diff --git a/src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/wp_plugin.tex b/src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/wp_plugin.tex
index d72e45d025b283b8c21b9b21886431de6233473e..21548b088c460007bc8fb9b9bb3b71d8f1f65e46 100644
--- a/src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/wp_plugin.tex
+++ b/src/plugins/wp/doc/manual/wp_plugin.tex
@@ -874,14 +874,37 @@ weakest precondition calculus.
   and it can generates a large number of verifications for structures
   with many (nested) fields (defaults to \texttt{no}).
 \item[\tt -wp-(no)-dynamic] handles calls \textit{via} function pointers
-  thanks to the dedicated \verb+@calls f1,...,fn+ code annotation.
-  For each call to a function pointer \texttt{fp}
-  in the instruction or block under the annotation,
-  \texttt{fp} is required to belongs to the set \texttt{f1,\ldots,fn} and
-  a case analysis is performed with the contract of each provided function
-  (default is: \texttt{yes}).
+  thanks to the dedicated \verb+@calls f1,...,fn+ code annotation (default is: \texttt{yes}).
+\subsubsection{ACSL extension \texttt{@calls}}
+The handling of functions pointers is done via the ACSL code annotation
+extension \verb+@calls+. For each call to a function pointer \verb+fp+
+in the instruction or block under the annotation \verb+calls f1,\ldots,fn+,
+\verb+fp+ is required to belongs to the set \verb+f1,\ldots,fn+ and
+a case analysis is performed with the contract of each provided function.
+For example:
+\begin{lstlisting}[language=c, alsolanguage=acsl]
+/*@ ensures \result == x ; */
+int f1(int x);
+/*@ ensures \result == x+1 ; */
+int f2(int x);
+/*@ requires fp == &f1 || fp == &f2 ;
+    ensures POST: \result == 4 || \result == 5; */
+int caller(int (*fp)(int)){
+  //@ calls f1, f2 ;
+  return (*fp)(4);
+These annotations split post-conditions to the dynamic call into two sub-goals: one for call to \verb+f1+ and
+a second for the call to \verb+f2+. A last goal is generated at the call
+site: one must prove that \verb+fp+ is either \verb+f1+ or \verb+f2+.
 \subsection{Smoke Tests}
 During modular deductive verification, inconsistencies in function requirements