diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/test_config_qualif b/src/plugins/wp/tests/test_config_qualif
index e92f71e312cedfa7a4d3d316991f7904c32d185d..395f0c6f754e0898ef3c7c570de157da9e5c3b4f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/test_config_qualif
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/test_config_qualif
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-CMD: @frama-c@ -wp -wp-par 1 -wp-share @PTEST_SHARE_DIR@ -wp-msg-key shell -wp-warn-key pedantic-assigns=inactive -wp-report @PTEST_SUITE_DIR@/../qualif.report -wp-session @PTEST_SUITE_DIR@/oracle@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.@PTEST_NUMBER@.session -wp-cache-env -wp-cache replay @PTEST_FILE@ -wp-coq-timeout 120
+CMD: @frama-c@ -wp -wp-par 1 -wp-share @PTEST_SHARE_DIR@ -wp-msg-key shell -wp-warn-key pedantic-assigns=inactive -wp-report @PTEST_SUITE_DIR@/../qualif.report -wp-session @PTEST_SUITE_DIR@/oracle@PTEST_CONFIG@/@PTEST_NAME@.@PTEST_NUMBER@.session -wp-cache-env -wp-cache replay @PTEST_FILE@
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/chunk_typing_usable.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/chunk_typing_usable.i
index 7f41b168b082e3d19f3540484cd7557b03a9c276..8d1a09b6a1ca58a360ad45f3818594492d796d13 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/chunk_typing_usable.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/chunk_typing_usable.i
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
    OPT: -wp-gen -wp-rte -wp-prover why3 -wp-msg-key print-generated
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT: -wp-rte -wp-coq-script %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/chunk_typing_usable.script} -wp-prover alt-ergo,native:coq
+   OPT: -wp-rte -wp-prover alt-ergo,coq
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/classify_float.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/classify_float.c
index 9a1e8e74b4239aaf28bc2497cf0659cea9b6027f..f281877af31f474fbf324a3b138fb504d312138b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/classify_float.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/classify_float.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
    OPT: -wp-prover alt-ergo
-   OPT: -wp-prover native:coq -wp-coq-script %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/classify_float.script}
+   OPT: -wp-prover coq
    OPT: -wp-model real
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/chunk_typing_usable.0.session/interactive/lemma_provable_lemma.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/chunk_typing_usable.0.session/interactive/lemma_provable_lemma.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b3be3b8b35c241e8e2ef77e3af64c923aa96bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/chunk_typing_usable.0.session/interactive/lemma_provable_lemma.v
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require map.Map.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive addr :=
+  | addr'mk : Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr.
+Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
+Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition offset (v:addr) : Numbers.BinNums.Z :=
+  match v with
+  | addr'mk x x1 => x1
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition base (v:addr) : Numbers.BinNums.Z :=
+  match v with
+  | addr'mk x x1 => x
+  end.
+Parameter addr_le: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Parameter addr_lt: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Parameter addr_le_bool: addr -> addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter addr_lt_bool: addr -> addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom addr_le_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  addr_le p q <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
+Axiom addr_lt_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  addr_lt p q <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
+Axiom addr_le_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  addr_le p q <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Axiom addr_lt_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  addr_lt p q <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition null : addr := addr'mk 0%Z 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition global (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : addr := addr'mk b 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : addr :=
+  addr'mk (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition included (p:addr) (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (q:addr)
+    (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
+  ((base p) = (base q)) /\
+  ((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
+  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (q:addr)
+    (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  (b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
+  (((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
+  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
+    (p:addr) (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (q:addr), included q 1%Z p a1 -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
+Parameter havoc:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) -> (addr -> a) -> addr ->
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr -> a.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rw (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rd (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_obj (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (p = null) \/
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (1%Z + (m (base p)))%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition invalid (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (n <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ((base p) = 0%Z) \/
+  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Axiom valid_rw_rd :
+  forall (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z), forall (p:addr),
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), valid_rw m p n -> valid_rd m p n.
+Axiom valid_string :
+  forall (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z), forall (p:addr),
+  ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z ->
+  valid_rd m p 1%Z /\ ~ valid_rw m p 1%Z.
+Axiom separated_1 :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  separated p a q b -> ((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z ->
+  ((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z ->
+  ~ ((addr'mk (base p) i) = (addr'mk (base q) j)).
+Parameter region: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter linked: (Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Prop.
+Parameter sconst: (addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((region (base p)) <= 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Axiom separated_included :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < b)%Z -> separated p a q b -> ~ included p a q b.
+Axiom included_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (c:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  included p a q b -> included q b r c -> included p a r c.
+Axiom separated_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (c:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  included p a q b -> separated q b r c -> separated p a r c.
+Axiom separated_sym :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  separated p a q b <-> separated q b p a.
+Axiom eqmem_included :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z), included p a1 q b ->
+  eqmem m1 m2 q b -> eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
+Axiom eqmem_sym :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z), eqmem m1 m2 p a1 -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
+Axiom havoc_access :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (separated q 1%Z p a1 -> ((havoc m0 m1 p a1 q) = (m1 q))) /\
+  (~ separated q 1%Z p a1 -> ((havoc m0 m1 p a1 q) = (m0 q))).
+Parameter cinits: (addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_init_range (m:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) (p:addr)
+    (l:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < l)%Z ->
+  ((m (shift p i)) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Parameter set_init:
+  (addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) -> addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z ->
+  addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom set_init_access :
+  forall (m:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (separated q 1%Z p a -> ((set_init m p a q) = (m q))) /\
+  (~ separated q 1%Z p a -> ((set_init m p a q) = Init.Datatypes.true)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition monotonic_init (m1:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool)
+    (m2:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((m1 p) = Init.Datatypes.true) ->
+  ((m2 p) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Parameter int_of_addr: addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter addr_of_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr.
+Axiom table : Type.
+Parameter table_WhyType : WhyType table.
+Existing Instance table_WhyType.
+Parameter table_of_base: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> table.
+Parameter table_to_offset: table -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom table_to_offset_zero :
+  forall (t:table), ((table_to_offset t 0%Z) = 0%Z).
+Axiom table_to_offset_monotonic :
+  forall (t:table), forall (o1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (o2:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (o1 <= o2)%Z <-> ((table_to_offset t o1) <= (table_to_offset t o2))%Z.
+Axiom int_of_addr_bijection :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((int_of_addr (addr_of_int a)) = a).
+Axiom addr_of_int_bijection :
+  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
+Axiom addr_of_null : ((int_of_addr null) = 0%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_bool (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
+Axiom is_bool0 : is_bool 0%Z.
+Axiom is_bool1 : is_bool 1%Z.
+Parameter to_bool: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom to_bool'def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\ (~ (x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
+Parameter to_uint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter two_power_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_is_positive :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_pos :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z).
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_one :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Parameter to_uint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom is_to_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n (to_uint n x).
+Axiom is_to_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint n (to_sint n x).
+Axiom is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 (to_uint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 (to_sint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 (to_uint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 (to_sint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 (to_uint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 (to_sint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 (to_uint64 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 (to_sint64 x).
+Axiom id_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_uint n x <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_sint n x <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 x -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 x -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 x -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 x -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 x -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 x -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 x -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 x -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
+Axiom proj_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom incl_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n x ->
+  is_sint n x.
+Axiom proj_su_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_su_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_int8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_int16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_int32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_int64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_us_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Axiom incl_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_int :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32_chunk (m:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (a:addr), is_sint32 (m a).
+Parameter L_occ:
+  (addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr ->
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Q_empty :
+  forall (Mint:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (v:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (f:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (t:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (t <= f)%Z -> is_sint32_chunk Mint -> is_sint32 v ->
+  ((L_occ Mint v p f t) = 0%Z).
+Axiom Q_is :
+  forall (Mint:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (v:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (f:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (t:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  let x := ((-1%Z)%Z + t)%Z in
+  let x1 := Mint (shift p x) in
+  (x1 = v) -> (f < t)%Z -> is_sint32_chunk Mint -> is_sint32 v ->
+  is_sint32 x1 -> ((1%Z + (L_occ Mint v p f x))%Z = (L_occ Mint v p f t)).
+Axiom Q_isnt :
+  forall (Mint:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (v:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (f:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (t:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  let x := ((-1%Z)%Z + t)%Z in
+  let x1 := Mint (shift p x) in
+  ~ (x1 = v) -> (f < t)%Z -> is_sint32_chunk Mint -> is_sint32 v ->
+  is_sint32 x1 -> ((L_occ Mint v p f x) = (L_occ Mint v p f t)).
+Theorem Z_induction(m : Z)(P : Z -> Prop) :
+  (forall n, (n <= m)%Z -> P n ) ->
+  (forall n, (n >= m)%Z -> P n -> P (n+1)%Z) ->
+  (forall n, P n).
+  intros.
+  induction (Z_le_dec n m) ; auto with zarith.
+  apply Z.le_ind with (n := m) ; auto with zarith.
+  unfold Morphisms.Proper.
+  unfold Morphisms.respectful.
+  intros. rewrite H1. intuition.
+  intros. apply H0; auto with zarith.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (t:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (a:addr)
+    (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i3:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (i2 <= i3)%Z -> (i1 <= i2)%Z -> is_sint32_chunk t -> is_sint32 i ->
+  (((L_occ t i a i1 i2) + (L_occ t i a i2 i3))%Z = (L_occ t i a i1 i3)).
+  Require Import Psatz.
+  Ltac norm := repeat(match goal with
+    | [ _ : _ |- context [ (-1 + (?i + 1))%Z ]] => replace (-1 + (i + 1))%Z with i by lia
+    | [ _ : _ |- context [ (-(1) + (?i + 1))%Z ]] => replace (-(1) + (i + 1))%Z with i by lia
+    | [ _ : _ |- context [ (0 + ?i)%Z ]] => replace (0 + i)%Z with i by lia
+    | [ _ : _ |- context [ (?i + 0)%Z ]] => replace (i + 0)%Z with i by lia
+    end).
+  intros M x p b s e.
+  generalize dependent s.
+  induction e using Z_induction with (m := b) ; intros s Us Ls TM Tx.
+  - repeat (rewrite Q_empty) ; auto ; lia.
+  - assert(EqNeq: { M (shift p e) = x } + { M (shift p e) <> x }) by
+      repeat(decide equality).
+    assert(Split: (s < e + 1 \/ s = e + 1)%Z) by lia.
+    inversion_clear Split as [ Low | Eq ] ; subst.
+    + inversion_clear EqNeq as [ Eq | Neq ] ; subst.
+      * replace (M (shift p e)) with (M (shift p ((-1) + (e + 1))))%Z by (norm ; auto).
+        rewrite <- Q_is with (t := (e + 1)%Z) ; [ rewrite <- Q_is with (t := (e + 1)%Z) | | | | |] ;
+          norm ; try rewrite Eq ; auto ; try lia.
+        assert(Simpl: forall x y z : Z, (x + y = z)%Z -> (x + (1 + y) = 1 + z)%Z) by (intros ; lia).
+        apply Simpl.
+        apply IHe ; auto ; lia.
+      * rewrite <- Q_isnt with (t := (e + 1)%Z) ; [ rewrite <- Q_isnt with (t := (e + 1)%Z) | | | | |] ;
+          norm ; auto ; try lia.
+        apply IHe ; auto ; lia.
+    + rewrite Q_empty with (f := (e+1)%Z) ; auto ; lia.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/chunk_typing_usable.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/chunk_typing_usable.res.oracle
index 2c656c6f82589428c5d92e8c4a8f3218879fc66a..e7f7757e41296b5db9a8f1075c8af95cd6ddde0b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/chunk_typing_usable.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/chunk_typing_usable.res.oracle
@@ -3,16 +3,14 @@
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [rte:annot] annotating function usable_axiom
 [rte:annot] annotating function usable_lemma
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_provable_lemma : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_lemma_provable_lemma : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_provable_lemma : Valid
 [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_usable_axiom_ensures : Valid
 [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_usable_lemma_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
   Qed:             0 
-  Coq (native):    1 
   Alt-Ergo:        2  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Coq:             1
  Axiomatics                WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   Lemma                     -        -        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.res.oracle
index 8d89bf6103e89d700c551ea565d3cd4a814e3d35..c2926ee4347068dc2e99f9c518571b7f1044d456 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.res.oracle
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
 # frama-c -wp [...]
 [kernel] Parsing classify_float.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 3 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Valid
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Valid
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_InfN_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_InfP_not_finite : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_NaN_not_finite : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    3 / 3
   Qed:             0 
-  Coq (native):    3
+  Coq:             3
  Axiomatics                WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   Lemma                     -        -        3       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_InfN_not_finite.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_InfN_not_finite.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9742dfb3d3c6aa053e0fe2d70b2e1b0238dac89a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_InfN_not_finite.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1768 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
+Require Reals.R_sqrt.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.Abs.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require real.Square.
+Require map.Map.
+Require bv.Pow2int.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+Axiom abs_def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
+  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
+Axiom sqrt_lin1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (1%R < x)%R ->
+  ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x) < x)%R.
+Axiom sqrt_lin0 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R ->
+  (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
+Axiom sqrt_0 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 0%R) = 0%R).
+Axiom sqrt_1 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 1%R) = 1%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive mode :=
+  | RNE : mode
+  | RNA : mode
+  | RTP : mode
+  | RTN : mode
+  | RTZ : mode.
+Axiom mode_WhyType : WhyType mode.
+Existing Instance mode_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition to_nearest (m:mode) : Prop := (m = RNE) \/ (m = RNA).
+Axiom t : Type.
+Parameter t_WhyType : WhyType t.
+Existing Instance t_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite: t -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((-340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real x) <= 340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R.
+Parameter truncate: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Truncate_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((truncate (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Truncate_down_pos :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R <= x)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Truncate_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= 0%R)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R.
+Axiom Real_of_truncate :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((x - 1%R)%R <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R /\
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= (x + 1%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((truncate x) <= (truncate y))%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR i))%R -> ((truncate x) <= i)%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int2 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR i) <= x)%R -> (i <= (truncate x))%Z.
+Parameter floor: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter ceil: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Floor_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((floor (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Ceil_int : forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ceil (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Floor_down :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (floor x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((floor x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Ceil_up :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((ceil x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\ (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil x)))%R.
+Axiom Floor_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((floor x) <= (floor y))%Z.
+Axiom Ceil_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((ceil x) <= (ceil y))%Z.
+Parameter zeroF: t.
+Parameter add: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sub: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter mul: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter div: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter abs: t -> t.
+Parameter neg: t -> t.
+Parameter fma: mode -> t -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sqrt: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter roundToIntegral: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter min: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter max: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter le: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter lt: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter eq: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative: t -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan (x:t) : Prop := t'isFinite x \/ is_infinite x.
+Axiom is_not_nan1 : forall (x:t), is_not_nan x <-> ~ is_nan x.
+Axiom is_not_finite :
+  forall (x:t), ~ t'isFinite x <-> is_infinite x \/ is_nan x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive : is_positive zeroF.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero : is_zero zeroF.
+Axiom zero_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), is_zero x <-> t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t.
+Parameter to_int: mode -> t -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int : forall (m:mode), (zeroF = (of_int m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int :
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R <= x)%R /\
+  (x <= (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> in_range (t'real x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range (round m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> no_overflow m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round m x) <= (round m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((round m (t'real x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge : forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-16777216%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 16777216%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((round m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_positive y \/ is_negative x /\ is_negative y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_negative y \/ is_negative x /\ is_positive y.
+Axiom feq_eq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero x ->
+  eq x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> (x = y) -> eq x y.
+Axiom eq_refl : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x x.
+Axiom eq_sym : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> eq y x.
+Axiom eq_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+Axiom eq_zero : eq zeroF (neg zeroF).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  eq x y <-> ((t'real x) = (t'real y)).
+Axiom eq_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y ->
+  is_not_nan x /\
+  is_not_nan y /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+   is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y).
+Axiom lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  lt x y <-> ((t'real x) < (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  le x y <-> ((t'real x) <= (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), le x y /\ lt y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y /\ le y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ le y x -> eq x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt x y /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt y x /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le x y.
+Axiom le_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y \/ is_not_nan x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), lt x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity y \/
+  is_not_nan x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y -> lt y z -> t'isFinite y.
+Axiom positive_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive x.
+Axiom negative_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x -> ((t'real x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive :
+  forall (x:t), ~ (is_positive x /\ is_negative x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive :
+  forall (x:t), is_not_nan x -> is_positive x \/ is_negative x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), diff_sign x y /\ diff_sign y z -> same_sign x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign (z:t) (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign x y -> is_positive z) /\ (diff_sign x y -> is_negative z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x -> is_infinite x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive x -> is_infinite x) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  is_zero x -> match m with
+               | RTN => is_negative x
+               | _ => is_positive x
+               end.
+Axiom add_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (div m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y \/
+  t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ((t'real (div m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (neg x) /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (neg x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (abs x) /\
+  ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))) /\
+  is_positive (abs x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (abs x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))).
+Axiom abs_universal : forall (x:t), ~ is_negative (abs x).
+Axiom fma_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  t'isFinite z ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sqrt m x) /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite (sqrt m x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real (x:t) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := add m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (same_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom sub_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := sub m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ diff_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (diff_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom mul_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := mul m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom div_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := div m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_zero r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_zero y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\ (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom neg_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (neg x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (neg x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> diff_sign x (neg x)).
