From a20bcac6c2150dacb80839c8542ba2a0bfffe9e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Signoles <>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2021 19:48:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [interval] improve implementation of \product and \numof

 src/libraries/stdlib/              |   4 +
 src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli             |   5 +
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/ | 252 +++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 119 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/libraries/stdlib/ b/src/libraries/stdlib/
index e6267f35c0f..a0a4b588d40 100644
--- a/src/libraries/stdlib/
+++ b/src/libraries/stdlib/
@@ -256,6 +256,10 @@ let opt_hash hash v = match v with
   | None -> 31179
   | Some v -> hash v
+let opt_map2 f x y = match x, y with
+  | None, _ | _, None -> None
+  | Some x, Some y -> Some (f x y)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
 (** Booleans                                                                 *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
diff --git a/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli b/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli
index 1ef17c991ac..5b02633a1b2 100644
--- a/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli
+++ b/src/libraries/stdlib/extlib.mli
@@ -229,6 +229,11 @@ val the: exn:exn -> 'a option -> 'a
 val opt_hash: ('a -> int) -> 'a option -> int
 (** @since Sodium-20150201 *)
+val opt_map2: ('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> 'a option -> 'b option -> 'c option
+(** @return [f a b] if arguments are [Some a] and [Some b], orelse return
+    [None].
+    @since Frama-C+dev *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
 (** {2 Booleans} *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
index 08754985e86..91006e19915 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
@@ -290,6 +290,24 @@ let cast ~src ~dst = match src, dst with
        certainly on purpose . *)
+(* a-b; or 0 if negative *)
+let length a b = Z.max (Z.add (Z.sub a b))
+(* minimal distance between two intervals given by their respective lower and
+   upper bounds, i.e. the length between the lower bound of the second interval
+   bound and the upper bound of the first interval. *)
+let min_delta (_, max1) (min2, _) = match max1, min2 with
+  | Some m1, Some m2 -> length m2 m1
+  | _, None | None, _ ->
+(* maximal distance between between two intervals given by their respective
+   lower and upper bounds, i.e. the length between the upper bound of the second
+   interval and the lower bound of the first interval.
+   @return None for \infty *)
+let max_delta (min1, _) (_, max2) = match min1, max2 with
+  | Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (length m2 m1)
+  | _, None | None, _ -> None
 (* ********************************************************************* *)
 (* constructors and destructors *)
 (* ********************************************************************* *)
@@ -346,135 +364,6 @@ let extended_interv_of_typ ty = match interv_of_typ ty with
   | Rational | Real | Nan | Float (_,_) as i
     -> i
-(* Compute the interval of the extended quantifier \sum, \product and \numof.
-   [lambda] is the interval of the lambda term, [i] (resp. [j]) is the interval
-   of the lower (resp. upper) bound and [name] is the identifier of the extended
-   quantifier (\sum, \product or \numof). The returned ival is the interval of
-   the extended quantifier. *)
-let interv_of_extended_quantifier lambda lb up name =
-  match lambda, lb, up, name.lv_name with
-  | Ival lbd_iv, Ival lb_iv, Ival ub_iv, "\\sum" ->
-    (try
-       let min_lambda, max_lambda = Ival.min_and_max lbd_iv in
-       let min_lb, min_ub = Ival.min_and_max lb_iv in
-       let max_lb, max_ub = Ival.min_and_max ub_iv in
-       (* the number of iterations is the distance between the upper bound and
-          the lower bound, or 0 if it is negative. *)
-       let delta a b = Z.max (Z.add (Z.sub a b)) in
-       let min_iteration_number =
-         (* the minimum number of iterations is the distance between the
-            smallest upper bound and the biggest lower bound. *)
-         match min_ub, max_lb with
-         | Some mub, Some mlb -> delta mub mlb
-         | _, None | None, _ ->
-       in
-       let max_iteration_number =
-         (* the maximum number of iterations is the distance between the
-              biggest upper bound and the smallest lower bound. *)
-         match max_ub, min_lb with
-         | Some mub, Some mlb -> Some (delta mub mlb)
-         | _, None | None, _ -> None
-       in
-       (* the lower (resp. upper) bound is the min (resp. max) value of
-          the lambda term times the min (resp. max) number of iterations *)
-       let lower_bound = match min_lambda with
-         | None -> None
-         | Some z -> Some (Z.mul z min_iteration_number)
-       in
-       let upper_bound = match max_lambda, max_iteration_number with
-         | None, _ | _, None -> None
-         | Some z, Some n -> Some (Z.mul z n)
-       in
-       Ival (Ival.inject_range lower_bound upper_bound)
-     with Abstract_interp.Error_Bottom ->
-       bottom)
-  | _ -> Error.not_yet "extended quantifiers with non-integer parameters"
-(* Compute the interval of the extended quantifier \sum, \product and \numof.
