diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 57d5264ffe28ef9639bb5d1b5c0a3d74b6c9f7c2..2f24f05df084915fb07c9c6c01b6f07450f04b42 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -908,8 +908,9 @@ PLUGIN_CMO:= partitioning/split_strategy domains/domain_mode self parameters \
 	partitioning/auto_loop_unroll \
 	partitioning/partition partitioning/partitioning_parameters \
 	partitioning/partitioning_index partitioning/trace_partitioning \
+	engine/recursion engine/function_calls \
 	engine/subdivided_evaluation engine/evaluation engine/abstractions \
-	engine/recursion engine/transfer_stmt engine/transfer_specification \
+	engine/transfer_stmt engine/transfer_specification \
 	engine/mem_exec engine/iterator engine/initialization \
 	engine/compute_functions engine/analysis register \
 	domains/taint_domain \
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/engine/compute_functions.ml b/src/plugins/value/engine/compute_functions.ml
index 701376e8202398681776dcd6f7870fa40891b412..3f88ff3f8543486ca20ad68ba4a2871b97922853 100644
--- a/src/plugins/value/engine/compute_functions.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/value/engine/compute_functions.ml
@@ -165,111 +165,98 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
     | None -> fun _ -> assert false
     | Some get -> fun location -> get location
-  (* Compute a call to [kf] in the state [state]. The evaluation will
-     be done either using the body of [kf] or its specification, depending
-     on whether the body exists and on option [-eva-use-spec]. [call_kinstr]
-     is the instruction at which the call takes place, and is used to update
-     the statuses of the preconditions of [kf]. If [show_progress] is true,
-     the callstack and additional information are printed. *)
-  let compute_using_spec_or_body call_kinstr call recursion state =
-    let kf = call.kf in
-    Eva_results.mark_kf_as_called kf;
-    let global = match call_kinstr with Kglobal -> true | _ -> false in
+  (* ----- Mem Exec cache --------------------------------------------------- *)
+  module MemExec = Mem_exec.Make (Abstract.Val) (Abstract.Dom)
+  let compute_and_cache_call compute kinstr call init_state =
+    let args =
+      List.map (fun {avalue} -> Eval.value_assigned avalue) call.arguments
+    in
+    match MemExec.reuse_previous_call call.kf init_state args with
+    | None ->
+      let call_result = compute kinstr call init_state in
+      let () =
+        if call_result.Transfer.cacheable = Eval.Cacheable
+        then
+          let final_states = call_result.Transfer.states in
+          MemExec.store_computed_call call.kf init_state args final_states
+      in
+      call_result
+    | Some (states, i) ->
+      let stack = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
+      let cvalue = Abstract.Dom.get_cvalue_or_top init_state in
+      Db.Value.Call_Type_Value_Callbacks.apply (`Memexec, cvalue, stack);
+      (* Evaluate the preconditions of kf, to update the statuses
+         at this call. *)
+      let spec = Annotations.funspec call.kf in
+      if not (Eva_utils.skip_specifications call.kf) &&
+         Eval_annots.has_requires spec
+      then begin
+        let ab = Logic.create init_state call.kf in
+        ignore (Logic.check_fct_preconditions kinstr call.kf ab init_state);
+      end;
+      if Parameters.ValShowProgress.get () then begin
+        Self.feedback ~current:true
+          "Reusing old results for call to %a" Kernel_function.pretty call.kf;
+        Self.debug ~dkey
+          "calling Record_Value_New callbacks on saved previous result";
+      end;
+      let stack_with_call = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
+      Db.Value.Record_Value_Callbacks_New.apply
+        (stack_with_call, Value_types.Reuse i);
+      (* call can be cached since it was cached once *)
+      Transfer.{states; cacheable = Cacheable; builtin=false}
+  (* ----- Body or specification analysis ----------------------------------- *)
+  (* Interprets a [call] at callsite [kinstr] in the state [state] by analyzing
+     the body of the called function. *)
+  let compute_using_body fundec kinstr call state =
+    let result = Computer.compute call.kf kinstr state in
+    Summary.FunctionStats.recompute fundec;
+    result
+  (* Interprets a [call] at callsite [kinstr] in the state [state] by using the
