(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* This file is part of Frama-C. *) (* *) (* Copyright (C) 2007-2020 *) (* CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies *) (* alternatives) *) (* *) (* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *) (* Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software *) (* Foundation, version 2.1. *) (* *) (* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *) (* *) (* See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 *) (* for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1). *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) open Cil open Cil_types (* all exceptions that can be raised somewhere in the AST. Used to handle function pointers without exn specification *) module All_exn = State_builder.Option_ref(Cil_datatype.Typ.Set) (struct let name = "Exn_flow.All_exn" let dependencies = [Ast.self] end) module Exns = State_builder.Hashtbl(Kernel_function.Hashtbl)(Cil_datatype.Typ.Set) (struct let name = "Exn_flow.Exns" let dependencies = [Ast.self; All_exn.self] let size = 47 end) module ExnsStmt = State_builder.Hashtbl(Cil_datatype.Stmt.Hashtbl)(Cil_datatype.Typ.Set) (struct let name = "Exn_flow.ExnsStmt" let dependencies = [Ast.self; All_exn.self] let size = 53 end) let self_fun = Exns.self let self_stmt = ExnsStmt.self let purify t = let t = Cil.unrollTypeDeep t in Cil.type_remove_qualifier_attributes_deep t class all_exn = object inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace val mutable all_exn = Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty method get_exn = all_exn method! vstmt_aux s = match s.skind with | Throw (Some (_,t),_) -> all_exn <- Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.add (purify t) all_exn; SkipChildren | _ -> DoChildren end let compute_all_exn () = let vis = new all_exn in Visitor.visitFramacFileSameGlobals (vis:>Visitor.frama_c_visitor) (Ast.get()); vis#get_exn let all_exn () = All_exn.memo compute_all_exn let add_exn_var exns v = let t = Cil.unrollTypeDeep v.vtype in let t = Cil.type_remove_qualifier_attributes t in Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.add t exns let add_exn_clause exns (v,_) = add_exn_var exns v (* We're not really interested by intra-procedural Dataflow here: all the interesting stuff happens at inter-procedural level (except for Throw encapsulated directly in a TryCatch, but even then it is easily captured at syntactical level). Therefore, we can as well use a syntactic pass at intra-procedural level *) class exn_visit = object (self) inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace val stack = Stack.create () val possible_exn = Stack.create () (* current set of exn included in a catch-all clause. Used to handle Throw None; *) val current_exn = Stack.create () method private recursive_call kf = try Stack.iter (fun (kf',_) -> if Kernel_function.equal kf kf' then raise Exit) stack; false with Exit -> true method private add_exn t = let current_uncaught = Stack.top possible_exn in current_uncaught:= Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.add t !current_uncaught method private union_exn s = let current_uncaught = Stack.top possible_exn in current_uncaught := Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.union s !current_uncaught method! vstmt_aux s = match s.skind with | Throw (None,_) -> let my_exn = Stack.top current_exn in self#union_exn my_exn; ExnsStmt.replace s my_exn; SkipChildren | Throw(Some (_,t),_) -> let t = Cil.unrollTypeDeep t in let t = Cil.type_remove_qualifier_attributes t in self#add_exn t; ExnsStmt.replace s (Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.singleton t); SkipChildren | TryCatch (t,c,_) -> let catch, catch_all = List.fold_left (fun (catch, catch_all) -> function | (Catch_all,_) -> catch, true | (Catch_exn(v,[]),_) -> let catch = add_exn_var catch v in catch, catch_all | (Catch_exn(_,aux), _) -> let catch = List.fold_left add_exn_clause catch aux in catch, catch_all) (Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty,false) c in Stack.push (ref Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty) possible_exn; ignore (Visitor.visitFramacBlock (self:>Visitor.frama_c_inplace) t); let my_exn = Stack.pop possible_exn in let uncaught = Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.diff !my_exn catch in (* uncaught exceptions are lift to previous set of exn, but only if there's no catch-all clause. *) Stack.push (ref Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty) possible_exn; if not catch_all then self#union_exn uncaught; List.iter (fun (v,b) -> (match v with | Catch_all -> (* catch_all will catch all exceptions that are not already handled by a previous clause. It must be the last handler (C++11, 15.3§5), thus there's no handler ordering issue *) Stack.push uncaught current_exn | Catch_exn (v,[]) -> let catch = add_exn_var Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty v in Stack.push catch current_exn | Catch_exn (_,aux) -> let catch = List.fold_left add_exn_clause Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty aux in Stack.push catch current_exn); ignore (Visitor.visitFramacBlock (self:>Visitor.frama_c_inplace) b); ignore (Stack.pop current_exn)) c; let my_exn = !(Stack.pop possible_exn) in ExnsStmt.replace s my_exn; self#union_exn my_exn; SkipChildren | If _ | Switch _ | Loop _ | Block _ | UnspecifiedSequence _ | TryFinally _ | TryExcept _ | Instr _ -> (* must take into account exceptions thrown by a fun call*) Stack.push (ref Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty) possible_exn; DoChildrenPost (fun s -> let my_exn = !(Stack.pop possible_exn) in ExnsStmt.replace s my_exn; self#union_exn my_exn; s) (* No exception can be thrown here. *) | Return _ | Goto _ | Break _ | Continue _ -> ExnsStmt.replace s Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty; SkipChildren method! vinst = function | Call(_,{ enode = Lval(Var f,NoOffset) },_,_) | Local_init(_, ConsInit(f, _, _), _) -> let kf = Globals.Functions.get f in if self#recursive_call kf then begin let module Found = struct exception F of Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.t end in let computed_exn = try Stack.iter (fun (kf', exns) -> if Kernel_function.equal kf kf' then raise (Found.F !exns)) stack; Kernel.fatal "No cycle found!" with Found.F exns -> exns in let known_exn = try Exns.find kf with Not_found -> Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty in if Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.subset computed_exn known_exn then begin (* Fixpoint found, no need to recurse. *) self#union_exn known_exn end else begin (* add known exns in table and recurse. Termination is ensured by the fact that only a finite number of exceptions can be thrown. *) let kf_exn = Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.union computed_exn known_exn in Exns.replace kf kf_exn; ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction (self:>Visitor.frama_c_visitor) (Kernel_function.get_definition kf)); let callee_exn = Exns.find kf in self#union_exn callee_exn end end else if Exns.mem kf then begin self#union_exn (Exns.find kf) end else if Kernel_function.is_definition kf then begin let def = Kernel_function.get_definition kf in ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction (self:>Visitor.frama_c_visitor) def); let callee_exn = Exns.find kf in self#union_exn callee_exn end else begin (* TODO: introduce extension to declare exceptions that can be thrown by prototypes. *) Kernel.warning "Assuming declared function %a can't throw any exception" Kernel_function.pretty kf end; SkipChildren | Call _ -> (* Function pointer: we consider that it can throw any possible exception. *) self#union_exn (all_exn()); SkipChildren | _ -> SkipChildren method! vfunc f = let my_exns = ref Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty in let kf = Globals.Functions.get f.svar in Stack.push (kf,my_exns) stack; Stack.push my_exns possible_exn; let after_visit f = let callee_exn = Stack.pop possible_exn in Exns.add kf !callee_exn; ignore (Stack.pop stack); f in DoChildrenPost after_visit end let compute_kf kf = if Kernel_function.is_definition kf then ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction (new exn_visit) (Kernel_function.get_definition kf)) (* just ignore prototypes. *) let compute () = Globals.Functions.iter compute_kf let get_type_tag t = let rec aux t = match t with | TVoid _ -> "v" | TInt (IBool,_) -> "B" | TInt (IChar,_) -> "c" | TInt (ISChar,_) -> "sc" | TInt (IUChar,_) -> "uc" | TInt (IInt,_) -> "i" | TInt (IUInt,_) -> "ui" | TInt (IShort,_) -> "s" | TInt (IUShort,_) -> "us" | TInt (ILong,_) -> "l" | TInt (IULong,_) -> "ul" | TInt (ILongLong,_) -> "ll" | TInt (IULongLong,_) -> "ull" | TFloat(FFloat,_) -> "f" | TFloat(FDouble,_) -> "d" | TFloat (FLongDouble,_) -> "ld" | TPtr(t,_) -> "p" ^ aux t | TArray(t,_,_,_) -> "a" ^ aux t | TFun(rt,l,_,_) -> let base = "fun" ^ aux rt in (match l with | None -> base | Some l -> List.fold_left (fun acc (_,t,_) -> acc ^ aux t) base l) | TNamed _ -> Kernel.fatal "named type not correctly unrolled" | TComp (s,_,_) -> (if s.cstruct then "S" else "U") ^ s.cname | TEnum (e,_) -> "E" ^ e.ename | TBuiltin_va_list _ -> "va" in "__fc_" ^ aux t let get_type_enum t = "__fc_exn_kind_" ^ (get_type_tag t) let get_kf_exn kf = if not (Exns.is_computed()) then compute(); Exns.find kf let exn_uncaught_name = "exn_uncaught" let exn_kind_name = "exn_kind" let exn_obj_name = "exn_obj" (* enumeration for all possible exceptions *) let generate_exn_enum exns = let loc = Cil_datatype.Location.unknown in let v = ref 0 in let info = { eorig_name = "__fc_exn_enum"; ename = "__fc_exn_enum"; eitems = []; eattr = []; ereferenced = true; (* not generated if no exn can be thrown *) ekind = IInt; (* Take into account -enum option? *) } in let create_enum_item t acc = let ve = Cil.kinteger ~loc IInt !v in let name = get_type_enum t in incr v; { eiorig_name = name; einame = name; eival = ve; eihost = info; eiloc = loc; } :: acc in let enums = Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.fold create_enum_item exns [] in info.eitems <- enums; info (* discriminated union (i.e. struct + union) for all possible exceptions. *) let generate_exn_union e exns = let loc = Cil_datatype.Location.unknown in let create_union_fields _ = let add_one_field t acc = (get_type_tag t, t, None, [], loc) :: acc in Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.fold add_one_field exns [] in let union_name = "__fc_exn_union" in let exn_kind_union = Cil_const.mkCompInfo false union_name ~norig:union_name create_union_fields [] in let create_struct_fields _ = let uncaught = (exn_uncaught_name, Cil.intType, None, [], loc) in let kind = (exn_kind_name, TEnum (e,[]), None, [], loc) in let obj = (exn_obj_name, TComp(exn_kind_union, { scache = Not_Computed } , []), None, [], loc) in [uncaught; kind; obj] in let struct_name = "__fc_exn_struct" in let exn_struct = Cil_const.mkCompInfo true struct_name ~norig:struct_name create_struct_fields [] in exn_kind_union, exn_struct let add_types_and_globals typs globs f = let iter_globs (acc,added) g = match g with | GVarDecl _ | GVar _ | GFun _ as g when not added -> (g :: List.rev_append globs (List.rev_append typs acc), true) | _ -> g :: acc, added in let globs, added = List.fold_left iter_globs ([],false) f.globals in let globs = if added then List.rev globs else List.rev_append globs (List.rev_append typs globs) in f.globals <- globs; f let make_init_assign loc v init = let rec aux lv acc = function | SingleInit e -> Cil.mkStmtOneInstr (Set(lv,e,loc)) :: acc | CompoundInit(_,l) -> let treat_one_offset acc (o,i) = aux (Cil.addOffsetLval o lv) acc i in List.fold_left treat_one_offset acc l in List.rev (aux (Var