(*                                                                        *)
(*  This file is part of WP plug-in of Frama-C.                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2021                                               *)
(*    CEA (Commissariat a l'energie atomique et aux energies              *)
(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
(*                                                                        *)

open Sigs
open Cil_types
open Lang

let dkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "cfg_compiler"
let dumpkey = Wp_parameters.register_category "cfg_compiler_dump"

type mode = [
  | `Tree
  | `Bool_Backward
  | `Bool_Forward

module type Cfg =

  module S : Sigma

  module Node : sig
    type t
    module Map : Qed.Idxmap.S with type key = t
    module Set : Qed.Idxset.S with type elt = t
    module Hashtbl : Hashtbl.S with type key = t
    val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
    val create: unit -> t
    val equal: t -> t -> bool

  type node = Node.t

  val node : unit -> node

  module C :
    type t
    val equal : t -> t -> bool
    val create : S.t -> F.pred -> t
    val get : t -> F.pred
    val reads : t -> S.domain
    val relocate : S.t -> t -> t

  module P :
    type t
    val pretty : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
    val create : S.t Node.Map.t -> F.pred -> t
    val get: t -> F.pred
    val reads : t -> S.domain Node.Map.t
    val nodes : t -> Node.Set.t
    val relocate : S.t Node.Map.t -> t -> t

    val to_condition: t -> (C.t * Node.t option) option

  module T :
    type t
    val pretty : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

    (** Bundle an equation with the sigma sequence that created it. *)
    val create : S.t Node.Map.t -> F.term -> t
    val get: t -> F.term
    val reads : t -> S.domain Node.Map.t
    val relocate : S.t Node.Map.t -> t -> t
    val init  : Node.Set.t ->  (S.t Node.Map.t -> F.term) -> t
    val init' : Node.t -> (S.t -> F.term) -> t

  module E : sig
    type t
    val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
    val create : S.t sequence -> F.pred -> t
    val get : t -> F.pred
    val reads : t -> S.domain
    val writes : t -> S.domain
    val relocate : S.t sequence -> t -> t

  type cfg
  val dump_env: name:string -> cfg -> unit
  val output_dot: out_channel -> ?checks:P.t Bag.t -> cfg -> unit

  val nop : cfg
  val add_tmpnode: node -> cfg
  val concat : cfg -> cfg -> cfg
  val meta : ?stmt:stmt -> ?descr:string -> node -> cfg
  val goto : node -> node -> cfg
  val branch : node -> C.t -> node -> node -> cfg
  val guard : node -> C.t -> node -> cfg
  val guard' : node -> C.t -> node -> cfg
  val either : node -> node list -> cfg
  val implies : node -> (C.t * node) list -> cfg
  val effect : node -> E.t -> node -> cfg
  val assume : P.t -> cfg
  val havoc : node -> effects:node sequence -> node -> cfg

  val compile : ?name:string -> ?mode:mode -> node -> Node.Set.t -> S.domain Node.Map.t ->
    cfg -> F.pred Node.Map.t * S.t Node.Map.t * Conditions.sequence


module Cfg (S:Sigma) : Cfg with module S = S =

  module S = S

  module Node : sig
    type t
    module Map : Qed.Idxmap.S with type key = t
    module Set : Qed.Idxset.S with type elt = t
    module Hashtbl : FCHashtbl.S with type key = t
    val tag: t -> int
    val compare: t -> t -> int
    val equal: t -> t -> bool
    val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
    val create: unit -> t
    val node_internal: unit -> t
  = struct
    type t = int
    module I = struct type t = int let id x = x end
    module Map = Qed.Idxmap.Make(I)
    module Set = Qed.Idxset.Make(I)
    module Hashtbl = Datatype.Int.Hashtbl
    let tag = I.id
    let compare = Datatype.Int.compare
    let equal = Datatype.Int.equal
    let pp fmt n =
      if n>=0 then Format.pp_print_int fmt n
      else Format.fprintf fmt "int%i" (-n)

    let node_compter = ref (-1)

    let create () =
      incr node_compter;

    let node_internal_compter = ref 0

    let node_internal () =
      decr node_internal_compter;


  let node = Node.create

  let identify sigma ~src ~tgt =
      (fun _chunk u v ->
         match u,v with
         | Some x , Some y -> F.Subst.add sigma (F.e_var x) (F.e_var y)
         | _ -> ())
      src tgt

  module E = struct
    type t = S.t sequence * F.pred
    let pretty fmt (_seq,p) = Format.fprintf fmt "effect: @[%a@]" F.pp_pred p
    let get : t -> F.pred = snd
    let create seq p = seq,p

    let relocate tgt (src,p) =
      let sigma = Lang.sigma () in
      identify sigma ~src:src.pre ~tgt:tgt.pre ;
      identify sigma ~src:src.post ~tgt:tgt.post ;
      tgt , F.p_subst sigma p

    let reads (seq,_) = S.domain seq.pre
    let writes (seq,_) = S.writes seq

  module C = struct
    type t = S.t * F.pred
    let get = snd
    let create seq p = seq,p
    let relocate tgt (src,p) =
      let sigma = Lang.sigma () in
      identify sigma ~src ~tgt ;
      tgt , F.p_subst sigma p
    let reads (src,_) = S.domain src
    let equal (s1,p1) (s2,p2) =
      let sigma = Lang.sigma () in
      identify sigma ~src:s1 ~tgt:s2 ;
      F.eqp (F.p_subst sigma p1) p2

  module P = struct
    type t = S.t Node.Map.t * F.pred
    let pretty fmt (m,f) =
      Format.fprintf fmt "%a(%a)"
        F.pp_pred f (Pretty_utils.pp_iter2 Node.Map.iter ~between:",@ " Node.pp (fun _ _ -> ())) m
    let get = snd
    let create smap p = smap,p

    let relocate tgt (src,p) =
      let sigma = Lang.sigma () in
        (fun n src tgt ->
           match src,tgt with
           | Some src , Some tgt -> identify sigma ~src ~tgt
           | Some _, None ->
               invalid_arg (Format.asprintf "P.relocate: tgt is smaller than src at %a" Node.pp n)
           | _ -> ())
        src tgt ;
      let tgt = Node.Map.inter (fun _ _ tgt -> tgt) src tgt in
      tgt , F.p_subst sigma p

    let reads (smap,_) = Node.Map.map (fun _ s -> S.domain s) smap
    let nodes (smap,_) = Node.Map.fold (fun k _ acc -> Node.Set.add k acc) smap Node.Set.empty
    let nodes_list (smap,_) = Node.Map.fold (fun k _ acc -> k::acc) smap []

    let to_condition (m,p) =
      let l = Node.Map.fold (fun k e acc -> (k,e)::acc) m [] in
      match l with
      | [] -> Some ((S.create (),p), None)
      | [n,s] -> Some ((s,p), Some n)
      | _ -> None