+     specification of the called function. *)
+  let compute_using_spec spec kinstr call state =
+    if Parameters.InterpreterMode.get ()
+    then Self.abort "Library function call. Stopping.";
+    Self.feedback ~once:true
+      "@[using specification for function %a@]" Kernel_function.pretty call.kf;
+    let vi = Kernel_function.get_vi call.kf in
+    if Cil.is_in_libc vi.vattr then
+      Library_functions.warn_unsupported_spec vi.vorig_name;
+    Spec.compute_using_specification ~warn:true kinstr call spec state,
+    Eval.Cacheable
+  (* Interprets a [call] at callsite [kinstr] in state [state], using its
+     specification or body according to [target]. If [-eva-show-progress] is
+     true, the callstack and additional information are printed. *)
+  let compute_using_spec_or_body target kinstr call state =
+    let global = match kinstr with Kglobal -> true | _ -> false in
     let pp = not global && Parameters.ValShowProgress.get () in
     let call_stack = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
-    let use_spec =
-      match recursion with
-      | Some { depth } when depth >= Parameters.RecursiveUnroll.get () ->
-        `Spec (Recursion.get_spec call_kinstr kf)
-      | _ ->
-        match kf.fundec with
-        | Declaration (_,_,_,_) -> `Spec (Annotations.funspec kf)
-        | Definition (def, _) ->
-          if Kernel_function.Set.mem kf (Parameters.UsePrototype.get ())
-          then `Spec (Annotations.funspec kf)
-          else `Def def
-    in
     if pp then
         "@[computing for function %a.@\nCalled from %a.@]"
         Value_types.Callstack.pretty_short call_stack
-        Cil_datatype.Location.pretty (Cil_datatype.Kinstr.loc call_kinstr);
+        Cil_datatype.Location.pretty (Cil_datatype.Kinstr.loc kinstr);
     let cvalue_state = Abstract.Dom.get_cvalue_or_top state in
-    let resulting_states, cacheable = match use_spec with
-      | `Spec spec ->
-        Db.Value.Call_Type_Value_Callbacks.apply
-          (`Spec spec, cvalue_state, call_stack);
-        if Parameters.InterpreterMode.get ()
-        then Self.abort "Library function call. Stopping.";
-        Self.feedback ~once:true
-          "@[using specification for function %a@]" Kernel_function.pretty kf;
-        let vi = Kernel_function.get_vi kf in
-        if Cil.is_in_libc vi.vattr then
-          Library_functions.warn_unsupported_spec vi.vorig_name;
-        Spec.compute_using_specification ~warn:true call_kinstr call spec state,
-        Eval.Cacheable
-      | `Def fundec ->
-        Db.Value.Call_Type_Value_Callbacks.apply (`Def, cvalue_state, call_stack);
-        let result = Computer.compute kf call_kinstr state in
-        Summary.FunctionStats.recompute fundec;
-        result
+    let call_stack = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
+    let compute, kind =
+      match target with
+      | `Def (fundec, _) -> compute_using_body fundec, `Def
+      | `Spec funspec -> compute_using_spec funspec, `Spec funspec
+    Db.Value.Call_Type_Value_Callbacks.apply (kind, cvalue_state, call_stack);
+    let resulting_states, cacheable = compute kinstr call state in
     if pp then
-        "Done for function %a" Kernel_function.pretty kf;
+        "Done for function %a" Kernel_function.pretty call.kf;
     Transfer.{ states = resulting_states; cacheable; builtin=false }
-  (* Mem Exec *)
-  module MemExec = Mem_exec.Make (Abstract.Val) (Abstract.Dom)
-  let compute_and_cache_call stmt call recursion init_state =
-    let default () =
-      compute_using_spec_or_body (Kstmt stmt) call recursion init_state
-    in
-    if Parameters.MemExecAll.get () then
-      let args =
-        List.map (fun {avalue} -> Eval.value_assigned avalue) call.arguments
-      in
-      match MemExec.reuse_previous_call call.kf init_state args with
-      | None ->
-        let call_result = default () in
-        let () =
-          if not (!Db.Value.use_spec_instead_of_definition call.kf)
-          && call_result.Transfer.cacheable = Eval.Cacheable
-          then
-            let final_states = call_result.Transfer.states in
-            MemExec.store_computed_call call.kf init_state args final_states
-        in
-        call_result
-      | Some (states, i) ->
-        let stack = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
-        let cvalue = Abstract.Dom.get_cvalue_or_top init_state in
