diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index fdaed1119a1e396b13b59cbfb63c3f05ad63473b..28fc8cd5ea97a3cd4a75d1ad6c4fdc4b39895a55 100644
--- a/Changelog
+++ b/Changelog
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Open Source Release <next-release>
 o   Kernel    [2022-02-23] New visitor functions visitFramacFileFunctions
               and visitCilFileFunctions to visit only function definitions,
               for better performance.
+o! [kernel]   [2022-02-23] Remove State_selection.Static (deprecated since
+              10 years, use directly State_selection instead)
 -*  Kernel    [2022-02-22] Fix list of potential types for decimal
               integer literal constants
 *   Kernel    [2022-02-17] Reject programs using unsupported
@@ -28,6 +30,9 @@ o   Kernel    [2022-02-23] New visitor functions visitFramacFileFunctions
 *   Kernel    [2022-02-08] Reject array whose size is too big with a proper
               error message instead of a crash (fixes ##2590)
 o!  Kernel    [2022-01-19] Removed obsolete AST nodes IndexPI and Info
+o!  Kernel    [2022-02-19] Removed obsolete AST nodes IndexPI and Info
+*   Kernel    [2022-02-08] Reject array whose size is too big with a proper
+              error message instead of a crash (fixes ##2590)
 o!  Kernel    [2021-12-03] Remove unused AST node Dcustom_annot and field
               fpadding_in_bits. Do not cache size of types in the AST but in
               a dedicated table.
diff --git a/bin/migration_scripts/chromium2manganese.sh b/bin/migration_scripts/chromium2manganese.sh
index bbdd045f4b7929eec5ba177745271336b1529dbd..9943edfa253fa68ca17c30f513c3a54eae4ac0d9 100755
--- a/bin/migration_scripts/chromium2manganese.sh
+++ b/bin/migration_scripts/chromium2manganese.sh
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ process_file ()
    -e 's/(Integer\.pretty ~hexa:true)/Integer.pretty_hex/g' \
    -e 's/Integer\.pretty ~hexa:false/Integer.pretty/g' \
    -e 's/Integer\.pretty ~hexa:true/Integer.pretty_hex/g' \
+   -e 's/State_selection\.Static/State_selection/g'
    # this line left empty on purpose
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/ast.ml b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/ast.ml
index c02b22a6acb0022ad519d3351b26cb8e4a236062..e8e0396778181eb91d3734ae0df93a4452d557f3 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/ast.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/ast.ml
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ let is_def_or_last_decl g =
   | _ -> false
 let clear_last_decl () =
-  let selection = State_selection.Static.with_dependencies LastDecl.self in
+  let selection = State_selection.with_dependencies LastDecl.self in
   Project.clear ~selection ()
 let add_hook_on_update f =
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml
index 7b9005743b00145bb7b9a6064eefff258a6c7498..43d4b82ef8d8a26eec2b40b0bc2bb48636354b04 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml
+++ b/src/kernel_services/plugin_entry_points/emitter.ml
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ let register_tuning_parameter name p =
 let () =
     (fun () ->
-       State_selection.Static.iter
+       State_selection.iter
          (fun s ->
             let tbl = Datatype.String.Hashtbl.create 7 in
             let p = Typed_parameter.get (State.get_name s) in
diff --git a/src/libraries/project/state_selection.ml b/src/libraries/project/state_selection.ml
index 1ebecc9cb3f36c3fcc838cd62b26060ba307db81..1b47451c304629169556911d8dfe05cb382a6880 100644
--- a/src/libraries/project/state_selection.ml
+++ b/src/libraries/project/state_selection.ml
@@ -106,158 +106,132 @@ include Datatype.Make
             Type.par p_caller Type.Call fmt pp
-module type S = sig
-  val with_dependencies: State.t -> t
-  val only_dependencies: State.t -> t
-  val with_codependencies: State.t -> t
-  val only_codependencies: State.t -> t
-  val union: t -> t -> t
-  val list_union: t list -> t
-  val diff: t -> t -> t
-  val cardinal: t -> int
-  val to_list: t -> State.t list
-  val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  val pretty_witness: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  val iter_succ: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> State.t -> unit
-  val fold_succ: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> State.t -> 'a -> 'a
-  val iter: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-  val fold: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