v, NoOffset) [] init) let find_exns_func v = try Exns.find (Globals.Functions.get v) with Not_found -> Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.empty let find_exns e = match e.enode with | Lval(Var v, NoOffset) -> find_exns_func v | _ -> all_exn () class erase_exn = object(self) inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace (* reverse before filling. *) val mutable new_types = [] val exn_enum = Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.create 7 val exn_union = Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.create 7 val mutable modified_funcs = Cil_datatype.Fundec.Set.empty val mutable exn_struct = None val mutable exn_var = None val mutable can_throw = false val mutable fct_can_throw = false val mutable catched_var = None val mutable label_counter = 0 val exn_labels = Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.create 7 val catch_all_label = Stack.create () method modified_funcs = modified_funcs method private update_enum_bindings enum exns = let update_one_binding t = let s = get_type_enum t in let ei = List.find (fun ei -> ei.einame = s) enum.eitems in Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.add exn_enum t ei in Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.iter update_one_binding exns method private update_union_bindings union exns = let update_one_binding t = let s = get_type_tag t in Kernel.debug ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_exn_flow "Registering %a as possible exn type" Cil_datatype.Typ.pretty t; let fi = List.find (fun fi -> fi.fname = s) union.cfields in Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.add exn_union t fi in Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.iter update_one_binding exns method private exn_kind t = Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.find exn_enum t method private is_thrown t = Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.mem exn_enum t method private exn_field_off name = List.find (fun fi -> fi.fname = name) (Extlib.the exn_struct).cfields method private exn_field name = Var (Extlib.the exn_var), Field(self#exn_field_off name, NoOffset) method private exn_field_term name = TVar(Cil.cvar_to_lvar (Extlib.the exn_var)), TField(self#exn_field_off name, TNoOffset) method private exn_obj_field = self#exn_field exn_obj_name method private exn_obj_field_term = self#exn_field_term exn_obj_name method private exn_kind_field = self#exn_field exn_kind_name method private exn_kind_field_term = self#exn_field_term exn_kind_name method private uncaught_flag_field = self#exn_field exn_uncaught_name method private uncaught_flag_field_term = self#exn_field_term exn_uncaught_name method private exn_obj_kind_field t = Kernel.debug ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_exn_flow "Searching for %a as possible exn type" Cil_datatype.Typ.pretty t; Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.find exn_union t method private test_uncaught_flag loc b = let e1 = Cil.new_exp ~loc (Lval self#uncaught_flag_field) in let e2 = if b then Cil.one ~loc else Cil.zero ~loc in Cil.new_exp ~loc (BinOp(Eq,e1,e2,Cil.intType)) method private pred_uncaught_flag loc b = let e1 = Logic_const.term ~loc (TLval self#uncaught_flag_field_term) Linteger in let e2 = if b then Logic_const.tinteger ~loc 1 else Logic_const.tinteger ~loc 0 in Logic_const.prel ~loc (Req,e1,e2) method private set_uncaught_flag loc b = let e = if b then Cil.one ~loc else Cil.zero ~loc in Cil.mkStmtOneInstr (Set(self#uncaught_flag_field,e,loc)) method private set_exn_kind loc t = let e = self#exn_kind (purify t) in let e = Cil.new_exp ~loc (Const (CEnum e)) in Cil.mkStmtOneInstr(Set(self#exn_kind_field,e,loc)) method private set_exn_value loc t e = let lv = self#exn_obj_field in let union_field = self#exn_obj_kind_field (purify t) in let lv = Cil.addOffsetLval (Field (union_field, NoOffset)) lv in Cil.mkStmtOneInstr (Set(lv,e,loc)) method