From d847cc19d1215596b3a44a8cf86d77857a4b2385 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Allan Blanchard <>
Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 17:10:20 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [wp] Weaken check invariant - no they have the expected

 src/plugins/wp/                    |  12 +-
 src/plugins/wp/cfgAnnot.mli                   |   7 +-
 src/plugins/wp/                 |  32 +++--
 src/plugins/wp/                     |  11 +-
 src/plugins/wp/                       |   8 +-
 src/plugins/wp/mcfg.mli                       |   3 +-
 src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i       |  26 ++++
 .../tests/wp/oracle/  | 135 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../oracle/      |   3 +-
 .../             |  10 +-
 10 files changed, 219 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/

diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index 1103f2c2fe5..6e114cdf7e7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -468,8 +468,13 @@ let mk_variant_properties kf s ca v =
   let vdecr = Logic_const.prel ~loc (Rlt, v, vcurr) in
   (vpos_id, vpos), (vdecr_id, vdecr)
+type loop_hypothesis =
+  | NoHyp
+  | Check of WpPropId.prop_id
+  | Always of WpPropId.prop_id
 type loop_invariant = {
-  loop_hyp : WpPropId.prop_id option ;
+  loop_hyp : loop_hypothesis ;
   loop_est : WpPropId.prop_id option ;
   loop_ind : WpPropId.prop_id option ;
   loop_pred : Cil_types.predicate ;
@@ -509,10 +514,11 @@ module LoopContract = WpContext.StaticGenerator(CodeKey)
                 let g_est, g_ind = WpPropId.mk_loop_inv kf stmt ca in
                 let admit = Logic_utils.use_predicate inv.tp_kind in
                 let verif = Logic_utils.verify_predicate inv.tp_kind in
+                let loop_hyp = if admit then Always g_hyp else Check g_hyp in
                 let use flag id = if flag then Some id else None in
                 let inv =
                   { loop_pred = normalize_pred inv.tp_statement ;
-                    loop_hyp = use admit g_hyp ;
+                    loop_hyp ;
                     loop_est = use verif g_est ;
                     loop_ind = use verif g_ind ; }
@@ -536,7 +542,7 @@ module LoopContract = WpContext.StaticGenerator(CodeKey)
                 let mk_inv (i, p) =
                   let i, p = intro_terminates @@ normalize_annot (i, p) in
                   { loop_pred = p ;
-                    loop_hyp = None ; loop_est = None ; loop_ind = Some i }
+                    loop_hyp = NoHyp ; loop_est = None ; loop_ind = Some i }
                 { l with loop_terminates = None ;
                          loop_invariants =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/cfgAnnot.mli b/src/plugins/wp/cfgAnnot.mli
index f3311ca1a52..53c1c4659e4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/cfgAnnot.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/cfgAnnot.mli
@@ -78,8 +78,13 @@ val get_stmt_assigns : kernel_function -> stmt -> assigns_full_info list
 (* --- Property Accessors : Loop Contracts                                --- *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type loop_hypothesis =
+  | NoHyp
+  | Check of WpPropId.prop_id
+  | Always of WpPropId.prop_id
 type loop_invariant = {
-  loop_hyp : WpPropId.prop_id option ;
+  loop_hyp : loop_hypothesis ;
   loop_est : WpPropId.prop_id option ;
   loop_ind : WpPropId.prop_id option ;
   loop_pred : Cil_types.predicate ;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index 198ae795cbc..4fba7b07405 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ struct
         then W.add_assigns env.we ai w
         else w
-  let use_property env (p : WpPropId.pred_info) w =
-    if is_selected ~goal:false env p then W.add_hyp env.we p w else w
+  let use_property ?for_pid env (p : WpPropId.pred_info) w =
+    if is_selected ~goal:false env p then W.add_hyp ?for_pid env.we p w else w
   let prove_property env (p : WpPropId.pred_info) w =
     if is_selected ~goal:true env p then W.add_goal env.we p w else w
@@ -259,18 +259,28 @@ struct
       | None, _ | _, None -> w (* no terminates goal or nothing to prove *)
       | Some t, Some prop -> prove_subproperty env t prop s FromCode w
-    let if_some_id op env id p w =
-      match id with None -> w | Some id -> op env (id, p) w in
-    let loop_current_hyp env CfgAnnot.{ loop_hyp ; loop_pred } =
-      if_some_id use_property env loop_hyp loop_pred
+    let prove_invariant env pid pred w =
+      match pid with None -> w | Some pid -> prove_property env (pid, pred) w
-    let established env CfgAnnot.{ loop_hyp ; loop_est ; loop_pred } w =
-      if_some_id prove_property env loop_est loop_pred @@
