler. Tool demo.**  
+    Best demo award.  
+    In Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Constraints in
+    Software Testing, Verification, and Analysis (CSTVA 2011), Berlin,
+    Germany, March 2011, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011, ISBN
+    978-1-4577-0019-4, pages 316-317.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available from IEEE.
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Nicky Williams and Nikolai Kosmatov.  
+    **Structural Testing with PathCrawler. Tutorial Synopsis.**  
+    In Proc. 12th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC
+    2012), Xi'an, China, August 27-29, 2012, IEEE Computer Society,
+    2012, ISBN 978-0-7695-4833-3, pages 289-292.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication will be available from IEEE.
+    <>
+<!-- end list -->
+  - Nikolai Kosmatov, Nicky Williams, Bernard Botella, Muriel Roger,
+    Omar Chebaro.  
+    **A Lesson on Structural Testing with**  
+    In Proc. Tests and Proofs - 6th International Conference, TAP 2012,
+    Prague, Czech Republic, May 31 - June 1, 2012, Springer, Lecture
+    Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7305, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-30472-9,
+    pages 169-175.  
+    <>  
+    The final publication is available at
+    <>
+# External Plug-ins
+These publications are related to Frama-C plug-ins which are not
+available from the official Frama-C website (<>).
+These plug-ins may be either closed or open source.
+## Jessie
+### Manual
   - The main web page, including the manual and many other resources, is
-#### Theses
+### Thesis
   - Yannick Moy.  
     **Automatic Modular Static Safety Checking for C Programs.**  
@@ -331,22 +547,24 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
     Thèse de doctorat, Université Paris-Sud, October 2011.  
-#### Founding Articles
+### Founding Articles
   - Yannick Moy and Claude Marché.  
     **Modular inference of subprogram contracts for safety checking.**  
     In Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2010.  
+<!-- end list -->
   - Sylvie Boldo and Thi Minh Tuyen Nguyen.  
     **Hardware-independent proofs of numerical programs.**  
     In Proceedings of the Second NASA Formal Methods Symposium, April 2010.  
-    <>  
+    <>  <!-- end list -->
   - Ali Ayad.  
     **On formal methods for certifying floating-point C
     Research Report RR-6927, INRIA, 2009.  
 <!-- end list -->
   - Yannick Moy.  
@@ -370,7 +588,6 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
     calculus and quantifier elimination. We instantiate this method to
     prove memory safety for C and Java programs, under some memory
     separation conditions.*
 <!-- end list -->
   - Yannick Moy.  
@@ -404,7 +621,6 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
     iterating around loops. We implemented our method in Caduceus, a
     tool for the verification of C programs, and successfully verified
     automatically the C standard string library functions.*
 <!-- end list -->
   - Yannick Moy.  
@@ -420,9 +636,8 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
     Bornat encoding. We present an automatic translation from C to an
     intermediate language Jessie on which this extended interpretation
     is performed.*
 <!-- end list -->
   - Yannick Moy and Claude Marché.  
     **Inferring local (non-)aliasing and strings for memory safety.**  
     In Proceedings of Heap Analysis and Verification (HAV’07), Braga,
@@ -451,7 +666,6 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
     method in Caduceus, a tool for the verification of C programs, and
     successfully generated appropriate annotations for the C standard
     string library functions.*
 <!-- end list -->
   - Thierry Hubert and Claude Marché.  
@@ -460,7 +674,7 @@ This page is dedicated to publications related to Frama-C. It is not exhaustive,
     Portugal, March 2007.  
-#### Other Articles
+### Other Articles
   - Jochen Burghardt, Jens Gerlach, Hans Pohl and Juan Soto.  
     **An Experience Report on the Verification of Algorithms in the C++
@@ -553,223 +767,9 @@ conditions and verify that under such conditions the rounding errors
 arising in a C implementation of the algorithm do not affect its
 correctness. The technique is illustrated using an algorithm for
 detecting loss of separation among aircraft.*
-# Aoraï
-#### Manual
-  - Nicolas Stouls.  
-    **Aoraï Plug-in Tutorial.**  
-    <>.  