private jumps_to_default_handler loc = if Stack.is_empty catch_all_label then begin (* no catch-all clause in the function: just go up in the stack. *) fct_can_throw <- true; let kf = Extlib.the self#current_kf in let ret = Kernel_function.find_return kf in let rtyp = Kernel_function.get_return_type kf in if ret.labels = [] then ret.labels <- [Label("__ret_label",Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc ret,false)]; let goto = mkStmt (Goto (ref ret,loc)) in match ret.skind with | Return (None,_) -> [goto] (* rt is void: do not need to create a dummy return value *) | Return (Some { enode = Lval(Var rv, NoOffset) },_) -> let init = Cil.makeZeroInit ~loc rtyp in make_init_assign loc rv init @ [goto] | Return _ -> Kernel.fatal "exception removal should be used after oneRet" | _ -> Kernel.fatal "find_return did not give a Return statement" end else begin let stmt = Stack.top catch_all_label in [mkStmt (Goto (ref stmt, loc))] end method private jumps_to_handler loc t = let t = purify t in try let stmt = Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.find exn_labels t in [mkStmt (Goto (ref stmt, loc))] with | Not_found -> self#jumps_to_default_handler loc method! vfile f = let exns = all_exn () in if not (Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.is_empty exns) then begin let loc = Cil_datatype.Location.unknown in let e = generate_exn_enum exns in let u,s = generate_exn_union e exns in let exn = Cil.makeGlobalVar "__fc_exn" (TComp (s,{scache = Not_Computed},[])) in self#update_enum_bindings e exns; self#update_union_bindings u exns; exn_struct <- Some s; can_throw <- true; new_types <- GCompTag (s,loc) :: GCompTag (u,loc) :: GEnumTag (e,loc) :: new_types; exn_var <- Some exn; let exn_init = Cil.makeZeroInit ~loc (TComp(s,{scache=Not_Computed},[])) in let gexn_var = GVar(exn, { init = Some exn_init }, loc) in ChangeDoChildrenPost( f,add_types_and_globals (List.rev new_types) [gexn_var]) end else (* nothing can be thrown in the first place, but we still have to get rid of (useless) try/catch blocks if any. *) DoChildren method private visit_catch_clause loc (v,b) = let loc = match b.bstmts with | [] -> loc | [x] -> Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc x | x::tl -> fst (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc x), snd (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc (Extlib.last tl)) in let add_unreachable_block b = Cil.mkStmt (If(Cil.zero ~loc, b, Cil.mkBlock [], loc)) in let assign_catched_obj v b = let exn_obj = self#exn_obj_field in let kind_field = self#exn_obj_kind_field (purify v.vtype) in let lv = Cil.addOffsetLval (Field (kind_field,NoOffset)) exn_obj in let s = Cil.mkStmtOneInstr (Set ((Var v, NoOffset), Cil.new_exp ~loc (Lval lv), loc)) in b.bstmts <- s :: b.bstmts in let f = Extlib.the self#current_func in let update_locals v b = if not (List.memq v b.blocals) then b.blocals <- v::b.blocals; if not (List.memq v f.slocals) then f.slocals <- v::f.slocals in let b = (match v with | Catch_all -> b | Catch_exn (v,[]) -> Cil.update_var_type v (purify v.vtype); update_locals v b; assign_catched_obj v b; b | Catch_exn(v,aux) -> let add_one_aux stmts (v,b) = Cil.update_var_type v (purify v.vtype); update_locals v b; assign_catched_obj v b; add_unreachable_block b :: stmts in b.blocals <- List.filter (fun v' -> v!