-  val iter_in_order: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-  val fold_in_order: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
-module Static = struct
-  let transitive_closure next_vertices s =
-    let rec visit acc v =
-      next_vertices
-        (fun v' acc ->
-           let e = v, v' in
-           if Selection.mem_edge_e acc e then acc
-           else visit (Selection.add_edge_e acc e) v')
-        State_dependency_graph.graph v acc
-    in
-    (* add [s] in the selection even if it has no ingoing/outgoing edges *)
-    visit (Selection.add_vertex Selection.empty s) s
-  let with_dependencies s =
-    Subset (transitive_closure State_dependency_graph.G.fold_succ s),
-    WDependencies s
-  let with_codependencies s =
-    Subset (transitive_closure State_dependency_graph.G.fold_pred s),
-    WCoDependencies s
-  let only_dependencies s =
-    let g = transitive_closure State_dependency_graph.G.fold_succ s in
-    Subset (Selection.remove_vertex g s), WStrictDependencies s
-  let only_codependencies s =
-    let g = transitive_closure State_dependency_graph.G.fold_pred s in
-    Subset (Selection.remove_vertex g s), WStrictCoDependencies s
-  let diff (sel1, w1) (sel2, w2 as selw2) =
-    let sel = match sel1, sel2 with
-      | _, Full -> Subset Selection.empty
-      | Full, _sel2 when is_empty selw2 -> Full
-      | Full, Subset sel2 ->
-        let selection =
-          State_dependency_graph.G.fold_vertex
-            (fun v acc ->
-               if Selection.mem_vertex sel2 v then acc
-               else Selection.add_vertex acc v)
-            State_dependency_graph.graph
-            Selection.empty
-        in
-        let sel =
-          State_dependency_graph.G.fold_edges
-            (fun v1 v2 acc ->
-               if Selection.mem_vertex sel2 v1 || Selection.mem_vertex sel2 v2
-               then acc
-               else Selection.add_edge acc v1 v2)
-            State_dependency_graph.graph
-            selection
-        in
-        Subset sel
-      | Subset sel1, Subset sel2 ->
-        Subset
-          (Selection.fold_vertex
-             (fun v acc -> Selection.remove_vertex acc v) sel2 sel1)
-    in
-    sel, WDiff (w1, w2)
-  module Operations = Graph.Oper.P(Selection)
-  let union (sel1, w1) (sel2, w2) =
-    let sel = match sel1, sel2 with
-      | Full, _ | _, Full -> Full
-      | Subset sel1, Subset sel2 -> Subset (Operations.union sel1 sel2)
-    in
-    sel, WUnion (w1, w2)
-  let list_union l =
-    let sel, _ = List.fold_left union empty l in
-    let w = WOfList (List.map snd l) in
-    sel, w
-  let cardinal (sel, _) = match sel with
-    | Full -> State_dependency_graph.G.nb_vertex State_dependency_graph.graph
-    | Subset sel -> Selection.nb_vertex sel
-  let iter_succ f (sel, _) v = match sel with
-    | Full ->
-      State_dependency_graph.G.iter_succ f State_dependency_graph.graph v
-    | Subset sel -> Selection.iter_succ f sel v
-  let fold_succ f (sel, _) v acc = match sel with
-    | Full ->
-      State_dependency_graph.G.fold_succ f State_dependency_graph.graph v acc
-    | Subset sel -> Selection.fold_succ f sel v acc
-  let iter f (sel, _) = match sel with
-    | Full ->
-      State_dependency_graph.G.iter_vertex f State_dependency_graph.graph
-    | Subset sel -> Selection.iter_vertex f sel
-  let fold f (sel, _) acc = match sel with
-    | Full ->
-      State_dependency_graph.G.fold_vertex f State_dependency_graph.graph acc
-    | Subset sel -> Selection.fold_vertex f sel acc
-  let to_list s = fold (fun s acc -> s :: acc) s []
-  module TG = State_topological.Make(State_dependency_graph.G)
-  module TS = State_topological.Make(Selection)
-  let iter_in_order f (sel, _) = match sel with
-    | Full -> TG.iter f State_dependency_graph.graph
-    | Subset sel -> TS.iter f sel
-  let fold_in_order f (sel, _) acc = match sel with
-    | Full -> TG.fold f State_dependency_graph.graph acc
-    | Subset sel -> TS.fold f sel acc
-  let pretty fmt sel =
-    Format.fprintf fmt "contents of the selection:@\n";
-    let mem s =
-      State_dependency_graph.G.mem_vertex
-        State_dependency_graph.graph
-        s
-    in
-    iter_in_order
-      (fun s ->
-         Format.fprintf fmt "\t state %S%s@\n"
-           (State.get_unique_name s)
-           (if mem s then "" else "(\"" ^ State.get_name s ^ "\")"))
-      sel;
-    Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()