-    *The official manual of the Frama-C plug-in Aoraï.*
-#### Founding Article
-  - Julien Groslambert and Nicolas Stouls.  
-    **Vérification de propriétés LTL sur des programmes C par génération
-    d'annotations.**  
-    <>  
-    In Proceedings of Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au
-    Développement de Logiciels 2009 (AFADL'09), January 2009. In
-    French.
-#### Case studies
-  - See [this page](/assets/dokuwiki/aorai-security) for a case study
-    showing the use of Aoraï in generating a threat scenario in a
-    driver.
-# Security Slicing
-#### Founding Article
-  - Benjamin Monate and Julien Signoles.  
-    **Slicing for Security of Code.**  
-    In Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Trusted
-    Computing and Trust in Information Technologies (TRUST'08), pages
-    133--142, March 2008.  
-    *Bugs in programs implementing security features can be
-    catastrophic: for example they may be exploited by malign users to
-    gain access to sensitive data. These exploits break the
-    confidentiality of information. All security analyses assume that
-    softwares implementing security features correctly implement the
-    security policy, *i.e.* are security bug-free. This assumption is
-    almost always wrong and IT security administrators consider that any
-    software that has no security patches on a regular basis should be
-    replaced as soon as possible. As programs implementing security
-    features are usually large, manual auditing is very error prone and
-    testing techniques are very expensive. This article proposes to
-    reduce the code that has to be audited by applying a program
-    reduction technique called *slicing*. Slicing transforms a source
-    code into an equivalent one according to a set of criteria. We show
-    that existing slicing criteria do *not* preserve the confidentiality
-    of information. We introduce a new automatic and correct
-    source-to-source method properly preserving the confidentiality of
-    information *i.e.* confidentiality is guaranteed to be exactly the
-    same in the original program and in the sliced program.*
-# PathCrawler
-#### Manual
-  * **PathCrawler Automatic Test Generation Tool For C Programs User Manual Version 3.1.**
-  <>.
-  *The user manual of the Frama-C plug-in PathCrawler.*
-#### Founding Articles
-  - Nicky Williams, Bruno Marre and Patricia Mouy.  
-    **On-the-fly generation of k-paths tests for C functions :
-    towards the automation of grey-box testing.**  
-    In Proc. 19th IEEE Intl. Conference on Automated Software
-    Engineering (ASE 2004), 20-25 September 2004, Linz, Austria, IEEE
-    Computer Society, 2004, ISBN 0-7695-2131-2, pages 290-293.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available from IEEE
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Nicky Williams, Bruno Marre, Patricia Mouy and Muriel Roger.  
-    **PathCrawler: automatic generation of path tests by combining
-    static and dynamic analysis.**  
-    In Proc. 5th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC-5),
-    Budapest, Hungary, April 20-22, 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer
-    Science 3463 Springer 2005, ISBN 3-540-25723-3, Budapest, Hungary,
-    April 2005, pages 281-292.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available at
-    <>
-#### Other Articles
-   - Nicky Williams.  
-    **WCET measurement using modified path testing.**
-    In Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET)
-    Analysis, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 2005, Schloss Dagstuhl -
-    Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2007.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available at DROPS.
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Patricia Mouy, Bruno Marre, Nicky Williams and Pascale Le Gall.  
-    **Generation of all-paths unit test with function calls.**
-    In Proc. 1st Intl. Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and
-    Validation, ICST 2008, Lillehammer, Norway, April 9-11, 2008, IEEE
-    Computer Society, 2008, pages 32-41.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available from IEEE.
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Nikolai Kosmatov.  
-    **All-paths test generation for programs with internal aliases.**  
-    In Proc. 19th Intl. Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
-    (ISSRE 2008), Redmond, Seattle, USA, 11-14 November 2008, IEEE
-    Computer Society, 2008, pages 147-156.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available from IEEE.
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Bernard Botella, Mickaël Delahaye, Stéphane Hong-Tuan-Ha, Nikolai
-    Kosmatov, Patricia Mouy, Muriel Roger and Nicky Williams.  
-    **Automating Structural Testing of C Programs: Experience with
-    PathCrawler.**  
-    In Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Automation of Software Test, AST
-    2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 18-19, 2009, IEEE Computer Society
-    2009, pages 70-78.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available from IEEE.