  module T = struct
    type t = S.t Node.Map.t * F.term

    let pretty fmt (m,f) =
      Format.fprintf fmt "%a(%a)"
        F.pp_term f (Pretty_utils.pp_iter2 Node.Map.iter ~between:",@ " Node.pp (fun _ _ -> ())) m

    let get = snd

    let create smap t = smap,t

    let reads (smap,_) = Node.Map.map (fun _ s -> S.domain s) smap

    let relocate tgt (src,p) =
      let sigma = Lang.sigma () in
        (fun _ src tgt ->
           match src,tgt with
           | Some src , Some tgt -> identify sigma ~src ~tgt
           | Some _, None -> invalid_arg "T.relocate: tgt is smaller than src"
           | _ -> ())
        src tgt ;
      let tgt = Node.Map.inter (fun _ _ tgt -> tgt) src tgt in
      tgt , F.e_subst sigma p

    let init node_set f =
      let node_map = Node.Set.fold (fun x m ->
          Node.Map.add x (S.create ()) m
        ) node_set Node.Map.empty
      let t = f node_map in

    let init' node f =
      let src = S.create () in
      let t = f src in
      let node_map =
        Node.(Map.add node src Map.empty)

  type node = Node.t

  type without_bindings = Without_Bindings
  type with_bindings = With_Bindings
  let _ = Without_Bindings
  let _ = With_Bindings

  type ('havoc,_) edge =
    | Goto of node
    | Branch of C.t * node option * node option
    | Either of node list
    | Implies of (C.t * node) list
    | Effect of E.t * node
    | Havoc of 'havoc * node
    | Binding : Passive.t * node -> ('havoc,with_bindings) edge
    (** Binding used for sigma merging *)

  type data =
    | Meta of stmt option * string option

  type ('havoc, 'bindings) env = {
    succs : ('havoc, 'bindings) edge Node.Map.t;
    datas : data Bag.t Node.Map.t;
    (* datas is always included in succs *)
    assumes : P.t Bag.t;
    tmpnodes : Node.Set.t; (* node that could be removed *)

  type pre_env = (node sequence, without_bindings) env
  type restricted_env = (S.domain, without_bindings) env
  type localised_env = (S.domain, with_bindings) env

  type cfg = pre_env

  let iter_succs : type a b. (Node.t -> unit) -> (a,b) edge -> unit = fun f -> function
    | Goto n2 | Effect(_,n2) | Havoc(_,n2) -> f n2
    | Branch(_,n2a,n2b) ->
        let f' = function None -> () | Some x -> f x in
        f' n2a; f' n2b
    | Either l -> List.iter f l
    | Implies l -> List.iter (fun (_,a) -> f a) l
    | Binding (_,n2) -> f n2

  let iter_succs_e f cfg n =
    match Node.Map.find n cfg.succs with
    | exception Not_found -> ()
    | e -> iter_succs f e

  let succs : type a b. (a,b) env -> Node.t -> Node.t list =
    fun cfg n ->
    match Node.Map.find n cfg.succs with
    | exception Not_found -> []
    | Goto n2 | Effect(_,n2) | Havoc(_,n2)
    | Branch(_,Some n2,None)
    | Branch(_,None,Some n2) -> [n2]
    | Binding (_,n2) -> [n2]
    | Branch(_,Some n1,Some n2) -> [n1;n2]
    | Branch(_,None,None) -> []
    | Either l -> l
    | Implies l -> List.map snd l

  let pretty_edge : type a. Format.formatter -> (_,a) edge -> unit = fun fmt edge ->
    match edge with
    | Goto(n) -> Format.fprintf fmt "goto(%a)" Node.pp n
    | Branch(c,n1,n2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "branch(%a,%a,%a)"
                           Lang.F.pp_pred (C.get c)
                           (Pretty_utils.pp_opt Node.pp) n1 (Pretty_utils.pp_opt Node.pp) n2
    | Either l -> Format.fprintf fmt "either(%a)" (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:",@ " Node.pp) l
    | Implies l -> Format.fprintf fmt "implies(%a)"
                     (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:",@ " (fun fmt (c,a) ->
                          Format.fprintf fmt "%a=>%a" Lang.F.pp_pred (C.get c) Node.pp a)) l
    | Effect(_,n) -> Format.fprintf fmt "effect(%a)" Node.pp n
    | Havoc(_,n) -> Format.fprintf fmt "havoc(%a)" Node.pp n
    | Binding(_,n) -> Format.fprintf fmt "binding(%a)" Node.pp n

  let pretty_data fmt = function
    | Meta(s_opt,str_opt) ->
        Format.fprintf fmt "Meta(%a,%a)"
          (Pretty_utils.pp_opt ~none:"None" Cil_datatype.Stmt.pretty_sid) s_opt
          (Pretty_utils.pp_opt ~none:"None" Format.pp_print_string) str_opt

  let pretty_env : type a. Format.formatter -> (_,a) env -> unit =
    fun fmt env ->
    Context.bind Lang.F.context_pp (Lang.F.env Lang.F.Vars.empty) (fun () ->
        Format.fprintf fmt
          "@[<v>@[<3>@[succs:@]@ %a@]@,@[<3>@[datas:@]@ %a@]@,@[<3>@[assumes:@]@ %a@]@]@."
          (Pretty_utils.pp_iter2 ~between:"->@," ~sep:",@ " Node.Map.iter Node.pp pretty_edge) env.succs
          (Pretty_utils.pp_iter2 ~between:"->@," ~sep:",@ " Node.Map.iter Node.pp
             (Pretty_utils.pp_iter Bag.iter pretty_data)) env.datas
          (Pretty_utils.pp_iter ~sep:",@ " Bag.iter P.pretty) env.assumes
      ) ()

  let dump_edge : type a. node -> Format.formatter -> (_, a) edge -> unit =
    fun n fmt edge ->
    let pp_edge ?(label="") n' =
      Format.fprintf fmt " %a -> %a [ label=\"%s\" ] ;@." Node.pp n Node.pp n' label
    begin match edge with
      | Goto n1 -> pp_edge n1
      | Branch (_, n1, n2)->
          Option.iter pp_edge n1;
          Option.iter pp_edge n2
      | Either ns -> List.iter pp_edge ns
      | Implies ns -> List.iter (fun (_,a) -> pp_edge a) ns
      | Effect (e, n') ->
          pp_edge ~label:(Format.asprintf "%a" E.pretty e) n'
      | Havoc (_, n') -> pp_edge ~label:"havoc" n'
      | Binding (_,n') -> pp_edge ~label:"binding" n'

