From 7e039e7b042e48aafb05558df48017fb96a175b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Thibault Martin <>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2025 16:22:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [Cil] Remove attribute annotation (Cil.AttrAnnot)

 src/kernel_internals/parsing/clexer.mll       |   1 -
 src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly      |   9 -
 src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_lexer.mll  |   2 +-
 src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly |  17 +-
 src/kernel_internals/typing/       | 103 ++++------
 src/kernel_internals/typing/      |   2 +-
 src/kernel_internals/typing/       |   2 +-
 src/kernel_internals/typing/         |   8 +-
 .../typing/           |  13 +-
 .../ast_building/               |   8 +-
 src/kernel_services/ast_data/     |  16 +-
 .../ast_printing/                |   1 -
 .../ast_printing/               | 194 ++++++++----------
 .../ast_printing/           |   6 +-
 src/kernel_services/ast_printing/    |   1 -
 .../ast_printing/               |   4 +-
 .../ast_queries/             |  35 ++--
 .../ast_queries/ast_attributes.mli            |   6 +-
 src/kernel_services/ast_queries/        |  36 ++--
 .../ast_queries/               |   2 +-
 src/kernel_services/ast_queries/  |   4 +-
 .../ast_queries/               |  19 +-
 src/kernel_services/ast_queries/       |   4 +-
 .../ast_queries/                |   2 +-
 .../ast_queries/                |  10 +-
 .../ast_transformations/             |   2 +-
 src/kernel_services/parsetree/         |   3 +-
 src/kernel_services/parsetree/   |   2 -
 src/kernel_services/parsetree/cabshelper.mli  |   5 -
 src/kernel_services/parsetree/  |   1 -
 src/plugins/aorai/              |   4 +-
 .../e-acsl/doc/refman/speclang_modern.tex     |   8 -
 .../src/project_initializer/    |   8 +-
 src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/ |   2 +-
 src/plugins/instantiate/       |   2 +-
 src/plugins/obfuscator/           |   7 +-
 src/plugins/variadic/               |   2 +-
 src/plugins/wp/                    |   5 +-
 src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/nullable.c          |   3 +-
 src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/nullable.i     |   8 +-
 .../wp_plugin/oracle/      |   9 +-
 .../oracle/          |   9 +-
 .../oracle_qualif/         |   9 +-
 .../oracle_qualif/     |   9 +-
 tests/spec/ghost_attribute.i                  |  41 +++-
 tests/spec/                 |   1 +
 tests/spec/oracle/  |  53 ++++-
 tests/spec/oracle/          |   2 +-
 .../      |  12 +-
 49 files changed, 350 insertions(+), 362 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/spec/

diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/clexer.mll b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/clexer.mll
index 6acfc8312b2..52c2a35484c 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/clexer.mll
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/clexer.mll
@@ -423,7 +423,6 @@ let make_annot ~one_line default lexbuf s =
        parsing of the annotation will only occur in the cparser.mly rule. *)
     | Logic_ptree.Acode_annot (loc,a) -> CODE_ANNOT (a, loc)
     | Logic_ptree.Aloop_annot (loc,a) -> LOOP_ANNOT (a,loc)
-    | Logic_ptree.Aattribute_annot (loc,a) -> ATTRIBUTE_ANNOT (a, loc)
 (* Initialize the pointer in Errormsg *)
 let () =
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly
index fe028dcc3e2..6e356eb8f31 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/cparser.mly
@@ -328,7 +328,6 @@ let type_to_expr_for_builtin ~loc ~builtin specifier decl_type =
 %token <Logic_ptree.decl list> DECL
 %token <Logic_ptree.code_annot * Cabs.cabsloc> CODE_ANNOT
 %token <Logic_ptree.code_annot list * Cabs.cabsloc> LOOP_ANNOT
-%token <string * Cabs.cabsloc> ATTRIBUTE_ANNOT
 %token <string> IDENT
 %token <int64 list * Cabs.cabsloc> CST_CHAR
@@ -1574,13 +1573,6 @@ cvspec:
 | VOLATILE        { SpecCV(CV_VOLATILE), $1 }
 | RESTRICT        { SpecCV(CV_RESTRICT), $1 }
 | GHOST           { SpecCV(CV_GHOST), $1 }
-    let annot, loc = $1 in
-    if annot "\\ghost" = 0 then begin
-      Errorloc.parse_error ~loc "Use of \\ghost out of ghost code"
-    end else
-      SpecCV(CV_ATTRIBUTE_ANNOT annot), loc
-  }
 /*** GCC attributes ***/
@@ -1625,7 +1617,6 @@ attribute:
 | RESTRICT        { ("restrict",[]), $1 }
 | VOLATILE        { ("volatile",[]), $1 }
 | GHOST           { ("ghost",[]), $1 }
-| ATTRIBUTE_ANNOT { let annot, loc = $1 in (mk_attr_annot annot), loc }
 /* (* sm: I need something that just includes __attribute__ and nothing more,
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_lexer.mll b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_lexer.mll
index 0f3b3b978c7..38197f98163 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_lexer.mll
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_lexer.mll
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
         "\\freeable", FREEABLE;
         "\\fresh", FRESH;
         "\\from", FROM;
-        "\\ghost", BSGHOST;
+        "\\ghost", GHOST;
         "\\initialized", INITIALIZED;
         "\\dangling", DANGLING;
         "\\in", IN;
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly
index 9926373fa56..05d22f6ddad 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/parsing/logic_parser.mly
@@ -254,9 +254,9 @@
       let str = Str.global_replace regex1 "\\1\\\\3" str in
       Str.global_replace regex2 "\\1\\\\" str
-  let cv_const = Attr ("const", [])
-  let cv_volatile = Attr ("volatile", [])
-  let cv_ghost = Attr("ghost", [])
+  let cv_const = ("const", [])
+  let cv_volatile = ("volatile", [])
+  let cv_ghost = ("ghost", [])
   let toplevel_pred tp_kind tp_statement = { tp_kind; tp_statement }
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
+%token MODEL CASE
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
 %token IN
@@ -787,7 +787,7 @@ logic_type: logic_type_gen(typesymbol) { $1 }
   CONST { cv_const }
 | VOLATILE { cv_volatile }
-| BSGHOST { cv_ghost }
+| GHOST { cv_ghost }
@@ -1386,8 +1386,6 @@ annotation:
           (Not_well_formed (loc $sloc,
                             "Only one code annotation is allowed per comment"))
-| identifier { Aattribute_annot (loc $sloc, $1) }
-| BSGHOST { Aattribute_annot(loc $sloc,"\\ghost") }
 | unknown_extension SEMICOLON { raise Unknown_ext }
@@ -2080,7 +2078,7 @@ bs_keyword:
 | AS { () }
 | BASE_ADDR { () }
 | BLOCK_LENGTH { () }
-| BSGHOST { () }
+| GHOST { () }
 | DYNAMIC { () }
 | EMPTY { () }
 | FALSE { () }
@@ -2139,7 +2137,6 @@ wildcard:
 | EQUAL { () }
 | EXISTS { () }
 | GE { () }
-| GHOST { () }
 | GT { () }
 | GTGT { () }
 | HAT { () }
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
index 732978be941..fcb9b07f95b 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
@@ -98,15 +98,6 @@ let () =
     (fun a -> Ast_attributes.register_attribute a AttrIgnored)
-(* JS: return [Some s] if the attribute string is the attribute annotation [s]
-   and [None] if it is not an annotation. *)
-let attrAnnot s =
-  let r = Str.regexp "~attrannot:\\(.+\\)" in
-  if Str.string_match r s 0 then
-    try Some (Str.matched_group 1 s) with Not_found -> assert false
-  else
-    None
 let stripUnderscore s =
   if String.length s = 1 then begin
     if s = "_" then
@@ -119,11 +110,6 @@ let stripUnderscore s =
     if List.mem res unsupported_attributes then
       Kernel.error ~current:true "unsupported attribute: %s" s
     else begin
-      match attrAnnot res with
-      | Some _ ->
-        (* Attribute annotation are always considered known *)
-        ()
-      | None ->
         if not (Ast_attributes.is_known_attribute res) then
             ~once:true ~current:true ~wkey:Kernel.wkey_unknown_attribute
@@ -391,7 +377,7 @@ let get_current_stdheader () =
 let (>>?) opt f =
   match opt with
-  | Some (Attr(name, args)) -> f name args
+  | Some (name, args) -> f name args
   | _ -> opt
 let process_stdlib_pragma name args =
@@ -403,8 +389,8 @@ let process_stdlib_pragma name args =
       let relative_name = Filepath.relativize ~base_name s in
       push_stdheader relative_name;
-    | _ -> Some (Attr(name, args))
-  end else Some (Attr(name, args))
+    | _ -> Some (name, args)
+  end else Some (name, args)
 let fc_stdlib_attribute attrs =
   let open Ast_attributes in
@@ -417,7 +403,7 @@ let fc_stdlib_attribute attrs =
         drop_attribute fc_stdlib attrs
       end else [AStr s], attrs
-    add_attribute (Attr (fc_stdlib, payload)) attrs
+    add_attribute (fc_stdlib, payload) attrs
 (* ICC align/noalign pragmas (not supported by GCC/MSVC with this syntax).
    Implemented by translating them to 'aligned' attributes. Currently,
@@ -512,7 +498,7 @@ let process_pack_pragma name args =
               "packing pragma: setting alignment to %a" Integer.pretty n;
             current_packing_pragma := new_pragma; None
           end else
-            Some (Attr (name, args))
+            Some (name, args)
         | [ACons ("push",[])] (* #pragma pack(push) *) ->
  ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_typing_pragma ~current:true
             "packing pragma: pushing alignment %t" pretty_current_packing_pragma;
@@ -526,7 +512,7 @@ let process_pack_pragma name args =
             Stack.push !current_packing_pragma packing_pragma_stack;
             current_packing_pragma:= new_pragma; None
           end else
-            Some (Attr (name, args))
+            Some (name, args)
         | ACons ("push",[]) :: args (* unknown push directive *) ->
           Kernel.warning ~current:true
             "Unsupported argument for pragma pack push directive: `%a'."
