From f163e72721a0259beb90ce41fbba036d558b5727 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andre Maroneze <>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2021 17:39:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [Kernel] fix several crashes related to very large integers

 src/kernel_internals/typing/ | 55 ++++++++++++++++++++++---
 src/kernel_services/ast_queries/  | 19 ++++++---
 src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli |  5 ++-
 3 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
index 0b61835de9d..5f17a26c2b7 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
@@ -3348,7 +3348,14 @@ let rec setOneInit this o preinit =
     let idx, (* Index in the current comp *)
         restoff (* Rest offset *) =
       match o with
-      | Index({enode = Const(CInt64(i,_,_))}, off) -> Integer.to_int i, off
+      | Index({enode = Const(CInt64(i,_,_))}, off) ->
+        begin
+          match Integer.to_int_opt i with
+          | Some i' -> i', off
+          | None -> Kernel.fatal ~current:true
+                      "integer too large: %a"
+                      (Integer.pretty ~hexa:true) i
+        end
       | Field (f, off) ->
         (* Find the index of the field *)
         let rec loop (idx: int) = function
@@ -3428,7 +3435,14 @@ let rec collectInitializer
         | Some len -> begin
             match constFoldToInt len with
             | Some ni when ni ->
-              (Integer.to_int ni), false
+              begin
+                match Integer.to_int_opt ni with
+                | Some ni' -> ni', false
+                | None ->
+                  Kernel.fatal ~current:true
+                    "Array length %a overflows int, cannot use initializer."
+                    Cil_printer.pp_exp len
+              end
             | _ ->
               Kernel.fatal ~current:true
                 "Array length %a is not a compile-time constant: \
@@ -5701,7 +5715,14 @@ and isIntegerConstant ghost (aexp) : int option =
   match doExp (ghost_local_env ghost) CMayConst aexp (AExp None) with
   | (_, c, e, _) when isEmpty c -> begin
       match Cil.constFoldToInt e with
-      | Some n -> (try Some (Integer.to_int n) with Z.Overflow -> None)
+      | Some n ->
+        begin
+          match Integer.to_int_opt n with
+          | Some n' -> Some n'
+          | None -> Kernel.fatal ~current:true
+                      "integer constant too large in expression: %a"
+                      Cil_printer.pp_exp e
+        end
       | _ -> None
   | _ -> None
@@ -8467,7 +8488,13 @@ and doInit local_env asconst add_implicit_ensures preinit so acc initl =
                 let doidx = add_reads ~ghost idxe'.eloc r doidx in
                 match constFoldToInt idxe', isNotEmpty doidx with
-                | Some x, false -> Integer.to_int x, doidx
+                | Some x, false ->
+                  begin
+                    match Integer.to_int_opt x with
+                    | Some x' -> x', doidx
+                    | None -> abort_context
+                                "INDEX initialization designator overflows"
+                  end
                 | _ ->
                     "INDEX initialization designator is not a constant"
@@ -8505,7 +8532,14 @@ and doInit local_env asconst add_implicit_ensures preinit so acc initl =
           Kernel.fatal ~current:true "Range designators are not constants";
         let first, last =
           match constFoldToInt idxs', constFoldToInt idxe' with
-          | Some s, Some e -> Integer.to_int s, Integer.to_int e
+          | Some s, Some e ->
+            begin
+              match Integer.to_int_opt s, Integer.to_int_opt e with
+              | Some s', Some e' -> s', e'
+              | _, _ ->
+                Kernel.fatal ~current:true
+                  "INDEX_RANGE initialization designator overflows"
+            end
           | _ ->
             Kernel.fatal ~current:true
               "INDEX_RANGE initialization designator is not a constant"
@@ -10062,7 +10096,16 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : Cabs.statement) : chunk =
         "Case statement with a non-constant";
     let il, ih =
       match constFoldToInt el', constFoldToInt eh' with
-      | Some il, Some ih -> Integer.to_int il, Integer.to_int ih
+      | Some il, Some ih ->
+        begin
+          match Integer.to_int_opt il, Integer.to_int_opt ih with
+          | Some il', Some ih' -> il', ih'
+          | _, _ ->
+            Kernel.fatal ~current:true
+              "constant(s) in case range too large: %a ... %a"
+              (Integer.pretty ~hexa:false) il
+              (Integer.pretty ~hexa:false) ih
+        end
       | _ ->
         Kernel.fatal ~current:true
           "Cannot understand the constants in case range"
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index b7b405e03e2..25de3a7c644 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -4102,7 +4102,13 @@ and alignOfField (fi: fieldinfo) =
 and intOfAttrparam (a:attrparam) : int option =
   let rec doit a : int =
     match a with
-    |  AInt(n) -> Integer.to_int n
+    |  AInt(n) ->
+      begin
+        match Integer.to_int_opt n with
+        | Some n' -> n'
+        | None ->
+          raise (SizeOfError ("Overflow in integer attribute.", voidType))
+      end
     | ABinOp(PlusA, a1, a2) -> doit a1 + doit a2
     | ABinOp(MinusA, a1, a2) -> doit a1 - doit a2
     | ABinOp(Mult, a1, a2) -> doit a1 * doit a2
@@ -4410,9 +4416,9 @@ and bitsSizeOf t =
              Const(CInt64(l,_,_)) ->
              let sz = Integer.mul (Integer.of_int (bitsSizeOf bt)) l in
              let sz' =
-               try
-                 Integer.to_int sz
-               with Z.Overflow ->
+               match Integer.to_int_opt sz with
+               | Some i -> i
+               | None ->
                       ("Array is so long that its size can't be "
@@ -5996,7 +6002,10 @@ let lenOfArray64 eo =
       | _ -> raise LenOfArray
-let lenOfArray eo = Integer.to_int (lenOfArray64 eo)
+let lenOfArray eo =
+  match Integer.to_int_opt (lenOfArray64 eo) with
+  | None -> raise LenOfArray
+  | Some l -> l
 (*** Make an initializer for zeroing a data type ***)
 let rec makeZeroInit ~loc (t: typ) : init =
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
index 094edf99428..7e24ee1a47a 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
@@ -606,8 +606,9 @@ val isArrayType: typ -> bool
 (** True if the argument is a struct of union type *)
 val isStructOrUnionType: typ -> bool
-(** Raised when {!Cil.lenOfArray} fails either because the length is [None]
-  * or because it is a non-constant expression *)
+(** Raised when {!Cil.lenOfArray} fails either because the length is [None],
+  * because it is a non-constant expression, or because it overflows an int.
 exception LenOfArray
 (** Call to compute the array length as present in the array type, to an