diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml b/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
index 24cb1bec294007d4810c5d91f7379608dcbc9168..4317af5b04cbe11e8f1e95f0b8557a28c842efb5 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
@@ -5310,7 +5310,7 @@ and doType (ghost:bool) isFuncArg
                 Attr("arraylen", [ la ]) :: static
               with NotAnAttrParam _ -> begin
                   Kernel.warning ~once:true ~current:true
-                    "Cannot represent the length '%a'of array as an attribute"
+                    "Cannot represent the length '%a' of array as an attribute"
                     Cil_printer.pp_exp l
                   static (* Leave unchanged *)
@@ -5999,7 +5999,14 @@ and doExp local_env
     | Cabs.CONSTANT ct -> begin
         match ct with
         | Cabs.CONST_INT str -> begin
-            let res = parseIntExp ~loc str in
+            let res =
+              try parseIntExp ~loc str
+              with Cil.ParseIntError msg ->
+                Kernel.error ~current:true "%s" msg;
+                (* assign an arbitrary expression,
+                   since we must return something *)
+                Cil.one ~loc
+            in
             finishExp [] (unspecified_chunk empty) res (typeOf res)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
index 406439f82cb2ba342c29dd9988a3e9b299f976b7..67bec896462c4c54511b01ac9f65398fb0ece194 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.ml
@@ -3240,11 +3240,12 @@ let parseIntAux (str:string) =
     let doAcc what =
       if Integer.ge what base
-        Kernel.fatal ~current:true
-          "Invalid digit %a in integer constant '%s' in base %a."
-          (Integer.pretty ~hexa:false) what
-          str
-          (Integer.pretty ~hexa:false) base;
+        raise (ParseIntError
+                 (Format.asprintf
+                    "Invalid digit %a in integer literal '%s' in base %a."
+                    (Integer.pretty ~hexa:false) what
+                    str
+                    (Integer.pretty ~hexa:false) base));
       let acc' =
         Integer.add what (Integer.mul base acc) in
       toInt base acc' (idx + 1)
@@ -3261,7 +3262,8 @@ let parseIntAux (str:string) =
         doAcc (Integer.of_int (10 + Char.code ch - Char.code 'A'))
         raise (ParseIntError
-                 (Format.asprintf "Invalid integer constant: %s" str))
+                 (Format.asprintf
+                    "Invalid character %c in integer literal: %s" ch str))
   let i =
     if octalhexbin && l >= 2 then
@@ -3278,45 +3280,37 @@ let parseIntAux (str:string) =
 let parseInt s =
-  try
-    fst (parseIntAux s)
-  with ParseIntError msg ->
-    Kernel.fatal ~current:true "%s" msg
+  fst (parseIntAux s)
+let parseInt_opt str =
+  try Some (parseInt str)
+  with ParseIntError _ -> None
 let parseIntLogic ~loc str =
-  try
-    let i,_= parseIntAux str in
-    { term_node = TConst (Integer (i,Some str)) ; term_loc = loc;
-      term_name = []; term_type = Linteger;}
-  with ParseIntError msg ->
-    Kernel.fatal ~current:true "%s" msg
+  let i,_= parseIntAux str in
+  { term_node = TConst (Integer (i,Some str)) ; term_loc = loc;
+    term_name = []; term_type = Linteger;}
+let parseIntLogic_opt ~loc str =
+  try Some (parseIntLogic ~loc str)
+  with ParseIntError _ -> None
 let parseIntExp ~loc repr =
-  try
-    let i,kinds = parseIntAux repr in
-    let rec loop = function
-      | k::rest ->
-        if fitsInInt k i then (* i fits in the current type. *)
-          kinteger64 ~loc ~repr ~kind:k i
-        else loop rest
-      | [] ->
-        Kernel.fatal ~source:(fst loc) "Cannot represent the integer %s" repr
-    in
-    loop kinds
-  with ParseIntError msg ->
-    Kernel.fatal ~current:true "%s" msg
+  let i,kinds = parseIntAux repr in
+  let rec loop = function
+    | k::rest ->
+      if fitsInInt k i then (* i fits in the current type. *)
+        kinteger64 ~loc ~repr ~kind:k i
+      else loop rest
+    | [] ->
+      raise (ParseIntError
+               (Format.asprintf "Cannot represent the integer %s" repr))
+  in
+  loop kinds
 let parseIntExp_opt ~loc repr =
-    let i,kinds = parseIntAux repr in
-    let rec loop = function
-      | k::rest ->
-        if fitsInInt k i then (* i fits in the current type. *)
-          Some (kinteger64 ~loc ~repr ~kind:k i)
-        else loop rest
-      | [] -> None
-    in
-    loop kinds
+    Some (parseIntExp loc repr)
   with ParseIntError _ -> None
 let mkStmtCfg ~before ~(new_stmtkind:stmtkind) ~(ref_stmt:stmt) : stmt =
@@ -4129,13 +4123,9 @@ and alignOfField (fi: fieldinfo) =
 and intOfAttrparam (a:attrparam) : int option =
   let rec doit a : int =
     match a with
-    |  AInt(n) ->
-      begin
-        match Integer.to_int_opt n with
-        | Some n' -> n'
-        | None ->
-          raise (SizeOfError ("Overflow in integer attribute.", voidType))
-      end
+    | AInt(n) ->
+      Extlib.the ~exn:(SizeOfError ("Overflow in integer attribute.", voidType))
+        (Integer.to_int_opt n)
     | ABinOp(PlusA, a1, a2) -> doit a1 + doit a2
     | ABinOp(MinusA, a1, a2) -> doit a1 - doit a2
     | ABinOp(Mult, a1, a2) -> doit a1 * doit a2
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
index 62c5bfbf255c7c1b72b5a52c5dba5b6cdc3695e9..82868ebd4ca11c52eb4be00611ab286c99e2b446 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
@@ -1036,20 +1036,47 @@ val typeOf_array_elem : typ -> typ
 val is_fully_arithmetic: typ -> bool
 (** Returns [true] whenever the type contains only arithmetic types *)
-(** Convert a string representing a C integer literal to an expression.
