diff --git a/.Makefile.lint b/.Makefile.lint
index 73569bc4b3548ff386b916f43a5bf20c4e81048c..cdddb760969cc6f1075006562db65d2c0cc5af02 100644
--- a/.Makefile.lint
+++ b/.Makefile.lint
@@ -360,11 +360,6 @@ ML_LINT_KO+=src/plugins/postdominators/compute.ml
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 1668a9d2777578fe6d3149774945eaedd101e369..be71d63e14ec90e788cbbf3991707faf9aa956a4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ $(eval $(call include_generic_plugin_Makefile,$(PLUGIN_NAME)))
-PLUGIN_CMO:= options generator rte visit register
+PLUGIN_CMO:= options generator rte flags visit register
 PLUGIN_TESTS_DIRS:=rte rte_manual
diff --git a/headers/header_spec.txt b/headers/header_spec.txt
index dd34d6c7e782c8eb929528844e2b9d94027eb2d7..37041b02d29df294ff1fa3b9326be5b9dd58aaec 100644
--- a/headers/header_spec.txt
+++ b/headers/header_spec.txt
@@ -1002,6 +1002,8 @@ src/plugins/report/report_parameters.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/report/scan.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/report/scan.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/rte/RteGen.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
+src/plugins/rte/flags.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
+src/plugins/rte/flags.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/rte/generator.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/rte/generator.mli: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
 src/plugins/rte/options.ml: CEA_LGPL_OR_PROPRIETARY
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/RteGen.mli b/src/plugins/rte/RteGen.mli
index 9926f78e4a0920cb8cc90aa4c4082d8b86e8dad7..aff86d1508f7becc88365eef085f20c05274599c 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/RteGen.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/RteGen.mli
@@ -20,4 +20,40 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-(** No function is directly exported: they are registered in {!Db.Value}. *)
+(** Consult internal plug-in documentation for more details *)
+(** Flags for filtering Alarms *)
+module Flags : module type of Flags
+(** RTE Generator Status & Emitters *)
+module Generator : module type of Generator
+(** Visitors to iterate over Alarms and/or generate Code-Annotations *)
+module Visit : sig
+  open Cil_types
+  val annotate: ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> unit
+  val get_annotations_kf:
+    ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> code_annotation list
+  val get_annotations_stmt:
+    ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> stmt -> code_annotation list
+  val get_annotations_exp:
+    ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> stmt -> exp -> code_annotation list
+  val get_annotations_lval:
+    ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> stmt -> lval -> code_annotation list
+  type on_alarm = kernel_function -> stmt -> invalid:bool -> Alarms.alarm -> unit
+  type 'a iterator = ?flags:Flags.t -> on_alarm ->
+    Kernel_function.t -> Cil_types.stmt -> 'a -> unit
+  val iter_lval : lval iterator
+  val iter_exp : exp iterator
+  val iter_instr : instr iterator
+  val iter_stmt : stmt iterator
+  val register :
+    Emitter.t -> kernel_function -> stmt -> invalid:bool -> Alarms.alarm ->
+    code_annotation * bool
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/flags.ml b/src/plugins/rte/flags.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eed7aa13716ac2e69ce7b4999c1402f04ef5ece8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/flags.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- Fine Tuning Visitors                                               --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+type t = {
+  remove_trivial: bool;
+  initialized: bool;
+  mem_access: bool;
+  div_mod: bool;
+  shift: bool;
+  left_shift_negative: bool;
+  right_shift_negative: bool;
+  signed_overflow: bool;
+  unsigned_overflow: bool;
+  signed_downcast: bool;
+  unsigned_downcast: bool;
+  float_to_int: bool;
+  finite_float: bool;
+  pointer_call: bool;
+  bool_value: bool;
+let all = {
+  remove_trivial = true;
+  initialized = true;
+  mem_access = true;
+  div_mod = true;
+  shift = true;
+  left_shift_negative = true;
+  right_shift_negative = true;
+  signed_overflow = true;
+  unsigned_overflow = true;
+  signed_downcast = true;
+  unsigned_downcast = true;
+  float_to_int = true;
+  finite_float = true;
+  pointer_call = true;
+  bool_value = true;
+let none = {
+  remove_trivial = false;
+  initialized = false;
+  mem_access = false;
+  div_mod = false;
+  shift = false;
+  left_shift_negative = false;
+  right_shift_negative = false;
+  signed_overflow = false;
+  unsigned_overflow = false;
+  signed_downcast = false;
+  unsigned_downcast = false;
+  float_to_int = false;
+  finite_float = false;
+  pointer_call = false;
+  bool_value = false;
+(* Which annotations should be added,
+   from local options, or deduced from the options of RTE and the kernel *)
+let option (get : unit -> bool) = function None -> get () | Some flag -> flag
+let default
+    ?remove_trivial
+    ?initialized
+    ?mem_access
+    ?div_mod
+    ?shift
+    ?left_shift_negative
+    ?right_shift_negative
+    ?signed_overflow
+    ?unsigned_overflow
+    ?signed_downcast
+    ?unsigned_downcast
+    ?float_to_int
+    ?finite_float
+    ?pointer_call
+    ?bool_value
+    () =
+  {
+    remove_trivial = option (fun () -> not (Options.Trivial.get ())) remove_trivial ;
+    initialized = option Options.DoInitialized.get initialized ;
+    mem_access = option Options.DoMemAccess.get mem_access ;
+    div_mod = option Options.DoDivMod.get div_mod ;
+    shift = option Options.DoShift.get shift;
+    left_shift_negative = option Kernel.LeftShiftNegative.get left_shift_negative ;
+    right_shift_negative = option Kernel.RightShiftNegative.get right_shift_negative ;
+    signed_overflow = option Kernel.SignedOverflow.get signed_overflow ;
+    unsigned_overflow = option Kernel.UnsignedOverflow.get unsigned_overflow ;
+    signed_downcast = option Kernel.SignedDowncast.get signed_downcast ;
+    unsigned_downcast = option Kernel.UnsignedDowncast.get unsigned_downcast ;
+    float_to_int = option Options.DoFloatToInt.get float_to_int ;
+    finite_float = option (fun () -> Kernel.SpecialFloat.get () <> "none") finite_float ;
+    pointer_call = option Options.DoPointerCall.get pointer_call ;
+    bool_value = option Kernel.InvalidBool.get bool_value ;
+  }
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/flags.mli b/src/plugins/rte/flags.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..578ba9ef3088b857eb9fed011be515f5096f90d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/flags.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  This file is part of Frama-C.                                         *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  Copyright (C) 2007-2019                                               *)
+(*    CEA (Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies              *)
+(*         alternatives)                                                  *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU   *)
+(*  Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software       *)
+(*  Foundation, version 2.1.                                              *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                 *)
+(*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *)
+(*  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                   *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(*  See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1                 *)
+(*  for more details (enclosed in the file licenses/LGPLv2.1).            *)
+(*                                                                        *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** Filtering Categories of Alarms *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(** Flags for controling the low-level API. Each flag control whether
+    a category of alarms will be visited or not. *)
+type t = {
+  remove_trivial: bool;
+  initialized: bool;
+  mem_access: bool;
+  div_mod: bool;
+  shift: bool;
+  left_shift_negative: bool;
+  right_shift_negative: bool;
+  signed_overflow: bool;
+  unsigned_overflow: bool;
+  signed_downcast: bool;
+  unsigned_downcast: bool;
+  float_to_int: bool;
+  finite_float: bool;
+  pointer_call: bool;
+  bool_value: bool;
+(** Defaults flags are taken from the Kernel and RTE plug-in options. *)
+val default :
+  ?remove_trivial:bool ->
+  ?initialized:bool ->
+  ?mem_access:bool ->
+  ?div_mod:bool ->
+  ?shift:bool ->
+  ?left_shift_negative:bool ->
+  ?right_shift_negative:bool ->
+  ?signed_overflow:bool ->
+  ?unsigned_overflow:bool ->
+  ?signed_downcast:bool ->
+  ?unsigned_downcast:bool ->
+  ?float_to_int:bool ->
+  ?finite_float:bool ->
+  ?pointer_call:bool ->
+  ?bool_value:bool ->
+  unit -> t
+(** All flags set to [true]. *)
+val all : t
+(** All flags set to [false]. *)
+val none : t
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/generator.ml b/src/plugins/rte/generator.ml
index b6c626b68c4f91251fcdb19397896dc6fec6c40d..2a944b6c6cd35202120b084850912182623afb20 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/generator.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/generator.ml
@@ -32,26 +32,26 @@ let states : State.t list ref = ref []
 let accessors : Db.RteGen.status_accessor list ref = ref []
 module Make
-  (M:sig
-    val name:string
-    val parameter: Typed_parameter.t
-    val additional_parameters: Typed_parameter.t list
-  end)
-  =
+    (M:sig
+       val name:string
+       val parameter: Typed_parameter.t
