no label accepted in "assigns \nothing"
ID0002113: This issue was created automatically from Mantis Issue 2113. Further discussion may take place here.
Id | Project | Category | View | Due Date | Updated |
ID0002113 | Frama-Clang | Kernel | public | 2015-05-04 | 2015-05-04 |
Reporter | Jochen | Assigned To | virgile | Resolution | no change required |
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Platform | Sodium-20150201 | OS | - | OS Version | xubuntu14.04 |
Product Version | Frama-C Sodium | Target Version | - | Fixed in Version | - |
Description :
Running "frama-c 478.c" on the attached program yields the output:
[kernel] Parsing FRAMAC_SHARE/libc/__fc_builtin_for_normalization.i (no preprocessing) [kernel] Parsing 478.c (with preprocessing) 478.c:6:[kernel] user error: unexpected token '\nothing' [kernel] user error: stopping on file "478.c" that has errors. Add '-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command. [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
Some modifications, using / omitting a label, using "\nothing" / a variable name have been tried, and the result is documented in the respetive line of the file. It seems that "\nothing" is accepted by the parser only immediately after "assigns", such that not even a label is accepted in between.