From 8e072495b50b4876e7ec62ee5109098285cb847b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Basile Desloges <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 17:59:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [eacsl] Create an analysis to compute translation location of
 labeled pred and terms

 src/plugins/e-acsl/                |    1 +
 src/plugins/e-acsl/headers/header_spec.txt    |    2 +
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/   |    8 +-
 .../e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_types.mli    |    2 +
 .../e-acsl/src/analyses/        |    7 +-
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/label.mli     |    4 -
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/     | 1017 +++++++++++++++++
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/labels.mli    |   90 ++
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/  |    3 +-
 .../e-acsl/src/code_generator/      |    2 +
 .../src/code_generator/     |    4 +-
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/             |    1 +
 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/options.mli            |    1 +
 13 files changed, 1129 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
 create mode 100644 src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/labels.mli

diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/
index f73d51faec3..bda8838724c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ SRC_ANALYSES:= \
 	bound_variables \
 	interval \
 	typing \
+	labels \
 	literal_strings \
 	memory_tracking \
 	exit_points \
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/headers/header_spec.txt b/src/plugins/e-acsl/headers/header_spec.txt
index 802dc2a40f5..e8cdea09f56 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/headers/header_spec.txt
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/headers/header_spec.txt
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ src/analyses/ CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY.E_ACSL
 src/analyses/interval.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY.E_ACSL
 src/analyses/label.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY.E_ACSL
+src/analyses/labels.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY.E_ACSL
 src/analyses/literal_strings.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY.E_ACSL
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
index 39761bba6e9..1e208d44317 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ let preprocess () =
   analyses_feedback "normalizing quantifiers";
   Bound_variables.preprocess ast;
   analyses_feedback "typing annotations";
-  Typing.type_program ast
+  Typing.type_program ast;
+  analyses_feedback
+    "computing translation locations of labeled predicates and terms";
+  Labels.preprocess ast
 let reset () =
   Memory_tracking.reset ();
@@ -38,4 +41,5 @@ let reset () =
   Bound_variables.clear_guards ();
   Logic_normalizer.clear ();
-  Typing.clear ()
+  Typing.clear ();
+  Labels.reset ()
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_types.mli b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_types.mli
index e2aafb100a6..35c7828512b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_types.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/analyses_types.mli
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ type pred_or_term =
   | PoT_pred of predicate
   | PoT_term of term
+type at_data = kernel_function * kinstr * lscope * pred_or_term * logic_label
 type annotation_kind =
   | Assertion
   | Precondition
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
index be83e43663f..7ad18f7575e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-module E_acsl_label = Label
 open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ end = struct
   let tbl = Stmt.Hashtbl.create 17
   let add s x =
-    let s = E_acsl_label.get_first_inner_stmt s in
+    let s = Labels.get_first_inner_stmt s in
     Stmt.Hashtbl.add tbl s x
   let find stmt =
@@ -81,7 +80,7 @@ module Exits = Build_env(struct
     (* Use [Labeled_stmts.get_first_inner_stmt] so that [find] and [get_all]
        return the first statement of the labeled block instead of the labeled
        statement. *)
-    let map_opt = Some E_acsl_label.get_first_inner_stmt
+    let map_opt = Some Labels.get_first_inner_stmt
 (* Map labelled statements back to gotos which lead to them and case statements
@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ module LJumps = Build_env(struct
     (* Use [Labeled_stmts.get_first_inner_stmt] so that [find] and [get_all]
        return the first statement of the labeled block instead of the labeled
        statement. *)
-    let map_opt = Some E_acsl_label.get_first_inner_stmt
+    let map_opt = Some Labels.get_first_inner_stmt
 let clear () =
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/label.mli b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/label.mli
index 6244536ac72..f71ca390ee4 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/label.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/label.mli
@@ -25,10 +25,6 @@ open Cil_types
 val get_stmt: kernel_function -> logic_label -> stmt
 (** @return the statement where the logic label points to. *)
-val get_first_inner_stmt: stmt -> stmt
-(** If the given statement has a label, return the first statement of the block.
-    Otherwise return the given statement. *)
 Local Variables:
 compile-command: "make -C ../../../../.."
