From ccb6c0341ebb0fd1a66a47d29a644a24679a100a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Virgile Prevosto <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2017 19:07:10 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] preparing manual addition of remarks into the report

 .../markdown-report/Report_markdown.mli       |   3 +
 src/plugins/markdown-report/       |   6 +
 src/plugins/markdown-report/markdown.mli      |   3 +
 src/plugins/markdown-report/         | 507 ++++++++++++------
 4 files changed, 351 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/Report_markdown.mli b/src/plugins/markdown-report/Report_markdown.mli
index c5b9481ff9d..528de49a885 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/Report_markdown.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/Report_markdown.mli
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ and block = block_element list
 and element =
   | Block of block
   | Raw of string (** non-markdown element, printed as-is. *)
+  | Comment of string (** markdown comment, printed <!-- like this --> *)
   | H1 of text * string option (** optional label. *)
   | H2 of text * string option
   | H3 of text * string option
@@ -43,6 +44,8 @@ type pandoc_markdown =
 val plain: string -> text
+val plain_format: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, text) format4 -> 'a
 (** gives a link whose text is the URL itself. *)
 val plain_link: string -> inline
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/
index 19a1f503277..3dc4823cc70 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ and block = block_element list
 and element =
   | Block of block
   | Raw of string (** non-markdown element, printed as-is. *)
+  | Comment of string (** markdown comment, printed <!-- like this --> *)
   | H1 of text * string option (** optional label. *)
   | H2 of text * string option
   | H3 of text * string option
@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ type pandoc_markdown =
 let plain s = [ Plain s]
+let plain_format txt = Format.kasprintf plain txt
 let plain_link s = Link ([Inline_code s],s)
 let rec pp_inline fmt =
@@ -168,6 +171,9 @@ and pp_quote fmt l =
 and pp_element fmt = function
   | Block b -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<v>%a@]@\n" pp_block b
   | Raw s -> Format.pp_print_string fmt s
+  | Comment s ->
+    Format.fprintf fmt
+      "@[<hv>@[<hv 5><!-- %a@]@ -->@]@\n" Format.pp_print_text s
   | H1(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h># %a%a@]@\n" pp_text t pp_lab lab
   | H2(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>## %a%a@]@\n" pp_text t pp_lab lab
   | H3(t,lab) -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[<h>### %a%a@]@\n" pp_text t pp_lab lab
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/markdown.mli b/src/plugins/markdown-report/markdown.mli
index e8a0a8c797b..1cedad28699 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/markdown.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/markdown.mli
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ and block = block_element list
 and element =
   | Block of block
   | Raw of string (** non-markdown element, printed as-is. *)
+  | Comment of string (** markdown comment, printed <!-- like this --> *)
   | H1 of text * string option (** optional label. *)
   | H2 of text * string option
   | H3 of text * string option
@@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ type pandoc_markdown =
 val plain: string -> text
+val plain_format: ('a, Format.formatter, unit, text) format4 -> 'a
 (** gives a link whose text is the URL itself. *)
 val plain_link: string -> inline
diff --git a/src/plugins/markdown-report/ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/
index d2fff1bc627..f8a9ba52de6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/markdown-report/
+++ b/src/plugins/markdown-report/
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+open Cil_types
 module Self =
@@ -20,6 +22,26 @@ struct
   let help = "generates an analysis report on the current project"
+module Gen_draft = Self.False(
+  struct
+    let option_name = "-mdr-gen-draft"
+    let help =
+      "instead of a full report, generates an empty draft \
+       in a format suitable for -mdr-add-remarks"
+  end)
+module Remarks = Self.Empty_string(
+  let option_name = "-mdr-remarks"
+  let arg_name = "f"
+  let help =
+    "reads <f> to add additional remarks to various sections of the report. \
+     must be in a format compatible with the file produced by -mdr-gen-draft. \
+     Remarks themselves must be written in pandoc's markdown, although this is \
+     not enforced by the plug-in."
