diff --git a/convert.ml b/convert.ml
index 2e2e262525f62c023c894fe6cb9c79937dab29df..e1a6bf921d89c876684cbe3f45bf972175b6776f 100644
--- a/convert.ml
+++ b/convert.ml
@@ -2215,217 +2215,231 @@ and convert_incr_statement env incr does_remove_virtual =
       let stmts = List.fold_left (add_temp env) [stmt] aux in
       env, mk_expr_l loc (GNU_BODY { blabels=[]; battrs=[]; bstmts = stmts })
-and convert_statement env st does_remove_virtual =
+and convert_statement env st does_remove_virtual : statement list * Convert_env.env =
   let open Current_loc.Operators in
-  let rec add_temps tmps stmt =
+  let rec add_temps tmps (stmts : statement list) : statement list =
     match tmps with
-    | [] -> stmt
+    | [] -> stmts
     | (def,init) :: tl ->
-      let loc = Convert_env.get_loc env in
-      let stmt =
+      let stmts =
         match init with
-        | None -> stmt
+        | None -> stmts
         | Some s ->
-          SEQUENCE(s, make_stmt env stmt,loc)
+          s :: stmts
-      let stmt =
+      let stmts =
         match def with
-        | None -> stmt
+        | None -> stmts
         | Some def ->
           let def = make_stmt env (DEFINITION def) in
-          let stmt = make_stmt env stmt in
-          SEQUENCE(def,stmt,loc)
+          def :: stmts
-      add_temps tl stmt
+      add_temps tl stmts
-  let add_temps_update tmps stmt =
+  let add_temps_update tmps (stmts : statement list) : statement list =
     match tmps with
-    | [] -> stmt
+    | [] -> stmts
     | _ ->
       let block = List.fold_left (add_temp_update env) [] tmps in
-      make_block_stmt env (stmt::block)
+      [ make_block_stmt env (stmts@block) ]
+  in
+  let mk_single env node = [ make_stmt env node ] in
+  let mk_stmt_from_list env stmts =
+    match stmts with
+    | [] -> assert false
+    | [ s ] -> s
+    | sl -> make_block_stmt env sl
   let env = Convert_env.set_loc env (find_loc_stmt st) in
   let cloc = Convert_env.get_loc env in
   let<> UpdatedCurrentLoc = cloc in
-  let raw, env =
-    match st with
-    | Nop _ -> NOP (None, cloc), env
-    | Code_annot (_,annot) ->
-      let env, c_annot = Convert_acsl.convert_code_annot env annot in
-      CODE_ANNOT(c_annot,cloc), env
-    | Return (_,Some e) ->
-      let e = add_temporary (* env *) e in
+  match st with
+  | Nop _ -> mk_single env (NOP (None, cloc)), env
+  | Code_annot (_,annot) ->
+    let env, c_annot = Convert_acsl.convert_code_annot env annot in
+    mk_single env (CODE_ANNOT(c_annot,cloc)), env
+  | Return (_,Some e) ->
+    let e = add_temporary (* env *) e in
+    let env, aux, e = convert_full_expr env e does_remove_virtual in
+    let e = convert_ref env (Convert_env.get_current_return_type env) e in
+    let aux = preserved_returned_object aux e in
+    let stmts = mk_single env (RETURN(e, cloc)) in
+    let stmts = add_temps aux stmts in
+    stmts, env
+  | Return(_, None) ->
+    mk_single env (RETURN({expr_loc = cloc; expr_node = NOTHING},cloc)), env
+  | Expression (_,e) ->
+    let env, aux, e =
+      convert_full_expr ~drop_temp:true env e does_remove_virtual
+    in
+    let stmt = mk_single env (COMPUTATION(e,cloc)) in
+    add_temps aux stmt, env
+  | VirtualExpression (_,e) ->
+    if does_remove_virtual then mk_single env (NOP (None, cloc)), env
+    else
       let env, aux, e = convert_full_expr env e does_remove_virtual in