  let dump_node : data Bag.t -> Format.formatter -> node -> unit =
    fun datas fmt n ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "  %a [ label=\"%a\n%a\" ] ;@."
      Node.pp n Node.pp n (Pretty_utils.pp_iter ~sep:"\n" Bag.iter pretty_data) datas

  let dump_succ : type a. (_, a) env -> Format.formatter -> node -> (_, a) edge -> unit =
    fun env fmt n e ->
    let datas = try Node.Map.find n env.datas with Not_found -> Bag.empty in
    Format.fprintf fmt "%a\n%a@\n" (dump_node datas) n (dump_edge n) e

  let dump_assume : Format.formatter -> P.t -> unit =
    let count = ref 0 in
    fun fmt p ->
      incr count;
      Format.fprintf fmt "  subgraph cluster_%d {@\n" !count;
      Format.fprintf fmt "    color=\"palegreen\";@\n";
        (fun n _ -> Format.fprintf fmt "    %a;\n" Node.pp n)
        (P.reads p);
      Format.fprintf fmt "    label=\"%a\";" Lang.F.pp_pred (P.get p);
      Format.fprintf fmt "  }@."

  let escape fmt = Pretty_utils.ksfprintf (fun s -> String.escaped s) fmt

  let output_dot : type a b. out_channel -> ?checks:_ -> (a,b) env -> unit =
    fun cout ?(checks=Bag.empty) env ->
    let count = let c = ref max_int in fun () -> decr c; !c in
    let module E = struct
      type t = Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.edge list
      let default = []
      let compare x y = assert (x == y); 0
    let module V = struct
      type t =
        | Node of Node.t
        | Assume of int * Lang.F.pred
        | Check of int * Lang.F.pred
        (* todo better saner comparison *)
      let tag = function | Node i -> Node.tag i | Assume (i,_) -> i | Check (i,_) -> i
      let pp fmt = function | Node i -> Node.pp fmt i | Assume (i,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt "ass%i" i
                            | Check (i,_) -> Format.fprintf fmt "chk%i" i
      let equal x y = (tag x) = (tag y)
      let compare x y = Stdlib.compare (tag x) (tag y)
      let hash x = tag x
    end in
    let module G = Graph.Imperative.Digraph.ConcreteBidirectionalLabeled (V)(E) in
    let module Dot = Graph.Graphviz.Dot(struct
        let graph_attributes _g = [`Fontname "fixed"]
        let default_vertex_attributes _g = (* [`Shape `Point] *) [`Shape `Circle]
        let vertex_name v = Format.asprintf "cp%a" V.pp  v
        let vertex_attributes  = function
          | V.Node n -> [`Label (escape "%a" Node.pp n)]
          | V.Assume (_,p) -> [`Style `Dashed; `Label (escape "%a" Lang.F.pp_pred p)]
          | V.Check (_,p) -> [`Style `Dotted; `Label (escape "%a" Lang.F.pp_pred p)]
        let get_subgraph _ = None
        let default_edge_attributes _g = []
        let edge_attributes ((_,e,_):G.E.t) : Graph.Graphviz.DotAttributes.edge list = e
        include G
      end) in
    let g = G.create () in
    let add_edge n1 l n2 =  G.add_edge_e g (V.Node n1,l,V.Node n2) in
    let add_edges : type a b. Node.t -> (a,b) edge -> unit = fun n1 -> function
      | Goto n2 -> add_edge n1 [] n2
      | Branch((_,c),n2,n2') ->
          let aux s = function
            | None -> ()
            | Some n -> add_edge n1 [`Label (escape "%s%a" s Lang.F.pp_pred c)] n
          aux "" n2; aux "!" n2'
      | Either l -> List.iter (add_edge n1 []) l
      | Implies l ->
          List.iter (fun (c,n) -> add_edge n1 [`Label (escape "%a" Lang.F.pp_pred (C.get c))] n) l
      | Effect ((_,e),n2) ->
          add_edge n1 [`Label (escape "%a" Lang.F.pp_pred e)] n2
      | Havoc (_,n2) -> add_edge n1 [`Label (escape "havoc")] n2
      | Binding (_,n2) -> add_edge n1 [`Label (escape "binding")] n2
    Node.Map.iter add_edges env.succs;
    (** assumes *)
    Bag.iter (fun (m,p) ->
        let n1 = V.Assume(count (), p) in
        let assume_label = [`Style `Dashed ] in
        Node.Map.iter (fun n2 _ -> G.add_edge_e g (n1,assume_label,V.Node n2)) m
      ) env.assumes;
    (** checks *)
    Bag.iter (fun (m,p) ->
        let n1 = V.Check(count (), p) in
        let label = [`Style `Dotted ] in
        Node.Map.iter (fun n2 _ -> G.add_edge_e g (V.Node n2,label,n1)) m
      ) checks;
    Dot.output_graph cout g

  let dump_env : type a. name:string -> (_, a) env -> unit = fun ~name env ->
    let file = (Filename.get_temp_dir_name ()) ^ "/cfg_" ^ name in
    let fout = open_out (file ^ ".dot") in
    if false then begin
      let out = Format.formatter_of_out_channel fout in
      Format.fprintf out "digraph %s {@\n" name;
      Format.fprintf out "  rankdir = TB ;@\n";
      Format.fprintf out "  node [ style = filled, shape = circle ] ;@\n";
      Node.Map.iter (dump_succ env out) env.succs;
      Bag.iter (dump_assume out) env.assumes;
      Format.fprintf out "}@.";
    else begin
      output_dot fout env;
    close_out fout;
    ignore (Sys.command
              (Printf.sprintf "dot -Tpdf %s.dot > %s.pdf" file file));
    Wp_parameters.debug ~dkey:dumpkey "Saving dump %s into %s.pdf" name file

  let env_union env1 env2 =
      succs = Node.Map.union
          (fun _ _v1 _v2 -> invalid_arg "A node has more than one successor")
          env1.succs env2.succs;
      datas = Node.Map.union (fun _ -> Bag.concat) env1.datas env2.datas;
      assumes = Bag.concat env1.assumes env2.assumes;
      tmpnodes = Node.Set.union env1.tmpnodes env2.tmpnodes;

  let new_env ?(succs=Node.Map.empty) ?(datas=Node.Map.empty) ?(assumes=Bag.empty)
      ?(tmpnodes=Node.Set.empty) () =
    {succs; datas; assumes; tmpnodes}

  let nop = new_env ()

  let add_tmpnode node = new_env ~tmpnodes:(Node.Set.singleton node) ()

  let concat a b = env_union a b

  let meta ?stmt ?descr n =
    let data = Meta(stmt,descr) in
    new_env ~datas:(Node.Map.add n (Bag.elt data) (Node.Map.empty)) ()