+Axiom abs_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (abs x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (abs x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> is_positive (abs x)).
+Axiom fma_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t),
+  let r := fma m x y z in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y \/ is_nan z -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\
+   t'isFinite z /\
+   ~ no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y ->
+    ((((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t),
+  let r := sqrt m x in
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity x -> is_plus_infinity r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x -> same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i + j)%Z) (add n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i - j)%Z) (sub n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i * j)%Z) (mul n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom Min_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (min x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (min x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (max x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (max x y) y.
+Parameter is_int: t -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int : is_int zeroF.
+Axiom of_int_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range x ->
+  is_int (of_int m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), t'isFinite i ->
+  le i (neg (of_int m 16777216%Z)) \/ le (of_int m 16777216%Z) i -> is_int i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_int (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> is_int x -> is_int y.
+Axiom add_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) -> is_int (add m x y).
+Axiom sub_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) -> is_int (sub m x y).
+Axiom mul_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) -> is_int (mul m x y).
+Axiom fma_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y -> is_int z ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) -> is_int (fma m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (neg x).
+Axiom abs_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (abs x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int :
+  forall (x:t) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int x -> eq x (of_int m' (to_int m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> in_int_range (to_int m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite : forall (x:t), is_int x -> t'isFinite x.
+Axiom int_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x ->
+  ((t'real x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), is_int i -> eq (roundToIntegral m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le x (roundToIntegral RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ is_int y -> le (roundToIntegral RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real x))).
+Axiom floor_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le (roundToIntegral RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x /\ is_int y -> le y (roundToIntegral RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (floor (t'real x))).
+Axiom RNA_down :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  is_negative x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  is_positive x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), ((to_int m x) = (to_int m (roundToIntegral m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> le x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) <= (to_int m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((to_int m (of_int m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) = (to_int m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> ((to_int m (neg x)) = (-(to_int m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R
+   <= (round RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R
+   <= (round m x))%R /\
+  ((round m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom t1 : Type.
+Parameter t1_WhyType : WhyType t1.
+Existing Instance t1_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real1: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R
+   <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 x) <=
+   179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R.
+Parameter zeroF1: t1.
+Parameter add1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sub1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter mul1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter div1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter abs1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter neg1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter fma1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sqrt1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter roundToIntegral1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter min1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter max1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter le1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter lt1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter eq1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative1: t1 -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan2 (x:t1) : Prop := t'isFinite1 x \/ is_infinite1 x.
+Axiom is_not_nan3 : forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x <-> ~ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom is_not_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 x <-> is_infinite1 x \/ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive1 : is_positive1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero1 : is_zero1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zero_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_zero1 x <-> t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int1: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t1.
+Parameter to_int1: mode -> t1 -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int1 : forall (m:mode), (zeroF1 = (of_int1 m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round1: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int1: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int1 :
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int1)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range1 (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R
+   <= x)%R /\
+  (x <=
+   (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int1)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int1)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> in_range1 (t'real1 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow1 (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range1 (round1 m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> no_overflow1 m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round1 m x) <= (round1 m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent1 :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round1 m2 x)) = (round1 m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((round1 m (t'real1 x)) = (t'real1 x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round1 RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round1 RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9007199254740992%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 9007199254740992%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((round1 m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_positive1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_negative1 y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_positive1 y.
+Axiom feq_eq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> ~ is_zero1 x ->
+  eq1 x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> (x = y) -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom eq_refl1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x x.
+Axiom eq_sym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y x.
+Axiom eq_trans1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y z -> eq1 x z.
+Axiom eq_zero1 : eq1 zeroF1 (neg1 zeroF1).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  eq1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) = (t'real1 y)).
+Axiom eq_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y ->
+  is_not_nan2 x /\
+  is_not_nan2 y /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+   is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y).
+Axiom lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  lt1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) < (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  le1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) <= (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), le1 x y /\ lt1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y /\ le1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ le1 y x -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 x y /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 y x /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 x y.
+Axiom le_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), lt1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity1 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity1 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y -> lt1 y z -> t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom positive_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 x.
+Axiom negative_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x -> ((t'real1 x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative1 x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ (is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x -> is_positive1 x \/ is_negative1 x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), diff_sign1 x y /\ diff_sign1 y z ->
+  same_sign1 x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign1 x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign1 (z:t1) (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign1 x y -> is_positive1 z) /\ (diff_sign1 x y -> is_negative1 z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite1 x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_zero1 x -> match m with
+                | RTN => is_negative1 x
+                | _ => is_positive1 x
+                end.
+Axiom add_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  ~ is_zero1 y -> no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y \/
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))) /\
+  is_positive1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom abs_universal1 : forall (x:t1), ~ is_negative1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom fma_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 z ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real1 (x:t1) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative1 x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := add1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (same_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom sub_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := sub1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ diff_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (diff_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom mul_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := mul1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom div_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := div1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_zero1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   ~ is_zero1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom neg_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> diff_sign1 x (neg1 x)).
+Axiom abs_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> is_positive1 (abs1 x)).
+Axiom fma_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1),
+  let r := fma1 m x y z in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y \/ is_nan1 z -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   t'isFinite1 z /\
+   ~ no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y ->
+    ((((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative1 r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive1 r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  let r := sqrt1 m x in
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity1 x -> is_plus_infinity1 r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i + j)%Z) (add1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i - j)%Z) (sub1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i * j)%Z) (mul1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom Min_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (min1 x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (min1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (max1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (max1 x y) y.
+Parameter is_int1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int1 : is_int1 zeroF1.
+Axiom of_int_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range1 x ->
+  is_int1 (of_int1 m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), t'isFinite1 i ->
+  le1 i (neg1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z)) \/
+  le1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z) i -> is_int1 i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_int1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> is_int1 x -> is_int1 y.
+Axiom add_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) -> is_int1 (add1 m x y).
+Axiom sub_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) -> is_int1 (sub1 m x y).
+Axiom mul_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) -> is_int1 (mul1 m x y).
+Axiom fma_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  is_int1 z -> t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) -> is_int1 (fma1 m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (neg1 x).
+Axiom abs_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int1 x ->
+  eq1 x (of_int1 m' (to_int1 m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x -> in_int_range1 (to_int1 m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> t'isFinite1 x.
+Axiom int_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int1 m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), is_int1 i -> eq1 (roundToIntegral1 m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 x (roundToIntegral1 RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom floor_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 y (roundToIntegral1 RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (floor (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom RNA_down1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> le1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) <= (to_int1 m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((to_int1 m (of_int1 m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (neg1 x)) = (-(to_int1 m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round1 RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 m x))%R /\
+  ((round1 m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R)%R.
+Parameter to_float64: mode -> t -> t1.
+Parameter to_float32: mode -> t1 -> t.
+Axiom round_double_single :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom to_float64_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (to_float64 m x) /\ ((t'real1 (to_float64 m x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom to_float32_conv :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> no_overflow m (t'real1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite (to_float32 m x) /\
+  ((t'real (to_float32 m x)) = (round m (t'real1 x))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f32 := t.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f64 := t1.
+Parameter to_f32: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t.
+Parameter to_f64: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t1.
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_32 :
+  forall (f:t), t'isFinite f -> eq (to_f32 (t'real f)) f.
+Axiom to_f32_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x ->
+  ((t'real (to_f32 x)) = (round RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f32_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> t'isFinite (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x < (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_64 :
+  forall (f:t1), t'isFinite1 f -> eq1 (to_f64 (t'real1 f)) f.
+Axiom to_f64_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (to_f64 x)) = (round1 RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f64_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <
+   (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_float (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t :=
+  to_f32 (round m r).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_double (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t1 :=
+  to_f64 (round1 m r).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f32_zero : is_zero (to_f32 0%R).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f64_zero : is_zero1 (to_f64 0%R).
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f32 : forall (f:t), (0%R = (t'real f)) -> is_zero f.
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f64 : forall (f:t1), (0%R = (t'real1 f)) -> is_zero1 f.
+Axiom f32_to_f64 : forall (f:t), ((to_f64 (t'real f)) = (to_float64 RNE f)).
+Axiom f64_to_f32 :
+  forall (f:t1), ((to_f32 (t'real1 f)) = (to_float32 RNE f)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition finite (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  t'isFinite (to_f32 x) /\ t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Parameter eq_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter eq_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f32 (x:t) (y:t) : Prop := ~ eq x y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f64 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop := ~ eq1 x y.
+Parameter ne_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter ne_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter model_f32: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real f) - (model_f32 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f32 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f32 f)))%R.
+Parameter model_f64: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real1 f) - (model_f64 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f64 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f64 f)))%R.
+Axiom Q_InfP_not_finite :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 x \/ ~ is_plus_infinity1 x.
+Axiom Q_NaN_not_finite : forall (x:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 x \/ ~ is_nan1 x.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal : forall (f:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 f \/ ~ is_minus_infinity1 f.
+  admit.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_InfP_not_finite.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_InfP_not_finite.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e544d62b139f1aa7e83b17bb15e1c8babbef5568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_InfP_not_finite.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1765 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
+Require Reals.R_sqrt.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.Abs.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require real.Square.
+Require map.Map.
+Require bv.Pow2int.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+Axiom abs_def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
+  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
+Axiom sqrt_lin1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (1%R < x)%R ->
+  ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x) < x)%R.
+Axiom sqrt_lin0 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R ->
+  (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
+Axiom sqrt_0 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 0%R) = 0%R).
+Axiom sqrt_1 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 1%R) = 1%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive mode :=
+  | RNE : mode
+  | RNA : mode
+  | RTP : mode
+  | RTN : mode
+  | RTZ : mode.
+Axiom mode_WhyType : WhyType mode.
+Existing Instance mode_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition to_nearest (m:mode) : Prop := (m = RNE) \/ (m = RNA).
+Axiom t : Type.
+Parameter t_WhyType : WhyType t.
+Existing Instance t_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite: t -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((-340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real x) <= 340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R.
+Parameter truncate: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Truncate_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((truncate (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Truncate_down_pos :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R <= x)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Truncate_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= 0%R)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R.
+Axiom Real_of_truncate :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((x - 1%R)%R <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R /\
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= (x + 1%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((truncate x) <= (truncate y))%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR i))%R -> ((truncate x) <= i)%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int2 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR i) <= x)%R -> (i <= (truncate x))%Z.
+Parameter floor: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter ceil: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Floor_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((floor (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Ceil_int : forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ceil (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Floor_down :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (floor x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((floor x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Ceil_up :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((ceil x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\ (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil x)))%R.
+Axiom Floor_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((floor x) <= (floor y))%Z.
+Axiom Ceil_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((ceil x) <= (ceil y))%Z.
+Parameter zeroF: t.
+Parameter add: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sub: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter mul: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter div: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter abs: t -> t.
+Parameter neg: t -> t.
+Parameter fma: mode -> t -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sqrt: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter roundToIntegral: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter min: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter max: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter le: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter lt: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter eq: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative: t -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan (x:t) : Prop := t'isFinite x \/ is_infinite x.
+Axiom is_not_nan1 : forall (x:t), is_not_nan x <-> ~ is_nan x.
+Axiom is_not_finite :
+  forall (x:t), ~ t'isFinite x <-> is_infinite x \/ is_nan x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive : is_positive zeroF.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero : is_zero zeroF.
+Axiom zero_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), is_zero x <-> t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t.
+Parameter to_int: mode -> t -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int : forall (m:mode), (zeroF = (of_int m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int :
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R <= x)%R /\
+  (x <= (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> in_range (t'real x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range (round m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> no_overflow m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round m x) <= (round m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((round m (t'real x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge : forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-16777216%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 16777216%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((round m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_positive y \/ is_negative x /\ is_negative y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_negative y \/ is_negative x /\ is_positive y.
+Axiom feq_eq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero x ->
+  eq x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> (x = y) -> eq x y.
+Axiom eq_refl : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x x.
+Axiom eq_sym : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> eq y x.
+Axiom eq_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+Axiom eq_zero : eq zeroF (neg zeroF).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  eq x y <-> ((t'real x) = (t'real y)).
+Axiom eq_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y ->
+  is_not_nan x /\
+  is_not_nan y /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+   is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y).
+Axiom lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  lt x y <-> ((t'real x) < (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  le x y <-> ((t'real x) <= (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), le x y /\ lt y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y /\ le y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ le y x -> eq x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt x y /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt y x /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le x y.
+Axiom le_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y \/ is_not_nan x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), lt x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity y \/
+  is_not_nan x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y -> lt y z -> t'isFinite y.
+Axiom positive_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive x.
+Axiom negative_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x -> ((t'real x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive :
+  forall (x:t), ~ (is_positive x /\ is_negative x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive :
+  forall (x:t), is_not_nan x -> is_positive x \/ is_negative x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), diff_sign x y /\ diff_sign y z -> same_sign x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign (z:t) (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign x y -> is_positive z) /\ (diff_sign x y -> is_negative z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x -> is_infinite x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive x -> is_infinite x) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  is_zero x -> match m with
+               | RTN => is_negative x
+               | _ => is_positive x
+               end.
+Axiom add_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (div m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y \/
+  t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ((t'real (div m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (neg x) /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (neg x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (abs x) /\
+  ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))) /\
+  is_positive (abs x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (abs x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))).
+Axiom abs_universal : forall (x:t), ~ is_negative (abs x).
+Axiom fma_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  t'isFinite z ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sqrt m x) /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite (sqrt m x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real (x:t) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := add m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (same_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom sub_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := sub m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ diff_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (diff_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom mul_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := mul m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom div_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := div m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_zero r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_zero y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\ (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom neg_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (neg x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (neg x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> diff_sign x (neg x)).
+Axiom abs_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (abs x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (abs x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> is_positive (abs x)).
+Axiom fma_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t),
+  let r := fma m x y z in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y \/ is_nan z -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\
+   t'isFinite z /\
+   ~ no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y ->
+    ((((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t),
+  let r := sqrt m x in
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity x -> is_plus_infinity r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x -> same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i + j)%Z) (add n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i - j)%Z) (sub n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i * j)%Z) (mul n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom Min_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (min x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (min x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (max x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (max x y) y.
+Parameter is_int: t -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int : is_int zeroF.
+Axiom of_int_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range x ->
+  is_int (of_int m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), t'isFinite i ->
+  le i (neg (of_int m 16777216%Z)) \/ le (of_int m 16777216%Z) i -> is_int i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_int (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> is_int x -> is_int y.
+Axiom add_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) -> is_int (add m x y).
+Axiom sub_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) -> is_int (sub m x y).
+Axiom mul_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) -> is_int (mul m x y).
+Axiom fma_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y -> is_int z ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) -> is_int (fma m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (neg x).
+Axiom abs_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (abs x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int :
+  forall (x:t) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int x -> eq x (of_int m' (to_int m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> in_int_range (to_int m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite : forall (x:t), is_int x -> t'isFinite x.
+Axiom int_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x ->
+  ((t'real x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), is_int i -> eq (roundToIntegral m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le x (roundToIntegral RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ is_int y -> le (roundToIntegral RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real x))).
+Axiom floor_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le (roundToIntegral RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x /\ is_int y -> le y (roundToIntegral RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (floor (t'real x))).
+Axiom RNA_down :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  is_negative x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  is_positive x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), ((to_int m x) = (to_int m (roundToIntegral m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> le x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) <= (to_int m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((to_int m (of_int m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) = (to_int m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> ((to_int m (neg x)) = (-(to_int m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R
+   <= (round RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R
+   <= (round m x))%R /\
+  ((round m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom t1 : Type.
+Parameter t1_WhyType : WhyType t1.
+Existing Instance t1_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real1: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R
+   <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 x) <=
+   179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R.
+Parameter zeroF1: t1.
+Parameter add1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sub1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter mul1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter div1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter abs1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter neg1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter fma1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sqrt1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter roundToIntegral1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter min1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter max1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter le1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter lt1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter eq1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative1: t1 -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan2 (x:t1) : Prop := t'isFinite1 x \/ is_infinite1 x.
+Axiom is_not_nan3 : forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x <-> ~ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom is_not_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 x <-> is_infinite1 x \/ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive1 : is_positive1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero1 : is_zero1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zero_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_zero1 x <-> t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int1: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t1.
+Parameter to_int1: mode -> t1 -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int1 : forall (m:mode), (zeroF1 = (of_int1 m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round1: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int1: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int1 :
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int1)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range1 (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R
+   <= x)%R /\
+  (x <=
+   (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int1)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int1)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> in_range1 (t'real1 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow1 (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range1 (round1 m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> no_overflow1 m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round1 m x) <= (round1 m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent1 :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round1 m2 x)) = (round1 m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((round1 m (t'real1 x)) = (t'real1 x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round1 RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round1 RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9007199254740992%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 9007199254740992%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((round1 m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_positive1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_negative1 y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_positive1 y.
+Axiom feq_eq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> ~ is_zero1 x ->
+  eq1 x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> (x = y) -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom eq_refl1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x x.