-  let pretty_witness fmt (_, w) =
-    pretty_witness fmt w
-include Static
+let transitive_closure next_vertices s =
+  let rec visit acc v =
+    next_vertices
+      (fun v' acc ->
+         let e = v, v' in
+         if Selection.mem_edge_e acc e then acc
+         else visit (Selection.add_edge_e acc e) v')
+      State_dependency_graph.graph v acc
+  in
+  (* add [s] in the selection even if it has no ingoing/outgoing edges *)
+  visit (Selection.add_vertex Selection.empty s) s
+let with_dependencies s =
+  Subset (transitive_closure State_dependency_graph.G.fold_succ s),
+  WDependencies s
+let with_codependencies s =
+  Subset (transitive_closure State_dependency_graph.G.fold_pred s),
+  WCoDependencies s
+let only_dependencies s =
+  let g = transitive_closure State_dependency_graph.G.fold_succ s in
+  Subset (Selection.remove_vertex g s), WStrictDependencies s
+let only_codependencies s =
+  let g = transitive_closure State_dependency_graph.G.fold_pred s in
+  Subset (Selection.remove_vertex g s), WStrictCoDependencies s
+let diff (sel1, w1) (sel2, w2 as selw2) =
+  let sel = match sel1, sel2 with
+    | _, Full -> Subset Selection.empty
+    | Full, _sel2 when is_empty selw2 -> Full
+    | Full, Subset sel2 ->
+      let selection =
+        State_dependency_graph.G.fold_vertex
+          (fun v acc ->
+             if Selection.mem_vertex sel2 v then acc
+             else Selection.add_vertex acc v)
+          State_dependency_graph.graph
+          Selection.empty
+      in
+      let sel =
+        State_dependency_graph.G.fold_edges
+          (fun v1 v2 acc ->
+             if Selection.mem_vertex sel2 v1 || Selection.mem_vertex sel2 v2
+             then acc
+             else Selection.add_edge acc v1 v2)
+          State_dependency_graph.graph
+          selection
+      in
+      Subset sel
+    | Subset sel1, Subset sel2 ->
+      Subset
+        (Selection.fold_vertex
+           (fun v acc -> Selection.remove_vertex acc v) sel2 sel1)
+  in
+  sel, WDiff (w1, w2)
+module Operations = Graph.Oper.P(Selection)
+let union (sel1, w1) (sel2, w2) =
+  let sel = match sel1, sel2 with
+    | Full, _ | _, Full -> Full
+    | Subset sel1, Subset sel2 -> Subset (Operations.union sel1 sel2)
+  in
+  sel, WUnion (w1, w2)
+let list_union l =
+  let sel, _ = List.fold_left union empty l in
+  let w = WOfList (List.map snd l) in
+  sel, w
+let cardinal (sel, _) = match sel with
+  | Full -> State_dependency_graph.G.nb_vertex State_dependency_graph.graph
+  | Subset sel -> Selection.nb_vertex sel
+let iter_succ f (sel, _) v = match sel with
+  | Full ->
+    State_dependency_graph.G.iter_succ f State_dependency_graph.graph v
+  | Subset sel -> Selection.iter_succ f sel v
+let fold_succ f (sel, _) v acc = match sel with
+  | Full ->
+    State_dependency_graph.G.fold_succ f State_dependency_graph.graph v acc
+  | Subset sel -> Selection.fold_succ f sel v acc
+let iter f (sel, _) = match sel with
+  | Full ->
+    State_dependency_graph.G.iter_vertex f State_dependency_graph.graph
+  | Subset sel -> Selection.iter_vertex f sel
+let fold f (sel, _) acc = match sel with
+  | Full ->
+    State_dependency_graph.G.fold_vertex f State_dependency_graph.graph acc
+  | Subset sel -> Selection.fold_vertex f sel acc
+let to_list s = fold (fun s acc -> s :: acc) s []
+module TG = State_topological.Make(State_dependency_graph.G)
+module TS = State_topological.Make(Selection)
+let iter_in_order f (sel, _) = match sel with
+  | Full -> TG.iter f State_dependency_graph.graph
+  | Subset sel -> TS.iter f sel
+let fold_in_order f (sel, _) acc = match sel with
+  | Full -> TG.fold f State_dependency_graph.graph acc
+  | Subset sel -> TS.fold f sel acc
+let pretty fmt sel =
+  Format.fprintf fmt "contents of the selection:@\n";
+  let mem s =
+    State_dependency_graph.G.mem_vertex
+      State_dependency_graph.graph
+      s
+  in
+  iter_in_order
+    (fun s ->
+       Format.fprintf fmt "\t state %S%s@\n"
+         (State.get_unique_name s)
+         (if mem s then "" else "(\"" ^ State.get_name s ^ "\")"))
+    sel;
+  Format.pp_print_flush fmt ()
+let pretty_witness fmt (_, w) =
+  pretty_witness fmt w
 Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/libraries/project/state_selection.mli b/src/libraries/project/state_selection.mli
index 3c0517faa5f6e6ce9506daea23699f1a583c8765..3a97d3488988fd17848791879149d62e84ca23b5 100644
--- a/src/libraries/project/state_selection.mli
