From dd888597c903c99c003d37a540020879bfd043db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Virgile Prevosto <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2020 19:14:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [sarif] on the road to sarif 2.1.0 migration

 src/plugins/markdown-report/     | 435 +++++++++++++++--------
 src/plugins/markdown-report/ |  28 +-
 2 files changed, 297 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/
index b41a31c18ac..0a778905e0f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/
@@ -32,6 +32,15 @@ module type Json_type = sig
   val to_yojson: t -> Yojson.Safe.t
+module Json_string: Json_type with type t = string =
+  type t = string
+  let of_yojson = function
+    | `String s -> Ok s
+    | _ -> Error "string"
+  let to_yojson s = `String s
 module Json_dictionary(J: Json_type):
   Json_type with type t = (string * J.t) list =
@@ -55,6 +64,8 @@ struct
     `Assoc json_l
+module JsonStringDictionary = Json_dictionary(Json_string)
 module Uri: sig
   include Json_type with type t = private string
   val sarif_github:t
@@ -124,13 +135,80 @@ module ArtifactLocation = struct
     create ~uri ()
-module FileContent = struct
+module ArtifactLocationDictionary = Json_dictionary(ArtifactLocation)
+module Custom_properties =
+  Json_dictionary(struct
+    type t = Yojson.Safe.t
+    let of_yojson x = Ok x
+    let to_yojson x = x
+  end)
+module Properties = struct
+  type tags = string list [@@deriving yojson]
+  type t = {
+    tags: tags;
+    additional_properties: Custom_properties.t
+  }
+  let default = { tags = []; additional_properties = [] }
+  let create additional_properties =
+    let tags = fst additional_properties in
+    { tags; additional_properties }
+  let of_yojson = function
+    | `Null -> Ok default
+    | `Assoc l ->
+      (match List.assoc_opt "tags" l with
+       | None -> Error "properties"
+       | Some json ->
+         (match tags_of_yojson json with
+          | Ok tags ->
+            let additional_properties = List.remove_assoc "tags" l in
+            Ok { tags; additional_properties }
+          | Error loc -> Error ("properties." ^ loc)))
+    | _ -> Error "properties"
+  let to_yojson { tags; additional_properties } =
+    match tags with
+    | [] -> `Null
+    | _ -> `Assoc (("tags", tags_to_yojson tags)::additional_properties)
+module MultiformatMessageString = struct
+  type t = {
+    text: string;
+    markdown: (string [@default ""]);
+    properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default])
+  }[@@deriving yojson]
+  let create ~text ?(markdown="") ?(properties=Properties.default) () =
+    { text; markdown; properties }
+  let default = create ~text:"default" ()
+module MultiformatMessageStringDictionary =
+  Json_dictionary(MultiformatMessageString)
+module ArtifactContent = struct
   type t =
-    | Text of string [@name "text"]
-          | Binary of string [@name "binary"]
+    { text: (string [@default ""]);
+      binary: (string [@default ""]);
+      rendered:
+        (MultiformatMessageString.t [@default MultiformatMessageString.default]);
+      properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default])
+    }
   [@@deriving yojson]
-  let default = Text ""
+  let create ?(text="") ?(binary="")
+      ?(rendered=MultiformatMessageString.default)
+      ?(properties=Properties.default) () =
+    { text; binary; rendered; properties }
+  let default = create ()
 module Region = struct
@@ -143,7 +221,7 @@ module Region = struct
     charLength: (int [@default 0]);
     byteOffset: (int [@default 0]);
     byteLength: (int [@default 0]);
-    snippet: (FileContent.t [@default FileContent.default]);
+    snippet: (ArtifactContent.t [@default ArtifactContent.default]);
     message: (Message.t [@default Message.default])
   }[@@deriving yojson]
@@ -156,7 +234,7 @@ module Region = struct
       ?(charLength = 0)
       ?(byteOffset = 0)
       ?(byteLength = 0)
-      ?(snippet = FileContent.default)
+      ?(snippet = ArtifactContent.default)
       ?(message = Message.default)
@@ -187,46 +265,6 @@ module Rectangle = struct
   [@@deriving yojson]
-module Custom_properties =
-  Json_dictionary(struct
-    type t = Yojson.Safe.t