@@ -554,20 +540,20 @@ let process_pack_pragma name args =
         | [ACons ("show",[])] (* #pragma pack(show) *) ->
-          Some (Attr (name, args))
+          Some (name, args)
         | _ ->
           Kernel.warning ~current:true
             "Unsupported packing pragma not honored by Frama-C: #pragma pack(%a)"
             (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:", " ~empty:"<empty>"
                Cil_printer.pp_attrparam) args;
-          Some (Attr (name, args))
+          Some (name, args)
-    | _ -> Some (Attr (name, args))
+    | _ -> Some (name, args)
 let force_packed_attribute a =
   if Ast_attributes.has_attribute "packed" a then a
-  else Ast_attributes.add_attribute (Attr("packed",[])) a
+  else Ast_attributes.add_attribute ("packed",[]) a
 let is_power_of_two i = i > 0 && i land (i-1) = 0
@@ -591,7 +577,7 @@ let eval_aligned_attrparams aps =
 let warn_invalid_align_attribute aps =
   Kernel.warning ~current:true ~once:true
     "ignoring invalid aligned attribute: %a"
-    Cil_printer.pp_attribute (Attr("aligned", aps))
+    Cil_printer.pp_attribute ("aligned", aps)
 (* If there is more than one 'aligned' attribute, GCC's behavior is to
    consider the maximum among them. This function computes this value
@@ -602,7 +588,7 @@ let combine_aligned_attributes attrs =
   | aligned_attrs ->
     List.fold_left (fun acc attr ->
         match attr with
-        | Attr("aligned", aps) ->
+        | ("aligned", aps) ->
             let align = eval_aligned_attrparams aps in
             if align = None then begin
@@ -614,6 +600,7 @@ let combine_aligned_attributes attrs =
               | Some old_n, Some new_n -> Some (Integer.max old_n new_n)
         | _ -> assert false (* attributes were previously filtered by name *)
       ) None aligned_attrs
 let warn_incompatible_pragmas_attributes apragma has_attrs =
@@ -630,7 +617,7 @@ let warn_incompatible_pragmas_attributes apragma has_attrs =
 let check_aligned attrs =
   List.fold_right (fun attr acc ->
       match attr with
-      | Attr("aligned", aps) ->
+      | ("aligned", aps) ->
         if eval_aligned_attrparams aps = None then
           (warn_invalid_align_attribute aps; acc)
         else attr :: acc
@@ -661,7 +648,7 @@ let process_pragmas_pack_align_comp_attributes loc ci cattrs =
  ~source ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_typing_pragma
             "adding aligned(%a) attribute to comp '%s' due to packing pragma"
             Integer.pretty n ci.cname;
-          add_attribute (Attr("aligned",[AInt n])) (drop_attribute "aligned" cattrs)
+          add_attribute ("aligned",[AInt n]) (drop_attribute "aligned" cattrs)
       | Some local ->
         (* The largest aligned wins with GCC. Don't know
@@ -670,7 +657,7 @@ let process_pragmas_pack_align_comp_attributes loc ci cattrs = ~source ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_typing_pragma
           "setting aligned(%a) attribute to comp '%s' due to packing pragma"
           Integer.pretty align ci.cname;
-        add_attribute (Attr("aligned",[AInt align]))
+        add_attribute ("aligned",[AInt align])
           (drop_attribute "aligned" cattrs)
     force_packed_attribute with_aligned_attributes
@@ -679,7 +666,7 @@ let process_pragmas_pack_align_comp_attributes loc ci cattrs =
   | None, Some false ->
-         (Attr("aligned",[AInt]))
+         (("aligned",[AInt]))
          (drop_attribute "aligned" cattrs))
 (* Takes into account the possible effect of '#pragma pack' directives on
@@ -721,13 +708,13 @@ let process_pragmas_pack_align_field_attributes fi fattrs cattr =
         "%s aligned(%a) attribute to field '%s.%s' due to packing pragma"
         (if Option.is_none field_align then "adding" else "setting")
         Integer.pretty new_align fi.fcomp.cname fi.fname;
-      let new_attr = Attr ("aligned", [AInt new_align]) in
+      let new_attr = ("aligned", [AInt new_align]) in
       add_attribute new_attr (drop_attribute "aligned" fattrs)
   | None, Some true ->
     drop_attribute "aligned" fattrs
   | None, Some false ->
-       (Attr("aligned",[AInt]))
+       ("aligned",[AInt])
        (drop_attribute "aligned" fattrs))
@@ -2576,7 +2563,7 @@ let rec clean_up_cond_locals =
 let cabsAddAttributes al0 (al: attributes) : attributes =
   if al0 == [] then al else
-      (fun acc (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an as a) ->
+      (fun acc ((an, _) as a) ->
          (* See if the attribute is already in there *)
          match Ast_attributes.filter_attributes an acc with
          | [] -> Ast_attributes.add_attribute a acc (* Nothing with that name *)
@@ -2627,7 +2614,7 @@ let rec cabsTypeCombineAttributes what a0 t =
             (fun (ik', a0') a0one ->
                match a0one with
-               | Attr("mode", [ACons(mode,[])]) -> begin
+               | ("mode", [ACons(mode,[])]) -> begin
                    (* (trace "gccwidth" (dprintf "I see mode %s applied to an int type\n"
                                         mode )); *)
                    (* the cases below encode the 32-bit assumption.. *)
@@ -2880,7 +2867,7 @@ let setupBuiltin ?(force_keep=false) name ?spec (resTyp, args_or_argtypes, isva)
   cabsPushGlobal (GFunDecl (funspec, v, Cil_builtins.builtinLoc));
   Cil.unsafeSetFormalsDecl v args;
   if force_keep then
-    v.vattr <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute (Attr ("FC_BUILTIN",[])) v.vattr;
+    v.vattr <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute ("FC_BUILTIN",[]) v.vattr;
 (*  builtin is never ghost *)
@@ -3931,7 +3918,7 @@ let append_chunk_to_annot ~ghost annot_chunk current_chunk =
       let locals = b.blocals in
       b.blocals <- [];
       b.battrs <-
-      Ast_attributes.add_attributes [Attr(frama_c_keep_block,[])] b.battrs;
+        Ast_attributes.add_attributes [(frama_c_keep_block,[])] b.battrs;
       let block = mkStmt ~ghost ~valid_sid (Block b) in
       let chunk = s2c block in
       let chunk = { chunk with cases = current_chunk.cases } in
@@ -4498,7 +4485,6 @@ and convertCVtoAttr (src: Cabs.cvspec list) : Cabs.attribute list =
   | CV_CONST    :: tl -> ("const",[])    :: (convertCVtoAttr tl)
   | CV_VOLATILE :: tl -> ("volatile",[]) :: (convertCVtoAttr tl)
   | CV_RESTRICT :: tl -> ("restrict",[]) :: (convertCVtoAttr tl)
-  | CV_ATTRIBUTE_ANNOT a :: tl -> (Cabshelper.mk_attr_annot a) :: convertCVtoAttr tl
   | CV_GHOST    :: tl -> ("ghost",[]) :: (convertCVtoAttr tl)
 and makeVarInfoCabs
@@ -4579,9 +4565,6 @@ and doAttr ghost (a: Cabs.attribute) : attribute list =
   (* Strip the leading and trailing underscore *)
   match a with
   | ("__attribute__", []) -> []  (* An empty list of gcc attributes *)
-  | (s, []) ->
-    let s = stripUnderscore s in
-    [ match attrAnnot s with None -> Attr(s, []) | Some s -> AttrAnnot s ]
   | (s, el) ->
     let rec attrOfExp (strip: bool)
@@ -4655,7 +4638,7 @@ and doAttr ghost (a: Cabs.attribute) : attribute list =
     (* Sometimes we need to convert attrarg into attr *)
     let arg2attrs = function
       | ACons (s, _) when List.mem s erased_attributes -> []
-      | ACons (s, args) -> [Attr (s, args)]
+      | ACons (s, args) -> [(s, args)]
       | a ->
         Kernel.fatal ~current:true
           "Invalid form of attribute: %a"
@@ -4669,7 +4652,7 @@ and doAttr ghost (a: Cabs.attribute) : attribute list =
     else if s = "__declspec" then
       fold_attrs (attrOfExp false ~foldenum:false) el
-      [Attr(stripUnderscore s, (attrOfExp ~foldenum:false false) el)]
+      [(stripUnderscore s, (attrOfExp ~foldenum:false false) el)]
 and doAttributes (ghost:bool) (al: Cabs.attribute list) : attribute list =
   List.fold_left (fun acc a -> cabsAddAttributes (doAttr ghost a) acc) [] al
@@ -4687,7 +4670,7 @@ and cabsPartitionAttributes
     | a :: rest ->
       let an, kind = match doAttr ghost a with
         | [] -> "", default
-        | (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an)::_ ->
+        | (an, _)::_ ->
           (* doAttr already strip underscores of the attribute if necessary so
              we do not need to strip then before calling get_attribute_class
              here. *)
@@ -4708,9 +4691,9 @@ and cabsPartitionAttributes
 and doType (ghost:bool) (context: type_context)
     (nameortype: Ast_attributes.attribute_class) (* This is AttrName if we are doing
-                                  * the type for a name, or AttrType
-                                  * if we are doing this type in a
-                                  * typedef *)
+                                   * the type for a name, or AttrType
+                                   * if we are doing this type in a
+                                   * typedef *)
     (bt: typ)                    (* The base type *)
@@ -5005,13 +4988,13 @@ and doType (ghost:bool) (context: type_context)
           | None -> []
           | Some l -> begin
               let static = if Ast_attributes.has_attribute "static" a then
-                  [Attr ("static",[])]
+                  [("static",[])]
                 else []
               (* Transform the length into an attribute expression *)
                 let la : attrparam = expToAttrParam l in
-                Attr("arraylen", [ la ]) :: static
+                ("arraylen", [ la ]) :: static
               with NotAnAttrParam _ -> begin
                   Kernel.warning ~once:true ~current:true
                     "Cannot represent the length '%a' of array as an attribute"
@@ -5055,7 +5038,7 @@ and doType (ghost:bool) (context: type_context)
           let arg_type_from_vi vi =
             let attrs =
               if vi.vghost then
-                cabsAddAttributes [Attr (Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_formal, [])] vi.vattr
+                cabsAddAttributes [(Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_formal, [])] vi.vattr
             in (vi.vname, vi.vtype, attrs)
@@ -5232,7 +5215,7 @@ and makeCompType loc ghost (isstruct: bool)
               let ftype =
-                  [Attr (Ast_attributes.bitfield_attribute_name, [AInt (Integer.of_int s)])]
+                  [(Ast_attributes.bitfield_attribute_name, [AInt (Integer.of_int s)])]
