########################################################################## # # # This file is part of the Frama-C's E-ACSL plug-in. # # # # Copyright (C) 2012-2016 # # CEA (Commissariat � l'�nergie atomique et aux �nergies # # alternatives) # # # # you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU # # Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software # # Foundation, version 2.1. # # # # It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # # # See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 # # for more details (enclosed in the file license/LGPLv2.1). # # # ########################################################################## #!/bin/sh -e # Convenience wrapper for small runs of E-ACSL Frama-C plugin # Print a message to STDERR and exit. If the second argument (exit code) # is provided and it is '0' then do nothing. error () { if [ -z "$2" ] || ! [ "$2" = 0 ]; then echo "e-acsl-gcc: fatal error: $1" 1>&2 exit 1; fi } # Check whether the first line reported by running command $1 has an identifier # specified by $2. E.g., check whether readlink used by the script is GNU and # getopt comes from util-linux. required_tool() { "$1" --version 2>&1 | head -1 | grep "$2" > /dev/null error "$1 is not $2" $? } # Check if a given executable name can be found by in the PATH has_tool() { which "$@" >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0 || return 1 } # Check if a given executable name is indeed an executable or can be found # in the $PATH. Abort the execution if not. check_tool() { { has_tool "$1" || test -e "$1"; } || error "No executable $1 found"; } # build and output option string for RTE plugin based on a comma-delimited # option string rte_options() { local optstring="$1" local start="-rte -rte-warn" local opts="-rte-no-all" # RTE integer overflow options coming from Frama-C, presently # they are enabled by default, so they should be negated local intopts="-no-warn-signed-overflow -no-warn-unsigned-overflow" local vopts="mem,int,float,div,ret,precond,shift,all" local all="" for opt in $(echo $optstring | tr ',' ' '); do case $opt in mem) # valid pointer or array access opts="$opts -rte-mem" ;; int) # integer overflows intopts="-warn-signed-overflow -warn-unsigned-overflow" ;; float) # casts from floating-point to integer opts="$opts -rte-float-to-int" ;; div) # division by zero opts="$opts -rte-div" ;; ret) # return ;; precond) # function calls based on contracts opts="$opts -rte-precond" ;; shift) # left and right shifts by a value out of bounds opts="$opts -rte-shift" ;; all) # all assertions all=1 ;; *) return 1; ;; esac done if [ -n "$all" ]; then echo $start -rte-all -then else echo $start $opts $intopts -then fi return 0; } # Check if the following tools are GNU and abort otherwise required_tool getopt "util-linux" required_tool readlink "GNU coreutils" required_tool find "GNU findutils" # Getopt options LONGOPTIONS="help,compile,compile-only,print,debug:,ocode:,oexec:,verbose:, frama-c-only,extra-cpp-args:,frama-c-stdlib,full-mmodel,gmp,quiet,logfile:, ld-flags:,cpp-flags:,frama-c-extra:,memory-model:,production,no-stdlib, debug-log:,frama-c:,gcc:,e-acsl-share:,instrumented-only,rte:,oexec-e-acsl:, print-mmodels" SHORTOPTIONS="h,c,C,p,d:,o:,O:,v:,f,E:,L,M,l:,e:,g,q,s:,F:,m:,P,N,D:,I:,G:,X,a:" # Prefix for an error message