+(** Exception raised by several parseInt* functions.
+    @since Frama-C+dev
+exception ParseIntError of string
+(** Convert a string representing a C integer literal to an Integer.
     Handles the prefixes 0x and 0 and the suffixes L, U, UL, LL, ULL.
+    @raise ParseIntError if there is an error parsing the string
+           (e.g. invalid characters).
+    @modify Frama-C+dev now raises ParseIntError.
 val parseInt: string -> Integer.t
+(** Like [parseInt], but returns [None] in case of failure.
+    @since Frama-C+dev
+val parseInt_opt: string -> Integer.t option
+(** Like [parseInt], but converts to an expression.
+    @raise ParseIntError if the string cannot be converted
+           (e.g., too large, or contains invalid characters).
+    @modify Frama-C+dev now raises ParseIntError.
 val parseIntExp: loc:location -> string -> exp
-val parseIntLogic: loc:location -> string -> term
 (** Like [parseIntExp], but returns [None] in case of failure.
     @since Frama-C+dev
 val parseIntExp_opt: loc:location -> string -> exp option
-(** Convert a string representing a C integer literal to an expression.
-    Handles the prefixes 0x and 0 and the suffixes L, U, UL, LL, ULL *)
+(** Like [parseInt], but converts to a logic term.
+    @raise ParseIntError if there is an error parsing the string
+           (e.g. invalid characters).
+    @modify Frama-C+dev now raises ParseIntError.
+val parseIntLogic: loc:location -> string -> term
+(** Like [parseIntLogic], but returns [None] in case of failure.
+    @since Frama-C+dev
+val parseIntLogic_opt: loc:location -> string -> term option
 val appears_in_expr: varinfo -> exp -> bool
 (** @return true if the given variable appears in the expression. *)
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/invalid_constant.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/invalid_constant.res.oracle
index b4b0da647d4313161e9561d38aa1b02bb4c8dfff..cfd2c2ad290eea43ed3087eb2ca5e4f59de38ac2 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/invalid_constant.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/invalid_constant.res.oracle
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 [kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/invalid_constant.i (no preprocessing)
-[kernel] tests/syntax/invalid_constant.i:6: Failure: 
-  Invalid digit 8 in integer constant '0123456789' in base 8.
+[kernel] tests/syntax/invalid_constant.i:6: User Error: 
+  Invalid digit 8 in integer literal '0123456789' in base 8.
 [kernel] User Error: stopping on file "tests/syntax/invalid_constant.i" that has errors.
 [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/very_large_integers.1.res.oracle b/tests/syntax/oracle/very_large_integers.1.res.oracle
index 53fe76c37f3be3de790eaf9a496c2a1896db9416..43f59ecb36a0bf51cd45b43e9d3ca7cae94cd35a 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/very_large_integers.1.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/very_large_integers.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 [kernel] Parsing tests/syntax/very_large_integers.c (with preprocessing)
 [kernel] tests/syntax/very_large_integers.c:25: User Error: 
-  invalid integer constant: 99999999999999999999U
+  Cannot represent the integer 99999999999999999999U
 [kernel] tests/syntax/very_large_integers.c:25: User Error: 
-  invalid integer constant: 99999999999999999999U
+  Cannot represent the integer 99999999999999999999U
 [kernel] tests/syntax/very_large_integers.c:53: Warning: 
   ignoring invalid aligned attribute: __aligned__(9223372036854775808)
 [kernel] tests/syntax/very_large_integers.c:53: Warning: