diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/domains/octagons.ml b/src/plugins/eva/domains/octagons.ml
index b463daa3ac3b49fe3278cbb5e441cc55547f1616..9885e91f906753840ce881721d36d571f5f1729e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/domains/octagons.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/domains/octagons.ml
@@ -48,16 +48,78 @@ let intraprocedural () = not (Parameters.OctagonCall.get ())
 (*                  Basic types: pair of variables and Ival.t                 *)
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type kind = Integer | Float
+let typ_kind typ =
+  match Cil.unrollType typ with
+  | TInt _ | TEnum  _ -> Integer
+  | TFloat _ -> Float
+  | _ -> assert false
+(* Abstract interface for the variables used by the octagons. *)
+module type Variable = sig
+  include Datatype.S_with_collections
+  (* Creates a variable from a varinfo. Should be extended to support more
+     lvalues. *)
+  val make: varinfo -> t
+  val make_int: varinfo -> t
+  (* Returns all variables that may have been created for a varinfo. *)
+  val get_all: varinfo -> t list
+  val kind: t -> kind (* The kind of the variable: integer or float. *)
+  val lval: t -> lval option (* The CIL lval corresponding to the variable. *)
+  val base: t -> Base.t (* Base of the variable. *)
+  val id: t -> int (* Unique id, needed to use variables as hptmap keys. *)
 (* Variables of the octagons. Should be extended later to also include
    symbolic lvalues. *)
-module Variable = struct
-  include Cil_datatype.Varinfo
-  let id v = v.vid
+module Variable : Variable = struct
+  type var =
+    | Var of varinfo
+    | Int of varinfo
+  let id = function
+    | Var vi -> 2 * vi.vid
+    | Int vi -> 2 * vi.vid + 1
+  module Datatype_Input = struct
+    include Datatype.Undefined
+    type t = var
+    let name = "Eva.Octagons.Variable"
+    let structural_descr = Structural_descr.t_abstract
+    let reprs = [ Var (List.hd Cil_datatype.Varinfo.reprs) ]
+    let compare x y =
+      match x, y with
+      | Var x, Var y
+      | Int x, Int y -> Cil_datatype.Varinfo.compare x y
+      | Var _, Int _ -> -1
+      | Int _, Var _ -> 1
+    let equal x y = compare x y = 0
+    let hash = id
+    let rehash = Datatype.identity
+    let pretty fmt = function
+      | Var vi -> Printer.pp_varinfo fmt vi
+      | Int vi -> Format.fprintf fmt "(integer)%a" Printer.pp_varinfo vi
+  end
-module VariableSet = struct
-  include Variable.Set
-  let pretty_debug = pretty
+  include Datatype.Make_with_collections (Datatype_Input)
+  let make vi = Var vi
+  let make_int vi = Int vi
+  let get_all vi = [ Var vi; Int vi ]
+  let kind = function
+    | Var vi -> typ_kind vi.vtype
+    | Int _ -> Integer
+  let lval = function
+    | Var vi -> Some (Cil_types.Var vi, NoOffset)
+    | Int _ -> None
+  let base = function Var vi | Int vi -> Base.of_varinfo vi
 (* Pairs of related variables in an octagon.
@@ -76,11 +138,15 @@ module Pair = struct
   (* Creates a pair, and also returns a boolean that is [true] if x, y are
      swapped in the pair. *)
   let make x y =
-    assert (x.vid <> y.vid);
-    let pair, swap = if x.vid < y.vid then (x, y), false else (y, x), true in
+    let x_id = Variable.id x
+    and y_id = Variable.id y in
+    assert (x_id <> y_id);
+    if debug then assert (Variable.kind x = Variable.kind y);
+    let pair, swap = if x_id < y_id then (x, y), false else (y, x), true in
     hashcons pair, swap
   let fst t = fst (get t)
+  let kind t = Variable.kind (fst t)
@@ -114,12 +180,11 @@ module Arith = struct
     then neg_int ival
     else inject_float (Fval.neg (project_float ival))
-  let int_or_float_operation i_op f_op = fun typ ->
-    match Cil.unrollType typ with
-    | TInt _ | TEnum _ -> i_op
-    | TFloat _ -> fun i1 i2 ->
-      inject_float (f_op Fval.Real (project_float i1) (project_float i2))
-    | _ -> assert false
+  let int_or_float_operation i_op f_op = function
+    | Integer -> i_op
+    | Float ->
+      fun i1 i2 ->
+        inject_float (f_op Fval.Real (project_float i1) (project_float i2))
   let sub = int_or_float_operation Ival.sub_int Fval.sub
   let add = int_or_float_operation Ival.add_int Fval.add
@@ -150,7 +215,7 @@ let _pretty_octagon fmt octagon =
   let x, y = Pair.get octagon.variables in
   let op = match octagon.operation with Add -> "+" | Sub -> "-" in
   Format.fprintf fmt "%a %s %a %s %a"
-    Printer.pp_varinfo x op Printer.pp_varinfo y
+    Variable.pretty x op Variable.pretty y
     (Unicode.inset_string ()) Ival.pretty octagon.value
 (* Transforms Cil expressions into mathematical octagons.
@@ -186,11 +251,11 @@ module Rewriting = struct
   (* Simplified form [±X-coeff] for expressions,
      where X is a variable and coeff an interval. *)
-  type var_coeff = { varinfo: varinfo; sign: bool; coeff: Ival.t; }
+  type var_coeff = { var: Variable.t; sign: bool; coeff: Ival.t; }
   (* Negates a simplified form. *)
-  let neg { varinfo; sign; coeff } =
-    { varinfo; sign = not sign; coeff = Arith.neg coeff }
+  let neg { var; sign; coeff } =
+    { var; sign = not sign; coeff = Arith.neg coeff }
   (* Is the interval computed for a variable a singleton? *)
   let is_singleton = function
@@ -209,11 +274,11 @@ module Rewriting = struct
   let apply_binop f evaluate typ e1 op e2 =
     evaluate e1 >> fun v1 ->
     evaluate e2 >> fun v2 ->
-    let typ_e1 = Cil.typeOf e1 in
-    let result = Arith.apply op typ_e1 v1 v2 in
+    let kind = typ_kind (Cil.typeOf e1) in
+    let result = Arith.apply op kind v1 v2 in
     if may_overflow typ result
     then []
-    else f typ_e1 v1 v2
+    else f kind v1 v2
   (* Rewrites the Cil expression [expr] into the simplified form [±x-coeff],
      where [x] is a non-singleton variable and [coeff] is an interval. The
@@ -230,7 +295,9 @@ module Rewriting = struct
       if Cil.isIntegralType varinfo.vtype
       && not (Cil.typeHasQualifier "volatile" varinfo.vtype)
       && not (is_singleton (evaluate expr))
-      then [ { varinfo; sign = true; coeff = Ival.zero } ]
+      then
+        let var = Variable.make varinfo in
+        [ { var; sign = true; coeff = Ival.zero } ]
       else []
     | UnOp (Neg, e, typ) ->
@@ -254,6 +321,15 @@ module Rewriting = struct
       apply_binop rewrite_binop evaluate typ e1 op e2
+    | CastE (typ, { enode = Lval (Var vi, NoOffset) })
+      when Cil.isIntegralType typ
+        && Cil.isFloatingType vi.vtype
+        && not (Cil.typeHasQualifier "volatile" vi.vtype)
+        && not (is_singleton (evaluate expr)) ->
+      let var = Variable.make_int vi in
+      [ { var; sign = true; coeff = Ival.zero } ]
     | CastE (typ, e) ->
       if Cil.(isIntegralType typ && isIntegralType (typeOf e)) then
         evaluate e >> fun v ->
@@ -264,20 +340,21 @@ module Rewriting = struct
   (* Rewrites the operation [e1 ± e2] into equivalent octagons ±(X±Y-value). *)
   let rewrite_binop evaluate e1 binop e2 =
+    let kind = typ_kind (Cil.typeOf e1) in
     let vars1 = rewrite evaluate e1 in
     let vars2 = rewrite evaluate e2 in
     let vars2 = if binop = Sub then List.map neg vars2 else vars2 in
     let aux acc var1 var2 =
-      if Cil_datatype.Varinfo.equal var1.varinfo var2.varinfo
+      if Variable.equal var1.var var2.var
       then acc
-        let variables, swap = Pair.make var1.varinfo var2.varinfo in
+        let variables, swap = Pair.make var1.var var2.var in
         let operation = if var1.sign = var2.sign then Add else Sub in
         let sign = match operation with
           | Add -> var1.sign
           | Sub -> if swap then var2.sign else var1.sign
-        let value = Arith.add (Cil.typeOf e1) var1.coeff var2.coeff in
+        let value = Arith.add kind var1.coeff var2.coeff in
         let value = if sign then value else Arith.neg value in
         (sign, { variables; operation; value }) :: acc
@@ -297,13 +374,13 @@ module Rewriting = struct
   (* Transforms the constraint [expr] ∈ [ival] into a list of octagonal
      constraints. *)
   let make_octagons evaluate expr ival =
-    let make_octagons_from_binop typ e1 op e2 ival =
+    let make_octagons_from_binop kind e1 op e2 ival =
       (* equivalent octagonal forms ±(X±Y-v) for [e1 op e2]. *)
       let rewritings = rewrite_binop evaluate e1 op e2 in
       (* create the final octagon, knowning that [e1 op e2] ∈ [ival]. *)
       let make_octagon (sign, octagon) =
         let ival = if sign then ival else Arith.neg ival in
-        let value = Arith.add typ ival octagon.value in
+        let value = Arith.add kind ival octagon.value in
         { octagon with value }
       List.map make_octagon rewritings
@@ -324,7 +401,7 @@ module Rewriting = struct
           if Ival.is_zero ival then Abstract_interp.Comp.inv comp else comp
         let range = comparison_range comp in
-        make_octagons_from_binop typ e1 Sub e2 range
+        make_octagons_from_binop (typ_kind typ) e1 Sub e2 range
     | _ -> []
   let overflow_alarms typ expr ival =
@@ -370,10 +447,10 @@ module Rewriting = struct
       let octagons = rewrite_binop evaluate_expr e1 op e2 in
       let ival = evaluate_octagons octagons in
       if Ival.(equal top ival) then default else
-        let typ_e1 = Cil.typeOf e1 in
+        let kind = typ_kind (Cil.typeOf e1) in
         let ival2 =
           match evaluate_expr e1, evaluate_expr e2 with
-          | `Value v1, `Value v2 -> Arith.apply op typ_e1 v1 v2
+          | `Value v1, `Value v2 -> Arith.apply op kind v1 v2
           | _, _ -> Ival.top
         let ival = Ival.narrow ival ival2 in
@@ -577,8 +654,8 @@ module Octagons = struct
       if Ival.(equal top ival)
       then None
-        let typ = (Pair.fst octagon.variables).vtype in
-        let ival = Arith.sub typ ival octagon.value in
+        let kind = Pair.kind octagon.variables in
+        let ival = Arith.sub kind ival octagon.value in
         Some ival
     with Not_found -> None
@@ -592,7 +669,8 @@ module Relations = struct
   module Initial_Values = struct let v = [[]] end
   module Dependencies = struct let l = [ Ast.self ] end
-  include Hptmap.Make (Variable) (VariableSet)
+  include Hptmap.Make (Variable)
+      (struct include Variable.Set let pretty_debug = pretty end)
       (Hptmap.Comp_unused) (Initial_Values) (Dependencies)
   let inter =
@@ -612,9 +690,9 @@ module Relations = struct
   let relate_aux x y t =
     let related =
       try find x t
-      with Not_found -> VariableSet.empty
+      with Not_found -> Variable.Set.empty
-    let updated = VariableSet.add y related in
+    let updated = Variable.Set.add y related in
     add x updated t
   (* Marks x and y as mutually related. *)
@@ -623,7 +701,7 @@ module Relations = struct
     relate_aux y x (relate_aux x y t)
   let add variable set t =
-    if VariableSet.is_empty set
+    if Variable.Set.is_empty set
     then remove variable t
     else add variable set t
@@ -725,7 +803,7 @@ module State = struct
         let hash t =
           Hashtbl.hash (Octagons.hash t.octagons,
-                        Relations.hash t.relations,
+                        Intervals.hash t.intervals,
                         Zone.hash t.modified)
         let pretty fmt { octagons } =
@@ -751,8 +829,8 @@ module State = struct
          between them. *)
       let check_octagon pair _ =
         let x, y = Pair.get pair in
-        try VariableSet.mem x (Relations.find y t.relations)
-            && VariableSet.mem y (Relations.find x t.relations)
+        try Variable.Set.mem x (Relations.find y t.relations)
+            && Variable.Set.mem y (Relations.find x t.relations)
         with Not_found -> false
       if Octagons.for_all check_octagon t.octagons
@@ -771,7 +849,7 @@ module State = struct
         let v1, v2 = Pair.get variables in
         let i1 = Intervals.find v1 intervals
         and i2 = Intervals.find v2 intervals in
-        let i = Arith.apply operation v1.vtype i1 i2 in
+        let i = Arith.apply operation (Variable.kind v1) i1 i2 in
         Ival.is_included i value
       with Not_found -> false
     else false
@@ -809,8 +887,9 @@ module State = struct
             let i1 = Intervals.find v1 intervals
             and i2 = Intervals.find v2 intervals in
-            let add = Arith.add v1.vtype i1 i2
-            and sub = Arith.sub v1.vtype i1 i2 in
+            let kind = Variable.kind v1 in
+            let add = Arith.add kind i1 i2
+            and sub = Arith.sub kind i1 i2 in
             let diamond = Diamond.join diamond { add; sub } in
             if Diamond.is_top diamond then None else Some diamond
           with Not_found -> None
@@ -841,8 +920,9 @@ module State = struct
             let i1 = Intervals.find v1 intervals
             and i2 = Intervals.find v2 intervals in
-            let add = Arith.add v1.vtype i1 i2
-            and sub = Arith.sub v1.vtype i1 i2 in
+            let kind = Variable.kind v1 in
+            let add = Arith.add kind i1 i2
+            and sub = Arith.sub kind i1 i2 in
             let diamond =
               if b
               then Diamond.widen { add; sub } diamond
@@ -877,7 +957,7 @@ module State = struct
   (* -------------- Transitive closure when adding an octagon --------------- *)
   type relation =
-    { vars: varinfo * varinfo;
+    { vars: Variable.t * Variable.t;
       diamond: diamond; }
   let add_diamond state variables diamond =
@@ -899,17 +979,17 @@ module State = struct
       if Variable.equal y (fst rel2.vars) then rel2 else inverse rel2
     (* rel1 is about X±Y, rel2 is about Y±Z. *)
-    let typ = y.vtype in
+    let kind = Variable.kind y in
     (* X+Z = (X+Y) - (Y-Z) and X+Y = (X-Y) + (Y+Z) *)
     let add =
-        (Arith.sub typ rel1.diamond.add rel2.diamond.sub)
-        (Arith.add typ rel1.diamond.sub rel2.diamond.add)
+        (Arith.sub kind rel1.diamond.add rel2.diamond.sub)
+        (Arith.add kind rel1.diamond.sub rel2.diamond.add)
     (* X-Z = (X+Y) - (Y+Z) and X-Z = (X-Y) + (Y-Z) *)
     and sub =
-        (Arith.sub typ rel1.diamond.add rel2.diamond.add)
-        (Arith.add typ rel1.diamond.sub rel2.diamond.sub)
+        (Arith.sub kind rel1.diamond.add rel2.diamond.add)
+        (Arith.add kind rel1.diamond.sub rel2.diamond.sub)
     let diamond = {add; sub} in
     let pair, swap = Pair.make (fst rel1.vars) (snd rel2.vars) in
@@ -919,7 +999,7 @@ module State = struct
   let saturate state x y rel1 =
       let y_related = Relations.find y state.relations in
-      let y_related = VariableSet.remove x y_related in
+      let y_related = Variable.Set.remove x y_related in
       let aux z state =
         state >>- fun state ->
@@ -931,11 +1011,11 @@ module State = struct
           add_diamond state pair diamond
         with Not_found -> `Value state
-      VariableSet.fold aux y_related (`Value state)
+      Variable.Set.fold aux y_related (`Value state)
     with Not_found -> `Value state
   let add_octagon state octagon =
-    if is_redundant state.intervals octagon
+    if Ival.(equal top octagon.value) || is_redundant state.intervals octagon
     then `Value state
       let state =
@@ -956,6 +1036,11 @@ module State = struct
       let relations = Relations.relate octagon.variables state.relations in
       { state with octagons; relations }
+  let add_diamond state variables diamond =
+    add_octagon state { variables; operation = Add; value = diamond.add }
+    >>- fun state ->
+    add_octagon state { variables; operation = Sub; value = diamond.sub }
   let remove state x =
     let intervals = Intervals.remove x state.intervals in
     let state = { state with intervals } in
@@ -964,14 +1049,14 @@ module State = struct
       let remove_one y state =
           let yrelations = Relations.find y state.relations in
-          let yrelations = VariableSet.remove x yrelations in
+          let yrelations = Variable.Set.remove x yrelations in
           let relations = Relations.add y yrelations state.relations in
           let pair, _ = Pair.make x y in
           let octagons = Octagons.remove pair state.octagons in
           { state with octagons; relations }
         with Not_found -> state
-      let state = VariableSet.fold remove_one relations state in
+      let state = Variable.Set.fold remove_one relations state in
       let relations = Relations.remove x state.relations in
       { state with relations }
     with Not_found -> state
@@ -987,7 +1072,7 @@ module State = struct
           (y, diamond) :: acc
         with Not_found -> acc
-      VariableSet.fold aux related []
+      Variable.Set.fold aux related []
     with Not_found -> []
   (* x' = ±x - delta *)
@@ -1007,23 +1092,23 @@ module State = struct
               sub = op diamond.add }
           else diamond
-        let typ = x.vtype in
+        let kind = Variable.kind x in
         let op = if swap then Arith.add else Arith.sub in
         let add =
           if Ival.(equal top diamond.add)
           then diamond.add
-          else Arith.sub typ diamond.add delta
+          else Arith.sub kind diamond.add delta
         and sub =
           if Ival.(equal top diamond.sub)
           then diamond.sub
-          else op typ diamond.sub delta
+          else op kind diamond.sub delta
         let diamond' = { add; sub } in
         let octagons = Octagons.unsafe_add pair diamond' state.octagons in
         { state with octagons }
       with Not_found -> state
-    VariableSet.fold aux x_related state
+    Variable.Set.fold aux x_related state
 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -1067,24 +1152,29 @@ module Domain = struct
           let x_ival = Cvalue.V.project_ival value in
-          let octagons = State.related_octagons state x in
+          let var = Variable.make x in
+          let kind = Variable.kind var in
+          let octagons = State.related_octagons state var in
           let reduce acc (y, octagons) =
-            let y_ival1 =
-              if Ival.(equal top octagons.add)
-              then Ival.top
-              else Arith.sub x.vtype octagons.add x_ival
-            in
-            let y_ival2 =
-              if Ival.(equal top octagons.sub)
-              then Ival.top
-              else Arith.sub x.vtype x_ival octagons.sub
-            in
-            let y_ival = Ival.narrow y_ival1 y_ival2 in
-            if Ival.(equal top y_ival) then acc else
-              let y_enode = Lval (Var y, NoOffset) in
-              let y_expr = Cil.new_exp ~loc:expr.eloc y_enode in
-              let y_cvalue = Cvalue.V.inject_ival y_ival in
-              (y_expr, y_cvalue) :: acc
+            match Variable.lval y with
+            | None -> acc
+            | Some lval ->
+              let y_ival1 =
+                if Ival.(equal top octagons.add)
+                then Ival.top
+                else Arith.sub kind octagons.add x_ival
+              in
+              let y_ival2 =
+                if Ival.(equal top octagons.sub)
+                then Ival.top
+                else Arith.sub kind x_ival octagons.sub
+              in
+              let y_ival = Ival.narrow y_ival1 y_ival2 in
+              if Ival.(equal top y_ival) then acc else
+                let y_enode = Lval lval in
+                let y_expr = Cil.new_exp ~loc:expr.eloc y_enode in
+                let y_cvalue = Cvalue.V.inject_ival y_ival in
+                (y_expr, y_cvalue) :: acc
           List.fold_left reduce [] octagons
         with Cvalue.V.Not_based_on_null -> []
@@ -1095,7 +1185,8 @@ module Domain = struct
   let kill_base base state =
       let varinfo = Base.to_varinfo base in
-      State.remove state varinfo
+      let vars = Variable.get_all varinfo in
+      List.fold_left State.remove state vars
     with Base.Not_a_C_variable -> state
   let kill zone state =
@@ -1135,7 +1226,8 @@ module Domain = struct
       match expr.enode with
       | Lval (Var varinfo, NoOffset)
         when Cil.isIntegralType varinfo.vtype ->
-        let intervals = Intervals.add varinfo ival state.intervals in
+        let var = Variable.make varinfo in
+        let intervals = Intervals.add var ival state.intervals in
         { state with intervals }
       | _ -> state
@@ -1157,7 +1249,7 @@ module Domain = struct
     try `Value (check "update" (valuation.Abstract_domain.fold aux state))
     with EBottom -> `Bottom
-  let assign_interval varinfo assigned state =
+  let assign_interval variable assigned state =
     if not infer_intervals
     then state
@@ -1167,7 +1259,7 @@ module Domain = struct
             let ival = Cvalue.V.project_ival v in
-            let intervals = Intervals.add varinfo ival state.intervals in
+            let intervals = Intervals.add variable ival state.intervals in
             { state with intervals }
           with Cvalue.V.Not_based_on_null -> state
@@ -1177,15 +1269,16 @@ module Domain = struct
     let evaluate = evaluation_function valuation in
     (* TODO: redundant with rewrite_binop below. *)
     let vars = Rewriting.rewrite evaluate expr in
-    let equal_varinfo v = Variable.equal varinfo v.Rewriting.varinfo in
+    let variable = Variable.make varinfo in
+    let equal_varinfo v = Variable.equal variable v.Rewriting.var in
     let state =
         let var = List.find equal_varinfo vars in
         let inverse = not var.Rewriting.sign in
-        State.sub_delta ~inverse state varinfo var.Rewriting.coeff
-      with Not_found -> State.remove state varinfo
+        State.sub_delta ~inverse state variable var.Rewriting.coeff
+      with Not_found -> State.remove state variable
-    let state = assign_interval varinfo assigned state in
+    let state = assign_interval variable assigned state in
     let enode = Lval (Var varinfo, NoOffset) in
     let left_expr = Cil.new_exp ~loc:expr.eloc enode in
     (* On the assignment X = E; if X-E can be rewritten as ±(X±Y-v),
@@ -1216,6 +1309,7 @@ module Domain = struct
   let start_recursive_call recursion state =
     let vars = List.map fst recursion.substitution @ recursion.withdrawal in
+    let vars = List.flatten (List.map Variable.get_all vars) in
     List.fold_left State.remove state vars
   let start_call _stmt call recursion valuation state =
@@ -1251,7 +1345,8 @@ module Domain = struct
   let enter_scope _kind _varinfos state = state
   let leave_scope _kf varinfos state =
-    let state = List.fold_left State.remove state varinfos in
+    let vars = List.flatten (List.map Variable.get_all varinfos) in
+    let state = List.fold_left State.remove state vars in
     check "leave_scope" state
   let initialize_variable _lval _location ~initialized:_ _value state = state
@@ -1261,35 +1356,37 @@ module Domain = struct
     if intraprocedural ()
     then Base.SetLattice.empty
+      let add_related_bases acc var =
+        let related = Relations.find var state.relations in
+        Variable.Set.fold
+          (fun var -> Base.Hptset.add (Variable.base var))
+          related acc
+      in
       let aux base acc =
           let varinfo = Base.to_varinfo base in
-          let varset = Relations.find varinfo state.relations in
-          let baseset =
-            VariableSet.fold
-              (fun vi acc -> Base.Hptset.add (Base.of_varinfo vi) acc)
-              varset Base.Hptset.empty
-          in
-          Base.SetLattice.(join (inject baseset) acc)
+          let variables = Variable.get_all varinfo in
+          List.fold_left add_related_bases acc variables
         with Base.Not_a_C_variable | Not_found -> acc
-      Base.Hptset.fold aux bases Base.SetLattice.empty
+      let hptset = Base.Hptset.fold aux bases Base.Hptset.empty in
+      Base.SetLattice.inject hptset
   let filter _kind bases state =
     if intraprocedural ()
     then state
-      let mem_vi varinfo = Base.Hptset.mem (Base.of_varinfo varinfo) bases in
+      let mem_var var = Base.Hptset.mem (Variable.base var) bases in
       let mem_pair pair =
         let x, y = Pair.get pair in
-        mem_vi x && mem_vi y
+        mem_var x && mem_var y
       let octagons = Octagons.filter mem_pair state.octagons in
-      let intervals = Intervals.filter mem_vi state.intervals in
-      let relations = Relations.filter mem_vi state.relations in
+      let intervals = Intervals.filter mem_var state.intervals in
+      let relations = Relations.filter mem_var state.relations in
       { state with octagons; intervals; relations; }
-  let reuse =
+  let interprocedural_reuse =
     let cache = Hptmap_sig.PersistentCache "Octagons.reuse"
     and symmetric = false
     and idempotent = true
@@ -1297,17 +1394,46 @@ module Domain = struct
     let join_oct = Octagons.internal_join ~cache ~symmetric ~idempotent ~decide
     and join_itv = Intervals.internal_join ~cache ~symmetric ~idempotent ~decide
     and join_rel = Relations.union in
-    fun _kf _bases ~current_input ~previous_output ->
-      if intraprocedural ()
-      then previous_output
+    fun kf ~current_input ~previous_output ->
+      let current_input = kill previous_output.modified current_input in
+      (* We use [add_diamond] to add each relation from the previous output
+         into the current input, in order to benefit from the (partial)
+         saturation of octagons performed by this function. For a maximum
+         precision, a complete saturation would be required.
+         Otherwise, we use instead a more efficient (but less precise) merge
+         of the maps from the previous output and the current input. *)
+      if saturate_octagons
+      then
+        let intervals =
+          join_itv previous_output.intervals current_input.intervals
+        in
+        let state = { current_input with intervals } in
+        let add_diamond variables diamond acc =
+          match add_diamond acc variables diamond with
+          | `Value state -> state
+          | `Bottom ->
+            Self.failure ~current:true ~once:true
+              "Octagon domain: the use of the memexec cache for function %a
+              unexpectedly led to bottom, which could be a bug. The analysis
+              continues by ignoring the relations leading to bottom."
+              Kernel_function.pretty kf;
+            acc
+        in
+        Octagons.fold add_diamond previous_output.octagons state
-        let current_input = kill previous_output.modified current_input in
-        let prev_output = previous_output in
-        check "reuse result"
-          { octagons = join_oct prev_output.octagons current_input.octagons;
-            intervals = join_itv prev_output.intervals current_input.intervals;
-            relations = join_rel prev_output.relations current_input.relations;
-            modified = current_input.modified }
+        { octagons = join_oct previous_output.octagons current_input.octagons;
+          intervals = join_itv previous_output.intervals current_input.intervals;
+          relations = join_rel previous_output.relations current_input.relations;
+          modified = current_input.modified }
+  let reuse kf _bases ~current_input ~previous_output =
+    if intraprocedural ()
+    then previous_output
+    else
+      let t = interprocedural_reuse kf ~current_input ~previous_output in
+      check "reuse result" t
diff --git a/tests/value/octagons.c b/tests/value/octagons.c
index 101dafb7febcfda4bf4d2d67b16d71a76e55aa50..cbc98a770dce506d2b40a7381db9045d56d17f0f 100644
--- a/tests/value/octagons.c
+++ b/tests/value/octagons.c
@@ -223,6 +223,39 @@ void pub301 () {
+#define MAX 20
+void arrays () {
+  int a[MAX], t[MAX];
+  /*@ loop unroll MAX; */ // Unroll to ensure array initialization.
+  for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++) {
+    a[i] = undet;
+  }
+  int x = Frama_C_interval(1, MAX);
+  for (int j = x - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
+    // Need the relation j <= x-1 to prove that index x-1-j >= 0.
+    t[j] = a[x - 1 - j];
+  }
+  int y = Frama_C_interval(0, MAX-1);
+  int index = (MAX-1) - y;
+  for (int j = y; j < MAX; j++) {
+    // Need the relation index + j == MAX-1 to prove index >= 0.
+    t[index] = a[j];
+    index --;
+  }
+  // Same with a floating-point variable f instead of x.
+  float f = Frama_C_float_interval(0., (float)(MAX-1));
+  index = (MAX-1) - (int)f;
+  for (int j = (int)f; j < MAX; j++) {
+    // Need the relation index + j == MAX-1 to prove index >= 0.