-      if_some_id use_property env loop_hyp loop_pred w
+    let assume_invariant env (hyp: CfgAnnot.loop_hypothesis) pred ind w =
+      match hyp with
+      | NoHyp -> w
+      | Check pid -> use_property ?for_pid:ind env (pid, pred) w
+      | Always pid -> use_property env (pid, pred) w
+    in
+    let established env CfgAnnot.{ loop_hyp; loop_ind; loop_est; loop_pred } w =
+      prove_invariant env loop_est loop_pred @@
+      assume_invariant env loop_hyp loop_pred loop_ind w
+    in
+    let loop_current_hyp env CfgAnnot.{ loop_hyp ; loop_ind ; loop_pred } w =
+      assume_invariant env loop_hyp loop_pred loop_ind w
     let preserved env CfgAnnot.{ loop_hyp ; loop_ind ; loop_pred } w =
-      if_some_id prove_property env loop_ind loop_pred @@
-      if_some_id use_property env loop_hyp loop_pred w
+      prove_invariant env loop_ind loop_pred @@
+      begin match loop_hyp with
+        | CfgAnnot.Always pid -> use_property env (pid, loop_pred)
+        | _ -> (* we never assume this one for checks *)
+      end w
     insert_terminates @@
     List.fold_right (established env) lc.loop_invariants @@
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index c15ac2a858f..c38b30c4127 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -89,12 +89,17 @@ let new_env ?lvars kf : t_env = ignore lvars ; kf
 let add_axiom _p _l = ()
-let add_hyp _env (pid,pred) k =
+let add_hyp ?for_pid _env (pid,pred) k =
+  ignore(for_pid);
   let u = node () in
   if Wp_parameters.debug_atleast 1 then
-    Format.fprintf !out "  %a [ color=green , label=\"Assume %a\" ] ;@." pretty u Printer.pp_predicate pred
+    Format.fprintf !out "  %a [ color=green , label=\"Assume %a%a\"] ;@."
+      pretty u Printer.pp_predicate pred
+      (Pretty_utils.pp_opt ~pre:" for" WpPropId.pretty) for_pid
-    Format.fprintf !out "  %a [ color=green , label=\"Assume %a\" ] ;@." pretty u WpPropId.pp_propid pid ;
+    Format.fprintf !out "  %a [ color=green , label=\"Assume %a%a\"] ;@."
+      pretty u WpPropId.pp_propid pid
+      (Pretty_utils.pp_opt ~pre:" for" WpPropId.pretty) for_pid ;
   link u k ; u
 let add_goal env (pid,pred) k =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index 7c5edf076e1..97c136c1d4f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ struct
   let add_axiom _id _l = ()
-  let add_hyp wenv (hpid,predicate) wp = in_wenv wenv wp
+  let add_hyp ?for_pid wenv (hpid,predicate) wp = in_wenv wenv wp
       (fun env wp ->
          let outcome = Warning.catch
              ~severe:false ~effect:"Skip hypothesis"
@@ -493,7 +493,11 @@ struct
            | Warning.Result(warn,p) -> warn , [p]
            | Warning.Failed warn -> warn , []
-         let vcs = gmap (assume_vc ~hpid ~warn hs) wp.vcs in
+         let assume_vc target vcs = match for_pid with
+           | Some id when not @@ PropId.equal id (TARGET.prop_id target) -> vcs
+           | _ -> (assume_vc ~hpid ~warn hs) vcs
+         in
+         let vcs = Gmap.mapi assume_vc wp.vcs in
          { wp with vcs = vcs })
   let add_goal wenv (gpid,predicate) wp = in_wenv wenv wp
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/mcfg.mli b/src/plugins/wp/mcfg.mli
index 3ecd5a5f9a2..3afad69feed 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/mcfg.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/mcfg.mli
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ module type S = sig
   val new_env : ?lvars:Cil_types.logic_var list -> kernel_function -> t_env
   val add_axiom : WpPropId.prop_id -> LogicUsage.logic_lemma -> unit
-  val add_hyp  : t_env -> WpPropId.pred_info -> t_prop -> t_prop
+  val add_hyp :
+    ?for_pid:WpPropId.prop_id -> t_env -> WpPropId.pred_info -> t_prop -> t_prop
   val add_goal : t_env -> WpPropId.pred_info -> t_prop -> t_prop
   val add_subgoal : t_env -> WpPropId.pred_info -> ?deps:Property.Set.t ->
     predicate -> stmt -> WpPropId.effect_source -> t_prop -> t_prop
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4d034c136d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+/* run.config_qualif
+/*@ axiomatic Ax {
+      predicate P(integer i);
+      predicate Q(integer i);
+      predicate R(integer i);
+      predicate S(integer i);
+      predicate W(integer i);
+  }
+int x ;
+void function(void){
+  int i = 0;
+  /*@ loop invariant       IP: P(i) ;
+    @ check loop invariant IQ: Q(i);
+    @ admit loop invariant IR: R(i);
+    @ loop invariant       IS: S(i);
+    @ loop assigns i ; */
+  while(i < 10) i++ ;
+  //@ check W(i);
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..31ebbb9df49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp/oracle/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# frama-c -wp [...]