due to wrong arguments ERROR="ERROR parsing arguments:" # Variables holding getopt options OPTION_CFLAGS= # Compiler flags OPTION_CPPFLAGS= # Preprocessor flags OPTION_LDFLAGS= # Linker flags OPTION_FRAMAC="frama-c" # Frama-C executable name OPTION_CC="gcc" # GCC executable name OPTION_ECHO="set -x" # Echo executed commands to STDOUT OPTION_INSTRUMENT=1 # Perform E-ACSL instrumentation OPTION_PRINT= # Output instrumented code OPTION_DEBUG= # Set Frama-C debug flag OPTION_VERBOSE= # Set Frama-C verbose flag OPTION_COMPILE= # Compile instrumented program OPTION_OUTPUT_CODE="a.out.frama.c" # Name of the translated file OPTION_OUTPUT_EXEC="a.out" # Generated executable name OPTION_EACSL_OUTPUT_EXEC="" # Name of E-ACSL executable OPTION_EACSL="-e-acsl" # Specifies E-ACSL run OPTION_FRAMA_STDLIB="-no-frama-c-stdlib" # Use Frama-C stdlib OPTION_FULL_MMODEL= # Instrument as much as possible OPTION_PRINT_MMODELS= # Print memory model names OPTION_GMP= # Use GMP integers everywhere OPTION_DEBUG_MACRO="-DE_ACSL_DEBUG" # Debug macro OPTION_DEBUG_LOG_MACRO="" # Specification of debug log file OPTION_FRAMAC_CPP_EXTRA="" # Extra CPP flags for Frama-C OPTION_EACSL_MMODELS="bittree" # Memory model used OPTION_EACSL_SHARE= # Custom E-ACSL share directory OPTION_INSTRUMENTED_ONLY= # Do not compile original code OPTION_RTE= # Enable assertion generation # The following option controls whether to use gcc builtins # (e.g., __builtin_strlen) in RTL or fall back to custom implementations # of standard functions. OPTION_BUILTINS="-DE_ACSL_BUILTINS" manpage() { printf "e-acsl-gcc.sh - instrument and compile C files with E-ACSL Usage: e-acsl-gcc.sh [options] files Options: -h show this help page -c compile instrumented code -l pass additional options to the linker -e pass additional options to the pre-preprocessor -E pass additional arguments to the Frama-C pre-processor -p output the generated code with rich formatting to STDOUT -o <file> output the generated code to <file> [a.out.frama.c] -O <file> output the generated executables to <file> [a.out, a.out.e-acsl] -M maximize memory-related instrumentation -g always use GMP integers instead of C integral types -q suppress any output except for errors and warnings -s <file> redirect all output to <file> -P compile executable without debug features -I <file> specify Frama-C executable [frama-c] -G <file> specify C compiler executable [gcc] Notes: This help page shows only basic options. See man (1) e-acsl-gcc.sh for full up-to-date documentation.\n" exit 1 } # Base dir of this script BASEDIR="$(readlink -f `dirname $0`)" # Directory with contrib libraries of E-ACSL LIBDIR="$BASEDIR/../lib" # Run getopt ARGS=`getopt -n "$ERROR" -l "$LONGOPTIONS" -o "$SHORTOPTIONS" -- "$@"` # Print and exit if getopt fails if [ $? != 0 ]; then exit 1; fi # Set all options in $@ before -- and other after eval set -- "$ARGS" # Switch statements for other options for i in $@ do case "$i" in # Do compile instrumented code --help|-h) shift; manpage; ;; # Do not echo commands to STDOUT # Set log and debug flags to minimal verbosity levels --quiet|-q) shift; OPTION_ECHO= OPTION_DEBUG="-debug 0" OPTION_VERBOSE="-verbose 0" ;; # Redirect all output to a given file --logfile|-s) shift; exec > $1 exec 2> $1 shift; ;; # Pass an option to a Frama-C invocation --frama-c-extra|-F) shift; FRAMAC_FLAGS="$FRAMAC_FLAGS $1" shift; ;; # Do compile instrumented code --compile|-c) shift; OPTION_COMPILE=1 ;; # Print the result of instrumenation --print|-p) shift; OPTION_PRINT=1 ;; # Set Frama-C debug flag --debug|-d) shift; if [ "$1" -eq "$1" ] 2>/dev/null; then OPTION_DEBUG="-debug $1" else error "-d|--debug option requires integer argument" fi shift; ;; # Set Frama-C verbose flag --verbose|-v) shift; if [ "$1" -eq "$1" ] 2>/dev/null; then OPTION_VERBOSE="-verbose $1" else error "-v|--verbose option requires integer argument" fi shift; ;; # Specify the name of the default source file where instrumented # code is to be written --ocode|-o) shift; OPTION_OUTPUT_CODE="$1" shift ;; # Specify the base name of the executable generated from the # instrumented and non-instrumented sources. --oexec|-O) shift; OPTION_OUTPUT_EXEC="$1" shift ;; # Specify the output name of the E-ACSL generated executable --oexec-e-acsl) shift; OPTION_EACSL_OUTPUT_EXEC="$1" shift; ;; # Additional CPP arguments --extra-cpp-args|-E) shift; OPTION_FRAMAC_CPP_EXTRA="$OPTION_FRAMAC_CPP_EXTRA $1" shift; ;; # Additional flags passed to the linker --ld-flags|-l) shift; OPTION_LDFLAGS="$OPTION_LDFLAGS $1" shift; ;; # Additional flags passed to the pre-processor (compile-time) --cpp-flags|-e) shift; OPTION_CPPFLAGS="$OPTION_CPPFLAGS $1" shift; ;; # Do not perform the instrumentation, only compile the provided sources # This option assumes that the source files provided at input have # already been instrumented --compile-only|-C) shift; OPTION_INSTRUMENT= OPTION_COMPILE="1" ;; # Run only Frama-C related instrumentation --frama-c-only|-f) shift; OPTION_EACSL= ;; # Do not compile original source file --instrumented-only|-X) shift; OPTION_INSTRUMENTED_ONLY=1 ;; # Do use Frama-C stdlib, which is the default behaviour of Frama-C --frama-c-stdlib|-L) shift; OPTION_FRAMA_STDLIB="" ;; # Use as much memory-related instrumentation as possible -M|--full-mmodel) shift; OPTION_FULL_MMODEL="-e-acsl-full-mmodel" ;; # Use GMP everywhere -g|--gmp) shift; OPTION_GMP="-e-acsl-gmp-only" ;; -P|--production) shift; OPTION_DEBUG_MACRO="" ;; -N|--no-stdlib) shift; OPTION_BUILTINS="" ;; -D|--debug-log) shift; OPTION_DEBUG_LOG_MACRO="-DE_ACSL_DEBUG_LOG=$1" shift; ;; # Supply Frama-C executable name -I|--frama-c) shift; OPTION_FRAMAC="$(which $1)" shift; ;; # Supply GCC executable name -G|--gcc) shift; OPTION_CC="$(which $1)" shift; ;; # Specify EACSL_SHARE directory (where C runtime library lives) by hand # rather than compute it --e-acsl-share) shift; OPTION_EACSL_SHARE="$1" shift; ;; --rte|-a) shift; OPTION_RTE=`rte_options $1` error "Invalid argument $1 to --rte|-a option" $? shift; ;; # A memory model (or models) to link against -m|--memory-model) shift; # Convert comma-separated string into white-space separated string OPTION_EACSL_MMODELS="`echo $1 | sed -s 's/,/ /g'`" shift; ;; # Print names of the supported memody models. --print-mmodels) shift; OPTION_PRINT_MMODELS="1" ;; esac done shift; # Check Frama-C and GCC executable names check_tool "$OPTION_FRAMAC" check_tool "$OPTION_CC" # Frama-C directories FRAMAC="$OPTION_FRAMAC" : ${FRAMAC_SHARE:="`$FRAMAC -print-share-path`"} : ${FRAMAC_PLUGIN:="`$FRAMAC -print-plugin-path`"} # Check if this is a development or an installed version if [ -f "$BASEDIR/../E_ACSL.mli" ]; then # Development version DEVELOPMENT="$(readlink -f "$BASEDIR/..")" # Check if the project has been built, as if this is a non-installed # version that has not been built Frama-C will fallback to an installed one # for instrumentation but still use local RTL error "Plugin in $DEVELOPMENT not compiled" \ `test -f "$DEVELOPMENT/META.frama-c-e_acsl" -o \ -f "$FRAMAC_PLUGIN/META.frama-c-e_acsl"; echo $?