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ff1bc163c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/
@@ -0,0 +1,1017 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of the Frama-C's E-ACSL plug-in.                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2012-2021                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Labeled term and predicates pre-analysis *)
+open Cil_types
+open Cil_datatype
+open Analyses_types
+open Analyses_datatype
+let dkey = Options.Dkey.labels
+module Error = Error.Make(struct let phase = dkey end)
+(********************** Forward references ********************************)
+let must_translate_ppt_ref : (Property.t -> bool) ref =
+  Extlib.mk_fun "must_translate_ppt_ref"
+let must_translate_ppt_opt_ref : (Property.t option -> bool) ref =
+  Extlib.mk_fun "must_translate_ppt_opt_ref"
+let has_empty_quantif_ref: ((term * logic_var * term) list -> bool) ref =
+  Extlib.mk_fun "has_empty_quantif_ref"
+(************************** Labeled stmts *********************************)
+let get_first_inner_stmt stmt =
+  match stmt.labels, stmt.skind with
+  | [], _ -> stmt
+  | _ :: _, Block { bstmts = dest_stmt :: _ } ->
+    dest_stmt
+  | labels, _ ->
+    Options.fatal "Unexpected stmt:\nlabels: [%a]\nstmt: %a"
+      (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"; " Cil_types_debug.pp_label) labels
+      Printer.pp_stmt stmt
+(********************** Extended logic label ******************************)
+(** Extended logic label module to associate a statement to a label where it is
+    necessary. For instance the label `Old` is associated its contract statement
+    to be able to differentiate between two `Old` annotations in the same
+    function. On the contrary the `Pre` label does not have an associated
+    statement because this label designate the same location for all contracts
+    in the same function. *)
+module ExtLogicLabel = struct
+  (** @return an extended logic label from a [kinstr] and a [logic_label]. *)
+  let from kinstr label =
+    let from_stmt_opt =
+      match kinstr, label with
+      | Kglobal, _
+      | Kstmt _, (BuiltinLabel (Pre | Here | Init) | FormalLabel _ | StmtLabel _) ->
+        None
+      | Kstmt _, BuiltinLabel (LoopCurrent | LoopEntry) ->
+        (* [None] for now because these labels are unsupported, but the
+           statement before the loop and the first statement of the loop should
+           probably be used once they are supported. *)
+        None
+      | Kstmt s, BuiltinLabel (Old | Post) -> Some s
+    in
+    label, from_stmt_opt
+  include Datatype.Make_with_collections
+      (struct
+        type t = logic_label * stmt option
+        let name = "E_ACSL.Labels.ExtLogicLabel"
+        let reprs =
+          List.fold_left
+            (fun acc label ->
+               List.fold_left
+                 (fun acc stmt ->
+                    (label, Some stmt) :: (label, None) :: acc)
+                 acc
+                 Stmt.reprs)
+            []
+            Logic_label.reprs
+        include Datatype.Undefined
+        let compare (label1, from_stmt_opt1) (label2, from_stmt_opt2) =
+          let cmp = label1 label2 in
+          if cmp = 0 then
+   from_stmt_opt1 from_stmt_opt2
+          else cmp
+        let equal = Datatype.from_compare
+        let hash (label, from_stmt_opt)=
+          match from_stmt_opt with
+          | Some from_stmt ->
+            Hashtbl.hash (Logic_label.hash label, Stmt.hash from_stmt)
+          | None -> Logic_label.hash label
+        let pretty fmt (label, from_stmt_opt) =
+          match from_stmt_opt with
+          | Some from_stmt ->
+            Format.fprintf fmt "%a from stmt %d at %a"
+              Logic_label.pretty label
+              from_stmt.sid
+              Printer.pp_location (Stmt.loc from_stmt)
+          | None ->
+            Format.fprintf fmt "%a"
+              Logic_label.pretty label
+      end)
+(***************************** At data ************************************)
+(** Basic printer for a [kinstr] *)
+let basic_pp_kinstr fmt kinstr =
+  Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
+    (match kinstr with
+     | Kglobal -> "Kglobal"
+     | Kstmt _ -> "Kstmt")
+(** Basic comparison for two [kinstr], i.e. two [Kstmt] are always equal
+    regardless of the statement value. *)
+let basic_kinstr_compare kinstr1 kinstr2 =
+  match kinstr1, kinstr2 with
+  | Kglobal, Kglobal | Kstmt _, Kstmt _ -> 0
+  | Kglobal, _ -> 1
+  | _, Kglobal -> -1
+(** Basic hash function for a [kinstr], i.e. the statement of the [Kstmt] is
+    not considered for the hash. *)
+let basic_kinstr_hash kinstr =
+  match kinstr with
+  | Kglobal -> 1 lsl 29
+  | Kstmt _ -> 1 lsl 31
+(** Datatype for at_data *)
+module AtData =
+  Datatype.Make_with_collections
+    (struct
+      type t = at_data
+      let name = "E_ACSL.Labels.AtData"
+      let reprs =
+        List.fold_left
+          (fun acc kf ->
+             List.fold_left
+               (fun acc kinstr ->
+                  List.fold_left
+                    (fun acc pot ->
+                       List.fold_left
+                         (fun acc label ->
+                            (kf, kinstr, Lscope.empty, pot, label) :: acc)
+                         acc
+                         Logic_label.reprs)
+                    acc
+                    PredOrTerm.reprs)
+               acc
+               Kinstr.reprs)
+          []
+          Kf.reprs
+      include Datatype.Undefined
+      let compare
+          (kf1, kinstr1, lscope1, pot1, label1)
+          (kf2, kinstr2, lscope2, pot2, label2)
+        =
+        let cmp = kf1 kf2 in
+        let cmp =
+          if cmp = 0 then
+            basic_kinstr_compare kinstr1 kinstr2
+          else cmp
+        in
+        let cmp =
+          if cmp = 0 then lscope1 lscope2
+          else cmp
+        in
+        let cmp =
+          if cmp = 0 then pot1 pot2
+          else cmp
+        in
+        if cmp = 0 then
+          let extlabel1 = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr1 label1 in
+          let extlabel2 = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr2 label2 in
+ extlabel1 extlabel2
+        else cmp
+      let equal = Datatype.from_compare
+      let hash (kf, kinstr, lscope, pot, label) =
+        let extlabel = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr label in
+        Hashtbl.hash
+          (Kf.hash kf,
+           basic_kinstr_hash kinstr,
