diff --git a/share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml b/share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml
index 82beb3530ac7c4553ba260952756d753d6fd7894..3d8626026e8283545a6e869d0fbbd9745aa4eb3e 100644
--- a/share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml
+++ b/share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml
@@ -102,6 +102,22 @@ eof:
   type: string
+  description: all error macros defined in errno.h
+  type: list
+  items:
+    type: object
+    name:
+      description: macro name (lowercase)
+      type: string
+    value:
+      description: actual value
+      type: string
   description: value of 'FILENAME_MAX' macro
diff --git a/share/machdeps/machdep_avr_16.yaml b/share/machdeps/machdep_avr_16.yaml
index 76ce8188aeee8ccce1acd1ed5a85f16658272653..3f4ec114124259142e80c1d5bc8b2905aa874261 100644
--- a/share/machdeps/machdep_avr_16.yaml
+++ b/share/machdeps/machdep_avr_16.yaml
@@ -17,6 +17,127 @@ cpp_arch_flags:
 - avr
 - -m16
 eof: (-1)
+    e2big: '7'
+    eacces: '13'
+    eaddrinuse: '98'
+    eaddrnotavail: '99'
+    eafnosupport: '97'
+    eagain: '11'
+    ealready: '114'
+    ebade: '52'
+    ebadf: '9'
+    ebadfd: '77'
+    ebadmsg: '74'
+    ebadr: '53'
+    ebadrqc: '56'
+    ebadslt: '57'
+    ebusy: '16'
+    ecanceled: '125'
+    echild: '10'
+    echrng: '44'
+    ecomm: '70'
+    econnaborted: '103'
+    econnrefused: '111'
+    econnreset: '104'
+    edeadlk: '35'
+    edeadlock: '35'
+    edestaddrreq: '89'
+    edom: '33'
+    edquot: '122'
+    eexist: '17'
+    efault: '14'
+    efbig: '27'
+    ehostdown: '112'
+    ehostunreach: '113'
+    eidrm: '43'
+    eilseq: '84'
+    einprogress: '115'
+    eintr: '4'
+    einval: '22'
+    eio: '5'
+    eisconn: '106'
+    eisdir: '21'
+    eisnam: '120'
+    ekeyexpired: '127'
+    ekeyrejected: '129'
+    ekeyrevoked: '128'
+    el2hlt: '51'
+    el2nsync: '45'
+    el3hlt: '46'
+    el3rst: '47'
+    elibacc: '79'
+    elibbad: '80'
+    elibexec: '83'
+    elibmax: '82'
+    elibscn: '81'
+    eloop: '40'
+    emediumtype: '124'
+    emfile: '24'
+    emlink: '31'
+    emsgsize: '90'
+    emultihop: '72'
+    enametoolong: '36'
+    enetdown: '100'
+    enetreset: '102'
+    enetunreach: '101'
+    enfile: '23'
+    enobufs: '105'
+    enodata: '61'
+    enodev: '19'
+    enoent: '2'
+    enoexec: '8'
+    enokey: '126'
+    enolck: '37'
+    enolink: '67'
+    enomedium: '123'
+    enomem: '12'
+    enomsg: '42'
+    enonet: '64'
+    enopkg: '65'
+    enoprotoopt: '92'
+    enospc: '28'
+    enosr: '63'
+    enostr: '60'
+    enosys: '38'
+    enotblk: '15'
+    enotconn: '107'
+    enotdir: '20'
+    enotempty: '39'
+    enotsock: '88'
+    enotsup: '95'
+    enotty: '25'
+    enotuniq: '76'
+    enxio: '6'
+    eopnotsupp: '95'
+    eoverflow: '75'
+    eperm: '1'
+    epfnosupport: '96'
+    epipe: '32'
+    eproto: '71'
+    eprotonosupport: '93'
+    eprototype: '91'
+    erange: '34'
+    eremchg: '78'
+    eremote: '66'
+    eremoteio: '121'
+    erestart: '85'
+    erofs: '30'
+    eshutdown: '108'
+    esocktnosupport: '94'
+    espipe: '29'
+    esrch: '3'
+    estale: '116'
+    estrpipe: '86'
+    etime: '62'
+    etimedout: '110'
+    etxtbsy: '26'
+    euclean: '117'
+    eunatch: '49'
+    eusers: '87'
+    ewouldblock: '11'
+    exdev: '18'
+    exfull: '54'
 filename_max: '4096'
 fopen_max: '16'
 has__builtin_va_list: true
