[Frama-C](http://frama-c.com) is a platform dedicated to the analysis of source code written in C. ## A Collaborative Platform Frama-C gathers several analysis techniques in a single collaborative platform, consisting of a **kernel** providing a core set of features (e.g., a normalized AST for C programs) plus a set of analyzers, called **plug-ins**. Plug-ins can build upon results computed by other plug-ins in the platform. Thanks to this approach, Frama-C provides sophisticated tools, including: - an analyzer based on abstract interpretation, aimed at verifying the absence of run-time errors (**Eva**); - a program proof framework based on weakest precondition calculus (**WP**); - a program slicer (**Slicing**); - a tool for verification of temporal (LTL) properties (**Aoraï**); - a runtime verification tool (**E-ACSL**); - several tools for code base exploration and dependency analysis (**From**, **Impact**, **Metrics**, **Occurrence**, **Scope**, etc.). These plug-ins share a common language and can exchange information via **[ACSL](http://frama-c.com/acsl.html)** (*ANSI/ISO C Specification Language*) properties. Plug-ins can also collaborate via their APIs. ## Installation For more detailed information about installing opam/Frama-C, see [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md). Frama-C is available through [opam](http://opam.ocaml.org/), the OCaml package manager. This is the preferred installation method. Be sure to install opam v2.0 or higher. Then the following sequence of commands should install frama-c and its gui: opam init opam install depext opam depext frama-c opam install frama-c Frama-C is developed mainly in Linux, often tested in macOS (via Homebrew), and occasionally tested on Windows (via the Windows Subsystem for Linux). ## Usage Frama-C can be run from the command-line, or via its graphical interface. #### Simple usage The recommended usage for simple files is one of the following lines: frama-c file.c -<plugin> [options] frama-c-gui file.c Where `-<plugin>` is one of the several Frama-C plug-ins, e.g. `-eva`, or `-wp`, or `-metrics`, etc. Plug-ins can also be run directly from the GUI. To list all plug-ins, run: frama-c -plugins Each plug-in has a help command (`-<plugin>-help` or `-<plugin>-h`) that describes its several options. Finally, the list of options governing the behavior of Frama-C's kernel itself is available through frama-c -kernel-help #### Complex scenarios For more complex usage scenarios (lots of files and directories, with several preprocessing directives), we recommend splitting Frama-C's usage in two parts: 1. Parsing the input files and saving the result to a file; 2. Loading the parsing results and then running the analyses or the GUI. Parsing typically involves giving extra arguments to the C preprocessor, so the `-cpp-extra-args` option is often useful, as in the example below: frama-c *.c *.h -cpp-extra-args="-D<define> -I<include>" -save parsed.sav The results are then loaded into Frama-C for further analyses or for inspection via the GUI: frama-c -load parsed.sav -<plugin> [options] frama-c-gui -load parsed.sav -<plugin> [options] ## Further reference - Links to user and developer manuals, Frama-C archives, and plug-in manuals are available at <br> http://frama-c.com/download.html - [StackOverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/frama-c) has several questions with the `frama-c` tag, which is monitored by several members of the Frama-C community. - The [Frama-c-discuss mailing list](http://lists.gforge.inria.fr/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/frama-c-discuss) is used for announcements and general discussions. - The [Frama-C public repository](https://git.frama-c.com/pub/frama-c) contains a daily snapshot of the development version of Frama-C, as well as the [issues tracking system](https://git.frama-c.com/pub/frama-c/issues), for reporting bugs. - The [Frama-C wiki](https://bts.frama-c.com/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=mantis:frama-c:start) has some useful information, although it is not entirely up-to-date. - The [Frama-C blog](http://pub.frama-c.com/blog) has several posts about new developments of Frama-C, as well as general discussions about the C language, undefined behavior, floating-point computations, etc.