-        Db.Value.Call_Type_Value_Callbacks.apply (`Memexec, cvalue, stack);
-        (* Evaluate the preconditions of kf, to update the statuses
-           at this call. *)
-        let spec = Annotations.funspec call.kf in
-        if not (Eva_utils.skip_specifications call.kf) &&
-           Eval_annots.has_requires spec
-        then begin
-          let ab = Logic.create init_state call.kf in
-          ignore (Logic.check_fct_preconditions
-                    (Kstmt stmt) call.kf ab init_state);
-        end;
-        if Parameters.ValShowProgress.get () then begin
-          Self.feedback ~current:true
-            "Reusing old results for call to %a" Kernel_function.pretty call.kf;
-          Self.debug ~dkey
-            "calling Record_Value_New callbacks on saved previous result";
-        end;
-        let stack_with_call = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
-        Db.Value.Record_Value_Callbacks_New.apply
-          (stack_with_call, Value_types.Reuse i);
-        (* call can be cached since it was cached once *)
-        Transfer.{states; cacheable = Cacheable; builtin=false}
-    else
-      default ()
+  (* ----- Use of cvalue builtins ------------------------------------------- *)
   let get_cvalue_call call =
     let lift_left left = { left with lloc = get_ploc left.lloc } in
@@ -288,53 +275,73 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
     | (_k,s) :: l  ->
       `Value (List.fold_left Abstract.Dom.join s (List.map snd l))
-  let compute_call_or_builtin stmt call recursion state =
-    match Builtins.find_builtin_override call.kf with
-    | None -> compute_and_cache_call stmt call recursion state
-    | Some (name, builtin, cacheable, spec) ->
-      Eva_results.mark_kf_as_called call.kf;
-      let kinstr = Kstmt stmt in
-      let kf_name = Kernel_function.get_name call.kf in
-      if Parameters.ValShowProgress.get ()
-      then
-        Self.feedback ~current:true "Call to builtin %s%s"
-          name (if kf_name = name then "" else " for function " ^ kf_name);
-      (* Do not track garbled mixes created when interpreting the specification,
-         as the result of the cvalue builtin will overwrite them. *)
-      Locations.Location_Bytes.do_track_garbled_mix false;
-      let states =
-        Spec.compute_using_specification ~warn:false kinstr call spec state
+  (* Interprets a call to [kf] at callsite [kinstr] in the state [state]
+     by using a cvalue builtin. *)
+  let compute_builtin (name, builtin, cacheable, spec) kinstr call state =
+    let kf_name = Kernel_function.get_name call.kf in
+    if Parameters.ValShowProgress.get ()
+    then
+      Self.feedback ~current:true "Call to builtin %s%s"
+        name (if kf_name = name then "" else " for function " ^ kf_name);
+    (* Do not track garbled mixes created when interpreting the specification,
+       as the result of the cvalue builtin will overwrite them. *)
+    Locations.Location_Bytes.do_track_garbled_mix false;
+    let states =
+      Spec.compute_using_specification ~warn:false kinstr call spec state
+    in
+    Locations.Location_Bytes.do_track_garbled_mix true;
+    let final_state = join_states states in
+    let cvalue_state = Abstract.Dom.get_cvalue_or_top state in
+    match final_state with
+    | `Bottom ->
+      let cs = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
+      Db.Value.Call_Type_Value_Callbacks.apply (`Spec spec, cvalue_state, cs);
+      let cacheable = Eval.Cacheable in
+      Transfer.{states; cacheable; builtin=true}
+    | `Value final_state ->
+      let cvalue_call = get_cvalue_call call in
+      let post = Abstract.Dom.get_cvalue_or_top final_state in
+      let cvalue_states =
+        Builtins.apply_builtin builtin cvalue_call ~pre:cvalue_state ~post
-      Locations.Location_Bytes.do_track_garbled_mix true;
-      let final_state = join_states states in
-      let cvalue_state = Abstract.Dom.get_cvalue_or_top state in
-      match final_state with
-      | `Bottom ->
-        let cs = Eva_utils.call_stack () in
-        Db.Value.Call_Type_Value_Callbacks.apply (`Spec spec, cvalue_state, cs);
-        let cacheable = Eval.Cacheable in
-        Transfer.{states; cacheable; builtin=true}
-      | `Value final_state ->
-        let cvalue_call = get_cvalue_call call in
-        let post = Abstract.Dom.get_cvalue_or_top final_state in
-        let cvalue_states =
