diff --git a/convert.ml b/convert.ml
index 50c629a28e5a7c4391ee0f43d88be6b72bc1fc72..bb27c1ca713f2fe49ef98a8a6aaadff040403e7d 100644
--- a/convert.ml
+++ b/convert.ml
@@ -673,8 +673,8 @@ let rec convert_base_type env spec decl typ does_remove_virtual =
     let attrs = List.map cv_to_attr spec in
-    (fun d ->
-      rt_decl
+     (fun d ->
+        rt_decl
           (PROTO (decl (protect_ptr_type attrs d), args,[],variadic))))
   | LVReference (PFunctionPointer s)
   | RVReference (PFunctionPointer s) ->
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ let rec convert_base_type env spec decl typ does_remove_virtual =
     let attrs= List.map cv_to_attr spec in
-    (fun d ->
+     (fun d ->
         rt_decl (PROTO (decl (protect_ptr_type attrs d),args,[],variadic))))
   | Pointer(PStandardMethodPointer _)
   | LVReference (PStandardMethodPointer _)
@@ -2146,21 +2146,21 @@ and convert_init_statement env init does_remove_virtual =
           let env = Convert_env.add_local_var env id_name typ.plain_type in
           match init_val with
           | None ->
-	    let init = (id_name, decl JUSTBASE,[],loc),NO_INIT in
-	    (env, aux, init::l, def, base)
+            let init = (id_name, decl JUSTBASE,[],loc),NO_INIT in
+            (env, aux, init::l, def, base)
           | Some init ->
             let var = Local { prequalification = []; decl_name = id_name } in
             let env,aux',init, def' =
               convert_initializer env typ var init does_remove_virtual
-	    let def = match def' with
-	      | None -> def
-	      | Some stmt -> stmt::def
-	    in
-	    let init = (id_name, decl JUSTBASE,attrs,loc),init in
-	    env, merge_aux aux' aux, init::l, def, base)
-	init_declarator_list
-	(env, empty_aux, [], [], None)
+            let def = match def' with
+              | None -> def
+              | Some stmt -> stmt::def
+            in
+            let init = (id_name, decl JUSTBASE,attrs,loc),init in
+            env, merge_aux aux' aux, init::l, def, base)
+        init_declarator_list
+        (env, empty_aux, [], [], None)
     let l = List.rev l in
     if l = [] then
diff --git a/tests/class/oracle/extern_c_class.res.oracle b/tests/class/oracle/extern_c_class.res.oracle
index 900abea7d405005a2a08a4af3b4e6bd23aae9488..030abfe4fd636a387e5f87847cfee2d2935dee93 100644
--- a/tests/class/oracle/extern_c_class.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/class/oracle/extern_c_class.res.oracle
@@ -1,37 +1,8 @@
 [kernel] Parsing extern_c_class.cpp (external front-end)
 Now output intermediate result
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-struct _frama_c_vmt_content {
-   void (*method_ptr)() ;
-   int shift_this ;
-struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node;
-struct _frama_c_vmt {
-   struct _frama_c_vmt_content *table ;
-   int table_size ;
-   struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node *rtti_info ;
-struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content {
-   struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node *value ;
-   int shift_object ;
-   int shift_vmt ;
-struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node {
-   char const *name ;
-   struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *base_classes ;
-   int number_of_base_classes ;
-   struct _frama_c_vmt *pvmt ;
-struct C;
 struct C {
-   struct _frama_c_vmt *pvmt ;
-struct _frama_c_vmt _frama_c_vmt_header;
-struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node _frama_c_rtti_name_info;
-struct _frama_c_vmt_content _frama_c_vmt[1];
 void set(struct C *this, int *t);
 int get_x(struct C *this);
@@ -40,240 +11,9 @@ int get_x(struct C *this);
 void set(struct C *this, int *t)
   *t = get_x(this);
-  struct _frama_c_vmt_content *__virtual_tmp_0 =
-    (*((struct _frama_c_vmt **)this))->table + 0;
-  (*((void (*)(struct C *))__virtual_tmp_0->method_ptr))((struct C *)(
-                                                         (char *)this - __virtual_tmp_0->shift_this));
-int _frama_c_find_dynamic_cast_aux(struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node *target_info,
-                                   struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *concrete_base,
-                                   int number_of_bases,