diff --git a/share/machdeps/machdep_gcc_x86_32.yaml b/share/machdeps/machdep_gcc_x86_32.yaml
index 5992ccb712121282be7acb3626c9c8b4664ca241..be5520f7fd3a839c9e48dd785dd6554f8c366c18 100644
--- a/share/machdeps/machdep_gcc_x86_32.yaml
+++ b/share/machdeps/machdep_gcc_x86_32.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,127 @@ compiler: gcc
 - -m32
 eof: (-1)
+    e2big: '7'
+    eacces: '13'
+    eaddrinuse: '98'
+    eaddrnotavail: '99'
+    eafnosupport: '97'
+    eagain: '11'
+    ealready: '114'
+    ebade: '52'
+    ebadf: '9'
+    ebadfd: '77'
+    ebadmsg: '74'
+    ebadr: '53'
+    ebadrqc: '56'
+    ebadslt: '57'
+    ebusy: '16'
+    ecanceled: '125'
+    echild: '10'
+    echrng: '44'
+    ecomm: '70'
+    econnaborted: '103'
+    econnrefused: '111'
+    econnreset: '104'
+    edeadlk: '35'
+    edeadlock: '35'
+    edestaddrreq: '89'
+    edom: '33'
+    edquot: '122'
+    eexist: '17'
+    efault: '14'
+    efbig: '27'
+    ehostdown: '112'
+    ehostunreach: '113'
+    eidrm: '43'
+    eilseq: '84'
+    einprogress: '115'
+    eintr: '4'
+    einval: '22'
+    eio: '5'
+    eisconn: '106'
+    eisdir: '21'
+    eisnam: '120'
+    ekeyexpired: '127'
+    ekeyrejected: '129'
+    ekeyrevoked: '128'
+    el2hlt: '51'
+    el2nsync: '45'
+    el3hlt: '46'
+    el3rst: '47'
+    elibacc: '79'
+    elibbad: '80'
+    elibexec: '83'
+    elibmax: '82'
+    elibscn: '81'
+    eloop: '40'
+    emediumtype: '124'
+    emfile: '24'
+    emlink: '31'
+    emsgsize: '90'
+    emultihop: '72'
+    enametoolong: '36'
+    enetdown: '100'
+    enetreset: '102'
+    enetunreach: '101'
+    enfile: '23'
+    enobufs: '105'
+    enodata: '61'
+    enodev: '19'
+    enoent: '2'
+    enoexec: '8'
+    enokey: '126'
+    enolck: '37'
+    enolink: '67'
+    enomedium: '123'
+    enomem: '12'
+    enomsg: '42'
+    enonet: '64'
+    enopkg: '65'
+    enoprotoopt: '92'
+    enospc: '28'
+    enosr: '63'
+    enostr: '60'
+    enosys: '38'
+    enotblk: '15'
+    enotconn: '107'
+    enotdir: '20'
+    enotempty: '39'
+    enotsock: '88'
+    enotsup: '95'
+    enotty: '25'
+    enotuniq: '76'
+    enxio: '6'
+    eopnotsupp: '95'
+    eoverflow: '75'
+    eperm: '1'
+    epfnosupport: '96'
+    epipe: '32'
+    eproto: '71'
+    eprotonosupport: '93'
+    eprototype: '91'
+    erange: '34'
+    eremchg: '78'
+    eremote: '66'
+    eremoteio: '121'
+    erestart: '85'
+    erofs: '30'
+    eshutdown: '108'
+    esocktnosupport: '94'
+    espipe: '29'
+    esrch: '3'
+    estale: '116'
+    estrpipe: '86'
+    etime: '62'
+    etimedout: '110'
+    etxtbsy: '26'
+    euclean: '117'
+    eunatch: '49'
+    eusers: '87'
+    ewouldblock: '11'
+    exdev: '18'
+    exfull: '54'
 filename_max: '4096'
 fopen_max: '16'
 has__builtin_va_list: true
diff --git a/share/machdeps/machdep_gcc_x86_64.yaml b/share/machdeps/machdep_gcc_x86_64.yaml
index 2092ac09fb19e6901dce740ada25f0a729c35003..4e076e08a4d2e5906dd6e40e2ffefcc032dc1e3d 100644
--- a/share/machdeps/machdep_gcc_x86_64.yaml
+++ b/share/machdeps/machdep_gcc_x86_64.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,127 @@ compiler: gcc
 - -m64
 eof: (-1)
+    e2big: '7'
+    eacces: '13'
+    eaddrinuse: '98'
+    eaddrnotavail: '99'
+    eafnosupport: '97'
+    eagain: '11'
+    ealready: '114'
+    ebade: '52'
+    ebadf: '9'
+    ebadfd: '77'
+    ebadmsg: '74'
+    ebadr: '53'
+    ebadrqc: '56'
+    ebadslt: '57'
+    ebusy: '16'
+    ecanceled: '125'
+    echild: '10'
+    echrng: '44'