               w, ftype
@@ -6501,7 +6484,7 @@ and doExp local_env
                 Kernel.debug ~dkey:Kernel.dkey_typing_global
                   "Calling function %s without prototype." n ;
                 let ftype =
-                  mk_tfun ~tattr:[Attr("missingproto",[])] intType None false
+                  mk_tfun ~tattr:[("missingproto",[])] intType None false
                 (* Add a prototype to the environment *)
                 let proto, _ =
@@ -8913,7 +8896,7 @@ and createLocal ghost ((_, sto, _, _) as specs)
     checkArray inite vi;
     vi.vname <- newname;
-    let attrs = Ast_attributes.add_attribute (Attr (fc_local_static,[])) vi.vattr in
+    let attrs = Ast_attributes.add_attribute (fc_local_static,[]) vi.vattr in
     vi.vattr <- fc_stdlib_attribute attrs;
     (* However, we have a problem if a real global appears later with the
@@ -8981,7 +8964,7 @@ and createLocal ghost ((_, sto, _, _) as specs)
     if isvarsize then begin
       let free = vla_free_fun () in
       let destructor = AStr free.vname in
-      let attr = Attr (frama_c_destructor, [destructor]) in
+      let attr = (frama_c_destructor, [destructor]) in
       vi.vdefined <- true;
       vi.vattr <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute attr vi.vattr;
@@ -9208,7 +9191,7 @@ and doDecl local_env (isglobal: bool) (def: Cabs.definition) : chunk =
          | [] -> (* ordinary prototype. *)
            ignore (createGlobal l local_env.is_ghost logic_spec spec_res name)
          (*  E.log "%s is not aliased\n" name *)
-         | [Attr("alias", [AStr othername])] ->
+         | [("alias", [AStr othername])] ->
            if not (isFunctionType vtype) || local_env.is_ghost then begin
              Kernel.warning ~current:true
                "%a: CIL only supports attribute((alias)) for C functions."
@@ -9257,7 +9240,7 @@ and doDecl local_env (isglobal: bool) (def: Cabs.definition) : chunk =
   | Cabs.PRAGMA (a, _) when isglobal -> begin
       match doAttr local_env.is_ghost ("dummy", [a]) with
-      | [Attr("dummy", [a'])] ->
+      | [("dummy", [a'])] ->
         let a'' =
           match a' with
           | ACons (s, args) ->
@@ -9266,7 +9249,7 @@ and doDecl local_env (isglobal: bool) (def: Cabs.definition) : chunk =
           | _ -> (* Cil.fatal "Unexpected attribute in #pragma" *)
             Kernel.warning ~current:true "Unexpected attribute in #pragma";
-            Some (Attr ("", [a']))
+            Some ( ("", [a']))
           (fun a'' ->
@@ -10023,7 +10006,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : Cabs.statement) : chunk =
   | Cabs.BLOCK (b, _, _) ->
     let c = doBodyScope local_env b in
     let b = c2block ~ghost c in
-    b.battrs <- Ast_attributes.add_attributes [Attr(frama_c_keep_block,[])] b.battrs;
+    b.battrs <- Ast_attributes.add_attributes [(frama_c_keep_block,[])] b.battrs;
     let res = s2c (mkStmt ~ghost ~valid_sid (Block b)) in
     { res with cases = c.cases }
@@ -10044,7 +10027,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : Cabs.statement) : chunk =
     let loc' = convLoc loc in
     let break_cond = breakChunk ~ghost loc' in
     exitLoop ();
-    loopChunk ~ghost ~sattr:[Attr("while",[])] a
+    loopChunk ~ghost ~sattr:[("while",[])] a
       ((doCondition ~is_loop:true local_env CNoConst e skipChunk break_cond)
        @@@ (s', ghost))
@@ -10079,7 +10062,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : Cabs.statement) : chunk =
              CNoConst e skipChunk (breakChunk ~ghost loc'))
       exitLoop ();
-      loopChunk ~ghost ~sattr:[Attr("dowhile",[])] a (s' @@@ (s'', ghost))
+      loopChunk ~ghost ~sattr:[("dowhile",[])] a (s' @@@ (s'', ghost))
   | Cabs.FOR(a,fc1,e2,e3,s,loc) -> begin
       let loc' = convLoc loc in
@@ -10107,7 +10090,7 @@ and doStatement local_env (s : Cabs.statement) : chunk =
         | _ ->
           doCondition ~is_loop:true local_env CNoConst e2 skipChunk break_cond @@@ (c, ghost)
-      let res = se1 @@@ (loopChunk ~sattr:[Attr("for",[])] ~ghost a c, ghost) in
+      let res = se1 @@@ (loopChunk ~sattr:[("for",[])] ~ghost a c, ghost) in
       exitScope ();
       if has_decl then begin
         let chunk = s2c (mkStmt ~ghost ~valid_sid (Block (c2block ~ghost res)))
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
index 056b1d4cd2e..d361913ab25 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let noGhostFD prj fd =
           | _ ->
             let o = self#original s in
-            s.sattr <- if has_annot o then [AttrAnnot annot_attr] else [] ;
+            s.sattr <- if has_annot o then [(annot_attr, [])] else [] ;
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
index c709f175d30..6cd7a38dcec 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
@@ -1657,7 +1657,7 @@ let oneFilePass1 (f:file) : unit =
           end else attrprm
         let attrs = Ast_attributes.drop_attribute "fc_stdlib" newrep.ndata.vattr in
-        let attrs = Ast_attributes.add_attribute (Attr ("fc_stdlib", attrprm)) attrs in
+        let attrs = Ast_attributes.add_attribute ("fc_stdlib", attrprm) attrs in
         newrep.ndata.vattr <- attrs;
       newrep.ndata.vdefined <- vi.vdefined || oldvi.vdefined;
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
index 8cd686cb7c7..47c4ed14280 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ let categorizePragmas ast =
-    | GPragma (Attr ("cilnoremove" as directive, args), (location,_)) ->
+    | GPragma (("cilnoremove" as directive, args), (location,_)) ->
       (* a very flexible pragma: can retain typedefs, enums,
        * structs, unions, or globals (functions or variables) *)
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let categorizePragmas ast =
         (* Look for alias attributes, e.g. Linux modules *)
         match Ast_attributes.filter_attributes "alias" v.vattr with
         | [] -> ()  (* ordinary prototype. *)
-        | [ Attr("alias", [AStr othername]) ] ->
+        | [ ("alias", [AStr othername]) ] ->
           Hashtbl.add keepers.defines othername ()
         | _ ->
           Kernel.fatal ~current:true
@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ let isPragmaRoot keepers = function
 let hasExportingAttribute funvar =
   let isExportingAttribute = function
-    | Attr ("constructor", []) -> true
-    | Attr ("destructor", []) -> true
+    | ("constructor", []) -> true
+    | ("destructor", []) -> true
     | _ -> false
   List.exists isExportingAttribute funvar.vattr
diff --git a/src/kernel_internals/typing/ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
index 61ab66aa212..4cf9e528784 100644
--- a/src/kernel_internals/typing/
+++ b/src/kernel_internals/typing/
@@ -69,15 +69,10 @@ class annotateFunFromDeclspec =
     aux attrparam
-  let recover_from_attribute params attr =
-    match attr with
-    | Attr(name,attrparams) ->
-      begin
-        try
-          Some(name, (recover_from_attr_param params) attrparams)
-        with No_recovery -> None
-      end
-    | AttrAnnot _ -> None
+  let recover_from_attribute params (name,attrparams) =
+    try
+      Some(name, (recover_from_attr_param params) attrparams)
+    with No_recovery -> None
   (* Add precondition based on declspec on parameters *)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_building/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_building/
index abb8f391315..975d9c9e754 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_building/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_building/
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ struct
   let attribute (s, t) name params =
     match t with
     | Ctype t ->
-      let tattr = Ast_attributes.add_attribute (Attr (name, params)) t.tattr in
+      let tattr = Ast_attributes.add_attribute (name, params) t.tattr in
       s, Ctype { t with tattr }
     | _ -> raise NotACType
@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@ struct
   let if_ ?(ghost_else=false) cond ~then_ ~else_ =
     let else_attributes =
       if ghost_else
-      then [Cil_types.Attr (Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_else,[])]
+      then [(Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_else,[])]
       else []
     `stmt (If (
@@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@ struct
       Cil_types.If (ifthen_exp, block, Cil.mkBlock [], b.loc)
     | IfThenElse { ifthenelse_exp; then_block; ghost_else } ->
       if ghost_else then
-        block.battrs <- [Cil_types.Attr (Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_else,[])];
+        block.battrs <- [(Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_else,[])];
       Cil_types.If (ifthenelse_exp, then_block, block, b.loc)
     | Switch { switch_exp } ->
       let open Cil_types in
@@ -1349,7 +1349,7 @@ struct
     fundec.svar.vattr <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute attr fundec.svar.vattr
   let add_new_attribute attr params =
-    add_attribute (Cil_types.Attr (attr, params))
+    add_attribute (attr, params)
   let add_stdlib_generated () =
     add_new_attribute "fc_stdlib_generated" []
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/
index e2a0beaa036..f96eca54b1f 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_data/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_data/
@@ -373,15 +373,13 @@ and typ_node =
 (** {2 Attributes} *)
 (* ************************************************************************* *)
-and attribute =
-  | Attr of string * attrparam list
-  (** An attribute has a name and some optional parameters. The name should not
-      start or end with underscore. When CIL parses attribute names it will
-      strip leading and ending underscores (to ensure that the multitude of GCC
-      attributes such as const, __const and __const__ all mean the same
-      thing.) *)
-  | AttrAnnot of string
+(** An attribute has a name and some optional parameters. The name should not
+    start or end with underscore. When CIL parses attribute names it will
+    strip leading and ending underscores (to ensure that the multitude of GCC
+    attributes such as const, __const and __const__ all mean the same
+    thing.)
