From a2ff748c9e7503130058d8301ccea44d92b728a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Virgile Prevosto <>
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 14:23:18 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [doc] update doc of cpp_arch_flags machdep field

 doc/developer/advance.tex          | 13 ++++++-------
 share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml |  4 ++--
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/developer/advance.tex b/doc/developer/advance.tex
index af30488ed5b..2f68a762d52 100644
--- a/doc/developer/advance.tex
+++ b/doc/developer/advance.tex
@@ -3269,13 +3269,12 @@ We present below a thorough description of each field.
     compiler-specific extensions.
   Note that some compiler extensions, such as attributes, are always enabled.
-\item[\texttt{cpp\_arch\_flags}]: list of arguments to be added to the
-  command-line when invoking the C preprocessor. Typically used to ensure that
-  multiarch compilers apply the appropriate predefined macros\footnote{Note that
-    the sizes of standard integer types are already defined in the machdep,
-    so they do not depend on these flags.}.
-  E.g. use \verb+["-m32"]+ for a 32-bit machdep when preprocessing with a
-  64-bit multiarch GCC.
+\item[\texttt{cpp\_arch\_flags}]: list of arguments used by the compiler to
+  select the corresponding architecture, e.g. \verb+["-m32"]+ for a 32-bit
+  machdep. Older versions (up to 26.x - Iron) of \framac did pass these flags to the pre-processor,
+  in order for it to define a set of built-in macros related to said architecture.
+  Current versions do not use this field, and rely on \texttt{\texttt{custom\_defs}}
+  containing the appropriate definitions.
   Note that, in practice, very few programs rely on such predefined macros,
   such as \verb+__x86_64+ and \verb+__i386+.
diff --git a/share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml b/share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml
index 2044ecac188..3fd892b866a 100644
--- a/share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml
+++ b/share/machdeps/machdep-schema.yaml
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ compiler:
   description: |
-    arguments to be given to the compiler when this machdep is selected
-    (e.g. '-m32')
+    arguments to be given to the compiler to select the corresponding
+    architecture (e.g. '-m32')
   type: list