+       val additional_parameters: Typed_parameter.t list
+     end)
-  module H = 
+  module H =
-	let name = "RTE.Computed." ^ M.name
-	let size = 17
-	let dependencies =
+        let name = "RTE.Computed." ^ M.name
+        let size = 17
+        let dependencies =
           let extract p = State.get p.Typed_parameter.name in
-	  Ast.self
-	  :: Options.Trivial.self 
-	  :: List.map extract (M.parameter :: M.additional_parameters) 
-       end)
+          Ast.self
+          :: Options.Trivial.self
+          :: List.map extract (M.parameter :: M.additional_parameters)
+      end)
   let is_computed =
     (* Nothing to do for functions without body. *)
@@ -70,42 +70,42 @@ end
 module Initialized =
-       let name = "initialized"
-       let parameter = Options.DoInitialized.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = [ ]
-     end)
+      let name = "initialized"
+      let parameter = Options.DoInitialized.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = [ ]
+    end)
 module Mem_access =
-       let name = "mem_access"
-       let parameter = Options.DoMemAccess.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = [ Kernel.SafeArrays.parameter ]
-     end)
+      let name = "mem_access"
+      let parameter = Options.DoMemAccess.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = [ Kernel.SafeArrays.parameter ]
+    end)
 module Pointer_call =
-       let name = "pointer_call"
-       let parameter = Options.DoPointerCall.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "pointer_call"
+      let parameter = Options.DoPointerCall.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Div_mod =
-       let name = "division_by_zero"
-       let parameter = Options.DoDivMod.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "division_by_zero"
+      let parameter = Options.DoDivMod.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Shift =
-       let name = "shift_value_out_of_bounds"
-       let parameter = Options.DoShift.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "shift_value_out_of_bounds"
+      let parameter = Options.DoShift.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Left_shift_negative =
@@ -126,51 +126,51 @@ module Right_shift_negative =
 module Signed_overflow =
-       let name = "signed_overflow"
-       let parameter = Kernel.SignedOverflow.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "signed_overflow"
+      let parameter = Kernel.SignedOverflow.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Signed_downcast =
-       let name = "downcast"
-       let parameter = Kernel.SignedDowncast.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "downcast"
+      let parameter = Kernel.SignedDowncast.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Unsigned_overflow =
-       let name = "unsigned_overflow"
-       let parameter = Kernel.UnsignedOverflow.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "unsigned_overflow"
+      let parameter = Kernel.UnsignedOverflow.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Unsigned_downcast =
-       let name = "unsigned_downcast"
-       let parameter = Kernel.UnsignedDowncast.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "unsigned_downcast"
+      let parameter = Kernel.UnsignedDowncast.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Float_to_int =
-       let name = "float_to_int"
-       let parameter = Options.DoFloatToInt.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "float_to_int"
+      let parameter = Options.DoFloatToInt.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Finite_float =
-       let name = "finite_float"
-       let parameter = Kernel.SpecialFloat.parameter
-       let additional_parameters = []
-     end)
+      let name = "finite_float"
+      let parameter = Kernel.SpecialFloat.parameter
+      let additional_parameters = []
+    end)
 module Bool_value =
@@ -191,11 +191,17 @@ let () = Db.RteGen.self := self
 let all_statuses = !accessors
 let emitter =
-    Emitter.create
-      "rte"
-      [ Emitter.Property_status; Emitter.Alarm ]
-      ~correctness:[ Kernel.SafeArrays.parameter ]
-      ~tuning:[]
+  Emitter.create
+    "rte"
+    [ Emitter.Property_status; Emitter.Alarm ]
+    ~correctness:[ Kernel.SafeArrays.parameter ]
+    ~tuning:[]
+let get_registered_annotations stmt =
+  Annotations.fold_code_annot
+    (fun e a acc -> if Emitter.equal e emitter then a ::acc else acc)
+    stmt
+    []
   Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/generator.mli b/src/plugins/rte/generator.mli
index 2ed6fe38a32711de556d8e0466b224b5050a7655..ae903fb0bc863326a6931efe17bf75d1c75fb9d0 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/generator.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/generator.mli
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ module type S = sig
   val accessor: Db.RteGen.status_accessor
+(* No module for Trivial: dependency added for generators below *)
 module Initialized: S
 module Mem_access: S
 module Pointer_call: S
@@ -41,9 +43,15 @@ module Float_to_int: S
 module Finite_float: S
 module Bool_value: S
+val all_statuses: Db.RteGen.status_accessor list
+(** The Emitter for Annotations registered by RTE *)
 val emitter: Emitter.t
-val all_statuses: Db.RteGen.status_accessor list
+open Cil_types
+(** Returns all annotations actually {i registered} by RTE so far *)
+val get_registered_annotations: stmt -> code_annotation list
   Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/options.ml b/src/plugins/rte/options.ml
index 7c646c80c6e977aaf0ae01337b4425641a45e1c1..0b629f7f9941d8f09e6494f4e3c8ca20611539c1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/options.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/options.ml
@@ -21,47 +21,47 @@
 let help_msg = "generates annotations for runtime error checking and \
-preconditions at call sites"
+                preconditions at call sites"
 include Plugin.Register
-  (struct
-     let name = "rtegen"
-     let shortname = "rte"
-     let help = help_msg
-   end)
+    (struct
+      let name = "rtegen"
+      let shortname = "rte"
+      let help = help_msg
+    end)
 (* enabling/disabling plugin *)
 module Enabled =
-       let option_name = "-rte"
-       let help = "when on (off by default), " ^ help_msg
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte"
+      let help = "when on (off by default), " ^ help_msg
+    end)
 (* annotates division by zero (undefined behavior) *)
 module DoDivMod =
-       let option_name = "-rte-div"
-       let help = "when on (default), annotate for modulo and division by zero"
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte-div"
+      let help = "when on (default), annotate for modulo and division by zero"
+    end)
 (* annotates left and right shifts (undefined behavior) *)
 module DoShift =
-       let option_name = "-rte-shift"
-       let help = "when on (default), annotate for left and right shifts by a value out of bounds"
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte-shift"
+      let help = "when on (default), annotate for left and right shifts by a value out of bounds"
+    end)
 (* annotates casts from floating-point to integer (undefined behavior) *)
 module DoFloatToInt =
-       let option_name = "-rte-float-to-int"
-       let help = "when on (default), annotate casts from floating-point to \
-                   integer"
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte-float-to-int"
+      let help = "when on (default), annotate casts from floating-point to \
+                  integer"
+    end)
 (* annotates local variables and pointers read (aside from globals) initialization *)
 module DoInitialized =
@@ -76,52 +76,52 @@ module DoInitialized =
 module DoMemAccess =
-       let option_name = "-rte-mem"
-       let help = "when on (default), annotate for valid pointer or \
-array access"
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte-mem"
+      let help = "when on (default), annotate for valid pointer or \
+                  array access"
+    end)
 (* annotates calls through pointers *)
 module DoPointerCall =
-       let option_name = "-rte-pointer-call"
-       let help = "when on, annotate functions calls through pointers"
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte-pointer-call"
+      let help = "when on, annotate functions calls through pointers"
+    end)
 (* uses results of basic constant propagation in order to check
    validity / invalidity of generated assertions, emitting a status if possible
- *)  
 module Trivial =
-       let option_name = "-rte-trivial-annotations"
-       let help = "generate annotations for constant expressions, even when \
-they trivially hold"
-         (* if on, evaluates constants in order to check if assertions
-            are trivially true / false *)
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte-trivial-annotations"
+      let help = "generate annotations for constant expressions, even when \
+                  they trivially hold"
+      (* if on, evaluates constants in order to check if assertions
+         are trivially true / false *)
+    end)
-(* emits a warning when an assertion generated by rte is clearly invalid 
+(* emits a warning when an assertion generated by rte is clearly invalid
    (using constant folding, see ConstFold *)
 module Warn =
-       let option_name = "-rte-warn"
-       let help = "when on (default), emits warning on broken asserts"
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte-warn"
+      let help = "when on (default), emits warning on broken asserts"
+    end)
 (* this option allows the user to select a set of functions on which
-   the plug-in performs its jobs (and only those). 