+and attribute = string * attrparam list
 (** Attributes are lists sorted by the attribute name. Use the functions
     {!Ast_attributes.add_attribute} and {!Ast_attributes.add_attributes} to
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
index 3e533504d93..809ca3f3ae7 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ let pp_cvspec  fmt = function
   |     CV_CONST -> fprintf fmt "CV_CONST"
   |     CV_VOLATILE -> fprintf fmt "CV_VOLATILE"
   |     CV_RESTRICT -> fprintf fmt "CV_RESTRICT"
-  |     CV_ATTRIBUTE_ANNOT s -> fprintf fmt "CV_ATTRIBUTE_ANNOT %s" s
   |     CV_GHOST -> fprintf fmt "CV_GHOST"
 let pp_const fmt = function
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
index a1048dbd7e9..a7e3f50f3ca 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
@@ -122,10 +122,8 @@ let () = register_shallow_attribute Ast_attributes.frama_c_init_obj
 let () = register_shallow_attribute Ast_attributes.frama_c_inlined
 let () = register_shallow_attribute Ast_attributes.anonymous_attribute_name
-let keep_attr = function
-  | Attr _ as a ->
-    not (List.mem (Ast_attributes.attribute_name a) !reserved_attributes)
-  | AttrAnnot _ -> true
+let keep_attr a =
+  not (List.mem (Ast_attributes.attribute_name a) !reserved_attributes)
 let filter_printing_attributes l =
   if Kernel.(is_debug_key_enabled dkey_print_attrs) then l
@@ -1856,7 +1854,7 @@ class cil_printer () = object (self)
         self#line_directive fmt l;
         fprintf fmt "__asm__(\"%s\");@\n" (Escape.escape_string s)
-      | GPragma (Attr(an, args), l) ->
+      | GPragma ((an, args), l) ->
         (* sm: suppress printing pragmas that gcc does not understand *)
         (* assume anything starting with "ccured" is ours *)
         (* also don't print the 'combiner' pragma *)
@@ -1888,11 +1886,6 @@ class cil_printer () = object (self)
         if suppress then  fprintf fmt " */@\n" else fprintf fmt "@\n"
-      | GPragma (AttrAnnot _, _) ->
-        assert false
-      (* self#line_directive fmt l;
-         fprintf fmt "/* #pragma %s */@\n" a*)
       | GAnnot (decl,l) ->
         (* attributes are purely internal. *)
         self#line_directive fmt l;
@@ -2084,11 +2077,11 @@ class cil_printer () = object (self)
       let print_size_info fmt =
         match size_info with
         | [] -> printAttributes fmt a
-        | [Attr("arraylen",[s])]->
+        | [("arraylen",[s])]->
           Format.fprintf fmt "%a%t%a"
             printAttributes atts_elem sep self#attrparam s
-        | [Attr("static",[]); Attr("arraylen",[s])]
-        | [Attr("arraylen", [s]); Attr("static", [])] ->
+        | [("static",[]); ("arraylen",[s])]
+        | [("arraylen", [s]); ("static", [])] ->
           Format.fprintf fmt "static%a@ %a"
             printAttributes atts_elem self#attrparam s
         | _ -> ()
@@ -2179,101 +2172,92 @@ class cil_printer () = object (self)
   (* Print one attribute. Return also an indication whether this attribute
      should be printed inside the __attribute__ list *)
-  method attribute fmt = function
-    | Attr(an, args) ->
-      (* Recognize and take care of some known cases *)
-      (match an, args with
-       | "const", [] -> self#pp_keyword fmt "const"; false
-       (* Put the aconst inside the attribute list *)
-       | "aconst", [] when not (Machine.msvcMode ()) -> fprintf fmt "__const__"; true
-       | "thread", [ ACons ("c11",[]) ]
-         when not state.print_cil_as_is ->
-         fprintf fmt "_Thread_local"; false
-       | "thread", [] when not (Machine.msvcMode ()) -> fprintf fmt "__thread"; false
-       | "volatile", [] -> self#pp_keyword fmt "volatile"; false
-       | "ghost", [] -> self#pp_keyword fmt "\\ghost"; false
-       | "restrict", [] ->
-         if Machine.msvcMode () then
-           fprintf fmt "__restrict"
-         else
-           self#pp_keyword fmt "restrict";
-         false
-       | "missingproto", [] ->
-         if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/* missing proto */";
-         false
-       | "cdecl", [] when Machine.msvcMode () ->
-         fprintf fmt "__cdecl"; false
-       | "stdcall", [] when Machine.msvcMode () ->
-         fprintf fmt "__stdcall"; false
-       | "fastcall", [] when Machine.msvcMode () ->
-         fprintf fmt "__fastcall"; false
-       | "declspec", args when Machine.msvcMode () ->
-         fprintf fmt "__declspec(%a)"
-           (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"" self#attrparam) args;
-         false
-       | "w64", [] when Machine.msvcMode () ->
-         fprintf fmt "__w64"; false
-       | "asm", args ->
-         fprintf fmt "__asm__(%a)"
-           (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"" self#attrparam) args;
-         false
-       (* we suppress printing mode(__si__) because it triggers an
-          internal compiler error in all current gcc versions
-          sm: I've now encountered a problem with mode(__hi__)...
-          I don't know what's going on, but let's try disabling all "mode". *)
-       | "mode", [ACons(tag,[])] ->
-         if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/* mode(%s) */" tag;
-         false
-       (* sm: also suppress "format" because we seem to print it in
-          a way gcc does not like *)
-       | "format", _ ->
-         if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/* format attribute */";
-         false
-       | "hidden", _ -> (* hidden attribute list *)
-         false
-       (* sm: here's another one I don't want to see gcc warnings about.. *)
-       | "mayPointToStack", _ when not state.print_cil_input ->
-         (* [matth: may be inside another comment.]
-            -> text "/*mayPointToStack*/", false *)
-         false
-       | "arraylen", [a] ->
-         if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/*[%a]*/" self#attrparam a;
-         false
-       | "static",_ ->
-         if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/* static */"; false
-       | "", _ ->
-         fprintf fmt "%a "
-           (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:" " self#attrparam) args;
-         true
-       | s, _ when
-           s = Ast_attributes.bitfield_attribute_name &&
-           not state.print_cil_as_is &&
-           not (Kernel.is_debug_key_enabled Kernel.dkey_print_bitfields) ->
-         false
-       | _ -> (* This is the default case *)
-         (* Add underscores to the name *)
-         let an' =
-           if Machine.msvcMode () then "__" ^ an else "__" ^ an ^ "__"
-         in
-         (match args with
-          | [] -> fprintf fmt "%s" an'
-          | _ :: _ ->
-            fprintf fmt "%s(%a)"
-              an'
-              (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"," self#attrparam) args);
-         true)
-    | AttrAnnot s ->
-      let block = false in
-      fprintf fmt "%t %s %t"
-        (fun fmt -> self#pp_open_annotation ~block fmt)
-        s
-        (fun fmt -> self#pp_close_annotation ~block fmt);
+  method attribute fmt (an, args) =
+    (* Recognize and take care of some known cases *)
+    match an, args with
+    | "const", [] -> self#pp_keyword fmt "const"; false
+    (* Put the aconst inside the attribute list *)
+    | "aconst", [] when not (Machine.msvcMode ()) -> fprintf fmt "__const__"; true
+    | "thread", [ ACons ("c11",[]) ]
+      when not state.print_cil_as_is ->
+      fprintf fmt "_Thread_local"; false
+    | "thread", [] when not (Machine.msvcMode ()) -> fprintf fmt "__thread"; false
+    | "volatile", [] -> self#pp_keyword fmt "volatile"; false
+    | "ghost", [] -> self#pp_keyword fmt "\\ghost"; false
+    | "restrict", [] ->
+      if Machine.msvcMode () then
+        fprintf fmt "__restrict"
+      else
+        self#pp_keyword fmt "restrict";
+      false
+    | "missingproto", [] ->
+      if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/* missing proto */";
+      false
+    | "cdecl", [] when Machine.msvcMode () ->
+      fprintf fmt "__cdecl"; false
+    | "stdcall", [] when Machine.msvcMode () ->
+      fprintf fmt "__stdcall"; false
+    | "fastcall", [] when Machine.msvcMode () ->
+      fprintf fmt "__fastcall"; false
+    | "declspec", args when Machine.msvcMode () ->
+      fprintf fmt "__declspec(%a)"
+        (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"" self#attrparam) args;
+      false
+    | "w64", [] when Machine.msvcMode () ->
+      fprintf fmt "__w64"; false
+    | "asm", args ->
+      fprintf fmt "__asm__(%a)"
+        (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"" self#attrparam) args;
+      false
+    (* we suppress printing mode(__si__) because it triggers an
+       internal compiler error in all current gcc versions
+       sm: I've now encountered a problem with mode(__hi__)...
