contracts about memory mapped I/O through volatile memory locations
ID0002407: This issue was created automatically from Mantis Issue 2407. Further discussion may take place here.
Id | Project | Category | View | Due Date | Updated |
ID0002407 | Frama-C | Plug-in > wp | public | 2018-10-31 | 2019-10-17 |
Reporter | jmaytac | Assigned To | correnson | Resolution | fixed |
Priority | normal | Severity | major | Reproducibility | always |
Platform | - | OS | - | OS Version | - |
Product Version | Frama-C 17-Chlorine | Target Version | - | Fixed in Version | - |
Description :
We've attached a small example in which a state machine communicates a peripheral through a volatile variable , on line 6 of constants.h: volatile uint32_t rxBuffer;
The state of the machine is held by a struct mac, declared on line 21 of mac.h: struct mac { mac_packet_t mac_packet; MessageType latestMessage; mac_bridge_t MAC_BRIDGE_A; }
the mac_bridge_t represents the machine's memory mapped I/O interface, as declared on line 15 of mac_bridge.h:
struct mac_bridge
volatile uint32_t *cmd_rx_buffer;
on line 13 of main.c,
mac_t mac = the_mac();
mac becomes a pointer to singleton_mac instance of struct mac declared on line 8 of mac.c and returned by the function the_mac() defined on line 17 of mac.c. On line 14 of main.c,
mac->MAC_BRIDGE_A = theMacBridge();
mac's IO interface MAC_BRIDGE_A becomes the singletonMacBridgeA instance of struct mac_bridge returned by the function theMacBridge() defined on line 11 of mac.c
mac_bridge_t theMacBridge() { singletonMacBridgeA.cmd_rx_buffer = &rxBuffer; return &singletonMacBridgeA; }
thus, mac has as MAC_BRIDGE_A singletonMacBridgeA whose cmd_rx_buffer is a reference to the volatile rxBuffer. The volatile rxBuffer reads and writes from ghost state as given on line 7 of constants.h:
//@ ghost uint32_t injectorAPBBuffer[4294967296];
//@ ghost uint32_t injectorAPBBufferCount=0;
/*@ ghost //@ requires buffer == &(rxBuffer);
@ uint32_t readsBuffer(volatile uint32_t *buffer) {
@ static uint32_t injectorAPBBufferCount = 0;
@ for (int i=0; i<4294967296; i++) {
@ injectorAPBBuffer[i%4294967296]=i%42949967296;
@ }
@ if (buffer == &(rxBuffer)) {
@ return injectorAPBBuffer[injectorAPBBufferCount++];
@ }
@ else
@ return 0;
@ }
@ */
//@ ghost uint32_t bufferAPBCollector[4294967296];
//@ ghost uint32_t bufferAPBCollectorCount = 0;
/*@ ghost //@ requires buffer == &(rxBuffer);
@ uint32_t writesBuffer(volatile uint32_t buffer, uint32_t v) {
@ if (buffer == &(rxBuffer)){
@ return bufferAPBCollector[(bufferAPBCollectorCount++)%64] = v;
@ }
@ else {
@ return 0;
@ }
@ }
//@ volatile (rxBuffer) reads readsBuffer writes writesBuffer;
mac implements a transition system driven by an alphabet of labels obtained through calls to macbridge_get_packet, defined on line 3 of mac_bridge.c
mac_packet_t macbridge_get_packet(mac_bridge_t mac_bridge) { mac_packet_t received_packet={0}; received_packet.object_high=(uint8_t)(*(mac_bridge->cmd_rx_buffer)); return(received_packet); }
when the given macbridge_t is the reference to the singletonMacBridgeA, we want this function to have as postcondition that the packet this function returns has the value found in the appropriate ghost state
behavior A:
assumes mac_bridge == &singletonMacBridgeA;
ensures \result.object_high == (uint8_t)injectorAPBBuffer[(injectorAPBBufferCount-1)%4294967296];
mac_packet_t macbridge_get_packet(mac_bridge_t mac_bridge);
The resulting Alt-ergo doesn't seem to capture the post-condition.
(* ---------------------------------------------------------- ) ( --- Post-condition (file mac_bridge.h, line 24) in 'macbridge_get_packet' --- ) ( ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
goal macbridge_get_packet_post: forall t : int farray. forall t_1 : (addr,int) farray. forall t_2 : (addr,addr) farray. forall a : addr. let a_1 = shiftfield_F7_mac_bridge_cmd_rx_buffer(a) : addr in let a_2 = t_2[a_1] : addr in let x = t_1[a_2] : int in (region(a.base) <= 0) -> framed(t_2) -> linked(t) -> valid_rd(t, a_1, 1) -> is_uint32(x) -> valid_rd(t, a_2, 1) -> (x = to_uint8(x))