E-ACSL: compilation fail: generated functions doesn't have static inline attributes
ID0002304: This issue was created automatically from Mantis Issue 2304. Further discussion may take place here.
Id | Project | Category | View | Due Date | Updated |
ID0002304 | Frama-C | Plug-in > E-ACSL | public | 2017-05-29 | 2017-12-06 |
Reporter | evdenis | Assigned To | signoles | Resolution | fixed |
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Platform | - | OS | - | OS Version | - |
Product Version | Frama-C 14-Silicon | Target Version | - | Fixed in Version | Frama-C 16-Sulfur |
Description :
The absence of static inline attributes forces optional dependencies to be strict. This leads to undefined reference errors during compilation.
Test (inline.c): extern int do_mmap(int *a);
static inline int test_extern(int *a) // Static inline { return do_mmap(a); }
int main(void) { return 0; }
GCC Run: $ gcc ./inline.c # There is no error about do_mmap $ echo $? 0
Generated Code (inline_generated.c): ... /*@ assigns \result, *a; assigns \result \from *a; assigns *a \from *a; */ int __gen_e_acsl_do_mmap(int *a); ... __inline static int test_extern(int a) { int tmp; /@ behavior pre_do_mmap: assigns tmp, *a; assigns tmp \from *a; assigns *a \from *a; / tmp = __gen_e_acsl_do_mmap(a); return tmp; } ... /@ assigns \result, *a; assigns \result \from *a; assigns *a \from *a; */ int __gen_e_acsl_do_mmap(int *a) // <== ERROR { int __retres; __retres = do_mmap(a); return __retres; }
GCC Run:
$ gcc ./inline_generated.c
/tmp/cczBUd0r.o: In function __gen_e_acsl_do_mmap': inline_generated.c:(.text+0x24): undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Additional Information :
Quickfix: diff --git a/dup_functions.ml b/dup_functions.ml index 5774115..3b25fde 100644 --- a/dup_functions.ml +++ b/dup_functions.ml @@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ let dup_global loc old_prj spec bhv kf vi new_vi = let name = vi.vname in Options.feedback ~dkey ~level:2 "entering in function %s" name; let fundec = dup_fundec loc spec bhv kf vi new_vi in
- fundec.svar.vinline <- true;
- fundec.svar.vstorage <- Static; let fct = Definition(fundec, loc) in let new_spec = fundec.sspec in let new_kf = { fundec = fct; spec = new_spec } in
Steps To Reproduce :
frama-c -e-acsl-prepare -rte -rte-precond ./inline.c -then -e-acsl -then-last -print > inline_generated.c gcc inline_generated.c