+       I don't know what's going on, but let's try disabling all "mode". *)
+    | "mode", [ACons(tag,[])] ->
+      if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/* mode(%s) */" tag;
+      false
+    (* sm: also suppress "format" because we seem to print it in
+       a way gcc does not like *)
+    | "format", _ ->
+      if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/* format attribute */";
+      false
+    | "hidden", _ -> (* hidden attribute list *)
+      false
+    (* sm: here's another one I don't want to see gcc warnings about.. *)
+    | "mayPointToStack", _ when not state.print_cil_input ->
+      (* [matth: may be inside another comment.]
+         -> text "/*mayPointToStack*/", false *)
+    | "arraylen", [a] ->
+      if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/*[%a]*/" self#attrparam a;
+      false
+    | "static",_ ->
+      if self#display_comment () then fprintf fmt "/* static */"; false
+    | "", _ ->
+      fprintf fmt "%a "
+        (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:" " self#attrparam) args;
+      true
+    | s, _ when
+        s = Ast_attributes.bitfield_attribute_name &&
+        not state.print_cil_as_is &&
+        not (Kernel.is_debug_key_enabled Kernel.dkey_print_bitfields) ->
+      false
+    | _ -> (* This is the default case *)
+      (* Add underscores to the name *)
+      let an' =
+        if Machine.msvcMode () then "__" ^ an else "__" ^ an ^ "__"
+      in
+      (match args with
+       | [] -> fprintf fmt "%s" an'
+       | _ :: _ ->
+         fprintf fmt "%s(%a)"
+           an'
+           (Pretty_utils.pp_list ~sep:"," self#attrparam) args);
+      true
   method private attribute_prec (contextprec: int) fmt (a: attrparam) =
     let thisLevel = Precedence.getParenthLevelAttrParam a in
     let needParens =
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
index 9c02660d5e2..33369ab523b 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
@@ -166,10 +166,8 @@ and pp_fkind fmt = function
   | FDouble -> Format.fprintf fmt "FDouble"
   | FLongDouble -> Format.fprintf fmt "FLongDouble"
-and pp_attribute fmt = function
-  | Attr(string,attrparam_list) ->
-    Format.fprintf fmt "Attr(%a,%a)" pp_string string (pp_list pp_attrparam) attrparam_list
-  | AttrAnnot(string) -> Format.fprintf fmt "AttrAnnot(%a)"  pp_string string
+and pp_attribute fmt (string,attrparam_list) =
+  Format.fprintf fmt "(%a,%a)" pp_string string (pp_list pp_attrparam) attrparam_list
 and pp_attributes fmt attributes = (pp_list pp_attribute) fmt attributes
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
index 8da3a7d6b25..429bf58c7a2 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
@@ -191,7 +191,6 @@ let rec print_specifiers fmt (specs: spec_elem list) =
     | SpecCV CV_CONST -> fprintf fmt "const"
     | SpecCV CV_VOLATILE -> fprintf fmt "volatile"
     | SpecCV CV_RESTRICT -> fprintf fmt "restrict"
-    | SpecCV (CV_ATTRIBUTE_ANNOT a) -> fprintf fmt "/*@@ %s */" a
     | SpecCV CV_GHOST -> fprintf fmt "\\ghost"
     | SpecAttr al -> print_attribute fmt al
     | SpecType bt -> print_type_spec fmt bt
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
index 5eec71c9923..1c5ee580498 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_printing/
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ let declaration = function
     -> GVarDecl(vi,loc)
   | GAsm(_,loc) -> GAsm("…",loc)
   | GText s when String.length s > 20 -> GText(String.sub s 0 20 ^ "…")
-  | GPragma(Attr(a,_),loc) -> GPragma(Attr(a,[]),loc)
+  | GPragma((a,_),loc) -> GPragma((a,[]),loc)
   | GAnnot _ -> GText "Global annotation"
   | ( GType _ | GCompTagDecl _ | GEnumTagDecl _
-    | GVarDecl _ | GText _ | GPragma _) as g -> g
+    | GVarDecl _ | GText _ ) as g -> g
 let signature_of_declaration = function
   | SEnum ei -> GEnumTagDecl(ei,Location.unknown)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index 7616975da90..b708c5698b0 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 open Cil_types
 (* Construct sorted lists of attributes *)
-let attribute_name (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an) =
+let attribute_name (an, _) =
   Extlib.strip_underscore an
 let has_attribute an al =
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ let has_attribute an al =
    The result is [].
-let add_attribute (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an as a) al =
+let add_attribute ((an, _) as a) al =
   let rec insert_sorted = function
     | [] -> [a]
-    | ((Attr(an0, _) | AttrAnnot an0 as a0) :: rest) as l ->
+    | (((an0, _) as a0) :: rest) as l ->
       if an < an0 then a :: l
       else if Cil_datatype.Attribute.equal a a0 then l (* Do not add if already in there *)
       else a0 :: insert_sorted rest (* Make sure we see all attributes with
@@ -76,10 +76,8 @@ let rec drop_attributes anl al =
 let find_attribute an al =
   let an = Extlib.strip_underscore an in
-  List.fold_left (fun acc a ->
-      match a with
-      | Attr (_, param) as a0 when attribute_name a0 = an -> param @ acc
-      | _ -> acc
+  List.fold_left (fun acc ((_, param) as a) ->
+      if attribute_name a = an then param @ acc else acc
     ) [] al
 let filter_attributes an al =
@@ -150,8 +148,8 @@ let partition_attributes
     (attrs:  attribute list) :
   attribute list * attribute list * attribute list =
   let rec loop (n,f,t) = function
-      [] -> n, f, t
-    | (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an as a) :: rest ->
+    | [] -> n, f, t
+    | ((an, _) as a) :: rest ->
       match get_attribute_class ~default an with
         AttrName _ -> loop (add_attribute a n, f, t) rest
       | AttrFunType _ ->
@@ -201,7 +199,7 @@ let () = register_attribute bitfield_attribute_name AttrType
 let anonymous_attribute_name = "fc_anonymous"
 let () = register_attribute anonymous_attribute_name AttrIgnored
-let anonymous_attribute = Attr(anonymous_attribute_name, [])
+let anonymous_attribute = (anonymous_attribute_name, [])
 let qualifier_attributes = [ "const"; "restrict"; "volatile"; "ghost" ]
 let () = register_attributes AttrType qualifier_attributes
@@ -243,13 +241,10 @@ let () =
 let () =
   Cil_datatype.drop_unknown_attributes :=
-    let is_annot_or_known_attr = function
-      | Attr (name, _) -> is_known_attribute name
-      (* Attribute annotations are always known. *)
-      | AttrAnnot _ -> true
+    let is_annot_or_known_attr (name, _) =
+      is_known_attribute name
-    (fun attributes ->
-       List.filter is_annot_or_known_attr attributes)
+    (fun attributes -> List.filter is_annot_or_known_attr attributes)
 (* Utility functions  *)
@@ -262,7 +257,7 @@ let split_array_attributes al =
   List.partition (fun a -> List.mem (attribute_name a) qualifier_attributes) al
 let split_storage_modifier al =
-  let isstoragemod (Attr(an, _) | AttrAnnot an : attribute) : bool =
+  let isstoragemod ((an, _) : attribute) : bool =
       match Hashtbl.find attribute_hash an with
       | AttrName issm -> issm
@@ -275,10 +270,6 @@ let split_storage_modifier al =
     (* Put back the declspec. Put it without the leading __ since these will
      * be added later *)
     let stom' =
- (fun a ->
-          match a with
-          | Attr(an, args) -> Attr("declspec", [ACons(an, args)])
-          | AttrAnnot _ -> assert false
-        ) stom
+ (fun (an, args) -> ("declspec", [ACons(an, args)])) stom
     stom', rest
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ast_attributes.mli b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ast_attributes.mli
index 71bc759ca28..5eebd3923aa 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ast_attributes.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ast_attributes.mli
@@ -145,19 +145,19 @@ type attribute_class =
       ignored by functions {!get_attribute_class} and {!partition_attributes}. *)
   | AttrIgnored
-(* Table containing all registered attributes. *)
+(** Table containing all registered attributes. *)
 val attribute_hash : (string, attribute_class) Hashtbl.t
 (** Add a new attribute with a specified class *)
 val register_attribute : string -> attribute_class -> unit
 (** Register a list of attributes with a given class. *)
-val register_attribute : string list -> attribute_class -> unit
+val register_attributes : attribute_class -> string list ->  unit
 (** Remove an attribute previously registered. *)
 val remove_attribute : string -> unit
-(** Return the class of an attributes. The class `default' is returned for
+(** Return the class of an attribute. The class `default' is returned for
     unknown and ignored attributes.
