From d7df6c465875ecb21418c4bde90d48727260b5bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Virgile Prevosto <>
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2021 19:44:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [devman] start fixing inconsistencies with current code

 doc/developer/advance.tex                     | 43 +++++++++++--------
 doc/developer/check_api/Makefile              |  2 +-
 src/kernel_internals/runtime/boot.mli         |  5 ++-
 src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli    |  4 +-
 .../visitors/visitor_behavior.mli             |  2 +-
 5 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/developer/advance.tex b/doc/developer/advance.tex
index 73cc5d5d779..42b19819008 100644
--- a/doc/developer/advance.tex
+++ b/doc/developer/advance.tex
@@ -3786,10 +3786,10 @@ risk sharing\index{Sharing} the same AST\index{AST!Sharing|see{Sharing}}).
 The visitors take as argument a
-\verb+visitor_behavior+\scodeidx{Cil}{visitor\_behavior}, which comes in two
-flavors: \verb+inplace_visit+\scodeidx{Cil}{inplace\_visit}%
-\index{Visitor!In-Place|bfit} and \verb+copy_visit+%
-\scodeidx{Cil}{copy\_visit}\index{Visitor!Copy|bfit}. In the in-place mode,
+\verb+Visitor_behavior.t+\scodeidx{Visitor\_behavior}{t}, which comes in two
+flavors: \verb+inplace+\scodeidx{Visitor\_behavior}{inplace}%
+\index{Visitor!In-Place|bfit} and \verb+copy+%
+\scodeidx{Visitor\_behavior}{copy}\index{Visitor!Copy|bfit}. In the in-place mode,
 nodes are visited in place, while in the copy mode, nodes are copied and the
 visit is done on the copy\index{AST!Copying}. For the nodes
 shared\index{Sharing} across the AST
@@ -3802,32 +3802,37 @@ shared\index{Sharing} across the AST
 \verb+logic_info+\scodeidx{Cil\_types}{logic\_info} and
 \verb+fieldinfo+\scodeidx{Cil\_types}{fieldinfo}), sharing is of course
 preserved, and the mapping between the old nodes and their copy can be
-manipulated explicitly through the following functions:
+manipulated explicitly through the following modules, which define a function
+for each of the types above.
-  \verb+reset_behavior_+\emph{name}
-  \scodeidxdef{Cil}{reset\_behavior\_varinfo}
-  resets the mapping corresponding to the type \emph{name}.
-\item \verb+get_original_+\emph{name}\scodeidxdef{Cil}{get\_original\_varinfo}
-  gets the original value corresponding to a copy (and behaves as the identity
-  if the given value is not known).
-\item \verb+get_+\emph{name}\scodeidxdef{Cil}{get\_varinfo} gets the copy
+  \verb+Reset+\scodeidxdef{Visitor\_behavior}{Reset}
+  allows to reset the mappings.
+\item \verb+Get+\scodeidxdef{Visitor\_behavior}{Get} gets the copy
   corresponding to an old value. If the given value is not known, it behaves as
   the identity.
-\item \verb+set_+\emph{name}\scodeidxdef{Cil}{set\_varinfo} sets a copy for a
+\item \verb+Memo+\scodeidxdef{Visitor\_behavior}{Memo} is similar to
+  \verb+Get+, except that if the given value is not known, a new binding is
+  created.
+\item \verb+Get_orig+\scodeidxdef{Visitor\_behavior}{Get\_orig}
+  gets the original value corresponding to a copy (and behaves as the identity
+  if the given value is not known).
+\item \verb+Set+\emph{name}\scodeidxdef{Visitor\_behavior}{Set} sets a copy for a
   given value. Be sure to use it before any occurrence of the old value has
   been copied, or sharing will be lost.
+\item \verb+Set_orig+\scodeidxdef{Visitor\_behavior}{Set\_orig} sets the original
+  value corresponding to a given copy.
-  \verb+get_original_+\emph{name} functions allow to retrieve additional
+  Functions from the \verb+Get_orig+\emph{name} modules allow to retrieve additional
   information tied to the original AST nodes. Its result must not be modified
   in place\index{AST!Modification} (this would defeat the purpose of operating
   on a copy to leave the original AST untouched). Moreover, note that whenever
   the index used for \emph{name} is modified in the copy, the internal state of
   the visitor behavior\index{Visitor!Behavior} must be updated accordingly
-  (\emph{via} the \verb+set_+\emph{name} function) for
-  \verb+get_original_+\emph{name} to give correct results.\index{Consistency}
+  (\emph{via} the \verb+Set.+\emph{name} function) for
+  \verb+Get_orig.+\emph{name} to give correct results.\index{Consistency}
 The list of such indices is given Figure~\ref{fig:idx-visitor}.
@@ -3903,7 +3908,7 @@ whether the table entries are visited before or after the children in the AST.
 Here is a small copy visitor that adds an assertion for each
 division in the program, stating that the divisor is not zero:
@@ -3917,8 +3922,8 @@ division in the program, stating that the divisor is not zero:
diff --git a/doc/developer/check_api/Makefile b/doc/developer/check_api/Makefile
index e2219705a59..627161a760f 100644
--- a/doc/developer/check_api/Makefile
+++ b/doc/developer/check_api/Makefile
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES= $(FRAMAC_MODERN) \
 all:  check_and_compare main.idx
-main.idx: ../developer.idx $(wildcard ../*.pretex)
+main.idx: ../developer.idx $(wildcard ../*.tex)
 	cp ../developer.idx main.idx
 check_and_compare: check_index_grammar.cmi check_index_grammar.cmx \
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/runtime/boot.mli b/src/kernel_internals/runtime/boot.mli
index 00218e7f71e..0eec6c94475 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/runtime/boot.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/runtime/boot.mli
@@ -20,4 +20,7 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-(** Nothing is exported. *)
+(** Nothing is exported.
+    @plugin development guide
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli
index 8f13b954a39..7a437cc8369 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli
@@ -1806,7 +1806,9 @@ and global_annotation =
   (** Model field for a type t, seen as a logic function with one
       argument of type t *)
   | Dextended of acsl_extension * attributes * location
-  (** Extended global clause. *)
+  (** Extended global clause.
+      @plugin development guide
+  *)
 type kinstr =
   | Kstmt of stmt
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/visitors/visitor_behavior.mli b/src/kernel_services/visitors/visitor_behavior.mli
index 9e4adf0201f..6aaee136c66 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/visitors/visitor_behavior.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/visitors/visitor_behavior.mli
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ val copy: Project.t -> t
 val refresh: Project.t -> t
 (** Makes fresh copies of the mutable structures and provides fresh id
-    for the structures that have ids. Note that as for {!copy_visit}, only
+    for the structures that have ids. Note that as for {!copy}, only
     varinfo that are declared in the scope of the visit will be copied and
     provided with a new id.