+    t[index] = a[j];
+    index --;
+  }
 void main () {
   demo ();
   integer_types ();
@@ -234,4 +267,5 @@ void main () {
   interprocedural ();
   dump ();
   pub301 ();
+  arrays ();
diff --git a/tests/value/oracle/octagons.res.oracle b/tests/value/oracle/octagons.res.oracle
index c5865a36e4b056718034bb0d8e4f90972ed6f8ea..a75bd7ade602c5986c22760a15f86ff2cf5c189a 100644
--- a/tests/value/oracle/octagons.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/value/oracle/octagons.res.oracle
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 [eva:initial-state] Values of globals at initialization
   undet ∈ [--..--]
 [eva] computing for function demo <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:227.
+  Called from octagons.c:260.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- demo <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:12.
 [eva] using specification for function Frama_C_interval
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for demo
 [eva] Done for function demo
 [eva] computing for function integer_types <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:228.
+  Called from octagons.c:261.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- integer_types <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:23.
 [eva] octagons.c:23: 
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for integer_types
 [eva] Done for function integer_types
 [eva] computing for function arith <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:229.
+  Called from octagons.c:262.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- arith <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:70.
 [eva] octagons.c:70: 
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for arith
 [eva] Done for function arith
 [eva] computing for function join <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:230.
+  Called from octagons.c:263.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- join <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:103.
 [eva] octagons.c:103: 
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for join
 [eva] Done for function join
 [eva] computing for function loop <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:231.
+  Called from octagons.c:264.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- loop <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:128.
 [eva] octagons.c:128: 
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for loop
 [eva] Done for function loop
 [eva] computing for function pointers <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:232.
+  Called from octagons.c:265.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- pointers <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:151.
 [eva] octagons.c:151: 
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for pointers
 [eva] Done for function pointers
 [eva] computing for function saturate <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:233.
+  Called from octagons.c:266.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- saturate <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:169.
 [eva] octagons.c:169: 
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for saturate
 [eva] Done for function saturate
 [eva] computing for function interprocedural <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:234.
+  Called from octagons.c:267.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- interprocedural <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:182.
 [eva] octagons.c:182: 
@@ -218,10 +218,7 @@
   Called from octagons.c:184.
 [eva] Recording results for neg
 [eva] Done for function neg
-[eva] computing for function neg <- interprocedural <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:185.
-[eva] Recording results for neg
-[eva] Done for function neg
+[eva] octagons.c:185: Reusing old results for call to neg
 [eva] computing for function diff <- interprocedural <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:194.
 [eva] Recording results for diff
@@ -234,7 +231,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for interprocedural
 [eva] Done for function interprocedural
 [eva] computing for function dump <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:235.
+  Called from octagons.c:268.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- dump <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:206.
 [eva] octagons.c:206: 
@@ -259,7 +256,7 @@
 [eva] Recording results for dump
 [eva] Done for function dump
 [eva] computing for function pub301 <- main.
-  Called from octagons.c:236.
+  Called from octagons.c:269.
 [eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- pub301 <- main.
   Called from octagons.c:216.
 [eva] octagons.c:216: 
@@ -272,6 +269,31 @@
 [eva] Done for function Frama_C_interval
 [eva] Recording results for pub301
 [eva] Done for function pub301
+[eva] computing for function arrays <- main.
+  Called from octagons.c:270.
+[eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- arrays <- main.
+  Called from octagons.c:235.
+[eva] octagons.c:235: 
+  function Frama_C_interval: precondition 'order' got status valid.
+[eva] Done for function Frama_C_interval
+[eva] octagons.c:236: starting to merge loop iterations
+[eva] computing for function Frama_C_interval <- arrays <- main.
+  Called from octagons.c:241.
+[eva] octagons.c:241: 
+  function Frama_C_interval: precondition 'order' got status valid.
+[eva] Done for function Frama_C_interval
+[eva] octagons.c:243: starting to merge loop iterations
+[eva] computing for function Frama_C_float_interval <- arrays <- main.
+  Called from octagons.c:250.
+[eva] using specification for function Frama_C_float_interval
+[eva] octagons.c:250: 
+  function Frama_C_float_interval: precondition 'finite' got status valid.
+[eva] octagons.c:250: 
+  function Frama_C_float_interval: precondition 'order' got status valid.
+[eva] Done for function Frama_C_float_interval
+[eva] octagons.c:252: starting to merge loop iterations
+[eva] Recording results for arrays
+[eva] Done for function arrays
 [eva] Recording results for main
 [eva] done for function main
 [eva] ====== VALUES COMPUTED ======
@@ -283,6 +305,14 @@
   x ∈ [-28..0]
   y ∈ [1..29]
   r ∈ [-29..106]
+[eva:final-states] Values at end of function arrays:
+  Frama_C_entropy_source ∈ [--..--]
+  a[0..19] ∈ [--..--]
+  t[0..19] ∈ [--..--] or UNINITIALIZED
+  x ∈ [1..20]
+  y ∈ [0..19]
+  index ∈ {-1}
+  f ∈ [-0. .. 19.]
 [eva:final-states] Values at end of function demo:
   Frama_C_entropy_source ∈ [--..--]
   y ∈ [--..--]
@@ -364,6 +394,10 @@
 [from] Computing for function Frama_C_interval <-arith
 [from] Done for function Frama_C_interval
 [from] Done for function arith
+[from] Computing for function arrays
+[from] Computing for function Frama_C_float_interval <-arrays
+[from] Done for function Frama_C_float_interval
+[from] Done for function arrays
 [from] Computing for function demo
 [from] Done for function demo
 [from] Computing for function diff
@@ -390,11 +424,16 @@
 [from] Done for function main
 [from] ====== DEPENDENCIES COMPUTED ======
   These dependencies hold at termination for the executions that terminate:
+[from] Function Frama_C_float_interval:
+  Frama_C_entropy_source FROM Frama_C_entropy_source (and SELF)
+  \result FROM Frama_C_entropy_source; min; max
 [from] Function Frama_C_interval:
   Frama_C_entropy_source FROM Frama_C_entropy_source (and SELF)
   \result FROM Frama_C_entropy_source; min; max
 [from] Function arith:
   Frama_C_entropy_source FROM Frama_C_entropy_source (and SELF)
+[from] Function arrays:
+  Frama_C_entropy_source FROM Frama_C_entropy_source (and SELF)
 [from] Function demo:
   Frama_C_entropy_source FROM Frama_C_entropy_source (and SELF)
 [from] Function diff:
@@ -424,6 +463,10 @@
     Frama_C_entropy_source; k; a; b; x; y; r
 [inout] Inputs for function arith:
+[inout] Out (internal) for function arrays:
+    Frama_C_entropy_source; a[0..19]; t[0..19]; i; x; j; y; index; j_0; f; j_1
+[inout] Inputs for function arrays:
+    Frama_C_entropy_source; undet
 [inout] Out (internal) for function demo:
     Frama_C_entropy_source; y; k; x; r; t
 [inout] Inputs for function demo:
diff --git a/tests/value/oracle_apron/octagons.res.oracle b/tests/value/oracle_apron/octagons.res.oracle
index 431455b54fd064e93b64e9536f2b4b3c53d9326f..7f9960cfff7ded799a7d74f6c577c21859b1d04c 100644
--- a/tests/value/oracle_apron/octagons.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/value/oracle_apron/octagons.res.oracle
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
+< [eva] octagons.c:185: Reusing old results for call to neg
+> [eva] computing for function neg <- interprocedural <- main.
+>   Called from octagons.c:185.
+> [eva] Recording results for neg
+> [eva] Done for function neg
 <   a ∈ [-1024..2147483647]
 <   b ∈ [-1023..2147483647]
 <   c ∈ [-1023..2147483647]
diff --git a/tests/value/oracle_equality/octagons.res.oracle b/tests/value/oracle_equality/octagons.res.oracle
index 1917faccaadbc5d43d3e549c0832dba3b8ad3ddb..ef865f5bada6bbb03ae3179c605488277f90829d 100644
--- a/tests/value/oracle_equality/octagons.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/value/oracle_equality/octagons.res.oracle
@@ -2,7 +2,14 @@
 < [eva] octagons.c:54: Frama_C_show_each_unreduced_char: [-128..127], [-128..127]
 > [eva] octagons.c:54: Frama_C_show_each_unreduced_char: [-118..114], [6..127]
+< [eva] octagons.c:185: Reusing old results for call to neg
+> [eva] computing for function neg <- interprocedural <- main.
+>   Called from octagons.c:185.
+> [eva] Recording results for neg
+> [eva] Done for function neg
 <   ct ∈ [--..--] or UNINITIALIZED
 >   ct ∈ [6..127] or UNINITIALIZED
diff --git a/tests/value/oracle_gauges/octagons.res.oracle b/tests/value/oracle_gauges/octagons.res.oracle
index 37ac2f4f7980b9d318b6577cc9d68019f762f69c..4a7e1f1faba934bd6d5765e66ae10bd237423212 100644
--- a/tests/value/oracle_gauges/octagons.res.oracle
+++ b/tests/value/oracle_gauges/octagons.res.oracle
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 < [eva] octagons.c:143: Frama_C_show_each_imprecise: [-2147483648..1]
 > [eva] octagons.c:143: Frama_C_show_each_imprecise: [-2468..1]
 <   a ∈ [-1024..2147483647]
 <   b ∈ [-1023..2147483647]
 <   c ∈ [-1023..2147483647]
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 >   b ∈ [-181..1867]
 >   c ∈ [-602..1446]
 >   d ∈ [-190..1874]
 <   d2 ∈ [-2147483648..1]
 >   d2 ∈ [-2468..1]