 val get_attribute_class : default:attribute_class -> string -> attribute_class
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index 7cd64940bf5..ad331563b47 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ let typeHasAttributeMemoryBlock a (ty:typ): bool =
 let typeAddGhost typ =
   if not (typeHasAttribute "ghost" typ) then
-    typeAddAttributes [Attr ("ghost", [])] typ
+    typeAddAttributes [("ghost", [])] typ
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@ let transient_block b =
       "ignoring request to mark transient a block with local variables:@\n%a"
       Cil_datatype.Block.pretty b
   end else
-    b.battrs <- add_attribute (Attr (vis_tmp_attr,[])) b.battrs; b
+    b.battrs <- add_attribute (vis_tmp_attr,[]) b.battrs; b
 let block_of_transient b =
   if has_attribute vis_tmp_attr b.battrs then begin
@@ -2033,7 +2033,7 @@ and visitCilStmt (vis:cilVisitor) (s: stmt) : stmt =
     let make i = mkStmt ~ghost:res.ghost (Instr i) in
     let last = mkStmt ~ghost:res.ghost res.skind in
     let block = mkBlockNonScoping ( make instr_list @ [ last ]) in
-    block.battrs <- add_attribute (Attr (vis_tmp_attr, [])) block.battrs;
+    block.battrs <- add_attribute (vis_tmp_attr, []) block.battrs;
     (* Make our statement contain the instructions to prepend *)
     res.skind <- Block block;
     vis#pop_stmt s; res
@@ -2305,14 +2305,10 @@ and visitCilAttributes (vis: cilVisitor) (al: attribute list) : attribute list=
     add_attributes al' []
-and childrenAttribute (vis: cilVisitor) (a: attribute) : attribute =
+and childrenAttribute (vis: cilVisitor) ((n, args) as a: attribute) : attribute =
   let fAttrP a = visitCilAttrParams vis a in
-  match a with
-  | Attr (n, args) ->
-    let args' = Extlib.map_no_copy fAttrP args in
-    if args' != args then Attr(n, args') else a
-  | AttrAnnot _ ->
-    a
+  let args' = Extlib.map_no_copy fAttrP args in
+  if args' != args then (n, args') else a
 and visitCilAttrParams (vis: cilVisitor) (a: attrparam) : attrparam =
   doVisitCil vis id vis#vattrparam childrenAttrparam a
@@ -2993,11 +2989,11 @@ let mkLoop ?sattr ~(guard:exp) ~(body: stmt list) () : stmt list =
                 body), guard.eloc, None, None)) ]
 let mkWhile ?sattr ~(guard:exp) ~(body: stmt list) () : stmt list =
-  let sattr = [Attr("while", [])] @ Option.value ~default:[] sattr in
+  let sattr = [("while", [])] @ Option.value ~default:[] sattr in
   mkLoop ~sattr ~guard ~body ()
 let mkDoWhile ?sattr ~(body: stmt list) ~(guard:exp) () : stmt list =
-  let sattr = [Attr("dowhile", [])] @ Option.value ~default:[] sattr in
+  let sattr = [("dowhile", [])] @ Option.value ~default:[] sattr in
   let exit_stmt =
     mkStmt ~valid_sid:true
       (If(guard, mkBlock [mkStmt ~valid_sid:true (Break guard.eloc)],
@@ -3008,7 +3004,7 @@ let mkDoWhile ?sattr ~(body: stmt list) ~(guard:exp) () : stmt list =
 let mkFor ?sattr ~(start: stmt list) ~(guard: exp) ~(next: stmt list)
     ~(body: stmt list) () : stmt list =
-  let sattr = [Attr("for", [])] @ Option.value ~default:[] sattr in
+  let sattr = [("for", [])] @ Option.value ~default:[] sattr in
   (start @
    (mkLoop ~sattr ~guard ~body:(body @ next)) ())
@@ -3293,7 +3289,7 @@ let rec typeOf (e: exp) : typ =
   | Const(CStr _s) -> string_literal_type ()
   | Const(CWStr _s) ->
-    let typ = typeAddAttributes [Attr("const",[])] (wchar_type ()) in
+    let typ = typeAddAttributes [("const",[])] (wchar_type ()) in
     Cil_const.mk_tptr typ
   | Const(CReal (_, fk, _)) -> Cil_const.mk_tfloat fk
@@ -3778,7 +3774,7 @@ and process_aligned_attribute (pp:Format.formatter->unit) ~may_reduce attrs defa
     Kernel.warning ~current:true "ignoring recursive align attributes on %t"
     default_align ()
-  | (Attr(_, [a]) as at)::rest -> begin
+  | ((_, [a]) as at)::rest -> begin
       if rest <> [] then
         Kernel.warning ~current:true "ignoring duplicate align attributes on %t"
@@ -3789,7 +3785,7 @@ and process_aligned_attribute (pp:Format.formatter->unit) ~may_reduce attrs defa
           !pp_attribute_ref at pp;
         default_align ()
-  | Attr(_, [])::rest ->
+  | (_, [])::rest ->
     (* aligned with no arg means a power of two at least as large as
        any alignment on the system.*)
     if rest <> [] then
@@ -4727,7 +4723,7 @@ let makeFormalVar fdec ?(ghost=fdec.svar.vghost) ?(where = "$") ?loc name typ :
   let makeit name =
     let vi = makeLocal ~ghost ?loc ~formal:true fdec name typ in
     if ghost && not fdec.svar.vghost then
-      vi.vattr <- add_attribute (Attr(frama_c_ghost_formal, [])) vi.vattr ;
+      vi.vattr <- add_attribute (frama_c_ghost_formal, []) vi.vattr ;
   let error () = Kernel.fatal ~current:true
@@ -6797,7 +6793,7 @@ let pushGlobal (g: global)
       let varsintype : (varinfo list * location) option =
         match g with
           GType (_, l) | GCompTag (_, l) -> Some (getVarsInGlobal g, l)
-        | GEnumTag (_, l) | GPragma (Attr("pack", _), l)
+        | GEnumTag (_, l) | GPragma (("pack", _), l)
         | GCompTagDecl (_, l) | GEnumTagDecl (_, l) -> Some ([], l)
         (* Move the warning pragmas early
             | GPragma(Attr(s, _), l) when hasPrefix "warning" s -> Some ([], l)
@@ -7191,8 +7187,8 @@ class dropAttributes ?select () = object(self)
     | None -> ChangeTo []
     | Some l ->
       (match a with
-       | (Attr (s,_) | AttrAnnot s) when List.mem s l -> ChangeTo []
-       | Attr _ | AttrAnnot _ -> DoChildren)
+       | (s,_) when List.mem s l -> ChangeTo []
+       | _  -> DoChildren)
   method! vtype ty = match ty.tnode with
     | TNamed internal_ty ->
       let tty = typeAddAttributes ty.tattr internal_ty.ttype in
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index a99e24f9295..402c60ae9fc 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 open Cil_datatype
 open Cil_types
-let typeAddVolatile typ = Cil.typeAddAttributes [Attr ("volatile", [])] typ
+let typeAddVolatile typ = Cil.typeAddAttributes [("volatile", [])] typ
 module Frama_c_builtins =
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index bb1b53f1429..2b16c75e0ba 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ let charPtrType  = mk_tptr charType
 let scharPtrType = mk_tptr scharType
 let ucharPtrType = mk_tptr ucharType
 let charConstPtrType =
-  let charConst = mk_tint ~tattr:[Attr ("const", [])] IChar in
+  let charConst = mk_tint ~tattr:[("const", [])] IChar in
   mk_tptr charConst
 let voidPtrType = mk_tptr voidType
 let voidConstPtrType =
-  let voidConst = mk_tvoid ~tattr:[Attr ("const", [])] () in
+  let voidConst = mk_tvoid ~tattr:[("const", [])] () in
   mk_tptr voidConst
 let intPtrType  = mk_tptr intType
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index 30cbd6c1509..4d27119afab 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -407,12 +407,8 @@ type type_compare_config =
     unroll: bool;
     no_attrs:bool; }
-let rec compare_attribute config a1 a2 = match a1, a2 with
-  | Attr (s1, l1), Attr (s2, l2) ->
-    compare_chain (=?=) s1 s2 (compare_attrparam_list config) l1 l2
-  | AttrAnnot s1, AttrAnnot s2 -> s1 =?= s2
-  | Attr _, AttrAnnot _ -> -1
-  | AttrAnnot _, Attr _ -> 1
+let rec compare_attribute config (s1, l1) (s2, l2) =
+  compare_chain (=?=) s1 s2 (compare_attrparam_list config) l1 l2
 and compare_attributes config  l1 l2 =
   if config.no_attrs then 0
@@ -525,11 +521,10 @@ and compare_arg_list  config l1 l2 =
           compare_type config t1 t2
        )) l1 l2
-let hash_attribute _config = function
-  | AttrAnnot s -> Hashtbl.hash s
-  | Attr (s, _) -> (* We do not hash attrparams. There is a recursivity problem
-                      with typ, and the equal function will be complicated enough in itself *)
-    3 * Hashtbl.hash s + 117
+let hash_attribute _config (s, _) =
+  (* We do not hash attrparams. There is a recursivity problem with typ, and the
+     equal function will be complicated enough in itself *)
+  3 * Hashtbl.hash s + 117
 let hash_attributes config l =
   let attrs = if config.logic_type then !drop_non_logic_attributes l else l in
   hash_list (hash_attribute config) attrs
@@ -573,7 +568,7 @@ module Attribute=struct
           { by_name = false; logic_type = false;
             unroll = true; no_attrs = false }
         let name = "Attribute"
-        let reprs = [ AttrAnnot "" ]
+        let reprs = [ ("", []) ]
         let compare = compare_attribute config
         let hash = hash_attribute config
         let equal = Datatype.from_compare
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index d0d9e23f7f9..22e1ba0213b 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ let cleanup file =
         b.battrs <- List.filter
-              | Attr(l,[]) when l = Cabs2cil.frama_c_keep_block -> false
+              | (l,[]) when l = Cabs2cil.frama_c_keep_block -> false
               | _ -> true)
@@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ class reorder_ast: Visitor.frama_c_visitor =
             (fun k l res ->
-               let attr = if k = "" then [] else [ Attr("fc_stdlib", [AStr k])] in
+               let attr = if k = "" then [] else [ ("fc_stdlib", [AStr k])] in
                let entries =
                    (fun acc g ->
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index eef7a520d52..303bff8e488 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ let treal_zero ?(loc=Cil_datatype.Location.unknown) ?(ltyp=Lreal) () =
 let tstring ?(loc=Cil_datatype.Location.unknown) s =
   (* Cannot refer to Cil_const.charConstPtrType in this module... *)
-  let typ = Cil_const.(mk_tptr (mk_tint ~tattr:[Attr("const", [])] IChar)) in
+  let typ = Cil_const.(mk_tptr (mk_tint ~tattr:[("const", [])] IChar)) in
   term ~loc (TConst (LStr s)) (Ctype typ)
 let tat ?(loc=Cil_datatype.Location.unknown) (t,label) =
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
index 76e0293ea90..5929c76d877 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_queries/
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ let plain_array_to_ptr ty =
           (* Normally, overflow is checked in bitsSizeOf itself *)
           let la = AInt (Integer.of_int len) in
-          [ Attr("arraylen",[la])]
+          [ ("arraylen",[la]) ]
         with Cil.SizeOfError _ ->
           Kernel.warning ~current:true
             "Cannot represent length of array as an attribute";
@@ -818,12 +818,8 @@ let rec is_same_attrparam p1 p2 =
     && is_same_attrparam e1 e2
   | _ -> false
-let is_same_attribute a1 a2 =
-  match a1,a2 with
-  | Attr (s1,prm1), Attr (s2,prm2) ->
-    is_same_string s1 s2 && is_same_list is_same_attrparam prm1 prm2
-  | AttrAnnot s1, AttrAnnot s2 -> is_same_string s1 s2
-  | _ -> false
+let is_same_attribute (s1,prm1) (s2,prm2) =
+  is_same_string s1 s2 && is_same_list is_same_attrparam prm1 prm2
 let is_same_attributes l1 l2 = is_same_list is_same_attribute l1 l2
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/ast_transformations/ b/src/kernel_services/ast_transformations/
index 041f2f43141..d577b127d1a 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/ast_transformations/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/ast_transformations/
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ let inliner functions_to_inline = object (self)
               callee return_aux args
           let fun_name = Kernel_function.get_name callee in
-          let new_attribute = Attr (Ast_attributes.frama_c_inlined,[AStr fun_name]) in
+          let new_attribute = (Ast_attributes.frama_c_inlined, [AStr fun_name]) in
           block.battrs <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute new_attribute block.battrs;
           let skind =
             if needs_assign then begin
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/ b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
index 518230655be..e9947222466 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
@@ -79,8 +79,7 @@ and storage =
 and cvspec =
 (* Type specifier elements. These appear at the start of a declaration *)
 (* Everywhere they appear in this file, they appear as a 'spec_elem list', *)
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/ b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
index 732ce601a40..cedc83e51f1 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
@@ -264,8 +264,6 @@ let mk_asm_templates =
     else res in
   outer []
-let mk_attr_annot s = "~attrannot:" ^ s, []
 Local Variables:
 compile-command: "make -C ../../.."