 module Authors = Self.String_list(
   let option_name = "-mdr-authors"
@@ -58,6 +80,8 @@ let all_eva_domains =
      (e.g. `a[i]` when `i` is not precisely known by `Cvalue`)"
+let insert_marks = [ Comment "BEGIN_REMARK"; Comment "END_REMARK" ]
 let plural l s =
   match l with
   | [] | [ _ ] -> s
@@ -74,23 +98,30 @@ let codelines lang pp code =
   let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' s in
   Code_block (lang, lines)
-let section_domains () =
-  let l = get_eva_domains () in
-  Block
-    (match l with
-     | [] ->
-       [Text
-          (plain
-             "Only the base domain (`Cvalue`) has been used for the analysis")]
-     | _ ->
-       [Text
-          (plain
-             "In addition to the base domain (`Cvalue`), additional domains \
-              have been used by EVA");
-        DL l]
-    )
-let section_stubs () =
+let section_domains is_draft =
+  if is_draft then
+    Comment
+      "You can give more information about the choice of EVA domains"
+    :: insert_marks
+  else begin
+    let l = get_eva_domains () in
+    [ Block
+        (match l with
+         | [] ->
+           [Text
+              (plain
+                 "Only the base domain (`Cvalue`) \
+                  has been used for the analysis")]
+         | _ ->
+           [Text
+              (plain
+                 "In addition to the base domain (`Cvalue`), additional \
+                  domains have been used by EVA");
+            DL l]
+        )]
+  end
+let section_stubs is_draft =
   let stubbed_kf =
@@ -112,62 +143,105 @@ let section_stubs () =
       (fun s -> String.length s <> 0 && s.[0] <> '@' && s.[0] <> '-')
       (fun s ->
          let kf = Globals.Functions.find_by_name s in
-         [ Text [Inline_code s; Plain "with the following specification"];
-           codelines "acsl" Printer.pp_funspec (Annotations.funspec kf)])
+         let content =
+           if is_draft then insert_marks
+             else
+               [ Block
+                   [ Text
+                       [Inline_code s; Plain "has the following specification"];
+                     codelines
+                       "acsl" Printer.pp_funspec (Annotations.funspec kf)]]
+         in
+         H4 ([Inline_code s], Some s) :: content)
   let describe_func kf =
-    [Text
-       [ Inline_code (Kernel_function.get_name kf);
-         Plain
-           (Format.asprintf
-              "@[<h>(defined at %a)@]"
-              Cil_datatype.Location.pretty
-              (Kernel_function.get_location kf))
-       ]]
+    let name = Kernel_function.get_name kf in
+    let loc = Kernel_function.get_location kf in
+    let content =
+      if is_draft then insert_marks
+      else
+        [ Block
+            [ Text
+                (Inline_code name ::
+                 plain_format
+                   "@[<h>is defined at %a@]" Cil_datatype.Location.pretty loc);
+              codelines "c"
+                Printer.pp_global
+                (GFun (Kernel_function.get_definition kf,loc))
+            ]
+        ]
+    in
+    H4 ([Inline_code name], Some name) :: content
   let content =
     if stubbed_kf <> [] then begin
-      [ Text
-        (plain
-           "The following functions have been stubbed with a C definition");
-        UL ( describe_func stubbed_kf)]
+ describe_func stubbed_kf
     end else []
-  let content =
-    if use_spec <> [] then begin
-      [ Text
-        (plain
-          "The following functions have been stubbed with an \
-           ACSL specification");
-        UL use_spec]
-    end else content
-  in
+  let content = content @ use_spec in
+  let content = List.concat content in
   if content = [] then
-    Block [Text (plain "No stubs have been used for this analysis")]
+    if is_draft then
+      Comment "No stubs have been used" :: insert_marks
+    else
+      [ Block [Text (plain "No stubs have been used for this analysis")]]
-    Block content
-let gen_context () = [
-  H1 (plain "Context of the analysis", Some "context");
-  H2 (plain "Input files", Some "c-input");
-  Block [
-    Text
-      (plain "The C source files (not including the headers `.h` files)" @
-       plain "that have been considered during the analysis are the following:"
-      );
-    UL ( (fun x -> [Text [ Inline_code x ]]) (Kernel.Files.get ()));
-  ];
-  H2 (plain "Configuration", Some "options");
-  Block [
-    Text
-      (plain "The options that have been used for this analysis \
-              are the following.")];
-  H3 (plain "EVA Domains", Some "domains");
-  section_domains();
-  H3 (plain "Stubbed Functions", Some "stubs");
-  section_stubs()
+    content
+let gen_context is_draft =
+  let context =
+    if is_draft then
+      Comment "You can add here some overall introduction to the analysis"
+      :: insert_marks
+    else []
+  in
+  context @ [
+    H1 (plain "Context of the analysis", Some "context");
+    H2 (plain "Input files", Some "c-input")
+  ] @
+  (if is_draft then
+     Comment
+       "You can add here some remarks about the set of files \
+        that is considered by Frama-C"
+     :: insert_marks
+   else [])
+  @ [
+    Block [
+      Text
+        (plain "The C source files (not including the headers `.h` files)" @
+         plain "that have been considered during the analysis \
+                are the following:"
+        );
+      UL ( (fun x -> [Text [ Inline_code x ]]) (Kernel.Files.get ()));
+    ];
+    H2 (plain "Configuration", Some "options");
+    Block [
+      Text
+        (plain "The options that have been used for this analysis \
+                are the following.")]