-    let of_yojson x = Ok x
-    let to_yojson x = x
-  end)
-module Properties = struct
-  type tags = string list [@@deriving yojson]
-  type t = {
-    tags: tags;
-    additional_properties: Custom_properties.t
-  }
-  let default = { tags = []; additional_properties = [] }
-  let create additional_properties =
-    let tags = fst additional_properties in
-    { tags; additional_properties }
-  let of_yojson = function
-    | `Null -> Ok default
-    | `Assoc l ->
-      (match List.assoc_opt "tags" l with
-       | None -> Error "properties"
-       | Some json ->
-         (match tags_of_yojson json with
-          | Ok tags ->
-            let additional_properties = List.remove_assoc "tags" l in
-            Ok { tags; additional_properties }
-          | Error loc -> Error ("properties." ^ loc)))
-    | _ -> Error "properties"
-  let to_yojson { tags; additional_properties } =
-    match tags with
-    | [] -> `Null
-    | _ -> `Assoc (("tags", tags_to_yojson tags)::additional_properties)
 module PhysicalLocation = struct
   type t = {
     id: (string [@default ""]);
@@ -659,42 +697,47 @@ end
 module Replacement = struct
   type t = {
     deletedRegion: Region.t;
-    insertedContent: (FileContent.t [@default FileContent.default])
+    insertedContent: (ArtifactContent.t [@default ArtifactContent.default])
   }[@@deriving yojson]
-module File = struct
+module Artifact = struct
   type t = {
-    artifactLocation: (ArtifactLocation.t [@default ArtifactLocation.default]);
-    parentKey: (string [@default ""]);
+    description: (Message.t [@default Message.default]);
+    location: (ArtifactLocation.t [@default ArtifactLocation.default]);
+    parentIndex: (int [@default -1]);
     offset: (int [@default 0]);
-    length: (int [@default 0]);
+    length: (int [@default -1]);
     roles: (Role.t list [@default []]);
     mimeType: (string [@default ""]);
-    contents: (FileContent.t [@default FileContent.default]);
+    contents: (ArtifactContent.t [@default ArtifactContent.default]);
     encoding: (string [@default ""]);
-    hashes: (Hash.t list [@default []]);
-    lastModifiedTime: (string [@default ""]);
+    sourceLanguage: (string [@default ""]);
+    hashes: (JsonStringDictionary.t [@default []]);
+    lastModifiedTimeUtc: (string [@default ""]);
     properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default]);
   }[@@deriving yojson]
   let create
-      ?(artifactLocation = ArtifactLocation.default)
-      ?(parentKey = "")
+      ?(description = Message.default)
+      ?(location = ArtifactLocation.default)
+      ?(parentIndex = -1)
       ?(offset = 0)
-      ?(length = 0)
+      ?(length = -1)
       ?(roles = [])
       ?(mimeType = "")
-      ?(contents = FileContent.default)
+      ?(contents = ArtifactContent.default)
       ?(encoding = "")
+      ?(sourceLanguage = "")
       ?(hashes = [])
-      ?(lastModifiedTime = "")
+      ?(lastModifiedTimeUtc = "")
       ?(properties = Properties.default)
-      artifactLocation; parentKey; offset; length; roles; mimeType; contents;
-      encoding; hashes; lastModifiedTime; properties
+      description; location; parentIndex; offset; length; roles; mimeType;
+      contents; encoding; sourceLanguage; hashes; lastModifiedTimeUtc;
+      properties
@@ -737,97 +780,139 @@ end
 module RuleConfigLevel:
   include Json_type with type t = private string
+  val cl_none: t
   val cl_note: t
   val cl_warning: t
   val cl_error: t
-  val cl_open: t
   type t = string [@@deriving yojson]
+  let cl_none = "none"
   let cl_note = "note"
   let cl_warning = "warning"
   let cl_error = "error"
-  let cl_open = "open"
-module RuleConfiguration = struct
+module ReportingConfiguration = struct
   type t = {
     enabled: (bool [@default false]);
-    defaultLevel: (RuleConfigLevel.t [@default RuleConfigLevel.cl_open]);
-    parameters: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default])
+    defaultLevel: (RuleConfigLevel.t [@default RuleConfigLevel.cl_none]);
+    rank: (int [@default -1]);
+    parameters: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default]);
+    properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default]);
   }[@@deriving yojson]
   let default = {
     enabled = false;