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/cabshelper.mli b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/cabshelper.mli
index 1b1fbfc418e..018a68768e8 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/cabshelper.mli
+++ b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/cabshelper.mli
@@ -91,8 +91,3 @@ val mk_behavior :
 val mk_asm_templates : string list -> string list
-val mk_attr_annot : string -> Cabs.attribute
-(** builds a Cabs attribute annotation
-    @since 28.0-Nickel
diff --git a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/ b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
index e7ac47576eb..8fb37977157 100644
--- a/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
+++ b/src/kernel_services/parsetree/
@@ -400,7 +400,6 @@ type annot =
            *) (** function specification. *)
   | Acode_annot of location * code_annot (** code annotation. *)
   | Aloop_annot of location * code_annot list (** loop annotation. *)
-  | Aattribute_annot of location * string (** attribute annotation. *)
 (** ACSL extension for external spec file **)
 type ext_decl =
diff --git a/src/plugins/aorai/ b/src/plugins/aorai/
index 4f815c73192..b7e670fd4ce 100644
--- a/src/plugins/aorai/
+++ b/src/plugins/aorai/
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ let mk_gvar ?init ~ty name =
   (* See if the variable is already declared *)
   let vi =
-      let ty' = typeAddAttributes [Attr ("ghost", [])] ty in
+      let ty' = typeAddAttributes [("ghost", [])] ty in
       let vi = Globals.Vars.find_from_astinfo name Global in
       if not (Cil_datatype.Typ.equal vi.vtype ty') then
         Aorai_option.abort "Global %s is declared with type %a instead of %a"
@@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ class visit_decl_loops_init () =
           let name = Data_for_aorai.loopInit ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int stmt.sid) in
           let typ =
-              [Attr (Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_formal,[])] Cil_const.intType
+              [(Ast_attributes.frama_c_ghost_formal,[])] Cil_const.intType
           let var = Cil.makeLocalVar ~ghost:true f ~scope name typ in
           Data_for_aorai.set_varinfo name var
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/speclang_modern.tex b/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/speclang_modern.tex
index c7192179a9e..3617822cd9a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/speclang_modern.tex
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/doc/refman/speclang_modern.tex
@@ -1054,13 +1054,5 @@ Figure~\ref{fig:gram:volatile} summarizes the grammar for volatile constructs.
-\section{Logic attribute annotations}
-\absentwhy{logic attributes are implementation dependent; therefore their
-  meaning cannot be guessed by a general-purpose (runtime) verification tool}
 \section{Preprocessing for ACSL}
diff --git a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/project_initializer/ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/project_initializer/
index 169c57e6db4..204f1fc45d7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/project_initializer/
+++ b/src/plugins/e-acsl/src/project_initializer/
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ let sufficiently_aligned vi algn =
       (fun acc attr ->
          match attr with
-         | Attr("align", [AInt i]) ->
+         | ("align", [AInt i]) ->
            let alignment = Integer.to_int_exn i in
            if acc <> 0 && acc <> alignment then begin
              (* multiple align attributes with different values *)
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ let sufficiently_aligned vi algn =
            end else
-         | Attr("align", _) ->
+         | ("align", _) ->
            (* align attribute with an argument other than a single number,
               should not happen really *)
            assert false
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ let prepare_fundec kf =
                      storage of 32-bit timestamps in a 1:1 shadow. *)
                   if require_alignment vi 4 then
                     vi.vattr <-
-                      Attr("aligned", [ AInt Integer.four ]) :: vi.vattr)
+                      ("aligned", [ AInt Integer.four ]) :: vi.vattr)
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ let sound_verdict_vi =
      let vi = Cil.makeGlobalVar name Cil_const.intType in
      vi.vstorage <- Extern;
      vi.vreferenced <- true;
-     vi.vattr <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute (Attr ("FC_BUILTIN", [])) vi.vattr;
+     vi.vattr <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute (("FC_BUILTIN", [])) vi.vattr;
 let sound_verdict () = Lazy.force sound_verdict_vi
diff --git a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/ b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/
index 5961c5caf16..8af074421fc 100644
--- a/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/
+++ b/src/plugins/eva/domains/cvalue/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ type validity_hidden_base =
   | KnownThenUnknownValidity of Integer.t (* Base is valid on i bits, then
                                              maybe invalid on the remainder of its validity *)
-let stdlib_attribute = Attr ("fc_stdlib_generated", [])
+let stdlib_attribute = ("fc_stdlib_generated", [])
 let create_hidden_base ~libc ~valid ~hidden_var_name ~name_desc pointed_typ =
   let hidden_var = Eva_utils.create_new_var hidden_var_name pointed_typ in
diff --git a/src/plugins/instantiate/ b/src/plugins/instantiate/
index 981053791a6..3cd056f257d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/instantiate/
+++ b/src/plugins/instantiate/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ open Cil
 open Cil_types
 open Logic_const
-let const_of t = Cil.typeAddAttributes [Attr("const", [])] t
+let const_of t = Cil.typeAddAttributes [("const", [])] t
 let size_t () =
   Globals.Types.find_type Logic_typing.Typedef "size_t"
diff --git a/src/plugins/obfuscator/ b/src/plugins/obfuscator/
index c42c870b3c3..4f91ad9ca03 100644
--- a/src/plugins/obfuscator/
+++ b/src/plugins/obfuscator/
@@ -192,10 +192,9 @@ class visitor = object
         Dictionary.fresh Obfuscator_kind.Logic_constructor lci.ctor_name ;
-  method! vattr = function
-    | Attr(str, _) | AttrAnnot str ->
-      warn "attribute" str;
-      Cil.DoChildren
+  method! vattr (str, _) =
+    warn "attribute" str;
+    Cil.DoChildren
   method! vattrparam p =
     (match p with
diff --git a/src/plugins/variadic/ b/src/plugins/variadic/
index 69267cfe9d9..52ad6b8f3a1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/variadic/
+++ b/src/plugins/variadic/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module Build = Cil_builder.Pure
 (* Types of variadic parameter and argument *)
 let vpar_typ tattr =
-  Cil_const.(mk_tptr ~tattr (mk_tptr ~tattr:[Attr ("const", [])] voidType))
+  Cil_const.(mk_tptr ~tattr (mk_tptr ~tattr:[("const", [])] voidType))
 let vpar_name = "__va_params"
 let vpar =
   (vpar_name, vpar_typ [], [])
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/ b/src/plugins/wp/
index 58d876632b4..87bb380a464 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/
@@ -830,11 +830,14 @@ module Nullable =
   let attribute_name = "wp_nullable"
+  let () =
+    Ast_attributes.register_attribute attribute_name (AttrName false)
   let is_nullable vi =
     vi.vformal && Ast_attributes.has_attribute attribute_name vi.vattr
   let make_nullable vi =
-    vi.vattr <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute (AttrAnnot attribute_name) vi.vattr
+    vi.vattr <- Ast_attributes.add_attribute (attribute_name, []) vi.vattr
   module Nullable_extension =
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/nullable.c b/src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/nullable.c
index f84f31d995e..00ccce385ff 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/nullable.c
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/nullable.c
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-void foo(int* p /*@ wp_nullable */, int* q /*@ wp_nullable */){
+void foo(int* p __attribute__((wp_nullable)),
+         int* q __attribute__((wp_nullable))){
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/nullable.i b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/nullable.i
index ff08ead486c..4350939317a 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/nullable.i
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/nullable.i
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ int x ;
 int *g ;
 /*@ assigns *g, *p, x ; */
-void nullable_coherence(int* p /*@ wp_nullable */){
+void nullable_coherence(int* p __attribute__((wp_nullable))){
   if(p == (void*)0){
     //@ check must_fail: \false ;
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ void nullable_coherence(int* p /*@ wp_nullable */){
 //@ assigns *p, *q, *r, *s, *t ;
 void nullable_in_context
-(int* p /*@ wp_nullable */,
- int* q /*@ wp_nullable */,
- int* r /*@ wp_nullable */,
+(int* p __attribute__((wp_nullable)),
+ int* q __attribute__((wp_nullable)),
+ int* r __attribute__((wp_nullable)),
  int* s, int* t)
   *p = 42;
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
index 1f364e1c6cf..e043446bfbd 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Prove: true.