+[kernel] Parsing tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i (no preprocessing)
+[wp] Running WP plugin...
+[wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
+  Function function
+Goal Preservation of Invariant 'IP' (file tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i, line 18):
+Let x = 1 + i.
+Assume {
+  Type: is_sint32(i) /\ is_sint32(x).
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IS' *)
+  Have: P_S(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IS' *)
+  Have: P_S(i).
+  (* Then *)
+  Have: i <= 9.
+Prove: P_P(x).
+Goal Establishment of Invariant 'IP' (file tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i, line 18):
+Prove: P_P(0).
+Goal Preservation of Invariant 'IQ' (file tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i, line 19):
+Let x = 1 + i.
+Assume {
+  Type: is_sint32(i) /\ is_sint32(x).
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IQ' *)
+  Have: P_Q(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IS' *)
+  Have: P_S(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IQ' *)
+  Have: P_Q(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IS' *)
+  Have: P_S(i).
+  (* Then *)
+  Have: i <= 9.
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(x).
+Prove: P_Q(x).
+Goal Establishment of Invariant 'IQ' (file tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i, line 19):
+Assume { (* Invariant 'IP' *) Have: P_P(0). }
+Prove: P_Q(0).
+Goal Preservation of Invariant 'IS' (file tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i, line 21):
+Let x = 1 + i.
+Assume {
+  Type: is_sint32(i) /\ is_sint32(x).
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IS' *)
+  Have: P_S(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IS' *)
+  Have: P_S(i).
+  (* Then *)
+  Have: i <= 9.
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(x).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(x).
+Prove: P_S(x).
+Goal Establishment of Invariant 'IS' (file tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i, line 21):
+Assume {
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(0).
+Prove: P_S(0).
+Goal Check (file tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i, line 25):
+Assume {
+  Type: is_sint32(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IS' *)
+  Have: P_S(0).
+  (* Invariant 'IP' *)
+  Have: P_P(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IR' *)
+  Have: P_R(i).
+  (* Invariant 'IS' *)
+  Have: P_S(i).
+  (* Else *)
+  Have: 10 <= i.
+Prove: P_W(i).
+Goal Loop assigns (file tests/wp/cfg_loop_deps.i, line 22):
+Prove: true.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/
index 65a87c92522..8320e268cf4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle/
@@ -151,8 +151,7 @@ Prove: true.
 Goal Preservation of Invariant 'false_but_preserved' (file tests/wp_acsl/generalized_checks.i, line 70):
-Assume { Type: is_sint32(i). (* Then *) Have: i <= 9. }
-Prove: false.
+Prove: true.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/
index 99a33fee772..22b1cace818 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caller_call_job_requires_A : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_caller_call_job_check_requires_CA1 : Valid
 [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_caller_call_job_check_requires_CA2_ko : Unsuccess
-[wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_check_loop_invariant_false_but_preserved_preserved : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_check_loop_invariant_false_but_preserved_preserved : Valid
 [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_check_loop_invariant_false_but_preserved_established : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_loop_check_implied_by_false_invariant : Unsuccess
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_loop_loop_assigns : Valid
-[wp] Proved goals:   12 / 21
-  Qed:            10 
-  Alt-Ergo:        2  (unsuccess: 9)
+[wp] Proved goals:   13 / 21
+  Qed:            11 
+  Alt-Ergo:        2  (unsuccess: 8)
  Axiomatics                WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   Axiomatic Th              -        -        2       0.0%
@@ -34,5 +34,5 @@
  Functions                 WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   job                       3        2        6      83.3%
   caller                    6        -        9      66.7%
-  loop                      1        -        4      25.0%
+  loop                      2        -        4      50.0%