+    ecomm: '70'
+    econnaborted: '103'
+    econnrefused: '111'
+    econnreset: '104'
+    edeadlk: '35'
+    edeadlock: '35'
+    edestaddrreq: '89'
+    edom: '33'
+    edquot: '122'
+    eexist: '17'
+    efault: '14'
+    efbig: '27'
+    ehostdown: '112'
+    ehostunreach: '113'
+    eidrm: '43'
+    eilseq: '84'
+    einprogress: '115'
+    eintr: '4'
+    einval: '22'
+    eio: '5'
+    eisconn: '106'
+    eisdir: '21'
+    eisnam: '120'
+    ekeyexpired: '127'
+    ekeyrejected: '129'
+    ekeyrevoked: '128'
+    el2hlt: '51'
+    el2nsync: '45'
+    el3hlt: '46'
+    el3rst: '47'
+    elibacc: '79'
+    elibbad: '80'
+    elibexec: '83'
+    elibmax: '82'
+    elibscn: '81'
+    eloop: '40'
+    emediumtype: '124'
+    emfile: '24'
+    emlink: '31'
+    emsgsize: '90'
+    emultihop: '72'
+    enametoolong: '36'
+    enetdown: '100'
+    enetreset: '102'
+    enetunreach: '101'
+    enfile: '23'
+    enobufs: '105'
+    enodata: '61'
+    enodev: '19'
+    enoent: '2'
+    enoexec: '8'
+    enokey: '126'
+    enolck: '37'
+    enolink: '67'
+    enomedium: '123'
+    enomem: '12'
+    enomsg: '42'
+    enonet: '64'
+    enopkg: '65'
+    enoprotoopt: '92'
+    enospc: '28'
+    enosr: '63'
+    enostr: '60'
+    enosys: '38'
+    enotblk: '15'
+    enotconn: '107'
+    enotdir: '20'
+    enotempty: '39'
+    enotsock: '88'
+    enotsup: '95'
+    enotty: '25'
+    enotuniq: '76'
+    enxio: '6'
+    eopnotsupp: '95'
+    eoverflow: '75'
+    eperm: '1'
+    epfnosupport: '96'
+    epipe: '32'
+    eproto: '71'
+    eprotonosupport: '93'
+    eprototype: '91'
+    erange: '34'
+    eremchg: '78'
+    eremote: '66'
+    eremoteio: '121'
+    erestart: '85'
+    erofs: '30'
+    eshutdown: '108'
+    esocktnosupport: '94'
+    espipe: '29'
+    esrch: '3'
+    estale: '116'
+    estrpipe: '86'
+    etime: '62'
+    etimedout: '110'
+    etxtbsy: '26'
+    euclean: '117'
+    eunatch: '49'
+    eusers: '87'
+    ewouldblock: '11'
+    exdev: '18'
+    exfull: '54'
 filename_max: '4096'
 fopen_max: '16'
 has__builtin_va_list: true
diff --git a/share/machdeps/machdep_ppc_32.yaml b/share/machdeps/machdep_ppc_32.yaml
index fda90435289e8d7bb838481c032f7afa5c5cfb12..c5d951a413026c3ea134bd53197fff75933a6e39 100644
--- a/share/machdeps/machdep_ppc_32.yaml
+++ b/share/machdeps/machdep_ppc_32.yaml
@@ -17,6 +17,127 @@ cpp_arch_flags:
 - powerpc-apple-linux
 - -mcpu=603
 eof: (-1)
+    e2big: '7'
+    eacces: '13'
+    eaddrinuse: '98'
+    eaddrnotavail: '99'
+    eafnosupport: '97'
+    eagain: '11'
+    ealready: '114'
+    ebade: '52'
+    ebadf: '9'
+    ebadfd: '77'
+    ebadmsg: '74'
+    ebadr: '53'
+    ebadrqc: '56'
+    ebadslt: '57'
+    ebusy: '16'
+    ecanceled: '125'
+    echild: '10'
+    echrng: '44'
+    ecomm: '70'
+    econnaborted: '103'
+    econnrefused: '111'
+    econnreset: '104'
+    edeadlk: '35'
+    edeadlock: '35'
+    edestaddrreq: '89'
+    edom: '33'
+    edquot: '122'
+    eexist: '17'
+    efault: '14'
+    efbig: '27'
+    ehostdown: '112'
+    ehostunreach: '113'
+    eidrm: '43'
+    eilseq: '84'
+    einprogress: '115'
+    eintr: '4'
+    einval: '22'
+    eio: '5'
+    eisconn: '106'
+    eisdir: '21'
+    eisnam: '120'
+    ekeyexpired: '127'
+    ekeyrejected: '129'
+    ekeyrevoked: '128'
+    el2hlt: '51'
+    el2nsync: '45'
+    el3hlt: '46'
+    el3rst: '47'
+    elibacc: '79'
+    elibbad: '80'
+    elibexec: '83'
+    elibmax: '82'
+    elibscn: '81'
+    eloop: '40'
+    emediumtype: '124'
+    emfile: '24'
+    emlink: '31'
+    emsgsize: '90'
+    emultihop: '72'
+    enametoolong: '36'
+    enetdown: '100'
+    enetreset: '102'
+    enetunreach: '101'
+    enfile: '23'
+    enobufs: '105'
+    enodata: '61'
+    enodev: '19'
+    enoent: '2'
+    enoexec: '8'
+    enokey: '126'
+    enolck: '37'
+    enolink: '67'
+    enomedium: '123'
+    enomem: '12'
+    enomsg: '42'
+    enonet: '64'
+    enopkg: '65'
+    enoprotoopt: '92'
+    enospc: '28'
+    enosr: '63'
+    enostr: '60'
+    enosys: '38'
+    enotblk: '15'
+    enotconn: '107'
+    enotdir: '20'
+    enotempty: '39'
+    enotsock: '88'
+    enotsup: '95'
+    enotty: '25'
+    enotuniq: '76'
+    enxio: '6'
+    eopnotsupp: '95'
+    eoverflow: '75'
+    eperm: '1'
+    epfnosupport: '96'
+    epipe: '32'
+    eproto: '71'
+    eprotonosupport: '93'
+    eprototype: '91'
+    erange: '34'
+    eremchg: '78'
+    eremote: '66'
+    eremoteio: '121'
+    erestart: '85'
+    erofs: '30'
+    eshutdown: '108'
+    esocktnosupport: '94'
+    espipe: '29'
+    esrch: '3'
+    estale: '116'
+    estrpipe: '86'
+    etime: '62'
+    etimedout: '110'
+    etxtbsy: '26'
+    euclean: '117'
+    eunatch: '49'
+    eusers: '87'
+    ewouldblock: '11'
+    exdev: '18'
+    exfull: '54'
 filename_max: '4096'
 fopen_max: '16'
 has__builtin_va_list: true
diff --git a/share/machdeps/machdep_x86_32.yaml b/share/machdeps/machdep_x86_32.yaml
index 41c794f237174ffdfec6f22193089f934d3a85c2..1ae9be5b6d86cd6ed93c0f4ced6c8639d2af9d70 100644
--- a/share/machdeps/machdep_x86_32.yaml
+++ b/share/machdeps/machdep_x86_32.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,127 @@ compiler: generic
 - -m32
 eof: (-1)
+    e2big: '7'
+    eacces: '13'
+    eaddrinuse: '98'
+    eaddrnotavail: '99'
+    eafnosupport: '97'
+    eagain: '11'
+    ealready: '114'
+    ebade: '52'
+    ebadf: '9'
+    ebadfd: '77'
+    ebadmsg: '74'
+    ebadr: '53'
+    ebadrqc: '56'
+    ebadslt: '57'
+    ebusy: '16'
+    ecanceled: '125'
+    echild: '10'
+    echrng: '44'
+    ecomm: '70'
+    econnaborted: '103'
+    econnrefused: '111'
+    econnreset: '104'
+    edeadlk: '35'
+    edeadlock: '35'
+    edestaddrreq: '89'
+    edom: '33'
+    edquot: '122'
+    eexist: '17'
+    efault: '14'
+    efbig: '27'
+    ehostdown: '112'
+    ehostunreach: '113'
+    eidrm: '43'
+    eilseq: '84'
+    einprogress: '115'
+    eintr: '4'
+    einval: '22'
+    eio: '5'
+    eisconn: '106'
+    eisdir: '21'
+    eisnam: '120'
+    ekeyexpired: '127'
+    ekeyrejected: '129'
+    ekeyrevoked: '128'
+    el2hlt: '51'
+    el2nsync: '45'
+    el3hlt: '46'
+    el3rst: '47'
+    elibacc: '79'
+    elibbad: '80'
+    elibexec: '83'
+    elibmax: '82'
+    elibscn: '81'
+    eloop: '40'
+    emediumtype: '124'
+    emfile: '24'
+    emlink: '31'
+    emsgsize: '90'
+    emultihop: '72'
+    enametoolong: '36'
+    enetdown: '100'
+    enetreset: '102'
+    enetunreach: '101'
+    enfile: '23'
+    enobufs: '105'
+    enodata: '61'
+    enodev: '19'
+    enoent: '2'
+    enoexec: '8'
+    enokey: '126'
+    enolck: '37'
+    enolink: '67'
+    enomedium: '123'
+    enomem: '12'
+    enomsg: '42'
+    enonet: '64'
+    enopkg: '65'
+    enoprotoopt: '92'
+    enospc: '28'
+    enosr: '63'
+    enostr: '60'
+    enosys: '38'
+    enotblk: '15'
+    enotconn: '107'
+    enotdir: '20'
+    enotempty: '39'
+    enotsock: '88'
+    enotsup: '95'
+    enotty: '25'