+   the plug-in performs its jobs (and only those).
    By default all functions are annotated *)
 module FunctionSelection =
-       let option_name = "-rte-select"
-       let arg_name = "fun"
-       let help = "select <fun> for analysis (default all functions)"
-     end)
+      let option_name = "-rte-select"
+      let arg_name = "fun"
+      let help = "select <fun> for analysis (default all functions)"
+    end)
 let warn ?source fmt = warning ?source ~current:true ~once:true fmt
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/register.ml b/src/plugins/rte/register.ml
index 5a7a9ba4af947ea862faa59e349c55e4b3cb1805..ab0d3111c0a0da3d7e9c6b7e1777e17659c14c57 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/register.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/register.ml
@@ -20,7 +20,46 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
-let journal_register ?comment is_dyn name ty_arg fctref fct = 
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* dedicated computations *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* annotate for all rte + unsigned overflows (which are not rte), for a given
+   function *)
+let do_all_rte kf =
+  let flags =
+    { Flags.all with
+      Flags.signed_downcast = false;
+      unsigned_downcast = false; }
+  in
+  Visit.annotate ~flags kf
+(* annotate for rte only (not unsigned overflows and downcasts) for a given
+   function *)
+let do_rte kf =
+  let flags =
+    { Flags.all with
+      Flags.unsigned_overflow = false;
+      signed_downcast = false;
+      unsigned_downcast = false; }
+  in
+  Visit.annotate ~flags kf
+let compute () =
+  (* compute RTE annotations, whether Enabled is set or not *)
+  Ast.compute () ;
+  let include_function kf =
+    let fsel = Options.FunctionSelection.get () in
+    Kernel_function.Set.is_empty fsel
+    || Kernel_function.Set.mem kf fsel
+  in
+  Globals.Functions.iter
+    (fun kf -> if include_function kf then !Db.RteGen.annotate_kf kf)
+(* journal utilities *)
+let journal_register ?comment is_dyn name ty_arg fctref fct =
   let ty = Datatype.func ty_arg Datatype.unit in
   Db.register (Db.Journalize("RteGen." ^ name, ty)) fctref fct;
   if is_dyn then
@@ -29,22 +68,21 @@ let journal_register ?comment is_dyn name ty_arg fctref fct =
-let nojournal_register fctref fct = 
+let nojournal_register fctref fct =
   Db.register Db.Journalization_not_required fctref (fun () -> fct)
-let () = 
+let () =
   journal_register false
-    "annotate_kf" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.annotate_kf Visit.annotate_kf;
-  journal_register false "compute" Datatype.unit Db.RteGen.compute 
-    Visit.compute;
+    "annotate_kf" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.annotate_kf Visit.annotate;
+  journal_register false "compute" Datatype.unit Db.RteGen.compute compute;
   journal_register true
     ~comment:"Generate all RTE annotations in the \
-  given function."
-    "do_all_rte" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.do_all_rte Visit.do_all_rte;
+              given function."
+    "do_all_rte" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.do_all_rte do_all_rte;
   journal_register false
     ~comment:"Generate all RTE annotations except pre-conditions \
-    in the given function."
-    "do_rte" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.do_rte Visit.do_rte;
+              in the given function."
+    "do_rte" Kernel_function.ty Db.RteGen.do_rte do_rte;
   let open Generator in
   let open Db.RteGen in
   nojournal_register get_signedOv_status Signed_overflow.accessor;
@@ -76,36 +114,36 @@ let _ =
 let _ =
     ~comment:"Get the list of annotations previously emitted by RTE for the \
-given statement."
+              given statement."
        (let module L = Datatype.List(Cil_datatype.Code_annotation) in L.ty))
-    Visit.rte_annotations
+    Generator.get_registered_annotations
 let _ =
     ~comment:"Generate RTE annotations corresponding to the given stmt of \
-the given function."
+              the given function."
     (Datatype.func2 Kernel_function.ty Cil_datatype.Stmt.ty
        (let module L = Datatype.List(Cil_datatype.Code_annotation) in L.ty))
-    Visit.do_stmt_annotations
+    Visit.get_annotations_stmt
 let _ =
     ~comment:"Generate RTE annotations corresponding to the given exp \
-of the given stmt in the given function."
+              of the given stmt in the given function."
-    (Datatype.func3 Kernel_function.ty Cil_datatype.Stmt.ty Cil_datatype.Exp.ty 
+    (Datatype.func3 Kernel_function.ty Cil_datatype.Stmt.ty Cil_datatype.Exp.ty
        (let module L = Datatype.List(Cil_datatype.Code_annotation) in L.ty))
-    Visit.do_exp_annotations
+    Visit.get_annotations_exp
 let main () =
   (* reset "rte generated"/"called precond generated" properties for all
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/rte.ml b/src/plugins/rte/rte.ml
index 855e2b4e729349a97a695626041ebe7d19df816c..b1f2b7ffaec2b3a980a1816314f0756e902e471e 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/rte.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/rte.ml
@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ open Cil_types
 type 'a alarm_gen =
   remove_trivial:bool ->
-  on_alarm:(?status:Property_status.emitted_status ->
-            Alarms.alarm ->
-            unit) ->
+  on_alarm:(invalid:bool -> Alarms.alarm -> unit) ->
   'a -> unit
 type bound_kind = Alarms.bound_kind = Lower_bound | Upper_bound
@@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ let valid_index ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm e size =
     (* Do not create upper-bound check on GNU zero-length arrays *)
     if not (bk == Upper_bound && Cil.isZero size) then begin
-      on_alarm ?status:None (Alarms.Index_out_of_bound(e, b))
+      on_alarm ~invalid:false (Alarms.Index_out_of_bound(e, b))
   if remove_trivial then begin
@@ -54,7 +52,7 @@ let valid_index ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm e size =
     let v_e = get_expr_val e in
     let v_size = get_expr_val size in
     let neg_ok =
-      Extlib.may_map ~dft:false (Integer.le Integer.zero) v_e 
+      Extlib.may_map ~dft:false (Integer.le Integer.zero) v_e
       || Cil.isUnsignedInteger (Cil.typeOf e)
     if not neg_ok then alarm Lower_bound;
@@ -76,11 +74,11 @@ let valid_index ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm e size =
 let lval_assertion ~read_only ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm lv =
   (* For accesses to known arrays we generate an assertions that constrains
      the index. This is simpler than the [\valid] assertion *)
-  let rec check_array_access default off typ in_struct = 
+  let rec check_array_access default off typ in_struct =
     match off with
-    | NoOffset -> 
-      if default then 
-        on_alarm ?status:None (Alarms.Memory_access(lv, read_only))
+    | NoOffset ->
+      if default then
+        on_alarm ~invalid:false (Alarms.Memory_access(lv, read_only))
     | Field (fi, off) ->
       (* Mark that we went through a struct field, then recurse *)
       check_array_access default off fi.ftype true
@@ -108,10 +106,10 @@ let lval_assertion ~read_only ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm lv =
 (* assertion for lvalue initialization *)
 let lval_initialized_assertion ~remove_trivial:_ ~on_alarm lv =
-  let rec check_array_initialized default off typ in_struct l = 
+  let rec check_array_initialized default off typ in_struct l =
     match off with
-    | NoOffset -> 
-      begin 
+    | NoOffset ->
+      begin
         match typ with
         | TComp({cstruct = false; cfields} ,_,_) ->
           (match cfields with
