stages: - git-update - build - tests - distrib_and_compatibility - make_public variables: CURRENT: $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME DEFAULT: "master" FRAMA_CI_OPT: "--override frama-c:$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME,$CI_COMMIT_SHA" OCAML: "4_08" check-no-old-frama-c: stage: git-update script: - (! git merge-base --is-ancestor a1e186c68a6418a53b3dc06237f49e8dcbf75f4a HEAD) - git merge-base --is-ancestor a35d2118fe6999dddce9e1847eff626fae9cc37c HEAD tags: - nix #avoid a nix error git-update: stage: git-update script: - nix/ instantiate --eval -A frama-c.src.outPath tags: - nix frama-c: stage: build script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.main artifacts: when: on_failure paths: - commits.nix - results.log expire_in: 1 day tags: - nix lint: stage: build script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.lint coverage: '/lint coverage: \d+\.\d+/' tags: - nix tests: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.tests tags: - nix wp-qualif: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.wp-qualif tags: - nix aorai-prove: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.aorai-prove tags: - nix allow_failure: true genassigns: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A genassigns.tests tags: - nix frama-clang: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A frama-clang.tests tags: - nix counter-examples: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A counter-examples.tests tags: - nix acsl-importer: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A acsl-importer.tests tags: - nix volatile: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A volatile.tests tags: - nix metacsl: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A meta.tests tags: - nix Security: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A security.tests tags: - nix CFP: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A context-from-precondition.tests tags: - nix eva-tests: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.eva-tests tags: - nix allow_failure: true build-distrib-tarball: stage: build script: - nix/ build -A tags: - nix build-from-distrib-tarball: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A tags: - nix doc: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.doc tags: - nix allow_failure: true .build_template: &internal_template stage: distrib_and_compatibility tags: - nix internal: <<: *internal_template script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.internal when: manual internal_nightly: <<: *internal_template script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.internal only: - schedules .build_template: &frama-c-ocaml stage: distrib_and_compatibility script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.tests tags: - nix frama-c-ocaml-4.13: variables: OCAML: "4_13" <<: *frama-c-ocaml caveat-importer: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A caveat-importer.tests tags: - nix mthread: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A mthread.tests tags: - nix pathcrawler: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A pathcrawler.tests tags: - nix e-acsl-tests-dev: stage: tests script: - nix/ build -A frama-c.e-acsl-tests-dev tags: - nix ivette: stage: build image: node:lts-gallium cache: paths: - ivette/node_modules/ script: - node --version - npm --version - yarn --version - make -C ivette tags: - docker # make_public stage is used to push the current master branch of Frama-C and # associated plugins from the internal frama-c group to the public pub group. # For that, it uses the 'frama-c to frama-c-public' deploy key. Thus, to publish # a new plugin (while keeping its main repository internal), you can add a new # target to this stage, adapting the script for MetAcsl or Frama-Clang to your # own plugin. # You must also activate the deploy key on both frama-c/my_plugin # and pub/my_plugin repositories (the former should be read-only, the latter # must provide write access to the deploy key). # Do not forget to trigger the target only on schedules, so that all public # repositories stay synchronized. make_public: stage: make_public script: - (! git merge-base --is-ancestor a1e186c68a6418a53b3dc06237f49e8dcbf75f4a origin/master) - echo "$FRAMA_C_PUBLIC_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 coreutils --command base64 -d > nix/frama-c-public/id_ed25519 - nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 coreutils --command chmod 400 nix/frama-c-public/id_ed25519 - GIT_SSH=nix/frama-c-public/ nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 openssh --command git push origin/master:refs/heads/master tags: - nix only: - schedules make_public_meta: stage: make_public script: - echo "$FRAMA_C_PUBLIC_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 coreutils --command base64 -d > nix/frama-c-public/id_ed25519 - nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 coreutils --command chmod 400 nix/frama-c-public/id_ed25519 - GIT_SSH=$PWD/nix/frama-c-public/ nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 openssh --command git clone nix/frama-c-public/meta - GIT_SSH=$PWD/nix/frama-c-public/ nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 openssh --command git -C nix/frama-c-public/meta push origin/master:refs/heads/master tags: - nix only: - schedules make_public_fclang: stage: make_public script: - echo "$FRAMA_C_PUBLIC_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY" | nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 coreutils --command base64 -d > nix/frama-c-public/id_ed25519 - nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 coreutils --command chmod 400 nix/frama-c-public/id_ed25519 - GIT_SSH=$PWD/nix/frama-c-public/ nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 openssh --command git clone nix/frama-c-public/frama-clang - GIT_SSH=$PWD/nix/frama-c-public/ nix run -f channel:nixos-19.03 openssh --command git -C nix/frama-c-public/frama-clang push origin/master:refs/heads/master tags: - nix only: - schedules