+    enotuniq: '76'
+    enxio: '6'
+    eopnotsupp: '95'
+    eoverflow: '75'
+    eperm: '1'
+    epfnosupport: '96'
+    epipe: '32'
+    eproto: '71'
+    eprotonosupport: '93'
+    eprototype: '91'
+    erange: '34'
+    eremchg: '78'
+    eremote: '66'
+    eremoteio: '121'
+    erestart: '85'
+    erofs: '30'
+    eshutdown: '108'
+    esocktnosupport: '94'
+    espipe: '29'
+    esrch: '3'
+    estale: '116'
+    estrpipe: '86'
+    etime: '62'
+    etimedout: '110'
+    etxtbsy: '26'
+    euclean: '117'
+    eunatch: '49'
+    eusers: '87'
+    ewouldblock: '11'
+    exdev: '18'
+    exfull: '54'
 filename_max: '4096'
 fopen_max: '16'
 has__builtin_va_list: true
diff --git a/share/machdeps/machdep_x86_64.yaml b/share/machdeps/machdep_x86_64.yaml
index 96d69bf96f1fabb5e11b30b9cee87087c3de3ed0..e0b2e7dd95cafd285e531185608adbe20a0aae71 100644
--- a/share/machdeps/machdep_x86_64.yaml
+++ b/share/machdeps/machdep_x86_64.yaml
@@ -15,6 +15,127 @@ compiler: generic
 - -m64
 eof: (-1)
+    e2big: '7'
+    eacces: '13'
+    eaddrinuse: '98'
+    eaddrnotavail: '99'
+    eafnosupport: '97'
+    eagain: '11'
+    ealready: '114'
+    ebade: '52'
+    ebadf: '9'
+    ebadfd: '77'
+    ebadmsg: '74'
+    ebadr: '53'
+    ebadrqc: '56'
+    ebadslt: '57'
+    ebusy: '16'
+    ecanceled: '125'
+    echild: '10'
+    echrng: '44'
+    ecomm: '70'
+    econnaborted: '103'
+    econnrefused: '111'
+    econnreset: '104'
+    edeadlk: '35'
+    edeadlock: '35'
+    edestaddrreq: '89'
+    edom: '33'
+    edquot: '122'
+    eexist: '17'
+    efault: '14'
+    efbig: '27'
+    ehostdown: '112'
+    ehostunreach: '113'
+    eidrm: '43'
+    eilseq: '84'
+    einprogress: '115'
+    eintr: '4'
+    einval: '22'
+    eio: '5'
+    eisconn: '106'
+    eisdir: '21'
+    eisnam: '120'
+    ekeyexpired: '127'
+    ekeyrejected: '129'
+    ekeyrevoked: '128'
+    el2hlt: '51'
+    el2nsync: '45'
+    el3hlt: '46'
+    el3rst: '47'
+    elibacc: '79'
+    elibbad: '80'
+    elibexec: '83'
+    elibmax: '82'
+    elibscn: '81'
+    eloop: '40'
+    emediumtype: '124'
+    emfile: '24'
+    emlink: '31'
+    emsgsize: '90'
+    emultihop: '72'
+    enametoolong: '36'
+    enetdown: '100'
+    enetreset: '102'
+    enetunreach: '101'
+    enfile: '23'
+    enobufs: '105'
+    enodata: '61'
+    enodev: '19'
+    enoent: '2'
+    enoexec: '8'
+    enokey: '126'
+    enolck: '37'
+    enolink: '67'
+    enomedium: '123'
+    enomem: '12'
+    enomsg: '42'
+    enonet: '64'
+    enopkg: '65'
+    enoprotoopt: '92'
+    enospc: '28'
+    enosr: '63'
+    enostr: '60'
+    enosys: '38'
+    enotblk: '15'
+    enotconn: '107'
+    enotdir: '20'
+    enotempty: '39'
+    enotsock: '88'
+    enotsup: '95'
+    enotty: '25'
+    enotuniq: '76'
+    enxio: '6'
+    eopnotsupp: '95'
+    eoverflow: '75'
+    eperm: '1'
+    epfnosupport: '96'
+    epipe: '32'
+    eproto: '71'
+    eprotonosupport: '93'
+    eprototype: '91'
+    erange: '34'
+    eremchg: '78'
+    eremote: '66'
+    eremoteio: '121'
+    erestart: '85'
+    erofs: '30'
+    eshutdown: '108'
+    esocktnosupport: '94'
+    espipe: '29'
+    esrch: '3'
+    estale: '116'
+    estrpipe: '86'
+    etime: '62'
+    etimedout: '110'
+    etxtbsy: '26'
+    euclean: '117'
+    eunatch: '49'
+    eusers: '87'
+    ewouldblock: '11'
+    exdev: '18'
+    exfull: '54'
 filename_max: '4096'
 fopen_max: '16'
 has__builtin_va_list: true