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Nicky Williams and Muriel Roger.  
-    **Test Generation Strategies to Measure Worst-Case Execution
-    Time.**  
-    In Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Automation of Software Test, AST
-    2009, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 18-19, 2009, IEEE Computer Society
-    2009, pages 88-96.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available from IEEE.
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Nikolai Kosmatov.  
-    **On Complexity of All-Paths Test Generation. From Practice to
-    Theory.**  
-    In Proc. Testing: Academic and Industrial Conference - Practice and
-    Research Techniques (TAIC PART 2009), Windsor, United Kingdom,
-    September 2009, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009, ISBN
-    978-0-7695-3820-4, pages 144-153.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available from IEEE.
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Nicky Williams.  
-    **Abstract path testing with PathCrawler.**  
-    <>  
-    ©ACM, 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted
-    here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for
-    redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proc. 5th Workshop on Automation of Software
-	Test (AST'10), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2-8 2010, ACM New York, NY,
-	USA, 2010, ISBN 978-1-60558-970-1, pages 35-42.
-	<>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Nikolai Kosmatov, Bernard Botella, Muriel Roger and Nicky
-    Williams.  
-    **Online Test Generation with PathCrawler. Tool demo.**  
-    Best demo award.  
-    In Proc. of the 3rd International Workshop on Constraints in
-    Software Testing, Verification, and Analysis (CSTVA 2011), Berlin,
-    Germany, March 2011, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2011, ISBN
-    978-1-4577-0019-4, pages 316-317.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available from IEEE.
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Nicky Williams and Nikolai Kosmatov.  
-    **Structural Testing with PathCrawler. Tutorial Synopsis.**  
-    In Proc. 12th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC
-    2012), Xi'an, China, August 27-29, 2012, IEEE Computer Society,
-    2012, ISBN 978-0-7695-4833-3, pages 289-292.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication will be available from IEEE.
-    <>
-<!-- end list -->
-  - Nikolai Kosmatov, Nicky Williams, Bernard Botella, Muriel Roger,
-    Omar Chebaro.  
-    **A Lesson on Structural Testing with**  
-    In Proc. Tests and Proofs - 6th International Conference, TAP 2012,
-    Prague, Czech Republic, May 31 - June 1, 2012, Springer, Lecture
-    Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7305, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-30472-9,
-    pages 169-175.  
-    <>  
-    The final publication is available at
-    <>
-# External Plug-ins
-These publications are related to Frama-C plug-ins which are not
-available from the official Frama-C website (<>).
-These plug-ins may be either closed or open source.
-#### Cost
+## Cost
  - Nicolas Ayache, Roberto M. Amadio and Yann Régis-Gianas.  
     **Certifying and reasoning on cost annotations in C programs.**  
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@ These plug-ins may be either closed or open source.
     by a compiler for the synchronous programming language Lustre used
     in critical embedded software.*
-#### Fan-C
+## Fan-C
   - Pascal Cuoq, David Delmas, Stéphane Duprat and Victoria Moya
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@ These plug-ins may be either closed or open source.
-#### SANTE
   - Omar Chebaro, Nikolaï Kosmatov, Alain Giorgetti and Jacques
@@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ These plug-ins may be either closed or open source.
     dynamic analysis. Moreover, simplifying the program makes it easier
     to analyze detected errors and remaining alarms. To appear.*
-#### SIDAN
   - Jonathan-Christopher Demay, Éric Totel and Frédéric Tronel.  
     **SIDAN: a tool dedicated to Software Instrumentation for Detecting
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ These plug-ins may be either closed or open source.
     4th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and
     Systems (CRISIS'2009), October 2009.
-#### STAC
+## STAC
   - Dumitru Ceara, Laurent Mounier and Marie-Laure Potet.  
     **Taint Dependency Sequences: a characterization of insecure
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ These plug-ins may be either closed or open source.
     Modeling and Detecting Vulnerabilities workshop (MDV'10), associated
     to ICST 2010, April 2010.
-#### Taster
+## Taster
   - David Delmas, Stéphane Duprat, Victoria Moya Lamiel and Julien