From f008db55d57cbc07cc922ca477fbe0214c9732f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Virgile Prevosto <>
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 14:36:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Let logical operators accept any scalar type as argument

 src/kernel_internals/typing/           | 12 ++----------
 src/kernel_services/ast_queries/            | 15 +++++++++++++--
 src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli           | 11 +++++++++--
 .../oracle/      |  2 +-
 4 files changed, 25 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
index 17cf66913b9..d797b501c14 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
@@ -7784,11 +7784,7 @@ and doCondExp local_env asconst
              end else CEAnd (ce1, ce2))
         | CEExp(se1, e1'), CEExp (se2, e2') when
             theMachine.useLogicalOperators && isEmpty se1 && isEmpty se2 ->
-          CEExp
-            (empty,
-             new_exp ~loc
-               (BinOp(LAnd,
-                      makeCast e1' intType, makeCast e2' intType, intType)))
+          CEExp (empty, new_exp ~loc (BinOp(LAnd, e1', e2', intType)))
         | _ -> CEAnd (ce1, ce2)
@@ -7807,11 +7803,7 @@ and doCondExp local_env asconst
              end else CEOr (ce1, ce2))
         | CEExp (se1, e1'), CEExp (se2, e2') when
             theMachine.useLogicalOperators && isEmpty se1 && isEmpty se2 ->
-          CEExp
-            (empty,
-             new_exp ~loc
-               (BinOp(LOr,
-                      makeCast e1' intType, makeCast e2' intType, intType)))
+          CEExp (empty, new_exp ~loc (BinOp(LOr, e1', e2', intType)))
         | _ -> CEOr (ce1, ce2)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index 544e912ca69..c8bfefe2bac 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -3583,11 +3583,13 @@ let isLongDoubleType t =
   | TFloat(FLongDouble,_) -> true
   | _ -> false
-let isArithmeticOrPointerType t=
+let isScalarType t=
   match unrollTypeSkel t with
   | TInt _ | TEnum _ | TFloat _ | TPtr _ -> true
   | _ -> false
+let isArithmeticOrPointerType = isScalarType
 let rec isLogicArithmeticType t =
   match t with
   | Ctype t -> isArithmeticType t
@@ -6186,9 +6188,18 @@ let mkBinOp ~loc op e1 e2 =
     constFoldBinOp ~loc machdep op e1 e2 intType
+  let check_scalar op e t =
+    if not (isScalarType t) then
+      Kernel.fatal ~current:true "operand of %s is not scalar: %a"
+        op !pp_exp_ref e
+  in
   match op with
     (Mult|Div) -> doArithmetic ()
-  | (Mod|BAnd|BOr|BXor|LAnd|LOr) -> doIntegralArithmetic ()
+  | (Mod|BAnd|BOr|BXor) -> doIntegralArithmetic ()
+  | LAnd | LOr ->
+      check_scalar "logical operator" e1 t1;
+      check_scalar "logical operator" e2 t2;
+      constFoldBinOp ~loc machdep op e1 e2 intType
   | (Shiftlt|Shiftrt) -> (* ISO 6.5.7. Only integral promotions. The result
                           * has the same type as the left hand side *)
     if msvcMode () then
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
index 16dae549fb4..b0dcdc46c5e 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil.mli
@@ -546,8 +546,15 @@ val isLogicRealType: logic_type -> bool
     floating point *)
 val isArithmeticType: typ -> bool
-(** True if the argument is an arithmetic or pointer type (i.e. integer, enum,
-    floating point or pointer *)
+(** True if the argument is a scalar type (i.e. integral, enum,
+    floating point or pointer
+  @since Frama-C+dev
+ *)
+val isScalarType: typ -> bool
+(** alias of isScalarType.
+    @deprecated Frama-C+dev use isScalarType instead
+ *)
 val isArithmeticOrPointerType: typ -> bool
 (** True if the argument is a logic arithmetic type (i.e. integer, enum or
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/ b/tests/syntax/oracle/
index 23aec588134..2bfe2908271 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ int test(int a, int b, int c)
 int test_ptr(int *a, int *b, int *c)
   int __retres;
-  if ((int)a && ((int)b || (int)c)) {
+  if (a && (b || c)) {
     __retres = 1;
     goto return_label;