+  ] @
+  (if is_draft then
+     Comment
+       "You can add here some remarks about the options used for the analysis"
+     :: insert_marks
+   else [])
+  @
+  H3 (plain "EVA Domains", Some "domains")
+  :: section_domains is_draft
+  @ H3 (plain "Stubbed Functions", Some "stubs")
+    :: section_stubs is_draft
+let string_of_pos pos =
+  Format.asprintf
+    "%s:%d" (Filename.basename pos.Lexing.pos_fname) pos.Lexing.pos_lnum
+let string_of_pos_opt =
+  function
+  | None -> "Global"
+  | Some pos -> string_of_pos pos
+let string_of_loc (l1, _) = string_of_pos l1
 let make_events_table print_kind caption events =
   let open Log in
@@ -189,18 +263,12 @@ let make_events_table print_kind caption events =
     | Error -> "User error"
     | Failure -> "Internal error"
-  let pos = function
-    | None -> "Global"
-    | Some pos ->
-      Format.asprintf
-        "%s:%d" (Filename.basename pos.Lexing.pos_fname) pos.Lexing.pos_lnum
-  in
   let treat_event { evt_kind; evt_plugin; evt_source; evt_message } =
     let evt_message =
       Str.global_replace (Str.regexp_string "\n") " " evt_message
     let line =
-      [ plain (pos evt_source);
+      [ plain (string_of_pos_opt evt_source);
         [ Plain evt_message;
           Plain "(emitted by";
           Inline_code evt_plugin;
@@ -221,7 +289,30 @@ let make_warnings_table warnings =
     false (plain (plural warnings "Warning" ^ " reported by Frama-C")) warnings
-let gen_section_warnings () =
+let section_event is_err nb event =
+  let open Log in
+  let title =
+    Format.asprintf "@[<h>%s %d (%s)@]"
+      (if is_err then "Error" else "Warning")
+      nb
+      (string_of_pos_opt event.evt_source)
+  in
+  let lab =
+    Some
+      (Format.asprintf "@[<h>%s-%d@]" (if is_err then "err" else "warn") nb)
+  in
+  [ H2 (plain title, lab);
+    Block [ Text (plain "message text is"); Text (plain event.evt_message) ]]
+  @ insert_marks
+let make_events_list is_err l =
+  List.concat (List.mapi (section_event is_err) l)
+let make_errors_list = make_events_list true
+let make_warnings_list = make_events_list false
+let gen_section_warnings is_draft =
   let open Log in
   Messages.reset_once_flag ();
   let errs = ref [] in
@@ -242,112 +333,166 @@ let gen_section_warnings () =
          triggered without stopping everything. Applying the same treatment
          to a Failure catched by an evil plugin cannot hurt.
-      [ H1 (plain "Errors in the analyzer", Some "errors");
-        Block [
-          Text [Bold "Important warning:";
-                Plain "Frama-C did not complete its execution successfully.";
-                Plain "Analysis results may be inaccurate.";
-                Plain ((plural errs "The error") ^ " listed below must be");
-                Plain "fixed first before examining other warnings and alarms."
-               ];
-        ];
-        make_errors_table errs
-      ]
+      let content =
+        if is_draft then
+          Comment "you can comment on each individual error" ::
+          make_errors_list errs
+        else
+          [
+            Block [
+              Text [Bold "Important warning:";
+                    Plain "Frama-C did not complete its execution ";
+                    Plain "successfully. Analysis results may be inaccurate.";
+                    Plain ((plural errs "The error") ^ " listed below must be");
+                    Plain "fixed first before examining other ";
+                    Plain "warnings and alarms."