+           Lscope.D.hash lscope,
+           PredOrTerm.hash pot,
+           ExtLogicLabel.hash extlabel)
+      let pretty fmt (kf, kinstr, lscope, pot, label) =
+        let extlabel = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr label in
+        Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a, %a, %a, %a, %a)@]"
+          Kf.pretty kf
+          basic_pp_kinstr kinstr
+          Lscope.D.pretty lscope
+          PredOrTerm.pretty pot
+          ExtLogicLabel.pretty extlabel
+    end)
+(** Debug function to print the hash of an [at_data] value. *)
+let _debug_hash (kf, kinstr, lscope, pot, label) =
+  let extlabel = ExtLogicLabel.from kinstr label in
+ ~level:4 "|    | debug hash key: %a"
+    AtData.pretty (kf, kinstr, lscope, pot, label);
+ ~level:4 "|    | -> hash kf: %d" (Kf.hash kf);
+ ~level:4 "|    | -> hash kinstr: %d"
+    (basic_kinstr_hash kinstr);
+ ~level:4 "|    | -> hash pot: %d" (PredOrTerm.hash pot);
+ ~level:4 "|    | -> hash label: %d"
+    (ExtLogicLabel.hash extlabel);
+  (match label with
+   | StmtLabel { contents = stmt } ->
+ ~level:4 "|    |  -> stmt of label: %a"
+       Printer.pp_stmt stmt;
+ ~level:4 "|    |  -> stmt id: %a" Stmt.pretty_sid stmt
+   | _ -> ());
+  (match extlabel with
+   | _, Some from_stmt ->
+ ~level:4 "|    |  -> from stmt of label: %a"
+       Printer.pp_stmt from_stmt;
+ ~level:4 "|    |  -> from stmt id: %a"
+       Stmt.pretty_sid from_stmt
+   | _ -> ());
+ ~level:4 "|    | => hash key: %d"
+    (AtData.hash (kf, kinstr, lscope, pot, label));
+  ()
+(*************************** Translation **********************************)
+let preprocess_done = ref false
+module Translation = struct
+  (* see documentation in .mli *)
+  type t =
+    | Done of exp
+    | Queued
+    | Inplace
+  (** Associate a statement with the [at_data] that need to be translated on
+      this statement. *)
+  let at_data_for_stmts: AtData.Set.t Stmt.Hashtbl.t = Stmt.Hashtbl.create 17
+  (** Associate a [at_data] value with its translation. *)
+  let at_data_translations: t Error.result AtData.Hashtbl.t =
+    AtData.Hashtbl.create 17
+  (** Formatter for a [at_data] translation. *)
+  let pretty fmt t =
+    Format.fprintf fmt "%s"
+      (match t with
+       | Done e -> Format.asprintf "%a" Printer.pp_exp e
+       | Queued -> "Queued"
+       | Inplace -> "In-place")
+  (** Reset the translation information. *)
+  let reset () =
+    Stmt.Hashtbl.clear at_data_for_stmts;
+    AtData.Hashtbl.clear at_data_translations
+  (** Add [data] to the list of [at_data] that must be translated on the
+      statement [stmt]. *)
+  let add_at_for_stmt data stmt =
+    let stmt = get_first_inner_stmt stmt in
+    let ats = Stmt.Hashtbl.find_def at_data_for_stmts stmt AtData.Set.empty in
+    let ats = AtData.Set.add data ats in
+    Stmt.Hashtbl.replace
+      at_data_for_stmts
+      stmt
+      ats
+  (* see documentation in .mli *)
+  let at_for_stmt stmt =
+    if !preprocess_done then
+      let ats = Stmt.Hashtbl.find_def at_data_for_stmts stmt AtData.Set.empty in
+      Result.Ok (AtData.Set.elements ats)
+    else Error.not_memoized ()
+  (* see documentation in .mli *)
+  let set ?(force=false) data tr =
+    let tr =
+      try
+        let existing_tr = AtData.Hashtbl.find at_data_translations data in
+        match existing_tr, tr with
+        | _, Result.Error _ ->
+          (* keep current result when trying to set an error on an existing
+             translation, except if [force] is true *)
+          if force then tr
+          else existing_tr
+        | Result.Error _, Result.Ok _ ->
+          (* replace current error with result *)
+          tr
+        | Result.Ok Queued, Result.Ok (Done _ | Queued) ->
+          (* either set done translation or continue to set queued
+             translation *)
+          tr
+        | Result.Ok Inplace, Result.Ok Inplace ->
+          (* continue to set inplace translation *)
+          tr
+        | Result.Ok Queued, Result.Ok Inplace
+        | Result.Ok Inplace, Result.Ok Queued ->
+          (* the term is used both in an annotation where the in-place
+             translation would be appropriate, and in an annotation where it
+             needs to be translated on a specific statement (queued). We keep
+             the Queued translation so that both annotations can use the same
+             expression. *)
+          Result.Ok Queued
+        | Result.Ok (Done e), Result.Ok _ ->
+          Options.fatal
+            "Trying to override existing translation '%a' for at data '%a' \
+             with '%a'"
+            Printer.pp_exp e
+            AtData.pretty data
+            (Error.pp_result pretty) tr
+        | Result.Ok Inplace, Result.Ok _ ->
+          Options.fatal
+            "Trying to override in-place translation for at data '%a' with \
+             '%a'"
+            AtData.pretty data
+            (Error.pp_result pretty) tr
+      with Not_found ->
+        (* No existing translation *)
+        tr
+    in
+    AtData.Hashtbl.replace at_data_translations data tr
+  (* see documentation in .mli *)
+  let get data =
+    if !preprocess_done then
+      AtData.Hashtbl.find at_data_translations data
+    else Error.not_memoized ()
+  (** Print the content of the tables. *)
+  let _debug () =
+ ~level:2 "|Locations:";
+    Stmt.Hashtbl.iter
+      (fun stmt ats ->
+ ~level:2 "| - stmt %d at %a"
+           stmt.sid
+           Printer.pp_location (Stmt.loc stmt);
+         AtData.Set.iter
+           (fun at ->
+              let tr = try Some (get at) with Not_found -> None in
+     ~level:2 "|    - at %a: %a"
+                AtData.pretty at
+                (Pretty_utils.pp_opt (Error.pp_result pretty)) tr)
+           ats
+      )
+      at_data_for_stmts;
+ ~level:2 "|Translations:";
+    AtData.Hashtbl.iter
+      (fun at tr ->
+ ~level:2 "| - %a: %a"
+           AtData.pretty at
+           (Error.pp_result pretty) tr)
+      at_data_translations
+(************************** AST traversal *********************************)
+module Process: sig
+  val not_yet: ?error:exn -> string -> exn option
+  (** Create and return a [Not_yet] exception with the given message. If [error]
+      is provided, return this error instead. *)
+  val term:
+    ?error:exn ->
+    stmt ->
+    kernel_function ->
+    kinstr ->
+    stmt ->
+    Smart_stmt.annotation_kind ->
+    lscope ->
+    term ->
+    unit
+  (** Traverse the given term to analyse labeled predicates and terms.