-          Builtins.apply_builtin builtin cvalue_call ~pre:cvalue_state ~post
-        in
-        let insert cvalue_state =
-          Partition.Key.empty,
-          Abstract.Dom.set Cvalue_domain.State.key cvalue_state final_state
-        in
-        let states = List.map insert cvalue_states in
-        Transfer.{states; cacheable; builtin=true}
-  let compute_call =
+      let insert cvalue_state =
+        Partition.Key.empty,
+        Abstract.Dom.set Cvalue_domain.State.key cvalue_state final_state
+      in
+      let states = List.map insert cvalue_states in
+      Transfer.{states; cacheable; builtin=true}
+  (* Uses cvalue builtin only if the cvalue domain is available. Otherwise, only
+     use the called function specification. *)
+  let compute_builtin =
     if Abstract.Dom.mem Cvalue_domain.State.key
     && Abstract.Val.mem Main_values.CVal.key
     && Abstract.Loc.mem Main_locations.PLoc.key
-    then compute_call_or_builtin
-    else compute_and_cache_call
+    then compute_builtin
+    else fun (_, _, _, spec) -> compute_using_spec_or_body (`Spec spec)
+  (* ----- Call computation ------------------------------------------------- *)
+  (* Interprets a [call] at callsite [kinstr] in the state [state],
+     using a builtin, the specification or the body of the called function,
+     according to [Function_calls.register]. *)
+  let compute_call kinstr call recursion state =
+    let recursion_depth = Option.map (fun r -> r.depth) recursion in
+    let target =
+      Function_calls.define_analysis_target ?recursion_depth kinstr call.kf
+    in
+    match target with
+    | `Builtin builtin_info -> compute_builtin builtin_info kinstr call state
+    | `Spec _ as spec -> compute_using_spec_or_body spec kinstr call state
+    | `Def _ as def ->
+      let compute = compute_using_spec_or_body def in
+      if Parameters.MemExecAll.get ()
+      then compute_and_cache_call compute kinstr call state
+      else compute kinstr call state
-  let () = Transfer.compute_call_ref := compute_call
+  let () = Transfer.compute_call_ref := (fun stmt -> compute_call (Kstmt stmt))
+  (* ----- Main call -------------------------------------------------------- *)
   let store_initial_state kf init_state =
     Abstract.Dom.Store.register_initial_state (Eva_utils.call_stack ()) init_state;
@@ -349,9 +356,7 @@ module Make (Abstract: Abstractions.Eva) = struct
       let call =
         { kf; callstack = []; arguments = []; rest = []; return = None; }
-      let final_result =
-        compute_using_spec_or_body Kglobal call None init_state
-      in
+      let final_result = compute_call Kglobal call None init_state in
       let final_states = List.map snd (final_result.Transfer.states) in
       let final_state = PowersetDomain.(final_states |> of_list |> join) in
       Eva_utils.pop_call_stack ();
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/engine/function_calls.ml b/src/plugins/value/engine/function_calls.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6149217b42656f40c3f8a06a83d29b9b9a743e4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/value/engine/function_calls.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Cil_types
+open Eval
+let save_results f =
+  Parameters.ResultsAll.get () && not (Parameters.NoResultsFunctions.mem f)
+let info name : (module State_builder.Info_with_size) =
+  (module struct
+    let name = "Eva.Function_calls." ^ name
+    let size = 17
+    let dependencies = [ Self.state ]
+  end)
+module StmtSet = Cil_datatype.Stmt.Set
+module Calls = Kernel_function.Map.Make (StmtSet)
+module Callers = Kernel_function.Make_Table (Calls) (val info "Callers")
+let register_call kinstr kf =
+  match kinstr, Eva_utils.call_stack () with
+  | Kglobal, _ -> Callers.add kf Kernel_function.Map.empty
+  | Kstmt _, ([] | [_]) -> assert false
+  | Kstmt stmt, (kf', kinstr') :: (caller, _) :: _ ->
+    assert (Kernel_function.equal kf kf');
+    assert (Cil_datatype.Kinstr.equal kinstr kinstr');
+    let callsite = StmtSet.singleton stmt in
+    let change calls =
+      let prev_stmts = Kernel_function.Map.find_opt caller calls in
+      let new_stmts =
+        Option.fold ~none:callsite ~some:(StmtSet.union callsite) prev_stmts
+      in
+      Kernel_function.Map.add caller new_stmts calls
+    in
+    let add _kf = Kernel_function.Map.singleton caller callsite in
+    ignore (Callers.memo ~change add kf)