-   [lbd_ival] is the interval of the lambda term, [k_ival] is the interval of
-   the quantifier and [name] is the identifier of the extended quantifier (\sum
-   or \product). The returned ival is the interval of the extended quantifier *)
-let interv_of_extended_quantifier lambda i j name =
-  match lambda, i, j with
-  | Ival lbd_ival, Ival i_ival, Ival j_ival ->
-    (try
-       let min_lambda, max_lambda = Ival.min_and_max lbd_ival in
-       let i_inf, i_sup = Ival.min_and_max i_ival in
-       let j_inf, j_sup = Ival.min_and_max j_ival in
-       let compute_bound_sum bound_lambda is_inf_bound =
-         let cond =
-           match bound_lambda with
-           | Some lambda ->
-             (is_inf_bound && (( lambda ||
-             ((not is_inf_bound) && (( lambda
-           | None -> false
-         in
-         match bound_lambda, i_inf, i_sup, j_inf, j_sup with
-         | Some lambda, _,Some i_sup, Some j_inf, _  when cond->
-           Some (Z.mul lambda (Z.max (Z.sub j_inf i_sup)
-         | _, _, _, _, _ when cond -> Some
-         | Some lambda,  Some i_inf, _, _, Some j_sup ->
-           Some (Z.mul lambda (Z.max (Z.sub j_sup i_inf)
-         | Some lambda, _, _ , _, _ when ( lambda = 0 ->
-           Some
-         | None, Some i_inf, _, _, Some j_sup when ( j_sup i_inf) = 0 ->
-           Some
-         |  _, _, _, _, _ -> None
-       in
-       let compute_bound_product =
-         (try
-            match min_lambda, max_lambda, i_inf, i_sup, j_inf, j_sup with
-            | _, _, Some i_inf, _, _, Some j_sup
-              when ( i_inf j_sup) = 1 ->
-              (Ival.inject_range (Some (Some
-            | Some lambda_inf, Some lambda_sup, Some i_inf, _, _, Some j_sup
-              when ( i_inf j_sup) <= 0 &&
-                   ( lambda_inf <= 0 &&
-                   ( lambda_sup) <= 0 ->
-              let exponent = Z.to_int (Z.sub j_sup i_inf) in
-              let bound =
-                if ( lambda_sup (Z.neg lambda_inf)) <= 0 then
-                  (Z.pow (Z.neg lambda_inf) exponent)
-                else
-                  (Z.pow lambda_sup exponent)
-              in (Ival.inject_range (Some (Z.neg bound)) (Some bound))
-            | Some lambda_inf, Some lambda_sup, Some i_inf, Some i_sup,
-              Some j_inf, Some j_sup
-              when ( i_inf j_sup) <= 0 &&
-                   ( lambda_inf = 1 &&
-                   ( lambda_inf lambda_sup) <= 0 ->
-              let exponent= Z.to_int (Z.sub j_sup i_inf) in
-              let bound_inf =
-                if ( i_sup j_inf <= 0) then
-                  Z.pow lambda_inf (Z.to_int (Z.sub j_inf i_sup))
-                else
-              in
-              Ival.inject_range
-                (Some bound_inf) (Some (Z.pow lambda_sup exponent))
-            | Some lambda_inf, Some lambda_sup, Some i_inf, _, _, Some j_sup
-              when ( i_inf j_sup) <= 0 &&
-                   ( lambda_sup &&
-                   ( lambda_inf lambda_sup) <= 0 ->
-              let bound = Z.pow (Z.neg lambda_inf) (Z.to_int (Z.sub j_sup i_inf))
-              in
-              Ival.inject_range (Some (Z.neg bound)) (Some bound)
-            | _ -> Ival.inject_range None None
-          with Z.Overflow ->
-            (Ival.inject_range None None))
-       in
-       match name.lv_name with
-       | "\\sum" -> Ival (Ival.inject_range
-                            (compute_bound_sum min_lambda true)