+Axiom eq_sym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y x.
+Axiom eq_trans1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y z -> eq1 x z.
+Axiom eq_zero1 : eq1 zeroF1 (neg1 zeroF1).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  eq1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) = (t'real1 y)).
+Axiom eq_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y ->
+  is_not_nan2 x /\
+  is_not_nan2 y /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+   is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y).
+Axiom lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  lt1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) < (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  le1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) <= (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), le1 x y /\ lt1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y /\ le1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ le1 y x -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 x y /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 y x /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 x y.
+Axiom le_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), lt1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity1 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity1 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y -> lt1 y z -> t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom positive_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 x.
+Axiom negative_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x -> ((t'real1 x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative1 x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ (is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x -> is_positive1 x \/ is_negative1 x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), diff_sign1 x y /\ diff_sign1 y z ->
+  same_sign1 x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign1 x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign1 (z:t1) (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign1 x y -> is_positive1 z) /\ (diff_sign1 x y -> is_negative1 z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite1 x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_zero1 x -> match m with
+                | RTN => is_negative1 x
+                | _ => is_positive1 x
+                end.
+Axiom add_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  ~ is_zero1 y -> no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y \/
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))) /\
+  is_positive1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom abs_universal1 : forall (x:t1), ~ is_negative1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom fma_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 z ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real1 (x:t1) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative1 x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := add1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (same_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom sub_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := sub1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ diff_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (diff_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom mul_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := mul1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom div_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := div1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_zero1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   ~ is_zero1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom neg_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> diff_sign1 x (neg1 x)).
+Axiom abs_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> is_positive1 (abs1 x)).
+Axiom fma_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1),
+  let r := fma1 m x y z in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y \/ is_nan1 z -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   t'isFinite1 z /\
+   ~ no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y ->
+    ((((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative1 r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive1 r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  let r := sqrt1 m x in
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity1 x -> is_plus_infinity1 r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i + j)%Z) (add1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i - j)%Z) (sub1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i * j)%Z) (mul1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom Min_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (min1 x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (min1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (max1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (max1 x y) y.
+Parameter is_int1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int1 : is_int1 zeroF1.
+Axiom of_int_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range1 x ->
+  is_int1 (of_int1 m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), t'isFinite1 i ->
+  le1 i (neg1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z)) \/
+  le1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z) i -> is_int1 i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_int1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> is_int1 x -> is_int1 y.
+Axiom add_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) -> is_int1 (add1 m x y).
+Axiom sub_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) -> is_int1 (sub1 m x y).
+Axiom mul_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) -> is_int1 (mul1 m x y).
+Axiom fma_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  is_int1 z -> t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) -> is_int1 (fma1 m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (neg1 x).
+Axiom abs_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int1 x ->
+  eq1 x (of_int1 m' (to_int1 m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x -> in_int_range1 (to_int1 m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> t'isFinite1 x.
+Axiom int_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int1 m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), is_int1 i -> eq1 (roundToIntegral1 m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 x (roundToIntegral1 RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom floor_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 y (roundToIntegral1 RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (floor (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom RNA_down1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> le1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) <= (to_int1 m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((to_int1 m (of_int1 m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (neg1 x)) = (-(to_int1 m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round1 RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 m x))%R /\
+  ((round1 m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R)%R.
+Parameter to_float64: mode -> t -> t1.
+Parameter to_float32: mode -> t1 -> t.
+Axiom round_double_single :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom to_float64_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (to_float64 m x) /\ ((t'real1 (to_float64 m x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom to_float32_conv :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> no_overflow m (t'real1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite (to_float32 m x) /\
+  ((t'real (to_float32 m x)) = (round m (t'real1 x))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f32 := t.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f64 := t1.
+Parameter to_f32: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t.
+Parameter to_f64: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t1.
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_32 :
+  forall (f:t), t'isFinite f -> eq (to_f32 (t'real f)) f.
+Axiom to_f32_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x ->
+  ((t'real (to_f32 x)) = (round RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f32_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> t'isFinite (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x < (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_64 :
+  forall (f:t1), t'isFinite1 f -> eq1 (to_f64 (t'real1 f)) f.
+Axiom to_f64_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (to_f64 x)) = (round1 RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f64_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <
+   (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_float (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t :=
+  to_f32 (round m r).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_double (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t1 :=
+  to_f64 (round1 m r).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f32_zero : is_zero (to_f32 0%R).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f64_zero : is_zero1 (to_f64 0%R).
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f32 : forall (f:t), (0%R = (t'real f)) -> is_zero f.
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f64 : forall (f:t1), (0%R = (t'real1 f)) -> is_zero1 f.
+Axiom f32_to_f64 : forall (f:t), ((to_f64 (t'real f)) = (to_float64 RNE f)).
+Axiom f64_to_f32 :
+  forall (f:t1), ((to_f32 (t'real1 f)) = (to_float32 RNE f)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition finite (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  t'isFinite (to_f32 x) /\ t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Parameter eq_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter eq_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f32 (x:t) (y:t) : Prop := ~ eq x y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f64 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop := ~ eq1 x y.
+Parameter ne_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter ne_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter model_f32: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real f) - (model_f32 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f32 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f32 f)))%R.
+Parameter model_f64: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real1 f) - (model_f64 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f64 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f64 f)))%R.
+Axiom Q_NaN_not_finite : forall (x:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 x \/ ~ is_nan1 x.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal : forall (f:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 f \/ ~ is_plus_infinity1 f.
+  admit.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_NaN_not_finite.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_NaN_not_finite.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a86828893bd332312c7da8814d7a4d82552eae36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/classify_float.1.session/interactive/lemma_NaN_not_finite.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1763 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
+Require Reals.R_sqrt.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.Abs.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require real.Square.
+Require map.Map.
+Require bv.Pow2int.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+Axiom abs_def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
+  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
+Axiom sqrt_lin1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (1%R < x)%R ->
+  ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x) < x)%R.
+Axiom sqrt_lin0 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R ->
+  (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
+Axiom sqrt_0 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 0%R) = 0%R).
+Axiom sqrt_1 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 1%R) = 1%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive mode :=
+  | RNE : mode
+  | RNA : mode
+  | RTP : mode
+  | RTN : mode
+  | RTZ : mode.
+Axiom mode_WhyType : WhyType mode.
+Existing Instance mode_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition to_nearest (m:mode) : Prop := (m = RNE) \/ (m = RNA).
+Axiom t : Type.
+Parameter t_WhyType : WhyType t.
+Existing Instance t_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite: t -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((-340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real x) <= 340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R.
+Parameter truncate: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Truncate_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((truncate (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Truncate_down_pos :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R <= x)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Truncate_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= 0%R)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R.
+Axiom Real_of_truncate :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((x - 1%R)%R <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R /\
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= (x + 1%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((truncate x) <= (truncate y))%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR i))%R -> ((truncate x) <= i)%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int2 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR i) <= x)%R -> (i <= (truncate x))%Z.
+Parameter floor: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter ceil: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Floor_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((floor (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Ceil_int : forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ceil (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Floor_down :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (floor x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((floor x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Ceil_up :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((ceil x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\ (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil x)))%R.
+Axiom Floor_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((floor x) <= (floor y))%Z.
+Axiom Ceil_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((ceil x) <= (ceil y))%Z.
+Parameter zeroF: t.
+Parameter add: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sub: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter mul: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter div: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter abs: t -> t.
+Parameter neg: t -> t.
+Parameter fma: mode -> t -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sqrt: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter roundToIntegral: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter min: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter max: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter le: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter lt: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter eq: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative: t -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan (x:t) : Prop := t'isFinite x \/ is_infinite x.
+Axiom is_not_nan1 : forall (x:t), is_not_nan x <-> ~ is_nan x.
+Axiom is_not_finite :
+  forall (x:t), ~ t'isFinite x <-> is_infinite x \/ is_nan x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive : is_positive zeroF.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero : is_zero zeroF.
+Axiom zero_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), is_zero x <-> t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t.
+Parameter to_int: mode -> t -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int : forall (m:mode), (zeroF = (of_int m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int :
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R <= x)%R /\
+  (x <= (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> in_range (t'real x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range (round m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> no_overflow m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round m x) <= (round m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((round m (t'real x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge : forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-16777216%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 16777216%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((round m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_positive y \/ is_negative x /\ is_negative y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_negative y \/ is_negative x /\ is_positive y.
+Axiom feq_eq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero x ->
+  eq x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> (x = y) -> eq x y.
+Axiom eq_refl : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x x.
+Axiom eq_sym : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> eq y x.
+Axiom eq_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+Axiom eq_zero : eq zeroF (neg zeroF).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  eq x y <-> ((t'real x) = (t'real y)).
+Axiom eq_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y ->
+  is_not_nan x /\
+  is_not_nan y /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+   is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y).
+Axiom lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  lt x y <-> ((t'real x) < (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  le x y <-> ((t'real x) <= (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), le x y /\ lt y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y /\ le y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ le y x -> eq x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt x y /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt y x /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le x y.
+Axiom le_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y \/ is_not_nan x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), lt x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity y \/
+  is_not_nan x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y -> lt y z -> t'isFinite y.
+Axiom positive_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive x.
+Axiom negative_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x -> ((t'real x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive :
+  forall (x:t), ~ (is_positive x /\ is_negative x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive :
+  forall (x:t), is_not_nan x -> is_positive x \/ is_negative x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), diff_sign x y /\ diff_sign y z -> same_sign x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign (z:t) (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign x y -> is_positive z) /\ (diff_sign x y -> is_negative z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x -> is_infinite x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive x -> is_infinite x) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  is_zero x -> match m with
+               | RTN => is_negative x
+               | _ => is_positive x
+               end.
+Axiom add_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (div m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y \/
+  t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ((t'real (div m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (neg x) /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (neg x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (abs x) /\
+  ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))) /\
+  is_positive (abs x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (abs x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))).
+Axiom abs_universal : forall (x:t), ~ is_negative (abs x).
+Axiom fma_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  t'isFinite z ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sqrt m x) /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite (sqrt m x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real (x:t) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := add m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (same_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom sub_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := sub m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ diff_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (diff_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom mul_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := mul m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom div_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := div m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_zero r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_zero y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\ (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom neg_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (neg x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (neg x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> diff_sign x (neg x)).
+Axiom abs_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (abs x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (abs x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> is_positive (abs x)).
+Axiom fma_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t),
+  let r := fma m x y z in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y \/ is_nan z -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\
+   t'isFinite z /\
+   ~ no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y ->
+    ((((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t),
+  let r := sqrt m x in
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity x -> is_plus_infinity r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x -> same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i + j)%Z) (add n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i - j)%Z) (sub n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i * j)%Z) (mul n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom Min_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (min x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (min x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (max x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (max x y) y.
+Parameter is_int: t -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int : is_int zeroF.
+Axiom of_int_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range x ->
+  is_int (of_int m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), t'isFinite i ->
+  le i (neg (of_int m 16777216%Z)) \/ le (of_int m 16777216%Z) i -> is_int i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_int (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> is_int x -> is_int y.
+Axiom add_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) -> is_int (add m x y).
+Axiom sub_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) -> is_int (sub m x y).
+Axiom mul_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) -> is_int (mul m x y).
+Axiom fma_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y -> is_int z ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) -> is_int (fma m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (neg x).
+Axiom abs_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (abs x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int :
+  forall (x:t) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int x -> eq x (of_int m' (to_int m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> in_int_range (to_int m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite : forall (x:t), is_int x -> t'isFinite x.
+Axiom int_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x ->
+  ((t'real x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), is_int i -> eq (roundToIntegral m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le x (roundToIntegral RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ is_int y -> le (roundToIntegral RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real x))).
+Axiom floor_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le (roundToIntegral RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x /\ is_int y -> le y (roundToIntegral RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (floor (t'real x))).
+Axiom RNA_down :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  is_negative x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  is_positive x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), ((to_int m x) = (to_int m (roundToIntegral m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> le x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) <= (to_int m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((to_int m (of_int m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) = (to_int m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> ((to_int m (neg x)) = (-(to_int m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R
+   <= (round RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R
+   <= (round m x))%R /\
+  ((round m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom t1 : Type.
+Parameter t1_WhyType : WhyType t1.
+Existing Instance t1_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real1: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R
+   <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 x) <=
+   179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R.
+Parameter zeroF1: t1.
+Parameter add1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sub1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter mul1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter div1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter abs1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter neg1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter fma1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sqrt1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter roundToIntegral1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter min1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter max1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter le1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter lt1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter eq1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative1: t1 -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan2 (x:t1) : Prop := t'isFinite1 x \/ is_infinite1 x.
+Axiom is_not_nan3 : forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x <-> ~ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom is_not_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 x <-> is_infinite1 x \/ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive1 : is_positive1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero1 : is_zero1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zero_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_zero1 x <-> t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int1: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t1.
+Parameter to_int1: mode -> t1 -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int1 : forall (m:mode), (zeroF1 = (of_int1 m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round1: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int1: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int1 :
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int1)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range1 (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R
+   <= x)%R /\
+  (x <=
+   (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int1)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int1)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> in_range1 (t'real1 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow1 (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range1 (round1 m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> no_overflow1 m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round1 m x) <= (round1 m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent1 :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round1 m2 x)) = (round1 m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((round1 m (t'real1 x)) = (t'real1 x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round1 RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round1 RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9007199254740992%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 9007199254740992%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((round1 m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_positive1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_negative1 y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_positive1 y.
+Axiom feq_eq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> ~ is_zero1 x ->
+  eq1 x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> (x = y) -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom eq_refl1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x x.
+Axiom eq_sym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y x.
+Axiom eq_trans1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y z -> eq1 x z.
+Axiom eq_zero1 : eq1 zeroF1 (neg1 zeroF1).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  eq1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) = (t'real1 y)).
+Axiom eq_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y ->
+  is_not_nan2 x /\
+  is_not_nan2 y /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+   is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y).
+Axiom lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  lt1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) < (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  le1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) <= (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), le1 x y /\ lt1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y /\ le1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ le1 y x -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 x y /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 y x /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 x y.
+Axiom le_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), lt1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity1 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity1 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y -> lt1 y z -> t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom positive_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 x.
+Axiom negative_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x -> ((t'real1 x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative1 x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ (is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x -> is_positive1 x \/ is_negative1 x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), diff_sign1 x y /\ diff_sign1 y z ->
+  same_sign1 x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign1 x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign1 (z:t1) (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign1 x y -> is_positive1 z) /\ (diff_sign1 x y -> is_negative1 z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite1 x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_zero1 x -> match m with
+                | RTN => is_negative1 x
+                | _ => is_positive1 x
+                end.
+Axiom add_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  ~ is_zero1 y -> no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y \/
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))) /\
+  is_positive1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom abs_universal1 : forall (x:t1), ~ is_negative1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom fma_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 z ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real1 (x:t1) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative1 x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := add1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (same_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom sub_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := sub1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ diff_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (diff_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom mul_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := mul1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom div_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := div1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_zero1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   ~ is_zero1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom neg_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> diff_sign1 x (neg1 x)).
+Axiom abs_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> is_positive1 (abs1 x)).
+Axiom fma_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1),
+  let r := fma1 m x y z in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y \/ is_nan1 z -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   t'isFinite1 z /\
+   ~ no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y ->
+    ((((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative1 r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive1 r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  let r := sqrt1 m x in
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity1 x -> is_plus_infinity1 r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i + j)%Z) (add1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i - j)%Z) (sub1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i * j)%Z) (mul1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom Min_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (min1 x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (min1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (max1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (max1 x y) y.
+Parameter is_int1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int1 : is_int1 zeroF1.
+Axiom of_int_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range1 x ->
+  is_int1 (of_int1 m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), t'isFinite1 i ->
+  le1 i (neg1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z)) \/
+  le1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z) i -> is_int1 i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_int1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> is_int1 x -> is_int1 y.
+Axiom add_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) -> is_int1 (add1 m x y).
+Axiom sub_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) -> is_int1 (sub1 m x y).
+Axiom mul_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) -> is_int1 (mul1 m x y).
+Axiom fma_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  is_int1 z -> t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) -> is_int1 (fma1 m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (neg1 x).
+Axiom abs_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int1 x ->
+  eq1 x (of_int1 m' (to_int1 m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x -> in_int_range1 (to_int1 m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> t'isFinite1 x.
+Axiom int_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int1 m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), is_int1 i -> eq1 (roundToIntegral1 m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 x (roundToIntegral1 RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom floor_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 y (roundToIntegral1 RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (floor (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom RNA_down1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> le1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) <= (to_int1 m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((to_int1 m (of_int1 m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (neg1 x)) = (-(to_int1 m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round1 RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 m x))%R /\
+  ((round1 m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R)%R.
+Parameter to_float64: mode -> t -> t1.
+Parameter to_float32: mode -> t1 -> t.
+Axiom round_double_single :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom to_float64_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (to_float64 m x) /\ ((t'real1 (to_float64 m x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom to_float32_conv :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> no_overflow m (t'real1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite (to_float32 m x) /\
+  ((t'real (to_float32 m x)) = (round m (t'real1 x))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f32 := t.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f64 := t1.