+type analysis_target =
+  [ `Builtin of string * Builtins.builtin * cacheable * funspec
+  | `Spec of Cil_types.funspec
+  | `Def of Cil_types.fundec * bool ]
+type results = Complete | Partial | NoResults
+type analysis_status =
+    Unreachable | SpecUsed | Builtin of string | Analyzed of results
+module Status = Datatype.Make (
+  struct
+    include Datatype.Serializable_undefined
+    type t = analysis_status
+    let name = "Function_calls.Status"
+    let reprs = [ Unreachable ]
+    let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_sum [| [| |] |]
+    let pretty fmt t =
+      let str = match t with
+        | Unreachable -> "Unreachable"
+        | SpecUsed -> "Spec"
+        | Builtin name -> "Builtin " ^ name
+        | Analyzed _ -> "Analyzed"
+      in
+      Format.fprintf fmt "%s" str
+  end)
+module StatusTable = Kernel_function.Make_Table (Status) (val info "StatusTable")
+let register_status kf kind =
+  let status =
+    match kind with
+    | `Builtin (name, _, _, _) -> Builtin name
+    | `Spec _ -> SpecUsed
+    | `Def (_, results) -> Analyzed (if results then Complete else NoResults)
+  in
+  let change prev_status =
+    match prev_status, status with
+    | Analyzed result, SpecUsed ->
+      Analyzed (if result = Complete then Partial else result)
+    | Analyzed Partial, Analyzed Complete ->
+      Analyzed Partial
+    | _, _ ->
+      assert (prev_status = status);
+      status
+  in
+  ignore (StatusTable.memo ~change (fun _ -> status) kf)
+let analysis_target ~recursion_depth callsite kf =
+  match Builtins.find_builtin_override kf with
+  | Some (name, builtin, cache, spec) ->
+    `Builtin (name, builtin, cache, spec)
+  | None ->
+    if recursion_depth >= Parameters.RecursiveUnroll.get ()
+    then `Spec (Recursion.get_spec callsite kf)
+    else
+      match kf.fundec with
+      | Declaration (_,_,_,_) -> `Spec (Annotations.funspec kf)
+      | Definition (def, _) ->
+        if Kernel_function.Set.mem kf (Parameters.UsePrototype.get ())
+        then `Spec (Annotations.funspec kf)
+        else `Def (def, save_results def)
+let define_analysis_target ?(recursion_depth = -1) callsite kf  =
+  let kind = analysis_target callsite kf ~recursion_depth in
+  Eva_results.mark_kf_as_called kf;
+  register_call callsite kf;
+  register_status kf kind;
+  kind
diff --git a/src/plugins/value/engine/function_calls.mli b/src/plugins/value/engine/function_calls.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3cf91982cc0b5d6420bcd404045e975fffec11c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/value/engine/function_calls.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2022                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Cil_types
+(** What is used for the analysis of a given function:
+    - a Cvalue builtin (and other domains use the specification)
+    - the function specification
+    - the function body. *)
+type analysis_target =
+  [ `Builtin of string * Builtins.builtin * Eval.cacheable * funspec
+  | `Spec of Cil_types.funspec
+  | `Def of Cil_types.fundec * bool ]
+(** Define the analysis target of a function according to Eva parameters.
+    Also registers the call in tables for the functions below. *)
+val define_analysis_target:
+   ?recursion_depth:int -> kinstr -> kernel_function -> analysis_target
diff --git a/tests/value/oracle/recursion.0.res.oracle b/tests/value/oracle/recursion.0.res.oracle
index b3ec9d36b5fdae0cc388266e62a86c0923be54f7..fddbfe1a8217d8ef30018ab273fc6bef1acfb8ed 100644
--- a/tests/value/oracle/recursion.0.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/value/oracle/recursion.0.res.oracle
@@ -133,6 +133,13 @@
 [eva:alarm] recursion.c:182: Warning: 
   function even_ptr: postcondition got status unknown.
 [eva:recursion] recursion.c:174: detected recursive call of function even_ptr.
+[eva] recursion.c:174: Warning: 
+  Using specification of function even_ptr for recursive calls.
+  Analysis of function even_ptr is thus incomplete and its soundness
+  relies on the written specification.
+[eva] using specification for function even_ptr
+[eva:alarm] recursion.c:175: Warning: 
+  accessing uninitialized left-value. assert \initialized(&x);
 [eva] recursion.c:383: Frama_C_show_each_1: {1}, {1}
 [eva] recursion.c:386: Frama_C_show_each_0: {0}, {0}
 [eva] using specification for function Frama_C_interval