diff --git a/share/machdeps/make_machdep/errno.c b/share/machdeps/make_machdep/errno.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad0016ea9e5bd1b53378de4ff99a12d0f71281a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/machdeps/make_machdep/errno.c
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+#include <errno.h>
+/* Mandatory */
+int edom_is = EDOM;
+int eilseq_is = EILSEQ;
+int erange_is = ERANGE;
+/* Implementation defined by POSIX and GNU Linux */
+#ifdef E2BIG
+int e2big_is = E2BIG;
+#ifdef EACCES
+int eacces_is = EACCES;
+int eaddrinuse_is = EADDRINUSE;
+int eaddrnotavail_is = EADDRNOTAVAIL;
+int eafnosupport_is = EAFNOSUPPORT;
+#ifdef EAGAIN
+int eagain_is = EAGAIN;
+#ifdef EALREADY
+int ealready_is = EALREADY;
+#ifdef EBADE
+int ebade_is = EBADE;
+#ifdef EBADF
+int ebadf_is = EBADF;
+#ifdef EBADFD
+int ebadfd_is = EBADFD;
+#ifdef EBADMSG
+int ebadmsg_is = EBADMSG;
+#ifdef EBADR
+int ebadr_is = EBADR;
+#ifdef EBADRQC
+int ebadrqc_is = EBADRQC;
+#ifdef EBADSLT
+int ebadslt_is = EBADSLT;
+#ifdef EBUSY
+int ebusy_is = EBUSY;
+int ecanceled_is = ECANCELED;
+#ifdef ECHILD
+int echild_is = ECHILD;
+#ifdef ECHRNG
+int echrng_is = ECHRNG;
+#ifdef ECOMM
+int ecomm_is = ECOMM;
+int econnaborted_is = ECONNABORTED;
+int econnrefused_is = ECONNREFUSED;
+int econnreset_is = ECONNRESET;
+#ifdef EDEADLK
+int edeadlk_is = EDEADLK;
+int edeadlock_is = EDEADLOCK;
+int edestaddrreq_is = EDESTADDRREQ;
+#ifdef EDQUOT
+int edquot_is = EDQUOT;
+#ifdef EEXIST
+int eexist_is = EEXIST;
+#ifdef EFAULT
+int efault_is = EFAULT;
+#ifdef EFBIG
+int efbig_is = EFBIG;
+int ehostdown_is = EHOSTDOWN;
+int ehostunreach_is = EHOSTUNREACH;
+#ifdef EIDRM
+int eidrm_is = EIDRM;
+int einprogress_is = EINPROGRESS;
+#ifdef EINTR
+int eintr_is = EINTR;
+#ifdef EINVAL
+int einval_is = EINVAL;
+#ifdef EIO
+int eio_is = EIO;
+#ifdef EISCONN
+int eisconn_is = EISCONN;
+#ifdef EISDIR
+int eisdir_is = EISDIR;
+#ifdef EISNAM
+int eisnam_is = EISNAM;
+int ekeyexpired_is = EKEYEXPIRED;
+int ekeyrejected_is = EKEYREJECTED;
+int ekeyrevoked_is = EKEYREVOKED;
+#ifdef EL2HLT
+int el2hlt_is = EL2HLT;
+#ifdef EL2NSYNC
+int el2nsync_is = EL2NSYNC;
+#ifdef EL3HLT
+int el3hlt_is = EL3HLT;
+#ifdef EL3RST
+int el3rst_is = EL3RST;
+#ifdef ELIBACC
+int elibacc_is = ELIBACC;
+#ifdef ELIBBAD
+int elibbad_is = ELIBBAD;
+#ifdef ELIBMAX
+int elibmax_is = ELIBMAX;
+#ifdef ELIBSCN
+int elibscn_is = ELIBSCN;
+#ifdef ELIBEXEC
+int elibexec_is = ELIBEXEC;
+#ifdef ELOOP
+int eloop_is = ELOOP;
+int emediumtype_is = EMEDIUMTYPE;
+#ifdef EMFILE
+int emfile_is = EMFILE;
+#ifdef EMLINK
+int emlink_is = EMLINK;
+#ifdef EMSGSIZE
+int emsgsize_is = EMSGSIZE;
+int emultihop_is = EMULTIHOP;
+int enametoolong_is = ENAMETOOLONG;
+#ifdef ENETDOWN
+int enetdown_is = ENETDOWN;
+int enetreset_is = ENETRESET;
+int enetunreach_is = ENETUNREACH;
+#ifdef ENFILE
+int enfile_is = ENFILE;
+#ifdef ENOBUFS
+int enobufs_is = ENOBUFS;
+#ifdef ENODATA
+int enodata_is = ENODATA;
+#ifdef ENODEV
+int enodev_is = ENODEV;
+#ifdef ENOENT
+int enoent_is = ENOENT;
+#ifdef ENOEXEC
+int enoexec_is = ENOEXEC;
+#ifdef ENOKEY
+int enokey_is = ENOKEY;
+#ifdef ENOLCK
+int enolck_is = ENOLCK;
+#ifdef ENOLINK
+int enolink_is = ENOLINK;
+int enomedium_is = ENOMEDIUM;
+#ifdef ENOMEM
+int enomem_is = ENOMEM;
+#ifdef ENOMSG
+int enomsg_is = ENOMSG;
+#ifdef ENONET
+int enonet_is = ENONET;
+#ifdef ENOPKG
+int enopkg_is = ENOPKG;
+int enoprotoopt_is = ENOPROTOOPT;
+#ifdef ENOSPC
+int enospc_is = ENOSPC;
+#ifdef ENOSR
+int enosr_is = ENOSR;
+#ifdef ENOSTR