@@ -123,11 +121,11 @@ let lval_initialized_assertion ~remove_trivial:_ ~on_alarm lv =
                  (fun fi -> Cil.addOffsetLval (Field (fi, NoOffset)) lv)
-             if default then 
-               on_alarm ?status:None (Alarms.Uninitialized_union llv))
-        | _ ->    
-          if default then 
-            on_alarm ?status:None (Alarms.Uninitialized lv)
+             if default then
+               on_alarm ~invalid:false (Alarms.Uninitialized_union llv))
+        | _ ->
+          if default then
+            on_alarm ~invalid:false (Alarms.Uninitialized lv)
     | Field (fi, off) ->
       (* Mark that we went through a struct field, then recurse *)
@@ -158,17 +156,17 @@ let uminus_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm exp =
   let min_ty = Cil.min_signed_number size in
   (* alarm is bound <= exp, hence bound must be MIN_INT+1 *)
   let bound = Integer.add Integer.one min_ty in
-  let alarm ?status () =
+  let alarm ?(invalid=false) () =
     let a = Alarms.Overflow(Alarms.Signed, exp, bound, Lower_bound) in
-    on_alarm ?status a
+    on_alarm ~invalid a
   if remove_trivial then begin
     match get_expr_val exp with
     | None -> alarm ()
-    | Some a64 -> 
+    | Some a64 ->
       (* constant operand *)
       if Integer.equal a64 min_ty then
-        alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable ()
+        alarm ~invalid:true ()
   else alarm ()
@@ -179,17 +177,17 @@ let mult_sub_add_assertion ~signed ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp,op,lexp,rexp)
      is strictly more than [max_ty] or strictly less than [min_ty] *)
   let t = Cil.unrollType (Cil.typeOf exp) in
   let size = Cil.bitsSizeOf t in
-  let min_ty, max_ty = 
+  let min_ty, max_ty =
     if signed then Cil.min_signed_number size, Cil.max_signed_number size
-    else Integer.zero, Cil.max_unsigned_number size 
+    else Integer.zero, Cil.max_unsigned_number size
-  let alarm ?status bk =
+  let alarm ?(invalid=false) bk =
     let bound = match bk with
       | Upper_bound -> max_ty
       | Lower_bound -> min_ty
     let signed = if signed then Alarms.Signed else Alarms.Unsigned in
-    on_alarm ?status (Alarms.Overflow (signed, exp, bound, bk));
+    on_alarm ~invalid (Alarms.Overflow (signed, exp, bound, bk));
   let alarms () =
     alarm Lower_bound;
@@ -199,7 +197,7 @@ let mult_sub_add_assertion ~signed ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp,op,lexp,rexp)
     match get_expr_val lexp, get_expr_val rexp, op with
     | Some l, Some r, _ -> (* both operands are constant *)
       let warn r =
-        let warn bk = alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable bk in
+        let warn bk = alarm ~invalid:true bk in
         if Integer.gt r max_ty then warn Upper_bound
         else if Integer.lt r min_ty then warn Lower_bound
@@ -228,7 +226,7 @@ let mult_sub_add_assertion ~signed ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp,op,lexp,rexp)
         (* Only negative overflows are possible, since r is positive. (TODO:
            nothing can happen on [max_int]. *)
         alarm Lower_bound
-      end 
+      end
     | Some v, None, Mult | None, Some v, Mult
       when Integer.is_zero v || Integer.is_one v -> ()
@@ -240,8 +238,8 @@ let mult_sub_add_assertion ~signed ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp,op,lexp,rexp)
 (* assertions for division and modulo (divisor is 0) *)
 let divmod_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm divisor =
   (* division or modulo: overflow occurs when divisor is equal to zero *)
-  let alarm ?status () =
-    on_alarm ?status (Alarms.Division_by_zero divisor);
+  let alarm ?(invalid=false) () =
+    on_alarm ~invalid (Alarms.Division_by_zero divisor);
   if remove_trivial then begin
     match get_expr_val divisor with
@@ -250,7 +248,7 @@ let divmod_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm divisor =
     | Some v64 ->
       if Integer.equal v64 Integer.zero then
         (* divide by 0 *)
-        alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable ()
+        alarm ~invalid:true ()
         (* else divide by constant which is not 0: nothing to assert *)
   else alarm ()
@@ -270,9 +268,9 @@ let signed_div_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp, lexp, rexp) =
   (* check dividend_expr / divisor_expr : if constants ... *)
   (* compute smallest representable "size bits" (signed) integer *)
   let max_ty = Cil.max_signed_number size in
-  let alarm ?status () =
+  let alarm ?(invalid=false) () =
     let a = Alarms.Overflow(Alarms.Signed, exp, max_ty, Alarms.Upper_bound) in
-    on_alarm ?status a;
+    on_alarm ~invalid a;
   if remove_trivial then begin
     let min = Cil.min_signed_number size in
@@ -285,8 +283,8 @@ let signed_div_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp, lexp, rexp) =
     | Some _, Some _ ->
       (* invalid constant division *)
-      alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable ()
-    | None, Some _ | Some _, None | None, None -> 
+      alarm ~invalid:true ()
+    | None, Some _ | Some _, None | None, None ->
       (* at least one is not constant: cannot conclude *)
       alarm ()
@@ -294,9 +292,9 @@ let signed_div_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp, lexp, rexp) =
 (* Assertions for the left and right operands of left and right shift. *)
 let shift_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp, upper_bound) =
-  let alarm ?status () =
+  let alarm ?(invalid=false) () =
     let a = Alarms.Invalid_shift(exp, upper_bound) in
-    on_alarm ?status a;
+    on_alarm ~invalid a ;
   if remove_trivial then begin
     match get_expr_val exp with
@@ -310,7 +308,7 @@ let shift_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp, upper_bound) =
         | Some u -> Integer.lt c64 (Integer.of_int u)
       if not (Integer.ge c64 Integer.zero && upper_bound_ok) then
-        alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable ()
+        alarm ~invalid:true ()
   else alarm ()
@@ -340,22 +338,22 @@ let shift_overflow_assertion ~signed ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (exp, op, lexp, r
       then Cil.max_signed_number size
       else Cil.max_unsigned_number size
-    let overflow_alarm ?status () =
+    let overflow_alarm ?(invalid=false) () =
       let signed = if signed then Alarms.Signed else Alarms.Unsigned in
       let a = Alarms.Overflow (signed, exp, maxValResult, Alarms.Upper_bound) in
-      on_alarm ?status a;
+      on_alarm ~invalid a;
     if remove_trivial then begin
       match get_expr_val lexp, get_expr_val rexp with
-      | None,_ | _, None -> 
+      | None,_ | _, None ->
         overflow_alarm ()
       | Some lval64, Some rval64 ->
         (* both operands are constant: check result is representable in
            result type *)
-        if Integer.ge rval64 Integer.zero 
+        if Integer.ge rval64 Integer.zero
         && Integer.gt (Integer.shift_left lval64 rval64) maxValResult
-          overflow_alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable ()
+          overflow_alarm ~invalid:true ()
     else overflow_alarm ()
@@ -375,16 +373,16 @@ let unsigned_downcast_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (ty, exp) =
           ok is same bit size ;
           if target is <, requires <= max target *)
        let max_ty = Cil.max_unsigned_number szTo in
-       let alarm ?status bk =
+       let alarm ?(invalid=false) bk =
          let b = match bk with
            | Lower_bound -> Integer.zero
            | Upper_bound -> max_ty
          let a = Alarms.Overflow (Alarms.Unsigned_downcast, exp, b, bk) in