  let edge n e =
    new_env ~succs:(Node.Map.add n e (Node.Map.empty)) ()

  let goto node_orig node_target =
    edge node_orig (Goto(node_target))

  let branch node_orig predicate node_target_then node_target_else =
    edge node_orig (Branch(predicate,
                           Some node_target_then,
                           Some node_target_else))

  let guard node_orig predicate node_target_then =
    edge node_orig (Branch(predicate,
                           Some node_target_then,

  let guard' node_orig predicate node_target_else =
    edge node_orig (Branch(predicate,
                           Some node_target_else

  let either node = function
    | [] -> nop
    | [dest] -> goto node dest
    | node_list -> edge node (Either(node_list))

  let implies node = function
    | [] -> nop
    | [g,dest] -> guard node g dest
    | node_list -> edge node (Implies(node_list))

  let effect node1 e node2 =
    edge node1 (Effect(e, node2))

  let assume (predicate:P.t) =
    if F.is_ptrue (P.get predicate) = Qed.Logic.Yes
    then nop
    else new_env ~assumes:(Bag.elt predicate) ()

  let havoc node1 ~effects:node_seq node2 =
    edge node1 (Havoc(node_seq,node2))

  let option_bind ~f = function
    | None -> None
    | Some x -> f x

  let union_opt_or union d1 d2 =
    match d1, d2 with
    | Some d1, Some d2 -> Some (union d1 d2)
    | (Some  _ as d), None | None, (Some _ as d) -> d
    | None, None -> None

  let union_opt_and union d1 d2 =
    match d1, d2 with
    | Some d1, Some d2 -> Some (union d1 d2)
    | _ -> None

  let add_only_if_alive union d1 = function
    | None -> None
    | Some d2 -> Some (union d1 d2)

  (** return None when post is not accessible from this node *)
  let rec effects : type a.  (_,a) env -> node -> node -> S.domain option =
    fun env post node ->
    if node = post
    then Some S.empty
      match Node.Map.find node env.succs with
      | exception Not_found -> None
      | Goto (node2) ->
          effects env post node2
      | Branch (_, node2, node3) ->
          union_opt_or S.union
            (option_bind ~f:(effects env post) node2)
            (option_bind ~f:(effects env post) node3)
      | Either (l) ->
             (fun acc node2 -> union_opt_or S.union
                 acc (effects env post node2))
             None l)
      | Implies (l) ->
             (fun acc (_,node2) -> union_opt_or S.union
                 acc (effects env post node2))
             None l)
      | Effect (effect , node2) ->
          add_only_if_alive S.union
            (E.writes effect)
            (effects env post node2)
      | Havoc (m, node2) ->
          union_opt_and S.union
            (effects env m.post m.pre)
            (effects env post node2)
      | Binding (_,node2) ->
          effects env post node2

  (** restrict a cfg to the nodes accessible from the pre post given,
      and compute havoc effect *)
  let restrict (cfg:pre_env) pre posts : restricted_env =
    let rec walk acc node : restricted_env option =
      if Node.Map.mem node acc.succs then Some acc
        let new_env edge = new_env ~succs:(Node.Map.add node edge (Node.Map.empty)) () in
        let r = match Node.Map.find node cfg.succs with
          | exception Not_found -> None
          | (Goto (node2) | Effect (_ , node2)) as edge ->
              union_opt_and env_union
                (Some (new_env edge))
                (walk acc node2)
          | Branch (pred, node2, node3) ->
              (** it is important to visit all the childrens *)
              let f acc node =
                match option_bind ~f:(walk acc) node with
                | None -> None, acc
                | Some acc -> node, acc in
              let node2, acc = f acc node2 in
              let node3, acc = f acc node3 in
              if node2 = None && node3 = None then None
              else Some (env_union acc (new_env (Branch(pred, node2, node3))))
          | Either (l) ->
              let acc,l = List.fold_left
                  (fun ((acc,l) as old) node2 ->
                     match walk acc node2 with
                     | None -> old
                     | Some acc -> (acc,node2::l))
                  (acc,[]) l in
              if l = [] then None
              else Some (env_union acc (new_env (Either (List.rev l))))
          | Implies (l) ->
              let acc,l = List.fold_left
                  (fun ((acc,l) as old) ((_,node2) as e) ->
                     match walk acc node2 with
                     | None -> old
                     | Some acc -> (acc,e::l))
                  (acc,[]) l in
              if l = [] then None
              else Some (env_union acc (new_env (Implies (List.rev l))))
          | Havoc (m, node2) ->
              match effects cfg m.post m.pre with
              | None -> None
              | Some eff ->
                  union_opt_and env_union
                    (Some (new_env (Havoc(eff,node2))))
                    (walk acc node2)
        if Node.Set.mem node posts && r = None
        then Some acc
        else r
    match walk (new_env ()) pre with
    | None -> (new_env ())
    | Some acc ->
        { succs = acc.succs;
          datas = Node.Map.inter (fun _ _ v -> v) acc.succs cfg.datas;
          assumes = Bag.filter (fun (seq,_) ->
              Node.Map.subset (fun _ _ _ -> true)
                seq acc.succs) cfg.assumes;
          tmpnodes = cfg.tmpnodes;

  (** succ is decreasing for this order *)
  let topological (type a) (type b) (cfg:(a,b) env) =
    let module G = struct
      type t = (a,b) env
      module V = struct let hash = Hashtbl.hash include Node end
      let iter_vertex f cfg =
        let h = Node.Hashtbl.create 10 in
        let replace n = Node.Hashtbl.replace h n () in
        Node.Map.iter (fun k _ -> replace k; iter_succs_e replace cfg k) cfg.succs;
        Node.Hashtbl.iter (fun k () -> f k) h
      let iter_succ = iter_succs_e
    end in
    let module T = Graph.Topological.Make(G) in
    let h  = Node.Hashtbl.create 10 in
    let h' = Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.create 10 in
    let c = ref (-1) in
    let l = ref [] in
    T.iter (fun n -> l := n::!l; incr c; Node.Hashtbl.add h n !c; Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.add h' !c n) cfg;
    h,h',List.rev !l