-                                   int found_shift_object,
-                                   int found_shift_vmt, int last_shift_vmt,
-                                   int *shift_object, int *distance)
-  int result = 0;
-  struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *cursor = concrete_base;
-  int is_over = 0;
-  int base_index = 0;
-  while (base_index < number_of_bases) {
-    if (cursor->value == target_info) {
-      if (*distance < 0) goto _LOR;
-      else 
-        if (*distance >= 1) {
-          _LOR:
-          {
-            if (found_shift_vmt == cursor->shift_vmt) *distance = 0;
-            else *distance = 1;
-            *shift_object = found_shift_object - cursor->shift_object;
-            result = 1;
-          }
-        }
-    }
-    else 
-      if (cursor->shift_vmt <= found_shift_vmt) {
-        int tmp_5;
-        if (base_index < number_of_bases - 1) tmp_5 = (cursor + 1)->shift_vmt > found_shift_vmt;
-        else {
-          int tmp_4;
-          if (last_shift_vmt == -1) tmp_4 = 1;
-          else 
-            if (found_shift_vmt < last_shift_vmt) tmp_4 = 1; else tmp_4 = 0;
-          tmp_5 = tmp_4;
-        }
-        if (tmp_5) {
-          int tmp_0;
-          int tmp;
-          int local_distance = 0;
-          int local_shift_object = 0;
-          if (base_index < number_of_bases - 1) tmp = (cursor + 1)->shift_vmt;
-          else tmp = last_shift_vmt;
-          ;
-          ;
-          ;
-          ;
-          ;
-          tmp_0 = _frama_c_find_dynamic_cast_aux(target_info,
-                                                 (cursor->value)->base_classes,
-                                                 (cursor->value)->number_of_base_classes,
-                                                 found_shift_object - cursor->shift_object,
-                                                 found_shift_vmt - cursor->shift_vmt,
-                                                 tmp,& local_shift_object,
-                                                 & local_distance);
-          int local_result = tmp_0;
-          if (local_result != 0) 
-            if (local_distance >= 0) 
-              if (*distance < 0) goto _LOR_0;
-              else 
-                if (*distance >= local_distance) {
-                  _LOR_0:
-                  {
-                    result = local_result;
-                    *shift_object = local_shift_object - cursor->shift_object;
-                    *distance = local_distance;
-                  }
-                }
-          is_over = 1;
-        }
-        else goto _LAND;
-      }
-      else {
-        _LAND: ;
-        if (*distance < 0) goto _LOR_2;
-        else 
-          if (*distance >= 1) {
-            _LOR_2:
-            {
-              int tmp_2;
-              int tmp_1;
-              int local_distance_0 = 0;
-              int local_shift_object_0 = 0;
-              if (base_index < number_of_bases + 1) tmp_1 = (cursor + 1)->shift_vmt;
-              else tmp_1 = last_shift_vmt;
-              ;
-              ;
-              ;
-              ;
-              ;
-              tmp_2 = _frama_c_find_dynamic_cast_aux(target_info,
-                                                     (cursor->value)->base_classes,
-                                                     (cursor->value)->number_of_base_classes,
-                                                     found_shift_object - cursor->shift_object,
-                                                     found_shift_vmt - cursor->shift_vmt,
-                                                     tmp_1,
-                                                     & local_shift_object_0,
-                                                     & local_distance_0);
-              int local_result_0 = tmp_2;
-              if (local_result_0 != 0) 
-                if (local_distance_0 >= 0) 
-                  if (*distance < 0) goto _LOR_1;
-                  else {
-                    int tmp_3;
-                    if (is_over == 0) tmp_3 = local_distance_0;
-                    else tmp_3 = local_distance_0 + 1;
-                    ;
-                    if (*distance > tmp_3) {
-                      _LOR_1:
-                      {
-                        result = local_result_0;