-         on_alarm ?status a;
+         on_alarm ~invalid a;
        let alarms () =
-         if Cil.isSigned kind then begin (* signed to unsigned *) 
+         if Cil.isSigned kind then begin (* signed to unsigned *)
            alarm Upper_bound;
            alarm Lower_bound;
          end else (* unsigned to unsigned; cannot overflow in the negative *)
@@ -395,11 +393,9 @@ let unsigned_downcast_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (ty, exp) =
          | None -> alarms ()
          | Some a64 ->
            if Integer.lt a64 Integer.zero then
-             alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable
-               Lower_bound
+             alarm ~invalid:true Lower_bound
            else if Integer.gt a64 max_ty then
-             alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable
-               Upper_bound
+             alarm ~invalid:true Upper_bound
        else alarms ())
   | _ -> ()
@@ -416,13 +412,13 @@ let signed_downcast_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (ty, exp) =
        (* downcast: the expression result should fit on szTo bits *)
        let min_ty = Cil.min_signed_number szTo in
        let max_ty = Cil.max_signed_number szTo in
-       let alarm ?status bk =
+       let alarm ?(invalid=false) bk =
          let b = match bk with
            | Lower_bound -> min_ty
            | Upper_bound -> max_ty
          let a = Alarms.Overflow (Alarms.Signed_downcast, exp, b, bk) in
-         on_alarm ?status a;
+         on_alarm ~invalid a;
        let alarms () =
          if Cil.isSigned kind then begin
@@ -437,9 +433,9 @@ let signed_downcast_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (ty, exp) =
          | None -> alarms ()
          | Some a64 ->
            (if Integer.lt a64 min_ty then
-              alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable Lower_bound
+              alarm ~invalid:true Lower_bound
             else if Integer.gt a64 max_ty then
-              alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable Upper_bound)
+              alarm ~invalid:true Upper_bound)
        else alarms ())
   | _ -> ()
@@ -456,12 +452,12 @@ let float_to_int_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (ty, exp) =
         Integer.zero, Cil.max_unsigned_number szTo
-    let alarm ?status bk =
+    let alarm ?(invalid=false) bk =
       let b = match bk with
         | Lower_bound -> min_ty
         | Upper_bound -> max_ty
-      on_alarm ?status (Alarms.Float_to_int (exp, b, bk))
+      on_alarm ~invalid (Alarms.Float_to_int (exp, b, bk))
     let f = match exp.enode with
       | Const (CReal (f, _, _)) -> Some f
@@ -474,9 +470,9 @@ let float_to_int_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (ty, exp) =
            let fint = Floating_point.truncate_to_integer f in
            if Integer.lt fint min_ty then
-             alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable Lower_bound
+             alarm ~invalid:true Lower_bound
            else if Integer.gt fint max_ty then
-             alarm ~status:Property_status.False_if_reachable Upper_bound
+             alarm ~invalid:true Upper_bound
          with Floating_point.Float_Non_representable_as_Int64 sign ->
          match sign with
          | Floating_point.Neg -> alarm Lower_bound
@@ -490,19 +486,19 @@ let float_to_int_assertion ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm (ty, exp) =
 (* assertion for checking only finite float are used *)
 let finite_float_assertion ~remove_trivial:_ ~on_alarm (fkind, exp) =
-  let status = None in
+  let invalid = false in
   match Kernel.SpecialFloat.get () with
   | "none"       -> ()
-  | "nan"        -> on_alarm ?status (Alarms.Is_nan (exp, fkind))
-  | "non-finite" -> on_alarm ?status (Alarms.Is_nan_or_infinite (exp, fkind))
+  | "nan"        -> on_alarm ~invalid (Alarms.Is_nan (exp, fkind))
+  | "non-finite" -> on_alarm ~invalid (Alarms.Is_nan_or_infinite (exp, fkind))
   | _            -> assert false
 (* assertion for a pointer call [( *e )(args)]. *)
 let pointer_call ~remove_trivial:_ ~on_alarm (e, args) =
-  on_alarm ?status:None (Alarms.Function_pointer (e, Some args))
+  on_alarm ~invalid:false (Alarms.Function_pointer (e, Some args))
 let bool_value ~remove_trivial:_ ~on_alarm lv =
-  on_alarm ?status:None (Alarms.Invalid_bool lv)
+  on_alarm ~invalid:false (Alarms.Invalid_bool lv)
 Local Variables:
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/rte.mli b/src/plugins/rte/rte.mli
index 0b1d55a21e304b9ccec0cb61b1c270fe232f69a9..6d194a63109c9b13466d45139ea283f3a8b18ee9 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/rte.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/rte.mli
@@ -24,9 +24,7 @@ open Cil_types
 type 'a alarm_gen =
   remove_trivial:bool ->
-  on_alarm:(?status:Property_status.emitted_status ->
-            Alarms.alarm ->
-            unit) ->
+  on_alarm:(invalid:bool -> Alarms.alarm -> unit) ->
   'a -> unit
 (** ['a alarm_gen] is an abstraction over the process of generating a certain
     kind of RTEs over something of type ['a].
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/visit.ml b/src/plugins/rte/visit.ml
index c8091e90c750efa7277e1caec1f71c0451f8906e..41f597a4fc075a37c252d2f6f2634c8d1842b0e6 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/visit.ml
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/visit.ml
@@ -27,88 +27,10 @@ open Cil_datatype
 (* AST inplace visitor for runtime annotation generation *)
-(* module for bypassing categories of annotation generation for certain
-   expression ids ; 
-   useful in a case such as
-   signed char cx,cy,cz;
-   cz = cx * cy;
-   which translates to
-   cz = (signed char) ((int) cx * (int) cz) ;
-   which would in this case be annotated both by
-   assert
-   (((int )cx+(int )cy <= 2147483647) and
-   ((int )cx+(int )cy >= (-0x7FFFFFFF-1)));
-   and
-   assert (((int )cx+(int )cy <= 127) and ((int )cx+(int )cy >= -128));
-   while we only want to keep the second assert (comes from the cast,
-   and is stronger)
-type to_annotate = {
-  initialized: bool;
-  mem_access: bool;
-  div_mod: bool;
-  shift: bool;
-  left_shift_negative: bool;
-  right_shift_negative: bool;
-  signed_ov: bool;
-  unsigned_ov: bool;
-  signed_downcast: bool;
-  unsigned_downcast: bool;
-  float_to_int: bool;
-  finite_float: bool;
-  pointer_call: bool;
-  bool_value: bool;
-let annotate_all = {
-  initialized = true;
-  mem_access = true;
-  div_mod = true;
-  shift = true;
-  left_shift_negative = true;
-  right_shift_negative = true;
-  signed_ov = true;
-  unsigned_ov = true;
-  signed_downcast = true;
-  unsigned_downcast = true;
-  float_to_int = true;
-  finite_float = true;
-  pointer_call = true;
-  bool_value = true;
-(** Which annotations should be added, deduced from the options of RTE and
-    the kernel itself. *)
-let annotate_from_options () = {
-  initialized = Options.DoInitialized.get ();
-  mem_access = Options.DoMemAccess.get ();
-  div_mod = Options.DoDivMod.get ();
-  shift = Options.DoShift.get ();
-  left_shift_negative = Kernel.LeftShiftNegative.get ();
-  right_shift_negative = Kernel.RightShiftNegative.get ();
-  signed_ov = Kernel.SignedOverflow.get ();
-  unsigned_ov = Kernel.UnsignedOverflow.get ();
-  signed_downcast = Kernel.SignedDowncast.get ();
-  unsigned_downcast = Kernel.UnsignedDowncast.get ();
-  float_to_int = Options.DoFloatToInt.get ();
-  finite_float = Kernel.SpecialFloat.get () <> "none";
-  pointer_call = Options.DoPointerCall.get ();
-  bool_value = Kernel.InvalidBool.get ();
 (** [kf]: function to annotate
-    [to_annot]: which RTE to generate.
+    [flags]: which RTE to generate.