+Parameter to_f32: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t.
+Parameter to_f64: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t1.
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_32 :
+  forall (f:t), t'isFinite f -> eq (to_f32 (t'real f)) f.
+Axiom to_f32_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x ->
+  ((t'real (to_f32 x)) = (round RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f32_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> t'isFinite (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x < (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_64 :
+  forall (f:t1), t'isFinite1 f -> eq1 (to_f64 (t'real1 f)) f.
+Axiom to_f64_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (to_f64 x)) = (round1 RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f64_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <
+   (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_float (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t :=
+  to_f32 (round m r).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_double (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t1 :=
+  to_f64 (round1 m r).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f32_zero : is_zero (to_f32 0%R).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f64_zero : is_zero1 (to_f64 0%R).
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f32 : forall (f:t), (0%R = (t'real f)) -> is_zero f.
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f64 : forall (f:t1), (0%R = (t'real1 f)) -> is_zero1 f.
+Axiom f32_to_f64 : forall (f:t), ((to_f64 (t'real f)) = (to_float64 RNE f)).
+Axiom f64_to_f32 :
+  forall (f:t1), ((to_f32 (t'real1 f)) = (to_float32 RNE f)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition finite (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  t'isFinite (to_f32 x) /\ t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Parameter eq_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter eq_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f32 (x:t) (y:t) : Prop := ~ eq x y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f64 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop := ~ eq1 x y.
+Parameter ne_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter ne_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter model_f32: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real f) - (model_f32 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f32 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f32 f)))%R.
+Parameter model_f64: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real1 f) - (model_f64 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f64 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f64 f)))%R.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal : forall (f:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 f \/ ~ is_nan1 f.
+  admit.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.res.oracle
index 678ead75a09a52d12646a33a60c522dc7c4244ba..09696132705eae973a73ded6c9ea2d4e14da184d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/oracle_qualif/tset.res.oracle
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 # frama-c -wp [...]
 [kernel] Parsing tset.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_lemma_UNION_DESCR : Valid
 [wp] [Alt-Ergo] Goal typed_lemma_UNION_EQ : Valid
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/tset.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/tset.i
index 1f7b11df21bbacb99fcbf4de995db036cac04e8d..0f955192f57d0c52ae914f739ad62070abf049fd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/tset.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_acsl/tset.i
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT: -wp -wp-prover alt-ergo,native:coq -wp-coq-script %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/tset.s}
+   OPT: -wp -wp-prover alt-ergo,coq
   lemma UNION_EQ:
-  \forall integer x,y ; 
+  \forall integer x,y ;
   (\union(0,x) == \union(0,y)) <==> (x==y) ;
   lemma UNION_LIFT:
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_1174.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_1174.i
index ce50d9189258794e8e0292d0262e3e922e763a83..244cce0d7ad738f2232736b9deeaaf492e0c83ca 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_1174.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_1174.i
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT: -wp -wp-prover native:coq -wp-coq-script %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/bts_1174.s} -wp-model +real
+   OPT: -wp -wp-prover coq -wp-model +real
 /*@ requires -10. <= x && x <= 10.; */
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_2471.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_2471.i
index a25c144dafc34fea9b4067ea4e9e953d1ff1505e..5a4e280a22389387dc6650724ac5e079a110930d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_2471.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/bts_2471.i
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
    OPT: -wp-timeout 1
-   OPT: -wp-prover native:coq
+   OPT: -wp-prover coq
 /*@ axiomatic maps {
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_qed_ok.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_qed_ok.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1719a11c0bd459923bf8c6e49accdd5e546bfe5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_qed_ok.v
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require map.Map.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_bool (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
+Axiom is_bool0 : is_bool 0%Z.
+Axiom is_bool1 : is_bool 1%Z.
+Parameter to_bool: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom to_bool'def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\ (~ (x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
+Parameter to_uint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter two_power_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_is_positive :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_pos :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z).
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_one :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Parameter to_uint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom is_to_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n (to_uint n x).
+Axiom is_to_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint n (to_sint n x).
+Axiom is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 (to_uint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 (to_sint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 (to_uint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 (to_sint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 (to_uint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 (to_sint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 (to_uint64 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 (to_sint64 x).
+Axiom id_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_uint n x <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_sint n x <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 x -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 x -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 x -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 x -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 x -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 x -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 x -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 x -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
+Axiom proj_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom incl_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n x ->
+  is_sint n x.
+Axiom proj_su_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_su_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_int8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_int16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_int32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_int64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_us_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Axiom incl_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_int :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ~ (i = 0%Z) ->
+  (r <= 10%R)%R -> ((-10%R)%R <= r)%R -> (0%R <= r)%R -> is_sint32 i ->
+  (0%R <= (2%R * r)%R)%R.
+  intros.
+  Require Import Fourier.
+  fourier.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_rte_is_nan_or_infinite.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_rte_is_nan_or_infinite.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b6c4be6ab5fb2f3e2580d9c03a5f35d1cb93401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_rte_is_nan_or_infinite.v
@@ -0,0 +1,1996 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
+Require Reals.R_sqrt.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.Abs.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require real.Square.
+Require map.Map.
+Require bv.Pow2int.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+Axiom abs_def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
+  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
+Axiom sqrt_lin1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (1%R < x)%R ->
+  ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x) < x)%R.
+Axiom sqrt_lin0 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R ->
+  (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
+Axiom sqrt_0 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 0%R) = 0%R).
+Axiom sqrt_1 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 1%R) = 1%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive mode :=
+  | RNE : mode
+  | RNA : mode
+  | RTP : mode
+  | RTN : mode
+  | RTZ : mode.
+Axiom mode_WhyType : WhyType mode.
+Existing Instance mode_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition to_nearest (m:mode) : Prop := (m = RNE) \/ (m = RNA).
+Axiom t : Type.
+Parameter t_WhyType : WhyType t.
+Existing Instance t_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite: t -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((-340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real x) <= 340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R.
+Parameter truncate: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Truncate_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((truncate (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Truncate_down_pos :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R <= x)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Truncate_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= 0%R)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R.
+Axiom Real_of_truncate :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((x - 1%R)%R <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R /\
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= (x + 1%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((truncate x) <= (truncate y))%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR i))%R -> ((truncate x) <= i)%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int2 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR i) <= x)%R -> (i <= (truncate x))%Z.
+Parameter floor: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter ceil: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Floor_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((floor (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Ceil_int : forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ceil (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Floor_down :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (floor x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((floor x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Ceil_up :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((ceil x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\ (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil x)))%R.
+Axiom Floor_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((floor x) <= (floor y))%Z.
+Axiom Ceil_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((ceil x) <= (ceil y))%Z.
+Parameter zeroF: t.
+Parameter add: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sub: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter mul: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter div: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter abs: t -> t.
+Parameter neg: t -> t.
+Parameter fma: mode -> t -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sqrt: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter roundToIntegral: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter min: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter max: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter le: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter lt: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter eq: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative: t -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan (x:t) : Prop := t'isFinite x \/ is_infinite x.
+Axiom is_not_nan1 : forall (x:t), is_not_nan x <-> ~ is_nan x.
+Axiom is_not_finite :
+  forall (x:t), ~ t'isFinite x <-> is_infinite x \/ is_nan x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive : is_positive zeroF.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero : is_zero zeroF.
+Axiom zero_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), is_zero x <-> t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t.
+Parameter to_int: mode -> t -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int : forall (m:mode), (zeroF = (of_int m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int :
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R <= x)%R /\
+  (x <= (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> in_range (t'real x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range (round m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> no_overflow m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round m x) <= (round m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((round m (t'real x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge : forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-16777216%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 16777216%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((round m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_positive y \/ is_negative x /\ is_negative y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_negative y \/ is_negative x /\ is_positive y.
+Axiom feq_eq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero x ->
+  eq x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> (x = y) -> eq x y.
+Axiom eq_refl : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x x.
+Axiom eq_sym : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> eq y x.
+Axiom eq_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+Axiom eq_zero : eq zeroF (neg zeroF).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  eq x y <-> ((t'real x) = (t'real y)).
+Axiom eq_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y ->
+  is_not_nan x /\
+  is_not_nan y /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+   is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y).
+Axiom lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  lt x y <-> ((t'real x) < (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  le x y <-> ((t'real x) <= (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), le x y /\ lt y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y /\ le y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ le y x -> eq x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt x y /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt y x /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le x y.
+Axiom le_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y \/ is_not_nan x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), lt x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity y \/
+  is_not_nan x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y -> lt y z -> t'isFinite y.
+Axiom positive_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive x.
+Axiom negative_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x -> ((t'real x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive :
+  forall (x:t), ~ (is_positive x /\ is_negative x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive :
+  forall (x:t), is_not_nan x -> is_positive x \/ is_negative x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), diff_sign x y /\ diff_sign y z -> same_sign x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign (z:t) (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign x y -> is_positive z) /\ (diff_sign x y -> is_negative z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x -> is_infinite x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive x -> is_infinite x) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  is_zero x -> match m with
+               | RTN => is_negative x
+               | _ => is_positive x
+               end.
+Axiom add_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (div m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y \/
+  t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ((t'real (div m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (neg x) /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (neg x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (abs x) /\
+  ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))) /\
+  is_positive (abs x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (abs x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))).
+Axiom abs_universal : forall (x:t), ~ is_negative (abs x).
+Axiom fma_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  t'isFinite z ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sqrt m x) /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite (sqrt m x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real (x:t) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := add m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (same_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom sub_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := sub m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ diff_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (diff_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom mul_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := mul m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom div_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := div m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_zero r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_zero y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\ (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom neg_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (neg x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (neg x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> diff_sign x (neg x)).
+Axiom abs_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (abs x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (abs x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> is_positive (abs x)).
+Axiom fma_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t),
+  let r := fma m x y z in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y \/ is_nan z -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\
+   t'isFinite z /\
+   ~ no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y ->
+    ((((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t),
+  let r := sqrt m x in
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity x -> is_plus_infinity r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x -> same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i + j)%Z) (add n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i - j)%Z) (sub n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i * j)%Z) (mul n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom Min_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (min x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (min x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (max x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (max x y) y.
+Parameter is_int: t -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int : is_int zeroF.
+Axiom of_int_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range x ->
+  is_int (of_int m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), t'isFinite i ->
+  le i (neg (of_int m 16777216%Z)) \/ le (of_int m 16777216%Z) i -> is_int i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_int (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> is_int x -> is_int y.
+Axiom add_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) -> is_int (add m x y).
+Axiom sub_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) -> is_int (sub m x y).
+Axiom mul_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) -> is_int (mul m x y).
+Axiom fma_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y -> is_int z ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) -> is_int (fma m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (neg x).
+Axiom abs_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (abs x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int :
+  forall (x:t) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int x -> eq x (of_int m' (to_int m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> in_int_range (to_int m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite : forall (x:t), is_int x -> t'isFinite x.
+Axiom int_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x ->
+  ((t'real x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), is_int i -> eq (roundToIntegral m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le x (roundToIntegral RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ is_int y -> le (roundToIntegral RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real x))).
+Axiom floor_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le (roundToIntegral RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x /\ is_int y -> le y (roundToIntegral RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (floor (t'real x))).
+Axiom RNA_down :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  is_negative x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  is_positive x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), ((to_int m x) = (to_int m (roundToIntegral m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> le x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) <= (to_int m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((to_int m (of_int m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) = (to_int m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> ((to_int m (neg x)) = (-(to_int m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R
+   <= (round RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R
+   <= (round m x))%R /\
+  ((round m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom t1 : Type.
+Parameter t1_WhyType : WhyType t1.
+Existing Instance t1_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real1: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R
+   <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 x) <=
+   179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R.
+Parameter zeroF1: t1.
+Parameter add1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sub1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter mul1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter div1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter abs1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter neg1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter fma1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sqrt1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter roundToIntegral1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter min1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter max1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter le1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter lt1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter eq1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative1: t1 -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan2 (x:t1) : Prop := t'isFinite1 x \/ is_infinite1 x.
+Axiom is_not_nan3 : forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x <-> ~ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom is_not_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 x <-> is_infinite1 x \/ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive1 : is_positive1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero1 : is_zero1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zero_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_zero1 x <-> t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int1: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t1.
+Parameter to_int1: mode -> t1 -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int1 : forall (m:mode), (zeroF1 = (of_int1 m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round1: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int1: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int1 :
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int1)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range1 (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R
+   <= x)%R /\
+  (x <=
+   (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int1)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int1)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> in_range1 (t'real1 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow1 (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range1 (round1 m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> no_overflow1 m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round1 m x) <= (round1 m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent1 :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round1 m2 x)) = (round1 m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((round1 m (t'real1 x)) = (t'real1 x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round1 RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round1 RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9007199254740992%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 9007199254740992%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((round1 m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_positive1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_negative1 y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_positive1 y.
+Axiom feq_eq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> ~ is_zero1 x ->
+  eq1 x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> (x = y) -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom eq_refl1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x x.
+Axiom eq_sym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y x.
+Axiom eq_trans1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y z -> eq1 x z.
+Axiom eq_zero1 : eq1 zeroF1 (neg1 zeroF1).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  eq1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) = (t'real1 y)).
+Axiom eq_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y ->
+  is_not_nan2 x /\
+  is_not_nan2 y /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+   is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y).
+Axiom lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  lt1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) < (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  le1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) <= (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), le1 x y /\ lt1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y /\ le1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ le1 y x -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 x y /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 y x /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 x y.
+Axiom le_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), lt1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity1 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity1 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y -> lt1 y z -> t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom positive_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 x.
+Axiom negative_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x -> ((t'real1 x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative1 x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ (is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x -> is_positive1 x \/ is_negative1 x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), diff_sign1 x y /\ diff_sign1 y z ->
+  same_sign1 x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign1 x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign1 (z:t1) (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign1 x y -> is_positive1 z) /\ (diff_sign1 x y -> is_negative1 z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite1 x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_zero1 x -> match m with
+                | RTN => is_negative1 x
+                | _ => is_positive1 x
+                end.
+Axiom add_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  ~ is_zero1 y -> no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y \/
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))) /\
+  is_positive1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom abs_universal1 : forall (x:t1), ~ is_negative1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom fma_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 z ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real1 (x:t1) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative1 x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := add1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (same_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom sub_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := sub1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ diff_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (diff_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom mul_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := mul1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom div_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := div1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_zero1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   ~ is_zero1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom neg_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> diff_sign1 x (neg1 x)).
+Axiom abs_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> is_positive1 (abs1 x)).
+Axiom fma_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1),
+  let r := fma1 m x y z in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y \/ is_nan1 z -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   t'isFinite1 z /\
+   ~ no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y ->
+    ((((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative1 r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive1 r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  let r := sqrt1 m x in
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity1 x -> is_plus_infinity1 r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i + j)%Z) (add1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i - j)%Z) (sub1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i * j)%Z) (mul1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom Min_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (min1 x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (min1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (max1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (max1 x y) y.
+Parameter is_int1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int1 : is_int1 zeroF1.
+Axiom of_int_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range1 x ->
+  is_int1 (of_int1 m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), t'isFinite1 i ->
+  le1 i (neg1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z)) \/
+  le1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z) i -> is_int1 i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_int1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> is_int1 x -> is_int1 y.
+Axiom add_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) -> is_int1 (add1 m x y).
+Axiom sub_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) -> is_int1 (sub1 m x y).
+Axiom mul_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) -> is_int1 (mul1 m x y).
+Axiom fma_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  is_int1 z -> t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) -> is_int1 (fma1 m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (neg1 x).
+Axiom abs_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int1 x ->
+  eq1 x (of_int1 m' (to_int1 m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x -> in_int_range1 (to_int1 m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> t'isFinite1 x.
+Axiom int_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int1 m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), is_int1 i -> eq1 (roundToIntegral1 m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 x (roundToIntegral1 RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom floor_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 y (roundToIntegral1 RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (floor (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom RNA_down1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> le1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) <= (to_int1 m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((to_int1 m (of_int1 m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (neg1 x)) = (-(to_int1 m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round1 RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 m x))%R /\
+  ((round1 m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R)%R.
+Parameter to_float64: mode -> t -> t1.
+Parameter to_float32: mode -> t1 -> t.
+Axiom round_double_single :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom to_float64_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (to_float64 m x) /\ ((t'real1 (to_float64 m x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom to_float32_conv :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> no_overflow m (t'real1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite (to_float32 m x) /\
+  ((t'real (to_float32 m x)) = (round m (t'real1 x))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f32 := t.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f64 := t1.
+Parameter to_f32: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t.
+Parameter to_f64: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t1.
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_32 :
+  forall (f:t), t'isFinite f -> eq (to_f32 (t'real f)) f.
+Axiom to_f32_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x ->
+  ((t'real (to_f32 x)) = (round RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f32_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> t'isFinite (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x < (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_64 :
+  forall (f:t1), t'isFinite1 f -> eq1 (to_f64 (t'real1 f)) f.