+                   ];
+            ];
+            make_errors_table errs
+          ]
+      in
+      H1 (plain "Errors in the analyzer", Some "errors") :: content
     end else []
   if Messages.nb_warnings () <> 0 then begin
-    error_section @
-    [ H1 (plain "Warnings", Some "warnings");
-      Block [
-        Text [
-          Plain ("The table below lists the " ^ plural warnings "warning");
-          Plain "that have been emitted by the analyzer.";
-          Plain "They might put additional assumptions on the relevance";
-          Plain "of the analysis results and must be reviewed carefully";
-        ];
-        Text [
-          Plain "Note that this does not take into account emitted alarms:";
-          Plain "they are reported in";
-          Link (plain "in the next section", "#alarms")
+    let content =
+      if is_draft then
+        Comment "you can comment on each individual error" ::
+        make_warnings_list warnings
+      else
+        [
+          Block [
+            Text [
+              Plain ("The table below lists the " ^ plural warnings "warning");
+              Plain "that have been emitted by the analyzer.";
+              Plain "They might put additional assumptions on the relevance";
+              Plain "of the analysis results and must be reviewed carefully";
+            ];
+            Text [
+              Plain "Note that this does not take into account emitted alarms:";
+              Plain "they are reported in";
+              Link (plain "in the next section", "#alarms")
+            ]
+          ];
+          make_warnings_table warnings
-      ];
-      make_warnings_table warnings
-    ]
+    in
+    error_section @
+    H1 (plain "Warnings", Some "warnings") :: content
   end else error_section
-let gen_section_alarms () =
-  let treat_alarm e kf s ~rank:_ alarm annot l =
+let gen_section_alarms is_draft =
+  let treat_alarm e kf s ~rank:_ alarm annot (i, sec, content) =
     let kind = plain (Alarms.get_name alarm) in
+    let label = "Alarm-" ^ string_of_int i in
+    let link = [Link (plain_format "%d" i, "#"^label)] in
     let func = plain (Kernel_function.get_name kf) in
-    let loc =
-      plain
-        (Format.asprintf
-           "%a" Cil_datatype.Location.pretty (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc s))
-    in
+    let loc = string_of_loc (Cil_datatype.Stmt.loc s) in
+    let loc_text = plain loc in
     let emitter = plain (Emitter.get_name e) in
-    let descr =
-      [ Inline_code(Format.asprintf "%a" Printer.pp_code_annotation annot)]
+    let descr = codelines "acsl" Printer.pp_code_annotation annot in
+    let sec_title = plain_format "Alarm %d at %s" i loc in
+    let sec_content =
+      if is_draft then
+        Block [ descr ] :: insert_marks
+      else
+        [
+          Block
+            [
+              Text
+                (plain
+                   "The following ACSL assertion must hold to avoid \
+                    and undefined behavior ("
+                 @ kind @ plain ")");
+              descr
+            ]
+        ]
-    [ kind; emitter; func; loc; descr ] :: l
+    (i+1,
+     sec @ H2 (sec_title, Some label) :: sec_content,
+    [ link; kind; emitter; func; loc_text ] :: content)
-  let content = Alarms.fold treat_alarm [] in
+  let _,sections, content = Alarms.fold treat_alarm (0,[],[]) in
   match content with
   | [] ->
-    [ H1 (plain "Results of the analysis", Some "alarms");
-      Block [
-        Text
-          [ Bold "No alarm"; Plain "was found during the analysis";
-            Plain "Any execution starting from";
-            Inline_code (Kernel.MainFunction.get_function_name ());
-            Plain "in a context matching the one used for the analysis";
-            Plain "will be immune from any undefined behavior."
+    let text_content =
+      if is_draft then
+        Comment "No alarm!" :: insert_marks
+      else
+        [
+          Block [
+            Text
+              [ Bold "No alarm"; Plain "was found during the analysis";
+                Plain "Any execution starting from";
+                Inline_code (Kernel.MainFunction.get_function_name ());
+                Plain "in a context matching the one used for the analysis";
+                Plain "will be immune from any undefined behavior."
+              ]
-      ]
-    ]
+        ]
+    in
+    H1 (plain "Results of the analysis", Some "alarms") :: text_content
   | _ :: l ->
     let alarm = if l = [] then "alarm" else "alarms" in
     let caption =
       Some (plain (String.capitalize_ascii alarm ^ " emitted by the analysis"))
     let header =
-      [ plain "Kind", Center;
+      [ plain "No", Center;
+        plain "Kind", Center;
         plain "Emitter", Center;
         plain "Function", Left;
         plain "Location", Left;
-        plain "Description", Left;
-    [ H1 (plain "Results of the analysis", Some "alarms");
-      Block [
-        Text
-          [ Plain ("The table below lists the " ^ alarm);
-            Plain "that have been emitted during the analysis.";
-            Plain "Any execution starting from";
-            Inline_code (Kernel.MainFunction.get_function_name());
-            Plain "in a context matching the one used for the analysis";
-            Plain "will be immune from any other undefined behavior."