+      See documentation of Process.t below for a description of the function
+      parameters. *)
+  val predicate:
+    ?error:exn ->
+    stmt ->
+    kernel_function ->
+    kinstr ->
+    stmt ->
+    Smart_stmt.annotation_kind ->
+    lscope ->
+    predicate ->
+    unit
+    (** Traverse the given predicate to analyse the labeled predicates and
+        terms.
+        See documentation of Process.t below for a description of the function
+        parameters. *)
+end = struct
+  (** Environment to propagate during the traversal. *)
+  type t = {
+    (** Statement corresponding to the label [Pre] of the enclosing function. *)
+    pre_func_stmt: stmt;
+    (** Enclosing function of the predicate or term being analysed. *)
+    kf: kernel_function;
+    (** Kinstr of the predicate or term being analysed. *)
+    kinstr: kinstr;
+    (** Statement of the predicate or term being analysed. *)
+    stmt: stmt;
+    (** King of annotation for the predicate or term being analysed. *)
+    akind: Smart_stmt.annotation_kind;
+    (** Logic scope for the predicate or term being analysed. *)
+    lscope: Lscope.t;
+  }
+  (** @return either the given error if it is provided, or [Some e] if not. *)
+  let set_error ?error e =
+    match error with
+    | None -> Some e
+    | Some _ -> error
+  (** Create and return a [Not_yet] exception with the given message. If [error]
+      is provided, return this error instead. *)
+  let not_yet ?error s =
+    set_error ?error (Error.make_not_yet (s ^ " (labels pre-analysis)"))
+  (** Create and return a [Typing_error] exception with the given message. If
+      [error] is provided, return this error instead. *)
+  let untypable ?error s =
+    set_error ?error (Error.make_untypable (s ^ " (labels pre-analysis)"))
+  (** @return a textual representation of the given kind of annotation. *)
+  let akind_to_string k =
+    match k with
+    | Smart_stmt.Assertion -> "Assertion"
+    | Smart_stmt.Precondition -> "Precondition"
+    | Smart_stmt.Postcondition -> "Postcondition"
+    | Smart_stmt.Invariant -> "Invariant"
+    | Smart_stmt.Variant -> "Variant"
+    | Smart_stmt.RTE -> "RTE"
+  (** Apply [fct ?error env] on every element of the list [args]. *)
+  let do_list fct ?error env args =
+    List.fold_left
+      (fun error a -> fct ?error env a)
+      error
+      args
+  (** Apply [fct ?error env] on [arg] if [arg_opt] is [Some arg], return
+      directly [error] otherwise. *)
+  let do_opt fct ?error env arg_opt =
+    match arg_opt with
+    | Some arg -> fct ?error env arg
+    | None -> error
+  (** Analyse the predicate or term [pot] and the label [label] to decide where
+      the predicate or term must be translated. *)
+  let process ?error env pot label =
+    let error, dest_stmt_opt =
+      match env.kinstr, env.akind, label with
+      (* Arbitrary label, translate on the given statement *)
+      | _, _, StmtLabel { contents = stmt } -> error, Some stmt
+      (* Translate on the statement corresponding to the [Pre] label of the
+         enclosing function. *)
+      | Kglobal, Smart_stmt.Postcondition, BuiltinLabel(Pre | Old) ->
+        error, Some env.pre_func_stmt
+      | Kstmt _, Smart_stmt.(Precondition | Postcondition), BuiltinLabel(Pre) ->
+        error, Some env.pre_func_stmt
+      | _, Smart_stmt.Assertion, BuiltinLabel(Pre) ->
+        error, Some env.pre_func_stmt
+      (* Translate before the current statement. *)
+      | Kstmt stmt, Smart_stmt.Postcondition, BuiltinLabel(Old) ->
+        if not (Cil_datatype.Stmt.equal stmt env.stmt) then
+          Options.fatal
+            "The statement of the kinstr and the current statement should \
+             always be equal";
+        error, Some stmt
+      (* In-place translations *)
+      | _, _, BuiltinLabel(Here) ->
+        error, None
+      | Kglobal, Smart_stmt.Precondition, BuiltinLabel(Pre | Old) ->
+        error, None
+      | _, Smart_stmt.Postcondition, BuiltinLabel(Post) ->
+        error, None
+      | Kstmt _, Smart_stmt.Precondition, BuiltinLabel(Old) ->
+        error, None
+      (* Invalid position for the given label *)
+      | _, Smart_stmt.Assertion, BuiltinLabel(Old | Post)
+      | _, Smart_stmt.Precondition, BuiltinLabel(Post) ->
+        let msg =
+          Format.asprintf "label '%a' within annotation '%s' in '%a'"
+            Printer.pp_logic_label label
+            (akind_to_string env.akind)
+            PredOrTerm.pretty pot
+        in
+        untypable msg, None
+      (* Unexpected combination that should never happen *)
+      | kinstr, akind, label ->
+        let msg =
+          Format.asprintf "label '%a' within %s annotation '%s' in '%a'"
+            Printer.pp_logic_label label
+            (match kinstr with Kglobal -> "function" | Kstmt _ -> "statement")
+            (akind_to_string akind)
+            PredOrTerm.pretty pot
+        in
+        untypable msg, None
+    in
+    let at = (env.kf, env.kinstr, env.lscope, pot, label) in
+    begin match error, dest_stmt_opt with
+      | Some e, _ ->
+        (* Register the error instead of a translation expression for the
+           current labeled pred_or_term *)
+        Translation.set at (Result.Error e)
+      | None, None ->
+        (* The labeled pred_or_term will be translated in place *)
+        Translation.set at (Result.Ok Translation.Inplace)
+      | None, Some dest_stmt ->
+        (* Register the current labeled pred_or_term to the destination
+           statement for a later translation *)
+        Translation.add_at_for_stmt at dest_stmt;
+        (* Set the translation to [Queued] *)
+        Translation.set at (Result.Ok Queued)
+    end;
+    error
+  (** Term traversal *)
+  let rec do_term ?error env t =
+    match t.term_node with
+    | Tat (t', l) ->