+Axiom to_f64_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (to_f64 x)) = (round1 RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f64_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <
+   (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_float (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t :=
+  to_f32 (round m r).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_double (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t1 :=
+  to_f64 (round1 m r).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f32_zero : is_zero (to_f32 0%R).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f64_zero : is_zero1 (to_f64 0%R).
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f32 : forall (f:t), (0%R = (t'real f)) -> is_zero f.
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f64 : forall (f:t1), (0%R = (t'real1 f)) -> is_zero1 f.
+Axiom f32_to_f64 : forall (f:t), ((to_f64 (t'real f)) = (to_float64 RNE f)).
+Axiom f64_to_f32 :
+  forall (f:t1), ((to_f32 (t'real1 f)) = (to_float32 RNE f)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition finite (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  t'isFinite (to_f32 x) /\ t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Parameter eq_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter eq_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f32 (x:t) (y:t) : Prop := ~ eq x y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f64 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop := ~ eq1 x y.
+Parameter ne_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter ne_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter model_f32: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real f) - (model_f32 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f32 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f32 f)))%R.
+Parameter model_f64: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real1 f) - (model_f64 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f64 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f64 f)))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_bool (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
+Axiom is_bool0 : is_bool 0%Z.
+Axiom is_bool1 : is_bool 1%Z.
+Parameter to_bool: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom to_bool'def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\ (~ (x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
+Parameter to_uint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter two_power_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_is_positive :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_pos :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z).
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_one :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Parameter to_uint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom is_to_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n (to_uint n x).
+Axiom is_to_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint n (to_sint n x).
+Axiom is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 (to_uint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 (to_sint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 (to_uint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 (to_sint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 (to_uint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 (to_sint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 (to_uint64 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 (to_sint64 x).
+Axiom id_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_uint n x <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_sint n x <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 x -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 x -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 x -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 x -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 x -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 x -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 x -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 x -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
+Axiom proj_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom incl_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n x ->
+  is_sint n x.
+Axiom proj_su_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_su_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_int8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_int16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_int32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_int64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_us_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Axiom incl_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_int :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Parameter fliteral: t1.
+Axiom fliteral_axiom :
+  t'isFinite1 fliteral /\ ((t'real1 fliteral) = (1 * 2)%R).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (f:t1),
+  let r := t'real1 f in
+  ~ (i = 0%Z) -> (r <= 10%R)%R -> ((-10%R)%R <= r)%R -> is_sint32 i ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 RNE f fliteral).
+(* Why3 intros i f r h1 h2 h3 h4. *)
+intros i f r h1 h2 h3 h4.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_rte_is_nan_or_infinite.v.save b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_rte_is_nan_or_infinite.v.save
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49de7a734f986fa183b54c89b6c446aabb7986c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.0.session/interactive/job_assert_rte_is_nan_or_infinite.v.save
@@ -0,0 +1,1995 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require Reals.Rbasic_fun.
+Require Reals.R_sqrt.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.Abs.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require real.Square.
+Require map.Map.
+Require bv.Pow2int.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+Axiom abs_def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = x)) /\
+  (~ (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.abs x) = (-x)%Z)).
+Axiom sqrt_lin1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (1%R < x)%R ->
+  ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x) < x)%R.
+Axiom sqrt_lin0 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R < x)%R /\ (x < 1%R)%R ->
+  (x < (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt x))%R.
+Axiom sqrt_0 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 0%R) = 0%R).
+Axiom sqrt_1 : ((Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt 1%R) = 1%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive mode :=
+  | RNE : mode
+  | RNA : mode
+  | RTP : mode
+  | RTN : mode
+  | RTZ : mode.
+Axiom mode_WhyType : WhyType mode.
+Existing Instance mode_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition to_nearest (m:mode) : Prop := (m = RNE) \/ (m = RNA).
+Axiom t : Type.
+Parameter t_WhyType : WhyType t.
+Existing Instance t_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite: t -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((-340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real x) <= 340282346638528859811704183484516925440%R)%R.
+Parameter truncate: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Truncate_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((truncate (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Truncate_down_pos :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (0%R <= x)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Truncate_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= 0%R)%R ->
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((truncate x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R.
+Axiom Real_of_truncate :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((x - 1%R)%R <= (BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)))%R /\
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (truncate x)) <= (x + 1%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((truncate x) <= (truncate y))%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR i))%R -> ((truncate x) <= i)%Z.
+Axiom Truncate_monotonic_int2 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR i) <= x)%R -> (i <= (truncate x))%Z.
+Parameter floor: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter ceil: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom Floor_int :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((floor (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Ceil_int : forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ceil (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = i).
+Axiom Floor_down :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR (floor x)) <= x)%R /\
+  (x < (BuiltIn.IZR ((floor x) + 1%Z)%Z))%R.
+Axiom Ceil_up :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((BuiltIn.IZR ((ceil x) - 1%Z)%Z) < x)%R /\ (x <= (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil x)))%R.
+Axiom Floor_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((floor x) <= (floor y))%Z.
+Axiom Ceil_monotonic :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= y)%R ->
+  ((ceil x) <= (ceil y))%Z.
+Parameter zeroF: t.
+Parameter add: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sub: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter mul: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter div: mode -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter abs: t -> t.
+Parameter neg: t -> t.
+Parameter fma: mode -> t -> t -> t -> t.
+Parameter sqrt: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter roundToIntegral: mode -> t -> t.
+Parameter min: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter max: t -> t -> t.
+Parameter le: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter lt: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter eq: t -> t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive: t -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative: t -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity (x:t) : Prop := is_infinite x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_positive x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero (x:t) : Prop := is_zero x /\ is_negative x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan (x:t) : Prop := t'isFinite x \/ is_infinite x.
+Axiom is_not_nan1 : forall (x:t), is_not_nan x <-> ~ is_nan x.
+Axiom is_not_finite :
+  forall (x:t), ~ t'isFinite x <-> is_infinite x \/ is_nan x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive : is_positive zeroF.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero : is_zero zeroF.
+Axiom zero_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), is_zero x <-> t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t.
+Parameter to_int: mode -> t -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int : forall (m:mode), (zeroF = (of_int m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int :
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R <= x)%R /\
+  (x <= (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> in_range (t'real x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range (round m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> no_overflow m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round m x) <= (round m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((round m (t'real x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge : forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-16777216%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 16777216%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((round m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_positive y \/ is_negative x /\ is_negative y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ is_negative y \/ is_negative x /\ is_positive y.
+Axiom feq_eq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero x ->
+  eq x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> (x = y) -> eq x y.
+Axiom eq_refl : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x x.
+Axiom eq_sym : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> eq y x.
+Axiom eq_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), eq x y -> eq y z -> eq x z.
+Axiom eq_zero : eq zeroF (neg zeroF).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  eq x y <-> ((t'real x) = (t'real y)).
+Axiom eq_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y ->
+  is_not_nan x /\
+  is_not_nan y /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+   is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y).
+Axiom lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  lt x y <-> ((t'real x) < (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+  le x y <-> ((t'real x) <= (t'real y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), le x y /\ lt y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans : forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y /\ le y z -> lt x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ le y x -> eq x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt x y /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), ~ lt y x /\ is_not_nan x /\ is_not_nan y -> le x y.
+Axiom le_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y \/ is_not_nan x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_special :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), lt x y ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y \/
+  is_minus_infinity x /\ is_not_nan y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity y \/
+  is_not_nan x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity x /\ is_plus_infinity y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), lt x y -> lt y z -> t'isFinite y.
+Axiom positive_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive x.
+Axiom negative_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x -> ((t'real x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive :
+  forall (x:t), ~ (is_positive x /\ is_negative x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive :
+  forall (x:t), is_not_nan x -> is_positive x \/ is_negative x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), diff_sign x y /\ diff_sign y z -> same_sign x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign (z:t) (x:t) (y:t) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign x y -> is_positive z) /\ (diff_sign x y -> is_negative z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x -> is_infinite x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive x -> is_infinite x) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive x ->
+       t'isFinite x /\
+       ((t'real x) = (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result (m:mode) (x:t) : Prop :=
+  is_zero x -> match m with
+               | RTN => is_negative x
+               | _ => is_positive x
+               end.
+Axiom add_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (add m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (add m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (sub m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sub m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (mul m x y) ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (mul m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> ~ is_zero y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (div m x y) /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y \/
+  t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ((t'real (div m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite (div m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite y ->
+  no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R /\
+  ((t'real (div m x y)) = (round m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (neg x) /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (neg x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (neg x)) = (-(t'real x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite (abs x) /\
+  ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))) /\
+  is_positive (abs x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite (abs x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real (abs x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real x))).
+Axiom abs_universal : forall (x:t), ~ is_negative (abs x).
+Axiom fma_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y ->
+  t'isFinite z ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+  ((t'real (fma m x y z)) =
+   (round m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> (0%R <= (t'real x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite (sqrt m x) /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite (sqrt m x) ->
+  t'isFinite x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real x))%R /\
+  ((t'real (sqrt m x)) = (round m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real (x:t) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := add m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) + (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (same_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom sub_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := sub m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r /\ diff_sign r y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ same_sign x y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ diff_sign x y ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r ((t'real x) - (t'real y))%R /\ overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y ->
+   (diff_sign x y -> same_sign r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign x y -> sign_zero_result m r)).
+Axiom mul_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := mul m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom div_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t),
+  let r := div m x y in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_zero r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ ~ no_overflow m ((t'real x) / (t'real y))%R ->
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ is_zero y /\ ~ is_zero x -> is_infinite r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\ (~ is_nan r -> product_sign r x y).
+Axiom neg_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (neg x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (neg x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> diff_sign x (neg x)).
+Axiom abs_special :
+  forall (x:t),
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan (abs x)) /\
+  (is_infinite x -> is_infinite (abs x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan x -> is_positive (abs x)).
+Axiom fma_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t) (z:t),
+  let r := fma m x y z in
+  (is_nan x \/ is_nan y \/ is_nan z -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x /\ is_infinite y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_zero y -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ~ is_zero x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ ~ is_zero y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ product_sign r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+  (is_infinite x /\ is_infinite y /\ is_infinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> is_infinite r /\ same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y -> is_nan r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\
+   t'isFinite y /\
+   t'isFinite z /\
+   ~ no_overflow m (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real r (((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R /\
+   overflow_value m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ t'isFinite y /\ t'isFinite z ->
+   (product_sign z x y -> same_sign r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign z x y ->
+    ((((t'real x) * (t'real y))%R + (t'real z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t),
+  let r := sqrt m x in
+  (is_nan x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity x -> is_plus_infinity r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity x -> is_nan r) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ ((t'real x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan r) /\
+  (is_zero x -> same_sign r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite x /\ (0%R < (t'real x))%R -> is_positive r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i + j)%Z) (add n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i - j)%Z) (sub n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range i -> in_safe_int_range j ->
+  in_safe_int_range (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq (of_int m (i * j)%Z) (mul n (of_int m i) (of_int m j)).
+Axiom Min_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (min x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (min x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r : forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x -> eq (max x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l : forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y -> eq (max x y) y.
+Parameter is_int: t -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int : is_int zeroF.
+Axiom of_int_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range x ->
+  is_int (of_int m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), t'isFinite i ->
+  le i (neg (of_int m 16777216%Z)) \/ le (of_int m 16777216%Z) i -> is_int i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_int (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int : forall (x:t) (y:t), eq x y -> is_int x -> is_int y.
+Axiom add_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (add m x y) -> is_int (add m x y).
+Axiom sub_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (sub m x y) -> is_int (sub m x y).
+Axiom mul_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y ->
+  t'isFinite (mul m x y) -> is_int (mul m x y).
+Axiom fma_int :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t) (z:t) (m:mode), is_int x -> is_int y -> is_int z ->
+  t'isFinite (fma m x y z) -> is_int (fma m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (neg x).
+Axiom abs_int : forall (x:t), is_int x -> is_int (abs x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int :
+  forall (x:t) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int x -> eq x (of_int m' (to_int m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> in_int_range (to_int m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite : forall (x:t), is_int x -> t'isFinite x.
+Axiom int_to_real :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x ->
+  ((t'real x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t), is_int i -> eq (roundToIntegral m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_negative x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> is_positive x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le x (roundToIntegral RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le x y /\ is_int y -> le (roundToIntegral RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real x))).
+Axiom floor_le : forall (x:t), t'isFinite x -> le (roundToIntegral RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t), le y x /\ is_int y -> le y (roundToIntegral RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real :
+  forall (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((t'real (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  ((to_int m (roundToIntegral RTN x)) = (floor (t'real x))).
+Axiom RNA_down :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up :
+  forall (x:t),
+  lt (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) ->
+  is_negative x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie :
+  forall (x:t),
+  eq (sub RNE (roundToIntegral RTP x) x) (sub RNE x (roundToIntegral RTN x)) ->
+  is_positive x -> ((roundToIntegral RNA x) = (roundToIntegral RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), ((to_int m x) = (to_int m (roundToIntegral m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite y -> le x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) <= (to_int m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range i ->
+  ((to_int m (of_int m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t) (y:t), t'isFinite x -> eq x y ->
+  ((to_int m x) = (to_int m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), is_int x -> ((to_int m (neg x)) = (-(to_int m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x -> t'isFinite (roundToIntegral m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R
+   <= (round RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 16777216)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 1427247692705959881058285969449495136382746624)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R
+   <= (round m x))%R /\
+  ((round m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 8388608)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 713623846352979940529142984724747568191373312)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom t1 : Type.
+Parameter t1_WhyType : WhyType t1.
+Existing Instance t1_WhyType.
+Parameter t'real1: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter t'isFinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom t'axiom1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((-179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R
+   <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 x) <=
+   179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368%R)%R.
+Parameter zeroF1: t1.
+Parameter add1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sub1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter mul1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter div1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter abs1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter neg1: t1 -> t1.
+Parameter fma1: mode -> t1 -> t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter sqrt1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter roundToIntegral1: mode -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter min1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter max1: t1 -> t1 -> t1.
+Parameter le1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter lt1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter eq1: t1 -> t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_normal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_subnormal1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_zero1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_infinite1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_nan1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_positive1: t1 -> Prop.
+Parameter is_negative1: t1 -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_infinity1 (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_infinite1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_plus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_positive1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_minus_zero1 (x:t1) : Prop := is_zero1 x /\ is_negative1 x.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_not_nan2 (x:t1) : Prop := t'isFinite1 x \/ is_infinite1 x.
+Axiom is_not_nan3 : forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x <-> ~ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom is_not_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ t'isFinite1 x <-> is_infinite1 x \/ is_nan1 x.
+Axiom zeroF_is_positive1 : is_positive1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zeroF_is_zero1 : is_zero1 zeroF1.
+Axiom zero_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_zero1 x <-> t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) = 0%R).
+Parameter of_int1: mode -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> t1.
+Parameter to_int1: mode -> t1 -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom zero_of_int1 : forall (m:mode), (zeroF1 = (of_int1 m 0%Z)).
+Parameter round1: mode -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+Parameter max_int1: Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom max_real_int1 :
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   = (BuiltIn.IZR max_int1)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_range1 (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  ((-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R
+   <= x)%R /\
+  (x <=
+   (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-max_int1)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= max_int1)%Z.
+Axiom is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> in_range1 (t'real1 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition no_overflow1 (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  in_range1 (round1 m x).
+Axiom Bounded_real_no_overflow1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> no_overflow1 m x.
+Axiom Round_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <= y)%R -> ((round1 m x) <= (round1 m y))%R.
+Axiom Round_idempotent1 :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round1 m2 x)) = (round1 m2 x)).
+Axiom Round_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((round1 m (t'real1 x)) = (t'real1 x)).
+Axiom Round_down_le1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), ((round1 RTN x) <= x)%R.
+Axiom Round_up_ge1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), (x <= (round1 RTP x))%R.
+Axiom Round_down_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTN (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTP x))%R).
+Axiom Round_up_neg1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 RTP (-x)%R) = (-(round1 RTN x))%R).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition in_safe_int_range1 (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9007199254740992%Z)%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i <= 9007199254740992%Z)%Z.
+Axiom Exact_rounding_for_integers1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((round1 m (BuiltIn.IZR i)) = (BuiltIn.IZR i)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_positive1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_negative1 y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition diff_sign1 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 y \/ is_negative1 x /\ is_positive1 y.
+Axiom feq_eq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> ~ is_zero1 x ->
+  eq1 x y -> (x = y).
+Axiom eq_feq1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> (x = y) -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom eq_refl1 : forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x x.
+Axiom eq_sym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y x.
+Axiom eq_trans1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), eq1 x y -> eq1 y z -> eq1 x z.
+Axiom eq_zero1 : eq1 zeroF1 (neg1 zeroF1).
+Axiom eq_to_real_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  eq1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) = (t'real1 y)).
+Axiom eq_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y ->
+  is_not_nan2 x /\
+  is_not_nan2 y /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+   is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y).
+Axiom lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  lt1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) < (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+  le1 x y <-> ((t'real1 x) <= (t'real1 y))%R.
+Axiom le_lt_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), le1 x y /\ lt1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom lt_le_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y /\ le1 y z -> lt1 x z.
+Axiom le_ge_asym1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ le1 y x -> eq1 x y.
+Axiom not_lt_ge1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 x y /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 y x.