` EACSL_SHARE="$DEVELOPMENT/share/e-acsl" # Add the project directory to FRAMAC_PLUGINS, # otherwise Frama-C uses an installed version if test -f "$DEVELOPMENT/META.frama-c-e_acsl"; then FRAMAC_FLAGS="-add-path=$DEVELOPMENT/top -add-path=$DEVELOPMENT $FRAMAC_FLAGS"; fi else # Installed version. FRAMAC_SHARE should not be used here as Frama-C # and E-ACSL may not be installed to the same location EACSL_SHARE="$BASEDIR/../share/frama-c/e-acsl/" fi # Architecture-dependent flags. Since by default Frama-C uses 32-bit # architecture we need to make sure that same architecture is used for # instrumentation and for compilation. MACHDEPFLAGS="`getconf LONG_BIT`" # Check if getconf gives out the value accepted by Frama-C/GCC echo "$MACHDEPFLAGS" | grep '16\|32\|64' 2>&1 >/dev/null \ || error "$MACHDEPFLAGS-bit architecture not supported" # -machdep option sent to Frama-C MACHDEP="-machdep gcc_x86_$MACHDEPFLAGS" # Macro for correct preprocessing of Frama-C generated code CPPMACHDEP="-D__FC_MACHDEP_X86_$MACHDEPFLAGS" # GCC machine option GCCMACHDEP="-m$MACHDEPFLAGS" # Macro that identifies E-ACSL compilation. Passed to Frama-C # and GCC runs but not to the original compilation EACSL_MACRO_ID="__E_ACSL__" # Frama-C and related flags FRAMAC_CPP_EXTRA=" $OPTION_FRAMAC_CPP_EXTRA -D$EACSL_MACRO_ID -I$FRAMAC_SHARE/libc $CPPMACHDEP" EACSL_MMODEL="$OPTION_EACSL_MMODEL" # Re-set EACSL_SHARE directory is it has been given by the user if [ -n "$OPTION_EACSL_SHARE" ]; then EACSL_SHARE="$OPTION_EACSL_SHARE" fi # Check if the E-ACSL share directory is indeed an E-ACSL share directory that # contains required C code. The check involves looking up # $EACSL_SHARE/e_acsl_mmodel_api.h - one of the headers required by the Frama-C # invocation. This is a week check but it is better than nothing. error "Cannot find required $EACSL_SHARE/e_acsl_mmodel_api.h header" \ `test -f "$EACSL_SHARE/e_acsl_mmodel_api.h"; echo $?` # Echo the absolute path of the source file corresponding to a memory model # given by the first argument, or report an error of the given model does not # exist. In case no argument is supplied, output the names of the memory models # supported in this distribution. mmodel_sources() { local model="$1" local models=$(find $EACSL_SHARE -maxdepth 1 \ -name '*_model' -type d -exec basename {} \; | sed 's/_model$//') if [ -n "$model" ]; then model=$(echo $models | tr ' ' '\n' | grep "^$model$") if [ -n "$model" ]; then echo "$EACSL_SHARE/$model"_model/e_acsl_"$model"_mmodel.c else error "Memory model '$1' is not available in this distribution" fi else echo $models fi } # If specified, print the names of the supported memory models and exit if [ -n "$OPTION_PRINT_MMODELS" ]; then mmodel_sources exit 0 fi # Once EACSL_SHARE is defined check the memory models provided at inputs for mod in $OPTION_EACSL_MMODELS; do mmodel_sources $mod > /dev/null done # Gcc and related flags