-      let e = convert_ref env (Convert_env.get_current_return_type env) e in
-      let aux = preserved_returned_object aux e in
-      let stmt = RETURN(e, cloc) in
-      let stmts = add_temps aux stmt in
-      stmts, env
-    | Return(_, None) ->
-      RETURN({expr_loc = cloc; expr_node = NOTHING},cloc), env
-    | Expression (_,e) ->
-      let env, aux, e =
-        convert_full_expr ~drop_temp:true env e does_remove_virtual
-      in
-      add_temps aux (COMPUTATION(e,cloc)), env
-    | VirtualExpression (_,e) ->
-      if does_remove_virtual then NOP (None, cloc), env
+      let stmt = mk_single env (COMPUTATION(e,cloc)) in
+      add_temps aux stmt, env
+  | Ghost_block(_,stmts) ->
+    let old_ghost = Convert_env.is_ghost env in
+    let env = Convert_env.set_ghost env true in
+    let b, env = convert_block env stmts does_remove_virtual in
+    let env = Convert_env.set_ghost env old_ghost in
+    mk_single env (BLOCK(b,cloc,cloc)), env
+  | Block(_,stmts) ->
+    let b, env = convert_block env stmts does_remove_virtual in
+    mk_single env (BLOCK(b, cloc, cloc)), env
+  | Condition(_,cond,true_action,false_action) ->
+    let env, aux, cond = convert_condition env cond does_remove_virtual in
+    let true_action, env =
+      convert_statement env true_action does_remove_virtual
+    in
+    let false_action, env =
+      convert_statement env false_action does_remove_virtual
+    in
+    let true_stmt = mk_stmt_from_list env true_action in
+    let false_stmt = mk_stmt_from_list env false_action in
+    let if_stmt = mk_single env (IF(cond,true_stmt,false_stmt,cloc)) in
+    add_temps aux if_stmt, env
+  | Label(_,lab) ->
+    let stmt = make_stmt env (NOP (None, cloc)) in
+    mk_single env (LABEL(lab,stmt,cloc)), env
+  | Goto(_,lab) ->
+    mk_single env (GOTO(lab,cloc)), env
+  | Switch(_,cond,cases) ->
+    let env, aux, cond = convert_condition env cond does_remove_virtual in
+    let cases_loc = find_loc_case_stmt_list cases in
+    let cases_loc = Cil_datatype.Location.of_lexing_loc cases_loc in
+    let cases, env =
+      List.fold_left
+        (convert_case_statement does_remove_virtual) ([],env) cases
+    in
+    let cases = { blabels = []; battrs = []; bstmts = List.rev cases } in
+    let cases = make_stmt env (BLOCK(cases,cases_loc,cases_loc)) in
+    let switch = mk_single env (SWITCH(cond,cases,cloc)) in
+    add_temps aux switch, env
+  | VarDecl (_, name, typ, init) ->
+    let env, (base, decl) = convert_specifiers env typ does_remove_virtual in
+    let qual_name = { prequalification = []; decl_name = name } in
+    let attrs = add_fc_destructor_attr env typ [] in
+    let env =
+      if List.mem Static typ.qualifier then
+        let extern = Convert_env.is_extern_c env in
+        let env = Convert_env.set_extern_c env true in
+        let env = Convert_env.add_global_var env qual_name typ.plain_type in
+        Convert_env.set_extern_c env extern
-        let env, aux, e = convert_full_expr env e does_remove_virtual in
-        add_temps aux (COMPUTATION(e,cloc)), env
-    | Ghost_block(_,stmts) ->
-      let old_ghost = Convert_env.is_ghost env in
-      let env = Convert_env.set_ghost env true in
-      let b, env = convert_block env stmts does_remove_virtual in
-      let env = Convert_env.set_ghost env old_ghost in
-      BLOCK(b,cloc,cloc), env
-    | Block(_,stmts) ->