-                        *shift_object = local_shift_object_0 - cursor->shift_object;
-                        *distance = local_distance_0 + 1;
-                      }
-                    }
-                  }
-            }
-          }
-      }
-    cursor ++;
-    base_index ++;
-  }
-  return result;
-int _frama_c_find_dynamic_cast(struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node *declared_info,
-                               struct _frama_c_vmt *declared_vmt,
-                               struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node *target_info,
-                               int *shift_object)
-  int __retres;
-  int shift_vmt;
-  int elaborated_shift_target;
-  struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *cursor;
-  int number_of_bases;
-  int tmp_0;
-  struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node *concrete_info =
-    declared_vmt->rtti_info;
-  int elaborated_shift_vmt = 0;
-  int elaborated_shift_object = 0;
-  int cursor_index = 0;
-  int distance = -1;
-  if (concrete_info->pvmt > declared_vmt) {
-    __retres = 0;
-    goto return_label;
-  }
-  else 
-    if (declared_vmt > concrete_info->pvmt + declared_vmt->table_size) {
-      __retres = 0;
-      goto return_label;
-    }
-  shift_vmt = declared_vmt - concrete_info->pvmt;
-  if (concrete_info == declared_info) {
-    *shift_object = 0;
-    __retres = target_info == declared_info;
-    goto return_label;
-  }
-  if (target_info == concrete_info) elaborated_shift_target = 0;
-  else elaborated_shift_target = -1;
-  cursor = concrete_info->base_classes;
-  number_of_bases = concrete_info->number_of_base_classes;
-  while (1) {
-    while (1) {
-      if (cursor_index < number_of_bases) {
-        if (! (elaborated_shift_vmt + cursor->shift_vmt < shift_vmt)) 
-          break;
-      }
-      else break;
-      {
-        struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *tmp;
-        if (cursor_index < number_of_bases - 1) tmp = cursor + 1;
-        else tmp = (struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *)0;
-        struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *next_cursor = tmp;
-        if (next_cursor != (struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *)0) 
-          if (elaborated_shift_vmt + next_cursor->shift_vmt <= shift_vmt) {
-            cursor = next_cursor;
-            cursor_index ++;
-          }
-          else break;
-        else break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (cursor_index < number_of_bases) {
-      elaborated_shift_vmt += cursor->shift_vmt;
-      elaborated_shift_object += cursor->shift_object;
-      if (cursor->value == target_info) elaborated_shift_target = elaborated_shift_object;
-      if (elaborated_shift_vmt == shift_vmt) 
-        if (cursor->value == declared_info) {
-          if (elaborated_shift_target >= 0) {
-            *shift_object = elaborated_shift_target - elaborated_shift_object;
-            __retres = 1;
-            goto return_label;
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      cursor = (cursor->value)->base_classes;
-      number_of_bases = (cursor->value)->number_of_base_classes;
-      cursor_index = 0;
-    }
-    if (! (cursor_index < number_of_bases)) break;
-  }
-  if (cursor_index >= number_of_bases) {
-    __retres = 0;
-    goto return_label;
-  }
-  tmp_0 = _frama_c_find_dynamic_cast_aux(target_info,
-                                         concrete_info->base_classes,
-                                         concrete_info->number_of_base_classes,
-                                         elaborated_shift_object,shift_vmt,
-                                         -1,shift_object,& distance);
-  __retres = tmp_0;
-  return_label: return __retres;
-void foo(struct C *this);
-struct _frama_c_vmt_content _frama_c_vmt[1] =
-  {{.method_ptr = (void (*)())(& foo), .shift_this = 0}};
-struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_node _frama_c_rtti_name_info =
-  {.name = "C",
-   .base_classes = (struct _frama_c_rtti_name_info_content *)0,
-   .number_of_base_classes = 0,
-   .pvmt = & _frama_c_vmt_header};
-struct _frama_c_vmt _frama_c_vmt_header =
-  {.table = _frama_c_vmt,
-   .table_size = 1,
-   .rtti_info = & _frama_c_rtti_name_info};
 int get_x(struct C *this)
   int __retres;