+      let error = do_term ?error env t' in
+      process ?error env (PoT_term t) l
+    | Tbase_addr (l, t') | Tblock_length (l, t') | Toffset (l, t') ->
+      let error = do_term ?error env t' in
+      (* E-ACSL semantic: \base_addr{L](p) == \at(\base_addr(p), L) *)
+      process ?error env (PoT_term t) l
+    | Tlet (li, t) ->
+      let lv_term = Misc.term_of_li li in
+      let error = do_term ?error env lv_term in
+      let lvs = Lvs_let (li.l_var_info, lv_term) in
+      let env = { env with lscope = Lscope.add lvs env.lscope } in
+      do_term ?error env t
+    | TLval lv | TAddrOf lv | TStartOf lv ->
+      do_lval ?error env lv
+    | TSizeOfE t | TAlignOfE t | TUnOp (_, t) | TCastE (_, t) | Tlambda (_, t)
+    | TLogic_coerce (_, t) ->
+      do_term ?error env t
+    | TBinOp (_, t1, t2) ->
+      let error = do_term ?error env t1 in
+      do_term ?error env t2
+    | Tif (t1, t2, t3) ->
+      let error = do_term ?error env t1 in
+      let error = do_term ?error env t2 in
+      do_term ?error env t3
+    | Tapp (_, [], targs) ->
+      do_list do_term ?error env targs
+    | Tapp (li, labels, targs) ->
+      let error = not_yet "logic functions with labels" in
+      do_labeled_app ?error env li labels targs
+    | Trange (t1_opt, t2_opt) ->
+      let error = do_opt do_term ?error env t1_opt in
+      do_opt do_term ?error env t2_opt
+    | TDataCons (_, targs) ->
+      (* Register a not_yet error for each labeled pred or term in the
+         arguments *)
+      let error = not_yet "constructor" in
+      do_list do_term ?error env targs
+    | TUpdate (t1, toff, t2) ->
+      (* Register a not_yet error for each labeled pred or term used in the
+         functional update *)
+      let error = not_yet "functional update" in
+      let error = do_term ?error env t1 in
+      let error = do_toffset ?error env toff in
+      do_term ?error env t2
+    | Ttypeof t ->
+      (* Register a not_yet error for each labeled pred or term used with the
+         typeof operator *)
+      let error = not_yet "typeof" in
+      do_term ?error env t
+    | Tunion ts | Tinter ts ->
+      (* Register a not_yet error for each labeled pred or term used in the
+         manipulation of tsets *)
+      let error = not_yet "union or intersection of tsets" in
+      do_list do_term ?error env ts
+    | Tcomprehension (t, _, p_opt) ->
+      (* Register a not_yet error for each labeled pred or term used in the
+         comprehension *)
+      let error = not_yet "tset comprehension" in
+      let error = do_term ?error env t in
+      do_opt do_predicate ?error env p_opt
+    | TConst _ | TSizeOf _ | TAlignOf _ | TSizeOfStr _ | Tnull | Ttype _
+    | Tempty_set -> error
+  (** Lval traversal *)
+  and do_lval ?error env (tlhost, toffset) =
+    let error = do_tlhost ?error env tlhost in
+    do_toffset ?error env toffset
+  (** Lhost traversal *)
+  and do_tlhost ?error env = function
+    | TMem t -> do_term ?error env t
+    | TVar _ | TResult _ -> error
+  (** Offset traversal *)
+  and do_toffset ?error env = function
+    | TIndex (t, next) ->
+      let error = do_term ?error env t in
+      do_toffset ?error env next
+    | TField (_, next) | TModel (_, next) ->
+      do_toffset ?error env next
+    | TNoOffset -> error
+  (** Predicate traversal *)
+  and do_predicate ?error env p =
+    match p.pred_content with
+    | Pat (p', l) ->
+      let error = do_predicate ?error env p' in
+      process ?error env (PoT_pred p) l
+    | Pfreeable (l, t) | Pvalid (l, t) | Pvalid_read (l, t)
+    | Pinitialized (l, t)  ->
+      let error = do_term ?error env t in
+      (* E-ACSL semantic: \freeable{L](p) == \at(\freeable(p), L) *)
+      process ?error env (PoT_pred p) l
+    | Pallocable (l, t) ->
+      let error = not_yet "\\allocate" in
+      let error = do_term ?error env t in
+      process ?error env (PoT_pred p) l
+    | Pdangling (l, t) ->
+      let error = not_yet "\\dangling" in
+      let error = do_term ?error env t in
+      process ?error env (PoT_pred p) l
+    | Pobject_pointer (l, t) ->
+      let error = not_yet "\\object_pointer" in
+      let error = do_term ?error env t in
+      process ?error env (PoT_pred p) l
+    | Plet (li, p) ->
+      let lv_term = Misc.term_of_li li in
+      let error = do_term ?error env lv_term in
+      let lvs = Lvs_let (li.l_var_info, lv_term) in
+      let env = { env with lscope = Lscope.add lvs env.lscope } in
+      do_predicate ?error env p
+    | Pforall _ | Pexists _ -> begin
+        let preprocessed_quantifier_or_error =
+          try
+            Bound_variables.get_preprocessed_quantifier p
+          with Error.Not_memoized _ ->
+            Options.fatal "preprocessing of quantifier '%a' was not performed"
+              Printer.pp_predicate p
+        in
+        match preprocessed_quantifier_or_error with
+        | Result.Ok (bound_vars, goal) ->
+          if not (!has_empty_quantif_ref bound_vars) then begin
+            let env =
+              List.fold_right
+                (fun (t1, lv, t2) env ->
+                   let lvs = Lvs_quantif (t1, Rle, lv, Rlt, t2) in
+                   { env with lscope = Lscope.add lvs env.lscope })
+                bound_vars
+                env
+            in
+            let do_it ?error env (t1, _, t2) =
+              let error = do_term ?error env t1 in
+              do_term ?error env t2
+            in
+            let error = do_list do_it ?error env bound_vars in
+            do_predicate ?error env goal
+          end
+          else error
+        | Result.Error exn -> set_error ?error exn
+      end
+    | Pnot p ->
+      do_predicate ?error env p
+    | Pand (p1, p2) | Por (p1, p2) | Pxor (p1, p2) | Pimplies (p1, p2)
+    | Piff (p1, p2) ->
+      let error = do_predicate ?error env p1 in