  (** topo_list: elements in topological order
      topo_order: post-order mapping
      nb: number of elements *)
  let idoms topo_list topo_order nb ~pred ~is_after =
    let a = Array.make nb (-1) in
    let iter n =
      let first,preds = match pred n with
        | [] -> topo_order n, []
        | f::p -> topo_order f, List.map topo_order p
      let rec find_common n1 n2 =
        if n1 = n2 then n1
        else if is_after n1 n2 then find_common a.(n1) n2
        else find_common n1 a.(n2) in
      let idom = List.fold_left find_common first preds in
      a.(topo_order n) <- idom
    List.iter iter topo_list;

  let find_def ~def x t = try Node.Map.find x t with Not_found -> def

  let rec remove_dumb_gotos (env:restricted_env) : Node.t Node.Map.t * restricted_env =
    let add_map m acc = Node.Map.fold (fun n _ acc -> Node.Set.add n acc) m acc in
    let used_nodes =
      Bag.fold_left (fun acc p -> add_map (P.reads p) acc) Node.Set.empty env.assumes
    let used_nodes = add_map env.datas used_nodes in
    let how_many_preds = Node.Hashtbl.create 10 in
    let incr_how_many_preds n =
      Node.Hashtbl.replace how_many_preds n (succ (Node.Hashtbl.find_def how_many_preds n 0))
    let subst =
      Node.Map.fold (fun n e acc ->
          iter_succs incr_how_many_preds e;
          match (e:(_,without_bindings) edge) with
          | Goto n' when not (Node.Set.mem n used_nodes) ->
              Node.Map.add n n' acc
          | Goto _
          | Branch (_,_,_)
          | Either _
          | Implies _
          | Effect (_,_)
          | Havoc (_,_) -> acc)
        env.succs Node.Map.empty
    let subst =
      let rec compress n =
        match Node.Map.find n subst with
        | exception Not_found -> n
        | n -> compress n
      Node.Map.map (fun _ n' -> compress n') subst
    let find n = find_def ~def:n n subst in
    (** detect either that could be transformed in branch *)
    let to_remove = Node.Hashtbl.create 10 in
    Node.Map.iter (fun _ e ->
        match (e:(_,without_bindings) edge) with
        | Either [a;b] when Node.Hashtbl.find how_many_preds a = 1 &&
                            Node.Hashtbl.find how_many_preds b = 1 &&
                            not (Node.Set.mem a used_nodes) &&
                            not (Node.Set.mem b used_nodes) &&
                            Node.Set.mem a env.tmpnodes &&
                            Node.Set.mem b env.tmpnodes &&
              let find_opt k m =
                match Node.Map.find k m with
                | exception Not_found -> None
                | v -> Some v
              match find_opt a env.succs, find_opt b env.succs with
              | Some Branch(c,Some n1, None), Some Branch(c',None, Some n2)
              | Some Branch(c,None, Some n2), Some Branch(c',Some n1,None) when C.equal c c' ->
                  let n1 = find n1 in
                  let n2 = find n2 in
                  let br = Branch(c,Some n1, Some n2) in
                  Node.Hashtbl.add to_remove a br;
                  Node.Hashtbl.add to_remove b br
              | _ -> ()
        | Goto _
        | Branch (_,_,_)
        | Effect (_,_)
        | Either _
        | Implies _
        | Havoc (_,_) -> ()
      ) env.succs;
    (** substitute and remove *)
    let succs = Node.Map.mapq (fun n e ->
        match (e:(_,without_bindings) edge) with
        | _ when Node.Hashtbl.mem to_remove n -> None
        | Goto _ when not (Node.Set.mem n used_nodes) -> None
        | Goto n' ->
            let n'' = find n' in
            if Node.equal n' n'' then Some e
            else Some (Goto n'')
        | Branch (c,n1,n2) ->
            let n1' = Option.map find n1 in
            let n2' = Option.map find n2 in
            if Option.equal Node.equal n1 n1' && Option.equal Node.equal n2 n2'
            then Some e
            else Some (Branch(c,n1',n2'))
        | Either l ->
            let l' = List.map find l in
            let l' = List.sort_uniq Node.compare l' in
            begin match l' with
              | [] -> assert false (* absurd: Either after restricted has at least one successor *)
              | [a] -> Some (Goto a)
              | [a;_] when Node.Hashtbl.mem to_remove a ->
                  let br = Node.Hashtbl.find to_remove a in
                  Some br
              | l' -> Some (Either l')
        | Implies l ->
            let l' = List.map (fun (g,n) -> (g,find n)) l in
            Some (Implies l')
        | Effect (ef,n') ->
            let n'' = find n' in
            if Node.equal n' n'' then Some e
            else Some (Effect(ef,n''))
        | Havoc (h,n') ->
            let n'' = find n' in
            if Node.equal n' n'' then Some e
            else Some (Havoc(h,n''))
    let env = {env with succs} in
    if Node.Map.is_empty subst
    then subst, env
      let subst', env = remove_dumb_gotos env in
      let subst = Node.Map.map (fun _ n' -> find_def ~def:n' n' subst') subst in
      Node.Map.merge (fun _ a b ->
          match a, b with
          | Some _, Some _ -> assert false (** the elements are remove in the new env *)
          | Some x, None | None, Some x -> Some x
          | None, None -> assert false
        ) subst subst', env

  let allocate domain sigma =
    S.Chunk.Set.iter (fun chunk -> ignore (S.get sigma chunk)) domain

  let domains (env : restricted_env) reads pre : localised_env * S.t Node.Map.t =
    let visited = ref Node.Map.empty in
    let new_succs = ref Node.Map.empty in
    let add_edge node edge = new_succs := Node.Map.add node edge !new_succs in
    let add_binding_edge n (p: Passive.t) =
      if Passive.is_empty p then n
        let n' = Node.node_internal () in
        add_edge n' (Binding(p,n));
    let rec aux node : S.t =
      try Node.Map.find node !visited
      with Not_found ->
        let dom = find_def ~def:S.empty node reads in
        let ret =
          match Node.Map.find node env.succs with
          | exception Not_found ->
              (** posts node *)
              let s1 = S.create () in
              allocate dom s1;
          | Goto (node2) ->
              let s1 = S.copy (aux node2) in
              allocate dom s1;
              add_edge node (Goto node2);
          | Branch (pred, node2, node3) ->
              let dom = (S.union (C.reads pred) dom) in
              begin match node2, node3 with
                | (None, Some next) | (Some next, None) ->
                    let s1 = S.copy (aux next) in
                    allocate dom s1;
                    let pred = C.relocate s1 pred in
                    add_edge node (Branch(pred,node2,node3));
                | Some node2, Some node3 ->
                    let s2 = aux node2 in
                    let s3 = aux node3 in
                    let s1,p2,p3 = S.merge s2 s3 in
                    allocate dom s1;
                    let node2' = add_binding_edge node2 p2 in
                    let node3' = add_binding_edge node3 p3 in
                    let pred = C.relocate s1 pred in
                    add_edge node (Branch(pred,Some node2',Some node3'));
                | _ -> assert false
          | Either (l) ->
              let s1, pl = S.merge_list (List.map aux l) in
              allocate dom s1;
              let l = List.map2 add_binding_edge l pl in
              add_edge node (Either l);
          | Implies (l) ->
              let dom =
                List.fold_left (fun acc (c,_) -> S.union (C.reads c) acc) dom l
              let s1, pl = S.merge_list (List.map (fun (_,n) -> aux n) l) in
              allocate dom s1;
              let l = List.map2 (fun (c,a) b ->
                  let a = add_binding_edge a b in
                  let c = C.relocate s1 c in
                  (c,a)) l pl
              add_edge node (Implies l);
          | Effect (effect , node2) ->
              let s2 = aux node2 in
              let s1 = S.remove_chunks s2 (E.writes effect) in
              allocate dom s1;
              allocate (E.reads effect) s1;
              let effect = E.relocate {pre=s1;post=s2} effect in
              add_edge node (Effect(effect,node2));
          | Havoc (eff, node2) ->
              let s2 = aux node2 in
              let s1 = S.havoc s2 eff in
              allocate dom s1;
              add_edge node (Havoc(eff,node2));
        visited := Node.Map.add node ret !visited;
    ignore (aux pre);
    let sigmas = !visited in
    let new_env =
      {succs = !new_succs;
       datas = env.datas;
       assumes = Bag.map (fun e -> P.relocate sigmas e) env.assumes;
       tmpnodes = env.tmpnodes;
      } in
    new_env, sigmas

  let compute_preds env =
    let h = Node.Hashtbl.create 10 in
    let add = Node.Hashtbl.add h in
    Node.Map.iter (fun n s ->
        match s with
        | Goto n1 | Havoc (_, n1) | Effect (_,n1) | Binding (_,n1) -> add n1 n
        | Branch (_,Some n1,Some n2) ->
            add n1 n;
            add n2 n
        | Branch(_,Some n1,None) -> add n1 n
        | Branch(_,None,Some n1) -> add n1 n
        | Branch(_,None,None) -> ()
        | Either l -> List.iter (fun n1 -> add n1 n) l
        | Implies l -> List.iter (fun (_,n1) -> add n1 n) l
      ) env.succs;

  let to_sequence_bool ~mode pre posts env : Conditions.sequence * F.pred Node.Map.t =
    let preds = Node.Hashtbl.create 10 in
    let access n = Node.Hashtbl.memo preds n
        (fun _ ->
           let v = F.fresh ~basename:"node"
               (get_pool ()) Qed.Logic.Bool in
           F.p_bool (F.e_var v))
    let (!.) c = (Conditions.sequence [Conditions.step c]) in
    let have_access n = !. (Conditions.Have (access n)) in
    let add_cond ?descr ?stmt f cond =
      Conditions.append (Conditions.sequence [Conditions.step ?descr ?stmt cond]) f
    let either = function
      | [] -> !. (Conditions.Have F.p_false)
      | [a] -> a
      | l -> !. (Conditions.Either l)
    let f = Conditions.empty in
    (** The start state is accessible *)
    let pre = Conditions.Have (access pre) in
    let f = add_cond f pre in
    (** The posts state are accessible *)
    let f = Node.Set.fold
        (fun n f -> add_cond f (Conditions.Have (access n)))
        posts f in
    (** The assumes are true if all their nodes are accessible *)
    let f =
      Bag.fold_left (fun f p ->
          let nodes_are_accessible =
            Node.Map.fold (fun n _ acc -> F.p_and (access n) acc)
              (P.reads p) F.p_true in
          let f' = F.p_imply nodes_are_accessible (P.get p) in
          add_cond f (Conditions.Have f')
        ) f env.assumes in

    (** compute predecessors *)
    let to_sequence_basic_backward f =
      let predecessors = Node.Map.fold (fun n s acc ->
          let add acc n' p =
            Node.Map.change (fun _ (n,p) -> function
                | None -> Some (Node.Map.add n p Node.Map.empty)
                | Some s -> Some (Node.Map.add n p s)) n' (n,p) acc
          match s with
          | Goto n' | Havoc (_, n') -> add acc n' F.p_true
          | Branch (c,Some n1,Some n2) ->
              let c = P.get c in
              add (add acc n1 c) n2 (F.p_not c)
          | Branch(c,Some n1,None) -> add acc n1 (P.get c)
          | Branch(c,None,Some n1) -> add acc n1 (F.p_not (P.get c))
          | Branch(_,None,None) -> acc
          | Either l -> List.fold_left (fun acc e -> add acc e F.p_true) acc l
          | Implies l -> List.fold_left (fun acc (c,e) -> add acc e (P.get c)) acc l
          | Effect (e,n') -> add acc n' (E.get e)
          | Binding (b,n') ->
              let b = F.p_conj (Passive.conditions b (fun _ -> true)) in
              add acc n' b
        ) env.succs Node.Map.empty
      Node.Map.fold (fun n' preds f ->
          let l = Node.Map.fold (fun n p acc ->
              (Conditions.append (have_access n) (!. (Conditions.Have p)))::acc
            ) preds [] in
          let f' =
            Conditions.Branch(access n', either l, Conditions.empty)
          let stmt,descr =
            let bag = match Node.Map.find n' env.datas with
              | exception Not_found -> Bag.empty
              | bag -> bag
            Bag.fold_left (fun (os,od) b ->
                match b with
                | Meta(os',od') ->
                    (if os = None then os' else os),
                    (if od = None then od' else od)
              ) (None,None) bag in
          add_cond ?stmt ?descr f f'
        ) predecessors f

    (** The transitions *)
    let to_sequence_basic_forward f =
      Node.Map.fold (fun n s f ->
          let node_is_accessible = access n in
          let f' = match s with
            | Goto n' | Havoc (_, n') ->
                (* The havoc is already taken into account during {!domains} *)
                                  have_access n',
            | Branch (c,Some n1,Some n2) ->
                                  !. (Conditions.Branch((C.get c),
                                                        have_access n1,
                                                        have_access n2)),
            | Branch(c,Some n1,None) ->
                                    (!. (Conditions.Have (C.get c)))
                                    (have_access n1),
            | Branch(c,_,Some n1) ->
                                    (!. (Conditions.Have (F.p_not (C.get c))))
                                    (have_access n1),
            | Branch(_,None,None) -> assert false
            | Either l ->
                let l = List.map have_access l in
                Conditions.Branch(node_is_accessible, either l, Conditions.empty)
            | Implies l ->
                let l = List.map
                    (fun (c,n) -> !. (Conditions.Branch (C.get c, have_access n, Conditions.empty)))
                    l in
                Conditions.Branch(node_is_accessible, Conditions.concat l, Conditions.empty)
            | Effect (e,n) ->
                                    (!. (Conditions.Have (E.get e)))
                                    (have_access n) ,
            | Binding (b,n') ->
                (** For basic: all the variables are important *)
                let b = !. (Conditions.Have(F.p_conj (Passive.conditions b (fun _ -> true)))) in
                                  Conditions.append b (have_access n'),
                                  Conditions.empty) in
          let stmt,descr =
            let bag = match Node.Map.find n env.datas with
              | exception Not_found -> Bag.empty
              | bag -> bag
            Bag.fold_left (fun (os,od) b ->
                match b with
                | Meta(os',od') ->
                    (if os = None then os' else os),
                    (if od = None then od' else od)
              ) (None,None) bag in
          add_cond ?stmt ?descr f f'
        ) env.succs f