+++ b/src/libraries/project/state_selection.mli
@@ -77,113 +77,99 @@ val mem: t -> State.t -> bool
 (** {2 Specific selections} *)
 (* ************************************************************************** *)
-(** Operations over selections which depend on a State Dependency Graph
-    implementation.
-    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-module type S = sig
-  (* ************************************************************************ *)
-  (** {2 Builders from dependencies} *)
-  (* ************************************************************************ *)
-  val with_dependencies: State.t -> t
-  (** The selection containing the given state and all its dependencies.
-      @since Carbon-20101201
-      @plugin development guide *)
-  val only_dependencies: State.t -> t
-  (** The selection containing all the dependencies of the given state (but not
-      this state itself).
-      @since Carbon-20101201
-      @plugin development guide *)
+(* ************************************************************************ *)
+(** {3 Builders from dependencies} *)
+(* ************************************************************************ *)
-  val with_codependencies: State.t -> t
-  (** The selection containing the given state and all its co-dependencies.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val with_dependencies: State.t -> t
+(** The selection containing the given state and all its dependencies.
+    @since Carbon-20101201
+    @plugin development guide *)
-  val only_codependencies: State.t -> t
-  (** The selection containing all the co-dependencies of the given state (but
-      not this state itself).
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val only_dependencies: State.t -> t
+(** The selection containing all the dependencies of the given state (but not
+    this state itself).
+    @since Carbon-20101201
+    @plugin development guide *)
-  (* ************************************************************************ *)
-  (** {2 Builders by operations over sets} *)
-  (* ************************************************************************ *)
+val with_codependencies: State.t -> t
+(** The selection containing the given state and all its co-dependencies.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  val union: t -> t -> t
-  (** Union of two selections.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val only_codependencies: State.t -> t
+(** The selection containing all the co-dependencies of the given state (but
+    not this state itself).
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  val list_union: t list -> t
-  (** Union of an arbitrary number of selection (0 gives an empty selection)
-      @since Oxygen-20120901
-  *)
+(* ************************************************************************ *)
+(** {3 Builders by operations over sets} *)
+(* ************************************************************************ *)
-  val diff: t -> t -> t
-  (** Difference between two selections.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val union: t -> t -> t
+(** Union of two selections.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  (* ************************************************************************ *)
-  (** {2 Specific Getters} *)
-  (* ************************************************************************ *)
+val list_union: t list -> t
+(** Union of an arbitrary number of selection (0 gives an empty selection)
+    @since Oxygen-20120901
-  val cardinal: t -> int
-  (** Size of a selection.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val diff: t -> t -> t
+(** Difference between two selections.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  val to_list: t -> State.t list
-  (** Convert a selection into a list of states.
-      @since Fluorine-20130401 *)
+(* ************************************************************************ *)
+(** {3 Specific Getters} *)
+(* ************************************************************************ *)
-  val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  (** Display a selection.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val cardinal: t -> int
+(** Size of a selection.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  val pretty_witness: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
-  (** Display a selection in a more concise form. (Using the atomic operations
-      that were used to create it.)
-      @since Aluminium-20160501 *)
+val to_list: t -> State.t list
+(** Convert a selection into a list of states.
+    @since Fluorine-20130401 *)
+val pretty: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+(** Display a selection.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  (** {3 Iterators} *)
+val pretty_witness: Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+(** Display a selection in a more concise form. (Using the atomic operations
+    that were used to create it.)
+    @since Aluminium-20160501 *)
-  val iter_succ: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> State.t -> unit
-  (** Iterate over the successor of a state in a selection.
-      The order is unspecified.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  val fold_succ: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> State.t -> 'a -> 'a
-  (** Iterate over the successor of a state in a selection.
-      The order is unspecified.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+(** {3 Iterators} *)
-  val iter: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-  (** Iterate over a selection. The order is unspecified.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val iter_succ: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> State.t -> unit
+(** Iterate over the successor of a state in a selection.
+    The order is unspecified.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  val fold: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
-  (** Fold over a selection. The order is unspecified.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val fold_succ: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> State.t -> 'a -> 'a
+(** Iterate over the successor of a state in a selection.
+    The order is unspecified.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  val iter_in_order: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-  (** Iterate over a selection in a topological ordering compliant with the
-      State Dependency Graph. Less efficient that {!iter}.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val iter: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
+(** Iterate over a selection. The order is unspecified.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-  val fold_in_order: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
-  (** Fold over a selection in a topological ordering compliant with the
-      State Dependency Graph. Less efficient that {!iter}.
-      @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val fold: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+(** Fold over a selection. The order is unspecified.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
+val iter_in_order: (State.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
+(** Iterate over a selection in a topological ordering compliant with the
+    State Dependency Graph. Less efficient that {!iter}.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
-(** Operations over selections which depend on
-    {!State_dependency_graph.graph}.
-    @since Carbon-20101201
-    @deprecated Oxygen-20120901 directly use equivalent top-level function
-    instead. *)
-module Static: S
-include S
+val fold_in_order: (State.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+(** Fold over a selection in a topological ordering compliant with the
+    State Dependency Graph. Less efficient that {!iter}.
+    @since Carbon-20101201 *)
 Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_register.ml b/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_register.ml
index 732fc2a8dda516e517f5af573effc3c24ba56477..d51b878bd548fe63463c00e4e83a3438860d237f 100644
--- a/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/obfuscator/obfuscator_register.ml
@@ -23,14 +23,14 @@
 let disable_other_analyzers () =
   if Options.Run.get () then
     let selection =
-      State_selection.Static.diff
+      State_selection.diff
         (Parameter_state.get_selection ())
-        (State_selection.Static.union
+        (State_selection.union
               (Kernel.CodeOutput.self :: Options.states))
            (* The command-line options that govern the creation of the AST
               must be preserved *)
-           (State_selection.Static.with_codependencies Ast.self))
+           (State_selection.with_codependencies Ast.self))
     Project.clear ~selection ()
diff --git a/src/plugins/report/tests/report/multi_emitters.ml b/src/plugins/report/tests/report/multi_emitters.ml
index c007c0b47fc2a7648c5f828ae1e8023ba97d564b..9680545a9181782f63276fbecd1d738d3c498784 100644
--- a/src/plugins/report/tests/report/multi_emitters.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/report/tests/report/multi_emitters.ml
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-let emitter1 = 
+let emitter1 =