+int enostr_is = ENOSTR;
+#ifdef ENOSYS
+int enosys_is = ENOSYS;
+#ifdef ENOTBLK
+int enotblk_is = ENOTBLK;
+#ifdef ENOTCONN
+int enotconn_is = ENOTCONN;
+#ifdef ENOTDIR
+int enotdir_is = ENOTDIR;
+int enotempty_is = ENOTEMPTY;
+#ifdef ENOTSOCK
+int enotsock_is = ENOTSOCK;
+#ifdef ENOTSUP
+int enotsup_is = ENOTSUP;
+#ifdef ENOTTY
+int enotty_is = ENOTTY;
+#ifdef ENOTUNIQ
+int enotuniq_is = ENOTUNIQ;
+#ifdef ENXIO
+int enxio_is = ENXIO;
+int eopnotsupp_is = EOPNOTSUPP;
+int eoverflow_is = EOVERFLOW;
+#ifdef EPERM
+int eperm_is = EPERM;
+int epfnosupport_is = EPFNOSUPPORT;
+#ifdef EPIPE
+int epipe_is = EPIPE;
+#ifdef EPROTO
+int eproto_is = EPROTO;
+int eprotonosupport_is = EPROTONOSUPPORT;
+int eprototype_is = EPROTOTYPE;
+#ifdef EREMCHG
+int eremchg_is = EREMCHG;
+#ifdef EREMOTE
+int eremote_is = EREMOTE;
+int eremoteio_is = EREMOTEIO;
+#ifdef ERESTART
+int erestart_is = ERESTART;
+#ifdef EROFS
+int erofs_is = EROFS;
+int eshutdown_is = ESHUTDOWN;
+#ifdef ESPIPE
+int espipe_is = ESPIPE;
+int esocktnosupport_is = ESOCKTNOSUPPORT;
+#ifdef ESRCH
+int esrch_is = ESRCH;
+#ifdef ESTALE
+int estale_is = ESTALE;
+#ifdef ESTRPIPE
+int estrpipe_is = ESTRPIPE;
+#ifdef ETIME
+int etime_is = ETIME;
+int etimedout_is = ETIMEDOUT;
+#ifdef ETXTBSY
+int etxtbsy_is = ETXTBSY;
+#ifdef EUCLEAN
+int euclean_is = EUCLEAN;
+#ifdef EUNATCH
+int eunatch_is = EUNATCH;
+#ifdef EUSERS
+int eusers_is = EUSERS;
+int ewouldblock_is = EWOULDBLOCK;
+#ifdef EXDEV
+int exdev_is = EXDEV;
+#ifdef EXFULL
+int exfull_is = EXFULL;
diff --git a/share/machdeps/make_machdep/make_machdep.py b/share/machdeps/make_machdep/make_machdep.py
index 55c62051b6e52745e0f5f67688e48f0814eee057..de474f0e2ea49ae1267ba8aa6e9c20a7baded287 100755
--- a/share/machdeps/make_machdep/make_machdep.py
+++ b/share/machdeps/make_machdep/make_machdep.py
@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ def make_machdep():
         machdep[key] = None
     return machdep
 machdep = make_machdep()
 compilation_command = [args.compiler] + args.cpp_arch_flags + args.compiler_flags
@@ -183,6 +182,7 @@ source_files = [
     ("stdio_macros.c", "macro"),
     ("stdlib_macros.c", "macro"),
     ("nsig.c", "macro"),
+    ("errno.c", "macrolist"),
@@ -231,17 +231,23 @@ def cleanup_cpp(output):
     return " ".join(macro)
-def find_macros_value(output):
+def find_macros_value(output,is_list=False,entry=None):
     msg = re.compile("(\w+)_is = ([^;]+);")
+    if is_list:
+        assert(entry)
+        machdep[entry] = {}
     for res in re.finditer(msg, output):
         name = res.group(1)
-        if name in machdep:
-            value = res.group(2).strip()
-            if args.verbose:
-                print(f"[INFO] setting {name} to {value}")
-            machdep[name] = value
+        value = res.group(2).strip()
+        if is_list:
+            machdep[entry][name] = value
-            warnings.warn(f"unexpected symbol '{name}', ignoring")
+            if name in machdep.keys():
+                if args.verbose:
+                    print(f"[INFO] setting {name} to {value}")
+                machdep[name] = value
+            else:
+                warnings.warn(f"unexpected symbol '{name}', ignoring")
     if args.verbose:
         print(f"compiler output is:{output}")
@@ -249,7 +255,7 @@ def find_macros_value(output):
 for (f, typ) in source_files:
     p = my_path / f
     cmd = compilation_command + [str(p)]
-    if typ == "macro":
+    if typ == "macro" or typ == "macrolist":