+Axiom not_gt_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), ~ lt1 y x /\ is_not_nan2 x /\ is_not_nan2 y ->
+  le1 x y.
+Axiom le_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), lt1 x y ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y \/
+  is_minus_infinity1 x /\ is_not_nan2 y /\ ~ is_minus_infinity1 y \/
+  is_not_nan2 x /\ ~ is_plus_infinity1 x /\ is_plus_infinity1 y.
+Axiom lt_lt_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), lt1 x y -> lt1 y z -> t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom positive_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R.
+Axiom to_real_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 x.
+Axiom negative_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x -> ((t'real1 x) <= 0%R)%R.
+Axiom to_real_negative1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_negative1 x.
+Axiom negative_xor_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), ~ (is_positive1 x /\ is_negative1 x).
+Axiom negative_or_positive1 :
+  forall (x:t1), is_not_nan2 x -> is_positive1 x \/ is_negative1 x.
+Axiom diff_sign_trans1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), diff_sign1 x y /\ diff_sign1 y z ->
+  same_sign1 x z.
+Axiom diff_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R < 0%R)%R ->
+  diff_sign1 x y.
+Axiom same_sign_product1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+  (0%R <= ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition product_sign1 (z:t1) (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop :=
+  (same_sign1 x y -> is_positive1 z) /\ (diff_sign1 x y -> is_negative1 z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition overflow_value1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  match m with
+  | RTN =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x)
+  | RTP =>
+      (is_positive1 x -> is_infinite1 x) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RTZ =>
+      (is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)) /\
+      (~ is_positive1 x ->
+       t'isFinite1 x /\
+       ((t'real1 x) =
+        (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R))
+  | RNA|RNE => is_infinite1 x
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition sign_zero_result1 (m:mode) (x:t1) : Prop :=
+  is_zero1 x -> match m with
+                | RTN => is_negative1 x
+                | _ => is_positive1 x
+                end.
+Axiom add_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom add_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom add_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (add1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom sub_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom sub_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sub1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom mul_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y.
+Axiom mul_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (mul1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  ~ is_zero1 y -> no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom div_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y \/
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = 0%R).
+Axiom div_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), to_nearest m -> t'isFinite1 (div1 m x y) ->
+  t'isFinite1 y ->
+  no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (div1 m x y)) = (round1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R)).
+Axiom neg_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom neg_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (neg1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (neg1 x)) = (-(t'real1 x))%R).
+Axiom abs_finite1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))) /\
+  is_positive1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom abs_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (abs1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 (abs1 x)) = (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom abs_universal1 : forall (x:t1), ~ is_negative1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom fma_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 z ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom fma_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z.
+Axiom fma_finite_rev_n1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1), to_nearest m ->
+  t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) ->
+  no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (fma1 m x y z)) =
+   (round1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R)).
+Axiom sqrt_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom sqrt_finite_rev1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 (sqrt1 m x) ->
+  t'isFinite1 x /\
+  (0%R <= (t'real1 x))%R /\
+  ((t'real1 (sqrt1 m x)) = (round1 m (Reals.R_sqrt.sqrt (t'real1 x)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition same_sign_real1 (x:t1) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  is_positive1 x /\ (0%R < r)%R \/ is_negative1 x /\ (r < 0%R)%R.
+Axiom add_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := add1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) + (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (same_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ same_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom sub_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := sub1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ diff_sign1 r y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ same_sign1 x y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ diff_sign1 x y ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r ((t'real1 x) - (t'real1 y))%R /\ overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y ->
+   (diff_sign1 x y -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+   (~ diff_sign1 x y -> sign_zero_result1 m r)).
+Axiom mul_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := mul1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom div_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  let r := div1 m x y in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_zero1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   ~ is_zero1 y /\ ~ no_overflow1 m ((t'real1 x) / (t'real1 y))%R ->
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 x -> is_infinite1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 r -> product_sign1 r x y).
+Axiom neg_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (neg1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> diff_sign1 x (neg1 x)).
+Axiom abs_special1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x -> is_infinite1 (abs1 x)) /\
+  (~ is_nan1 x -> is_positive1 (abs1 x)).
+Axiom fma_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1),
+  let r := fma1 m x y z in
+  (is_nan1 x \/ is_nan1 y \/ is_nan1 z -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_zero1 y -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ~ is_zero1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ ~ is_zero1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ product_sign1 r x y) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+  (is_infinite1 x /\ is_infinite1 y /\ is_infinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> is_infinite1 r /\ same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y -> is_nan1 r)) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\
+   t'isFinite1 y /\
+   t'isFinite1 z /\
+   ~ no_overflow1 m (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R ->
+   same_sign_real1 r (((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R /\
+   overflow_value1 m r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ t'isFinite1 y /\ t'isFinite1 z ->
+   (product_sign1 z x y -> same_sign1 r z) /\
+   (~ product_sign1 z x y ->
+    ((((t'real1 x) * (t'real1 y))%R + (t'real1 z))%R = 0%R) ->
+    ((m = RTN) -> is_negative1 r) /\ (~ (m = RTN) -> is_positive1 r))).
+Axiom sqrt_special1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  let r := sqrt1 m x in
+  (is_nan1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_plus_infinity1 x -> is_plus_infinity1 r) /\
+  (is_minus_infinity1 x -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ ((t'real1 x) < 0%R)%R -> is_nan1 r) /\
+  (is_zero1 x -> same_sign1 r x) /\
+  (t'isFinite1 x /\ (0%R < (t'real1 x))%R -> is_positive1 r).
+Axiom of_int_add_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i + j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i + j)%Z) (add1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_sub_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i - j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i - j)%Z) (sub1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom of_int_mul_exact1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (n:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  in_safe_int_range1 i -> in_safe_int_range1 j ->
+  in_safe_int_range1 (i * j)%Z ->
+  eq1 (of_int1 m (i * j)%Z) (mul1 n (of_int1 m i) (of_int1 m j)).
+Axiom Min_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (min1 x y) y.
+Axiom Min_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (min1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_r1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x -> eq1 (max1 x y) x.
+Axiom Max_l1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y -> eq1 (max1 x y) y.
+Parameter is_int1: t1 -> Prop.
+Axiom zeroF_is_int1 : is_int1 zeroF1.
+Axiom of_int_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_int_range1 x ->
+  is_int1 (of_int1 m x).
+Axiom big_float_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), t'isFinite1 i ->
+  le1 i (neg1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z)) \/
+  le1 (of_int1 m 9007199254740992%Z) i -> is_int1 i.
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_int1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom eq_is_int1 : forall (x:t1) (y:t1), eq1 x y -> is_int1 x -> is_int1 y.
+Axiom add_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (add1 m x y) -> is_int1 (add1 m x y).
+Axiom sub_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (sub1 m x y) -> is_int1 (sub1 m x y).
+Axiom mul_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 m x y) -> is_int1 (mul1 m x y).
+Axiom fma_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1) (z:t1) (m:mode), is_int1 x -> is_int1 y ->
+  is_int1 z -> t'isFinite1 (fma1 m x y z) -> is_int1 (fma1 m x y z).
+Axiom neg_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (neg1 x).
+Axiom abs_int1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> is_int1 (abs1 x).
+Axiom is_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (m:mode) (m':mode), is_int1 x ->
+  eq1 x (of_int1 m' (to_int1 m x)).
+Axiom is_int_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x -> in_int_range1 (to_int1 m x).
+Axiom is_int_is_finite1 : forall (x:t1), is_int1 x -> t'isFinite1 x.
+Axiom int_to_real1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 x) = (BuiltIn.IZR (to_int1 m x))).
+Axiom truncate_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:t1), is_int1 i -> eq1 (roundToIntegral1 m i) i.
+Axiom truncate_neg1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom truncate_pos1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RTZ x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom ceil_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 x (roundToIntegral1 RTP x).
+Axiom ceil_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 x y /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) y.
+Axiom ceil_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (ceil (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom ceil_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)) = (ceil (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom floor_le1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> le1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x) x.
+Axiom floor_lest1 :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1), le1 y x /\ is_int1 y ->
+  le1 y (roundToIntegral1 RTN x).
+Axiom floor_to_real1 :
+  forall (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (BuiltIn.IZR (floor (t'real1 x)))).
+Axiom floor_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) = (floor (t'real1 x))).
+Axiom RNA_down1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  lt1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom RNA_down_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x))
+  (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x) -> is_negative1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)).
+Axiom RNA_up_tie1 :
+  forall (x:t1),
+  eq1 (sub1 RNE (roundToIntegral1 RTP x) x)
+  (sub1 RNE x (roundToIntegral1 RTN x)) -> is_positive1 x ->
+  ((roundToIntegral1 RNA x) = (roundToIntegral1 RTP x)).
+Axiom to_int_roundToIntegral1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1),
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m (roundToIntegral1 m x))).
+Axiom to_int_monotonic1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 y -> le1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) <= (to_int1 m y))%Z.
+Axiom to_int_of_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), in_safe_int_range1 i ->
+  ((to_int1 m (of_int1 m i)) = i).
+Axiom eq_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1) (y:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> eq1 x y ->
+  ((to_int1 m x) = (to_int1 m y)).
+Axiom neg_to_int1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), is_int1 x ->
+  ((to_int1 m (neg1 x)) = (-(to_int1 m x))%Z).
+Axiom roundToIntegral_is_finite1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> t'isFinite1 (roundToIntegral1 m x).
+Axiom round_bound_ne1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 RNE x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 RNE x))%R /\
+  ((round1 RNE x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 9007199254740992)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 404804506614621236704990693437834614099113299528284236713802716054860679135990693783920767402874248990374155728633623822779617474771586953734026799881477019843034848553132722728933815484186432682479535356945490137124014966849385397236206711298319112681620113024717539104666829230461005064372655017292012526615415482186989568)%R)%R)%R.
+Axiom round_bound1 :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), no_overflow1 m x ->
+  (((x - ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R -
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R
+   <= (round1 m x))%R /\
+  ((round1 m x) <=
+   ((x + ((1 / 4503599627370496)%R * (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs x))%R)%R +
+    (1 / 202402253307310618352495346718917307049556649764142118356901358027430339567995346891960383701437124495187077864316811911389808737385793476867013399940738509921517424276566361364466907742093216341239767678472745068562007483424692698618103355649159556340810056512358769552333414615230502532186327508646006263307707741093494784)%R)%R)%R.
+Parameter to_float64: mode -> t -> t1.
+Parameter to_float32: mode -> t1 -> t.
+Axiom round_double_single :
+  forall (m1:mode) (m2:mode) (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((round1 m1 (round m2 x)) = (round m2 x)).
+Axiom to_float64_exact :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t), t'isFinite x ->
+  t'isFinite1 (to_float64 m x) /\ ((t'real1 (to_float64 m x)) = (t'real x)).
+Axiom to_float32_conv :
+  forall (m:mode) (x:t1), t'isFinite1 x -> no_overflow m (t'real1 x) ->
+  t'isFinite (to_float32 m x) /\
+  ((t'real (to_float32 m x)) = (round m (t'real1 x))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f32 := t.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition f64 := t1.
+Parameter to_f32: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t.
+Parameter to_f64: Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> t1.
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_32 :
+  forall (f:t), t'isFinite f -> eq (to_f32 (t'real f)) f.
+Axiom to_f32_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x ->
+  ((t'real (to_f32 x)) = (round RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f32_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range x -> t'isFinite (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x < (-(33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_f32_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((33554430 * 10141204801825835211973625643008)%R < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity (to_f32 x).
+Axiom to_float_is_finite_64 :
+  forall (f:t1), t'isFinite1 f -> eq1 (to_f64 (t'real1 f)) f.
+Axiom to_f64_range_round :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x ->
+  ((t'real1 (to_f64 x)) = (round1 RNE x)).
+Axiom to_f64_range_finite :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R), in_range1 x -> t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_minus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  (x <
+   (-(9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R)%R)%R ->
+  is_minus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+Axiom to_f64_plus_infinity :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((9007199254740991 * 19958403095347198116563727130368385660674512604354575415025472424372118918689640657849579654926357010893424468441924952439724379883935936607391717982848314203200056729510856765175377214443629871826533567445439239933308104551208703888888552684480441575071209068757560416423584952303440099278848)%R
+   < x)%R ->
+  is_plus_infinity1 (to_f64 x).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_float (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t :=
+  to_f32 (round m r).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition round_double (m:mode) (r:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : t1 :=
+  to_f64 (round1 m r).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f32_zero : is_zero (to_f32 0%R).
+Axiom is_zero_to_f64_zero : is_zero1 (to_f64 0%R).
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f32 : forall (f:t), (0%R = (t'real f)) -> is_zero f.
+Axiom real_0_is_zero_f64 : forall (f:t1), (0%R = (t'real1 f)) -> is_zero1 f.
+Axiom f32_to_f64 : forall (f:t), ((to_f64 (t'real f)) = (to_float64 RNE f)).
+Axiom f64_to_f32 :
+  forall (f:t1), ((to_f32 (t'real1 f)) = (to_float32 RNE f)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition finite (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) : Prop :=
+  t'isFinite (to_f32 x) /\ t'isFinite1 (to_f64 x).
+Parameter eq_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq x y -> ((eq_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter eq_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eq_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ eq1 x y -> ((eq_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f32 (x:t) (y:t) : Prop := ~ eq x y.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition ne_f64 (x:t1) (y:t1) : Prop := ~ eq1 x y.
+Parameter ne_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f32 x y -> ((ne_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter ne_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom ne_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ ne_f64 x y -> ((ne_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le x y -> ((le_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter le_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom le_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ le1 x y -> ((le_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f32b: t -> t -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f32b'def :
+  forall (x:t) (y:t),
+  (lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt x y -> ((lt_f32b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter lt_f64b: t1 -> t1 -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom lt_f64b'def :
+  forall (x:t1) (y:t1),
+  (lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.true)) /\
+  (~ lt1 x y -> ((lt_f64b x y) = Init.Datatypes.false)).
+Parameter model_f32: t -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real f) - (model_f32 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f32 (f:t) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f32 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f32 f)))%R.
+Parameter model_f64: t1 -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition delta_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs ((t'real1 f) - (model_f64 f))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition error_f64 (f:t1) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  ((delta_f64 f) / (Reals.Rbasic_fun.Rabs (model_f64 f)))%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_bool (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
+Axiom is_bool0 : is_bool 0%Z.
+Axiom is_bool1 : is_bool 1%Z.
+Parameter to_bool: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom to_bool'def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\ (~ (x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
+Parameter to_uint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter two_power_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_is_positive :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_pos :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z).
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_one :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Parameter to_uint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom is_to_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n (to_uint n x).
+Axiom is_to_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint n (to_sint n x).
+Axiom is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 (to_uint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 (to_sint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 (to_uint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 (to_sint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 (to_uint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 (to_sint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 (to_uint64 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 (to_sint64 x).
+Axiom id_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_uint n x <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_sint n x <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 x -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 x -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 x -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 x -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 x -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 x -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 x -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 x -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
+Axiom proj_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom incl_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n x ->
+  is_sint n x.
+Axiom proj_su_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_su_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_int8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_int16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_int32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_int64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_us_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Axiom incl_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_int :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Parameter fliteral: t1.
+Axiom fliteral_axiom :
+  t'isFinite1 fliteral /\ ((t'real1 fliteral) = (1 * 2)%R).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (f:t1),
+  let r := t'real1 f in
+  ~ (i = 0%Z) -> (r <= 10%R)%R -> ((-10%R)%R <= r)%R -> is_sint32 i ->
+  t'isFinite1 (mul1 RNE f fliteral).
+intros i f r h1 h2 h3 h4.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.res.oracle
index d9a23912c0146b7c40b02c375c68271fcab0e186..2e980a59b736685ec5792ce128784b7c83477a06 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_1174.res.oracle
@@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
 [kernel] Parsing bts_1174.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_real_job_assert_qed_ok : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_real_job_assert_qed_ok : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_real_job_assert_qed_ok : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
   Qed:             0 
-  Coq (native):    1
+  Coq:             1
  Functions                 WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   job                       -        -        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2471.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2471.1.res.oracle
index 8d031ef0aec0346a1b754a010c2e9c610ff308a1..fd77bf32479b1f01fa6c0f47ab4c077ed8ef068b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2471.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_bts/oracle_qualif/bts_2471.1.res.oracle
@@ -2,12 +2,10 @@
 [kernel] Parsing bts_2471.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_foo_assert_ko : Default tactic
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_foo_assert_ko : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_foo_assert_ko : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Coq (native):    0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Coq:             0  (unsuccess: 1)
  Functions                 WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   foo                       -        -        1       0.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/abs.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/abs.i
index 2992f8953e5d03a9fdfb65808d32cb82476ae185..77a22fdc26958674051945fae5d3f1e69d8947ae 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/abs.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/abs.i
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
  COMMENT: depends from files mentionned into "abs.driver"
  DEPS: abs.why abs.mlw abs.script Abs.v
    OPT: -wp -wp-driver %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/abs.driver} -wp-prover alt-ergo
-   OPT: -wp -wp-driver %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/abs.driver} -wp-prover native:coq -wp-coq-script %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/abs.script}
+   OPT: -wp -wp-driver %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/abs.driver} -wp-prover coq
 /*@ axiomatic Absolute { logic integer ABS(integer x) ; } */
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/float_format.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/float_format.i
index 1aedc8151c7a89d30e89588646ac46f5db65d229..32638b743812503f6432a3bf23d80a7921b90aa4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/float_format.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/float_format.i
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT: -wp-prover native:coq
+   OPT: -wp-prover coq
    OPT: -wp-prover alt-ergo -wp-steps 5 -wp-timeout 100
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/inductive.c b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/inductive.c
index fb36d5d70c8dae269c984c1ddc9fc335aa4929c4..27be59683fddb6c4bd533d9ee6954a2209b53253 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/inductive.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/inductive.c
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT: -wp-prover coq -wp-coq-script %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/inductive.script} -wp-timeout 240
+   OPT: -wp-prover coq -wp-timeout 240
 typedef struct _list { int element; struct _list* next; } list;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.res.oracle
index 146552b7f55e6cec0927dd4ce0cc23678597b4dc..7ff2eea8aab38a2c694b8a60e8af212c5118ea41 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.res.oracle
@@ -2,13 +2,11 @@
 [kernel] Parsing abs.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_abs_abs_ensures : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    1 / 1
   Qed:             0 
-  Coq (native):    1
+  Coq:             1
  Functions                 WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   abs                       -        -        1       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.session/interactive/abs_ensures.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.session/interactive/abs_ensures.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..565fe5684b5102b52e3da065cf61603a4f0bc54c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/abs.1.session/interactive/abs_ensures.v
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require map.Map.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_bool (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
+Axiom is_bool0 : is_bool 0%Z.