=v') b.blocals; let aux_blocks = List.fold_left add_one_aux [Cil.mkStmt (Block b)] aux in let main_block = Cil.mkBlock aux_blocks in Cil.update_var_type v (purify v.vtype); update_locals v main_block; main_block) in ignore (Visitor.visitFramacBlock (self :> Visitor.frama_c_visitor) b); add_unreachable_block b method! vfunc _ = label_counter <- 0; fct_can_throw <- false; let update_body f = if fct_can_throw then begin Oneret.encapsulate_local_vars f end; f in DoChildrenPost update_body method private modify_current () = modified_funcs <- Cil_datatype.Fundec.Set.add (Extlib.the self#current_func) modified_funcs; method private aux_handler_goto target (v,b) = let loc = v.vdecl in let goto_main_handler = Cil.mkStmt (Goto (ref target,loc)) in let suf = if label_counter = 0 then "" else "_" ^ (string_of_int label_counter) in let lab = (get_type_tag (purify v.vtype)) ^ suf in label_counter <- label_counter + 1; b.bstmts <- b.bstmts @ [goto_main_handler]; (* we have at least the goto statement in the block *) let s = List.hd b.bstmts in s.labels <- (Label(lab,loc,false)::s.labels); Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.add exn_labels (purify v.vtype) s method private guard_post_cond (kind,pred as orig) = match kind with (* If we exit explicitly with exit, we haven't seen an uncaught exception anyway. *) | Exits | Breaks | Continues -> orig | Returns | Normal -> let loc = pred.ip_content.pred_loc in let p = self#pred_uncaught_flag loc false in let pred' = Logic_const.pred_of_id_pred pred in (kind, (Logic_const.new_predicate (Logic_const.pimplies ~loc (p,pred')))) method! vbehavior b = match self#current_kf, self#current_stmt with | None, None -> SkipChildren (* Prototype is assumed to not throw any exception. *) | None, Some _ -> Kernel.fatal "Inconsistent visitor state: visiting a statement \ outside of any function." | Some f, None when not (Kernel_function.is_definition f) -> (* By hypothesis, prototypes do not throw anything. *) SkipChildren | Some f, None -> (* function contract *) let exns = Exns.find f in if Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.is_empty exns then SkipChildren else begin b.b_post_cond <- List.map self#guard_post_cond b.b_post_cond; ChangeTo b (* need to register the new clauses. *) end | Some _, Some s -> (* statement contract *) let exns = ExnsStmt.find s in if Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.is_empty exns then SkipChildren else begin b.b_post_cond <- List.map self#guard_post_cond b.b_post_cond; ChangeTo b end method private clean_catch_clause (bind,b as handler) acc = let remove_local v = let f = Visitor_behavior.Get.fundec self#behavior (Extlib.the self#current_func) in let v = Visitor_behavior.Get.varinfo self#behavior v in f.slocals <- List.filter (fun v' -> v!=v') f.slocals; in match bind with | Catch_all -> handler :: acc | Catch_exn (v, []) -> if self#is_thrown (purify v.vtype) then handler :: acc else begin remove_local v; acc end | Catch_exn (v, l) -> let caught, remove = List.partition (fun (v,_) -> self#is_thrown (purify v.vtype)) l in List.iter (fun (v,_) -> remove_local v) remove; if caught = [] then begin remove_local v; acc end else (Catch_exn (v,caught), b) :: acc method! vstmt_aux s = let generate_jumps instr exns loc = if Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.is_empty exns then SkipChildren else begin self#modify_current (); let make_jump t (stmts, uncaught) = let t = purify t in if Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.mem exn_labels t then begin let e = self#exn_kind t in let e = Cil.new_exp ~loc (Const (CEnum e)) in let b = self#jumps_to_handler loc t in let s = Cil.mkStmt (Block (Cil.mkBlock b)) in s.labels <- [Case (e,loc)]; s::stmts, uncaught end else stmts, true in let stmts, uncaught = Cil_datatype.Typ.Set.fold make_jump exns ([],false) in let stmts = if uncaught then begin let default = Cil.mkStmt ( Block (Cil.mkBlock (self#jumps_to_default_handler loc))) in default.labels <- [Default loc]; List.rev_append stmts [default] end else List.rev stmts in let test = self#test_uncaught_flag loc true in let cases = Cil.new_exp ~loc (Lval self#exn_kind_field) in let switch = Cil.mkStmt (Switch(cases,Cil.mkBlock stmts,stmts,loc)) in let handler = Cil.mkStmt (If(test,Cil.mkBlock [switch],Cil.mkBlock [],loc)) in let instr = Visitor.visitFramacInstr (self:>Visitor.frama_c_visitor) instr in let call = Cil.mkStmtOneInstr (List.hd instr) in s.skind <- Block (Cil.mkBlockNonScoping [call;handler]); SkipChildren end in match