     [register]: the action to perform on each RTE alarm *)
-class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
+class annot_visitor kf flags on_alarm = object (self)
   inherit Visitor.frama_c_inplace
@@ -129,81 +51,84 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
   method private do_initialized () =
-    to_annot.initialized && not (Generator.Initialized.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.initialized && not (Generator.Initialized.is_computed kf)
   method private do_mem_access () =
-    to_annot.mem_access && not (Generator.Mem_access.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.mem_access && not (Generator.Mem_access.is_computed kf)
   method private do_div_mod () =
-    to_annot.div_mod && not (Generator.Div_mod.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.div_mod && not (Generator.Div_mod.is_computed kf)
   method private do_shift () =
-    to_annot.shift && not (Generator.Shift.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.shift && not (Generator.Shift.is_computed kf)
   method private do_left_shift_negative () =
-    to_annot.left_shift_negative
+    flags.Flags.left_shift_negative
     && not (Generator.Left_shift_negative.is_computed kf)
   method private do_right_shift_negative () =
-    to_annot.right_shift_negative
+    flags.Flags.right_shift_negative
     && not (Generator.Right_shift_negative.is_computed kf)
   method private do_signed_overflow () =
-    to_annot.signed_ov && not (Generator.Signed_overflow.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.signed_overflow
+    && not (Generator.Signed_overflow.is_computed kf)
   method private do_unsigned_overflow () =
-    to_annot.unsigned_ov && not (Generator.Unsigned_overflow.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.unsigned_overflow
+    && not (Generator.Unsigned_overflow.is_computed kf)
   method private do_signed_downcast () =
-    to_annot.signed_downcast && not (Generator.Signed_downcast.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.signed_downcast
+    && not (Generator.Signed_downcast.is_computed kf)
   method private do_unsigned_downcast () =
-    to_annot.unsigned_downcast &&
-    not (Generator.Unsigned_downcast.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.unsigned_downcast
+    && not (Generator.Unsigned_downcast.is_computed kf)
   method private do_float_to_int () =
-    to_annot.float_to_int && not (Generator.Float_to_int.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.float_to_int && not (Generator.Float_to_int.is_computed kf)
   method private do_finite_float () =
-    to_annot.finite_float && not (Generator.Finite_float.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.finite_float && not (Generator.Finite_float.is_computed kf)
   method private do_pointer_call () =
-    to_annot.pointer_call && not (Generator.Pointer_call.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.pointer_call && not (Generator.Pointer_call.is_computed kf)
   method private do_bool_value () =
-    to_annot.bool_value && not (Generator.Bool_value.is_computed kf)
+    flags.Flags.bool_value && not (Generator.Bool_value.is_computed kf)
   method private queue_stmt_spec spec =
     let stmt = Extlib.the (self#current_stmt) in
       (fun () ->
-	let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AStmtSpec ([], spec)) in
-	Annotations.add_code_annot Generator.emitter ~kf stmt annot)
+         let annot = Logic_const.new_code_annotation (AStmtSpec ([], spec)) in
+         Annotations.add_code_annot Generator.emitter ~kf stmt annot)
   method private generate_assertion: 'a. 'a Rte.alarm_gen -> 'a -> unit =
-    let remove_trivial = not (Options.Trivial.get ()) in
     fun fgen ->
-      let on_alarm ?status a = on_alarm self#current_kinstr ?status a in
-      fgen ~remove_trivial ~on_alarm
+      let stmt = Extlib.the (self#current_stmt) in
+      let on_alarm ~invalid a = on_alarm stmt ~invalid a in
+      fgen ~remove_trivial:flags.Flags.remove_trivial ~on_alarm
   method! vstmt s = match s.skind with
-  | UnspecifiedSequence l ->
-    (* UnspecifiedSequences may contain lvals for side-effects, that
-       give rise to spurious assertions *)
-    let no_lval = List.map (fun (s, _, _, _, sref) -> s, [], [], [], sref) l in
-    let s' = { s with skind = UnspecifiedSequence no_lval } in
-    Cil.ChangeDoChildrenPost (s', fun _ -> s)
-  | _ -> Cil.DoChildren
+    | UnspecifiedSequence l ->
+      (* UnspecifiedSequences may contain lvals for side-effects, that
+         give rise to spurious assertions *)
+      let no_lval = List.map (fun (s, _, _, _, sref) -> s, [], [], [], sref) l in
+      let s' = { s with skind = UnspecifiedSequence no_lval } in
+      Cil.ChangeDoChildrenPost (s', fun _ -> s)
+    | _ -> Cil.DoChildren
   method private treat_call ret_opt =
     match ret_opt, self#do_mem_access () with
     | None, _ | Some _, false -> ()
-    | Some ret, true -> 
+    | Some ret, true ->
       Options.debug "lval %a: validity of potential mem access checked\n"
-	Printer.pp_lval ret;
-      self#generate_assertion 
-	(Rte.lval_assertion ~read_only:Alarms.For_writing) ret
+        Printer.pp_lval ret;
+      self#generate_assertion
+        (Rte.lval_assertion ~read_only:Alarms.For_writing) ret
   method private check_uchar_assign dest src =
@@ -215,59 +140,59 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
     begin match src.enode with
-    | Lval src_lv ->
-      let typ1 = Cil.typeOfLval src_lv in
-      let typ2 = Cil.typeOfLval dest in
-      let isUChar t = Cil.isUnsignedInteger t && Cil.isAnyCharType t in
-      if isUChar typ1 && isUChar typ2 then
-        self#mark_to_skip_initialized src_lv
-    | _ -> ()
+      | Lval src_lv ->
+        let typ1 = Cil.typeOfLval src_lv in
+        let typ2 = Cil.typeOfLval dest in
+        let isUChar t = Cil.isUnsignedInteger t && Cil.isAnyCharType t in
+        if isUChar typ1 && isUChar typ2 then
+          self#mark_to_skip_initialized src_lv
+      | _ -> ()
     end ;
   (* assigned left values are checked for valid access *)
   method! vinst = function
-  | Set (lval,exp,_) -> self#check_uchar_assign lval exp
-  | Call (ret_opt,funcexp,argl,_) ->
-    (* Do not emit alarms on Eva builtins such as Frama_C_show_each, that should
-       have no effect on analyses. *)
-    let is_builtin, is_va_start =
-      match funcexp.enode with
-      | Lval (Var vinfo, NoOffset) ->
-        let kf = Globals.Functions.get vinfo in
-        let frama_b = Ast_info.is_frama_c_builtin (Kernel_function.get_name kf)
-        in
-        let va_start = Kernel_function.get_name kf = "__builtin_va_start" in
-        (frama_b, va_start)
-      | _ -> (false, false)
-    in
-    if is_va_start then begin
-      match (List.nth argl 0).enode with
+    | Set (lval,exp,_) -> self#check_uchar_assign lval exp
+    | Call (ret_opt,funcexp,argl,_) ->
+      (* Do not emit alarms on Eva builtins such as Frama_C_show_each, that should
+         have no effect on analyses. *)
+      let is_builtin, is_va_start =
+        match funcexp.enode with
+        | Lval (Var vinfo, NoOffset) ->
+          let kf = Globals.Functions.get vinfo in
+          let frama_b = Ast_info.is_frama_c_builtin (Kernel_function.get_name kf)
+          in
+          let va_start = Kernel_function.get_name kf = "__builtin_va_start" in
+          (frama_b, va_start)
+        | _ -> (false, false)
+      in
+      if is_va_start then begin
+        match (List.nth argl 0).enode with
         | Lval lv -> self#mark_to_skip_initialized lv
         | _ -> ()
-    end ;
-    if is_builtin
-    then Cil.SkipChildren
-    else begin
-      self#treat_call ret_opt;
-      (* Alarm if the call is through a pointer. Done in DoChildrenPost to get a
-         more pleasant ordering of annotations. *)
-      let do_ptr () =
-        if self#do_pointer_call () then
-          match funcexp.enode with
-          | Lval (Mem e, _) -> self#generate_assertion Rte.pointer_call (e, argl)
-          | _ -> ()
-      in
-      Cil.DoChildrenPost (fun res -> do_ptr (); res)
-    end
-  | Local_init (v,ConsInit(f,args,kind),loc) ->
-    let do_call lv _e _args _loc = self#treat_call lv in
-    Cil.treat_constructor_as_func do_call v f args kind loc;
