diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml b/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
index 6d5c0ae28e11386f874059099f72e95d7aacf487..13006c859426f3ebde563fd698077ba99ec641b1 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/cabs2cil.ml
@@ -4963,6 +4963,13 @@ and makeVarSizeVarInfo ghost (ldecl : location)
         ldecl spec_res (n,ndt,a), empty, zero ~loc:ldecl, false
     | Some (ndt', se, len) ->
+      (* In this case, we have changed the type from VLA to pointer: add the
+         qualifier to the elements. *)
+      let spec_res = match spec_res with
+        | (t, sto , inline , attrs) when ghost ->
+          (t, sto , inline , ("ghost", []) :: attrs)
+        | normal -> normal
+      in
       makeVarInfoCabs ~ghost ~isformal:false
         ldecl spec_res (n,ndt',a), se, len, true
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ghost_accesses.ml b/src/kernel_internals/typing/ghost_accesses.ml
index a123a753dd6b66055de9eabb656c8bd4ff07472c..72ea15e54e5acf994e835c62e6303589397d6f31 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ghost_accesses.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/ghost_accesses.ml
@@ -172,21 +172,22 @@ class visitor = object(self)
         if not (isGhostType (typeOfLval lv)) then
           Error.assigns_non_ghost_lvalue ~current:true lv
-      let call_varinfo = function
-        | { enode = Lval ( (Var vi), NoOffset ) } -> Some vi
-        | _ -> None
+      let is_builtin vi =
+        Ast_info.is_frama_c_builtin vi.vname ||
+        Cil_builtins.is_builtin vi
-      let is_ghost vi = vi.vghost || Ast_info.is_frama_c_builtin vi.vname in
       let failed = match i with
         | Call(_, fexp, _, _) ->
-          begin match call_varinfo fexp with
-            | Some fct when not (is_ghost fct) ->
+          begin match Kernel_function.(Option.map get_vi @@ get_called fexp) with
+            | Some fct
+              when not (is_builtin fct) && not fct.vghost ->
               Error.non_ghost_function_call_in_ghost ~current:true () ; true
             | None ->
               Error.function_pointer_call ~current:true () ; true
             | _ -> false
-        | Local_init(_, ConsInit(fct, _, _), _) when not (is_ghost fct) ->
+        | Local_init(_, ConsInit(fct, _, _), _)
+          when not (is_builtin fct) && not fct.vghost ->
           Error.non_ghost_function_call_in_ghost ~current:true () ; true
         | _ -> false
@@ -197,9 +198,13 @@ class visitor = object(self)
               error_if_not_writable lv ;
               match i with
               | Call(_, fexp, _, _) ->
-                error_if_incompatible lv (getReturnType (typeOf fexp)) fexp
+                let vi =
+                  Kernel_function.(get_vi @@ Option.get @@ get_called fexp) in
+                if not (is_builtin vi) then
+                  error_if_incompatible lv (getReturnType (typeOf fexp)) fexp
               | Local_init(_, ConsInit(fct, _, _), _) ->
-                error_if_incompatible lv (getReturnType fct.vtype) (evar fct)
+                if not (is_builtin fct) then
+                  error_if_incompatible lv (getReturnType fct.vtype) (evar fct)
               | _ -> ()
           (* Note that we do not check "assigns" for a ghost function call since