-      let b, env = convert_block env stmts does_remove_virtual in
-      BLOCK(b, cloc, cloc), env
-    | Condition(_,cond,true_action,false_action) ->
-      let env, aux, cond = convert_condition env cond does_remove_virtual in
-      let true_action, env =
-        convert_statement env true_action does_remove_virtual
-      in
-      let false_action, env =
-        convert_statement env false_action does_remove_virtual
-      in
-      add_temps aux (IF(cond,true_action,false_action,cloc)), env
-    | Label(_,lab) ->
-      let stmt = make_stmt env (NOP (None, cloc)) in
-      LABEL(lab,stmt,cloc), env
-    | Goto(_,lab) ->
-      GOTO(lab,cloc), env
-    | Switch(_,cond,cases) ->
-      let env, aux, cond = convert_condition env cond does_remove_virtual in
-      let cases_loc = find_loc_case_stmt_list cases in
-      let cases_loc = Cil_datatype.Location.of_lexing_loc cases_loc in
-      let cases, env =
-        List.fold_left
-          (convert_case_statement does_remove_virtual) ([],env) cases
-      in
-      let cases = { blabels = []; battrs = []; bstmts = List.rev cases } in
-      let cases = make_stmt env (BLOCK(cases,cases_loc,cases_loc)) in
-      add_temps aux (SWITCH(cond,cases,cloc)), env
-    | VarDecl (_, name, typ, init) ->
-      let env, (base, decl) = convert_specifiers env typ does_remove_virtual in
-      let qual_name = { prequalification = []; decl_name = name } in
-      let attrs = add_fc_destructor_attr env typ [] in
-      let env =
-        if List.mem Static typ.qualifier then
-          let extern = Convert_env.is_extern_c env in
-          let env = Convert_env.set_extern_c env true in
-          let env = Convert_env.add_global_var env qual_name typ.plain_type in
-          Convert_env.set_extern_c env extern
-        else
-          Convert_env.add_local_var env name typ.plain_type
-      in
-      let var = Local qual_name in
-      let env, aux, init, e =
-        match init with
-        | None -> env, empty_aux, NO_INIT, None
-        | Some e -> convert_initializer env typ var e does_remove_virtual
-      in
-      let decl init =
-        DECDEF(None, (base,[(name, decl JUSTBASE,attrs,cloc),init]), cloc)
-      in
-      let stmt =
-        match aux with
-        | [] ->
-          let def = DEFINITION (decl init) in
-          (match e with
-           | None -> def
-           | Some stmt -> SEQUENCE (make_stmt env def, stmt, cloc))
-        | _ ->
-          (* We put all these declarations in a special block,
-             but the initial declaration itself need to stay out of it.
-          *)
-          let def = DEFINITION (decl NO_INIT) in
-          let block =
-            match e with
-            | None ->
-              let var_expr = { expr_loc = cloc; expr_node = VARIABLE name } in
-              mk_compound_init env var_expr typ init
-            | Some s -> s.stmt_node
-          in
-          let block = add_temps aux block in
-          SEQUENCE (make_stmt env def, make_stmt env block, cloc)
-      in
-      stmt, env
-    | Break _ -> BREAK (cloc), env
-    | Continue _ -> CONTINUE (cloc), env
-    | While (_, cond, body, annot) ->
-      let env, aux, cond = convert_full_expr env cond does_remove_virtual in
-      let body,env = convert_statement env body does_remove_virtual in
-      let body = add_temps_update aux body in
-      let env, annot =