+      do_predicate ?error env p2
+    | Pif (t, p1, p2) ->
+      let error = do_term ?error env t in
+      let error = do_predicate ?error env p1 in
+      do_predicate ?error env p2
+    | Prel (_, t1, t2) ->
+      let error = do_term ?error env t1 in
+      do_term ?error env t2
+    | Papp (_, [], targs) | Pseparated (targs) ->
+      do_list do_term ?error env targs
+    | Papp (li, labels, targs) ->
+      let error = not_yet "predicate with labels" in
+      do_labeled_app ?error env li labels targs
+    | Pvalid_function t ->
+      let error = not_yet "\\valid_function" in
+      do_term ?error env t
+    | Pfresh (l1, l2, t, _) ->
+      let error = not_yet "\\fresh" in
+      let error = process ?error env (PoT_term t) l1 in
+      process ?error env (PoT_term t) l2
+    | Pfalse | Ptrue -> error
+  (** Function application with labels traversal *)
+  and do_labeled_app ?error env li labels targs =
+    ignore li;
+    let do_it ?error env t =
+      (* Register a not_yet error for each labeled pred or term in the
+         arguments *)
+      let error = do_term ?error env t in
+      (* Register a not_yet error for each use of an argument with a label
+         of the function to avoid *)
+      List.fold_left
+        (fun error label -> process ?error env (PoT_term t) label)
+        error
+        labels
+    in
+    do_list do_it ?error env targs
+  (* see documentation in module signature *)
+  let term ?error pre_func_stmt kf kinstr stmt akind lscope t =
+    let env =
+      { pre_func_stmt;
+        kf;
+        kinstr;
+        stmt;
+        akind;
+        lscope }
+    in
+    ignore @@ do_term ?error env t
+  (* see documentation in module signature *)
+  let predicate ?error pre_func_stmt kf kinstr stmt akind lscope p =
+    let env =
+      { pre_func_stmt;
+        kf;
+        kinstr;
+        stmt;
+        akind;
+        lscope }
+    in
+    ignore @@ do_predicate ?error env p
+class vis_at_labels () =
+  object (self)
+    inherit E_acsl_visitor.visitor
+    (** Statement corresponding to the [Pre] label of the enclosing function*)
+    val mutable pre_func_stmt: stmt option = None
+    (** @return the statement corresponding to the [Pre] label of the enclosing
+        function. *)
+    method pre_func_stmt () = Option.get pre_func_stmt
+    (** Set the statement corresponding to the [Pre] label of the enclosing
+        function. *)
+    method set_pre_func_stmt s = pre_func_stmt <- Some s
+    (** Reset the statement corresponding to the [Pre] label of the enclosing
+        function. *)
+    method reset_pre_func_stmt () = pre_func_stmt <- None
+    (** Launch the analysis on the given predicate. *)
+    method process_pred ?error kf kinstr stmt akind p =
+      Process.predicate
+        ?error
+        (self#pre_func_stmt ())
+        kf
+        kinstr
+        stmt
+        akind
+        Lscope.empty
+        p
+    (** Launch the analysis on the given term. *)
+    method process_term ?error kf kinstr stmt akind t =
+      Process.term
+        ?error
+        (self#pre_func_stmt ())
+        kf
+        kinstr
+        stmt
+        akind
+        Lscope.empty
+        t
+    (** Launch the analysis on the given identified predicate. *)
+    method process_id_pred ?error kf kinstr stmt akind ip =
+      let p = ip.ip_content.tp_statement in
+      self#process_pred ?error kf kinstr stmt akind p
+    (** Launch the analysis on the given identified term. *)
+    method process_id_term ?error kf kinstr stmt akind it =
+      let t = it.it_content in
+      self#process_term ?error kf kinstr stmt akind t
+    (** Launch the analysis on the given assigns clause. *)
+    method process_assigns ?error kf kinstr stmt akind assigns =
+      match assigns with
+      | Writes froms ->
+        let error = Process.not_yet ?error "assigns clause in behavior" in
+        List.iter
+          (fun (it, deps) ->
+             self#process_id_term ?error kf kinstr stmt akind it;
+             match deps with
+             | From its ->
+               List.iter
+                 (self#process_id_term ?error kf kinstr stmt akind)
+                 its
+             | FromAny -> ())
+          froms;
+      | WritesAny -> ()
+    (** Launch the analysis on the given allocates clause. *)
+    method process_allocates ?error kf kinstr stmt akind allocates =
+      match allocates with
+      | FreeAlloc (its1, its2) ->
+        let error = Process.not_yet ?error "allocates clause in behavior" in
+        List.iter
+          (self#process_id_term ?error kf kinstr stmt akind)
+          its1;
+        List.iter
+          (self#process_id_term ?error kf kinstr stmt akind)
+          its2
+      | FreeAllocAny -> ()
+    (** Launch the analysis on the given function or statement contract. *)
+    method process_spec ?error kf kinstr stmt spec =
+      List.iter
+        (fun bhv ->
+           let akind = Smart_stmt.Precondition in
+           List.iter
+             (fun assumes -> self#process_id_pred kf kinstr stmt akind assumes)
+             bhv.b_assumes;
+           List.iter
+             (fun requires ->
+                if !must_translate_ppt_ref
+                    (Property.ip_of_requires kf kinstr bhv requires) then
+                  self#process_id_pred kf kinstr stmt akind requires)
+             bhv.b_requires;
+           let akind = Smart_stmt.Postcondition in
+           (* The links between the [identified_property]s and the [assigns] or
+              [allocates] clauses are not clear. For now store a [not_yet] error
+              for every term of the clauses. Update the code to add the relevant
+              [must_translate] calls once the [assigns] or [allocates] clauses
+              translation are supported. *)
+           self#process_assigns ?error kf kinstr stmt akind bhv.b_assigns;