-                            (compute_bound_sum max_lambda false))
-       | "\\product" -> Ival compute_bound_product
-       | _ -> assert false (* unreachable branch *)
-     with Abstract_interp.Error_Bottom ->
-       bottom)
-  | _ -> Error.not_yet "extended quantifiers with non-integer parameters"
 let interv_of_logic_typ = function
   | Ctype ty -> interv_of_typ ty
   | Linteger -> top_ival
@@ -643,7 +532,7 @@ end = struct
 (* ********************************************************************* *)
-(* Main algorithm *)
+(* Main functions *)
 (* ********************************************************************* *)
 let infer_sizeof ty =
@@ -654,6 +543,85 @@ let infer_alignof ty =
   try singleton_of_int (Cil.bytesAlignOf ty)
   with Cil.SizeOfError _ -> interv_of_typ Cil.theMachine.Cil.typeOfSizeOf
+(* Infer the interval of an extended quantifier \sum or \product.
+   [lambda] is the interval of the lambda term, [min] (resp. [max]) is the
+   interval of the minimum (resp. maximum) and [oper] is the identifier of the
+   extended quantifier (\sum, or \product). The returned ival is the interval of
+   the extended quantifier. *)
+let infer_sum_product oper lambda min max = match lambda, min, max with
+  | Ival lbd_iv, Ival lb_iv, Ival ub_iv ->
+    (try
+       let min_lambda, max_lambda = Ival.min_and_max lbd_iv in
+       let minmax_lb = Ival.min_and_max lb_iv in
+       let minmax_ub = Ival.min_and_max ub_iv in
+       let lb, ub = match oper.lv_name with
+         | "\\sum" ->
+           (* the lower (resp. upper) bound is the min (resp. max) value of the
+              lambda term, times the min (resp. max) distance between them if
+              the sign is positive, or conversely if the sign is negative *)
+           let lb = match min_lambda with
+             | None -> None
+             | Some z ->
+               if Z.sign z = -1
+               then (Z.mul z) (max_delta minmax_lb minmax_ub)
+               else Some (Z.mul z (min_delta minmax_lb minmax_ub))
+           in
+           let ub = match max_lambda with
+             | None -> None
+             | Some z ->
+               if Z.sign z = -1
+               then Some (Z.mul z (min_delta minmax_lb minmax_ub))
+               else (Z.mul z) (max_delta minmax_lb minmax_ub)
+           in
+           lb, ub
+         | "\\product" ->
+           (* the lower (resp. upper) bound is the min (resp. max) value of the
+              lambda term in absolute value, power the min (resp. max) distance
+              between them if the sign is positive, or conversely for both the
+              lambda term and the exponent if the sign is negative. If the sign
+              is negative, the minimum is also negative. *)
+           let min, max =
+             match min_lambda, max_lambda with
+             | None, None as res -> res
+             | None, Some m | Some m, None -> Some m, None
+             | Some min, Some max ->
+               let abs_min = Z.abs min in
+               let abs_max = Z.abs max in
+               Some (Z.min abs_min abs_max), Some (Z.max abs_min abs_max)
+           in
+           let lb = match min_lambda with
+             | None -> None
+             | Some z ->
+               if Z.sign z = -1 then
+                 (* the lower bound is (possibly) negative *)
+                 Extlib.opt_map2
+                   (fun m max -> Z.neg (Z.pow max (Z.to_int m)))