-        Convert_env.env_map Convert_acsl.convert_code_annot env annot
-      in
-      add_temps aux (WHILE(annot,cond,body,cloc)), env
-    | DoWhile (_, cond, body,annot) ->
-      let env, aux, cond = convert_full_expr env cond does_remove_virtual in
-      let body, env = convert_statement env body does_remove_virtual in
-      let body = add_temps_update aux body in
-      let env, annot =
-        Convert_env.env_map Convert_acsl.convert_code_annot env annot
-      in
-      add_temps aux (DOWHILE(annot, cond, body, cloc)), env
-    | For(_, init, cond, incr, body,annot) ->
-      let init, stmts, ienv =
-        convert_init_statement env init does_remove_virtual
-      in
-      let ienv, aux, cond = match cond with
-        | None -> ienv, empty_aux, { expr_loc = cloc ; expr_node = NOTHING }
-        | Some cond -> convert_full_expr ienv cond does_remove_virtual
-      in
-      let ienv, incr =
-        convert_incr_statement ienv incr does_remove_virtual
-      in
-      let ienv, annot =
-        Convert_env.env_map Convert_acsl.convert_code_annot ienv annot
-      in
-      let body, ienv = convert_statement ienv body does_remove_virtual in
-      let body = add_temps_update aux body in
-      let loop = FOR(annot,init,cond,incr,body,cloc) in
-      let stmt =
-        match stmts, aux with
-          [], [] -> loop
-        | [], l -> add_temps l loop
-        | _,[] -> make_block ienv (stmts @ [make_stmt env loop])
-        | _, l ->
-          let block = List.fold_left (add_temp env) [make_stmt env loop] l in
-          make_block ienv (stmts @ block)
-      in
-      stmt, Convert_env.unscope ienv env
-    | TryCatch (_, t, c) ->
-      let t, env = convert_stmt_list env t does_remove_virtual in
-      let t = make_block_stmt env t in
-      let c, env =
-        List.fold_left
-          (convert_catch_clause does_remove_virtual) ([], env) c
-      in
-      let c = List.rev c in
-      TRY_CATCH(t,c,cloc), env
-    | GccInlineAsm(_, qual, instr, details) ->
-      let qual = List.map (fun x -> cv_to_attr (convert_cv x)) qual in
-      let convert_asm_IO asm_io =
-        List.map
-          (fun {aIO_name=n;constraints=c;expr=e}->
-             let (_,_,e)=convert_full_expr env e does_remove_virtual in (n,c,e))
-          asm_io
-      in
-      let details = match details with
-        | None -> None
-        | Some {outputs=o; inputs=i; clobbers=c; ad_labels=l} ->
-          Some
-            { aoutputs=convert_asm_IO o;
-              ainputs=convert_asm_IO i;
-              aclobbers=c; alabels=l }
-      in
-      ASM(qual, instr, details, cloc), env
-  in
-  make_stmt env raw, env
+        Convert_env.add_local_var env name typ.plain_type
+    in
+    let var = Local qual_name in
+    let env, aux, init, e =
+      match init with
+      | None -> env, empty_aux, NO_INIT, None
+      | Some e -> convert_initializer env typ var e does_remove_virtual
+    in
+    let decl init =
+      DECDEF(None, (base,[(name, decl JUSTBASE,attrs,cloc),init]), cloc)
+    in
+    let stmts =
+      match aux with
+      | [] ->
+        let def = DEFINITION (decl init) in
+        (match e with
+         | None -> mk_single env def
+         | Some stmt -> make_stmt env def :: [ stmt ])
+      | _ ->
+        (* We put all these declarations in a special block,
+           but the initial declaration itself need to stay out of it.