+Axiom is_bool1 : is_bool 1%Z.
+Parameter to_bool: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom to_bool'def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\ (~ (x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
+Parameter to_uint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter two_power_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_is_positive :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_pos :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z).
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_one :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Parameter to_uint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom is_to_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n (to_uint n x).
+Axiom is_to_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint n (to_sint n x).
+Axiom is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 (to_uint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 (to_sint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 (to_uint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 (to_sint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 (to_uint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 (to_sint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 (to_uint64 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 (to_sint64 x).
+Axiom id_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_uint n x <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_sint n x <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 x -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 x -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 x -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 x -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 x -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 x -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 x -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 x -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
+Axiom proj_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom incl_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n x ->
+  is_sint n x.
+Axiom proj_su_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_su_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_int8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_int16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_int32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_int64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_us_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Axiom incl_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_int :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Parameter my_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom abs_pos :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= x)%Z -> ((my_abs x) = x).
+Axiom abs_neg :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (x <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((my_abs x) = (-x)%Z).
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 i1 ->
+  is_sint32 i ->
+  (i1 < 0%Z)%Z /\ ((i + i1)%Z = 0%Z) \/ ~ (i1 < 0%Z)%Z /\ (i1 = i) ->
+  ((my_abs i1) = i).
+  Require Import Psatz.
+  intros i n Hn Hi H ; intros.
+  inversion_clear H as [ C1 | C2 ].
+  + inversion_clear C1 as [ Nn Hin ].
+    assert (Heq: i = (-n)%Z) by lia.
+    rewrite Heq ; apply abs_neg ; lia.
+  + inversion_clear C2 as [ Pn Hin ] ; subst.
+    apply abs_pos ; lia.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.res.oracle
index d27cc13ed05839d0ddf88a3ed38c7c36ef17cf66..c9d94a87a47ff301d7f3b25a1466a322e00f5736 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/float_format.0.res.oracle
@@ -5,12 +5,10 @@
   (warn-once: no further messages from category 'parser:decimal-float' will be emitted)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 1 goal scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Default tactic
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_output_ensures_KO : Unsuccess
 [wp] Proved goals:    0 / 1
-  Coq (native):    0  (unsuccess: 1)
+  Coq:             0  (unsuccess: 1)
  Functions                 WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   output                    -        -        1       0.0%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.0.session/interactive/lemma_offset.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.0.session/interactive/lemma_offset.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2959622c67342a2762399ec0bb12652da71d43e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.0.session/interactive/lemma_offset.v
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require map.Map.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive addr :=
+  | addr'mk : Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr.
+Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
+Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition offset (v:addr) : Numbers.BinNums.Z :=
+  match v with
+  | addr'mk x x1 => x1
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition base (v:addr) : Numbers.BinNums.Z :=
+  match v with
+  | addr'mk x x1 => x
+  end.
+Parameter addr_le: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Parameter addr_lt: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Parameter addr_le_bool: addr -> addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter addr_lt_bool: addr -> addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom addr_le_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  addr_le p q <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
+Axiom addr_lt_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  addr_lt p q <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
+Axiom addr_le_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  addr_le p q <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Axiom addr_lt_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  addr_lt p q <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition null : addr := addr'mk 0%Z 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition global (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : addr := addr'mk b 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : addr :=
+  addr'mk (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition included (p:addr) (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (q:addr)
+    (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
+  ((base p) = (base q)) /\
+  ((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
+  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (q:addr)
+    (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  (b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
+  (((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
+  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
+    (p:addr) (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (q:addr), included q 1%Z p a1 -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
+Parameter havoc:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) -> (addr -> a) -> addr ->
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr -> a.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rw (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rd (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_obj (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (p = null) \/
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (1%Z + (m (base p)))%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition invalid (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (n <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ((base p) = 0%Z) \/
+  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Axiom valid_rw_rd :
+  forall (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z), forall (p:addr),
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), valid_rw m p n -> valid_rd m p n.
+Axiom valid_string :
+  forall (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z), forall (p:addr),
+  ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z ->
+  valid_rd m p 1%Z /\ ~ valid_rw m p 1%Z.
+Axiom separated_1 :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  separated p a q b -> ((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z ->
+  ((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z ->
+  ~ ((addr'mk (base p) i) = (addr'mk (base q) j)).
+Parameter region: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter linked: (Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Prop.
+Parameter sconst: (addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((region (base p)) <= 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Axiom separated_included :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < b)%Z -> separated p a q b -> ~ included p a q b.
+Axiom included_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (c:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  included p a q b -> included q b r c -> included p a r c.
+Axiom separated_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (c:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  included p a q b -> separated q b r c -> separated p a r c.
+Axiom separated_sym :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  separated p a q b <-> separated q b p a.
+Axiom eqmem_included :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z), included p a1 q b ->
+  eqmem m1 m2 q b -> eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
+Axiom eqmem_sym :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z), eqmem m1 m2 p a1 -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
+Axiom havoc_access :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (separated q 1%Z p a1 -> ((havoc m0 m1 p a1 q) = (m1 q))) /\
+  (~ separated q 1%Z p a1 -> ((havoc m0 m1 p a1 q) = (m0 q))).
+Parameter cinits: (addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_init_range (m:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) (p:addr)
+    (l:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < l)%Z ->
+  ((m (shift p i)) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Parameter set_init:
+  (addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) -> addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z ->
+  addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom set_init_access :
+  forall (m:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (separated q 1%Z p a -> ((set_init m p a q) = (m q))) /\
+  (~ separated q 1%Z p a -> ((set_init m p a q) = Init.Datatypes.true)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition monotonic_init (m1:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool)
+    (m2:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((m1 p) = Init.Datatypes.true) ->
+  ((m2 p) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Parameter int_of_addr: addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter addr_of_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr.
+Axiom table : Type.
+Parameter table_WhyType : WhyType table.
+Existing Instance table_WhyType.
+Parameter table_of_base: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> table.
+Parameter table_to_offset: table -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom table_to_offset_zero :
+  forall (t:table), ((table_to_offset t 0%Z) = 0%Z).
+Axiom table_to_offset_monotonic :
+  forall (t:table), forall (o1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (o2:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (o1 <= o2)%Z <-> ((table_to_offset t o1) <= (table_to_offset t o2))%Z.
+Axiom int_of_addr_bijection :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((int_of_addr (addr_of_int a)) = a).
+Axiom addr_of_int_bijection :
+  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
+Axiom addr_of_null : ((int_of_addr null) = 0%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive P_reachable: (Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) ->
+  (addr -> addr) -> addr -> addr -> Prop :=
+  | Q_root_reachable :
+      forall (Malloc:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (Mptr:addr -> addr) (root:addr),
+      P_reachable Malloc Mptr root root
+  | Q_next_reachable :
+      forall (Malloc:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (Mptr:addr -> addr) (root:addr) (node:addr),
+      valid_rw Malloc root 2%Z ->
+      P_reachable Malloc Mptr (Mptr (shift root 1%Z)) node ->
+      P_reachable Malloc Mptr root node.
+Axiom Q_test :
+  forall (Malloc:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (Mptr:addr -> addr)
+    (root:addr) (node:addr),
+  P_reachable Malloc Mptr root node ->
+  (root = node) \/
+  valid_rw Malloc root 2%Z /\
+  P_reachable Malloc Mptr (Mptr (shift root 1%Z)) node.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition P_same_array (Mint:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (Mint1:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (a:addr) (b:addr)
+    (begin:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (end1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (begin <= i)%Z -> (i < end1)%Z ->
+  ((Mint1 (shift a i)) = (Mint (shift b i))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition P_swap (Mint:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (Mint1:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (a:addr) (b:addr)
+    (begin:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (end1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((((((Mint1 (shift a i)) = (Mint (shift b j))) /\
+      ((Mint1 (shift a j)) = (Mint (shift b i)))) /\
+     (begin <= i)%Z) /\
+    (i < j)%Z) /\
+   (j < end1)%Z) /\
+  (forall (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (i1 = i) -> ~ (j = i1) ->
+   (begin <= i1)%Z -> (i1 < end1)%Z ->
+   ((Mint1 (shift a i1)) = (Mint (shift b i1)))).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive P_same_elements: (addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) ->
+  (addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> addr -> addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z ->
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Prop :=
+  | Q_refl :
+      forall (Mint:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (Mint1:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (a:addr) (b:addr)
+        (begin:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (end1:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+      P_same_array Mint Mint1 a b begin end1 ->
+      P_same_elements Mint Mint1 a b begin end1
+  | Q_swap :
+      forall (Mint:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (Mint1:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (a:addr) (b:addr)
+        (begin:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (end1:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+      P_swap Mint Mint1 a b begin i j end1 ->
+      P_same_elements Mint Mint1 a b begin end1
+  | Q_trans :
+      forall (Mint:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (Mint1:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (Mint2:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (a:addr) (b:addr) (c:addr) (begin:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (end1:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+      P_same_elements Mint Mint1 b c begin end1 ->
+      P_same_elements Mint1 Mint2 a b begin end1 ->
+      P_same_elements Mint Mint2 a c begin end1.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (t:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (t1:addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (a:addr) (a1:addr) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (i2:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  P_same_elements t t1 (shift a i2) (shift a1 i2) i i1 ->
+  P_same_elements t t1 a a1 (i + i2)%Z (i1 + i2)%Z.
+  Require Import Psatz.
+  intros M1 M2 p q b e s.
+  remember (shift p s) as ps.
+  remember (shift q s) as qs.
+  intro H.
+  revert dependent p.
+  revert dependent q.
+  induction H ; intros ; subst.
+  - apply Q_refl.
+    unfold P_same_array in * ; unfold shift in * ; intros.
+    destruct p, q ; simpl in * .
+    replace i with (s + (i - s))%Z by lia.
+    rewrite 2!Z.add_assoc.
+    apply H ; lia.
+  - apply Q_swap with (i := (s + i)%Z) (j := (s + j)%Z).
+    unfold P_swap in * ; unfold shift in * ; destruct p, q ; simpl in * .
+    decompose [and] H ; clear H.
+    repeat split ; try lia.
+    * rewrite 2!Z.add_assoc ; auto.
+    * rewrite 2!Z.add_assoc ; auto.
+    * intros.
+      replace i1 with (s + (i1 - s))%Z by lia.
+      rewrite 2!Z.add_assoc ; auto.
+      apply H1 ; lia.
+  - apply Q_trans with (Mint1 := Mint1)(b := shift b (- s)%Z).
+    * apply IHP_same_elements1 ; auto.
+      unfold shift ; destruct b ; simpl ; f_equal ; lia.
+    * apply IHP_same_elements2 ; auto.
+      unfold shift ; destruct b ; simpl ; f_equal ; lia.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.0.session/interactive/lemma_test.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.0.session/interactive/lemma_test.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8741256bcdbbce570c6158e1c8df78a0e784b712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.0.session/interactive/lemma_test.v
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require map.Map.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive addr :=
+  | addr'mk : Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr.
+Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
+Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition offset (v:addr) : Numbers.BinNums.Z :=
+  match v with
+  | addr'mk x x1 => x1
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition base (v:addr) : Numbers.BinNums.Z :=
+  match v with
+  | addr'mk x x1 => x
+  end.
+Parameter addr_le: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Parameter addr_lt: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Parameter addr_le_bool: addr -> addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter addr_lt_bool: addr -> addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom addr_le_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  addr_le p q <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
+Axiom addr_lt_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  addr_lt p q <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
+Axiom addr_le_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  addr_le p q <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Axiom addr_lt_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  addr_lt p q <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition null : addr := addr'mk 0%Z 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition global (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : addr := addr'mk b 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : addr :=
+  addr'mk (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition included (p:addr) (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (q:addr)
+    (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
+  ((base p) = (base q)) /\
+  ((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
+  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (q:addr)
+    (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  (b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
+  (((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
+  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
+    (p:addr) (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (q:addr), included q 1%Z p a1 -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
+Parameter havoc:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) -> (addr -> a) -> addr ->
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr -> a.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rw (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rd (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_obj (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (p = null) \/
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (1%Z + (m (base p)))%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition invalid (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (n <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ((base p) = 0%Z) \/
+  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Axiom valid_rw_rd :
+  forall (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z), forall (p:addr),
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), valid_rw m p n -> valid_rd m p n.
+Axiom valid_string :
+  forall (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z), forall (p:addr),
+  ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z ->
+  valid_rd m p 1%Z /\ ~ valid_rw m p 1%Z.
+Axiom separated_1 :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  separated p a q b -> ((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z ->
+  ((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z ->
+  ~ ((addr'mk (base p) i) = (addr'mk (base q) j)).
+Parameter region: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter linked: (Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Prop.
+Parameter sconst: (addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((region (base p)) <= 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Axiom separated_included :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < b)%Z -> separated p a q b -> ~ included p a q b.
+Axiom included_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (c:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  included p a q b -> included q b r c -> included p a r c.
+Axiom separated_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (c:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  included p a q b -> separated q b r c -> separated p a r c.
+Axiom separated_sym :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  separated p a q b <-> separated q b p a.
+Axiom eqmem_included :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z), included p a1 q b ->
+  eqmem m1 m2 q b -> eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
+Axiom eqmem_sym :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z), eqmem m1 m2 p a1 -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
+Axiom havoc_access :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (separated q 1%Z p a1 -> ((havoc m0 m1 p a1 q) = (m1 q))) /\
+  (~ separated q 1%Z p a1 -> ((havoc m0 m1 p a1 q) = (m0 q))).
+Parameter cinits: (addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_init_range (m:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) (p:addr)
+    (l:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < l)%Z ->
+  ((m (shift p i)) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Parameter set_init:
+  (addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) -> addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z ->
+  addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom set_init_access :
+  forall (m:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (separated q 1%Z p a -> ((set_init m p a q) = (m q))) /\
+  (~ separated q 1%Z p a -> ((set_init m p a q) = Init.Datatypes.true)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition monotonic_init (m1:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool)
+    (m2:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((m1 p) = Init.Datatypes.true) ->
+  ((m2 p) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Parameter int_of_addr: addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter addr_of_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr.
+Axiom table : Type.
+Parameter table_WhyType : WhyType table.
+Existing Instance table_WhyType.
+Parameter table_of_base: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> table.
+Parameter table_to_offset: table -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom table_to_offset_zero :
+  forall (t:table), ((table_to_offset t 0%Z) = 0%Z).
+Axiom table_to_offset_monotonic :
+  forall (t:table), forall (o1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (o2:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (o1 <= o2)%Z <-> ((table_to_offset t o1) <= (table_to_offset t o2))%Z.
+Axiom int_of_addr_bijection :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((int_of_addr (addr_of_int a)) = a).
+Axiom addr_of_int_bijection :
+  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
+Axiom addr_of_null : ((int_of_addr null) = 0%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive P_reachable: (Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) ->
+  (addr -> addr) -> addr -> addr -> Prop :=
+  | Q_root_reachable :
+      forall (Malloc:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (Mptr:addr -> addr) (root:addr),
+      P_reachable Malloc Mptr root root
+  | Q_next_reachable :
+      forall (Malloc:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+        (Mptr:addr -> addr) (root:addr) (node:addr),
+      valid_rw Malloc root 2%Z ->
+      P_reachable Malloc Mptr (Mptr (shift root 1%Z)) node ->
+      P_reachable Malloc Mptr root node.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (t:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (t1:addr -> addr)
+    (a:addr) (a1:addr),
+  P_reachable t t1 a a1 ->
+  (a1 = a) \/ valid_rw t a 2%Z /\ P_reachable t t1 (t1 (shift a 1%Z)) a1.
+  intros M1 M2 p q H.
+  destruct H.
+  - left ; auto.
