From a5985b63708dca3f163fec1fd3f2aa3fdcd81829 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?David=20B=C3=BChler?= <>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 11:16:33 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [kernel] Ast_diff: compares case labels of corresponding

 src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ | 17 ++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 16 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index 7b9b538e86f..b07fd26ddf5 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -1072,6 +1072,18 @@ and is_same_extended_asm a a' env =
   (res, env) &&& is_same_list_env bind a.asm_gotos a'.asm_gotos
+(* Only compare case labels of statements. *)
+and are_same_case_labels l l' env =
+  let l = List.filter Cil.is_case_label l in
+  let l' = List.filter Cil.is_case_label l' in
+  let is_same_case_label lbl lbl' env =
+    match lbl, lbl' with
+    | Default _, Default _ -> true
+    | Case (e, _), Case (e', _) -> is_same_exp e e' env
+    | _, _ -> false
+  in
+  is_same_list is_same_case_label l l' env
 and is_same_instr i i' env: body_correspondance*is_same_env =
   match i, i' with
   | Set(lv,e,_), Set(lv',e',_) ->
@@ -1131,7 +1143,10 @@ and is_same_stmt s s' env =
   let annots' = Annotations.code_annot s' in
   let annot_res = is_same_list is_same_code_annotation annots annots' env in
   let code_res, env =
-    if s.ghost = s'.ghost && Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal s.sattr s'.sattr then
+    if s.ghost = s'.ghost
+    && Cil_datatype.Attributes.equal s.sattr s'.sattr
+    && are_same_case_labels s.labels s'.labels env
+    then
         match s.skind,s'.skind with
         | Instr i, Instr i' -> is_same_instr i i' env