+                   (max_delta minmax_lb minmax_ub)
+                   max
+               else
+                 (* all numbers are positive:
+                    the lower bound is necessarily positive *)
+                   (fun m -> Z.pow m (Z.to_int (min_delta minmax_lb minmax_ub)))
+                   min
+           in
+           let ub =
+             (* the upper bound is always (possibly) positive *)
+             Extlib.opt_map2
+               (fun m max -> Z.pow max (Z.to_int m))
+               (max_delta minmax_lb minmax_ub)
+               max
+           in
+           lb, ub
+         | s ->
+           Options.fatal "unexpect logic function '%s'" s
+       in
+       Ival (Ival.inject_range lb ub)
+     with
+     | Abstract_interp.Error_Bottom -> bottom
+     | Z.Overflow (* if the exponent of \product is too high *) -> top_ival)
+  | _ -> Error.not_yet "extended quantifiers with non-integer parameters"
 let rec infer t =
   let get_cty t = match t.term_type with Ctype ty -> ty | _ -> assert false in
   match t.term_node with
@@ -776,28 +744,28 @@ let rec infer t =
      | LBnone when li.l_var_info.lv_name = "\\sum" ||
                    li.l_var_info.lv_name = "\\product" ->
        (match args with
-        | [ t1; t2; {term_node = Tlambda([ k ], _)} as lambda ] ->
-          let t1_ival = infer t1 in
-          let t2_ival = infer t2 in
-          let k_ival = join t1_ival t2_ival in
-          Env.add k k_ival;
-          let lambda_ival = infer lambda in
+        | [ t1; t2; { term_node = Tlambda([ k ], _) } as lambda ] ->
+          let t1_iv = infer t1 in
+          let t2_iv = infer t2 in
+          let k_iv = join t1_iv t2_iv in
+          Env.add k k_iv;
+          let lambda_iv = infer lambda in
           Env.remove k;
           let t2incr =
-            Logic_const.term (TBinOp(PlusA, t2, Cil.lone ())) Linteger in
+            Logic_const.term (TBinOp(PlusA, t2, Cil.lone ())) Linteger
+          in
           (* it is correct and precise to use k_ival to compute lambda_ival, but
              not during the code generation since the type used for k is the
              greatest type between the type of t1 and the type of t2+1, that is
              why the ival associated to k is updated *)
-          Env.add k (join t1_ival (infer t2incr));
+          Env.add k (join t1_iv (infer t2incr));
           (* k is removed during code generation, it is needed for generating
              the code of the lambda term *)
-          interv_of_extended_quantifier
-            lambda_ival t1_ival t2_ival li.l_var_info
+          infer_sum_product li.l_var_info lambda_iv t1_iv t2_iv
         | _ -> Error.not_yet "extended quantifiers without lambda term")
      | LBnone when li.l_var_info.lv_name = "\\numof" ->
        (match args with
-        | [ t1; t2; {term_node = Tlambda([ k ], predicate)} ] ->
+        | [ t1; t2; { term_node = Tlambda([ k ], p) } ] ->
           let logic_info = Cil_const.make_logic_info "\\sum" in
           logic_info.l_type <- li.l_type;
           logic_info.l_tparams <- li.l_tparams;
@@ -807,7 +775,7 @@ let rec infer t =
           let numof_as_sum =
             let conditional_term =
-                (Tif(predicate, Cil.lone (), Cil.lzero ())) Linteger
+                (Tif(p, Cil.lone (), Cil.lzero ())) Linteger
             let lambda_term =
               Logic_const.term (Tlambda([ k ], conditional_term)) Linteger