   Emitter.create "Test1" [ Emitter.Property_status ] ~correctness:[] ~tuning:[]
-let emitter2 = 
+let emitter2 =
   Emitter.create "Test2" [ Emitter.Property_status ] ~correctness:[] ~tuning:[]
 let set_status e s =
-  Kernel.feedback "%a SET STATUS TO %a" 
+  Kernel.feedback "%a SET STATUS TO %a"
     Emitter.pretty e Property_status.Emitted_status.pretty s;
     (fun stmt _ ca ->
-      let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt in
-      let ps = Property.ip_of_code_annot kf stmt ca in
-      List.iter (fun p -> Property_status.emit e p ~hyps:[] s) ps)
+       let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt in
+       let ps = Property.ip_of_code_annot kf stmt ca in
+       List.iter (fun p -> Property_status.emit e p ~hyps:[] s) ps)
 let print_status =
-    "print" 
+    "print"
     (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
 let clear () =
   Kernel.feedback "CLEARING";
-    ~selection:(State_selection.Static.with_dependencies Property_status.self)
+    ~selection:(State_selection.with_dependencies Property_status.self)
 let main () =
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ let main () =
   set_status emitter1 Property_status.Dont_know;
   set_status emitter2 Property_status.Dont_know;
   (* unknown /\ unknown *)
-  print_status (); 
+  print_status ();
   (* unknown /\ true *)
   set_status emitter1 Property_status.True;
   print_status ();
diff --git a/src/plugins/report/tests/report/no_hyp.ml b/src/plugins/report/tests/report/no_hyp.ml
index a145963f447e8e630717bf5a0a162627a51bf43f..ecc7d9b45051bd034248a154eec671e6dcf52fd7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/report/tests/report/no_hyp.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/report/tests/report/no_hyp.ml
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ let emitter =
 let set_status s =
     (fun stmt _ ca ->
-      let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt in
-      let ps = Property.ip_of_code_annot kf stmt ca in
-      List.iter (fun p -> Property_status.emit emitter p ~hyps:[] s) ps)
+       let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt in
+       let ps = Property.ip_of_code_annot kf stmt ca in
+       List.iter (fun p -> Property_status.emit emitter p ~hyps:[] s) ps)
 let print_status =
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ let print_status =
 let clear () =
-    ~selection:(State_selection.Static.with_dependencies Property_status.self)
+    ~selection:(State_selection.with_dependencies Property_status.self)
 let main () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/report/tests/report/several_hyps.ml b/src/plugins/report/tests/report/several_hyps.ml
index 7f1d3da239dc2f9016de48c339745ac6c5f4f477..449f819dba78753b829f2139ba624e7554dcb2fb 100644
--- a/src/plugins/report/tests/report/several_hyps.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/report/tests/report/several_hyps.ml
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 open Cil_types
-let emitter = 
+let emitter =
   Emitter.create "Test" [ Emitter.Property_status ] ~correctness:[] ~tuning:[]
-let emitter2 = 
+let emitter2 =
   Emitter.create "Test2" [ Emitter.Property_status ] ~correctness:[] ~tuning:[]
 let set_status ?(emitter=emitter) p hyps s =
-  Kernel.feedback "SETTING STATUS OF %a TO %a" 
+  Kernel.feedback "SETTING STATUS OF %a TO %a"
     Property.pretty p
     Property_status.Emitted_status.pretty s;
   Property_status.emit emitter p ~hyps s
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ let set_status ?(emitter=emitter) p hyps s =
 let print_status =
-    "print" 
+    "print"
     (Datatype.func Datatype.unit Datatype.unit)
 let clear () =
   Kernel.feedback "CLEARING";
-    ~selection:(State_selection.Static.with_dependencies Property_status.self)
+    ~selection:(State_selection.with_dependencies Property_status.self)
 let main () =
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ let main () =
   let main, j, i, h, g =
     let l =
-	(fun stmt _ ca acc ->
-	  let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt in
-	  let ps = Property.ip_of_code_annot kf stmt ca in
-	  match ps with
-	  | [ p ] -> p :: acc
-	  | _ -> assert false)
-	[]
+        (fun stmt _ ca acc ->
+           let kf = Kernel_function.find_englobing_kf stmt in
+           let ps = Property.ip_of_code_annot kf stmt ca in
+           match ps with
+           | [ p ] -> p :: acc
+           | _ -> assert false)
+        []
     match l with
     | [ p1; p2; p3; p4; p5 ] -> p1, p2, p3, p4, p5
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let main () =
     clear ();
     f ()
-  let test msg ?(hyps=hyps) set_status_hyps = 
+  let test msg ?(hyps=hyps) set_status_hyps =
     Kernel.feedback msg;
     reset set_status_hyps;
     (* unknown *)
@@ -72,33 +72,33 @@ let main () =