+        *)
+        let def = DEFINITION (decl NO_INIT) in
+        let def_stmt = make_stmt env def in
+        let block =
+          match e with
+          | None ->
+            let var_expr = { expr_loc = cloc; expr_node = VARIABLE name } in
+            make_stmt env (mk_compound_init env var_expr typ init)
+          | Some s -> s
+        in
+        let block = add_temps aux [block] in
+        def_stmt :: block
+    in
+    stmts, env
+  | Break _ -> mk_single env (BREAK cloc), env
+  | Continue _ -> mk_single env (CONTINUE cloc), env
+  | While (_, cond, body, annot) ->
+    let env, aux, cond = convert_full_expr env cond does_remove_virtual in
+    let body,env = convert_statement env body does_remove_virtual in
+    let body = add_temps_update aux body in
+    let env, annot =
+      Convert_env.env_map Convert_acsl.convert_code_annot env annot
+    in
+    let block = mk_stmt_from_list env body in
+    let while_stmt = mk_single env (WHILE(annot,cond,block,cloc)) in
+    add_temps aux while_stmt, env
+  | DoWhile (_, cond, body,annot) ->
+    let env, aux, cond = convert_full_expr env cond does_remove_virtual in
+    let body, env = convert_statement env body does_remove_virtual in
+    let body = add_temps_update aux body in
+    let env, annot =
+      Convert_env.env_map Convert_acsl.convert_code_annot env annot
+    in
+    let block = mk_stmt_from_list env body in
+    let dowhile_stmt = mk_single env (DOWHILE(annot,cond,block,cloc)) in
+    add_temps aux dowhile_stmt, env
+  | For(_, init, cond, incr, body,annot) ->
+    let init, stmts, ienv =
+      convert_init_statement env init does_remove_virtual
+    in
+    let ienv, aux, cond = match cond with
+      | None -> ienv, empty_aux, { expr_loc = cloc ; expr_node = NOTHING }
+      | Some cond -> convert_full_expr ienv cond does_remove_virtual
+    in
+    let ienv, incr =
+      convert_incr_statement ienv incr does_remove_virtual
+    in
+    let ienv, annot =
+      Convert_env.env_map Convert_acsl.convert_code_annot ienv annot
+    in
+    let body, ienv = convert_statement ienv body does_remove_virtual in
+    let body = add_temps_update aux body in
+    let block = mk_stmt_from_list env body in
+    let loop = mk_single env (FOR(annot,init,cond,incr,block,cloc)) in
+    let stmts =
+      match stmts, aux with
+        [], [] -> loop
+      | [], l -> add_temps l loop
+      | _,[] -> [ make_block_stmt ienv (stmts @ loop) ]
+      | _, l ->
+        let block = List.fold_left (add_temp env) loop l in
+        [ make_block_stmt ienv (stmts @ block) ]
+    in
+    stmts, Convert_env.unscope ienv env
+  | TryCatch (_, t, c) ->
+    let t, env = convert_stmt_list env t does_remove_virtual in
+    let t = make_block_stmt env t in
+    let c, env =
+      List.fold_left
+        (convert_catch_clause does_remove_virtual) ([], env) c
+    in
+    let c = List.rev c in
+    mk_single env (TRY_CATCH(t,c,cloc)), env
+  | GccInlineAsm(_, qual, instr, details) ->
+    let qual = List.map (fun x -> cv_to_attr (convert_cv x)) qual in
+    let convert_asm_IO asm_io =
+      List.map
+        (fun {aIO_name=n;constraints=c;expr=e}->
+           let (_,_,e)=convert_full_expr env e does_remove_virtual in (n,c,e))
+        asm_io
+    in
+    let details = match details with
+      | None -> None
+      | Some {outputs=o; inputs=i; clobbers=c; ad_labels=l} ->
+        Some
+          { aoutputs=convert_asm_IO o;
+            ainputs=convert_asm_IO i;
+            aclobbers=c; alabels=l }
+    in
+    mk_single env (ASM(qual, instr, details, cloc)), env
 and convert_catch_clause does_remove_virtual (acc,env) { typed_arg; cbody } =
   let var, env =
@@ -2482,8 +2496,8 @@ and convert_stmt_list env l does_remove_virtual =
   let (stmts, env) =
       (fun (acc, env) stmt ->
-         let (s,env) = convert_statement env stmt does_remove_virtual in
-         s::acc, env)
+         let (sl,env) = convert_statement env stmt does_remove_virtual in
+         List.rev sl @ acc, env)
       ([],env) l
   List.rev stmts, env