s.skind with | Instr (Call (_,f,_,loc) as instr) -> generate_jumps instr (find_exns f) loc | Instr (Local_init(_, ConsInit(f,_,_), loc) as instr) -> generate_jumps instr (find_exns_func f) loc | Throw _ when not can_throw -> Kernel.fatal "Unexpected Throw statement" | Throw(Some(e,t),loc) -> self#modify_current(); let s1 = self#set_uncaught_flag loc true in let s2 = self#set_exn_kind loc t in let s3 = self#set_exn_value loc t e in let rv = self#jumps_to_handler loc t in let b = mkBlock (s1 :: s2 :: s3 :: rv) in s.skind <- Block b; SkipChildren | Throw (None,loc) -> self#modify_current (); let s1 = self#set_uncaught_flag loc true in let t = purify (Extlib.the exn_var).vtype in let rv = self#jumps_to_handler loc t in let b = mkBlock (s1 :: rv) in s.skind <- Block b; SkipChildren | TryCatch (t,_,_) when not can_throw -> self#modify_current(); (* no exception can be thrown: we can simply remove the catch clauses. *) s.skind <- (Block t); DoChildren (* visit the block for nested try catch. *) | TryCatch (t,c,loc) -> self#modify_current(); (* First, remove handlers of exceptions that cannot be thrown. *) let c = List.fold_right self#clean_catch_clause c [] in (* Visit the catch clauses first, as they are in the same catch scope than the current block. As we are adding statements in the auxiliary blocks, we need to do that before adding labels to the entry points of these blocks. *) let stmts = List.map (self#visit_catch_clause loc) c in let suf = if label_counter = 0 then "" else "_" ^ (string_of_int label_counter) in label_counter <- label_counter + 1; (* now generate the labels for jumping to the appropriate block when catching an exception. *) List.iter (function | (Catch_exn (v,aux),b) -> (* first thing that we do is to flag the exn as caught *) let stmt = self#set_uncaught_flag v.vdecl false in let label = (get_type_tag (purify v.vtype)) ^ suf in stmt.labels <- [Label (label,v.vdecl,false)]; b.bstmts <- stmt :: b.bstmts; (match aux with | [] -> Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.add exn_labels (purify v.vtype) stmt | _ :: _ -> List.iter (self#aux_handler_goto stmt) aux) | (Catch_all, b) -> let loc = match b.bstmts with [] -> loc | s::_ -> Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc s in let stmt = self#set_uncaught_flag loc false in stmt.labels <- [Label ("catch_all" ^ suf,loc,false)]; b.bstmts <- stmt :: b.bstmts; Stack.push stmt catch_all_label) (* We generate the bindings in reverse order, as if two clauses match the same type, the first one (which is the one that has to be taken), will be visited last, hiding the binding of the second in the Hashtbl. *) (List.rev c); ignore (Visitor.visitFramacBlock (self:>Visitor.frama_c_visitor) t); List.iter (function | (Catch_exn (v,[]), _) -> Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.remove exn_labels (purify v.vtype) | Catch_exn(_,l), _ -> List.iter (fun (v,_) -> Cil_datatype.Typ.Hashtbl.remove exn_labels (purify v.vtype)) l | Catch_all,_ -> ignore (Stack.pop catch_all_label)) c; (* we remove bindings in the reverse order as we added them, though order does not really matter here. *) t.bstmts <- t.bstmts @ stmts; s.skind <- Block t; SkipChildren | _ -> DoChildren end let prepare_file f = if Kernel.SimplifyCfg.get () then begin Cfg.prepareCFG ~keepSwitch:false f; end; File.must_recompute_cfg f let remove_exn f = if Kernel.RemoveExn.get() then begin Visitor.visitFramacFileSameGlobals (new exn_visit) f; let vis = new erase_exn in Visitor.visitFramacFile (vis :> Visitor.frama_c_visitor) f; let funs = vis#modified_funcs in if not (Cil_datatype.Fundec.Set.is_empty funs) then Ast.mark_as_changed (); Cil_datatype.Fundec.Set.iter prepare_file funs end let transform_category = File.register_code_transformation_category "remove_exn" let () = let deps = [ (module Kernel.RemoveExn: Parameter_sig.S) ] in File.add_code_transformation_after_cleanup ~deps transform_category remove_exn