From e7bee952d3d63316c0b8b938b48ab922b80deb17 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Allan Blanchard <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2019 11:36:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [Builtin] Module for allocation contracts components

 headers/header_spec.txt                    |  2 +
 src/plugins/builtin/            |  1 +
 src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/  | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++
 src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/basic_alloc.mli | 35 ++++++++++
 src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/       | 77 +++++++---------------
 5 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/basic_alloc.mli

diff --git a/headers/header_spec.txt b/headers/header_spec.txt
index 7eb1cb9bbec..fefa4de4484 100644
--- a/headers/header_spec.txt
+++ b/headers/header_spec.txt
@@ -937,6 +937,8 @@ src/plugins/builtin/ CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/builtin/builtin_builder.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/builtin/ CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/builtin/ CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
+src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/ CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
+src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/basic_alloc.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/ CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/malloc.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/builtin/string/ CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
diff --git a/src/plugins/builtin/ b/src/plugins/builtin/
index ec3691bfd99..d631ccb7f8f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/builtin/
+++ b/src/plugins/builtin/
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ SRC_STRING:= \
 SRC_STRING:=$(addprefix string/, $(SRC_STRING))
+	basic_alloc \
 SRC_STDLIB:=$(addprefix stdlib/, $(SRC_STDLIB))
diff --git a/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/ b/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6e38a02f6bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Logic_const
+open Cil_types
+let pis_allocable ?loc size =
+  pallocable ?loc (here_label, size)
+let is_allocable ?loc size =
+  let p = pis_allocable ?loc size in
+  new_predicate { p with pred_name = [ "allocable" ]}
+let isnt_allocable ?loc size =
+  let p = pnot ?loc (pis_allocable ?loc size) in
+  new_predicate { p with pred_name = [ "allocable" ]}
+let heap_status () =
+  let heap_status = Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo "__fc_heap_status" VGlobal in
+  Basic_blocks.cvar_to_tvar (heap_status)
+let assigns_result ?loc typ deps =
+  let heap_status = new_identified_term (heap_status ()) in
+  let deps = match deps with
+    | [] -> []
+    | l -> heap_status :: ( new_identified_term l)
+  in
+  let result = new_identified_term (tresult ?loc typ) in
+  result, From deps
+let assigns_heap deps =
+  let heap_status = new_identified_term (heap_status ()) in
+  let deps = new_identified_term deps in
+  heap_status, From (heap_status :: deps)
+let allocates_nothing () =
+  FreeAlloc([],[])
+let allocates_result ?loc t =
+  FreeAlloc ([], [new_identified_term (tresult ?loc t)])
+let fresh_result ?loc typ size =
+  let result = tresult ?loc typ in
+  let p = pfresh ?loc (old_label, here_label, result, size) in
+  new_predicate { p with pred_name = [ "fresh_result" ] }
+let null_result ?loc typ =
+  let tresult = tresult ?loc typ in
+  let tnull = term ?loc Tnull (Ctype typ) in
+  let p = prel ?loc (Req, tresult, tnull) in
+  new_predicate { p with pred_name = [ "null_result" ] }
diff --git a/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/basic_alloc.mli b/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/basic_alloc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ff9e7864da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/basic_alloc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+open Cil_types
+val is_allocable: ?loc:location -> term -> identified_predicate
+val isnt_allocable: ?loc:location -> term -> identified_predicate
+val assigns_result: ?loc:location -> typ -> term list -> from
+val assigns_heap: term list -> from
+val allocates_nothing: unit -> allocation
+val allocates_result: ?loc:location -> typ -> allocation
+val fresh_result: ?loc:location -> typ -> term -> identified_predicate
+val null_result: ?loc:location -> typ -> identified_predicate