-    defaultLevel = RuleConfigLevel.cl_open;
+    defaultLevel = RuleConfigLevel.cl_none;
+    rank = -1;
     parameters = Properties.default;
+    properties = Properties.default;
-module Rule = struct
+module ToolComponentReference =struct
+type t = {
+  name: (string [@default ""]);
+  index: (int [@default -1]);
+  guid: (string [@default ""]);
+  properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default]);
+}[@@deriving yojson]
+let create
+    ?(name="") ?(index = -1) ?(guid = "") ?(properties=Properties.default) () =
+  { name; index; guid; properties }
+let default = create ()
+module ReportingDescriptorReference =
   type t = {
     id: (string [@default ""]);
-    name: (string [@default ""]);
-    shortDescription: (Message.t [@default Message.default]);
-    fullDescription: (Message.t [@default Message.default]);
-    messageStrings:
-      (Additional_properties.t [@default Additional_properties.default]);
-    richMessageStrings:
-      (Additional_properties.t [@default Additional_properties.default]);
-    configuration: (RuleConfiguration.t [@default RuleConfiguration.default]);
-    helpUri: (string [@default ""]);
+    index: (int [@default -1]);
+    guid: (string [@default ""]);
+    toolComponent:
+      (ToolComponentReference.t [@default ToolComponentReference.default]);
     properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default]);
   }[@@deriving yojson]
-  let default = {
-    id = "";
-    name = "";
-    shortDescription = Message.default;
-    fullDescription = Message.default;
-    messageStrings = Additional_properties.default;
-    richMessageStrings = Additional_properties.default;
-    configuration = RuleConfiguration.default;
-    helpUri = "";
-    properties = Properties.default;
-  }
   let create
-      ~id
-      ?(name="")
-      ?(shortDescription=Message.default)
-      ?(fullDescription=Message.default)
-      ?(messageStrings=Additional_properties.default)
-      ?(richMessageStrings=Additional_properties.default)
-      ?(configuration=RuleConfiguration.default)
-      ?(helpUri="")
-      ?(properties=Properties.default)
-      ()
-    =
-    { id; name; shortDescription; fullDescription; messageStrings;
-      richMessageStrings; configuration; helpUri; properties }
+      ?(id="") ?(index = -1) ?(guid="")
+      ?(toolComponent=ToolComponentReference.default)
+      ?(properties=Properties.default) () =
+    { id; index; guid; toolComponent; properties }
+  let default = create ()
-module Rule_dictionary = Json_dictionary(Rule)
+module ReportingDescriptorRelationship = struct
+  type t = {
+    target: ReportingDescriptorReference.t;
+    kinds: (string list [@default ["relevant"]]);
+    description: (Message.t [@default Message.default]);
+    properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default]);
+  }[@@deriving yojson]
+  let create
+      ~target
+      ?(kinds=["relevant"])
+      ?(description=Message.default)
+      ?(properties=Properties.default) () =
+    { target; kinds; description; properties }
-module Resources = struct
+  let default = create ~target:ReportingDescriptorReference.default ()
+module ReportingDescriptor = struct
   type t = {
+    id: string;
+    deprecatedIds: (string list [@default []]);
+    guid: (string [@default ""]);
+    deprecatedGuids: (string list [@default []]);
+    name: (string [@default ""]);
+    deprecatedNames: (string list [@default []]);
+    shortDescription:
+      (MultiformatMessageString.t [@default MultiformatMessageString.default]);
+    fullDescription:
+      (MultiformatMessageString.t [@default MultiformatMessageString.default]);
-      (Additional_properties.t [@default Additional_properties.default]);
-    rules: (Rule_dictionary.t [@default []]);
+      (MultiformatMessageStringDictionary.t [@default []]);
+    defaultConfiguration:
+      (ReportingConfiguration.t [@default ReportingConfiguration.default]);
+    helpUri: (string [@default ""]);
+    help:
+      (MultiformatMessageString.t [@default MultiformatMessageString.default]);
+    relationships:
+      (ReportingDescriptorRelationship.t list [@default []]);
+    properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default]);
   }[@@deriving yojson]