+           self#process_allocates ?error kf kinstr stmt akind bhv.b_allocation;
+           List.iter
+             (fun ((termination, post_cond) as tp) ->
+                if !must_translate_ppt_ref
+                    (Property.ip_of_ensures kf kinstr bhv tp) then
+                  let error =
+                    match termination with
+                    | Normal ->
+                      None
+                    | Exits | Breaks | Continues | Returns ->
+                      Process.not_yet
+                        ?error "abnormal termination case in behavior"
+                  in
+                  self#process_id_pred ?error kf kinstr stmt akind post_cond)
+             bhv.b_post_cond
+        )
+        spec.spec_behavior
+    method! vstmt_aux stmt =
+      let kf = Option.get self#current_kf in
+      if Kernel_function.is_first_stmt kf stmt then begin
+        (* If we are on the first statement of a function, then set the
+           [pre_func_stmt] to it. *)
+        self#set_pre_func_stmt stmt;
+        (* Analyse the specification on the function on the first statement *)
+        if Annotations.has_funspec kf then
+          self#process_spec kf Kglobal stmt (Annotations.funspec kf)
+      end;
+      (* Analyse the specification on the current statement *)
+      let kinstr = Kstmt stmt in
+      Annotations.iter_code_annot
+        (fun _ annot ->
+           match annot.annot_content with
+           | AAssert(l, p) ->
+             if !must_translate_ppt_ref
+                 (Property.ip_of_code_annot_single kf stmt annot) then
+               let error =
+                 match l with
+                 | [] -> None
+                 | _ :: _ ->
+                   Process.not_yet "assertion applied only on some behaviors"
+               in
+               self#process_pred
+                 ?error
+                 kf
+                 kinstr
+                 stmt
+                 Smart_stmt.Assertion
+                 p.tp_statement
+           | AStmtSpec(l, spec) ->
+             let error =
+               match l with
+               | [] -> None
+               | _ :: _ ->
+                 Process.not_yet
+                   "statement contract applied only on some behaviors"
+             in
+             self#process_spec ?error kf kinstr stmt spec
+           | AInvariant(l, _, p) ->
+             if !must_translate_ppt_ref
+                 (Property.ip_of_code_annot_single kf stmt annot) then begin
+               let error =
+                 match l with
+                 | [] -> None
+                 | _ :: _ ->
+                   Process.not_yet "invariant applied only on some behaviors"
+               in
+               self#process_pred
+                 ?error
+                 kf
+                 kinstr
+                 stmt
+                 Smart_stmt.Invariant
+                 p.tp_statement
+             end
+           | AVariant(t, _) ->
+             if !must_translate_ppt_ref
+                 (Property.ip_of_code_annot_single kf stmt annot) then
+               self#process_term kf kinstr stmt Smart_stmt.Variant t
+           | AAssigns (_, assigns) ->
+             (* The link between the [identified_property] and the [assigns]
+                clause is not clear. For now store a [not_yet] error for every
+                term of the clause. Update the code to add the relevant
+                [must_translate] calls once the [assigns] clause translation is
+                supported. *)
+             let error = Process.not_yet "assigns" in
+             self#process_assigns
+               ?error
+               kf
+               kinstr
+               stmt
+               (Smart_stmt.Postcondition)
+               assigns
+           | AAllocation (_, allocates) ->
+             (* The link between the [identified_property] and the [allocates]
+                clause is not clear. For now store a [not_yet] error for every
+                term of the clause. Update the code to add the relevant
+                [must_translate] calls once the [allocates] clause translation
+                is supported. *)
+             let error = Process.not_yet "allocates" in
+             self#process_allocates
+               ?error
+               kf
+               kinstr
+               stmt
+               (Smart_stmt.Postcondition)
+               allocates
+           | APragma _ -> ()
+           | AExtended _ -> ()
+        )
+        stmt;
+      let post stmt =
+        (* If we are on the last statemement of a function, reset the
+           [pre_func_stmt]. *)
+        if Kernel_function.is_return_stmt kf stmt then
+          self#reset_pre_func_stmt ();
+        stmt
+      in
+      Cil.DoChildrenPost post
+  end
+let preprocess ast =
+  let vis = new vis_at_labels () in
+  Visitor.visitFramacFileSameGlobals (vis :> Visitor.frama_c_visitor) ast;
+  preprocess_done := true
+let reset () =
+  preprocess_done := false;
+  Translation.reset ()
+let pp_at_data = AtData.pretty
+let _debug () =
+ ~level:2 "Labels preprocessing";
+  Translation._debug ()
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/labels.mli b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/labels.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..dafff0e4e0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/analyses/labels.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of the Frama-C's E-ACSL plug-in.                    *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2012-2021                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(** Labeled term and predicates pre-analysis *)
+open Cil_types
+open Analyses_types
+val get_first_inner_stmt: stmt -> stmt
+(** If the given statement has a label, return the first statement of the block.