diff --git a/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/ b/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/
index 465d4bc817f..212f7b4a102 100644
--- a/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/
+++ b/src/plugins/builtin/stdlib/
@@ -21,82 +21,55 @@
 open Basic_blocks
+open Basic_alloc
 open Cil_types
 open Logic_const
 let function_name = "malloc"
-let fc_heap_status () =
-  Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo "__fc_heap_status" VGlobal
-let generate_requires loc ptr_type len =
+let generate_requires loc ptr_type size =
   [ new_predicate
-      { (pcorrect_len_bytes ~loc ptr_type len)
+      { (pcorrect_len_bytes ~loc ptr_type size)
         with pred_name = ["aligned_end"] } ]
-let generate_global_assigns loc ptr_type len =
-  let len = new_identified_term len in
-  let res = new_identified_term (tresult ~loc ptr_type) in
-  let hs  = new_identified_term (cvar_to_tvar (fc_heap_status ())) in
-  let assigns_result = res, From [ len ; hs ] in
-  let assigns_heap   = hs, From [ len ; hs ] in
+let generate_global_assigns loc ptr_type size =
+  let assigns_result = assigns_result ~loc ptr_type [ size ] in
+  let assigns_heap = assigns_heap [ size ] in
   Writes [ assigns_result ; assigns_heap ]
-let is_allocable loc len =
-  pallocable ~loc (here_label, len)
-let allocation_assumes loc len =
-  [ new_predicate (is_allocable loc len) ]
-let allocation loc ptr_type =
-  FreeAlloc ([], [new_identified_term (tresult ~loc ptr_type)])
-let allocation_ensures loc ptr_type len =
-  let result = tresult ~loc ptr_type in
-  let fresh = pfresh ~loc (old_label, here_label, result, len) in
-  [ Normal, new_predicate fresh ]
-let make_behavior_allocation loc ptr_type len =
-  let assumes = allocation_assumes loc len in
-  let assigns = generate_global_assigns loc ptr_type len in
-  let alloc   = allocation loc ptr_type in
-  let ensures = allocation_ensures loc ptr_type len in
+let make_behavior_allocation loc ptr_type size =
+  let assumes = [ is_allocable ~loc size ] in
+  let assigns = generate_global_assigns loc ptr_type size in
+  let alloc   = allocates_result ~loc ptr_type in
+  let ensures = [ Normal, fresh_result ~loc ptr_type size ] in
   make_behavior ~name:"allocation" ~assumes ~assigns ~alloc ~ensures ()
-let no_allocation_assumes loc len =
-  [ new_predicate (pnot ~loc (is_allocable loc len)) ]
-let no_allocation_result loc ptr_type =
-  let tresult = tresult ~loc ptr_type in
-  let tnull = term ~loc Tnull (Ctype ptr_type) in
-  [ Normal, new_predicate (prel ~loc (Req, tresult, tnull)) ]
-let make_behavior_no_allocation loc ptr_type len =
-  let assumes = no_allocation_assumes loc len in
-  let assigns = Writes [new_identified_term (tresult ~loc ptr_type), From []] in
-  let ensures = no_allocation_result loc ptr_type in
-  let alloc = FreeAlloc([],[]) in
+let make_behavior_no_allocation loc ptr_type size =
+  let assumes = [ isnt_allocable ~loc size ] in
+  let assigns = Writes [assigns_result ~loc ptr_type []] in
+  let ensures = [ Normal, null_result ~loc ptr_type ] in
+  let alloc = allocates_nothing () in
   make_behavior ~name:"no_allocation" ~assumes ~assigns ~ensures ~alloc ()
 let generate_spec alloc_typ { svar = vi } loc =
-  let (clen) = match Cil.getFormalsDecl vi with
-    | [ len ] -> len
+  let (csize) = match Cil.getFormalsDecl vi with
+    | [ size ] -> size
     | _ -> assert false
-  let len = tlogic_coerce ~loc (cvar_to_tvar clen) Linteger in
-  let requires = generate_requires loc (Ctype (ptr_of alloc_typ)) len in
-  let assigns = generate_global_assigns loc (ptr_of alloc_typ) len in
-  let alloc = allocation loc (ptr_of alloc_typ) in
+  let size = tlogic_coerce ~loc (cvar_to_tvar csize) Linteger in
+  let requires = generate_requires loc (Ctype (ptr_of alloc_typ)) size in
+  let assigns = generate_global_assigns loc (ptr_of alloc_typ) size in
+  let alloc = allocates_result ~loc (ptr_of alloc_typ) in
   make_funspec [
     make_behavior ~requires ~assigns ~alloc () ;
-    make_behavior_allocation loc (ptr_of alloc_typ) len ;
-    make_behavior_no_allocation loc (ptr_of alloc_typ) len
+    make_behavior_allocation loc (ptr_of alloc_typ) size ;
+    make_behavior_no_allocation loc (ptr_of alloc_typ) size
   ] ()
 let generate_prototype alloc_t =
   let name = function_name ^ "_" ^ (string_of_typ alloc_t) in
   let params = [
-    ("len", size_t (), [])
+    ("size", size_t (), [])
   ] in
   name, (TFun((ptr_of alloc_t), Some params, false, []))