    let f = match mode with
      | `Bool_Backward -> to_sequence_basic_backward f
      | `Bool_Forward -> to_sequence_basic_forward f
    f,Node.Hashtbl.fold Node.Map.add preds Node.Map.empty

  module To_tree = struct
    (** Use a simplified version of "A New Elimination-Based Data Flow Analysis
        Framework Using Annotated Decomposition Trees" where there is no loop *)

    type tree = {
      c : F.pred (** condition for this tree *) ;
      q : tree Queue.t (** childrens *) ;
      mutable fact : F.pred list (** facts at this level *) ;

    [@@@ warning "-32"]

    let rec pp_tree
        ?(pad : (string * string)= ("", ""))
        (tree : tree) : unit =
      let pd, pc = pad in
      Format.printf "%sNode condition: %a @." pd Lang.F.pp_pred tree.c;
      Format.printf "%sNode fact:%a@."
        (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"," ~pre:"[" ~suf:"]" Lang.F.pp_pred) tree.fact;
      let n = Queue.length tree.q - 1 in
      let _ =
        Queue.fold (
          fun i c ->
            let pad =
              (pc ^ (if i = n then "`-- " else "|-- "),
               pc ^ (if i = n then "    " else "|   "))
            pp_tree ~pad c;
        ) 0 tree.q
      in ()

    let pp_idoms fmt a =
      Pretty_utils.pp_array ~sep:";@ " (fun fmt i j -> Format.fprintf fmt "%i -> %i" i j)
        fmt a

    [@@@ warning "+32"]

    type env_to_sequence_tree = {
      env: localised_env;
      (** predecessors *)
      pred: Node.t -> Node.t list;
      (** topological order *)
      topo_order : Node.t -> int;
      (** Immediate dominator forward *)
      get_idom_forward: Node.t -> Node.t;
      (** Immediate dominator backward *)
      get_idom_backward: int -> int;

      (** For each node we are going to compute different formulas *)
      (** Necessary conditions of the node from start *)
      full_conds: Lang.F.pred Node.Hashtbl.t;
      (** Necessary conditions from its forward idiom *)
      conds: Lang.F.pred Node.Hashtbl.t;
      (** To which subtree corresponds this node *)
      subtrees: tree Node.Hashtbl.t;
      (** Root the full tree *)
      root: tree;
      (** Variable used for the non-deterministic choice of either *)
      eithers: Lang.F.pred Node.Hashtbl.t Node.Hashtbl.t;

    let is_after n1 n2 = n1 > n2
    let is_before n1 n2 = n1 < n2

    let create_env_to_sequence_tree env =
      (** Compute topological order for immediate dominator computation
          and the main iteration on nodes
      let node_int,int_node,ordered = topological env in
      let nb = Node.Hashtbl.length node_int in

      (** We compute the forward immediate dominators (path that use succ)
          and the backward immediate dominators (path that use pred)
      let predecessors = compute_preds env in
      let pred n = Node.Hashtbl.find_all predecessors n in
      let succ n = succs env n in
      let topo_order = Node.Hashtbl.find node_int in
      let idoms_forward =
        idoms ordered topo_order nb ~pred ~is_after in
      let idoms_backward =
        idoms (List.rev ordered) topo_order nb ~pred:succ ~is_after:is_before in
      let get_idom_forward n =
        Datatype.Int.Hashtbl.find int_node idoms_forward.(topo_order n) in
      (* Format.printf "@[ordered: %a@]@." (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"@ " (fun fmt n -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a (%i)" Node.pp n (Node.Hashtbl.find node_int n))) ordered;
       * Format.printf "@[pred: %a@]@."
       *   (Pretty_utils.pp_iter2 ~sep:"@ " ~between:":" Node.Hashtbl.iter Node.pp Node.pp) predecessors;
       * Format.printf "@[idoms forward: @[@[%a@]@]@." _pp_idoms idoms_forward;
       * Format.printf "@[idoms backward: @[@[%a@]@]@." _pp_idoms idoms_backward; *)
        get_idom_backward = (fun i -> idoms_backward.(i));
        full_conds = Node.Hashtbl.create 10;
        conds = Node.Hashtbl.create 10;
        subtrees = Node.Hashtbl.create 10;
        root = {c = Lang.F.p_true; q = Queue.create (); fact = [] };
        eithers = Node.Hashtbl.create 10;
      }, ordered

    let either env n last =
      let h = Node.Hashtbl.memo env.eithers n (fun _ -> Node.Hashtbl.create 10) in
      Node.Hashtbl.memo h last (fun _ ->
          let v = F.fresh ~basename:"node"
              (get_pool ()) Qed.Logic.Bool in
          F.p_bool (F.e_var v)

    (** For a node n *)
    let iter env n =
      let idom = env.get_idom_forward n in
      let rec get_cond acc n' =
        if n' = idom then acc
          let acc = F.p_and acc (Node.Hashtbl.find env.conds n') in
          get_cond acc (env.get_idom_forward n')
      (** find all the conditions that keep the path toward n, i.e.
          the condition of the nodes that are not dominated backwardly
          (for which not all the nodes goes to n)
      let rec find_frontiere last acc n' =
        if (env.topo_order n) <=  env.get_idom_backward (env.topo_order n')
          let cond = get_cond F.p_true n' in
          let branch = match Node.Map.find n' env.env.succs with
            | exception Not_found -> F.p_true
            | Goto _ | Havoc (_, _) -> F.p_true
            | Branch (c,Some n'',Some _) when Node.equal n'' last -> C.get c
            | Branch (c,Some _,Some n'') when Node.equal n'' last -> F.p_not (C.get c)
            | Branch (_,_,_) -> F.p_true
            | Either _ -> either env n' last
            | Implies l -> List.fold_left (fun acc (c,n) ->
                if n = last then C.get c
                else acc) F.p_true l
            | Effect (_,_) -> F.p_true
            | Binding (_,_) -> F.p_true
          F.p_or acc (F.p_and branch cond)
          List.fold_left (find_frontiere n') acc (env.pred n')
      let c, q =
        if Node.equal idom n
          (** it is the root *)
            Node.Hashtbl.add env.full_conds n F.p_true;
            Node.Hashtbl.add env.conds n F.p_true;
            F.p_true, env.root.q
          let c = List.fold_left (find_frontiere n) F.p_false (env.pred n) in
          (* Format.printf "for %a c=%a@." Node.pp n Lang.F.pp_pred c; *)
          Node.Hashtbl.add env.conds n c;
          Node.Hashtbl.add env.full_conds n (F.p_and c (Node.Hashtbl.find env.full_conds idom));
          let p = Node.Hashtbl.find env.subtrees idom in
      let fact = match Node.Map.find n env.env.succs with
        | exception Not_found -> F.p_true
        | Goto _ | Havoc (_, _) -> F.p_true
        | Branch (c,Some _,None) -> C.get c
        | Branch (c,None,Some _) -> F.p_not (C.get c)
        | Branch (_,_,_) -> F.p_true
        | Either _ -> F.p_true
        | Implies _ -> F.p_true
        | Effect (e,_) -> E.get e
        | Binding (b,_) -> F.p_conj (Passive.conditions b (fun _ -> true))
      (* Format.printf "Here: For %a idoms=%a c=%a fact=%a@." Node.pp n Node.pp idom F.pp_pred c F.pp_pred fact; *)
      let t = {c = c; q = Queue.create (); fact = [fact]} in
      Queue.push t q;
      Node.Hashtbl.add env.subtrees n t