        requires \separated(p, &x);
        requires p ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(g, p, &x);
-  void nullable_coherence(int *p /*@ wp_nullable */);
+  void nullable_coherence(int *p __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)));
 [wp] nullable.i:24: Warning: 
   Memory model hypotheses for function 'nullable_in_context':
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ Prove: true.
        requires r ≢ \null ⇒ p ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(r, p);
        requires r ≢ \null ⇒ q ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(r, q);
-  void nullable_in_context(int *p /*@ wp_nullable */,
-                           int *q /*@ wp_nullable */,
-                           int *r /*@ wp_nullable */, int *s, int *t);
+  void nullable_in_context(int *p __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)),
+                           int *q __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)),
+                           int *r __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)), int *s,
+                           int *t);
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
index d82b278274c..82895937bb7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ Prove: true.
        requires \separated(p, &x);
        requires p ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(g, p, &x);
-  void nullable_coherence(int *p /*@ wp_nullable */);
+  void nullable_coherence(int *p __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)));
 [wp] nullable_ext.c:36: Warning: 
   Memory model hypotheses for function 'nullable_in_context':
@@ -77,9 +77,10 @@ Prove: true.
        requires r ≢ \null ⇒ p ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(r, p);
        requires r ≢ \null ⇒ q ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(r, q);
-  void nullable_in_context(int *p /*@ wp_nullable */,
-                           int *q /*@ wp_nullable */,
-                           int *r /*@ wp_nullable */, int *s, int *t);
+  void nullable_in_context(int *p __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)),
+                           int *q __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)),
+                           int *r __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)), int *s,
+                           int *t);
 [wp] nullable_ext.c:47: Warning: 
   Memory model hypotheses for function 'with_declaration':
   /*@ behavior wp_typed_caveat:
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/
index 1d2c13060d1..9baa67840e7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
        requires \separated(p, &x);
        requires p ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(g, p, &x);
-  void nullable_coherence(int *p /*@ wp_nullable */);
+  void nullable_coherence(int *p __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)));
 [wp] nullable.i:24: Warning: 
   Memory model hypotheses for function 'nullable_in_context':
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
        requires r ≢ \null ⇒ p ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(r, p);
        requires r ≢ \null ⇒ q ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(r, q);
-  void nullable_in_context(int *p /*@ wp_nullable */,
-                           int *q /*@ wp_nullable */,
-                           int *r /*@ wp_nullable */, int *s, int *t);
+  void nullable_in_context(int *p __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)),
+                           int *q __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)),
+                           int *r __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)), int *s,
+                           int *t);
diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/
index da1c72f49a5..6fbb7ca2b8d 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/tests/wp_plugin/oracle_qualif/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
        requires \separated(p, &x);
        requires p ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(g, p, &x);
-  void nullable_coherence(int *p /*@ wp_nullable */);
+  void nullable_coherence(int *p __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)));
 [wp] nullable_ext.c:36: Warning: 
   Memory model hypotheses for function 'nullable_in_context':
@@ -54,9 +54,10 @@
        requires r ≢ \null ⇒ p ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(r, p);
        requires r ≢ \null ⇒ q ≢ \null ⇒ \separated(r, q);
-  void nullable_in_context(int *p /*@ wp_nullable */,
-                           int *q /*@ wp_nullable */,
-                           int *r /*@ wp_nullable */, int *s, int *t);
+  void nullable_in_context(int *p __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)),
+                           int *q __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)),
+                           int *r __attribute__((__wp_nullable__)), int *s,
+                           int *t);
 [wp] nullable_ext.c:47: Warning: 
   Memory model hypotheses for function 'with_declaration':
   /*@ behavior wp_typed_caveat:
diff --git a/tests/spec/ghost_attribute.i b/tests/spec/ghost_attribute.i
index 5e4db1cae7d..e38e02e72bd 100644
--- a/tests/spec/ghost_attribute.i
+++ b/tests/spec/ghost_attribute.i
@@ -1,9 +1,46 @@
-void foo(int* p /*@ my_attribute */){
+/* run.config
+/* attribute annotation are not supported anymore, they should be replaced with
+   normal attributes which can be registered via the API.
+   The script registers the attribute "registered_attr" on
+   types.
+/* Not supported anymore, by default annotations will be ignored with a warning
+   in parsing phase
+void attr_annot(int* p /*@ my_attribute */){
   int /*@ my_attribute */ v ;
 /*@ ghost
-  void bar(int* p /@ my_attribute @/){
+  void attr_annot_ghost(int* p /@ my_attribute @/){
     int /@ my_attribute @/ v ;
+/* Unregistered attribute will be kept, but a warning will be emitted, and these
+   attributes are ignored when comparing types.
+void unregistered_attr(int* p __attribute__((unregistered_attr))){
+  int __attribute__((unregistered_attr)) v ;
+/*@ ghost
+  void unregistered_attr_ghost(int* p __attribute__((unregistered_attr))){
+    int __attribute__((unregistered_attr)) v ;
+  }
+void registered_attr(int* p __attribute__((registered_attr))){
+  int __attribute__((registered_attr)) v ;
+/*@ ghost
+  void registered_attr_ghost(int* p __attribute__((registered_attr))){
+    int __attribute__((registered_attr)) v ;
+  }
diff --git a/tests/spec/ b/tests/spec/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4c84609f897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/spec/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+let () = Ast_attributes.register_attribute "registered_attr" AttrType
diff --git a/tests/spec/oracle/ b/tests/spec/oracle/
index 1bc096db914..d7dbec0e605 100644
--- a/tests/spec/oracle/
+++ b/tests/spec/oracle/
@@ -1,15 +1,60 @@
 [kernel] Parsing ghost_attribute.i (no preprocessing)
+[kernel:annot-error] ghost_attribute.i:15: Warning: 
+  unexpected token 'my_attribute'
+[kernel:annot-error] ghost_attribute.i:16: Warning: 
+  unexpected token 'my_attribute'
+[kernel:annot-error] ghost_attribute.i:20: Warning: 
+  unexpected token 'my_attribute'
+[kernel:annot-error] ghost_attribute.i:21: Warning: 
+  unexpected token 'my_attribute'
+[kernel:unknown-attribute] ghost_attribute.i:28: Warning: 
+  Unknown attribute: unregistered_attr
+[kernel:unknown-attribute] ghost_attribute.i:29: Warning: 
+  Unknown attribute: unregistered_attr
+[kernel:unknown-attribute] ghost_attribute.i:33: Warning: 
+  Unknown attribute: unregistered_attr
+[kernel:unknown-attribute] ghost_attribute.i:34: Warning: 
+  Unknown attribute: unregistered_attr
 /* Generated by Frama-C */
-void foo(int *p /*@ my_attribute */)
+void attr_annot(int *p)
-  int /*@ my_attribute */ v;
+  int v;
+  return;
+/*@ ghost void attr_annot_ghost(int *p)
+          {
+            int v;
+            return;
+          }
+void unregistered_attr(int *p __attribute__((__unregistered_attr__)))
+  int __attribute__((__unregistered_attr__)) v;
+  return;
+/*@ ghost
+  void unregistered_attr_ghost(int *p __attribute__((__unregistered_attr__)))
+  {
+    int __attribute__((__unregistered_attr__)) v;
+    return;
+  }
+void registered_attr(int * __attribute__((__registered_attr__)) p)
+  int __attribute__((__registered_attr__)) v;
 /*@ ghost
-  void bar(int *p /@ my_attribute @/)
+  void registered_attr_ghost(int * __attribute__((__registered_attr__)) p)
-    int /@ my_attribute @/ v;
+    int __attribute__((__registered_attr__)) v;
diff --git a/tests/spec/oracle/ b/tests/spec/oracle/
index 0fff45c528f..7dc69f6d6b5 100644
--- a/tests/spec/oracle/
+++ b/tests/spec/oracle/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 [kernel] Parsing parsing.c (with preprocessing)
-[kernel:annot-error] parsing.c:27: Warning: unexpected token 'bla'
+[kernel:annot-error] parsing.c:27: Warning: unexpected token 'private'
 [kernel:annot-error] parsing.c:15: Warning: 
   comparison of incompatible types: 𝔹 and ℤ. Ignoring global annotation
 [kernel:annot-error] parsing.c:19: Warning: 
diff --git a/tests/syntax/oracle/ b/tests/syntax/oracle/
index 23eb9fb13e2..86213717217 100644
--- a/tests/syntax/oracle/
+++ b/tests/syntax/oracle/
@@ -1,11 +1,5 @@
 [kernel] Parsing ghost_cv_parsing_errors.c (with preprocessing)
-[kernel] ghost_cv_parsing_errors.c:26: 
-  Use of \ghost out of ghost code:
-  Location: line 26, between columns 8 and 14, before or at token: global
-  24    #ifdef IN_GHOST_ATTR
-  25    
-  26    int /*@ \ghost */ global ;
-                ^^^^^^
-  27    
-  28    #endif
+[kernel:annot-error] ghost_cv_parsing_errors.c:26: Warning: 
+  unexpected token '\ghost'
+[kernel] User Error: warning annot-error treated as fatal error.
 [kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.