From e9022b27a628ed71d00e70231693f210362dca32 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Basile Desloges <>
Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2022 15:39:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [eacsl] Update Ensuresec README and root Makefile

 .../e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/Makefile        | 26 ++++++++
 .../e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/       | 61 ++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/Makefile

diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/Makefile b/src/plugins/e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1340456c416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+JSON_OUTPUT_DIR=$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))json-output
+PUSH_ALERTS_DIR=$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))push-alerts
+	make -C $(JSON_OUTPUT_DIR) compile
+	make -C $(JSON_OUTPUT_DIR) run
+	FLASK_APP=$(PUSH_ALERTS_DIR)/ FLASK_ENV=development flask run
+run_wrapped: compile
+		--alert-url http://localhost:5000/alert \
+		--id EnsuresecEE \
+		--tool-id EnsuresecEE_EACSL \
+		$(JSON_OUTPUT_DIR)/build/ensuresec_ee.e-acsl
+	make -C $(JSON_OUTPUT_DIR) compile_print_all
+		--alert-url http://localhost:5000/alert \
+		--id EnsuresecEE \
+		--tool-id EnsuresecEE_EACSL \
+		$(JSON_OUTPUT_DIR)/build/ensuresec_ee_pall.e-acsl
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/
index 8192e73e7fb..5a74c0ef86e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/examples/ensuresec/
@@ -3,9 +3,33 @@
 This folder illustrates the developments done for the European H2020 project
+## Usage
+The `Makefile` in the root folder provides targets to launch some tests.
+- `compile`: Compile the example in folder `json-output`;
+- `run`: Run the example in folder `json-output`;
+- `launch_receiver`: Launch the test server in folder `push-alerts`;
+- `run_wrapped`: Run the example in folder `json-output` wrapped with the script
+  in folder `push-alerts`. The test server must be launched before executing
+  this target.
+- `run_wrapped_print_all`: Same than
+When using `make run`, the alerts raised by the example are saved to a JSON file
+in `./json-output/build/ensuresec_ee.json`.
+To test pushing alerts to a web API, `make launch_receiver` should be run in a
+secondary terminal. Then `make run_wrapped` can be executed in the primary
+terminal and alerts raised by the example should be visible on the receiver. The
+target `run_wrapped_print_all` will also push valid assertions.
 ## Files
-### `Makefile`
+### Folder `json-output`
+Custom E-ACSL assert to output alerts in a JSON file.
+#### `Makefile`
 The makefile in the folder provides some targets to test the ensuresec
@@ -19,7 +43,7 @@ developments:
 - `run_print_all`: run the output of the `compile_print_all` step.
 - `run_debug`: run the output of the `compile_debug` step.
-### `json_assert.c`
+#### `json_assert.c`
 The file `json_assert.c` contains an external `__e_acsl_assert()` implementation
 that will print assertion violations to a json file.
@@ -31,8 +55,39 @@ implementation:
 - `ENSURESEC_EE_TOOL_ID`: Ensuresec e-commerce ecosystem tool id
 - `ENSURESEC_OUTPUT_FILE`: json output file
-### `ensuresec_ee.c`
+#### `ensuresec_ee.c`
 Multithread program serving as an exemple Ensuresec e-commerce ecosystem
 program. The program contains `check` assertions that will be violated during
 its execution without halting the program.
+### Folder `push-alerts`
+Example of wrapping script to push alerts emitted by the program in
+`json-output` to a specific URL.
+#### ``
+Wrapper for an E-ACSL monitored executable that will `POST` each raised alert to
+a specific URL. See `./ -h` for how to use the script.
+Python dependencies:
+- `python-dotenv`
+- `python-ijson`
+- `python-requests`
+#### `.env-example`
+Example `.env` file with environment variables read by ``.
+#### ``
+Test server that listen on URL `http://localhost:5000/alert` for JSON emitted by
+an E-ACSL monitored program and print received alerts to the console output.
+Run with ` FLASK_ENV=development flask run`
+Python dependencies:
+- `python-flask`