     print_status ()
   let nothing () = () in
-  let valid ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () = 
-    let _i = i in set_status g [] Property_status.True 
+  let valid ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () =
+    let _i = i in set_status g [] Property_status.True
-  let valid_under_hyp ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () = 
+  let valid_under_hyp ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () =
     set_status g [ i ] Property_status.True in
-  let unknown ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () = 
-    let _i = i in set_status g [] Property_status.Dont_know 
+  let unknown ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () =
+    let _i = i in set_status g [] Property_status.Dont_know
-  let invalid ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () = 
-    let _i = i in set_status g [] Property_status.False_and_reachable 
+  let invalid ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () =
+    let _i = i in set_status g [] Property_status.False_and_reachable
-  let invalid_under_hyp ?(g=g) ?i:_ () = 
-    set_status g [ ] Property_status.False_and_reachable 
+  let invalid_under_hyp ?(g=g) ?i:_ () =
+    set_status g [ ] Property_status.False_and_reachable
   let invalid_but_dead ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () =
     set_status i [] Property_status.False_and_reachable;
-    set_status g [ ] Property_status.False_and_reachable 
+    set_status g [ ] Property_status.False_and_reachable
-  let valid_but_dead ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () = 
+  let valid_but_dead ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () =
     set_status i [] Property_status.False_and_reachable;
-    set_status g [ ] Property_status.True 
+    set_status g [ ] Property_status.True
-  let unknown_but_dead ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () = 
+  let unknown_but_dead ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () =
     set_status i [] Property_status.False_and_reachable;
-    set_status g [ i ] Property_status.Dont_know 
+    set_status g [ i ] Property_status.Dont_know
-  let inconsistent ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () = 
+  let inconsistent ?(g=g) ?(i=i) () =
     let _i = i in
     set_status g [ ] Property_status.True;
     set_status ~emitter:emitter2 g [] Property_status.False_and_reachable
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ let main () =
   test "CONSIDERED_VALID + INCONSISTENT" ~hyps inconsistent;
   let set status_g status_h () =
-(*      (status_h: ?g:Property.t -> ?i:Property.t -> unit -> unit) () =*)
+    (*      (status_h: ?g:Property.t -> ?i:Property.t -> unit -> unit) () =*)
     status_g ();
-(*    status_h ~g:h ~i:j ()*)
+    (*    status_h ~g:h ~i:j ()*)
     status_h ?g:(Some h) ?i:(Some j) ()
   test "VALID + VALID" (set valid valid);
@@ -144,16 +144,16 @@ let main () =
   test "VALID + UNKNOWN_BUT_DEAD" (set valid unknown_but_dead);
   test "VALID + INCONSISTENT" (set valid inconsistent);
     (set valid_under_hyp valid_under_hyp);
   test "VALID_UNDER_HYP + UNKNOWN" (set valid_under_hyp unknown);
   test "VALID_UNDER_HYP + INVALID"  (set valid_under_hyp invalid);
     (set valid_under_hyp invalid_under_hyp);
     (set valid_under_hyp invalid_but_dead);
   test "VALID_UNDER_HYP + VALID_BUT_DEAD" (set valid_under_hyp valid_but_dead);
     (set valid_under_hyp unknown_but_dead);
   test "VALID_UNDER_HYP + INCONSISTENT" (set valid_under_hyp inconsistent);
@@ -172,24 +172,24 @@ let main () =
   test "INVALID + UNKNOWN_BUT_DEAD" (set invalid unknown_but_dead);
   test "INVALID + INCONSISTENT" (set invalid inconsistent);
     (set invalid_under_hyp invalid_under_hyp);
     (set invalid_under_hyp invalid_but_dead);
     (set invalid_under_hyp valid_but_dead);
     (set invalid_under_hyp unknown_but_dead);
     (set invalid_under_hyp inconsistent);
     (set invalid_but_dead invalid_but_dead);
     (set invalid_but_dead valid_but_dead);
     (set invalid_but_dead unknown_but_dead);
     (set invalid_but_dead inconsistent);
   test "VALID_BUT_DEAD + VALID_BUT_DEAD" (set valid_but_dead valid_but_dead);
@@ -204,4 +204,3 @@ let main () =
   test "INCONSISTENT + INCONSISTENT" (set inconsistent inconsistent)
 let () = Db.Main.extend main
diff --git a/tests/misc/my_visitor.ml b/tests/misc/my_visitor.ml
index 4afb3e92f0862a5bc4e3b28f8b1023022a933cb6..250f4fead95f446e45aee9828a6e8dc9caba91c1 100644
--- a/tests/misc/my_visitor.ml
+++ b/tests/misc/my_visitor.ml
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ let main () =
     print ();
     Kernel.SafeArrays.set false;
-      ~selection:(State_selection.Static.with_dependencies S.self) ();
+      ~selection:(State_selection.with_dependencies S.self) ();
     (* The AST with 1/2 asserts *)
     print ()