+    Otherwise return the given statement. *)
+(** Manage labeled terms and predicates translation *)
+module Translation : sig
+  (** Represents a labeled translation *)
+  type t =
+    | Done of exp
+    (** The translation is done and the result is the expression [e] *)
+    | Queued
+    (** The translation needs to be done in a statement preceding the statement
+        where the labeled term or predicate is used. *)
+    | Inplace
+    (** The translation can be done when translating the statement where the
+        labeled term or predicate is used. *)
+  val at_for_stmt: stmt -> at_data list Error.result
+  (** @return the list of labeled predicates and terms to be translated on the
+      given statement. *)
+  val set: ?force:bool -> at_data -> t Error.result -> unit
+  (** Sets the translation for the given labeled term or predicate.
+      If a translation already exists, then the behavior depend on the existing
+      translation and the new translation:
+      - If the new translation is an error, keep the old translation except if
+        [force] is true;
+      - If the existing translation is an error and the new translation is a result,
+        always keep the new translation;
+      - If both translation are results:
+        -- if the old is Queued and the new one is Queued or Done, then keep the
+           new one;
+        -- if one is Queued and the other is Inplace, then store Queued;
+        -- if both are Inplace then keep Inplace
+        -- other combinations are errors. *)
+  val get: at_data -> t Error.result
+  (** @return the translation for the given labeled term or predicate. *)
+val preprocess: file -> unit
+(** Analyse sources to find the statements where a labeled predicate or term
+    should be translated. *)
+val reset: unit -> unit
+(** Reset the results of the pre-anlaysis. *)
+val pp_at_data: Format.formatter -> at_data -> unit
+(** Printer for [at_data]. *)
+val _debug: unit -> unit
+(** Print internal state of labels translation. *)
+(********************** Forward references ********************************)
+val must_translate_ppt_ref: (Property.t -> bool) ref
+val must_translate_ppt_opt_ref: (Property.t option -> bool) ref
+val has_empty_quantif_ref: ((term * logic_var * term) list -> bool) ref
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
index 95a7715b97a..505ee2bc23b 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-module E_acsl_label = Label
 open Cil_types
 open Cil_datatype
 open Analyses_types
@@ -400,7 +399,7 @@ let add_stmt ?(post=false) env stmt =
   { env with env_stack = local_env :: tl }
 let extend_stmt_in_place env stmt ~label block =
-  let stmt = E_acsl_label.get_first_inner_stmt stmt in
+  let stmt = Labels.get_first_inner_stmt stmt in
   let new_stmt = Smart_stmt.block_stmt block in
   let sk = stmt.skind in
   stmt.skind <- Block (Cil.mkBlock [ new_stmt; Smart_stmt.stmt sk ]);
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
index c1cb81ab441..65c42387ff3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@ let rec has_empty_quantif_with_false_negative = function
         has_empty_quantif_with_false_negative guards
+let () =
+  Labels.has_empty_quantif_ref := has_empty_quantif_with_false_negative
 module Label_ids =
   State_builder.Counter(struct let name = "E_ACSL.Label_ids" end)
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
index be17b6e8953..7d44b55482c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/code_generator/
@@ -77,7 +77,9 @@ let must_translate_opt = function
 let () =
   E_acsl_visitor.must_translate_ppt_ref := must_translate;
-  E_acsl_visitor.must_translate_ppt_opt_ref := must_translate_opt
+  E_acsl_visitor.must_translate_ppt_opt_ref := must_translate_opt;
+  Labels.must_translate_ppt_ref := must_translate;
+  Labels.must_translate_ppt_opt_ref := must_translate_opt
 let gmp_to_sizet ~adata ~loc ~name ?(check_lower_bound=true) ?pp kf env t =
   let lenv = Env.Local_vars.get env in
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/
index 1b00052a7e0..6936e54b262 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/
@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ module Dkey = struct
   let interval = register_category "analysis:interval_inference"
   let mtracking = register_category "analysis:memory_tracking"
   let typing = register_category "analysis:typing"
+  let labels = register_category "analysis:labels"
   let translation = register_category "translation"
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/options.mli b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/options.mli
index a70776ad8be..393c91e5a04 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/options.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/options.mli
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ module Dkey: sig
   val interval: category
   val mtracking: category
   val typing: category
+  val labels: category
   val translation: category