-          ]
-      ];
-      Table { content; caption; header }
-    ]
+    let text_content =
+      if is_draft then begin
+        sections
+      end else
+        [
+          Block [
+            Text
+              [ Plain ("The table below lists the " ^ alarm);
+                Plain "that have been emitted during the analysis.";
+                Plain "Any execution starting from";
+                Inline_code (Kernel.MainFunction.get_function_name());
+                Plain "in a context matching the one used for the analysis";
+                Plain "will be immune from any other undefined behavior.";
+                Plain "More information on each individual alarm is";
+                Plain "given in the remainder of this section"
+              ]
+          ];
+          Table { content; caption; header }
+        ]
+    in
+    H1 (plain "Results of the analysis", Some "alarms") :: text_content
-let gen_section_callgraph () =
-  [ H1 (plain "Flamegraph", Some "flamegraph");
-    Block [
-      Text [
-        Plain "The image below shows the flamegraph (";
-        plain_link "";
-        Plain ") for the chosen entry point."
+let gen_section_callgraph is_draft =
+  let content =
+    if is_draft then
+      Comment
+        "flamegraph allow to visualize the functions and callstacks \
+         whose analysis is the most costly."
+      :: insert_marks
+    else
+      [
+        Block [
+          Text [
+            Plain "The image below shows the flamegraph (";
+            plain_link "";
+            Plain ") for the chosen entry point."
+          ]
+        ];
+        Block
+          [ Text [Image ("flamegraph", "../server.flamegraph.svg")] ]
-    ];
-    Block
-      [ Text [Image ("flamegraph", "../server.flamegraph.svg")] ]
-  ]
+  in
+  H1 (plain "Flamegraph", Some "flamegraph") :: content
-let gen_alarms () =
-  gen_section_warnings () @
-  gen_section_alarms () @
-  gen_section_callgraph ()
+let gen_alarms is_draft =
+  gen_section_warnings is_draft @
+  gen_section_alarms is_draft @
+  gen_section_callgraph is_draft
 let mk_date () =
   let tm = Unix.gmtime (Unix.time()) in
@@ -355,26 +500,52 @@ let mk_date () =
     (Printf.sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d"
        (1900 + tm.Unix.tm_year) (1 + tm.Unix.tm_mon) tm.Unix.tm_mday)
+let mk_remarks () =
+  let f = Remarks.get () in
+  if f <> "" then failwith "writeme"
+  else Datatype.String.Map.empty
+let gen_report is_draft =
+  let _remarks = mk_remarks () in
+  let context = gen_context is_draft in
+  let alarms = gen_alarms is_draft in
+  let title =
+    if is_draft then plain "Frama-C Analysis Report" else plain "Draft report"
+  in
+  let authors = (fun x -> plain x) (Authors.get ()) in
+  let date = mk_date () in
+  let elements = context @ alarms in
+  let elements =
+    if is_draft then
+      Comment
+        "This file contains additional remarks that will be added to \
+         automatically generated content by Frama-C's Markdown-report plugin. \
+         For any section of the document, you can write markdown content \
+         between the BEGIN and END comments. Please don't alter the structure \
+         of the document as it is used by the plugin to associate content to \
+         the relevant section."
+      :: elements
+    else elements
+  in
+  let doc = { title; authors; date; elements;} in
+  try
+    let out = open_out (Output.get()) in
+    let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out in
+    Markdown.pp_pandoc fmt doc;
+    close_out out
+  with Sys_error s ->
+    Self.warning
+      "Unable to open %s for writing (%s). No report will be generated"
+      (Output.get()) s
 let main () =
-  if Generate.get () then begin
-      let context = gen_context () in
-      let alarms = gen_alarms () in
-      let doc =
-        { title = plain "Frama-C Analysis Report";
-          authors = (fun x -> plain x) (Authors.get ());
-          date = mk_date ();
-          elements = context @ alarms
-        }
-      in
-      try
-        let out = open_out (Output.get()) in
-        let fmt = Format.formatter_of_out_channel out in
-        Markdown.pp_pandoc fmt doc;
-        close_out out
-      with Sys_error s ->
-        Self.warning
-          "Unable to open %s for writing (%s). No report will be generated"
-          (Output.get()) s
+  if Gen_draft.get () then begin
+    if Generate.get () then
+      Self.warning
+        "-mdr-gen and -mdr-gen-draft can be activated at the \
+         same time. Only draft will be generated";
+    gen_report true
+  else if Generate.get () then gen_report false
 let () = Db.Main.extend main