diff --git a/src/kernel_services/analysis/interpreted_automata.mli b/src/kernel_services/analysis/interpreted_automata.mli
index 4c9064e96f7a01d575bbc6203390336c48ddf768..5491f8cdf151d9666813c138289b551fd605099a 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/analysis/interpreted_automata.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/analysis/interpreted_automata.mli
@@ -348,7 +348,9 @@ sig
     val iter_stmt : (Cil_types.stmt -> state -> unit) -> result -> unit
     (** Same as [iter_stmt] but guarantee that the iteration will always
-        be in the same increasing order of statements sid *)
+        be in the same increasing order of statements sid.
+        @since Frama-C+dev *)
     val iter_stmt_asc : (Cil_types.stmt -> state -> unit) -> result -> unit
     (** Output result to the given channel. Must be supplied with a pretty