CC="$OPTION_CC" CFLAGS="$OPTION_CFLAGS -std=c99 $GCCMACHDEP -g3 -O2 -fno-builtin -fno-merge-constants -Wall \ -Wno-long-long \ -Wno-attributes \ -Wno-undef \ -Wno-unused \ -Wno-unused-function \ -Wno-unused-result \ -Wno-unused-value \ -Wno-unused-function \ -Wno-unused-variable \ -Wno-unused-but-set-variable \ -Wno-implicit-function-declaration \ -Wno-empty-body" # Disable extra warning for clang if [ "`basename $CC`" = 'clang' ]; then CFLAGS="-Wno-unknown-warning-option \ -Wno-extra-semi \ -Wno-tautological-compare \ -Wno-gnu-empty-struct \ -Wno-incompatible-pointer-types-discards-qualifiers" fi CPPFLAGS="$OPTION_CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$OPTION_LDFLAGS" # C, CPP and LD flags for compilation of E-ACSL-generated sources EACSL_CFLAGS="" EACSL_CPPFLAGS=" -I$EACSL_SHARE -D$EACSL_MACRO_ID" EACSL_LDFLAGS="-lm $LIBDIR/libgmp-e-acsl.a $LIBDIR/libjemalloc-e-acsl.a -lpthread" # Output file names OUTPUT_CODE="$OPTION_OUTPUT_CODE" # E-ACSL instrumented source OUTPUT_EXEC="$OPTION_OUTPUT_EXEC" # Output name of the original executable # Output name of E-ACSL-modified executable if [ -z "$OPTION_EACSL_OUTPUT_EXEC" ]; then EACSL_OUTPUT_EXEC="$OPTION_OUTPUT_EXEC.e-acsl" else EACSL_OUTPUT_EXEC="$OPTION_EACSL_OUTPUT_EXEC" fi # Build E-ACSL plugin argument string if [ -n "$OPTION_EACSL" ]; then OPTION_EACSL=" $OPTION_EACSL $OPTION_GMP $OPTION_FULL_MMODEL -then-last" fi # Bail if no files to translate are given if [ -z "$1" ]; then error "no input files"; fi # Instrument if [ -n "$OPTION_INSTRUMENT" ]; then ($OPTION_ECHO; \ $FRAMAC \ $FRAMAC_FLAGS \ $MACHDEP \ -cpp-extra-args="$OPTION_FRAMAC_CPP_EXTRA" \ -e-acsl-share=$EACSL_SHARE \ $OPTION_FRAMA_STDLIB \ $OPTION_VERBOSE \ $OPTION_DEBUG \ "$@" \ $OPTION_RTE \ $OPTION_EACSL \ -print -ocode "$OPTION_OUTPUT_CODE"); error "aborted by Frama-C" $?; # Print translated code if [ -n "$OPTION_PRINT" ]; then cat $OPTION_OUTPUT_CODE fi fi # Compile if [ -n "$OPTION_COMPILE" ]; then # Compile original source code # $OPTION_INSTRUMENT is set -- both, instrumented and original, sources are # available. Do compile the original program unless instructed to not do so # by a user if [ -n "$OPTION_INSTRUMENT" ]; then if [ -z "$OPTION_INSTRUMENTED_ONLY" ]; then ($OPTION_ECHO; $CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS "$@" -o "$OUTPUT_EXEC" $LDFLAGS); error "fail to compile/link un-instrumented code" $?; fi # If $OPTION_INSTRUMENT is unset then the sources are assumed to be already # instrumented, so skip compilation of the original files else OUTPUT_CODE="$@" fi # Compile and link E-ACSL-instrumented file with all models specified for mod in $OPTION_EACSL_MMODELS; do # If multiple models are specified then the generated executable # is appended a '-MODEL' suffix, where MODEL is the name of the memory # model used if ! [ "`echo $OPTION_EACSL_MMODELS | wc -w`" = 1 ]; then OUTPUT_EXEC="$EACSL_OUTPUT_EXEC-$mod" else OUTPUT_EXEC="$EACSL_OUTPUT_EXEC" fi # Sources of the selected memory model EACSL_RTL=`mmodel_sources "$mod"` ($OPTION_ECHO; $CC \ $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS \ $EACSL_CFLAGS $EACSL_CPPFLAGS \ $EACSL_RTL \ $OPTION_DEBUG_MACRO \ $OPTION_DEBUG_LOG_MACRO \ $OPTION_BUILTINS \ -o "$OUTPUT_EXEC" \ "$OUTPUT_CODE" \ $LDFLAGS $EACSL_LDFLAGS) error "fail to compile/link instrumented code" $? done fi exit 0;