-    Cil.DoChildren
-  | Local_init (v,AssignInit (SingleInit exp),_) ->
-    self#check_uchar_assign (Cil.var v) exp
-  | Local_init (_,AssignInit _,_)
-  | Asm _ | Skip _ | Code_annot _ -> Cil.DoChildren
+      end ;
+      if is_builtin
+      then Cil.SkipChildren
+      else begin
+        self#treat_call ret_opt;
+        (* Alarm if the call is through a pointer. Done in DoChildrenPost to get a
+           more pleasant ordering of annotations. *)
+        let do_ptr () =
+          if self#do_pointer_call () then
+            match funcexp.enode with
+            | Lval (Mem e, _) -> self#generate_assertion Rte.pointer_call (e, argl)
+            | _ -> ()
+        in
+        Cil.DoChildrenPost (fun res -> do_ptr (); res)
+      end
+    | Local_init (v,ConsInit(f,args,kind),loc) ->
+      let do_call lv _e _args _loc = self#treat_call lv in
+      Cil.treat_constructor_as_func do_call v f args kind loc;
+      Cil.DoChildren
+    | Local_init (v,AssignInit (SingleInit exp),_) ->
+      self#check_uchar_assign (Cil.var v) exp
+    | Local_init (_,AssignInit _,_)
+    | Asm _ | Skip _ | Code_annot _ -> Cil.DoChildren
   method! vexpr exp =
     Options.debug "considering exp %a\n" Printer.pp_exp exp;
@@ -281,12 +206,12 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
       let generate () =
         match exp.enode with
         | BinOp((Div | Mod) as op, lexp, rexp, ty) ->
-          (match Cil.unrollType ty with 
-           | TInt(kind,_) -> 
+          (match Cil.unrollType ty with
+           | TInt(kind,_) ->
              (* add assertion "divisor not zero" *)
              if self#do_div_mod () then
                self#generate_assertion Rte.divmod_assertion rexp;
-             if self#do_signed_overflow () && op = Div && Cil.isSigned kind then 
+             if self#do_signed_overflow () && op = Div && Cil.isSigned kind then
                (* treat the special case of signed division overflow
                   (no signed modulo overflow) *)
                self#generate_assertion Rte.signed_div_assertion (exp, lexp, rexp)
@@ -295,7 +220,7 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
            | _ -> ())
         | BinOp((Shiftlt | Shiftrt) as op, lexp, rexp,ttype ) ->
-          (match Cil.unrollType ttype with 
+          (match Cil.unrollType ttype with
            | TInt(kind,_) ->
              (* 0 <= rexp <= width *)
              if self#do_shift () then begin
@@ -320,13 +245,13 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
         | BinOp((PlusA |MinusA | Mult) as op, lexp, rexp, ttype) ->
           (* may be skipped if the enclosing expression is a downcast to a signed
              type *)
-          (match Cil.unrollType ttype with 
-           | TInt(kind,_) when Cil.isSigned kind -> 
+          (match Cil.unrollType ttype with
+           | TInt(kind,_) when Cil.isSigned kind ->
              if self#do_signed_overflow () && not (self#must_skip exp) then
                  (Rte.mult_sub_add_assertion ~signed:true)
                  (exp, op, lexp, rexp)
-           | TInt(kind,_) when not (Cil.isSigned kind) -> 
+           | TInt(kind,_) when not (Cil.isSigned kind) ->
              if self#do_unsigned_overflow () then
                  (Rte.mult_sub_add_assertion ~signed:false)
@@ -340,8 +265,8 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
              "subtracting the promoted value from the largest value
              of the promoted type and adding one",
              the result is always representable: so no overflow *)
-          (match Cil.unrollType ty with 
-           | TInt(kind,_) when Cil.isSigned kind -> 
+          (match Cil.unrollType ty with
+           | TInt(kind,_) when Cil.isSigned kind ->
              if self#do_signed_overflow () then
                self#generate_assertion Rte.uminus_assertion exp;
            | TFloat(fkind,_) when self#do_finite_float () ->
@@ -356,9 +281,9 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
           (* left values are checked for valid access *)
           if self#do_mem_access () then begin
-              "exp %a is an lval: validity of potential mem access checked" 
+              "exp %a is an lval: validity of potential mem access checked"
               Printer.pp_exp exp;
-            self#generate_assertion 
+            self#generate_assertion
               (Rte.lval_assertion ~read_only:Alarms.For_reading) lval
           if self#do_initialized () && not (self#must_skip_initialized lval) then begin
@@ -391,12 +316,12 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
            | _ -> ());
         | Const (CReal(f,fkind,_)) when self#do_finite_float () ->
           begin match Pervasives.classify_float f with
-          | FP_normal
-          | FP_subnormal
-          | FP_zero -> ()
-          | FP_infinite
-          | FP_nan ->
-            self#generate_assertion Rte.finite_float_assertion (fkind,exp)
+            | FP_normal
+            | FP_subnormal
+            | FP_zero -> ()
+            | FP_infinite
+            | FP_nan ->
+              self#generate_assertion Rte.finite_float_assertion (fkind,exp)
         | StartOf _
         | AddrOf _
@@ -416,41 +341,78 @@ class annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm = object (self)
-let rte_annotations stmt = 
-  Annotations.fold_code_annot
-    (fun e a acc -> if Emitter.equal e Generator.emitter then a ::acc else acc)
-    stmt
-    []
-(** {2 List of all RTEs on a given Cil object} *)
-let get_annotations from kf stmt x =
-  let to_annot = annotate_from_options () in
-  (* Accumulator containing all the code_annots corresponding to an alarm
-     emitted so far. *)
-  let code_annots = ref [] in
-  let on_alarm ki ?status:_ alarm =
-    let ca, _ = Alarms.to_annot ki alarm in
-    code_annots := ca :: !code_annots;
-  in
-  let o = object (self)
-    inherit annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm
+(** {2 Iterate over Alarms on Cil elements} *)
+type on_alarm = kernel_function -> stmt -> invalid:bool -> Alarms.alarm -> unit
+let filter = function None -> Flags.default () | Some flags -> flags
+let iter_alarms visit ?flags (on_alarm:on_alarm) kf stmt element =
+  let visitor = object (self)
+    inherit annot_visitor kf (filter flags) (on_alarm kf)
+    initializer self#push_stmt stmt
+  end in
+  ignore (visit (visitor :> Cil.cilVisitor) element)
+type 'a iterator =
+  ?flags:Flags.t -> on_alarm ->
+  Kernel_function.t -> Cil_types.stmt -> 'a -> unit
+let iter_lval : lval iterator = iter_alarms Cil.visitCilLval
+let iter_exp : exp iterator = iter_alarms Cil.visitCilExpr
+let iter_instr : instr iterator = iter_alarms Cil.visitCilInstr
+let iter_stmt : stmt iterator = iter_alarms Cil.visitCilStmt
+(** {2 Regitration} *)
+let status ~invalid =
+  if invalid then Some Property_status.False_if_reachable else None
+let register emitter kf stmt ~invalid alarm =
+  let status = status ~invalid in
+  Alarms.register emitter ~kf (Kstmt stmt) ?status alarm
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+(* --- List Code Annotations                                              --- *)
+(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+let collector () =
+  let pool = ref [] in
+  let on_alarm stmt ~invalid:_ alarm =
+    let ca, _ = Alarms.to_annot (Kstmt stmt) alarm in
+    pool := ca :: !pool ;
+  in pool , on_alarm
+let get_annotations_kf ?flags kf =
+  match kf.fundec with
+  | Declaration _ -> []
+  | Definition(f, _) ->
+    let pool,on_alarm = collector () in
+    let visitor = new annot_visitor kf (filter flags) on_alarm in
+    ignore (Visitor.visitFramacFunction visitor f) ; !pool
+let collect from flags kf stmt elt =
+  let pool,on_alarm = collector () in
+  let visitor = object (self)
+    inherit annot_visitor kf (filter flags) on_alarm
     initializer self#push_stmt stmt
   end in
-  ignore (from (o :> Cil.cilVisitor) x);
-  !code_annots
+  ignore (from (visitor :> Cil.cilVisitor) elt); !pool
-let do_stmt_annotations kf stmt =
-  get_annotations Cil.visitCilStmt kf stmt stmt
+let get_annotations_stmt ?flags kf stmt =
+  collect Cil.visitCilStmt flags kf stmt stmt
-let do_exp_annotations = get_annotations Cil.visitCilExpr
