From bf154b79747d55c65bf8172003dd07550d785d5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tristan Le Gall <> Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2019 16:11:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] supression of TCoerce, TCoerceE, PLcoercion and PLCoercionE --- src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly | 4 --- src/kernel_services/analysis/ | 6 ++-- src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli | 2 -- .../ast_printing/ | 8 ----- .../ast_printing/ | 4 --- .../ast_printing/ | 5 --- src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ | 12 +------ .../ast_queries/ | 16 +--------- .../ast_queries/ | 21 +++--------- .../ast_queries/ | 32 +++---------------- src/kernel_services/parsetree/logic_ptree.mli | 4 --- src/plugins/value/legacy/ | 1 - src/plugins/wp/ | 4 --- src/plugins/wp/ | 4 --- 14 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly index dd7a194c057..4a0a607b3e7 100644 --- a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly +++ b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly @@ -525,10 +525,6 @@ lexpr_inner: | LPAR range RPAR { info $2.lexpr_node } | LPAR cast_logic_type RPAR lexpr_inner %prec prec_cast { info (PLcast ($2, $4)) } -| lexpr_inner COLONGT logic_type - { info (PLcoercion ($1, $3)) } -| lexpr_inner COLONGT lexpr_inner %prec prec_cast - { info (PLcoercionE ($1, $3)) } | TYPEOF LPAR lexpr RPAR { info (PLtypeof $3) } | BSTYPE LPAR type_spec RPAR { info (PLtype $3) } | BSTYPE LPAR type_spec stars RPAR { info (PLtype ($4 $3)) } diff --git a/src/kernel_services/analysis/ b/src/kernel_services/analysis/ index bb41ed0466e..bb821242ae4 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/analysis/ +++ b/src/kernel_services/analysis/ @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ and loc_to_exp ~result {term_node = lnode ; term_type = ltype; term_loc = loc} = | Tbase_addr _ | Toffset _ | Tblock_length _ - | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ | TUpdate _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ + | TUpdate _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ | TLogic_coerce _ -> error_lval () @@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ let rec loc_to_lval ~result t = | TSizeOfE _ | TAlignOfE _ | TUnOp _ | TBinOp _ | TSizeOfStr _ | TConst _ | TCastE _ | TAlignOf _ | TSizeOf _ | Tapp _ | Tif _ | Tat _ | Toffset _ | Tbase_addr _ | Tblock_length _ | Tnull | Trange _ - | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ | TDataCons _ | TUpdate _ | Tlambda _ + | TDataCons _ | TUpdate _ | Tlambda _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ | Tlet _ | TLogic_coerce _ -> error_lval () @@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ let loc_to_offset ~result loc = | TSizeOfE _ | TAlignOfE _ | TUnOp _ | TBinOp _ | TSizeOfStr _ | TConst _ | TCastE _ | TAlignOf _ | TSizeOf _ | Tapp _ | Tif _ | Toffset _ | Tbase_addr _ | Tblock_length _ | Tnull - | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ | TDataCons _ | TUpdate _ | Tlambda _ + | TDataCons _ | TUpdate _ | Tlambda _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ | Tcomprehension _ | Tinter _ | Tlet _ | TLogic_coerce _ -> error_lval () diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli index 405a2f547d2..99c30feec37 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli +++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/cil_types.mli @@ -1403,8 +1403,6 @@ and term_node = The logic type must not be a Ctype. In particular, used to denote lifting to Linteger and Lreal. *) - | TCoerce of term * typ (** coercion to a given C type. *) - | TCoerceE of term * term (** coercion to the type of a given term. *) | TUpdate of term * term_offset * term (** functional update of a field. *) | Ttypeof of term (** type tag for a term. *) diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ index 0d6c7ecce00..8b7bd79e84d 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ +++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ @@ -276,8 +276,6 @@ module Precedence = struct | TAddrOf(_) -> addrOfLevel | TStartOf(_) -> 30 | TUnOp((Neg|BNot|LNot),_) -> 30 - (* Unary post *) - | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ -> 25 (* Lvals *) | TLval(TMem _ , _) -> derefStarLevel | TLval(TVar _, (TField _|TIndex _|TModel _)) -> indexLevel @@ -2323,12 +2321,6 @@ class cil_printer () = object (self) fprintf fmt "%a%a(%a)" self#pp_acsl_keyword "\\block_length" self#labels [l] self#term t | Tnull -> self#pp_acsl_keyword fmt "\\null" - | TCoerce (e,ty) -> - fprintf fmt "%a@ :>@ %a" - (self#term_prec current_level) e (self#typ None) ty - | TCoerceE (e,ce) -> - fprintf fmt "%a :> %a" - (self#term_prec current_level) e (self#term_prec current_level) ce | TUpdate (t,toff,v) -> fprintf fmt "{%a %a %a = %a}" self#term t diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ index 147e26274ed..a257df94803 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ +++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ @@ -699,10 +699,6 @@ and pp_term_node fmt = function | Tnull -> Format.fprintf fmt "Tnull" | TLogic_coerce(logic_type,term) -> Format.fprintf fmt "TLogic_coerce(%a,%a)" pp_logic_type logic_type pp_term term - | TCoerce(term,typ) -> - Format.fprintf fmt "TCoerce(%a,%a)" pp_term term pp_typ typ - | TCoerceE(term1,term2) -> - Format.fprintf fmt "TCoerceE(%a,%a)" pp_term term1 pp_term term2 | TUpdate(term1,term_offset,term2) -> Format.fprintf fmt "TUpdate(%a,%a,%a)" pp_term term1 pp_term_offset term_offset pp_term term2 | Ttypeof(term) -> Format.fprintf fmt "Ttypeof(%a)" pp_term term diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ index b59c4b76f70..4f859eb0d5a 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ +++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ @@ -124,7 +124,6 @@ let getParenthLevel e = | PLbinop (_,(Badd|Bsub|Blshift|Brshift),_) -> 60 | PLbinop (_,(Bmul|Bdiv|Bmod),_) -> 40 | PLunop ((Uamp|Uminus|Ubw_not),_) | PLcast _ | PLnot _ -> 30 - | PLcoercion _ | PLcoercionE _ -> 25 | PLunop (Ustar,_) | PLdot _ | PLarrow _ | PLarrget _ | PLsizeof _ | PLsizeofE _ -> 20 | PLapp _ | PLold _ | PLat _ @@ -217,10 +216,6 @@ and print_lexpr_level n fmt e = (pp_opt print_lexpr) e1 (pp_opt print_lexpr) e2 | PLsizeof t -> fprintf fmt "sizeof(@;@[%a@]@;)" (print_logic_type None) t | PLsizeofE e -> fprintf fmt "sizeof(@;@[%a@]@;)" print_lexpr_plain e - | PLcoercion(e,t) -> - fprintf fmt "%a@ :>@ %a" print_lexpr e (print_logic_type None) t - | PLcoercionE(e1,e2) -> - fprintf fmt "%a@ :>@ %a" print_lexpr e1 print_lexpr e2 | PLupdate(e1,path,e2) -> fprintf fmt "{@ @[%a@ \\with@ %a@]}" print_lexpr_plain e1 print_path_val (path, e2) diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ index a166a49b5ec..ac3f9c46927 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ +++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ @@ -2485,14 +2485,6 @@ and childrenTermNode vis tn = let t' = vTerm t in if t' != t || s' != s then Tblock_length (s',t') else tn | Tnull -> tn - | TCoerce(te,ty) -> - let ty' = vTyp ty in - let te' = vTerm te in - if ty' != ty || te' != te then TCoerce(te',ty') else tn - | TCoerceE(te,tc) -> - let tc' = vTerm tc in - let te' = vTerm te in - if tc' != tc || te' != te then TCoerceE(te',tc') else tn | TUpdate (tc,toff,te) -> let tc' = vTerm tc in let te' = vTerm te in @@ -7765,10 +7757,8 @@ let rec free_vars_term bound_vars t = match t.term_node with | Toffset (_,t) | Tbase_addr (_,t) | Tblock_length (_,t) - | TCoerce (t,_) | Ttypeof t -> free_vars_term bound_vars t - | TBinOp (_,t1,t2) - | TCoerceE (t1,t2) -> + | TBinOp (_,t1,t2) -> Logic_var.Set.union (free_vars_term bound_vars t1) (free_vars_term bound_vars t2) diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ index 86342ad91af..9dd7af1b0dc 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ +++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ @@ -108,8 +108,6 @@ let rank_term = function | Tbase_addr _ -> 17 | Tblock_length _ -> 18 | Tnull -> 19 - | TCoerce _ -> 20 - | TCoerceE _ -> 21 | TUpdate _ -> 22 | Ttypeof _ -> 23 | Ttype _ -> 24 @@ -1562,12 +1560,6 @@ let rec compare_term t1 t2 = let cl = compare_logic_label l1 l2 in if cl <> 0 then cl else compare_term t1 t2 | Tnull , Tnull -> 0 - | TCoerce(t1,ty1) , TCoerce(t2,ty2) -> - let ct = ty1 ty2 in - if ct <> 0 then ct else compare_term t1 t2 - | TCoerceE(t1,ty1) , TCoerceE(t2,ty2) -> - let ct = compare_term ty1 ty2 in - if ct <> 0 then ct else compare_term t1 t2 | TUpdate(x1,off1,y1) , TUpdate(x2,off2,y2) -> let cx = compare_term x1 x2 in if cx <> 0 then cx else @@ -1598,7 +1590,7 @@ let rec compare_term t1 t2 = | TAlignOfE _ | TUnOp _ | TBinOp _ | TCastE _ | TAddrOf _ | TStartOf _ | Tapp _ | Tlambda _ | TDataCons _ | Tif _ | Tat _ | Tbase_addr _ | Tblock_length _ | Toffset _ - | Tnull | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ | TUpdate _ | Ttypeof _ + | Tnull | TUpdate _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ | Tempty_set | Tunion _ | Tinter _ | Tcomprehension _ | Trange _ | Tlet _ | TLogic_coerce _), _ -> assert false @@ -1727,12 +1719,6 @@ let rec hash_term (acc,depth,tot) t = let hash = acc + 351 + hash_label l in hash_term (hash,depth-1,tot-2) t | Tnull -> acc+361, tot - 1 - | TCoerce(t,ty) -> - let hash = Typ.hash ty in - hash_term (acc+380+hash,depth-1,tot-2) t - | TCoerceE(t1,t2) -> - let hash1,tot1 = hash_term (acc+399,depth-1,tot-1) t1 in - hash_term (hash1,depth-1,tot1) t2 | TUpdate(t1,off,t2) -> let hash1,tot1 = hash_term (acc+418,depth-1,tot-1) t1 in let hash2,tot2 = hash_toffset (hash1,depth-1,tot1) off in diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ index 6cd4dcee6f3..80d58f94a72 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ +++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ @@ -1015,8 +1015,6 @@ struct | TStartOf (_,o) -> needs_at_offset o | Tapp(_,_,l) | TDataCons(_,l) -> List.exists needs_at l | Tlambda(_,t) -> needs_at t - | TCoerce(t,_) -> needs_at t - | TCoerceE(t,_) -> needs_at t | TUpdate(t1,o,t2) -> needs_at t1 || needs_at_offset o || needs_at t2 | Tunion l | Tinter l -> List.exists needs_at l | Tcomprehension(t,_,None) -> needs_at t @@ -2047,7 +2045,7 @@ struct | TSizeOfStr _ | TAlignOf _ | TAlignOfE _ | TUnOp _ | TBinOp _ | TCastE _ | TAddrOf _ | TStartOf _ | Tapp _ | TDataCons _ | Tbase_addr _ | Toffset _ - | Tblock_length _ | Tnull | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ + | Tblock_length _ | Tnull | TUpdate _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ | Tempty_set (* [VP] I suppose that an union of functions is theoretically possible but I'm not sure that we want to @@ -2332,8 +2330,8 @@ struct | Trange _ | TConst _ | TSizeOf _ | TSizeOfE _ | TSizeOfStr _ | TAlignOf _ | TAlignOfE _ | TUnOp (_,_) | TBinOp (_,_,_) | TCastE (_,_) | TStartOf _ | Tlambda (_,_) | TDataCons (_,_) | Tbase_addr (_,_) - | Toffset (_,_) | Tblock_length (_,_) | Tnull | Tapp _ | TCoerce (_,_) - | TCoerceE (_,_) | TUpdate (_,_,_) | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ -> + | Toffset (_,_) | Tblock_length (_,_) | Tnull | Tapp _ + | TUpdate (_,_,_) | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ -> false in aux t @@ -2869,17 +2867,6 @@ struct let ct = Logic_const.unroll_ltdef (logic_type ctxt loc env ty) in let { term_node; term_type } = mk_cast ~explicit:true t ct in (term_node, term_type) - | PLcoercion (t,ty) -> - let t = term env t in - (match Logic_const.unroll_ltdef (logic_type ctxt loc env ty) with - | Ctype ty as cty - -> TCoerce (t, ty), cty - | Linteger | Lreal | Ltype _ | Lvar _ | Larrow _ -> - ctxt.error loc "cannot cast to logic type") - | PLcoercionE (t,tc) -> - let t = term env t in - let tc = term env tc in - TCoerceE (t, tc), tc.term_type | PLrel (t1, (Eq | Neq | Lt | Le | Gt | Ge as op), t2) -> let f _ op t1 t2 = (TBinOp(binop_of_rel op, t1, t2), @@ -3423,7 +3410,7 @@ struct | PLcast _ | PLblock_length _ | PLbase_addr _ | PLoffset _ | PLrepeat _ | PLlist _ | PLarrget _ | PLarrow _ | PLdot _ | PLbinop _ | PLunop _ | PLconstant _ - | PLnull | PLresult | PLcoercion _ | PLcoercionE _ | PLsizeof _ + | PLnull | PLresult | PLsizeof _ | PLsizeofE _ | PLlambda _ | PLupdate _ | PLinitIndex _ | PLinitField _ | PLtypeof _ | PLtype _ -> boolean_to_predicate ctxt env p0 diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ index 1eef0ebab99..d85fd2d8704 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ +++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ @@ -778,10 +778,6 @@ let rec is_same_term t1 t2 = | Toffset (l1,t1), Toffset (l2,t2) | Tat(t1,l1), Tat(t2,l2) -> is_same_logic_label l1 l2 && is_same_term t1 t2 | Tnull, Tnull -> true - | TCoerce(t1,typ1), TCoerce(t2,typ2) -> - is_same_term t1 t2 && Cil_datatype.TypByName.equal typ1 typ2 - | TCoerceE(t1,tt1), TCoerceE(t2,tt2) -> - is_same_term t1 t2 && is_same_term tt1 tt2 | Tlambda (v1,t1), Tlambda(v2,t2) -> is_same_list is_same_var v1 v2 && is_same_term t1 t2 | TUpdate(t1,i1,nt1), TUpdate(t2,i2,nt2) -> @@ -810,7 +806,7 @@ let rec is_same_term t1 t2 = | TAlignOf _ | TAlignOfE _ | TUnOp _ | TBinOp _ | TCastE _ | TAddrOf _ | TStartOf _ | Tapp _ | Tlambda _ | TDataCons _ | Tif _ | Tat _ | Tbase_addr _ | Tblock_length _ | Toffset _ | Tnull - | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ | TUpdate _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ + | TUpdate _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ | Tcomprehension _ | Tempty_set | Tunion _ | Tinter _ | Trange _ | Tlet _ | TLogic_coerce _ ),_ -> false @@ -1212,14 +1208,12 @@ and is_same_lexpr l1 l2 = | PLresult, PLresult | PLnull, PLnull | PLfalse, PLfalse | PLtrue, PLtrue | PLempty, PLempty -> true - | PLcast(t1,e1), PLcast(t2,e2) | PLcoercion(e1,t1), PLcoercion (e2,t2)-> + | PLcast(t1,e1), PLcast(t2,e2) -> is_same_pl_type t1 t2 && is_same_lexpr e1 e2 | PLrange(l1,h1), PLrange(l2,h2) -> is_same_opt is_same_lexpr l1 l2 && is_same_opt is_same_lexpr h1 h2 | PLsizeof t1, PLsizeof t2 -> is_same_pl_type t1 t2 | PLsizeofE e1,PLsizeofE e2 | PLtypeof e1,PLtypeof e2-> is_same_lexpr e1 e2 - | PLcoercionE (b1,t1), PLcoercionE(b2,t2) -> - is_same_lexpr b1 b2 && is_same_lexpr t1 t2 | PLupdate(b1,p1,r1), PLupdate(b2,p2,r2) -> is_same_lexpr b1 b2 && is_same_list is_same_path_elt p1 p2 && is_same_update_term r1 r2 @@ -1270,8 +1264,8 @@ and is_same_lexpr l1 l2 = | PLold _ | PLat _ | PLbase_addr _ | PLblock_length _ | PLoffset _ | PLresult | PLnull | PLcast _ - | PLrange _ | PLsizeof _ | PLsizeofE _ | PLtypeof _ | PLcoercion _ - | PLcoercionE _ | PLupdate _ | PLinitIndex _ | PLtype _ | PLfalse + | PLrange _ | PLsizeof _ | PLsizeofE _ | PLtypeof _ + | PLupdate _ | PLinitIndex _ | PLtype _ | PLfalse | PLtrue | PLinitField _ | PLrel _ | PLand _ | PLor _ | PLxor _ | PLimplies _ | PLiff _ | PLnot _ | PLif _ | PLforall _ | PLexists _ | PLvalid _ | PLvalid_read _ | PLvalid_function _ @@ -1348,12 +1342,6 @@ let rec hash_term (acc,depth,tot) t = let hash = acc + 351 + hash_label l in hash_term (hash,depth-1,tot-2) t | Tnull -> acc+361, tot - 1 - | TCoerce(t,ty) -> - let hash = Cil_datatype.TypByName.hash ty in - hash_term (acc+380+hash,depth-1,tot-2) t - | TCoerceE(t1,t2) -> - let hash1,tot1 = hash_term (acc+399,depth-1,tot-1) t1 in - hash_term (hash1,depth-1,tot1) t2 | TUpdate(t1,off,t2) -> let hash1,tot1 = hash_term (acc+418,depth-1,tot-1) t1 in let hash2,tot2 = hash_term_offset (hash1,depth-1,tot1) off in @@ -1594,16 +1582,6 @@ let rec compare_term t1 t2 = | Tnull, Tnull -> 0 | Tnull, _ -> 1 | _, Tnull -> -1 - | TCoerce(t1,typ1), TCoerce(t2,typ2) -> - let res = compare_term t1 t2 in - if res = 0 then typ1 typ2 else res - | TCoerce _, _ -> 1 - | _, TCoerce _ -> -1 - | TCoerceE(t1,tt1), TCoerceE(t2,tt2) -> - let res = compare_term t1 t2 in - if res = 0 then compare_term tt1 tt2 else res - | TCoerceE _, _ -> 1 - | _, TCoerceE _ -> -1 | Tlambda (v1,t1), Tlambda(v2,t2) -> let res = Extlib.list_compare compare_var v1 v2 in if res = 0 then compare_term t1 t2 else res @@ -2290,7 +2268,7 @@ let rec constFoldTermToInt ?(machdep=true) (e: term) : Integer.t option = constFoldMinMax ~machdep Integer.min args | TLval _ | TAddrOf _ | TStartOf _ | Tapp _ | Tlambda _ | TDataCons _ - | Tat _ | Tbase_addr _ | Tblock_length _ | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ + | Tat _ | Tbase_addr _ | Tblock_length _ | TUpdate _ | Ttypeof _ | Ttype _ | Tempty_set | Tunion _ | Tinter _ | Tcomprehension _ | Trange _ | Tlet _ -> None diff --git a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/logic_ptree.mli b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/logic_ptree.mli index 35aec8c31fc..261788e5fe2 100644 --- a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/logic_ptree.mli +++ b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/logic_ptree.mli @@ -107,10 +107,6 @@ and lexpr_node = | PLrange of lexpr option * lexpr option (** interval of integers. *) | PLsizeof of logic_type (** sizeof a type. *) | PLsizeofE of lexpr (** sizeof the type of an expression. *) - | PLcoercion of lexpr * logic_type - (** coercion of an expression in a given type. *) - | PLcoercionE of lexpr * lexpr - (** coercion of the first expression into the type of the second one. *) | PLupdate of lexpr * (path_elt list) * update_term (** functional update of the field of a structure. *) | PLinitIndex of (lexpr * lexpr) list (** array constructor. *) diff --git a/src/plugins/value/legacy/ b/src/plugins/value/legacy/ index 863d1a5e8fc..14de9d26666 100644 --- a/src/plugins/value/legacy/ +++ b/src/plugins/value/legacy/ @@ -1002,7 +1002,6 @@ let rec eval_term ~alarm_mode env t = | Tlambda _ -> unsupported "logic functions or predicates" | TUpdate _ -> unsupported "functional updates" - | TCoerce _ | TCoerceE _ -> unsupported "logic coercions" (* jessie *) | Ttype _ -> unsupported "\\type operator" | Ttypeof _ -> unsupported "\\typeof operator" | Tcomprehension _ -> unsupported "sets defined by comprehension" diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/ index 886549d1abf..e8f8b966ba2 100644 --- a/src/plugins/wp/ +++ b/src/plugins/wp/ @@ -681,8 +681,6 @@ struct | TUnOp(unop,t) -> term_unop unop (C.logic env t) | TBinOp(binop,a,b) -> term_binop env binop a b - | TCoerceE (t,e) -> term_cast_to_ltype env e.term_type t (** Jessie only, to be deprecated *) - | TCoerce (t,ty) -> term_cast_to_ctype env ty t (** Jessie only, to be deprecated *) | TCastE(ty,t) -> term_cast_to_ctype env ty t | TLogic_coerce(typ,t) -> term_cast_to_ltype env typ t @@ -961,8 +959,6 @@ struct Warning.error "Complex let-binding not implemented yet (%a)" Printer.pp_term t - | TCoerce (t,_) (** Jessie only, to be deprecated *) - | TCoerceE (t,_) (** Jessie only, to be deprecated *) | TCastE (_,t) | TLogic_coerce(_,t) -> C.region env ~unfold t diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/ index 3b0cf1f9c90..47761ae4794 100644 --- a/src/plugins/wp/ +++ b/src/plugins/wp/ @@ -406,10 +406,6 @@ and term (env:ctx) (t:term) : model = match t.term_node with | TCastE(ty_tgt,t) -> cast (cast_ltyp ty_tgt t.term_type) (term env t) | TLogic_coerce (_lt,t) -> term env t - (* Jessie *) - | TCoerce _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Coercions: TCoerc _" - | TCoerceE _ -> Wp_parameters.fatal "Coercions: TCoerceE _" - (* Term L-Values *) | TLval tlv -> term_lval env tlv -- GitLab