    let add_cond ?descr ?stmt f cond =
      match cond with
      | Conditions.Have c when F.is_ptrue c = Qed.Logic.Yes -> f
      | _ ->
          Conditions.append (Conditions.sequence [Conditions.step ?descr ?stmt cond]) f

    let access env n = Node.Hashtbl.find env.full_conds n

    let get_latest_node env  = function
      | [] -> env.root
      | a::l ->
          let n = List.fold_left (fun a e ->
              if env.topo_order a < env.topo_order e then e else a
            ) a l in
          Node.Hashtbl.find env.subtrees n

    (** Add each assume to the sub-tree corresponding to the latest
        node it uses. The assumes are true if all their nodes are
        accessible *)
    let add_assumes_fact env = Bag.iter (fun p ->
        let nodes = P.nodes_list p in
        let nodes_are_accessible =
          (** TODO: don't add the condition of access of the node that are dominators of latest *)
          List.fold_left (fun acc n -> F.p_and (access env n) acc) F.p_true nodes in
        let f' = F.p_imply nodes_are_accessible (P.get p) in
        let t = get_latest_node env nodes in
        t.fact <- f' :: t.fact
      ) env.env.assumes

    (** convert the tree to formula *)
    let rec convert t f =
      let f' =
        if t.fact = []
        then Conditions.empty
        else List.fold_left (fun acc e -> add_cond acc (Conditions.Have e)) Conditions.empty t.fact in
      let f' = Queue.fold (fun f' t -> convert t f') f' t.q in
      match F.is_ptrue t.c with
      | Qed.Logic.Yes -> Conditions.concat [f;f']
      | Qed.Logic.No -> f
      | Qed.Logic.Maybe ->
          add_cond f (Conditions.Branch(t.c,f',Conditions.empty))

    let to_sequence_tree _ posts env =
      let env,ordered = create_env_to_sequence_tree env in
      (** Iterate in topo order the vertex.
          Except for root, the tree of the vertex is the one of its immediate dominator forward.
      List.iter (iter env) ordered;
      let f = Conditions.empty in
      (** The posts state are accessible *)
      let f = Node.Set.fold
          (fun n f -> add_cond f (Conditions.Have (access env n)))
          posts f in
      (** For all either one of the condition is true *)
      let f = Node.Hashtbl.fold (fun _ h f ->
          let p = Node.Hashtbl.fold (fun _ t p -> F.p_or p t) h F.p_false in
          add_cond f (Conditions.Have p)
        ) env.eithers f in
      add_assumes_fact env;
      let f = convert env.root f in
      f, Node.Hashtbl.fold Node.Map.add env.full_conds Node.Map.empty

  let compile : ?name:string -> ?mode:mode -> node -> Node.Set.t -> S.domain Node.Map.t ->
    cfg -> F.pred Node.Map.t * S.t Node.Map.t * Conditions.sequence =
    fun ?(name="cfg") ?(mode=`Bool_Forward) pre posts user_reads env ->
    if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey then
      Format.printf "@[0) pre:%a post:%a@]@."
        Node.pp pre (Pretty_utils.pp_iter ~sep:"@ " Node.Set.iter Node.pp) posts;
    if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey then
      Format.printf "@[1) %a@]@." pretty_env env;
    (** restrict environment to useful node and compute havoc effects *)
    let env = restrict env pre posts in
    if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey then
      Format.printf "@[2) %a@]@." pretty_env env;
    if Node.Map.is_empty env.succs then
      Conditions.sequence [Conditions.step (Conditions.Have(F.p_false))]
      (** Simplify *)
      let subst,env =
        if true
        then remove_dumb_gotos env
        else Node.Map.empty, env
      let pre = find_def ~def:pre pre subst in
      (** Substitute in user_reads *)
      let user_reads =
          (fun n n' acc ->
             match Node.Map.find n user_reads with
             | exception Not_found -> acc
             | domain ->
                 let domain' =
                     S.union (Node.Map.find n' acc) domain
                   with Not_found -> domain
                 Node.Map.add n' domain' acc)
          subst user_reads
      (** For each node what must be read for assumes *)
      let reads =
        Bag.fold_left (fun acc e ->
              (fun _ -> S.union) acc
              (P.reads e))
          user_reads env.assumes in
      (** compute sigmas and relocate them *)
      let env, sigmas = domains env reads pre in
      if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dkey then
        Format.printf "@[3) %a@]@." pretty_env env;
      if Wp_parameters.has_dkey dumpkey then
        dump_env ~name env;
      let f, preds =
        match mode with
        | `Tree ->
            (** Add a unique post node *)
            let final_node = node () in
            let env =
              Node.Set.fold (fun p cfg ->
                  let s = {pre=S.create();post=S.create()} in
                  let e =  s,Lang.F.p_true in
                  let goto = effect p e final_node in
                  concat goto cfg
                ) posts env
            To_tree.to_sequence_tree pre posts env
        | (`Bool_Backward | `Bool_Forward) as mode ->
            to_sequence_bool ~mode pre posts env in
      let predssigmas =
          (fun _ p s -> Some (Option.value ~default:F.p_false p, Option.value ~default:(S.create ()) s))
          preds sigmas in
      (** readd simplified nodes *)
      let predssigmas =
        Node.Map.fold (fun n n' acc -> Node.Map.add n (Node.Map.find n' predssigmas) acc )
          subst predssigmas
      let preds =
        Node.Map.map(fun _ (x,_) -> x) predssigmas
      let sigmas =
        Node.Map.map(fun _ (_,x) -> x) predssigmas