+let get_annotations_exp ?flags kf stmt exp =
+  collect Cil.visitCilExpr flags kf stmt exp
+let get_annotations_lval ?flags kf stmt lv =
+  collect Cil.visitCilLval flags kf stmt lv
 (** {2 Annotations of kernel_functions for a given type of RTE} *)
-(* generates annotation for function kf on the basis of [to_annot] *)
-let annotate_kf_aux to_annot kf =
+(* generates annotation for function kf on the basis of [flags] *)
+let annotate ?flags kf =
+  let flags = filter flags in
   Options.debug "annotating function %a" Kernel_function.pretty kf;
   match kf.fundec with
   | Declaration _ -> ()
@@ -470,72 +432,35 @@ let annotate_kf_aux to_annot kf =
     (* Strict version of ||, because [comp] has side-effects *)
     let (|||) a b = a || b in
     let open Generator in
-    if comp Initialized.accessor to_annot.initialized |||
-       comp Mem_access.accessor to_annot.mem_access |||
-       comp Pointer_call.accessor to_annot.pointer_call |||
-       comp Div_mod.accessor to_annot.div_mod |||
-       comp Shift.accessor to_annot.shift |||
-       comp Left_shift_negative.accessor to_annot.left_shift_negative |||
-       comp Right_shift_negative.accessor to_annot.right_shift_negative |||
-       comp Signed_overflow.accessor to_annot.signed_ov |||
-       comp Signed_downcast.accessor to_annot.signed_downcast |||
-       comp Unsigned_overflow.accessor to_annot.unsigned_ov |||
-       comp Unsigned_downcast.accessor to_annot.unsigned_downcast |||
-       comp Float_to_int.accessor to_annot.float_to_int |||
-       comp Finite_float.accessor to_annot.finite_float
+    let open Flags in
+    if comp Initialized.accessor flags.initialized |||
+       comp Mem_access.accessor flags.mem_access |||
+       comp Pointer_call.accessor flags.pointer_call |||
+       comp Div_mod.accessor flags.div_mod |||
+       comp Shift.accessor flags.shift |||
+       comp Left_shift_negative.accessor flags.left_shift_negative |||
+       comp Right_shift_negative.accessor flags.right_shift_negative |||
+       comp Signed_overflow.accessor flags.signed_overflow |||
+       comp Signed_downcast.accessor flags.signed_downcast |||
+       comp Unsigned_overflow.accessor flags.unsigned_overflow |||
+       comp Unsigned_downcast.accessor flags.unsigned_downcast |||
+       comp Float_to_int.accessor flags.float_to_int |||
+       comp Finite_float.accessor flags.finite_float
     then begin
       Options.feedback "annotating function %a" Kernel_function.pretty kf;
       let warn = Options.Warn.get () in
-      let on_alarm ki ?status alarm =
-        let ca, _ = Alarms.register Generator.emitter ~kf ki ?status alarm in
-        match warn, status with
-        | true, Some Property_status.False_if_reachable ->
+      let on_alarm stmt ~invalid alarm =
+        let ca, _ = register Generator.emitter kf stmt ~invalid alarm in
+        if warn && invalid then
           Options.warn "@[guaranteed RTE:@ %a@]"
             Printer.pp_code_annotation ca
-        | _ -> ()
-      let vis = new annot_visitor kf to_annot on_alarm in
+      let vis = new annot_visitor kf flags on_alarm in
       let nkf = Visitor.visitFramacFunction vis f in
       assert(nkf == f);
       List.iter (fun f -> f ()) !to_update;
-(* generates annotation for function kf on the basis of command-line options *)
-let annotate_kf kf =
-  annotate_kf_aux (annotate_from_options ()) kf
-(* annotate for all rte + unsigned overflows (which are not rte), for a given
-   function *)
-let do_all_rte kf =
-  let to_annot =
-    { annotate_all with
-      signed_downcast = false;
-      unsigned_downcast = false; }
-  in
-  annotate_kf_aux to_annot kf
-(* annotate for rte only (not unsigned overflows and downcasts) for a given
-   function *)
-let do_rte kf =
-  let to_annot =
-    { annotate_all with
-      unsigned_ov = false;
-      signed_downcast = false;
-      unsigned_downcast = false; }
-  in
-  annotate_kf_aux to_annot kf
-let compute () =
-  (* compute RTE annotations, whether Enabled is set or not *)
-  Ast.compute () ;
-  let include_function kf =
-    let fsel = Options.FunctionSelection.get () in
-    Kernel_function.Set.is_empty fsel
-    || Kernel_function.Set.mem kf fsel
-  in
-  Globals.Functions.iter
-    (fun kf -> if include_function kf then !Db.RteGen.annotate_kf kf)
 Local Variables:
 compile-command: "make -C ../../.."
diff --git a/src/plugins/rte/visit.mli b/src/plugins/rte/visit.mli
index 1413e3b8f7bf3411f312dd1401f8664fa1c4d521..3fe997f0057f61ac8eae273f29fa88a649f41308 100644
--- a/src/plugins/rte/visit.mli
+++ b/src/plugins/rte/visit.mli
@@ -20,28 +20,76 @@
 (*                                                                        *)
+(* --- Synchronized with RteGen.mli --- *)
 open Cil_types
-(** Generates RTE for a single function. Uses the status of the various
-      RTE options do decide which kinds of annotations must be generated.
-val annotate_kf: kernel_function -> unit
+(** {2 RTE Generator API} *)
+(** Annotate kernel-function with respect to options
+    and current generator status. *)
+val annotate: ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> unit
+(** Returns annotations associated to alarms {i without} registering them. *)
+val get_annotations_kf:
+  ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> code_annotation list
-(** Generates all RTEs for a given function. *)
-val do_all_rte: kernel_function -> unit
+(** Returns annotations associated to alarms {i without} registering them. *)
+val get_annotations_stmt:
+  ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> stmt -> code_annotation list
-(** Generates all RTEs except preconditions for a given function. *)
-val do_rte: kernel_function -> unit
+(** Returns annotations associated to alarms {i without} registering them. *)
+val get_annotations_exp:
+  ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> stmt -> exp -> code_annotation list
-val rte_annotations: stmt -> code_annotation list
-val do_stmt_annotations: kernel_function -> stmt -> code_annotation list
-val do_exp_annotations: kernel_function -> stmt -> exp -> code_annotation list
+(** Returns annotations associated to alarms {i without} registering them. *)
+val get_annotations_lval:
+  ?flags:Flags.t -> kernel_function -> stmt -> lval -> code_annotation list
-(** Main entry point of the plug-in, used by [-rte] option: computes
-    RTE on the whole AST. Which kind of RTE is generated depends on the
-    options given on the command line.
+(** {2 Low-Level RTE Iterators}
+    RTE Iterators allow to traverse a Cil AST fragment (stmt, expr, l-value)
+    and reveal its potential Alarms. Each alarm will be presented to a callback
+    with type [on_alarm], that you can use in turn to generate an annotation
+    or perform any other treatment.
+    Flags can be used to select which alarm categories to visit, with
+    defaults derived from Kernel and RTE plug-in parameters.
-val compute: unit -> unit
+(** Alarm callback.
+    The [on_alarm kf stmt ~invalid alarm] callback is invoked on each
+    alarm visited by an RTE iterator, provided it fits the selected categories.
+    The [kf] and [stmt] designates the statement originating the alarm,
+    while [~invalid:true] is set when the alarm trivially evaluates to false.
+    In this later case, the corresponding annotation shall be assigned
+    the status [False_if_reachable].
+type on_alarm = kernel_function -> stmt -> invalid:bool -> Alarms.alarm -> unit
+(** Type of low-level iterators visiting an element ['a] of the AST *)
+type 'a iterator = ?flags:Flags.t -> on_alarm ->
+  Kernel_function.t -> Cil_types.stmt -> 'a -> unit
+val iter_lval : lval iterator
+val iter_exp : exp iterator
+val iter_instr : instr iterator
+val iter_stmt : stmt iterator
+(** {2 Alarm Helpers} *)
+(** Returns a [False_if_reachable] status when invalid. *)
+val status : invalid:bool -> Property_status.emitted_status option
+(** Registers and returns the annotation associated with the alarm,
+    and a boolean flag indicating whether it has been freshly generated
+    or not. Simple wrapper over [Alarms.register]. *)
+val register :
+  Emitter.t ->
+  kernel_function -> stmt -> invalid:bool -> Alarms.alarm ->
+  code_annotation * bool
 Local Variables: