From cdb6381cbffe244c0fd50150d1cd2b1d92074eaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thibault Martin <>
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2023 17:22:04 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [e-acsl] Create an exception to replace Cil.Not_representable

 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/  | 26 ++++++++++++--------
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/interval.mli |  7 +++++-
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/    |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
index ee8622a2749..837572f1e6a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
@@ -319,24 +319,30 @@ let interv_of_logic_typ = function
   | Lvar _ -> Error.not_yet "type variable"
   | Larrow _ -> Nan
+exception Not_representable_ival
 let ikind_of_ival iv =
   if Ival.is_bottom iv then IInt
   else match Ival.min_and_max iv with
     | Some l, Some u ->
-      let is_pos = l in
-      let lkind = Cil.intKindForValue l is_pos in
-      let ukind = Cil.intKindForValue u is_pos in
-      (* kind corresponding to the interval *)
-      let kind = if Cil.intTypeIncluded lkind ukind then ukind else lkind in
-      (* convert the kind to [IInt] whenever smaller. *)
-      if Cil.intTypeIncluded kind IInt then IInt else kind
-    | None, None -> raise Cil.Not_representable (* GMP *)
+      begin
+        try
+          let is_pos = l in
+          let lkind = Cil.intKindForValue l is_pos in
+          let ukind = Cil.intKindForValue u is_pos in
+          (* kind corresponding to the interval *)
+          let kind = if Cil.intTypeIncluded lkind ukind then ukind else lkind in
+          (* convert the kind to [IInt] whenever smaller. *)
+          if Cil.intTypeIncluded kind IInt then IInt else kind
+        with Cil.Not_representable ->
+          raise Not_representable_ival
+      end
+    | None, None -> raise Not_representable_ival (* GMP *)
     (* TODO: do not raise an exception, but returns a value instead *)
     | None, Some _ | Some _, None ->
       (* Semi-open interval that can happen when computing the interval of shift
          operations if the computation overflows *)
       (* TODO: do not raise an exception, but returns a value instead *)
-      raise Cil.Not_representable (* GMP *)
+      raise Not_representable_ival (* GMP *)
 let interv_of_typ_containing_interv = function
@@ -346,7 +352,7 @@ let interv_of_typ_containing_interv = function
       let kind = ikind_of_ival i in
       interv_of_typ (TInt(kind, []))
-    with Cil.Not_representable ->
+    with Not_representable_ival ->
 let widen_profile =
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/interval.mli b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/interval.mli
index 5a53508c93c..30383357459 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/interval.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/interval.mli
@@ -67,9 +67,14 @@ val is_singleton_int: t -> bool
 (** assume [Ival _] as argument *)
 val extract_ival: t -> Ival.t
+exception Not_representable_ival
+(** raised by {!ikind_of_ival].
+    @since Frama-C+dev
 val ikind_of_ival: Ival.t -> Cil_types.ikind
 (** @return the smallest ikind that contains the given interval.
-    @raise Cil.Not_representable if the given interval does not fit into any C
+    @raise Not_representable_ival if the given interval does not fit into any C
     integral type. *)
 val interv_of_typ: Cil_types.typ -> t
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
index b7158f15100..0df15a3e715 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ let ty_of_interv ?ctx ?(use_gmp_opt = false) = function
          if Cil.intTypeIncluded kind ik then ctx else C_integer kind
        | Some (C_float _ | Rational | Real as ty) ->
-    with Cil.Not_representable ->
+    with Interval.Not_representable_ival ->
     match ctx with
     | None | Some(C_integer _ | Gmpz | Nan) -> Gmpz
     | Some (C_float _ | Rational) -> Rational