         # We're just interested in expanding a macro,
         # treatment is a bit different than the rest.
         cmd = cmd + ["-E"]
@@ -268,6 +274,17 @@ for (f, typ) in source_files:
+    if typ == "macrolist":
+        name = p.stem
+        if proc.returncode != 0:
+            warnings.warn(f"error in preprocessing value '{p}', some value might not be filled")
+            if args.verbose:
+                print(f"compiler output is:{proc.stderr.decode()}")
+            if name in machdep:
+                machdep[name] = {}
+            continue
+        find_macros_value(cleanup_cpp(proc.stdout.decode()),is_list=True,entry=name)
+        continue
     if typ == "has__builtin_va_list":
         # Special case: compilation success determines presence or absence
         machdep["has__builtin_va_list"] = proc.returncode == 0
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/runtime/machdep.ml b/src/kernel_internals/runtime/machdep.ml
index c67516d799a069fffcf94cf5136201c7f8748792..8cde2d22f1321e042cc342948bd8abcd29170095 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/runtime/machdep.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/runtime/machdep.ml
@@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ open Cil_types
 let gen_define fmt macro pp def =
   Format.fprintf fmt "#define %s %a@\n" macro pp def
+let gen_include fmt file =
+  Format.fprintf fmt "#include <%s>@\n" file
 let gen_undef fmt macro = Format.fprintf fmt "#undef %s@\n" macro
 let gen_define_string fmt macro def =
@@ -248,7 +251,9 @@ let gen_all_defines fmt mach =
   (* TODO: __FC_E*, errno enumeration *)
   gen_define_macro fmt "__FC_TIME_T" mach.time_t;
   gen_define_macro fmt "__FC_NSIG" mach.nsig;
-  (* TODO: gcc builtins *)
+  (* NB: should we use Cil.gccMode() here? *)
+  if mach.compiler = "gcc" then
+    gen_include fmt "__fc_gcc_builtins.h";
   Format.fprintf fmt "#endif // __FC_MACHDEP@\n"
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.ml
index 41556c96c9aba3d600cbeb2a8018a5c8e24a1db8..36c2d0cd2359eef15e75f3de6f191b44a81f084f 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.ml
@@ -1915,7 +1915,7 @@ type mach = {
   rand_max: string; (* expansion of RAND_MAX macro *)
   mb_cur_max: string; (* expansion of MB_CUR_MAX macro *)
   nsig: string; (* expansion of non-standard NSIG macro, empty if undefined *)
+  errno: (string * string) list; (* list of macros defining errors in errno.h*)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.ml
index b3342275ccfbe05f82c298f0ec07ca4e4b8152bd..8a146f1e941dd1d16c1c6592cb47924b2737ccd0 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/cil_datatype.ml
@@ -2677,6 +2677,11 @@ let dummy_machdep =
     rand_max = "0xFFFFFFFE";
     mb_cur_max = "16";
     nsig = "";
+    errno = [
+      "edom", "33";
+      "eilseq", "84";
+      "erange", "34";
+    ];
 module Machdep = Datatype.Make_with_collections(struct
diff --git a/tests/misc/custom_machdep.ml b/tests/misc/custom_machdep.ml
index f0efefcba8d498f262a6eec0afa47b03b2547c78..d54408c49147ee7551c33516b9d6297d2961a872 100644
--- a/tests/misc/custom_machdep.ml
+++ b/tests/misc/custom_machdep.ml
@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@ let mach =
     rand_max = "0xFFFFFFFE";
     mb_cur_max = "16";
     nsig = "";
+    errno = [
+      "edom", "33";
+      "eilseq", "84";
+      "erange", "34";
+    ];
 let mach2 = { mach with compiler = "baz" }
diff --git a/tests/misc/custom_machdep.yaml b/tests/misc/custom_machdep.yaml
index 3517a4968c88a2592b8c92551650347d07a7cada..3d6c9ab0b58e15f69317632be22ce59085ebff6a 100644
--- a/tests/misc/custom_machdep.yaml
+++ b/tests/misc/custom_machdep.yaml
@@ -46,3 +46,7 @@ mb_cur_max: 16
 sig_atomic_t: int
 time_t: long
 nsig: ''
+  edom: "33"
+  eilseq: "84"
+  erange": "34"
diff --git a/tests/syntax/machdep_char_unsigned.ml b/tests/syntax/machdep_char_unsigned.ml
index df21c1e192b710f9418826bca447b574ad9c149c..df75a01c3917b8ac92fd8d1ef9b5090dbe72e49c 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/machdep_char_unsigned.ml
+++ b/tests/syntax/machdep_char_unsigned.ml
@@ -48,7 +48,12 @@ let md = {
   tmp_max = "0xFFFFFFFF";
   rand_max = "0xFFFFFFFE";
   mb_cur_max = "16";
-  nsig = 64;
+  nsig = "64";
+  errno = [
+    "edom", "33";
+    "eilseq", "84";
+    "erange", "34";
+  ];
 let () =