-  let default = {
-    messageStrings = Additional_properties.default;
-    rules = [] }
   let create
-      ?(messageStrings=Additional_properties.default)
-      ?(rules=[])
+      ~id
+      ?(deprecatedIds=[])
+      ?(guid="")
+      ?(deprecatedGuids=[])
+      ?(name="")
+      ?(deprecatedNames=[])
+      ?(shortDescription=MultiformatMessageString.default)
+      ?(fullDescription=MultiformatMessageString.default)
+      ?(messageStrings=[])
+      ?(defaultConfiguration=ReportingConfiguration.default)
+      ?(helpUri="")
+      ?(help=MultiformatMessageString.default)
+      ?(relationships=[])
+      ?(properties=Properties.default)
-    { messageStrings; rules }
+    { id; deprecatedIds; guid; deprecatedGuids; name; deprecatedNames;
+      shortDescription; fullDescription; messageStrings;
+      defaultConfiguration; helpUri; help; relationships; properties }
+  let default = create ~id:"id" ()
 module Result_kind:
@@ -979,10 +1064,6 @@ module VersionControlDetails = struct
   }[@@deriving yojson]
-module File_dictionary = Json_dictionary(File)
-module LogicalLocation_dictionary = Json_dictionary(LogicalLocation)
 module ColumnKind: sig
   include Json_type with type t = private string
   val utf16CodeUnits: t
@@ -995,65 +1076,117 @@ struct
   let unicodeCodePoints = "unicodeCodePoints"
+module RunAutomationDetails = struct
+  type t = unit [@@deriving yojson]
+  let default = ()
+module ExternalPropertyFileReferences = struct
+  type t = unit [@@deriving yojson]
+  let default = ()
+module ToolComponent = struct
+  type t = unit [@@deriving yojson]
+  let create () = ()
+  let default = ()
+module Address = struct
+  type t = unit [@@deriving yojson]
+  let default = []
+module WebRequest = struct
+  type t = unit [@@deriving yojson]
+module WebResponse = struct
+  type t = unit [@@deriving yojson]
+module SpecialLocations = struct
+  type t = unit [@@deriving yojson]
+  let default = ()
 module Run = struct
   type t = {
     tool: Tool.t;
     invocations: (Invocation.t list [@default []]);
     conversion: (Conversion.t [@default Conversion.default]);
+    language: (string [@default "en-US"]);
     versionControlProvenance: (VersionControlDetails.t list [@default []]);
-      (Additional_properties.t [@default Additional_properties.default]);
-    files: (File_dictionary.t [@default []]);
-    logicalLocations: (LogicalLocation_dictionary.t [@default []]);
-    graphs: (Graph_dictionary.t [@default []]);
+      (ArtifactLocationDictionary.t [@default []]);
+    artifacts: (Artifact.t list [@default []]);
+    logicalLocations: (LogicalLocation.t list [@default []]);
+    graphs: (Graph.t list [@default []]);
     results: (Sarif_result.t list [@default []]);
-    resources: (Resources.t [@default Resources.default]);
-    instanceGuid: (string [@default ""]);
-    correlationGuid: (string [@default ""]);
-    logicalId: (string [@default ""]);
-    description: (Message.t [@default Message.default]);
-    automationLogicalId: (string [@default ""]);
-    baselineInstanceGuid: (string [@default ""]);
-    architecture: (string [@default ""]);
-    richMessageMimeType: (string [@default "text/markdown;variant=GFM" ]);
-    redactionToken: (string [@default ""]);
-    defaultFileEncoding: (string [@default "utf-8"]);
+    automationDetails:
+      (RunAutomationDetails.t [@default RunAutomationDetails.default]);
+    runAggregates: (RunAutomationDetails.t list [@default []]);
+    baselineGuid: (string [@default ""]);
+    redactionToken: (string list [@default []]);
+    defaultEncoding: (string [@default "utf-8"]);
+    defaultSourceLanguage: (string [@default ""]);
+    newlineSequences: (string list [@default ["\r\n"; "\n"]]);
     columnKind: (ColumnKind.t [@default ColumnKind.unicodeCodePoints]);
+    externalPropertyFileReferences:
+      (ExternalPropertyFileReferences.t
+         [@default ExternalPropertyFileReferences.default]);
+    threadFlowLocations: (ThreadFlowLocation.t list [@default []]);
+    taxonomies: (ToolComponent.t list [@default []]);
+    addresses: (Address.t list [@default []]);
+    translations: (ToolComponent.t list [@default []]);
+    policies: (ToolComponent.t list [@default[]]);
+    webRequests: (WebRequest.t list [@default[]]);