+  - right ; split ; assumption.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.res.oracle
index 6ba6b85a7b863238c853add006c0bbf2c5705c78..729cc633cdf7126b1edaa8d8028e4f1636a236f7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/inductive.res.oracle
@@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
 # frama-c -wp -wp-timeout 240 [...]
 [kernel] Parsing inductive.c (with preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 2 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_offset : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_lemma_offset : Valid
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_test : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_lemma_test : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_offset : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_lemma_test : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    2 / 2
   Qed:             0 
-  Coq (native):    2
+  Coq:             2
  Axiomatics                WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   Lemma                     -        -        2       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_assigns_part2.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_assigns_part2.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..26de73e48cb71891bc87851d3e2f2b02333a3753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_assigns_part2.v
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require map.Map.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Inductive addr :=
+  | addr'mk : Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr.
+Axiom addr_WhyType : WhyType addr.
+Existing Instance addr_WhyType.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition offset (v:addr) : Numbers.BinNums.Z :=
+  match v with
+  | addr'mk x x1 => x1
+  end.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition base (v:addr) : Numbers.BinNums.Z :=
+  match v with
+  | addr'mk x x1 => x
+  end.
+Parameter addr_le: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Parameter addr_lt: addr -> addr -> Prop.
+Parameter addr_le_bool: addr -> addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter addr_lt_bool: addr -> addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom addr_le_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  addr_le p q <-> ((offset p) <= (offset q))%Z.
+Axiom addr_lt_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr), ((base p) = (base q)) ->
+  addr_lt p q <-> ((offset p) < (offset q))%Z.
+Axiom addr_le_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  addr_le p q <-> ((addr_le_bool p q) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Axiom addr_lt_bool_def :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  addr_lt p q <-> ((addr_lt_bool p q) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition null : addr := addr'mk 0%Z 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition global (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : addr := addr'mk b 0%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition shift (p:addr) (k:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : addr :=
+  addr'mk (base p) ((offset p) + k)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition included (p:addr) (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (q:addr)
+    (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= b)%Z /\
+  ((base p) = (base q)) /\
+  ((offset q) <= (offset p))%Z /\
+  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition separated (p:addr) (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (q:addr)
+    (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (a <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  (b <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ~ ((base p) = (base q)) \/
+  (((offset q) + b)%Z <= (offset p))%Z \/
+  (((offset p) + a)%Z <= (offset q))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition eqmem {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a} (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a)
+    (p:addr) (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (q:addr), included q 1%Z p a1 -> ((m1 q) = (m2 q)).
+Parameter havoc:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, (addr -> a) -> (addr -> a) -> addr ->
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr -> a.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rw (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < (base p))%Z /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_rd (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (m (base p)))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition valid_obj (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z < n)%Z ->
+  (p = null) \/
+  ~ (0%Z = (base p)) /\
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= (1%Z + (m (base p)))%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition invalid (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (p:addr)
+    (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (n <= 0%Z)%Z \/
+  ((base p) = 0%Z) \/
+  ((m (base p)) <= (offset p))%Z \/ (((offset p) + n)%Z <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Axiom valid_rw_rd :
+  forall (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z), forall (p:addr),
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), valid_rw m p n -> valid_rd m p n.
+Axiom valid_string :
+  forall (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z), forall (p:addr),
+  ((base p) < 0%Z)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (offset p))%Z /\ ((offset p) < (m (base p)))%Z ->
+  valid_rd m p 1%Z /\ ~ valid_rw m p 1%Z.
+Axiom separated_1 :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z)
+    (j:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  separated p a q b -> ((offset p) <= i)%Z /\ (i < ((offset p) + a)%Z)%Z ->
+  ((offset q) <= j)%Z /\ (j < ((offset q) + b)%Z)%Z ->
+  ~ ((addr'mk (base p) i) = (addr'mk (base q) j)).
+Parameter region: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter linked: (Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Prop.
+Parameter sconst: (addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition framed (m:addr -> addr) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((region (base p)) <= 0%Z)%Z ->
+  ((region (base (m p))) <= 0%Z)%Z.
+Axiom separated_included :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < a)%Z ->
+  (0%Z < b)%Z -> separated p a q b -> ~ included p a q b.
+Axiom included_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (c:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  included p a q b -> included q b r c -> included p a r c.
+Axiom separated_trans :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr) (r:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (c:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  included p a q b -> separated q b r c -> separated p a r c.
+Axiom separated_sym :
+  forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  separated p a q b <-> separated q b p a.
+Axiom eqmem_included :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr) (q:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z), included p a1 q b ->
+  eqmem m1 m2 q b -> eqmem m1 m2 p a1.
+Axiom eqmem_sym :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m1:addr -> a) (m2:addr -> a), forall (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z), eqmem m1 m2 p a1 -> eqmem m2 m1 p a1.
+Axiom havoc_access :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (m0:addr -> a) (m1:addr -> a), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a1:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (separated q 1%Z p a1 -> ((havoc m0 m1 p a1 q) = (m1 q))) /\
+  (~ separated q 1%Z p a1 -> ((havoc m0 m1 p a1 q) = (m0 q))).
+Parameter cinits: (addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) -> Prop.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_init_range (m:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) (p:addr)
+    (l:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= i)%Z /\ (i < l)%Z ->
+  ((m (shift p i)) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Parameter set_init:
+  (addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) -> addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z ->
+  addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom set_init_access :
+  forall (m:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool), forall (q:addr) (p:addr),
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (separated q 1%Z p a -> ((set_init m p a q) = (m q))) /\
+  (~ separated q 1%Z p a -> ((set_init m p a q) = Init.Datatypes.true)).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition monotonic_init (m1:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool)
+    (m2:addr -> Init.Datatypes.bool) : Prop :=
+  forall (p:addr), ((m1 p) = Init.Datatypes.true) ->
+  ((m2 p) = Init.Datatypes.true).
+Parameter int_of_addr: addr -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter addr_of_int: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> addr.
+Axiom table : Type.
+Parameter table_WhyType : WhyType table.
+Existing Instance table_WhyType.
+Parameter table_of_base: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> table.
+Parameter table_to_offset: table -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom table_to_offset_zero :
+  forall (t:table), ((table_to_offset t 0%Z) = 0%Z).
+Axiom table_to_offset_monotonic :
+  forall (t:table), forall (o1:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (o2:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (o1 <= o2)%Z <-> ((table_to_offset t o1) <= (table_to_offset t o2))%Z.
+Axiom int_of_addr_bijection :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((int_of_addr (addr_of_int a)) = a).
+Axiom addr_of_int_bijection :
+  forall (p:addr), ((addr_of_int (int_of_addr p)) = p).
+Axiom addr_of_null : ((int_of_addr null) = 0%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_bool (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
+Axiom is_bool0 : is_bool 0%Z.
+Axiom is_bool1 : is_bool 1%Z.
+Parameter to_bool: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom to_bool'def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\ (~ (x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
+Parameter to_uint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter two_power_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_is_positive :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_pos :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z).
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_one :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Parameter to_uint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom is_to_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n (to_uint n x).
+Axiom is_to_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint n (to_sint n x).
+Axiom is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 (to_uint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 (to_sint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 (to_uint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 (to_sint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 (to_uint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 (to_sint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 (to_uint64 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 (to_sint64 x).
+Axiom id_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_uint n x <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_sint n x <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 x -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 x -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 x -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 x -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 x -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 x -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 x -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 x -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
+Axiom proj_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom incl_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n x ->
+  is_sint n x.
+Axiom proj_su_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_su_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_int8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_int16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_int32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_int64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_us_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Axiom incl_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_int :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (t:Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z) (a:addr)
+    (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  let a1 := shift a i in
+  (0%Z <= i1)%Z -> (i <= i1)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (i < i1)%Z ->
+  ((region (base a)) <= 0%Z)%Z -> ((to_uint32 (1%Z + i)%Z) <= i1)%Z ->
+  linked t -> is_uint32 i1 -> is_uint32 i -> ~ invalid t a1 1%Z ->
+  included a1 1%Z (shift a 0%Z) i1.
+  Require Import Psatz.
+  intros.
+  unfold included.
+  unfold base, offset, shift in *  ; simpl in *.
+  lia.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_invariant_established.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_invariant_established.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c4516805f0d993d85149abfe2fccb798174300a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_invariant_established.v
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require map.Map.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_bool (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
+Axiom is_bool0 : is_bool 0%Z.
+Axiom is_bool1 : is_bool 1%Z.
+Parameter to_bool: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom to_bool'def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\ (~ (x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
+Parameter to_uint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter two_power_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_is_positive :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_pos :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z).
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_one :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Parameter to_uint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom is_to_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n (to_uint n x).
+Axiom is_to_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint n (to_sint n x).
+Axiom is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 (to_uint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 (to_sint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 (to_uint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 (to_sint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 (to_uint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 (to_sint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 (to_uint64 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 (to_sint64 x).
+Axiom id_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_uint n x <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_sint n x <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 x -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 x -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 x -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 x -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 x -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 x -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 x -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 x -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
+Axiom proj_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom incl_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n x ->
+  is_sint n x.
+Axiom proj_su_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_su_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_int8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_int16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_int32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_int64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_us_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Axiom incl_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_int :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal : forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 i -> (0%Z <= i)%Z.
+  Require Import Psatz.
+  intros ; unfold is_uint32 in * ; lia.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_invariant_preserved.v b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_invariant_preserved.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..de105f5f2d24a160997d9315d2fdf86d8052df7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.0.session/interactive/copy_loop_invariant_preserved.v
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+(* This file is generated by Why3's Coq driver *)
+(* Beware! Only edit allowed sections below    *)
+Require Import BuiltIn.
+Require BuiltIn.
+Require HighOrd.
+Require bool.Bool.
+Require int.Int.
+Require int.Abs.
+Require int.ComputerDivision.
+Require real.Real.
+Require real.RealInfix.
+Require real.FromInt.
+Require map.Map.
+Parameter eqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom eqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x = y).
+Axiom eqb_false :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((eqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.false) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter neqb:
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a}, a -> a -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom neqb1 :
+  forall {a:Type} {a_WT:WhyType a},
+  forall (x:a) (y:a), ((neqb x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> ~ (x = y).
+Parameter zlt: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter zleq:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom zlt1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%Z.
+Axiom zleq1 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (y:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((zleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%Z.
+Parameter rlt:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Parameter rleq:
+  Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Reals.Rdefinitions.R -> Init.Datatypes.bool.
+Axiom rlt1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rlt x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x < y)%R.
+Axiom rleq1 :
+  forall (x:Reals.Rdefinitions.R) (y:Reals.Rdefinitions.R),
+  ((rleq x y) = Init.Datatypes.true) <-> (x <= y)%R.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition real_of_int (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Reals.Rdefinitions.R :=
+  BuiltIn.IZR x.
+Axiom c_euclidian :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (d = 0%Z) ->
+  (n = (((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot n d) * d)%Z + (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z).
+Axiom cmod_remainder :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (d:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < d)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (0%Z < d)%Z ->
+   ((-d)%Z < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((0%Z <= n)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (0%Z <= (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\
+   ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) < (-d)%Z)%Z) /\
+  ((n <= 0%Z)%Z -> (d < 0%Z)%Z ->
+   (d < (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d))%Z /\ ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem n d) <= 0%Z)%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_neutral :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a 1%Z) = a).
+Axiom cdiv_inv :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ~ (a = 0%Z) ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.quot a a) = 1%Z).
+Axiom cdiv_closed_remainder :
+  forall (a:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (b:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= a)%Z -> (0%Z <= b)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= (b - a)%Z)%Z /\ ((b - a)%Z < n)%Z ->
+  ((ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem a n) = (ZArith.BinInt.Z.rem b n)) -> (a = b).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_bool (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop := (x = 0%Z) \/ (x = 1%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 256%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint8 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-128%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 128%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 65536%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint16 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-32768%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 32768%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 4294967296%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint32 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-2147483648%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 2147483648%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 18446744073709551616%Z)%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint64 (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-9223372036854775808%Z)%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < 9223372036854775808%Z)%Z.
+Axiom is_bool0 : is_bool 0%Z.
+Axiom is_bool1 : is_bool 1%Z.
+Parameter to_bool: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom to_bool'def :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 0%Z)) /\ (~ (x = 0%Z) -> ((to_bool x) = 1%Z)).
+Parameter to_uint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint8: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint16: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint32: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_uint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint64: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter two_power_abs: Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_is_positive :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_pos :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + m)%Z) = ((two_power_abs n) * (two_power_abs m))%Z).
+Axiom two_power_abs_plus_one :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= n)%Z ->
+  ((two_power_abs (n + 1%Z)%Z) = (2%Z * (two_power_abs n))%Z).
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_uint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  (0%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+(* Why3 assumption *)
+Definition is_sint (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) : Prop :=
+  ((-(two_power_abs n))%Z <= x)%Z /\ (x < (two_power_abs n))%Z.
+Parameter to_uint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Parameter to_sint:
+  Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z -> Numbers.BinNums.Z.
+Axiom is_to_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n (to_uint n x).
+Axiom is_to_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint n (to_sint n x).
+Axiom is_to_uint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 (to_uint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint8 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 (to_sint8 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 (to_uint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint16 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 (to_sint16 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 (to_uint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint32 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 (to_sint32 x).
+Axiom is_to_uint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 (to_uint64 x).
+Axiom is_to_sint64 : forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 (to_sint64 x).
+Axiom id_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_uint n x <-> ((to_uint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  is_sint n x <-> ((to_sint n x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint8 x -> ((to_uint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint8 x -> ((to_sint8 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint16 x -> ((to_uint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint16 x -> ((to_sint16 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint32 x -> ((to_uint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint32 x -> ((to_sint32 x) = x).
+Axiom id_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint64 x -> ((to_uint64 x) = x).
+Axiom id_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_sint64 x -> ((to_sint64 x) = x).
+Axiom proj_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_uint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_sint n x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_uint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_uint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_sint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_uint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_sint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_uint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_sint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_uint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_uint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_uint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_sint64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_sint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom incl_su :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), is_uint n x ->
+  is_sint n x.
+Axiom proj_su_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint (m + n)%Z (to_uint n x)) = (to_uint n x)).
+Axiom proj_su_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_sint n (to_uint (m + (n + 1%Z)%Z)%Z x)) = (to_sint n x)).
+Axiom proj_int8 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint8 (to_uint8 x)) = (to_sint8 x)).
+Axiom proj_int16 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint16 (to_uint16 x)) = (to_sint16 x)).
+Axiom proj_int32 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint32 (to_uint32 x)) = (to_sint32 x)).
+Axiom proj_int64 :
+  forall (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z), ((to_sint64 (to_uint64 x)) = (to_sint64 x)).
+Axiom proj_us_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (m:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= m)%Z ->
+  ((to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z (to_sint (m + n)%Z x)) = (to_uint (n + 1%Z)%Z x)).
+Axiom incl_uint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_uint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_sint :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_sint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+Axiom incl_int :
+  forall (n:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (x:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z),
+  (0%Z <= n)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> is_uint n x -> is_sint (n + i)%Z x.
+(* Why3 goal *)
+Theorem wp_goal :
+  forall (i:Numbers.BinNums.Z) (i1:Numbers.BinNums.Z), (0%Z <= i1)%Z ->
+  (i <= i1)%Z -> (0%Z <= i)%Z -> (i < i1)%Z -> is_uint32 i1 -> is_uint32 i ->
+  ((to_uint32 (1%Z + i)%Z) <= i1)%Z.
+  Require Import Psatz.
+  intros i n Ln Un Li Ui Hi Hn.
+  unfold is_uint32 in * .
+  assert (to_uint32 (1 + i) = 1 + i)%Z.
+  apply id_uint32 ; unfold is_uint32 ; lia.
+  rewrite H ; lia.
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.res.oracle b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.res.oracle
index 724f423702b11d463ff5957c6ae6f936e1558ca3..2a778626650ec1c7914af47affa551156dde65b0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.res.oracle
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/region_to_coq.res.oracle
@@ -2,18 +2,14 @@
 [kernel] Parsing region_to_coq.i (no preprocessing)
 [wp] Running WP plugin...
 [wp] Warning: Missing RTE guards
-[wp] Warning: native support for coq is deprecated, use tip instead
 [wp] 4 goals scheduled
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_preserved : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_established : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_established : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_preserved : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_copy_loop_invariant_established : Valid
 [wp] [Qed] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part1 : Valid
-[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part2 : Saved script
-[wp] [Coq (native)] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
+[wp] [Coq] Goal typed_copy_loop_assigns_part2 : Valid
 [wp] Proved goals:    4 / 4
   Qed:             1 
-  Coq (native):    3
+  Coq:             3
  Functions                 WP     Alt-Ergo  Total   Success
   copy                      1        -        4       100%
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/region_to_coq.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/region_to_coq.i
index 24ca4a86019fb5939ae553d2d1b18396e78c6a47..dcf02f6108a07af270315c63f188ad500cffcb28 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/region_to_coq.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/region_to_coq.i
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 /* run.config_qualif
-   OPT: -wp-prover native:coq -wp-coq-script %{dep:@PTEST_DIR@/region_to_coq.script}
+   OPT: -wp-prover coq
 void copy(int* a, unsigned int n, int* b)