+    webResponses: (WebResponse.t list [@default[]]);
+    specialLocations: (SpecialLocations.t [@default SpecialLocations.default]);
     properties: (Properties.t [@default Properties.default]);
   [@@deriving yojson]
   let create
-      ~invocations
+      ?(invocations=[])
+      ?(language="en-US")
-      ?(originalUriBaseIds=Additional_properties.default)
-      ?(files=[])
+      ?(originalUriBaseIds=[])
+      ?(artifacts=[])
-      ?(resources=Resources.default)
-      ?(instanceGuid="")
-      ?(correlationGuid="")
-      ?(logicalId="")
-      ?(description=Message.default)
-      ?(automationLogicalId="")
-      ?(baselineInstanceGuid="")
-      ?(architecture="")
-      ?(richMessageMimeType="text/markdown;variant=GFM")
-      ?(redactionToken="")
-      ?(defaultFileEncoding="utf-8")
+      ?(automationDetails=RunAutomationDetails.default)
+      ?(runAggregates=[])
+      ?(baselineGuid="")
+      ?(redactionToken=[])
+      ?(defaultEncoding="utf-8")
+      ?(defaultSourceLanguage="C")
+      ?(newlineSequences=["\r\n"; "\n"])
+      ?(externalPropertyFileReferences=ExternalPropertyFileReferences.default)
+      ?(threadFlowLocations=[])
+      ?(taxonomies=[])
+      ?(addresses=[])
+      ?(translations=[])
+      ?(policies=[])
+      ?(webRequests=[])
+      ?(webResponses=[])
+      ?(specialLocations=SpecialLocations.default)
-      tool; invocations; conversion; versionControlProvenance; originalUriBaseIds;
-      files; logicalLocations; graphs; results; resources; instanceGuid;
-      correlationGuid; logicalId; description; automationLogicalId;
-      baselineInstanceGuid; architecture; richMessageMimeType;
-      redactionToken; defaultFileEncoding; columnKind; properties
+      tool; invocations; conversion; versionControlProvenance;
+      language; originalUriBaseIds;
+      artifacts; logicalLocations; graphs; results;
+      automationDetails; runAggregates; baselineGuid; redactionToken;
+      defaultEncoding; defaultSourceLanguage; newlineSequences; columnKind;
+      externalPropertyFileReferences; threadFlowLocations; taxonomies;
+      addresses; translations; policies; webRequests; webResponses;
+      specialLocations; properties;
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/
index 7204ae3f339..7c47c507a1a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/
@@ -156,26 +156,23 @@ let gen_statuses () =
   List.rev (Property_status.fold f [])
-let gen_files () =
+let gen_artifacts () =
   let add_src_file f =
-    let key =
-      let fname = Filepath.Normalized.to_pretty_string f in
-      Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename fname)
-    in
-    let artifactLocation = ArtifactLocation.create ~uri:(f :> string) () in
+    let uri = (f:Filepath.Normalized.t :> string) in
+    let location = ArtifactLocation.create ~uri () in
     let roles = [ Role.analysisTarget ] in
     let mimeType = "text/x-csrc" in
-    key, File.create ~artifactLocation ~roles ~mimeType ()
+    Artifact.create ~location ~roles ~mimeType ()
   in add_src_file (Kernel.Files.get ())
 let add_rule id desc l =
   let text = desc ^ "." in
-  let shortDescription = Message.plain_text ~text () in
-  let rule = Rule.create ~id ~shortDescription () in
-  (id, rule) :: l
+  let shortDescription = MultiformatMessageString.create ~text () in
+  let rule = ReportingDescriptor.create ~id ~shortDescription () in
+  rule :: l
-let make_rule_dictionary rules = Datatype.String.Map.fold add_rule rules []
+let make_taxonomies rules = Datatype.String.Map.fold add_rule rules []
 let gen_run remarks =
   let tool = frama_c_sarif in
@@ -189,11 +186,12 @@ let gen_run remarks =
         "user-spec" "User-written ACSL specification" rules
-  let rules = make_rule_dictionary rules in
-  let resources = Resources.create ~rules () in
+  let rules = make_taxonomies rules in
+  ignore(rules);
+  let taxonomies = [ToolComponent.create (* ~rules*) ()] in
   let results = results @ user_annot_results in
-  let files = gen_files () in
-  Run.create ~tool ~invocations ~results ~resources ~files ()
+  let artifacts = gen_artifacts () in
+  Run.create ~tool ~invocations ~results ~taxonomies ~artifacts ()
 let generate () =
   let remarks = get_remarks () in